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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  May 5, 2024 4:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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impressions, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime. via superstar, premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. good afternoon, evgenia neronskaya is in the studio and i will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. so far, the weather in the european territory of russia is not encouraging with warmth. the northern regions have not seen real spring and in the coming days the forecast for... burman and arkhangelsk regions is maximum 0 +2 with sleet . another cyclone is covering the northwest and center, and it will deal with the resort weather on the baltic coast. in in kaliningrad it will get colder to +17, it will start to rain, in pskov there is still no precipitation and +12. not hot, but at least sunny. but the central region of the arctic is not going to let go of its tight embrace. it will start raining in the west, in smolensk, tomorrow it will be +11. on tuesday , a band of precipitation will cover everyone, but for now there is no rain in vladimir, maximum. +8 and
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the black earth region will even warm up a little, in tambov, voronezh 15:20. on the middle volga, the snow will give way to rain, the frosts will recede, the temperature will rise slightly, but you shouldn’t hope for warmth, in kazan it’s only +8 and rains, in samara there is no precipitation, the south is gradually warming up, in the lower reaches of the volga and dun it is already above twenty, but cold at night, there are frosts in the kuban, in the crimea it is sunny, in sevastopol -19, in sochi there is only 17 rains, as in kaliningrad. and about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg at night around zero. during the day +7 without precipitation, in moscow there is light rain and about ten degrees of heat, at night there are frosts again in the region, and no further heat is visible, until the day of victory there is no higher than +8, and you should not expect warming before may 10, right now leonid konevsky and ...mysterious
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crime in the monastery. it was a story of love, renunciation, missing jewels. the old nun's treasure. this is holy barbara. who decided to commit a mortal sin? and where did the killer come from? is it really from the tsarist era, i’ll kill, i’ll curse. the bronze story of the merchant's daughter. poor servant, let's run away and fidelity carried through my whole life, this is the memory of me, eternal love, a film from the investigation series, the rose of france, lulova's red shadow, watch it right now.
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'78, moscow. on that day, the criminal investigation department received a call from the operational duty officer in the city. urgent departure to the nativity monastery. a body was found there. the monastery had been closed for many years, but the former ones still lived in the cells. one of them was found dead. ninety-two-year-old varvara turusova did not die a natural death. there are huge bruises on the old woman’s neck, her ribs are broken, someone literally crushed the fragile old bones. grandma was lying in the chest. student zhenya, lodger. she returned
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from the institute and discovered the body and became the first suspect. murderers sometimes call the police themselves in order to divert suspicion from themselves. sorry, the girl is clearly very ill, it is unlikely that she is capable of killing so cruelly, but then who will do what? look what's on the wall here. “ there is an icon on the wall, next to four nails there are light quadrangles, which means that there were icons hanging here too, they disappeared, this is saint barbara, the others are gone, and what was stored in the chest, i don’t know, her personal things, the killer did not limit himself to icons, he ransacked the chest. then the operatives
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did not know, he was looking for a treasure. the nativity monastery was founded in the 14th century by the mother of prince vladimir the brave. its first inhabitants were the wives of those killed in the war. kulikovo battle of warriors. here the wife of vasily ii was forcibly tonsured a nun.
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solomonia. the king was angry that his wife could not have children. there is a legend that there is a monastery here. she nevertheless gave birth to the future legendary robber kudiyar. during napoleon's invasion, the abbess buried the monastery treasures on the territory, and the french could not find them. later , the bolsheviks also searched and took 17 pounds of silver and 16 pounds of pearls from the territory, but they did not find everything. these treasures played a tragic role.
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zhabin in '78, prosecutor's office investigator dzerzhinsky district, moscow. most of the old women, former novices and nuns, called each other in public by their patronymic names, and among themselves in the old fashioned way, mother. the neighbors treated them with great respect, god's people, everyone was shocked by the brutal murder. almost every old woman had a rich iconostasis in her room, but there was talk. varvara turusova kept not only icons, but real wealth. there were rumors that she had golden cups, for
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communion, some kind of platinum ladle. granny didn’t make friends with anyone, into the room she didn’t let anyone in, only the lodger. the detectives had to solve a difficult problem, to understand what else was stolen from the former nun, except for the icons, why they did not touch one of them, and to whom the unsociable woman could open the door, then no one knew; answers to many questions must be sought in the distant past. 1900, russian empire. on that day , a viewing took place in the turusovs’ house. sophia was brought and placed in front of the groom. she was nervous, embarrassed, but did not dare refuse. here she is
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our beauty. a widower of about seventy examined the girl with a gummy smile. the indignant groom and matchmaker flew out, and the father stared at sophia in shock. he guessed that his fifteen-year-old daughter was pregnant. '78,
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moscow. moscow detectives investigated the brutal murder of former nun varvara turusova. we decided to carefully examine all the rooms, entered the toilet and suddenly noticed something strange, another door, where does it lead? they quickly broke down the door, and it turned out to be such a neat, clean room, a small room with a table, a telephone on it, what is this, a secret room of a nun, suddenly another invisible door opened, and a gloomy man in a military uniform, very, very tall and broad-shouldered, appeared in the room. in the form of a colonel, what's the matter, someone hissed a toad, it seems we climbed into
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a cuckoo, this is a razor, which is a hiding place for a portable camera, with the help of this miniature camera the spy was supposed to photograph secret documents. safe house. abbreviated, ka-ka, cuckoo, one, two, three, one, two, mine, peter handed over the fish, it’s raining in london again, password and review, usually a meaningless set of phrases, but without it a spy, not a spy, it seems i was discovered, where did you get the idea, i’m 3 hours old. circled around the city and did not find surveillance, this is suspicious, you need
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to put five irons on the window, a signal that the appearance has failed. the favorite heroes of soviet jokes are the insidious foreign spies, our valiant intelligence officers, no one has ever seen them, because a real professional works in autopsies. in our story , the police accidentally entered a safe house. the stern colonel took investigator zhabin aside and showed him the document. kgb, intelligence service. the colonel ordered them to leave the premises immediately. i had to obey, but many questions remained. what if the nun was the owner of the cuckoo, that is , an unofficial employee of a serious structure,
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perhaps her murder was a special operation, it’s hard to say what they were doing there, the only thing was that there was a telephone set there , that was it, nikolai zhabin’s attention was attracted by a chest from the room of the murdered woman, inside there are women's things, many of them are antique, but what is it? at the very bottom a stone flashed. obviously, in his haste, the killer did not notice him. investigator zhabin hurried into the office to check his find. it's a diamond or it's ugly. i ran across the glass of the window in my office, and it left such a deep mark with such a grinding creaking of the glass. the investigator sent the stone. there is an institute in moscow
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whose activities are devoted to the problem of diamond processing of materials. the name of the institute is vnii almaz, age 30 years. he is a veteran of the scientific and technological revolution, participated in all its offensives and attacks. a week later , the specialists’ conclusion came, it surprised zhabin. "hello, what's up with you, darling, here from my wife’s box, the former ones, but interestingly, the rose of france, the lilac-red teno, uh-huh, and this is grosular, pink garnet, what are you saying, no one thought, but what is this darling, in my opinion, it’s burmese sapphire"?
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artificial, natural ones would cost hundreds of thousands of rubles, but any woman could afford to buy wealth.
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zhabin didn’t know, the story began a long time ago, 1900, the russian empire. sofia was nervous and looked around, lest her father see him and kill him, but she really needed to say goodbye to him, she adored andrei with every
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cell of her body, she doesn’t care that he is not her equal at all, she...
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worked on projects in the courtyard of this nativity monastery. one of them, konstantin ratnikov, was the most suspicious; he looked after zhenya, the nun’s lodger, which means he could see the icons. but the guy swore he didn’t come into the room, and zhenya confirmed that varvara turusova was a strict housewife and didn’t allow anyone to come to visit. the living conditions in this apartment by turusova were very, very good.
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yes, he confessed, one night he tried stay with his girlfriend, wait until the barbarian falls asleep. zhenya quietly opened the door, kostya slipped under the blanket, covered his head, and suddenly a scream was heard. run, there was a barbarian standing by the bed in a nightgown, holding a rolling pin, she immediately hit kostya in the forehead. an old witch, kostya ran away from the apartment. without pants, with a bloody head, was it really he who killed the nun so cruelly? the student decided: give me the paper, i’ll tell you everything. soon the confession was ready; it turned out to be completely different from what everyone expected.
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presidential inauguration ceremony russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. on ntv. the mask is the finale. today at 20:20 on ntv. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm. keep your blood vessels normal. vacation is a pleasure to tears, but yandex travel is also profitable, yandex travel, book now, pay
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then, discomfort and turbidity, poisoning swirls, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti, rather, filtrumsti - a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea, at an average price of 123 rubles for 10 tablets. on may 6, at a delicious point , choose your favorite brands at wildberries ivanovo textiles, accessibility, environmental friendliness, traditions, quality, centuries-old history in buy with innovations, koltex, sweet dreams, starts here, express your individuality with discounts on wildberries, toufon eye drops. created specifically for nutrition, restoration, preservation of youthful eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver.
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i haven’t had time to look back for three years now. the schedule is free, there are orders, the money is decent. it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine. that's it, dad. the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro. fight in the knee, fight in the back. pentalging extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. dna tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. sometimes one small detail can destroy your usual way of life. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body. having created a lot of inconvenience and deprived us of the opportunity to do the things we love, clariol gel is ready to resist, its special formula is aimed
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against papillomas, warts and dry calluses, with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly growths. i found a solution for myself, this is clareol gel, i use it at home, i have clean and smooth skin, i don’t have to anymore to be shy. papillomas and other decorations. but skin defects are a thing of the past, now i can wear whatever i want. thanks to the combination of active ingredients, clareol acts specifically without affecting the surrounding skin. the gel will help soften the top layer of growths and promote intensive cleansing and restoration of damaged areas. regain your confidence and comfort in communication, don’t put off your favorite activities, live life to the fullest and forget about these. ugly growths once and for all. special formula clareol will help you cope with the problem yourself at home; the depanthenol contained in the gel will promote
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rapid recovery. my wife recommended clareol, and you know, it works, i can use it myself, at home, it’s very convenient. now there’s even a gym or a swimming pool. attention, special promotion for. the fastest call right now 8 800 200 exactly 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for just one ruble 800 200 exactly 7 567 call within russia free bitter 53 premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. in the ussr, neighbors were divided into two. type: those with whom it is pleasant to live next to and those with whom it is unpleasant, who ruin your life. something is so quiet at the ivanovs’ place.
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they're probably eavesdropping on the neighbors, good afternoon, hello, oh, i think i 've seen you somewhere, well, of course, i'm your new neighbor, exactly, exactly, exactly, someone's face is so disgusting, by the way, you don't have any salt by chance, there will be one, well, it started, then salt, then matches, then flour, now i’ll bring it, now i’ll add salt to him, something that wasn’t available in the ussr habits of running to the store for small things, why, if there are neighbors, you don’t have to return it, thank you very much, in soviet jokes they very often put laxatives in each other’s salt, in our history this happened in reality, kostya admitted, he did not decide to kill, conceived from...
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as if by accident he dropped the bottle, it shattered into pieces, oh, by accident, it turned out that the student did not kill the old woman, kostya’s involvement was still thoroughly checked, he turned out to be clean, but who was the killer?
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overwhelmed with happiness, sofia was a mother for only 3 days, but she was already what a beautiful baby she has, what a gentle child, i want. never look for it from your hands. the father came into the cell, the nuns called him to resolve the issue with the baby. dad, look, he looks like you. sophia was sure. dad will take her son from the monastery. that's enough, i've already punished him by imprisoning him here for 3 months. but he unexpectedly nailed it. you stay here forever. “forgive
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me, but baby, at least his grandfather will take him to his warm home, the geek will be taken away, his name is andreyka, in desperation she tried to save her son at least his name, so that later he find, did not know that her fate was different.
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soon the detectives had a new suspect, the year 78 was very rich in wonderful film premieres, each of the films became extremely popular and was sold for quotes. for example, every morning in our establishment starts the same way. learned? well, of course, an office romance. it's all gone, it's tied in knots, it's all shriveled up like an old torn shoe, and now it's scratching for work, as if it's driving a pile, a thousand devils, no, this is not a curse, this is a quote from the three musketeers, after the premiere of this film everything the musketeers woke up famous, i am dartagnan, and i am ramis, no, i am an oronist, and you are
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a partos. why am i portos? because you are the strongest. the women were crazy about athos, the dartannians. absolute delight, you just tore me to pieces, mask, finale, today at 20:20 on
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ntv, gorky 53, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on nv, reliably protects. no, mom, it’s not very expensive, i saved money on my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran, we make comfort accessible. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic
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sberbank online or in a branch, includes bright color with care for hair, long-lasting cream-dye palette gives rich color , triple care system restores, moisturizes, nourishes... from the inside without graying , the palette is your best choice of color. in the sunniest places on the planet, we select ripe fruits and vegetables for our global products village. and when do you try our 100% natural apple juice? others want a sip, too. once we bought it, we immediately loved it. global village - ripe for your table. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17 percent, i can top it up from any bank, by phone number without commission, and if you need money from the deposit, you can withdraw it from any atm, also without commission, and that it was possible, open a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of
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17% per annum and easily top it up from any bank by phone number without commission. tinkov, he’s the only one, bitter 53, got a gun, i said. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. investigator zhabin noticed an important detail in the paintings of art students who came to the monastery, like... some figure in a dark coat and a wide hat, who is it? the monk's lodger explained that this guy sometimes walked around here as if he was sniffing out something, the students nicknamed him the hat. soon one of the operatives noticed the same man, wearing a musketeer hat and a long coat, he looked like a shig. your documents? they weren’t there, so i asked to introduce myself
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, and in response i heard this: geni, just a genius! the operative invited genius to talk at the department, he clearly didn’t like it, and suddenly he screamed at the whole street. help, help, they are engraving! two naive citizens rushed to help, twisted the detective’s arms, he tried to break free, but that was not the case, let the police go! the same operative noticed him, but
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now decided not to approach, but to follow him. the hat did not notice the surveillance, led him to his own entrance and disappeared into one of the apartments the detective rang the doorbell and a completely naked woman answered him. the operative was confused, but the lady indifferently went deeper into the apartment. what's here? briton? hey master! he carefully stepped over the threshold and soon realized where he had ended up. soviet sculptors did not sit without work, especially well-deserved ones; there are so many outstanding personalities that need to be sculpted. in fact. all this is a dispossession, an order from the party, so to speak, a demand of the people, but
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for the soul, with any of his works, the artist invites to dialogue, about beauty, about morality, about the most different things, silent dialogue, beauty in its purest form, grace, elegance, but such works may not pass through the artistic council, therefore... the fallen creator’s name was nikolai rybin
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, he immediately declared: i have nothing to do with the murder of the old woman, in i go to the monastery just to admire the beautiful views, i like everything beautiful, the detective immediately caught on, rybin is fantasizing on the go, the operative was unwittingly helped by the model, she decided to get dressed, lifted her dress and the operative saw among the paintings on... the floor a mournful face, an icon and more than one, so, what do you have here, but four icons were stolen from a murdered nun, the icons were from the mid-eighteenth, early nineteenth centuries, from the name i remember only one, it wasn’t man-made, it was saved by rybin, i’m just a collector, how do i know that they stole, suddenly attracted attention... a shiny log, it turned out it was made of platinum,
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this is exactly what the neighbors of the murdered varvara turusova were talking about, it seems they found iron, or rather platinum evidence, but checking the evidence found disappointed the detectives, those same four icons of varvara turusova were not in the closet it turned out, they found a large amount of stolen goods there...
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the woman opened the door and let in the deceiver rybin. of course, it was not the same diamond, but cheap fionite. the artist bought it specifically to gain access to an elderly woman, the former treasurer of the monastery. andrey is my great-uncle, he always remembered you.
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the rogue touched varvara. he described andrei's fate in vivid colors, saying that he never got married.
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an old friend of varvara turusova did not allow investigators or detectives to approach her, but then suddenly changed her mind. investigator zhabin still remembers how the note was brought to him. but she sent, through third parties, what is called a note in which she wrote: varvara was killed by mishka and grishka. but who are
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mishka and grishka, and where to look for them? at that moment the investigator did not suspect them at all. says moscow, i am obliged to protect my wife, my place is there at the front, they won’t chicken out, i will bring hearts, fire, premiere on may 8 and 9 at 21:35 on ntv, via superstar, premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. with the teamcow platinum credit card, you always have money for free transfers on purchases. i will pay, and you will transfer it to me. oh, i only have a credit card. i won’t be able to transfer, but
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they will charge me a commission and interest on my credit card. but i can, platinum credit cards do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tinkovв platinum can do this, get a tinkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest, he is like that one magnet mayonnaise sloboda provencal 1399. magnet - the price is what you need, how do you like it, class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you will save up 16% faster. why did you decide to work in an orphanage as a janitor? he has a small salary. we are dealing with a very contradictory person, but a very big heart. robin from rybensk, i’m an experienced person, i’ve done this twice, he’s gathering his team, mor, this one is too
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good, thank you for catching him, uncle lesha, a criminally good comedy, watch now nakion, tinkov reliably protects the accounts of bank clients; they will already save the scammers 200 million rubles. this is the security service, give me the code from the sms, give it to me.
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from the deposit, you can withdraw them from any atm, also without commission, and what was possible, open the stenkov deposit with a rate of 17% per annum and easily top it up from any bank using your phone number, without commission. tinkov, he’s the only one. via superstar, premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. this t-shirt needs to be washed immediately, but running a washing machine is expensive. and wash by hand. kills the skin of your hands and manicure! stop! the compact lotos washing machine from liamax is ideal for small
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loads of laundry. children's clothing, socks, t-shirts, underwear, quick wash without overpayments for water and electricity, folding design, three automatic programs, spin function, drain water. everything you need is already included in the kit. after washing, fold the machine, put it in a drawer or on a shelf, or take it away. take it with you, save your energy, time and money, call and order a lotos folding washing machine for rub 3,999. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 2,999 rubles. leamax - purchases with a plus. call or order on our website mask: final. today at 20:20 on ntv. investigator zhabin went to the former monastery to look for a bear and
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a grishka, which were pointed out by a friend of the murdered woman, who they were, janitors, residents, his legs themselves led zhabin to a local bookbinding workshop, a bookbinding workshop opened in the basement , in this entrance where my aunt lived and where the barbarian lived. inside he found three workers, the respectable foreman mikhail gudilov, war invalid grigory goldberg and seventeen-year-old student vladimir. mikhail and grigory, is it really them, mishka and grishka from the note? two and nothing more, and especially the source of information was so very, well , kind of... unreliable, suddenly mikhail gudilov behaved strangely, began to step sideways, and was about to run away, zhabin
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decided not to hesitate. are you detained? grigory goldberg did not look at all like a killer; his leg was crushed in the war, he could hardly move on crutches, so his zhabin i didn’t touch him yet, i brought one gudilov to the criminal investigation department, my aunt told me that he was talking so tall. a large, broad-shouldered, big guy could well have turned out to be a murderer, but he denied everything, only senior inspector kamyshnikov managed to get to the truth, we first subjected him, so all in our language inside the cell was developed by agents. gudilov was placed in a cell with a local criminal authority. the healthy bookbinder could not even imagine that his gloomy neighbor was a police agent. naively began to share problems, he said that he was afraid of a search, then they would find the icons. this information got to the operatives,
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they went to the apartment.
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in a bright future, she will pay for these values ​​with her life. kudilov admitted that he had long wanted to rummage through the barbara’s room, he had no doubt that the old woman had probably hidden something, a tasty jackpot, he was
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such a greedy person, he was doing a lot somewhere... he was doing a lot, leaving the room, the greedy bookbinder turusova was too weak and had not done such menial work for a long time, but the barbarian realized that he would have to rob in the presence the owner, waited until she opened the door to the corridor to ask someone to go to the store, burst inside, a healthy, strong man who absolutely... was not tormented by any remorse about taking and taking someone else’s life. he removed four icons from the wall, but left the saint barbara, kind of nondescript. one more important question remained. the note from the witness nun identified two killers: mishka and grishka. what is the role of
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the second bookbinder in this brutal crime? investigator zhabin personally went to goldberg's apartment for a search and a surprise awaited everyone there. found 500 rubles. a lot of money in those days, the package was hidden on the balcony among the flowers. when the detectives took out the money, all of gregory’s relatives began to cry out. the female part of this family, forgive me, was upset because this was such an unpleasant situation.
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how shameless do you have to be to literally crush a helpless old woman? however, now it was not about conscience, but about retribution. mikhail gudilov was given 15 years. after the death of the nun, an underground floor was found in her room, with a covered hatch in it. dungeon. perhaps there were other treasures hidden there. but at that moment people from sosae got in the way.
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flooding an entire city, killing thousands of people, only madmen are capable of this, because this is not even a terrorist attack, but a real genocide. the criminal case that we will tell you about today is still top secret, and only thanks to the personal archives and memories of the detectives, we can reveal all the details of this unique story.
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eighty-seventh year, irkutsk, early morning, industrial plant. watchman nadezhda nikonova quietly stood on the floor of the bathroom. she was bound and gagged, facing a painful death from lack of air. and then she heard footsteps, shuddered, froze, had they really returned to finish off? nat, where are you? but this was not a killer, a savior, a driver who took over the shift, damn it, he called an ambulance and the police, the woman
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could not tell anything, the criminals stunned her without giving her the opportunity to examine themselves, they soon found out what exactly the attackers were interested in. uaz-469. in the ussr, he was affectionately called bobik. machine with ease overcame swamps, mud, and could swim across a shallow river. the amphibian car is a real miracle. who could need such a uaz, and why? of course, not for... potatoes from a collective farm field. obviously, the kidnappers were planning some serious crime and were planning to leave off-road. then
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no one could have imagined how fantastically nightmarish the plans of the criminals were. an elderly man contacted the police. 3 days ago his son, oleg bogolyubov, 50 years old, married, two children, worked as a teacher, moved on car zhiguli 2102. after all, the virus was created, no matter what versions were considered, this matter was constantly under control. mikhail gamzaev, 89, deputy head of the sixth department of the criminal investigation department. internal affairs directorate of the irkutsk regional executive committee. the investigation of bogolyuby’s inner circle did not clarify anything. there are no enemies, no envious people either. he didn’t have a mistress, he was an exemplary family man. there was only one
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working version left. the god-lover was killed because of his car. six months have passed. on the outskirts of irkutsk, a man was walking with a dog suddenly froze, a human hand was sticking out of the ground, the citizen rushed to call.
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irkutsk region, if they killed because of a car, then why wasn’t it taken away? maybe because of the money, but where does an ordinary teacher get a large sum? an intelligent, calm man, a family man, was on his way to his parents, at that moment the detectives did not connect the theft of the uaz with the murder of the man. somewhere there were links of one chain, hello neighbor, is there anything for the head, pour seven tablespoons of mackerel scales with goat milk, boil then strain through gauze, wash down with this miracle remedy two tablets of analgin, oh, she’s disgusting, and you drink it and think it’s cognac? no, i'd rather drink. cognac and
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think that this is a medicine, thank you, in our history, medicines have become a desired prey for criminals, deadly ampoules, in april 1989 , a pharmaceutical warehouse caught fire in the center of irkutsk, firefighters confidently stated that it was arson, when the fire was extinguished,
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about medidol. promidol is a powerful pain-relieving medical drug. the amount of stolen drugs is 900,000 rubles. well, robbing the central pharmacy warehouses, yes, this is not a nook or not, not some kind of apartment rob. first of all, drug addicts were taken into development. we decided to start searching for the robbers through distributors. and soon. one of them admitted, yes, there is such a person here, komarov. viktor komarov, 64 years old, native of irkutsk, married, works as a boxing trainer. komarov was under surveillance, he worked during the day, had fun with his friends in the evening, beer, discos, bars, how can you get to him, he’s not alone in this chain.
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and then the operatives found komarovo’s weak link. lover, you need to act through her. vitelok. elena yablokova was young, but already a highly experienced person. she had just turned 17. but she already boldly spent the night at komarov’s house when his wife was leaving for the dacha. the girl was taken to the department and they started asking her uncomfortable questions. how did you meet komarov? who is he to you ? at first the girl refused, the detectives had to push a little, you will be held accountable for failure to report. frightened by the arrest, elena remembered that she saw something in komarov’s refrigerator the other day. soviet refrigerators, the loudest refrigerators in the world and the most durable, can easily withstand. some
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moving and subsequent exile to the dacha, they were made forever, what they didn’t store there, and how many jokes about the refrigerator? well, for example, you know what’s most offensive is when you cook dumplings, the water boils, you open the freezer, there are no dumplings. but there is a good fur hat, an andhra, some soviet people put hats like this in the freezer for the summer.
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curious, she began to unwrap it and saw the ampoules. komarov harassed her for this activity. put it back, stupid. the girl obediently followed the order. after that case the bag from the refrigerator disappeared. obviously, komarov hid it. the information turned out to be very important for the investigation. did he keep mosquitoes in the refrigerator that weren't stolen? but the detectives were in no hurry to detain him; they waited for him to lead him to his accomplices. even then, the operatives realized that a whole group was working. during these same days, the city was shocked by another high-profile crime. regional committee on
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television and radio broadcasting. early in the morning, the cleaning lady came to wash the floors. the front door is open, and behind it are bloody footprints. on the floor guard's corpse. arriving operatives found the safe, the safe was opened, a weapon, two tt pistols and 40 rounds of ammunition for them were missing. the version that suggested itself was that the cruel crime was committed by one of our own. the guard opened the door to the killers with his own hands. to whom the operatives brought in agents. soon one of the informants said: there are rumors that some serious people are preparing a major robbery.
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the attack is supposed to happen in the city center on karl marx street, but what exactly or who is supposed to be robbed. nightmare of millions of citizens, soviet dentistry, painful, scary, alone only the tools cause panic, it looks like an instrument of torture. how many jokes are there on this topic? my biggest fear is the dark and dentists? well, dentists understand, but why the darkness? can you imagine how many dentists there are in the dark? but the real
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nightmare is to wait until the last minute to find out that part of the tooth will be destroyed. the only way out is crowns, which are usually simple, metal, ugly, but cheap and practical. crowns made of gold, an indicator of wealth, were considered especially chic in the ussr. and lack of taste. such operations are carried out mainly under local anesthesia. the dental clinic of the soviet era had a supply of precious metal. this played a role in our history. gold and poison. investigators came to the conclusion that the bandits could
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raid a medical facility. they organized an ambush there. amon platoon was with us, yeah. there were almost 30 people in the platoon, but dozens of them split up every night, they were on duty with us, cool guys. sergey yudin, 1989, senior detective of the criminal investigation department, irkutsk police department regional executive committee a day passed, a second, a third, silence, the employees literally fell off their feet. on the fifth day there is no ambush. a call from the authorities, urgently to leave, the employees
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were in a hurry, did not touch the food and coffee, only much later it turned out that this saved their lives. there was poison in the drinks that could kill several people at once, and one of his own brought it. meanwhile, detectives found out what happened near the dental clinic. at about one o'clock in the morning , two employees who remained in ambush suddenly heard the sound of broken glass. they ran out into the street and saw a young man who, noticing the police, started running. stop, i'll shoot. the unknown person tried to escape, however, he was unable to break away from the chase. the operatives had not yet had time to find out who he was when... the radio hissed, the vohr department had just been robbed, what real football for you
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is playing a level higher, no, no, two levels, this is when they are all for one and rostov to score, 10 years later igor okenzeev russian football cup, real football is to take your own, superstar. yes, it will light yours names, will light up your names names, for all times, for all times, supersta, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, hey, if you are among us, then you, then you,
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men, don't slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now. the mask is the finale. today at 20:20 on ntv. women intuitively know if you have what she needs. one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium. a natural remedy for men, it gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum sexual energy. maximum confidence, maximum endurance. the power of a man is the ability to subtly sense
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criminal investigation department of the irkutsk internal affairs directorate regional executive committee the detectives experienced mixed feelings, anger, anxiety and extreme disappointment. they miscalculated. the result of the raid on the vohra department turned out to be very serious. they found out that the criminals entered the premises from the yard through a window. then they deftly turned off
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the alarm and opened the armory. stole four nogans and ammunition and also calmly and quietly left the premises. the handwriting is familiar, and they raided the television and radio broadcasting committee in the same way. this means that the same gang was working. theft of departmental security, well, showed the level their equipment and qualifications, that these are some kind of difficult gopniks there.
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five stars, armenian girls, right? people worked in such organizations for decades, and gradually the team turned into a kind of big family. what does zyabblikov have? they say he's getting a divorce. what are you saying? oh, i have never had such a wonderful couple, yes, lyudochka, this is life. in such a team, like in a communal apartment, everyone knew everything about each other. isn't this gossip? it's just when people work together for so many years. they have practically no secrets from each other. same the team was in our history. andrey skvortsov, aspiring dentist. i recently joined a new team, this must happen, i immediately fell in love. the object of sportsov’s adoration was the young nurse masha. despite his 26 years, andrei was
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still a teenager at heart; he looked after him completely like a child, suffered, and dreamed. tried to read poetry. i loved you, so sincerely, so tenderly. the girl reacted with restraint to andrei’s attention, and this inflamed romeo in a white robe. more and more, masha, i love you, suddenly i heard laughter, get up, don’t call me, then the leader entered the office. what's going on here? suddenly masha said, he’s pestering me, help! andrei skvortsov was shocked by such a betrayal. the chief physician made this story public. the dentist was forced to resign. but most importantly, they whispered to skvortsov. masha rejected him for a banal reason. she and the head physician are connected by more than just a working relationship.
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the guy could not bear such a blow. out of grief, i drank and suddenly felt an unbearable thirst for justice. he went to the hospital to break the glass in the office of the hated chief physician. skvortsov had to answer for damage to property and hooliganism, but he was not involved in serious crimes. meanwhile , the investigation was summing up preliminary results: the robbery of a pharmacy warehouse, an attack on the television committee and the private security department, the work of one gang, headed by a man.
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blow up and drown an entire city, the training of current and former police officers began, one of the first to interrogate a certain andrei didenko, he had just written a report on dismissal of his own free will, the man’s hands were shaking, his eyes were running, why was he so nervous, suddenly didenka turned pale and slid to the floor, the ambulance arrived quickly, the verdict. the doctors found it unexpected, drug withdrawal. the ocher employees were brought to their senses and thoroughly interrogated under the protocol. what
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do you use? promedol. the detainee fussed as best he could, but he was a slave to his addiction, and having experienced another attack of withdrawal, he began to say everything he knew, just to help alleviate the suffering. and then... it turned out that the detectives were challenged by an incredibly cunning cautious opponent. octopus: who didn’t watch this series in the eighties? the leading role of commissioner catani is played by the handsome mikel placido, at least half of soviet women were obsessed with him. ou! what a surprise, greetings, colleague, banjorno, the other half of the women sighed for the soviet detectives, tomin and znamensky, we couldn’t
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scare off, we were afraid to breathe around him, yes, they’re keeping an eye on the courier, pasha, bye, oh, hi, you look good, you good too. thank you, how is the weather there in italy? oh, it's hot, it's hot, of course, of course, palm trees, the sun is hot, of course, and not all of the mafiosi have been jailed yet, take the example of soviet detectives, a drug laboratory has two signs, a specific stench and powerful ventilation, otherwise they will explode, we throw the entire operational part of the group on reconnaissance. when both of these films were shown on tv, the streets of soviet cities were empty, it is a recorded fact that soviet criminals also watched these films,
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and without stopping. the leader of the irkutsk gang , having watched an italian tv series, decided to adopt a curious scheme for organizing a criminal group. detectives found out the soviet gang resembles in its structure. cosca, where the leader is known only by one person, his confidant in sicily is called a lieutenant. and the rest of the gang members, the six, the so-called soldiers, they contact the lieutenant, but no one turns to don. the detained dedenko said that there are seven people in the gang, but only one of them knows the leader, already known to the detectives komarov, all the others have never seen him in their lives, they only heard the name ivan ivanovich, it became clear that it was time
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to take komarov. the suspect was not at home, only his wife was there, but she i didn’t know anything, they left an ambush in the apartment, a day later komarov appeared, maruzya, everyone was zoning, suddenly komarov rushed to the window, wanted to jump out, but didn’t have time, during the interrogation, komarov was literally shaking with fear and he was not afraid at all.
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a few more crimes. first they beat an elderly woman and the watchman stole a uaz. they needed the car to attack the bayandaevsky rvd. it was located in a small forest village 20 km from the main road. the criminals were going to get hold of weapons there. but the operation went wrong in a completely comical way. reason. they simply didn’t find the bayandaevsky rvd, they drove through the forest there, which means they ultimately came to the conclusion that they were not on the right path. the stolen car was hidden by the unfortunate mafia in the forest, but a few days later it was discovered by police officers, they had to look for a new one, and they came across oleg bogolyubov, a man who found himself at the wrong time, in
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the wrong place, driving home from a relative. oleg bogolyubov paid with his life for his gullibility. the unsuccessful bandits hid the body in the trunks and went to rob the bayandaevsky district department of internal affairs again. and again a failure. already on the spot it turned out that the department was full of people. there were business trips. police officers, business travelers, who, therefore, were sent to the harvesting, the bandits cleared out in the asvoyas, on the way back they buried bogolyubov’s body, and burned his car, the detectives continued to interrogate didenko and komarov, who ivan ivanovich was, what plans the owner had, what if the bandits they were stunned that soon the whole city would be overwhelmed by a powerful landslide into lake
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baikal. the leader planned to organize an attack on a state bank in the city of slyudyanka. there in the safe, by the end of the month at least 11 million rubles will be collected. after which he was going to blow up a local warehouse where 500 tons of explosives were stored. after this, the mica will inevitably sink to the bottom of lake baikal, and no one will be left alive.
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bank customer accounts will already save scammers 200 million rubles. this is the security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but...
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what are you catching it? uncle lyosha, a criminally good comedy. look now at khion. magnet, price, what you need. alyonka, 1699. berm credits. loans that everyone knows. that same feeling when you were treating thrush, but it turned out to be a bacterial infection.
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how they have already cooled down, the fluffy juicy cutlets are ready, but the family is not yet assembled, how keep homemade food hot healthy. lyamax presents a set of thermal pans, the magic of taste, double thermal insulation system and a tight sealed lid will keep your dishes hot for 5 hours. pour freshly prepared borscht into a thermal pan and put the pan in the refrigerator. the borscht is still hot, the magic of taste keeps the food at the right temperature. despite the spread of odors, you can safely put the fish in the refrigerator, with a thermal pan the magic of taste, the food remains tasty and healthy for much longer. order a set of magic thermal pans taste at a price of rub 3,999. call us right
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now and a set of four unique thermal pans will be yours for only 2,999 rubles. call or order on our website! mask final today at 20:20 on ntv. it would seem that this idea of ​​clean water is fantastic. how can you make a huge lake flood a coastal town? but once you look at the location of the mica everything becomes clear. the town is surrounded by high mountains. from time to time, powerful force currents flow from them, landslides occur, and people die people, the bandit’s plan was precisely that, to cause tectonic processes, to provoke an explosion into a gigantic landslide
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that would literally sweep away the town into the waters of baikal, a nightmarish dystopia that threatened to come true. strengthened patrols were set up near the explosives warehouse, but what if the bandits somehow managed to bypass the security, what if it exploded tomorrow, the clock was literally ticking, and the leader of the gang was still unknown, there was a new turn in the case, 1989, moscow. came to the state security committee policeman in uniform. i'm from irkutsk. the visitor introduced himself, stepan stakhanov. he reported that his life. there is no danger, i was
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introduced into the gang to collect information, but i learned the terrible truth. stakhanov said: the leadership of the irkutsk department of internal affairs is thoroughly corrupt and works in close conjunction with a local gang. stakhanov managed to identify all the participants in the criminal gang, but he was discovered and was about to be framed. the kgb officers assured that they would sort everything out. traitor policeman andrei didenko said: the leader of the elusive gang, head of the department in the okhr, stepan stakhanov. nobody expected this. in the team he kept himself apart, he knew his worth. i thought that he was better than many in his career. curious facts
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were revealed in stakhanov’s past. at that time he had a different last name - stakhnov. since childhood, stepan dreamed of serving in the police, but his father committed murder, and the victim was the boy’s grandfather. this fact left a bold dark stain on stepan’s biography. from now on, he had a path to the police. closed, but he found way out, when he grew up, he received new documents in which he changed only one letter in his last name, so he became stakhanov. at school, stepan was an excellent student, went in for sports, dreamed of serving in afghanistan, and took special courses. this was a special faculty of the tashkent higher school of the ministry of internal affairs, it was supposed to train afghan military personnel, afghan ones.
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be a professional with a capital letter. one day an unpleasant incident happened, after which stakhanov’s life went downhill. eighty-sixth year, irkutsk. that day , the police suddenly arrived at one of the police departments. check from moscow. stakhanov was not at a loss and began to rat out his colleagues with gusto. this one takes bribes, and that one takes bribes. mistresses, one drinks at work, and the other is a complete truant,
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denouncing his colleagues, stakhanov went his separate ways, he is a scoundrel by nature 100%, he considered only himself, a real person, we will say, everything, everything else, who even worked with him is the second, third sort, but he miscalculated, the inspectors went back to moscow, and local colleagues did not forgive the betrayal. soon stakhanov was transferred from the criminal investigation department to private security, such a decline became it was a strong blow for him, he was very worried, well, the attitude of his superiors was known to the officers around him. his colleagues stopped shaking hands with him, only one of them, didenko, did not turn away from stepan. however, stakhanov did not grieve for long, he turned on his wits.
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this is vomiting to save one's own skin.
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the murderer and bandit had to answer to the fullest extent of the law for everything he did. fortunately, the criminals failed to realize their crazy idea of ​​destroying the entire city. this is quite a crime perhaps it was possible to do, firstly, they could calmly go to the cash register and go to this ammunition warehouse, or rather this explosive substances. and they couldn’t go there, because he has the right to check, he is the leader. “the gangster undertaking was so monstrous that the case of stakhanov’s gang was classified for many years, at the turn of the nineties the union was bursting at the seams, crime was growing, but still no one could believe that a soviet man dreamed of wiping an entire city from the earth, unimaginable
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savagery, komarovo and didenko was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment, and stakhanov was crushed. but new times came and one day the death penalty for the gang leader was replaced with life imprisonment. another example of a completely incomprehensible humanism. the scoundrel, murderer and robber, even while serving his sentence, continued to repeat, i am a secret agent, an exposer of corruption in the police ranks. but , naturally, no one believed in these delusional statements except the scumbag himself. however, this is a completely different story.
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moore, moscow criminal investigation department, the most formidable building for the criminal world of the ussr. in that day an incredible event happened here.
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a strange person swam up to the guard. the surprised police officer remained silent. the creature turned around. with her back to the gradie and threw a piglet there, a city eccentric or an eccentric, he decided with you, he didn’t know, she was a legendary person among the murovites, her photographs hung in all cities, from kamchatka to kaliningrad, and a coin for the petrovka fence is a cheeky ritual , happiness so that they don’t get caught, and really. 10 years of hiding from the all-union wanted list. our story about a unique criminal talent that many, both victims and detectives, fell in love with.
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the film criminal talent was released in 1988. an adventurous story about the confrontation between an investigator from the prosecutor's office, overwhelmed by life , and an impudent woman from limicia, who discovered the gift of reincarnation. this picture is complete."
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this amazing story stretched over many years and many cities of the soviet union; it began in 74. while you are getting used to this wonderful region of the caucasus black sea coast, we will name only two numbers: in greater sochi has 250 sanatoriums and holiday homes, every year 3 million people spend their holidays in the city and its environs, because you are interestingly tanned, with some spots just like a leopard’s face. yes, this is in sochi, you can’t crowd there, in soviet times on the beaches of sochi there was nowhere for an apple to fall,
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let alone a person, but there was something good in sochi, after all, there was night, oh, what, what, at night finally, there is no need to go to the beach. it's dark nights in the city of sochi. locals say these nights are for love, but in our story, it's one night in sochi, a little girl lost her mother. the cherepanov family from the kuril village of krobozavodskoye went to the resort in full force. husband valerie, wife nina, their five-year-old daughter verochka. despite the rainy weather, the family was happy for 3 whole days, and then
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nina disappeared, father and daughter woke up alone in the morning, valerie ran to the beach, to the neighbors' market, even to the local hospital, there were no traces anywhere. he contacted the police and said that my wife had disappeared. wrote a statement. in the eighties, vyacheslav kanygin held various positions in the ussr ministry of internal affairs, rose from a private to a police lieutenant general. where is nina? drowned? kidnapped? suddenly she left for another man. but she couldn’t leave her beloved daughter, verochka missed her mother so much: dad, when will mom come? i don't know. valerie
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and her daughter tried in sochi for 3 weeks, a miracle did not happen, i had to return home, in the krabozavodsk valery cherepanov was waiting for a second blow, he begins to open the apartment, the key does not fit. so, anyway, the key doesn’t fit, what the hell is this? the neighbor came out in amazement stared at valery. where are you from? how did you return from the sea? you don't live here anymore. what do you mean you don't live? the neighbor explained that we changed the lock and will open it now. valery entered his apartment, dumbfounded, it was empty. i saw them naked.
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i realized who was to blame for everything. venin borisovich, will you bring milk for the bird? well, it’s just
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happiness, we’re waiting! stanislav, stop being clever with this big encyclopedia, set the table, get the set, or what? of course it's a holiday! in the ussr, tea sets were taken out only for guests; they drank from ordinary tea utensils! men! how many will be, me, uncle venya and you, that means three glasses, absolutely, in the ussr large tea mugs were called glasses. they were made mainly for men, we’ll leave this one for the holiday, and we’ll brew this one now, please, oh, this is only 36% of indian tea, stas, if you put a woman on a teapot, it will brew so strong that you can’t tell it from real indian, everyday wisdom,
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well done, i'll explain everything now. the neighbor got worried and started chattering, nina over the phone allowed him to take the samovar for himself. it all sounded very suspicious. we had to conduct a search and soon found a considerable part of the cherepanovs’ missing property in a neighbor’s apartment. were you allowed to take this too? the police assumed that the feduntsevs killed nina and
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robbed her. the girl was sure that people would tell her where her mother was, it was my mother, very beautiful, well done, but for some reason no one knew anything about how beautiful the princess was. vera was upset, her mother was better than the princess, she would definitely come back, the little girl didn’t know , she will never see her mother. i didn’t suspect
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that nina was alive and well, but right now she looking to kill. in the seventies in the ussr there were very popular jokes about georgians. a traffic police officer stops the car. show your rights. for you, whatever you say, i ask. something strange about the photo you have here, why is it strange, i’m third from the right, listen, dear, yes, please let me go, i’m in a hurry, i’m rushing to my grandfather’s wedding, how old are you, i’m 80, what does that mean, where’s my grandfather? - something like 120, and what, have you decided to get married, no, dear, he doesn’t want to for anything,
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his parents are forcing him, right, dear? well, why not? to immortalize such heroes, a colorful nation, chic, loving, trusting and explosive. it is these qualities that played a serious role in our history. 74, sochi. that evening two brothers spoke georgians. a terrible oath, i swear that i will find and kill her, i swear, the terrible words were sealed in blood, and they referred to a simple resident of the kuril islands, a caring mother and wife, nina cherepadova, who had already managed to cripple the lives of not only her husband and daughter.
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hello, luger, hello, khariton, he’s incomprehensible, are you sure he wasn’t sent by who i'll shoot, putta what? i respect justice, come with me, look, i won’t call you a second time, gorky 53, well, all the best,
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was that possible? open a deposit in tenki with an annual rate of 17% and easily top it up from any bank using your phone number, without commission. tinkov, he’s the only one. whoever takes the tickets in a pack will will get a water pump, oh, he's found a smart guy, don't listen to him, comrades, and really real, good prizes are being played out, sewing machines, bicycles, watches, don't peek, oh, comrade, it would be something to peek at, you think that no one... is betting science and life, i even have it in mind, here you can win the lotto in sports, you can use the theory of probability, choose non-obvious combinations,
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cross out all the numbers that come in a row, exactly, or cross out diagonally, oh, so everyone knows everything, of course, let's i need another ticket, yes, that’s all... that day, a beaming young georgian came to one of the cash desks, he showed a lottery ticket, i won the volga. the employee checked
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the winnings table; indeed, the numbers match, but the car has already been given to the lucky winner. where does the second ticket come from? i looked through the magnifying glass and was stunned, it was a fake. the old numbers have been erased, the new ones are carefully written in with a pen. soon the detainees were already explaining to the police, she slipped it to us, the man said, everything happened 3 days ago, a lucky artist, that day three brothers noticed a woman in the park, in flowing clothes before praying. about,
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jagi, where did the luxurious artist come from? the woman explained that she is rich, travels around the world, and is always lucky in everything. for example, i won the volga. naturally, right away, dzhigita, how? did you win the volga? yes. so what, i don’t need it, why do i need it? i already have a car. the artist showed her ticket. gambling georgians immediately checked. indeed volga. on the black market it cost 16 thousand rubles. and even then you won’t find it. hot southern guys, without haggling, offered the entire amount. the gorgeous woman graciously agreed. congratulations on your win. you comes to get the car, their hands are behind their backs, scammers, scandal, noise, screaming. the older brother was sent to a pre-trial detention center, and the two younger ones vowed to find him. to kill the deceiver, i swear that i will find and
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kill her, i swear, but they won’t be able to catch this woman for a very long time, neither the avengers nor the police, the stellar era of the legendary fraudster has begun, there were no criminals in the ussr, including swindlers, so they said from high places tribune, i’m spinning, i’m spinning, i want to confuse, i want... vision , a cash prize, so, so, so, so, so, ah, you, here, well, a man without risk, zhovanaya sausage, in fact, swindlers and swindlers still defrauded honest citizens, 100 rubles. 100 rub. to buy a lada, ostap bender himself could envy the impudence. venyamin vaisman, legendary thief and swindler.
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presented himself as a hero of the soviet union, he deceived 26, 26 stalinist ministers, alen, aka yuri ladzhun, this swindler seduced and robbed 72 women, presented himself to them as a hero of socialist labor, a scientist, a polar pilot, and then gracefully lured out money. and finally, our heroine, nicknamed nina cherepanova. legend or something journalists called her, ninka the golden pen, a unique lush bouquet of amazement at lying and acting talent, soviet viewers saw such a charming swindler in the film as a criminal talent, but still , what do you do, study, work, work, study, and you work as a teacher . “take me to you, i’m
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obedient, everyone obeys me, the main character had an angelic voice and nerves of steel, she didn’t even lose her head when she was caught in the middle of a burglary, what are you doing here, i’m painting my lips, who is she?” "who am i, who am i, if you explain to me now what is happening here, i will immediately call the police, okay, mom, calm down, otherwise, no matter how the police take you away, it is possible that the filmmakers partially copied the talented thief from the real nina cherepanova, the only difference is the movie heroine alexandra rukoyatkina.
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worked as a cheerleader, and nina trained as a painter, then got married, gave birth to a daughter, but one day she decided that this boring life was not for her, she wanted adventure. while her daughter was looking for her missing mother, she remained there in sochi successfully fooled the naive brothers around her finger. congratulations on your win, she could charm anyone, on the street, when applying for a job. why did an ordinary woman suddenly develop criminal talent and where did her artistic abilities come from? inside one person there live many types of psyches, that is , completely different personalities that may
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not be related to each other. a caring mother and wife, a gorgeous artist, an unscrupulous thief, a man masterfully transforms into each of the personalities, because he does not... plays, he really lives it. in 1978, it was the turn of the hardworking library worker. unhappy mother, city of stary oskol, library of a confectionery factory. that day , an intelligent woman with glasses came to the manager’s office and modestly asked about the library vacancy. be in charge. refused, the woman was upset, then i’ll at least go and get children’s books to read, my son, he’s disabled, the manager felt ashamed, girl, give me the work book, the naive woman didn’t suspect, the work book is a library with many
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rewards and gratitude was filled out just a couple of hours ago, in the own hand of a talented fraudster, she should write something there: she checked the bags of her colleagues, money and documents immediately migrated to her, she made sure to take work books and passports, she had them from the very beginning collected, within
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a couple of minutes the new employee disappeared from the library forever, the new city of the intellectual was waiting for another reincarnation. request. policewoman. the city of tejen, turkmen ussr. that day in the orphanage appeared a dry, calm police officer introduced herself to the director, natalya kolchugina , because of a juvenile case. i can find a hook for any scoundrel. she asked to bring the young idiots. now. the director ran off to do her job ; when she returned, the office was empty, and her bag had also disappeared. the police tried to look for the thief, but to no avail; she instantly disappeared from the cities where she had been found. the victims, therefore, already gave her a description,
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which means that this is a woman of such, such an approximate age, they made an identikit right away well, that’s been the case for several years in a row. before each trip to the case, she sat in front of the mirror for several hours, rehearsing what she would say, how she would shed tears, hello, in the film there is criminal... talent, the heroine also amazed with her ability to transform, easily embarrassed even a serious investigator from the prosecutor's office , whom i saw for the first time, seryozha, let's kiss, but as you taught me, come on, don't
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let yourself. the butterfly was brilliant, every appearance on stage is always a scandal. this is our wai! mask! the final! today at 20:20 on ntv. gorky 53. premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become talking symptoms. in vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps improve
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in apartment restaurants. the real nina cherepanova set her sights on a more serious matter. will you leave me an inheritance? what kind of questions? well, of course i'll leave it. treasure chest? i've read a lot of fairy tales. i 'll leave you this chest. savings books in the ussr. 107 million depositors keep more than 90 billion rubles in the state bank savings banks. and if you get robbed, oh, i’ve seen enough in the movies, i ’ll hide my chest safely, then in the ussr, no one ever robs savings banks. soviet citizens sincerely believed that
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it was possible to rob a savings bank only in the movies, but in reality the truth was simply hidden from them. cash registers were robbed, this happened in our history, talya’s eighty-second year, that day a very kind and sweet woman appeared in one of the courtyards with a bag of sweets: come on guys, today is my daughter’s birthday, the stranger explained, we are new, we just moved to your yard and we invite everyone, today for the holiday, come to that apartment today! the kids were delighted, and the woman took out her camera and asked to click on her queues with everyone. the children did not suspect that she was a criminal, they helped her prepare for the robbery of the savings bank,
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and they were inconsolable. that morning , a sad woman in black appeared in the office of the director of sberkassa. you have an advert that a cashier is required. a photograph seemed to accidentally fall out of my passport. in it, a woman smiles happily and hugs two children. hysterical, cry, what happened, what happened, you know, literally a week ago we died in a car accident, together with my husband, all together in one grave, now, on other employees came running, crying bitterly,
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no one could contain it, what a terrible grief, they took her.
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that day , a nice woman came to the voronezh savings bank, asked to hire her, and at the same time said that she wanted to order a monument to her mother for her grave, and repented that she did not attend her funeral. my mother died and i couldn’t come. for the first time, the intellectual did not lie, she really did not come to the funeral six months ago, but she did it out of caution, she knew they were looking for her. the director was dumbfounded; he recognized the criminal from the photo and decided to immediately help the police. i'll pick you up. cherepanova was caught red-handed a few days later. at that moment, she took out
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a substantial jackpot from the cash register (9,000 rubles), this time you were out of luck. moscow is the only city where cherepanova did not steal. out of principle, she came here to party. and before that she always visited petrovka to throw in a coin, for luck, they say, in restaurants, she ordered the same song: her beloved city can sleep peacefully, this is a thieves’ boast, which was interrupted by the employees police. usually this is where we end the story, but in the case of the clever swindler the fun began.
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it’s hard to imagine for an experienced detective to fall under the spell of a criminal, but that’s exactly what happened with vyacheslav kanygin. they’re so reddish, they have such hemp, everything, but their eyes are kind of bottomless. looks into her eyes and i feel sorry for her, just sorry, i think, lord, woman, she may not be guilty, he knew that cherepanova was a criminal, but her charm was hypnotic, colonel borodin also fell under him, it was he who investigated the case intelligentsia, he kept her photographs at home and talked about her, not like he talks about a criminal, some villain, so he said that yes, but... he paid more attention to her talent. in the film, the criminal talent, the strict investigator, also could not resist, melted from the tears of the deceiver.
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cherepanova was in a bottle, but even there she found a way to brighten up her boring prison routine. one day, the head of the pre-trial detention center received a statement from her. “i can’t sit idle, so i demand that i be enrolled as a prison cashier and be given a safe with money, a work permit i am enclosing the book, i awarded myself an order of honor for valiant work in the savings banks of the soviet union, and the signatures were drawn one by one, the signature of the head of the sandwich shop, not only the signatures, but also the seals were forged perfectly. it seemed that she did not understand what was threatening her, she laughed and joked, but one day she showed her teeth.
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they are for everyone, all for one, there are classics that i like more and more, classic grant burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious and full stop, that day inspector kanygin brought the detainee for interrogation, stayed with
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her for a moment alone in the office, suddenly... the intellectual pulled a pistol out of her pocket, well, cop, lord, i just like that with my hand once, i think, when i was probably driving in the car with her, she stole it from me, you ’re a real cow, kanygin turned petrified and, unexpectedly for himself, went straight to the gun, nina, you’ve never killed, how do you know? i practically don’t remember what i told her, my back was wet, i walked slowly towards her, these few meters were the most terrible in his life, i saw, nina was not joking for the first time, there was anger in her eyes, there were two meters left, she said, okay , i felt sorry for you because of your daughter, her two-year-old daughter.
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by the way, it later turned out that she found a pistol in the toilet, while growing up on duty, she forgot it on the windowsill, in the movies the talented swindler also played cat and mouse with the researchers and most often it was she who was the cat, help, help, help, and comrades, don’t leave position. he’s a bastard, you’re a bastard, come on, i’m so scared, come on, everything’s fine, the real nina cherepanova was even more inventive, she soon said, i want to show you where i buried 100.00 rubles in the garden of a granny i know and set a condition, i’ll show you, but only at night to don't bother grandma. the investigative team moved to kuibyshev and found it. we started
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excavations, suddenly a grandmother was seen through the window, the karau were being killed, bandits, the light... in one house the light came on, in another house there was a light, soon one man with a pitchfork appeared from the darkness, followed by a second with an axe, what to do? kanygin raised his id. comrades, we are from the moscow criminal investigation department. the gloomy villagers stopped, but decided not to go anywhere. “we were digging until the morning, we could have hidden the tank, so i was using this for them, there was nothing, it suddenly dawned on cherepanova, i got it wrong, not in i hid it in the garden, in my grandmother’s bathhouse, i just don’t
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remember where, i had to dismantle the bathhouse log by log, my grandmother’s son, a deputy of regional legislation, arrives in the morning. what a scandal it caused, the bathhouse was dismantled, the garden was dug up, and desecrated. promised 1000 rubles. cherepanova was never extradited; she left the court without mitigating circumstances. in the movie, the masterful deceiver managed to persuade the investigator to let her go. listen, let me go. what are you doing? i beg you. i beg you very much, i know, i’m not afraid of anything, but well, prison, you know, but this is all, you know, in reality, nina cherepanova faced a more serious punishment than prison, the prosecutor demanded capital punishment, the trial is underway, 18 articles
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of the criminal code, about 300 criminal episodes, although cherepanova admitted to them. 96 is also a lot, they once again took pity on her, they gave her not the highest sentence, but 15 years, there is nothing to love swindlers for, but you will fall in love with some of them involuntarily, not life, but an adventure film, not character, but a collection of talents, truth, morality and conscience they let us down, they say, many years later , several savings banks, burges, and detectives were cleaned out using ninka’s method they wonder if she has really taken up her old ways, because she is already over 70, however, i think that this is a completely different story,
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assalom alaikum, kholmalim, without gas karamoldarim tekshira, hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no obstacles, there may be
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talk that the new picture of the world has almost become a good sign, not on a theoretical level, but on... an option, that is, the neutrality of ukraine and the refusal of its membership in nato. but it is also important that the statement is made in doha, that is, on the territory of the negotiators of the global south. at the same time, in riyadh, blinken assures that nato will never...


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