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tv   Tainstvennaya Rossiya  NTV  May 5, 2024 4:00am-4:40am MSK

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this is a gnome mother, their son and his bride. we conceived this room as a place of relaxation, but we didn’t finish it here, and, apparently, yes, it was just a plug. so, we will plant a fabulous english forest, install a french fireplace and, of course, let in the russian spirit. and the chandelier will be the cherry on the cake in our classic interior. she 's not really a cherry, she's like a grape. if you go to the right, you will find yourself in a fairytale forest. the dacha response creates a modern estate with a russian soul. we have flowers, we have these paths in the garden, such intrigue fills us. was the estate a success? yes, this fairy tale and summer mood were a success. dacha answer: tomorrow at 12:00 on ntv. the city of skhodnya, in the khimki district of the moscow region.
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i had to go through the path to the holy matron all over again, when the evil began to take its toll, when i became very ill, i worked for a month, a month on sick leave, a month i worked, a month on sick leave, for 6 years i was in the hospital, the bronchi were like grapes, strewn like this somehow i’ve been coughing like this, flabby for so many years. doctors discovered lyubov had
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a severe form of asthma. constantly hysterical cough and lack of oxygen prevented the woman from living or working. to bow to the matron, whom she feared and cursed in childhood, the love of darkness went with her family to the danilovskoye cemetery. you can be skeptical about this, but whatever it is, it looks like a holy matron. i heard the battle of love, i dreamed about her, she ’s holding her hand right there, like she’s sitting in the photographs, that means she showed me that she heard me, everything will be fine, that’s what i understood, and indeed, yes for dark love everything that happened happened a real miracle, who is the moscow matron, why is faith in this saint so strong, why is she called moscow, if she was born in the tula region, dmitrievna,
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she was born in 1881 in the village of sebyanina, tula province. she was the fourth child in the family and was already born blind. yes, at first my parents thought about giving her away as a welcome gift, since she was a burden to them. a blind baby in a large family, where everyone who is able to work is tantamount to an unbearable burden that will inevitably drag him down a dead weight, like a curse, but unexpectedly, the matron’s mother saw things in a dream, in a dream, a white bird of extraordinary beauty, but blind,
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in this case it is simply weak in itself, and a person turns to his ailments, to some of his everyday worries , he turns to those in whom he sees a stronger prayer, it is more pleasing to the lord god, and the person turns to such people as the ulamatron of moscow. pilgrims had already
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begun to come to the blind girl from all over russia, but like a curse on matrona’s family, the revolution of 1917 collapsed.
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will tell us something about saint matrona, but instead the man took us aside and showed us a strange ravine: there was a hill here, on the other side there was a hill, this highway never existed, it appeared not so long ago, and why are there hills here, because that, in general
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, the earth was removed from this ravine with shovels and wheelbarrows, this is the last frontier that our government was preparing, in general, there were no germans here, but in general there was preparation , as you can see for yourself. that is, it is the work of many hundreds, maybe even a thousand. we're talking about the great patriotic war. voskhodnya. it turns out that here the defenders of the capital built the last defensive line against the nazi invaders. this is an anti-tank rof, here it was connecting with the enemy on the skhodnya river, in general the goritovka river. behind the goretovo, but now it’s probably impossible to show, well, when i was a few years old, there were a lot of dugouts there, that is, they were preparing for a partisan war, but before reaching the city border, which was formed right behind the house of the moscow matron, the germans retreated, so
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it turned out, thank god, that in general the germans , before reaching kryukov, turned left, which... they reached the gangway primarily thanks to the soviet soldiers, but is this a coincidence? it was the place of the last residence of the moscow matron that became the last. after all, in the new state, in a state where the main religion was communism and socialism,
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there was no place for orthodox preacher saints, and nevertheless, popular rumor stubbornly preserves the memory that saint matrona and joseph stalin, the head of this atheistic state, once met . what's happened stalin's meeting with the matrons, did it happen? naturally, there is no historical evidence, no documents on this matter. he took courage, went up to stalin, came up and said that my mother knows a
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true woman who predicts things that will certainly come true, that’s all she, well, almost everything she predicts, comes out just like that, according to the story of an elderly woman it turned out that having heard about the orthodox truth, stalin wanted to see her, the germans were advancing on moscow, the country was losing ground on all fronts, perhaps... somehow things began to turn out favorably for russia, well, we know that soon there was
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a battle near moscow, where the germans were driven back from moscow, but how could stalin really turn to the holy seer for advice if he himself was an ardent communist and leader of the country of soviets. stalin always had some kind of christian grain in the depths of his soul; the fact that he was a tyrant does not at all exclude him from being christian.
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first floor, my grandmother was a janitor, at night they simply hid her, we lived there on as she told me, the local policeman knocked, but she answered and said where matryona was speaking, well, someone told her that supposedly in our houses, they hid her not there, not in ours, they hid her, that’s where the lids and barracks were destroyed , they were hiding her in these barracks, but good people saw her... she came, she began to go from house to house here, well, they went there, they quickly moved her from there
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to another place. while still a child, elena witnessed the life of a blind matron near the danilovsky cemetery. by the will of the lord, today she can convey to people the amazing story of this saint. people are coming. they bow to her, and then, if they have something, they begin to howl, scream, bark like a dog, is this...
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a person who did something mean, who betrayed, like sharing her most beloved husband with another? it’s not the viewer’s fault that her love is abundant? from whom did you get the apartment for 14 cars? but i won’t let anyone or anyone offend you, and how i lost my most beloved boy, say goodbye to those people who can’t cope, aunt tanya doesn’t cry, star drama based on
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real events, tomorrow immediately after the finale of the musk show on ntv. just a minute. attention, ladies and gentlemen, everyone, multiply by zero, in 1953 the soviet government announced an amnesty, which became the largest in the history of the ussr, good afternoon, beauty, collect me a full set of clothes, more than a million former prisoners were released, and fruerkat is fine, front-line reconnaissance soldier, why didn’t you come back after the war, valya?
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honest name, i just wanted to live, bitter 53, either he is us, or we are him, premieres from monday at 20:00 on ntv. moscow, danilovskoe cemetery. our film crew returns to court again to try to understand the legend about the capital's protector, the saint.
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even in soviet times, there was one of the churches operating in moscow, a spiritual church, therefore, on easter days , the duties of the police personnel included ensuring public order at the procession, insofar as we were always gathered much earlier than necessary, long before the start of the procession, then at some time we were there or walking through the cemetery, in those days in task.
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i didn’t know these people, but no one told us about the moscow mogiluno, and we didn’t even suspect that it existed there. yuri morukov claims that in those days the saint was consigned to oblivion, but the most interesting thing is that matrona predicted this oblivion shortly before her death, she said that at first she would be in some oblivion, but then people would still not forget her, they will come running, they will come running to her at the grave, and later they will... come running to her, since her relics will also be powerful. one of matrona's first admirers were the zaitsev sisters, famous singers in the nineties, for whom... matrona turned out to be the only hope for a miracle of salvation from endless troubles, at first the car they bought turned out to be stolen, then it was completely destroyed in
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an accident, it was not possible to go to the performance than, and the most terrible thing - their father was dying in the hospital, it seemed that there would simply be no end to the misfortune, all that remained for tatyana and elena was to ask the matron to pray for them before the lord, we sing our... sister, beloved our sister, sister, sister in someone else's stakes, she loses her temper, a handsome man comes up to us, the zaitsev sisters are absolutely sure that on that day, in response to their prayers, the matron sent tatyana's future husband to them, when he gave me these flowers, in some, you know, in some there were wives standing. he was all black, and it ended with exactly 2 weeks later that their husband offered me his heart with his hand. the appearance of nick in the life of the zaitsevs helped the sisters
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get out of the problems that were piling up from all sides, but soon much more a serious misfortune befell tatyana's husband himself. tatyana's husband had one illness, which was bleeding, and he already had it. in the intensive care unit, these are not illnesses, my husband was poisoned, poisoned, bleeding, he was in intensive care, and they already told me to say goodbye to him, they said goodbye, and i went to the matronushka, i went up to the matronushka, again, as always, it seemed to me a voice, go, let him pray to all the saints, i say, matronushka, as he will deprive all the saints without... knowledge, in general, i come to the hospital and say: tanya, nick must pray to all the saints. literally 3 hours later
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, the doctors say the bleeding has stopped, he wakes up early in the morning, nick regains consciousness, he says: where am i? tanya says you are here in the hospital because you were dying, do you remember anything at all? he says: i don’t remember anything.
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so she said something and the matron has since stopped walking, so it is believed that an enemy of the human race came to her under the guise of a woman and deprived her of her legs in order to apparently weaken her activity, but it seems to me that the result was exactly the opposite , that is, the activity of a matron from this, the influence and significance increased, the matron, like many other saints, she always trusted in the mercy of god, she understood that if it was necessary... for her to have some kind of physical ailments, which the lord sent to her, sent, it means that it was for a reason , but sent it in order to strengthen her faith through this, to
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test her faith in god, so that her prayer addressed to the lord god would be stronger. one day lyudmila yakovleva turned to the matron for help because of a tube inserted directly into her throat after a series of difficult operations. lyudmila completely lost her voice, for... 4 years she was forced to remain silent, the doctors told me that i had no, i would not be able to speak, but purely now you hear that i speak with my own voice. sometimes, if there is such a cut in the throat, patients are taught to speak by squeezing the hole in the tube with one hand, but this method did not suit lyudmila, it caused a lot of inconvenience and suffering, not to mention the fact that with a small grandson , at least one of them is rarely left free. hand, the doctors said that i couldn’t talk on my own without a tube and closing the hole with your hand. i couldn’t
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, it seemed there would be no end to the torment, at some point lyudmila was simply tired, she stopped speaking, stopped wearing a pipe, and went mute for several years, until one day she came to pray to the relics of the matrona of moscow. none of the relatives simply could believe it when, after some time, the woman was able to speak without any special devices. i was. i had the strength, i went to see the matron a lot, i went to her very places, by god, for me, about my health, so that i looked like a cemetery, used her flowers, her oils, maybe that’s what gave me everything. andrei fedulov also does not speak very well yet, but his problem is of a completely different
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nature. these are the consequences of a traumatic brain injury, the result of a fall on the sixth floor. i had an argument with my parents, closed the room, turned on the tv, but it didn’t work, it didn’t work well, i climbed onto the balcony, the balcony wasn’t like that yet, it was open, i climbed onto the parapet, it was raining. the antenna got caught, he began to pull it, prompted him to fall, before this fall andrei was a completely different person, this is him now dreams of starting a family, and just recently, all that worried him was company, music, drinking, he says that even seconds before the fall he could not really realize that he was hanging on the brink of death, i sat down for about three minutes. hold hands,
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when i came into the small room, i saw that he was hanging, holding on to the parapet, and my husband was already pulling him out, he resisted for a long time, he hung for a long time, but his last words were, before he fell, kill everything, i i can not anymore. andrei flew down the first two floors, being fully conscious, realizing that happens, but the next moment, the light went out, andrei’s head crashed with enormous force into the parapet of the balcony on the fourth floor, andrei fell into a coma, i stood in line, everything was white, in the clouds, the queues, there were such turns, there were many queues, and what did i
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find there? his deceased grandfather and grandmothers, my grandfather kept inviting me to come with him, but i said, andrei says that he remembers well everything that happened to his soul while he was between life and death, the lord god told me, repeat something like that again i’ll take it with me, he said, my whole life is for the better, for andrei’s time spent in the godfather has flown by. very quickly, for his mother one day dragged on, like a week, a week full of terrible news, a doctor arrived from skrif, made a prize hole for him and said, get ready, i can’t give you a guarantee that he will survive, because the injury is very serious, one out of a thousand survives, andrei’s mother understood that nothing depended on her,
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everything that was available to her... she went to saint matrona to pray. of the 14 participants, only four reached the final ; only one will be the winner of the favorite show in the whole country. mask. what are you doing? you just took over this show. grandiose. it was freaking cool. incredible. anniversary season of masks, we have forgotten how to breathe here, the final of the fifth is the country’s favorite project, all masks will be removed, now the hardest moment is coming, and we will finally find out the name of the winner, who are you?
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mask, mask, mask, it's all possible.
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all that remained for olga fedulova was to pray to matrona that she would give the lord life for her son. when we first went to matrona, i prayed to matrona for recovery and immediately after the matron we went to the intensive care unit, and after a few days he opened his eyes, that is, he gradually began to come to his senses. doctor, where she already taught him to walk, we got to the center, where we were lucky to be able to sit, then we went, well, we went
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repeatedly to the matron, we already started walking on our own, first with a stick, then he started walking without a stick, but we were already traveling with him, when he began to walk without a cane, he... his affairs are getting better faster and faster, but there are congenital diseases, are incurable, then, as the blind singer dana assures, they must be accepted as god's gift. i think that in life something is taken away in order to receive it later. in return , some quality, and even if i had seen, probably my life would have turned out differently, yes, probably, lack of vision in the case of the matron, yes, in my case, this is an opportunity to get something different, just like
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matrona , dana was born blind, but unlike the moscow saint, she can distinguish between bright sources of light, dana once wanted to learn to see, but now she... in the bustle of a metropolis, as huge as moscow, distracted by the meshora of shop windows, immersed in the frantic pace of work, thinking only about how to earn money to feed their own family, people often forget that in addition to material life there is also
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an internal, spiritual, entrepreneur alexander is sure that this must always be remembered, because every day, even at the most everyday level, there is a terrible cough between good and evil, it was so until his lungs literally collapsed from one day he accidentally ended up in pokrovsky convent. true, then, when he asked, he
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came for something completely different, it started with the fact that there were problems in business, and in general in life, things weren’t going well, many people began to advise me to turn to a sailor, friends. however, he stood up along with everyone else and seemed to fall into a trance. alexander woke up only 3 hours later. when i approached the icon, climbed the steps, the bells began to ring, i even had a cold one stitched under me, the horse kissed me , i forgot what to even talk about, i just asked that everything would be fine. when i left monastery, only then i remembered that i don’t smoke. i took out a cigarette, stuck it in my mouth, and i understood. i don't want to smoke.
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more than 4 years have passed since then, alexander has not smoked a single cigarette. moreover, along with the gone habits, this man’s whole life began to change dramatically. but most importantly, alexander knows for sure that he simply would not be alive today if he had not quit smoking. i think that if i had not gone to the matron then, i might not have been talking to you anymore. i probably wouldn't have it anymore because i already had such health problems, which was very difficult. smoking is such a bad habit that infects a person and he very often cannot stop from it, get rid of it through any of his own efforts, for this you only need to turn the person to the lord god, then the lord helps the person get rid of this habit, without destroying our souls, when we such... these unnoticed sins, habits, as we call them,
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are what we most often resort to, vanity, indifference, the pursuit of money, all these vices have become an integral part of the inhabitants of large cities, therefore moscow has its own patron saint, the matrona of moscow, a blind truth-teller who saw this city with her inner gaze and loved it. moscow is the heart of our homeland, but we must understand. that first of all, in our spiritual plan, the heart of our homeland is moscow, therefore , she also loved this city and rejoiced for it and prayed that god would preserve moscow, and yes, that it would flourish, as it once was golden-domed, that it would continue to -yes moscow again became golden-domed, as in ancient times. is it any wonder that the city on the map of which there are not many areas where the holy matron of moscow did not visit during her lifetime. it was as if she illuminated moscow with her presence, overshadowed her with her sign,
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from north to south, from west to east, and the fascist invaders did not enter the capital. coming to matrona, as to other saints on the territory of our mysterious russia, choosing a place of prayer, the old danilovskoye cemetery or... pokrovsky monastery, you need to disconnect from your problems, think about what is really important, and whether it is worth waiting for a thunderstorm to break over your house, maybe it is worth turning to the light now, because the truth is closer than we think.
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you’re nothing so cute, salt verbina, she’s an outstanding swindler, pasha, she’ll want to take the jackpot and most likely it will be enough for her for the rest of her life, i just want you to stop doing bad things, you creature!


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