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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  May 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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the news disappeared, she was left alone, she buried three children during the war, only two were left alive, on the maternal side, i have it, so she suffered or something, something is heavy in her soul, she sings, her soul is light, she sings again, it’s in our blood, apparently, i’m the same way myself, you just walk around, purr, there are more sad sad songs, yes, yes, and sometimes sad songs.
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what kind of people, such stories? i'm sergei mayorov, see you on ntv. happily! i started a business from scratch and became what i dreamed of. every third business develops with an ecosystem outline, based on real developments.
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hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we are holding an anniversary tournament, today we have the second game of the second round, of the thirty players who started the first round, 18 remain. in the second round of the tournament, each of them will play two games with different opponents. let me remind you that the main prize is 1 million rubles. today they are playing with us. at the first gaming table, gleb agapov, teacher from smolensk. at the second gaming table, kirill boglovsky, teacher in st. petersburg. and the third gaming table - andrey chernyapsky, biologist, moscow. gleb, kirill, andrey. at the beginning of the game, let's traditionally get acquainted with the themes that we have to play today. let's see, here they are all on our main monitor, double surnames.
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scandinavians, crowns, doubles, bulat akudzhava. on may 9 this year it will be exactly 100 years since the birth of the famous poet, writer, bard, and we... listen to the performances of young artists in the next episode of the program margulis' apartment building. we are starting the first round. first round of poem topics from t to those scandinavians monuments and statues dogs and tracks cyril your choice scandinavian 300 his father was expelled from
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norway for his violent temper, and he himself was expelled from iceland, leif erikson, no, eric the red. and quite rightly, when he was driven out of iceland, he discovered greenland. scandinavian 400. professor of theology michael linfeld, a swede by nationality, became rector of the academy in this finnish city in 2022. maybe turku? that’s right, many swedes live in the city and teaching there is conducted in swedish. scandinavian 500. this dane is in the first half. the 19th century was one of the most popular sculptors in the world, and his friend andersen brought him into fairy tales of childish chatter, this should be thorvalzen, right, scandinavian 200, in 2023 it was received by the norwegian
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playwright jujun fosse. nobel prize for literature, right. scandinavian 100. this swede is named after many scientific societies of naturalists around the world. carlinny. right. from t to t for 300. a monument to a representative of this profession can be seen in one of the st. petersburg courtyards almost under the roof. chimney sweep right. from tdd-200. in 1966 , the humorist and livshetz. it was he who performed the duties of the arctic fox at the court
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of the dead of assyris. that. god, that one. absolutely right. from t to t500. giacomo puccini did not have time to finish this last opera; the final duet and finale were written by franco alfano. turondot, that's right. poem 500. the so -called poem of pintaur, created by the ancient egyptian arctic fox pintaur in the 13th century bc, is dedicated to this battle. if the egyptian battle can
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happen. right. where the egyptians fought the hittites. poem 400. ban on staging a play based on his poem dziady. became one of reasons for the 1968 student protests in poland. miscavige. right. from t- to t-100. this highland gives rise to the indus, brahmaputra, mikong, endza, and yellow rivers. tibet. right. poems 300. fridrik mistral wrote his poem “mireille” in the provençal language, but natalya konchalovskaya translated the work into russian interlinearly from this language. french. absolutely right. poem 200.
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last fall, an exhibition was dedicated to her at the moscow kolomenskaya museum-reserve, entitled “poem with the heroine.” anna andreevna akhmatova.
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of the armenian alphabet, and the monuments of the statue are 100, oddly enough, when creating the monument , it may be quite true that the creator did not use this in washington, the blocks are held together only by their own weight, the fastening solution is true, the dogs are 300, the color standard for scottish setters is black from - under the palin. not surprisingly, this character did not live up to the standard.
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white beam, black ear, that's right. monuments 300. on the moscow monument, this holy doctor has the words, hurry to do good. gas. fyodor petrovich, gas, absolutely right. monuments statues 200. in the israeli armored forces museum, a monument nicknamed. represents three tanks: the british cromwell, the american sherman, and this soviet one. t-34. right. and there are 100 dogs . last year, australian tim shaddock and his dog went out on a yacht from mexico towards polynesia, but got caught in a storm. for 3 months, a man and a dog drifted across this ocean and miraculously escaped. quiet, right. dogs 200 you
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get the code meske andrei andrei theme planes bet 500 here are four planes which of them flew the famous night witches? the traces of these ancient animals in western australia were considered by local tribes to be traces of mara of idolization, dinosaur traces further traces 100. this trace appears in the atmosphere from a moving aircraft, airborne, but
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torsion it is called, well, in my opinion it is the same thing, but it is airy, according to - to me, this is not the same thing, okay, kirill, inversion, inversion, absolutely right, yes, no questions, i’m wrong, 400 dogs, auction 1200 from... 1400 from andrey, 2900 from gleb, let’s say 800, andrey , vabank, gleb, we play with gleb, this director had a dog breed an alaskan malamute named indiana, spielberg, no, george lucas had this dog, the dog's name gave lucas the idea. call the archaeologist indiana jones. well, gleb, continue, it’s my fault, there are 500 dogs
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. a dog of this breed, named chaser, could distinguish more than a thousand words denoting various objects. this, this is border cole, traces of 500. to whom kirill, thank you, kirill, theme, cinema, cinema, cinema, bet 500, 500, 500, this 1958 film was the first collaboration. recently, zoologists found out that from the traces of these from animals in the snow, enough dna can be collected for analysis, so that soon
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it will be possible to study their movements without radio beacons. polar bears, right. traces 400, this is an auction, the question is worth 400, you have 300 to your account. gleb, what do you say, andrey? 600. kirill, 1.500. we play with kirill. one of the sections of this applied science. trossology, that is, the study of traces, some kind of ballistics, no, trossociology is one of the branches of criminology, well, let's sum it up after the first round, 200 for kirill, 300 for gleb, 1400 for andrey, the second round is ahead, what if the bank? there will be
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only banking services, no vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing extra. an incredible bar that you have raised, who you are, this is a wonder of the world, this is chalk, a mask, the finale,
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today at 20:20 on ntv, gorky 53 premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the quite a business fund. it's your turn. alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on exonal in a large red package rushes to your aid at the moment when you are in pain. makes you climb the wall. thanks to the latter molecule. in the sunniest places on the planet, we select ripe fruits and vegetables for our global village products when you try our natural 100% apple juice, others also want a sip once they bought it immediately fell in love with it
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global village is ripe for your table viia superstar helps out. era may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. be healthy and strong like the first ones even now, cosmonauts are not just a childhood dream, but a real possibility for an adult man. we are proud to present to you the soyuz apollo device. physiotherapy office in your home. this improved development of russian scientists is intended for drug-free treatment of male sexual dysfunction caused by vascular diseases and neurogenic disorders. the apollo union was created to... to relieve inflammation, cleanse, tone blood vessels , and improve metabolism. combination of vacuum massage and alternating magnetic fields helps reduce pain, improve the health of cells and blood vessels, and pelvic organs. please note that these are technological achievements of soviet designers, because the main operating principles of the soyuz apollo apparatus were developed back in the soviet union, specifically for the rehabilitation
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of our cosmonauts. 800 100 exactly 1418. 800 100 exactly 14 18 free anonymous call 8 800 100 exactly 14 18 8 800 100 exactly 14 18 you are embarrassed to discuss your problem with strangers you don’t want to be disappointed anymore tired of running to the toilet and experience serious discomfort, we present a device that combines proven technologies with a modern approach: physiotherapy in your home is always accessible and easy to use. soyuzalon promotes cell regeneration and accelerates metabolism. with the soyulon device you will see the prospects that every man deserves. persistent erection, regularly. sex life, healthy prostate - these are the main goals of physical therapy at home. give yourself confidence, vigor and return the pleasure of youth. 8 800 100
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exactly 14 18 800 100 exactly 14:18. call free anonymous. dna tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. you can perform in single skating. play with the team at football, you can put out fires at work and burn on the field, dress stylishly in the right colors, you can be tired after training, but you will never get tired of football, you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals because you have real football real cup, fonbet - russian football cup. this is our own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the second round, here are its topics: sergeev cinema, world metro, double
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surnames, about beauty, bulat okudzhava and volny. kirill, let's start, sergeev kino 600. in summer people, his character's name is sergei bas. marlen khutsiev said that this soviet director defined his method as naturalism, at a time when nothing could exist except socialist realism, in my opinion,
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this is isenshtein, no, sergei gerasimov, sergei appolinarievich gerasimov, that’s right, waves 200, such a wave can be found in magadan, kostroma region. in maria l. river may be true. double surnames 600. name of this the famous physicist and chemist is engraved on the first floor of the eiffel tower, among the 72 greatest french scientists. gelyusak. right. sergeev cinema thousand. this cameraman of the films the forty -first cranes are flying, an unsent letter. was considered by his contemporaries one of the best masters in the world. to put it simply, which
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cameraman shot the film the cranes are flying? sergey urusevsky. okay, there are a thousand subways in the world. in this film, winston churchill, played by gary oldman, talks to passengers on a london train before making a speech in parliament. subways. words, well, conscience, fatherland, humanity, and now take the trouble to look for them, we must remember, this writer said shortly before
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his death, but he did not have time to write the planned book, the forgotten words, this is mikhail evgrafovich solttykov, double surnames 400.
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represent waves martenot, invented in 1928 by maris martenot. this is a musical instrument similar to the theremin vox. about the beautiful 800. in this novel, leon feuchtwanger reflected the legend of the love of king alfonso vi and the jewish woman rachel istaleda, nicknamed fermosa. beautiful, this novel it’s called a spanish ballad, and the beautiful one is 600, in 2021 the beautiful fairywren was chosen as the bird of the year in this distant country, let’s say australia, that’s right, fairywrens are only found there, and even in new guinea, the species is called the beautiful
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fairywren. there is also an elegant, brilliantly painted, world metro 600. in this city of germany , the metropolitan opened in october 1971. munich must be there. absolutely right, before the olympics. there are a thousand double surnames. he translated the nickname karamtamo given to him incorrectly like the man from the moon. but according to modern linguists, this is the correct option.
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this call to friends from okudzhava’s song became the name of the competition festival in nizhny tagil. let's join hands. right. the festival is called "let's join hands." friends. metro measure 400. voslo metro opened in 1966, but its history dates back to the end of the 19th century. since the metro eventually included lines of this transport. the tram, absolutely right, and it just appeared at the end of the 19th century, and the wonderful 400, cat in the bag, 5600 for you, andrey, 2800 for kirill, 1700 for gleb, to whom kirill, kirill, the theme of the statue, 200 or a thousand, a thousand, attention to the screen, during the great patriotic war, evacuate this
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statue from a cannon. the museum was impossible, and it was placed in such a protective structure so that it would not be damaged, it looks like david, absolutely right, absolutely right, the metro of the world is 200, the metro of this city will be 100 years old this year, on december 30 , 1924, trains departed from plaça catalunya . barcelona. that's right, there are 200 double surnames. in this puppet show , among others, the singer of the italian school, sidor sidorovich sidorov sidorine. an extraordinary concert, truly a famous performance by the sergei obraztsov puppet theater. about a thousand beautiful things. he is gleb: 1900
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for you, four for kirill, 5600 for andrey. what do you say, kirill? pass, andrey, let's play with gleb. the french say that there is nothing more beautiful than a frigate under sail, horses in full gallop, and women doing it. looking in the mirror and dancing woman. this proverb is cited, for example, by balzac. gleb, choose. a thousand waves. the existence of these waves was predicted in 1916 by albert einstein, within the framework of general relativity. it took almost a century for experimental discovery.
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gravitational waves, absolutely right, sergei in the movie 200. in the role of sasha bely, he appeared in an episode of the film: 2005 shadow boxing, without hands, right, what we have, what we have about the beautiful 200, among these names called in islam the most beautiful are al-malik - the king, ar-rafi - the exalter, al-hakam - the judge, the names of allah, absolutely right. this month, akudzhava's song features bigger and kinder stars. absolutely right duty in april. 400. the letters, written
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in large letters, later turned into a book of charming adventures. to whom did bulat akudzhava send these letters? he sent them to his son, then still four years old, the funny stories were accompanied by pictures that bulata kudzhava himself drew. bulat kudzhava 800. she wrote a poem song for bulat. he dedicated a little orchestra song about hope to her. bela akhmadulina. there used to be a thousand takojava, not only arbat, but also this moscow street is mentioned in the song “painters dip your brushes, tverskaya, how with love we walk along tverskaya, this was the last
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question of the second round, i’m summing up: gleb has 200, kiril has 4200, andrey has 8600, the third round is ahead. coffee from selected arabica beans. colombian passion. the pleasure is genuine. jarddin columbia medalin. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. mask final today at 20:20 on ntv. to make money on with my savings, i open a deposit in tinkom with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank. by phone number without
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ntv. this is its own game, an anniversary tournament, the second
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round. second game. the third round, here are its topics. understudies. date and month. whales in artificial capital. photography and crowns. issues related to the capital are presented by the russian geographical society. gleb, go ahead! crown 1500. the princely crown even adorns the flag of this state; there is no need to talk about the coat of arms. luxembourg? no, not ducal, princely, liechtenstein. liechtenstein. kirill. crowns 1.200. the matter of the solar corona
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is in this state of aggregation: plasma, that’s right, kirill! corona 900, a pig in a poke, anyone? gleb needs help. gleb, thank you! the theme is literary heroes. in 1959. he was the last to be crowned at the moment. the crown of st. edward. charles ii, that's right. and
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300 crowns. the crown on the coat of arms of gatchina is crowned with this cross. maltese? of course. photo 600. the poet georgy ivanov was fond of photography in his youth and even developed a new design for this device. which was very important in long exposure conditions, the camera, no, trinnog's tripod, yes, absolutely right. so, the date and month are 900. you receive a question from uralsip bank. we are playing it only with you. if the answer is correct, the amount will double. in case you answer wrong, you won't lose anything. uralsip bank is celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary and is introducing a profit card with a high
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interest rate on the balance and cashback of up to 3% on purchases. order a profit card online without it. 500 for you, 8,900 for andrey, minus 400 for gleb. 9.00 sharp. let's play. on this day in 1790 , ceremonial celebrations took place on the field of mars. and louis xvi swore to uphold the still unadopted
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constitution. i hope july 14th. on the anniversary of the storming of the bastille plus 9.00. the day and month 1200 the ninth day of this month became truly fateful for germany, in different years it included the creation of the weimar republic, the beer punch, the crystal night and the fall of the berlin wall, november, that's right, the day and month of 1500. julius caesar was killed by the conspirators on this very date and month. march 15, if i'm not mistaken. the ides of march, yes, the ides is the middle of the month. day and month 300. on this day, one of the darkest of the year , russian energy workers celebrate their holiday.
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december 22. bravo! so what do we have in the capital of 900? on the streets of this capital she sold media poor molly malone, who became the heroine of a popular song. i want dublin. the dublin song has become one of the symbols of ireland; there is even a memory in the city. i ask you, kiville, the capital of 1.200 auction again. you are in the lead with a big advantage, you have 22,800, minus 400 for gleb, 8,900 for andrey. bet, let's try to repeat the successful bet of 9,000. it
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shares scanberoi, the title of capital city, the most distant from other capitals. with an indicator of 2326 km. wellington, plus 9.00. bellington, capital of new zealand. yes. capital 1500. the capital of this kingdom is one of the hottest cities in the world, but the name translates as gardens. riyadh. what about the kingdom? saudi arabia. capital 600. in 1918, the chairman of the petrograd soviet, grigory zenovyev, fiercely resisted this decision of the council of people's commissars, realizing that he would lose influence at the top of the party. moving the capital to moscow, quite rightly, even proposed moving the capital to nizhny novgorod. doubles 600. these
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two moscow teams won more often than others. spartak and dynamo, understudies 300, he was yuri gagarin's understudy, he soon went into space himself, german titov, that’s the name of the 1980 american film in our distribution, where a vietnam war veteran, wanted by the police, accidentally substitutes for the filming. one of the stuntmen, peter otool played one of the main roles there, don’t remember, this film
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is called stuntman, stunt double 1.200, cat in the bag andrey, andrey, theme, i can see everything from above, bet 300, attention to the screen, this is what it looks like from... . from space - this is a spectacular astronomical phenomenon, similar to the lunar shadow during a total solar eclipse, a solar eclipse, absolutely true, and the backup is 900, at on a large highway in the state of texas, known as the katy freeway, their number, if we take into account the doubles, reaches twenty-six, apparently a world record for lanes. the movement strip is correct, this is what it looks like, photograph 1500,
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this master went down in history as the father of russian photo reporting, his legacy is about 230,000 negatives, karl ivanovich bulla, correct. 300. five states access the caspian sea, but only this one is located among the capitals on the caspian sea. baku, that's right. photo 900. the first known russian dogerotype was made in 1839. lieutenant colonel franz theremin removed this cathedral, which was not yet completely completed. temple of christ. savior, no, isaac, right, and you are in art 300, in this country in 1859
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the engraving whale hunt on the goto islands was created. the country continues to hunt whales to this day. japan. japan, that's right. photo 1.200. he was seriously interested in photography. worked as a producer and director of animated educational films, but children's books brought him fame, this is nikolai nosov, you're probably right, great, whales in art 600. this is how the first strafa ends poems by soviet poet mikhail dudin, a familiar whaler. you're hitting the whales with a spari cannon. in the consciousness of personal righteousness, and what will you fry in the future when the whales run out,
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absolutely right, whales in art 900, this plot is depicted in a miniature from an english manuscript of the mid-10th century, jonah swallowing or spitting out a whale, incorrectly, they most likely misspoke. gleb, the whale that swallowed jonah, or jonah in the belly of the whale, yes, jonah in the belly of the whale. whales in the hunt 1200. this circumstance, according to captain vrungel, explained the significant warming of water in polar waters. there was a whale there with a cold, his temperature rose, his temperature rose, and then the water temperature rose. whales in art 1500. this is a korean group. in 2015 she released the song uailian 52, and the whale makes sounds at a purity of 52
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hertz, which other whales do not perceive. bts, bts, absolutely right, they say that this is a real whale, the sounds of which have been recorded since the eighties of the last century, a real group, photo 300. german astronomer max wolf was a pioneer of use. this was the last question of the third round, i summarize: gleb - 2900, andrey - 1200, kirill - 35-100. the final round is ahead. the deputy began to cope, every third business
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develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments. 1978 moscow. nativity monastery, founded in the 14th century, by the mother of prince vladimir the brave. a ninety-two-year-old woman was killed on the territory of the monastery and ancient icons were stolen. the killer did not limit himself to icons. what secrets was your ex hiding? nun. during the invasion of napoleon and gumeni, the monastery treasure was buried on the territory. why in her room? there was a passage to a safe house, a safe house, shortened like a cuckoo, and what role did a wide-brimmed hat play in this story, it was a story of love, renunciation, missing jewelry, the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky today at 16:20 on ntv. gorky 53
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premiere, tomorrow at 20:00! on ntv, with for the marinade, it is necessary, coal and lemonade, it is necessary, tomatoes for the salad, it is necessary, the whole family will be very glad, glad, discounts up to 40% on barbecue and kupaty, we deliver the supermarket in 30 minutes, when relatives are worried about intestinal problems, give way to hilakforte, hilokforte, the intestines are comfortable, buy at gorzdrav a pharmacies. and for everyone, everyone, all for one, there is a classic that you like more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand savory with spicy tomato sauce, delicious point, like you, great, but save up your savings account for the subscription, replenish it regularly and save up 16% faster if inflammation is complicated by fibrosis and the organ stops working normally,
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the smart enzyme langidase can help, langidase breaks down fibrosis helps... restoration of organ functions langidase simply against fibrosis recommended course of two packages extended an additional 15% discount. choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone. use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts. buy more profitably with the promotional code spring. iskrat greenbelt is a remedy for sixty types of insect pests. greenbelt. works, discomfort and nausea, poisoning and twisting, everything seething and diarrhea, the revenge filter needs it as soon as possible, the revenge filter is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea, at an average price of 123 rubles for 10 tablets, filterumsti to restore order in the stomach, magnet - the price is what you need, candy weight 39.99, deposit, best interest,
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up to 16% per annum to sberbank. star combo from may 6 to a delicious point, don’t put pressure on me so hard and uncomfortable what to do closed for constipation who will wake up the intestines and constipation is a delicate matter, a gentle approach is needed here quickly we're all going out for the kids, moms and dads." gorky 53 premieres tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. before you have time to bake the pancakes, they have already cooled down, the fluffy juicy cutlets are ready, but the family is not yet assembled? how to keep homemade food hot and healthy. leamax presents a set of thermal pans, the magic of taste. the double thermal insulation system and tight sealed lid will keep your food hot for 5
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hours. pour into a thermal pan. cooked borscht, put the pan in the refrigerator, the borscht is still hot, the magic of taste retains the desired temperature of dishes, prevents the spread of odors, you can safely put fish in the refrigerator, with the magic of taste thermal pans, food remains tasty and healthy for much longer, order a set of magic of taste thermal pans at a price of 3,999 rubles, call us right now and a set of four unique thermal pans will be yours for two. 1999 rub. call or order on our website viasstar, premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. final round of the topic. surprises, legends, where is
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this house, ballet, not only about mushrooms, poets and offices. gleb, remove any. not only about mushrooms andrey, legend, surprise, sculpture, ballet, andrey, where is this house? kiril, poets, the theme of the office has been chosen, please place your bets, dear players, the bets are made, the theme of the office is the question: in 1930 , peasants, protesting against collectivization, slaughtered livestock en masse, so there was no shortage of raw materials, and it was possible to produce , for example, the combs of eyeglass frames, so this office, if the management took the matter
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seriously, could become profitable, time. time is glass, gleb's answer, hoof horns, this of course the correct answer. horns and hooves. bid. 2.900. thank you, gleb. andrey's answer.
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horns and hooves. bid. be careful, 100. kiril's answer. of course, the correct answer. bid. 4.900. in total, kirill finishes the game with a score of exactly 40 thousand. kirill leonardovich baglovsky, a teacher from st. petersburg, wins our game today. andrey is in second place, gleb is in third. gleb, don’t be discouraged. in the second round of our tournament, each player must play two games, so you will have another chance to rehabilitate yourself. dear friends, you thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you.
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a bright holiday, today the believer celebrates easter, the sunday of christ. banners of glory in sevastopol celebrates 80 years since the liberation of the city from the nazis. mitya is 16 years old, he has been suffering from a serious illness since birth, all together we can help him. about the main thing for this minute in the studio. hello. today is the bright holiday of easter for orthodox christians .


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