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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  May 6, 2024 1:20am-4:25am MSK

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i give my life to leave again, now break me, take me, my everything, i surrender all to you right now, i given my life to live again, you watched the grand finale of the fifth anniversary season. the mask show and of course
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the sixth season of the country's most beloved show on ntv is ahead, and see you, bye-bye.
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legend of central television. the announcer of central television is a mandatory individuality, a mandatory difference. tanechka, the clearest example, is a person who, relatively speaking, is not from an acting environment, not from a journalistic environment. you are tanya, the brightest individuality, internal external, sincere, unique always so charming tatyana sudets, they prepared such beauty for the mood, thank you, it smells like peony and make-up, like peony smells, i look at... sudets, and she has
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devils in her eyes, well devils, that means, well , these are cheerful devils, that is , positive energy emanates from her, she infects her, she transmits it to the audience, this probably influenced the fact that she was accepted, this is cheerfulness, optimism, the ability to communicate with people, this its quality, it's character, it's me i think that’s even...
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but she’s also funny, who doesn’t know her, it would be better if they knew what she’s really like in life, because they were just in love, she’s very funny, but she’s a drinker, as soon as she’s in the frame, she she immediately became a beloved relative or a good , understandable neighbor. for millions
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of tv viewers, tanya came as she is, which, in fact, is still and generally forever, the cornerstone of the profession. peculiarity, charm, sunshine, then you are a master, and if you are hiding behind some so, this is already, this is another conversation, you are already, you are no longer an announcer, you are already an actor who plays an announcer, a performer of an announcer.
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with which she presented all this, no edification, to interest the children, to attract them, and then at the end to say, well , now, dear children, let’s go to bed, good night, and so that this warmth, which, and the children with pleasure, listening to, watching a fairy tale , went to bed and remembered
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aunt tanya. good night, guys, over the past 50 years we have seen completely different aunt tanya on the screen, central announcer television. light and song of the year. programs and tv shows changed, but she remained invariably bright, brilliant and completely closed, even mysterious. not a single person, except those closest to her, knew what was really going on in tatyana sudets’ life behind the scenes. many people make the mistake of thinking like me .
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it’s very hard for the enemy, the most vile enemy, i would never wish for what happened to me, no one would have guessed that when the spotlights turned off and the screens went dark, aunt tanya cried loudly, i don’t want, i don’t want about it talk more, it hurts, you pick at it every time, i don’t want to, i’ll be sick again for several days. although they say that over time all this goes away is a lie, those who have lived through this will agree with me, the biography of our beloved star is a ready-made script for
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an exciting melodrama with unexpected turns and heavy blows of fate, her life had everything, bright novels, complex breakups, this life, and anything can happen in it. her life is quite tragic, her fate beat her mercilessly, we are also friends here to some extent unfortunately, men carried her in their arms , mercilessly broke her heart, i... try, try, so that you give me, i think that i have this trait in me, when if i endure, endure, endure, and then once and for all , this is a bad trait, one of my friends says to me: oh, why aren’t you friends with your husbands, and why should i be friends with him? the man who committed the meanness that he betrayed will give once again why some other moment, periods of grandiose triumph of glory were replaced by oblivion on the verge of despair,
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when she just had to survive, at any cost, she received a work book, where it was written, fired, a person who managed to achieve a lot here throughout her previous life, for me it’s like a symbol of the funeral of a profession, a great profession for... the country, i remember, she said, she says, she got into the car , drove from ostankino, and drove somewhere there to argunovskaya and stopped, because i suddenly got scared that everything was over in life in general, there was no longer a profession and the place where i left, where i was, was needed , beloved, could, could have done more, now it’s gone, who? took and multiplied this part of her life by zero, she says:
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i couldn’t go, i stopped, cried, cried and cried, as if an evil fate was pursuing her, when a terrible series of losses of her closest and beloved people began in her life, capable of breaking anyone , advice can be given, advice can be given, and someone someone... follows this advice, someone doesn’t, someone says, i’m the one, myself, but when you know that this pain can be somehow win, even let it be, i’m turning to those people who can’t cope, you need to tell it alone, not to someone, but sit alone. it becomes easier to talk, to talk to that person who is not there.
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tatyana sudets is a real star of that very brilliant old school of television, where there was no place for amateurs, unprofessionalism and falsehood. the most sincere presenter of our television, after much thought, decided to take a bold step, for the first time to reveal the whole truth about himself to his television viewers. do you know why i agreed to your program? because of your words, when you said that... that many people there, looking at you, they are coping with their misfortune, but i don’t know what it’s like to cope alone, it’s very difficult to cope alone, and if it helps someone, these are my stories, it will be good. almost died in a fire, why her mother had to kidnap her own daughter, how tatyana sudets
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caught her first boyfriend cheating, why she later married an unloved man and how she got an apartment with 14 cars, watch right after a short advertisement, the country has forgiven you for your crimes, i didn’t forgive you, i punished you, the internal affairs bodies need yours help, either you are with me or under me, bitter 53, i just wanted to live, calmly! premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, yes... being in the center of attention for each of you is not just
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profitable with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate. all this time, the only adult who looked after the child was the potential killer of his mother, it turns out this way, but all this time the brother claimed that his sister, who was on a spree, regularly keeps in touch with him, don’t worry, she left like that before, what happened brother and sister, why did he strangle her? she says, i remembered, i say that you remembered, that he
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raped me, they fought, they had conflicts about money, about housing, he’s quite... cheerful and sociable, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. i have a feeling as if i, as a guide to places of former glory, am walking with you, because here, in general, every corner, every piece is a little bit of a memory . today, especially for viewers , the program is based on real events, tatyana aleksandrovna sudets decided to give a tour of the most.
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smiles sadly forever, moscow did not immediately believe her tears, and fate sent trials, one after another, from childhood, now it’s nearby, it’s beijing, god, with my house, with the previous one, no, the previous avenue of the world, and this is the garden, the big garden, that is, i’m already talking about moscow, i made a circle, i was born at a peasant outpost, we lived on the highway of enthusiasts , then on vernadsky avenue, metrocity, light in 1947 in an ordinary moscow maternity hospital, however, then all the maternity hospitals were ordinary, except for graurman, and even then simply because he was one of... mother evgenia anatolyevna worked there in
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the accounting department , parents came to the capital from ryazan region, got a job, got temporary housing in a barracks at a peasant outpost, i was already a year and a half old, we were still living there, i said: mom, i remember, she said, you can’t remember, you were still very little , i say, mom, i remember the window, half the window was in the ground. and all the time there the car was turning around, all the time they were hammering into the wall and mom and dad were patching up this wall all the time, that’s me, she says it can’t be, i say i remember, i remember how i stood there, there was a bed, there was a big bed, i’m in the corner stood all the time why so, well, how did i start walking, probably to support myself, i was in this corner all the time, i liked everything so much, i don’t know, then we moved to a family hostel, moving to a hostel here on enthusiast highway...
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without suspecting, tatyana's brother the judge opened the door, a neighbor stood in front of him on the threshold with a knife in his hand, a sudden blow fell directly on the carotid artery. the news of the mysterious and terrible death of anatoly overtook tatyana in japan, where she came on a business trip. the tv presenter wanted to give up everything and go to moscow, but mother evgenia anatolyevna dissuaded: “then they told me, i was already getting ready to leave.” mom called and said, don’t come, you can’t help here, there’s nothing for you to do here, work, zhenya. it was her wife’s decision, she warned her, tanya, we can handle it, you can’t help, you won’t change anything, we
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can handle it, this decision was like that between them, many condemned, many didn’t understand, that’s it, but again it’s not our choice, this is their choice, my wife said that we can handle it, we’ll try, nina anatolyevna bulatova, dear aunt. this her grandmother, my mother, this is my brother, here she is little, i also re-shot this for her, and for nina anatolyevna , the screen star tatyana sudets is a beloved niece, almost a daughter, the closest person in life, tatyana sudets is for i don’t care who tatyana is, my daughter, well, here we are , that’s zhenya, i say, we’re zhenya. we were like family, you see how it turned out, zhenya is 16 years older than me, there will be even less difference between us, so it was as if we had everything together, we understood each other for this one thing
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at one time, she is the dearest person for me, the dearest, the closest, it is with her that tatyana is used to sharing all her joys and sorrows, which seem to be too many, we talk to her, we cry together, we persuade each other, she tells me... . about my mother, i still can’t, i haven’t been to the cemetery for a long time, i’m just dying to get there as soon as possible, but let’s go back to 1952, when everyone was still alive, young and happy, my brother was two months old, and we went with him. mom, dad was on a business trip in saranovsk, and we went there, so we went to dad, because as mom said, dad is there, well , alone on a business trip... anything can happen, so she picked us up and we went there to saransk, that trip. i still remember
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every time i look in the mirror, now we will need to stay a little to the right, a little further away, because we have almost arrived, now here will be my hospital, my beloved, where i spent 9 months with left side, yes yes yes, where i spent 9 months, children's city clinical hospital no. 13 named after nil fedorovich felatov, the first children's hospital in moscow, was founded back in 1840. thousands of children's lives, including the life of the future announcer of central television. the girl was inquisitive, very inquisitive, and we lived in a hotel, and the hotel overlooked the temple, i say, i’m very, the window sills were healthy, huge,
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music started playing, like... someone was being buried, apparently, the music started playing an orchestra , i was interested in this, i climbed onto the window, onto the windowsill, and at that time my mother fed tolya, so that it would be warm in the room, big room, hotel, she left the tile, turned on, put it there on the windowsill in the very corner, so that she didn’t even know that i would climb there, so that i would, on the contrary, she hid it there, so she went to the neighbor, there’s just a door next to the door, at this time, it means the music started playing, i climbed up to see what it was there, it was interesting, the dress covered this tile, it flashed, she was wearing one thin dress, she was naturally undressed, so it touched this tile flared up, she began to walk, zhenya also heard, then she immediately ran in and she saw when her dress was already burning on her,
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she saw. zhenya, not understanding what she was doing, that ’s what she had, she grabbed some kind of coat, covered it over it, mom jumped out, saw this burning column, didn’t spare me a fur coat, so she put her fur coat in hers to put out the flames, well, the doctors then said, no, this couldn’t be done, she told me, that means it ’s the same thing, they just bought a can of oil, she poured all this oil on me, she thought, well , i don’t know, there’s probably some kind there, so showed her what to do, frightened mother grabbed the burned girl. i rushed into my arms to meet the ambulance called by the neighbors, they took me to the hospital, i hate cobblestone streets, because when i was very patient, it means that when they put me in this blanket, these hemlocks would either stick or come unstuck, and i, but i didn’t cry, i didn’t cry, and when they brought me there, i still have it before my eyes, he says he can’t, i remember, they brought me and they put me on, that means
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they put me on the line, but zhenya put everything on the line , everything so that she would survive, although the doctors said not you need to torture her, there’s no need, that’s the same thing, you won’t do anything anyway, she’s still a girl, she’ll remain disabled, everything is there, well, in general, you need to know our wife, the surgeries are sea, they cut her like that, well, she’ll die anyway, doctor he said, don’t even think about it, he’ll die, she says, well, 75% of the body, my mother says, no, my spoon is edged
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like this and... i’m all butter, milk, eggs, sour cream, the doctors said you’re mocking the child , mom says, nothing, but i’m still back, and mom says, nothing, something will be delayed, and then mom some granny there said that to avoid these rough things, stitches and to make it generally easier, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, my mother made a weak solution of potassium permanganate, put me in the bathroom there, that’s it... the doctors are there, oh, what it’s like that, there’s bed linen, mom says, i’ll bring everything mine, mom brought everything of hers, so she soaked me there in this potassium permanganate, well, in general , that’s why they stayed only where the doctors wouldn’t let me there is all this to do, that the scars, and so in general, mom, mom, thanks to mom, i and survived, thanks to her mother, for 3 months saransk doctors selflessly fought for the life of little tanya, but evgenia anatolyevna knew that she would finally get her daughter out of the other world,
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she would live and she would have everything and her hand would work, that’s all, that’s when they told her, you can’t touch this, you can’t rip it off, you can’t bandage it yourself, that’s all, she was just such a person in her wife, especially since she’s her daughter, and despite everything, she did as she saw fit, of course for mom it was terrible period, firstly they injected penicillin an hour later, i then she i was afraid, i didn’t go into stores, because before there were salespeople in white coats in stores. i lay in saransk for 3 months, then my mother stole me from there, because they bandaged me so much, my arm grew, so my mother stole it and brought me home to moscow, brought me and they put me in a philatory hospital, i lay there for 9 months, here i am there
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they did an operation to do just that, but my mother worked on my hand, because the hand was held like this, the scar was like that, the tendons couldn’t be here, so it wasn’t possible here do nothing, she will live, she will become a beautiful and active girl again, no matter what it costs, the most important thing is that my arm was like this and would not straighten, my mother every day, i don’t know, for several hours, she gave it to me she gave me a massage, a massage, a massage, then she forced me with a belt, she made me reach for the door frame after door, so that’s why i hate these nicks that are there when a child grows up, there are all these nicks, i hate them, because i i extended my hand to these earnings. when we arrived it was already i was probably 12 years old, we came to the philatofskaya there for a check, there was something there, they said: where is the scar? and i’m standing there, saying, mom ate it, just like mom ate it, but i showed her how mom ate it, i’ll eat it for you, i’ll eat
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my daughter and you, and mom was kneading it for me, but this amazing woman was, of course, simply amazing, no i know that my mother is a heroic woman, tatyana was already a little star in childhood, she dreamed of the stage, terrible injuries could cross out all plans for the future, but the round-the-clock care of her mother and the efforts of the doctors created a miracle; the consequences of that tragedy are now visible only to tatyana alexandrovna herself and her beloved men. i really love smart men, it doesn’t really matter to me whether he’s handsome or not, as long as he’s smart with humor, that’s the kind of guy i love.
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20:20 on ntv. gorky 53. premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with enhanced composition to combat
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headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. all the goods have already arrived here. summer sale on ozone. bifree jeans for 1.199. electric scooter bear for 119. base hair set for 319 can soseson anywhere you can get your appetite only dad will reduce your appetite snack will not harm your appetite sausages dad will help the love of customers - the main reward for any entrepreneur you don’t just cook cakes. give unforgettable emotions, do not give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, do not create fashionable things, but give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but
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a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you. in any endeavor. sberbusiness. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. i haven’t had time to look back for three years now. the schedule is free, there are orders, the money works out. decently, it turns out, if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, dad, the path of a taxi driver, begins with yandex about why my black soap is so natural, my grandmother taught me, everything that gives us what we need for beauty and health nature itself, so i lovingly preserved all the benefits of 37 healing herbs and oils, then the very black soap from grandmother agathia for... you, dear ones, pain can be different, no matter
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the meat grinder servilat we chop the meat into small pieces so that the taste is more tender, finely chopped, we compare, and it’s true that they are different in appearance and taste, it’s delicious to grind meat in an old farmyard, as if i’ll run over, meat grinder old farmyards, delicious meat grinder, you know, but i’m not really a taxi driver, you know, but i’m not really a comedian, i’m a real businessman, but how much? behind you pay the bill at psb, account maintenance, cash withdrawals and transfers to individuals up to 10 million rubles are free, just an asterisk, your legs just go numb, these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the blood vessels. angia norm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. the tv diva never had a shortage of suitors, three husbands, dozens of admirers,
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attentions, courtship, expensive gifts, trips, as they say, the greeks complain, my wife was so jealous at that time, she’s always, you’re always with about tatyana, when she sees, she starts to bully me a little, in a mild way, it’s not difficult to understand the wife of vladimir ignatushchenko, because the fate of him is connected with the legendary tatyana. pure, first love, yes... this is my first love, and i don’t hide it, and he knows it, and well, it happened, it happened, after school tatyana and leonid entered the same moscow radio-mechanical technical school, tanya studied with an excellent degree in mathematics and physics we gave up the first time, but our hearts still asked for lyrics, we met, i had already moved to the third year, and she was studying for the junior year, and we got in...
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but it turned out that we ended up in the compartment, i’m not with my i found myself in a compartment with strangers there, well, i come there, some boy is sitting, i say, you can change with me, and he was so cute, they were already there , separated from the adults, you know, they drank there, apparently, a little bit , and he, i ’ll buy you ice cream, novorossiysk, i say, okay, buy me ice cream, in general we changed later, well, that’s it, i promised to buy ice cream, but i didn’t buy it. until now, well
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, we arrived at the camp, there in the camp, that ’s how it somehow happened that we fell in love, so i fell in love with him, and he fell in love with me, the dark southern night instantly turned the heads of very young lovers, we sat on the suspension bridge, looked at the stars, we lived on an island, so we sat on the suspension bridge, looked at the stars, held hands, talked. well-bred romeo and juliet did not allow themselves anything unnecessary, we kissed each other until we were stupefied in the entrance, i came home, so...
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and then there were some questions about marriage, the unsuspecting bride was dreaming of a wedding, when suddenly there was an unexpected call at home, his mother called my mother and said: your tanya is a sodomite, when i heard this, from my mother she told me, i’m still so offended by this and i probably just after
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that i didn’t want anything anymore, well, in short - my parents staged such a... performance, called tatyana, tatyana’s mother and something like that upset everything, you know, this is how parents know how to carry out all these actions, experience big, the lovers quarreled, but in my soul there was hope for reconciliation, but all hopes were shattered, and insidious betrayal, we were visiting why we were friends with his group, we have his group and my group, even her name was nadya, oh my god ,
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that’s all, so to speak, the first period, then i somehow danced not only with tatyana, but with another girl there, with a third, and somehow, maybe, but i don’t remember frankly, because i can’t even imagine first name, not last name, let alone reproduce the face in front of you, but she puts forward such a version, well, i don’t i dispute, i remain silent, maybe it’s true, maybe not, but i honestly don’t remember. tatiana. she admits that she loved her volodya for a long time, even when she had already married someone else, i loved him for a very long time, i even got married, that’s it, that’s it, but i loved him for a very long time, just very much, you know, and what does it mean to love, we love, we love even the wrong person, we love the memories of
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that love, so i love the memories of that love, he is dear to me, although of course, in general, nothing worked out, him family, grandchildren, everything is there and i have my own destiny there, but still, that love that was, it is not forgotten, it remains in the heart forever. after writing her first novel, tatyana plunged headlong into her studies and komsomol activities, and there her next gentleman was already waiting for her. here we met grushin, my first husband, at some komsomolskaya conference, we were sent here from the institute, and here we met. in her final year, tatyana was sent to pre-graduate practice at the center for automation and hydraulics, where at one of the meetings in the komsomol district committee , baumanka graduate anatoly grushin noticed her. tatyana did not pay any attention to the young man and he decided to take the beauty from moram. he looked after me very, very much, looked after me from
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morning to evening, in the morning he met me near the house, which means we were driving together to work, he picked me up, he had a car. daddy's, and he gave me a ride to work, we were in different, we were in the same department, but in different laboratories, at lunch, he was already standing around, we had lunch for 48 minutes, he was already standing around our room, we walked, we went with him to the park in ekaterinsky for a walk, then we returned, in the evening he took me home, an hour later he was already around, we went somewhere with him, just imagine, within... . 7 months, and he spud me, well, everyone comes out around, everything is somehow, but i, and i’m not this, nowhere and nothing.
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she says so as not to upset me, but i don’t tell her, so as not to upset her, okay, let’s leave the house, don’t believe it, it snowed like flakes, just the most terrible snow, a wall of flakes, it started snowing, no, under an umbrella, so, they took me out, put me in the car, they were almost ready to leave the yard, tolya asks, tanya, and you took my passport, but for...
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there was no turning back, i didn’t want to at all, i’ll be honest, but yes for such expenses, mom and dad spent money there,
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relatives came, everything, everything, everything, everything, suddenly i say that that’s it, goodbye, i had to run away and not look at anything, like in the movies, well, conscientiously very much, my mother raised me that way, it’s impossible, yes, that’s how he was, i can’t say that i didn’t love him there, right, well, i was interested in the new one. everything was there, but it was this newness, it didn’t hold me for long, i really wanted to get a divorce right away, but my mother said, we didn’t have people like that in our family, be patient, exactly 9 months after the wedding, a miracle happened in tatiana’s life, in the old moscow in the maternity hospital named after graurmann , a son, andrei, was born, a boy who was destined for a complex tragic fate. he was born on my birthday on september 21st. novaya arbat street house 7, it was formerly
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a maternity hospital named after grauerman, one of the best in moscow, here i gave birth to my first son, somewhere in these windows, there in the yard, in my opinion, dads, mothers, grandmothers were standing, shouting to us, the road of fate of aunt tanya, famous throughout the country, brought our film crew group to a very important place for our heroine. when they showed it in films, they are now showing a film somewhere about moscow, when the films are on, they show this temple, she says, oh, opposite the orphanage where i gave birth, her son andrei became her main acquisition, her main happiness, a miracle and an incentive to live, andryushka in general, it was a miracle, such a boy, everyone loved him, then she did not know that this boy would become the main loss of her life, so difficult that after that she didn’t even want to live, why was it difficult, it was difficult, of course, very difficult, for the enemy... i would never wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.
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for obvious reasons, the judge does not like to remember the terrible story about the death of his son tatyana. this is very painful. it seems that this wound has not healed over the years and is still bleeding. i won't talk about this anymore, otherwise now i'll will be bad. pulls himself together and decides to have the most frank conversation in his life for the sake of those for whom it is important and maybe will help in some way. and again, life goes on. even if someone here, someone had an only child or something like that, can you give advice, do they follow them? well, if this program helps someone on how to survive grief, god forbid. here is my village, here is my home, here i am going for a walk,
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today. finally, he bravely leads viewers into his past, where all of her were stored for a long time personal secrets and where she was truly happy, we had so much fun, in general this house is remembered by so many people, this and how it was when we gathered here, how we had fun, well, we were young, even my friends said , well, in tanya’s apartment you can put this same spoon and fork, they will always feed you, give you something to drink, but since they were young , there wasn’t much money, but a sandwich could always be made there with sausage, with cucumber with... cover it in the oven, delicious, in the secluded corners of a past life, away from prying eyes and ears, for many years they lay under lock and key secrets that she herself tried to avoid for many years in conversations with journalists: let’s not talk about sad things, i don’t want to remember about it, you know why everything in my life was good and bad, i can’t say aside, more
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good, in any case, i only remember the good, i don’t want to remember the bad... 50 years ago, on october 2, 1972, tatyana sudets first crossed the threshold of the television center and became one of the brightest presenters of all time. good evening, dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you here to the concert studio ostankina, guests of the twelfth world student youth festival. this is my entrance, it was through, you can enter from this side.
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and we were announcers, when they ask me how to announce you, i say, so, first at the beginning we say, announcer of central television, only then honored artist of the russian federation, because i believe that the title of announcer of central television is such a high rank, much higher than all other ranks, who is the announcer, the announcer is the ideal interpreter of someone else's text, what should he have? well, photogenic appearance, not just some kind of unusually beautiful, but pleasant to the eye, clear , correct speech, good beautiful tempo of voice, ability to navigate, ability to improvise, ability to present text easily, ability to find the right intonation, possess the logic of speech, be convincing on camera, not to cause rejection or
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a negative reaction in people, that is, it’s a lot, to enter the house every day without knocking, as we were told, and to be there and come to the yard, well, this required a lot to learn to a certain extent, there had to be natural artistry, the ability to communicate with people on the screen, well, a lot of things, this is a nuance, there weren’t many of us in the whole country, but everyone knew us, they looked up to us, and we were, we were. .. standards of speech, in clothing, in behavior, because kirillov told us all the time, more seriously, more modestly, more modestly, we were all so modest, it’s not now, who haven’t had time to say anything yet, he’s been opening the doors for years now, so my raider or whatever it is, raider, something like that, i have this, i have this, i want this, i think, i ’m always into this, when i look, i see this, i think,
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i haven’t done anything yet, but give it all to her, right here on the shovel, i don’t know, we... they really were modest, indeed, people came into the profession of announcer, every time, a new set, necessarily, in no way similar to anyone else... there were a thousand people in the queues, but they passed by. the announcer of central television is a mandatory individuality, a mandatory difference. due to the expansion of programs, the number
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with the increase in broadcasting hours, the question arose about increasing the staff of announcers, because it was impossible to manage with small forces and it was necessary to recruit people. and they announced a competition, the competitions were not very good at first, but then they became huge, huh. the profession of an announcer, well, this is new, it’s working on camera, and on a live broadcast, it was unusual, it was a sign of the times, so there was great interest, well, people showed great interest in this profession, and up to 700 people came to the place, it was impossible, they rounded up two or three people there, this is how they recruited, they knew how to select talented people, because... these are the people who came, i don’t know, 50 years ago, people still remember them, because they left a noticeable mark on television creativity . tanya, the brightest
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example, a person who, well, relatively speaking, is not from the acting environment, not from the journalistic environment, tanya, the brightest individual. internal and external, this is tanya, like a professional, now she says, her appearance seems to be, well, such a pretty girl with sparse teeth, it’s just that there are no ceramic roots then no one had it, everyone was as they were, if they have teeth, they are like that, that was also individuality, then everything was clicked into place. that’s how they were born, this is her highlight, her peculiarity, tanya came as she is, which, in fact, is still and generally
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forever, the cornerstone in the announcer’s profession. few people know, but some mystical coincidence of circumstances led tatyana to the announcer’s chair, and also the help of an old friend. tatyana is among us, you know, it’s a rare girl who will climb. on the roof then run there on the roofs, to hide, she was a good fellow, she would break her knees, but she never cried, did not complain, did not ask for mercy, she herself knew how to give back, give back, for this we boys respected her very much, she, you know, it’s like she ’s already with in childhood, she showed herself as a leader, well, among the boys there... of course, girls should be leaders, especially since we were desperate guys, well, she didn’t lose her face, as she says. meet leonid shidelka, a man who has known tatyana sudets since
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birth. we were born at almost 1 month, with a difference of 7 days, they lived on the same, so to speak, street, practically in the same barracks, it was in the distant, distant year of 1947 and it turned out like this. that then our life was already scattered in different corners, then connected again, all this happened, i believe that it was natural by the will of fate, i was an artist, it seems to me, from birth, i was screaming like crazy, i’m telling my mother now , she said, lord, my whole back hurt, somehow when, at first i scream, my mother rocks me, then i fall silent. lyonya started, we lived in a barracks, leonya started yelling like abnormal, but he had... all sorts of grandmothers and aunts, and his mother was alone, well, in general, we grew up together with him, we are 7 days apart, i am on august 22, and he is on august 29, here he is for me calls, says: well, you are an old woman, i say, 7 days older, i was the eldest, she
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participated in all events at school, you know, a creative, of course, creative child, leonid vasilyevich claims, in their yard everyone knew from the very beginning, tatyana has a great future ahead of her, i want to say that... in principle, how did she differ from, say, us, firstly, i already said that the girl was desperate and had a very good memory, everything was easy for her, for example, there for me, and even...
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all the boys in the district , without exception, were in love with tatyana, and he was including, well, how can you not fall in love with such a girl, you know, and then well, alya korenev wasn’t always my friend, like that, well, i’m into him, so i had a crush on her on my part, but again it’s not love, falling in love, well how not to fall in love with her, after school...
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well, i’m lying there, reading something, suddenly, i don’t know why, i still won’t explain it now, i isolate some kind of announcement, and there they say that central television is organizing a competition to fill the vocal positions of announcer, central department, i’m in the ears and tops of my head, again intuitively, and they’re talking on the phone, and i’m pen and paper, everything somehow turned out when it’s necessary...
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suddenly it’s coming, and there was a place for smoking, suddenly these women in crenaline are standing cigarettes somewhere, but i didn’t smoke even then , i didn’t know at all, they always stand and say: i wanted to buy chicken, i didn’t get it , i think, my god, what are they talking about, they are, they are in general, they don’t eat, it’s the same thing, they don’t do anything, they’re some kind of celestials, what if they didn’t get the chicken, for the competition tatyana prepared two works at once, an excerpt from paustov’s basket of powers.
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the salary is good, i say, yes, my salary is 130 rubles, and this is generally crazy money, well , if we take you, you will have 70, i say, it’s okay, i’ll be patient, i came when i had 70 to work, here i am i say, yes , i’m growing, there’s something like that, but what do you think, you’ll make an announcer, i say, i don’t know, but the girls are in the back from they looked at the table at work and said that i would come over, they all say what kind of backrest is from the chair, i don’t think for long, there was such a chair there, you with a frame and this chair, i say, this is the frame, i was sitting like that, reading and they they say it will do, well, of course, it was immediate, she got on the screen quite easily, well, firstly, she’s
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on television first as a picture, and then everything else, that’s how it started for her, first the picture, she was very pretty, this is this, this is her spontaneity, this is this a feeling of joy in life that was transmitted to the audience, well, i don’t want to say that they saw it, a feeling of celebration came, but in any case the mood improved, already 2 months after the competition tatyana alexandrovna was invited to the youth
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editorial office of central television to host a program i was 16 years old, then the whole country recognized and fell in love with the cheerful tatyana grushina, yes, you heard right, tatyana aleksandrovna, her career on the screen... under the name of her first husband, he really did not like the unexpected popularity of his wife. oh, about tol grushny, i i forgot about it like a bad dream. during the day , tatyana mastered the skills of a new complex profession, devoted her evenings to her little son, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and heard only reproaches from her husband. very rarely helped. yeah, like in that joke, yes, he says, he comes, two grandfathers meet, he says, well, he says, his son helps, he says, he helps, he helps, he came yesterday, we drank away our coats together, he helps, so he does too helped, but he didn’t help anything, the husband could not forgive tatyana for her great success, and she was tired apologize for nothing, endured, endured, because my mother said that
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there were no such people in our family who would get divorced, so i endured for 7 years, then i said, i will be the first, but my mother told me that people will say, i say, but i don’t care what they say for 7 years already, we lived with tolya for 7 years, then i couldn’t do it anymore, anatoly didn’t want to give up without a fight, he started dragging his wife through the courts, we had three trials, he didn’t give i'm getting a divorce, he says that i'm a little fool, that i came up with everything, but i say, no i love him, the judge asks me, i say, i don’t love him, i never loved him, i ’m a single mother living in a room in a communal apartment, it’s time to grab my head, but tatyana was happy. as if she felt that a new, interesting life, true love, awaited her ahead. how tatyana grushina became tatyana sudets and how her first husband took revenge on his famous wife, why aunt tanya had to live with
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alcoholics, which influential men helped her with the apartment, why an avalanche of monstrous tragedies fell on tatyana sudets. watch right after the short commercial. and y there’s a surprise for us here, someone opened the safe, only one person can fix the situation, kostofiev, he will become one among strangers, you are now our famous luger, disguise yourself so completely as not to be a stranger among your own, they sent his case, prostavaniye , heard, can you imagine how dangerous this man is in the wild? “i’ll find him and shoot him, i promise you that, it’s illegal, i don’t have any confirmation of my noble gyrogic mission, criminal.”
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there then there is a lot of political stuff in general like that, all the management there was going to
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the first carriage, well, at every station we stop, and then there’s a girl there who says, i like the boy there so much, one of the boys from that carriage, i say who he tells volodya to sue, i say: lord, show him to me, he says : he’s traveling with dad, i say, lord, with dad, with mom, i say, where in which car, in which car, he says in that one? i say, show me where they are sitting, well, she shows that this is the compartment, i open the compartment, i say, i knocked, hello, hello, where is volodya? and he says: come in, daughter, let’s have a drink, vladimiravich, well, we sat down with him and had a drink, we’re chatting, telling something, drinking, suddenly viyka flies in like that, says: tan, and i’ve already forgotten why i came with your drink , here i am, now, yes, i’m saying, son, where is yours, go, daughter, your heart will tell you, that’s how, with jokes, jokes and teas, tatyana met the hero of the soviet union,
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the famous air marshal vladimir aleksandrovich sudets, then she even i couldn’t imagine that i would soon bear this big name, vladimir savich it was a miracle, he treated me very well, very well, now they even tell me: oh, you are the daughter of vladimir sanovich, you look so much alike, i say, no, he says, i have a fortunately acquired surname, i am a former daughter-in-law, that’s all. i never cling to this surname, never, but i bear it with honor and dignity. vladimir aleksandrovich’s son volodya turned out to be a stately handsome man, he courted him effectively, but the tv presenter’s heart did not immediately win. vova began to look after me, and i ran from him, but then, no, so what about him? he was so handsome, he was handsome, no, he’s not, i loved vovka, i can’t say anything, i really loved him. indeed, out of love, after six months of persistent siege, the fortress fell, the wedding
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of the marshal’s son and the announcer of the central television was attended, it seems, by the entire elite of the capital of the ussr, for this occasion the restaurant of this hotel, at that time one of the best in the country, was closed for special services. oh, our wedding took place on the thirteenth floor of the pkin hotel, it was certainly great, tamara made a beautiful dress. never happens, i only have those people whom i like, whom i love, who love me, a lot
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happened there, like a wedding, a lot of artists, a lot of celebrities, there were many, many, and well, that’s what happened, and the photograph was sea, that’s where we all worked with volodya at the factory, well, nina, well , show me, well, show me a photograph, why, because this life is not for everyone, well, not for everyone , let’s say, this is what it’s like in terms of interest, yur nikolaev , which means that this same thing was invited. and the elevator opens at the thirteenth floor and kramorov is standing, everyone is coming to us, to us, and to you, to you, i am a gift, yura brought him with a gift, so my mother starts feeding him, there my grandmother is feeding him, they are jumping around him, that’s it, he says, no , he came, that means when he sat down, he, what did they start, he says, give me something to eat, hungry as a dog, and that means they started jumping around him, jumping, jumping, that’s all, for them he , of course, we, having celebrated the wedding in one of the most prestigious hotels in moscow,
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the newlyweds went to establish their family nest in tanya's room. we had a neighbor, i had, that means, two neighbors, katya with seraphim and dunya, i don’t remember the second, two such grenauder, a healthy two aunts, and katya, not katya, what’s her name, i don’t remember, i don’t know she worked, she sat at home all the time, she says, but she was healthy, so she tells me, tan, let me wash your windows, i say, no, don’t, that is, what are you saying, do n’t, eleventh floor, then one day i , that means i’m standing there in the kitchen, cooking something, going to my room with potatoes... i open the room, and she’s on the bench, on this side she’s washing the windows, eleventh floor, please don’t be there, she’s okay, okay, i’ll wash it for you, now, and i have what i have there, i don’t want anything anymore, i was afraid that she would collapse , can you imagine, it was scary, of course, but she was very kind, these two were kind, among the neighbors the most restless
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were convinced alcoholics, katya and seraphim, they considered themselves the old-timers of the apartment , they set their own... rules, didn’t give for a bottle, get it taken off the door is off the hinges, so that i have something to do in the evening, they they unscrewed the lids for me, or rather the doors, and i came home from work and opened the doors, and they were like that, but all the screws were lying next to each other, and that means i was sitting with a screwdriver while i was digging around, half the night had already passed, and then i didn’t stand in that very i came to put the screwdriver away, which means i look, yeah, it’s falling again, i quickly wrapped it all up there, but i didn’t do anything, i didn’t swear anything. no one expected that it was the antics of cheerful and deep -drinking neighbors that would help the central television announcers improve their living conditions, they mean vladimir sakolaevna is coming, their dad and mom called and they called, i opened the door, and sima was lying across the front door, dad, so i said, step over,
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step over, but mom can’t step over. as i say, now i’m dragged by the legs, sima pulled me away, here’s galina nikolaevna, oh, oh, he’s arrived, i say, nothing special, i say, it’s fine, everything, i say, they, i say, they’re harmless, he says, well, in general, i say, we had fun, and then they started, they started saying that how is it so, the girls and boys all live in good conditions, and we are in such conditions, well, my dad said, vladimir sach says: well, you have to get an apartment for your daughter, and i say, i wanted, i say, i’ve been on the waiting list for 12 years, like... i’m trying to get it, there’s nothing, well, then he means he connected his own there, well, apparently he had these, he connected his connections, i rented out this seventeen-meter room, in return we received the apartment in which we now live, well, 39 square meters, a large apartment , but at that time it was wonderful, wonderful, simply wonderful, in a new
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there was a new addition to the apartment, in november 1980 tatyana i gave birth to... a wonderful daughter, i had a happy childhood, i went to programs with my mother, to programs, uh, i skated, i went to camps, i went to the sea, i went to holiday homes with my mother, i don’t know, an ordinary happy soviet childhood. the daughter of a central television announcer, daria sudets, admits that she never felt like a child of a star, it didn’t come, it seems to me that i just lived with it, i generally thought it was normal, well, as if i didn’t even feel that it was something wrong , well, mom, yes, oh, mom is here shows that my mother is here, well, somehow it was perceived, well, as usual, something, there was never a feeling that my mother was an announcer there, of course i was always proud of my mother, but there was no feeling, the judge passed away
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, when my granddaughter was only six months old, clopedia was written about my grandfather, of course yes, for me it was just for some reason i didn’t understand my mother, but nothing had been written about my mother then, there was an encyclopedia and there naturally they wrote about all the famous yes people and about grandfather were written, i of course i was proud of it. tatyana sudets was at the peak of happiness, her beloved husband, a wonderful son,
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a charming baby daughter, a new apartment, career growth, everything in life was going so well that with... it was scary to jinx it, and indeed, only a couple of years would pass, on tv leading a monstrous avalanche of tragedy will fall, sweeping away everything in its path. the death of the younger brother and the fatal illness of the father. why tatyana sudets did not come to the funeral of her relatives, that she could not forgive her second husband, how she ended up in love affairs the network of a married kgb colonel, and how his wife teamed up with her second husband’s relatives, the judge gave aunt tanya real persecution. watch the short ad immediately after. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry. with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright,
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the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, my roses are growing, they are under... norzli, but i seem to have pumped them out, yes, i have pumped them out, like these roses, so these flowers, i i them a lot, what they are called, i already forgot, somehow they are, i don’t remember what they are called, but i had a lot of them, but now i’m already tired of them, because the leaves are healthy , huge, then you have to pick them all out in the fall, now we will have daisies, see what kind of daisies we have, now a whole, a whole field of daisies will bloom, these are forget-me-nots, cornflowers, i have them now, i’m preparing petunias, i will have a lot of them, they are already prepared, now i’ll buy petunias, there will be a lot of petunias - a lot, the dacha for tatyana aleksandrovna sudets is a real place
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strength, this year here are chamomile, these same pansies, now i’ll plant them too, here are velvet flowers, mine are also growing there, i’ll plant them, peonies, this is very beautiful , my children gave me this, this tree, it was small at first, now he has become so big and healthy, we trim him. it’s so beautiful, it’s unnecessary, but beautiful, these are my roses, here, they were frozen this year, but now i watered them, it looks like they’re off, my joy, oh, how they smell delicious, they bloom deliciously, deliciously they smell, in the world of floristry the tv star is not new, one might even say he is a distinguished specialist, he even has an international diploma, and i went to the equipment school, i graduated with honors, i even have a diploma, yes, certified, from the embassy in our , in japan too, it was so interesting, extraordinary, i, that is, for me, i
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was waiting for this day when i had to go to classes, at first i went with an interpreter, and then i went without an interpreter, i understood everything, not how i understood, but what is there to understand, they show me how to do it, look there, and fantasize and make bouquets, traditional japanese art tatyana with... sleeves like a real japanese woman, i say, what did you take? well, he usually says, like this, and you say from here, i say, i don’t know, purely intuitively, i liked everything, i understood, i don’t know the language, i understood, well
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, maybe i’ll say crazy, no, really, i understood what i was talking about they say, but i didn’t know the language, well, some kind of these same ones , i don’t know where this comes from, again i say, probably somewhere, once upon a time, i was japanese in some life in some one of the joint programs of gostelero and a japanese tv channel. the rating was very high because it was a necessary program, they didn’t make unnecessary ones, it was a necessary program, and not only that, i wrote some stories there , i had to write them, we
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acted them out, we had some sketches, we played something there that, in order to better understand what he was talking about, in those days they tried to send only the most reliable, with a crystal reputation, on business trips abroad, and maybe they controlled it, i maybe i didn’t know, i lived in a house there, there were probably comrades there who... tatyana enjoyed the interesting work, the original culture and new acquaintances, i liked the food, i liked everything, nothing annoyed me, some people are annoyed by something there, but nothing for me, not music, this shimisen is playing me, but i liked the way this little stream was murmuring, well, i don’t know, i liked everything, it wasn’t difficult for me, uh, interesting, yes, it was interesting, i saw a lot there,
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because there was a couple...
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something like that, well, again we didn’t even think about it, what is this, it’s all so serious, well , the flu, well, there’s a complication with the flu, yes, what happened next looks like the script of some terrible thriller, on february 7 , 1984, tatyana’s brother anatoly was going to visit his father in the hospital, but suddenly there was a knock on the door they called, he collects this amount, well, it’s all a package with these products, he comes in.
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a neighbor, a guy, came to his room, either offered him a drink, or asked for money, i can’t do this specifically right now, they are having some kind of conversation, and at this time he is collecting a package for his dad, and he something... that insists, and he says: fuck off, i ’m going to the hospital, you know, he only managed to say these words, he was behind him with a knife, she grabbed the knife, straight drunk, straight into the solar artery, so that some kind of thing.
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then, when it happened to dad, then they informed me, and i was already getting ready to leave, my mother called, she said, she’s not coming, there’s nothing you can do here, you have nothing to do here, work, black february eighty of which destroyed tatyana’s whole previous life, the judge, at first, her beloved younger brother, who was completely idiotic, died in an absurd and terrible way there from the frost he came drunk, it seems like he would have a neighbor come to him with him...
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i say: mom, vuvka, where is she, he says, he’s at his mother’s, you never know, maybe mom is sick or something, but i had to go to work to go, i didn’t know where i put the pass, i called him, i said, you don’t know where my pass is, i don’t know, i said, by the way, why aren’t you going home, i’ve already arrived, we need
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to meet, well it must be so, they met in a restaurant on taganka, vladimir sudets honestly declared that he fell in love with another, tatyana had nothing to object to, she let her husband go all four sides.
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how kind she is, all responsive and outgoing, nothing like that, until a certain moment, and then that’s it, you can’t get it back from me. the proud, successful tv star firmly decided that a betraying man was not worth her tears. you know, many people think that i’m so white, soft, fluffy, trouble-free, uh, i’ll understand everything, i’ll forgive everything, and you can do whatever you want with me, no, they’re wrong. first of all, i’m very selective in my communications, i’m friendly with everyone, but so, non-brotherhood, i’m not really, i don’t allow everyone to treat me like this, to treat her ex-
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husbands tatyana sudets always cut off any connections once and for all, burned bridges beyond the possibility of restoration, many are mistaken, so i think that i am accessible. “i can be kind, i can be not kind, i try, i try, so that you give me this , i think that i have this trait in me, when if i endure, endure, endure, and then forever, this is a bad trait,
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one of my friends tells me, oh, why aren’t you friends with your husbands, and why am i with him? should be friends, man"? who did something mean, who betrayed, will betray again, and here’s some other moment, well , why would i be friends with them, and with my acquaintances, the divorce was not easy, after all, the spouses had common property and a small daughter, well, he was there with his daughter, maybe he communicated, he sometimes came there, somehow, you know what’s the matter, i’m completely, i ’ll say it again, i cut off a person, that’s it, i'm no longer interested in him, he's not... interesting at all and will never return, no, my dad and i after the divorce, my mother and i talked - when my dad came to see me at school there. how often, well, i
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don’t remember, maybe once in 2 years he went somewhere to other countries, when apparently he could come, but it was very rare, only recently we’ve been communicating with dad, you know what does it matter if a person does nasty things to you or thinks that you ’re such a bigot, but for god’s sake, i know what i’m like, and i know that... i won’t allow anyone to treat me like a piece of trash , never, i'm very proud, really so, yes, i’m good-natured, i will never swear, very rarely, very rarely, even when i’m talking to someone there, i start something, he tells me that you’re screaming, but i’m not screaming, i’m talking , the delivery of the voice is like that, you know?
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sees that if i offended someone, i always ask for forgiveness, if it happens that you don’t consciously offend, just like that, i ask for forgiveness, i can do it quite calmly, the crown won’t fall off my head, but if this, and if i i feel like this is one, two, three, goodbye, but always, as if as a reward for the past trials, fate sends tatyana a new, true love. as my mother believes, that this was really real love
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, the kind that comes from within, and that’s when you feel that this is your person 100%. you’re just at that age, you already know exactly what you need, you’ve already made up your mind and make some, no, compromises in any case, you make in any relationship, but here you understand what you’re going for, and if the second person is also coming, oh, my god, mishay, we’ll meet in mountains i went skiing, it was on dombai, it was also interesting, he was always on business trips, and he didn’t even know that i was an announcer, we met something on the balcony, which means i was smoking, as usual, drinking coffee, cream early in the morning, the day before there was a holiday on march 8 and we all walked in cafes there, i see there, we have our own company. they have their own company there, we are in some kind of groups there, i see
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some guy in a blue suit is being carried on his shoulders all the time, they pulled him out, after some time he appears again, again there is some time passes, he is dragged again, well , they dragged him, dragged him, well, the next morning i get up there, drink coffee in the morning, but skiers are a brotherhood, my neighbor is standing there, he says, tan, you know, he says, i’m like that, he says to himself did you buy a suit? all the time everyone was boasting there, i say, are you really, he says, yes he says, thin, good, smart, then he says, i say, excellent, i say, happy, do you have coffee, he asks me, i i say, there is, i say, he says, a friend has come, he says, a friend has come, he says, give him some coffee, i i say, yes, let him come in, in general, he, and we live with a neighbor, he comes in, again in this little blue suit, i say, oh, yesterday they dragged you like this drunken partisan, no, i say, a wounded partisan, i i say, they dragged me back and forth to the cafe, he
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says: yes, i say, well, it’s clear, everything, coffee, of course, a head of bobo, money, in general, well, that’s how we met, the clean mountain air could turn your head, beautiful landscapes disposed to some kind of romance, but tatyana's heart was locked with a key, he i took the phone from where, can i congratulate you in moscow, i say, yes, congratulate, he says, i’m leaving now. i say, yes , congratulations, he just called me, he didn’t even know that i, who i was, what i was, didn’t know, yes, well, at least that’s what he told me, and he didn’t even know that i don’t know myself , that he called, he says, can i congratulate you, i’ll bring you flowers, i say, congratulate, he doesn’t, can i drink some coffee at your place, i say, drink it, lord, what do you want, coffee, i wanted to say that you need coffee, or something well... but
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he didn’t tell me anything about secret ones, he just said that he was a kgb colonel, that’s all. the kgb colonel worked undercover, and the life of the famous tv presenter could turn into a spy detective story, but fate wrote a different scenario for tatyana. this story eventually turned into another drama with a love triangle, intrigue and even a psychiatric clinic. well, we sat with him, drank coffee, and went our separate ways.
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attention, i say, no gifts, it couldn’t even occur to me that this was some kind of gift, well, in short, we didn’t agree with her. wife mikhaila tried in every possible way to convince the tv presenter that her husband was drinking heavily, but tatyana didn’t believe when he
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met me, he stopped drinking altogether, maybe he got drunk there, but when we saw each other, not yet , he didn’t get drunk, no, nothing happened, then a diabolical plan matured in the head of the new admirer’s wife: to slander her famous rival. even tatiana’s former relatives got involved in the case. and he, misha, says to me: have you decided to poison me? i say in what sense? why are you giving her some advice? give it? i say: well, i’m not stupid, i say, i ’m talking to her like a human being, but she’s on you, she’s still pawning me, and then it turned out that they knew relatives there.
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it’s not true, i say, on the contrary, people will be attracted to me, i say, don’t do this, i also give advice. tatiana seemed right to sue, a twisted and not very clear tangle of mysterious intrigues could not stop mikhail, he, despite everything, was eager to become a tv star, and even the bars on the windows could not stop him, well, then it happened, that she was there, well, in general, she put misha in this... in the yellow house, and after some time he calls me and says: tanya, i’m free, i say that i ran away from the yellow house? he says: no, olga says she brought me an application for divorce. shakespeare's passions will end with a wedding, mikhail miroshnikov will become tatyana sudets' third husband, but this time the central television announcer
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will not change his last name. you see, what’s the matter, it’s not the viewer’s fault that i turned out to be so loving. then i would be grushina, then sudets, then miroshnikova, or whatever it was supposed to be, well, what does the viewer have to do with it, tatiana sudets’s children received their new stepfather well, quickly found a common language, only were happy for their mother, no one accepted him anymore, he studied english with dasha, he to her, he gave her so much, well, misha knew, five or four languages, it was very interesting, he is a very interesting person, very interesting. but i say that i love smart people, he taught me, he taught me, well, when he worked, he uh, well, like undercover, he was a journalist, he taught me journalism, he taught me how to write, that he taught me this,
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i am very grateful to them, it would seem that the tv presenter held the victory, did not flinch , resisted all the machinations, did not allow the relatives of her second... husband to destroy her relationship with the third, she finally found simple female happiness, but this calm will be short-lived. very soon she will receive a blow that will break everything into pieces. he will not live to see 28 years old, as the fortune teller predicted the hardest blow of fate for tatiana, as prophetic dreams warned her son’s bride about, why the investigator refused to let her in for identification, what aunt tanya asked the psychics to do, see immediately after the short advertisement. in his eighties, unmarried, childless, doctor of economics, like a boy, he fell in love with a girl who... three younger than him, i am 75, and my wife is 24, he registered her in his moscow apartment, she
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agreed to become his wife, although in granddaughter is suitable, and gave birth to two sons, i was captivated by his shoes, they were clean, next to me the man should look perfect for his age, i noticed because i looked more on the shoes, i realized that he was somewhere from 45 to 50 years old, but the pensioner does not believe his luck and suspects that his wife gave birth to her lovers, but...
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her first-born son andrei was his mother’s miracle, since childhood he has been a real man defender. andryushka was a miracle, such a boy, everyone loved him, and he was so, first of all , my brother went to serve in the army, and andryushka. there’s this red machine gun, i say, let me help you carry it, and then it’s been 3 years or something, he says, no, the boys have to carry it heavy.
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well, i also showed the smoke, at home, at home, so that i i smoked, that’s what my mother said, i’ll tear off my lips, i know you’re smoking, and thank god, i already have a 5-year-old child, i’ll tear my lips off, i was very afraid of mom, uh, then one day i come home, mom, well, somewhere me your bag, starts shaking it out, i say, what’s the matter, what is this, what kind of roadside check is this, she says, dad is laughing, sitting, i say, what’s the matter, what are you looking for? where are the cigarettes? i say, i don’t have any cigarettes? i know, i ’m saying that you know, dad, but dad said,
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he dreams, he says: your son gave you away! i i say, in what sense? they went for a walk with dad, and my son grabbed the bucket, there was something somewhere behind the benches and said, he’s carrying his grandfather, grandfather, and he’s a grandmother, trampoline, trampoline, and his dudulya, dudulya, that means he’s showing that he’s like that ? he says: when mom comes, dad is coming home, so he goes and says: zhenya, look what, he says, the granddaughter prepared for mom, she, what is it, son, what, and he gives her a bucket with these cherry blossoms, half a bucket , she says, what is this, he tells mom, she says, what, mom smokes, yes, like she smokes, like that showed me how i smoke, i also had a problem, but i didn’t admit it then, no, no, no, i say, we were just joking there, oh, he adored her, he was very proud of her, of course he he didn’t shout at every corner that he
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was tatyana’s son, but he was proud that he had such a wonderful, talented and famous mother, and in general he was a very kind boy, he helped around the house, constantly cleaned their place, washed, ironed, well he treated his mother well, of course his mother, smart, intelligent, well-mannered, the son of a tv star andrein graduated from school with honors. this is how he got into our group, and i had an empty seat next to me, he sat down and began to communicate with me, as if
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he had known me for 100 years, he came without a pen, without a notebook, i gave him everything. well, that’s how we met and became friends. at first elena pogorelova was just a classmate, then andrei’s beloved girlfriend, then she became a bride. she admits that it was impossible not to fall in love with andrei. handsome, slender, with a very short haircut, he kept it short all the time, cut his hair, fashionable, with a great sense of humor and charisma. an optimist, he looked like michele placida, everyone noticed this, everyone said it, and even he asked tatyana alexandrovna several times: mom, were you familiar with michele placida. meeting the groom's family was spontaneous, but very warm. first i met evgenia anatolyevna and my mother tatyana alexandrovna. andrey left,
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it happened when the earthquake in armenia students then. we left to clear away the rubble, including him, and he had some kind of textbook, they gave us one per group, he for some reason he had it, and they gave it to me, i wanted to stop by there and pick up this textbook, i arrived and called her evgenia anatolyevna, asked her to find this book, she found it, she said, come and pick it up, i came, i think i’ll pick it up , i’ll leave now, but no, she sat me on the sofa at home and... for about four hours she didn’t let me go, gave me such an interrogation, asked me about everything, andrei’s classmate made a pleasant impression on his grandmother, then when andrei returned from armenia , and the first thing he told me said, he says: i don’t know how you could charm my grandmother so much, because she usually doesn’t like anyone, then suddenly there was
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such love, from then on... she always called me our alyonushka, our alyonushka, that is she constantly called me herself, i called her, we were very friends, i kept calling my oldest friend, young, beautiful lovers, all the doors were open to them, a happy life awaited them, we constantly walked around moscow, and constantly went to the museum loved it when i... went to the church, but he didn’t go there himself, he kept saying, go, go, go, and i went, he was waiting for me at the gate, what unknown force was pulling andrei to the church fence, sending mystical signs, the terrible meaning of which everyone will very soon understand, he with his very closest friend misha, he went to see fortune tellers, but not because he believed in everything, but
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because misha wanted to, and he was afraid to go alone. not very good, well, in general, of course, this is from the realm of some kind of nonsense, or science fiction, but nevertheless, my dead grandmother i dreamed and said, when your andrei comes to me, i say, why should he come to you, she says: he will come, he will come, but after 3 years he was gone, it was a fine spring day, may 15, 1992 andrei, together
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with friend artyom went out of town to the village of sharapova. artyom, by the way, all the time he was like a black angel to our family, i didn’t love him, and my mother didn’t love him, but he clung to andrei, that’s how andrei was very compassionate, so he, how can it be, his mother is sick there, something else, well, that’s it, my mother is sick, so, well, they left to look for the keys, he didn’t have the keys, artyom didn’t have them, they came with me, there... sharap is on the hunt, let’s go. that day tatyana sudets was returning from a tour in kazan. suddenly, the mother’s sensitive heart sank in pain. i felt it, of course i felt it. no, it was a very good tour, very good, natasha derzhavina and i were traveling from kazan, so, well, everything went so well, just extraordinary, we paid on time, that’s it, here
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we go, suddenly i start crying, he says, what are you doing, i i say, i don’t know, tears are flowing, they pour, they pour, everything, well , they pour in an endless stream, it doesn’t hurt, something doesn’t... nothing hurts, nothing hurts, everything is fine, but tears are pouring, i come home, my mother says, andrei didn’t spend the night, i say, i say that i didn’t call, no, but we didn’t have that, oh well, i say, let him come, well , maybe somewhere there it’s 24 years old, it’s my cousin’s birthday on this day , he invited me to his birthday, so i very... well, for some reason i remembered it, but i had such a terrible depression out of the blue, there was nothing that bad, yes, well, it was some kind of terrible state, i
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wanted to cry all the time, and i even went to bed and i sobbed, i just sobbed, it’s unclear for what reason, well then evgenia anatolyevna and tatyana aleksandrovna said that he was missing, one day missing, two, we are looking for him, we started calling everywhere, everything is everything. no, and no, no, and no, and that we grabbed it, because andryushka, he was such a neat guy that on the second day he put on this t-shirt, or there are underpants, or even overnight ones, so that he never in his life, he spends 2 hours, i say, listen, i say, well, yes, mother sweat , take a swim, not for work, no, he sat there in general, he washed himself, cleaned himself, here 3 days and nothing, no calls, nothing, like dirty clothes. even because of this, i went to the police for three more days, only 3 days have passed, no, no, no, we won’t look for anything there, the guy is young, the police of the early nineties were torn apart, there was chaos in the country
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and it would be difficult to distract employees to search for somewhere... then no one wanted an adult guy who was on a spree, thanks to natasha and frusya, at that time she was just conducting some kind of program there at the internal affairs directorate of moscow and the moscow region. she too, i turned to her, she means call, they called, they immediately accepted my application, everything, everything was immediately accepted, everything, everything, they started looking, well, they looked, they looked, call tatyana alexandrovna, they called, many, they announced on tv, that he was missing, many people called her and said, well , pretending to be... psychics and said that he was alive, that everything was fine, he would be found, i was introduced to psychics, and we walked, he took me to the botanical garden, we walked along these paths, we
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talked to him about something, my mother said so unobtrusively, well, come to this tree, wait, go, walk under that tree so that leaves me, just wait here, he says, in 3 days you will find vitality, he says, yes, well, you know, you say, you, he says, you have become very weak, he says, you need to pump up energy, here you’re going to serpukhov now, now go to serpukhov, and i say
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i agree, there are guys there, they have some of these, well, an ordinary sports club, as i now understand, well, some of these where it’s like mud, something else with the legs, i’m already coming back, i’ve already trained, only now we’re standing at the station, it’s almost approaching and... it started to rain, i don’t know, they say that it’s just like a wall, there was such a wall of rain, right from under the canopy, that is, it didn’t let me out, i say , well, how can i get on the next train, it’s unknown when it will be, and i’m in this rain, that means i ran into the train and got on, well, i think, thank you, god, i’m on my way, as soon as i arrived, the phone rang, tatyana and, you know, she says, we found her, we need to look, i say, where? guys from the region already. what good guys, in general
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i am so grateful to them, i will pray for them all my life, these guys are also from the moscow department of criminal cases of these, we come, sickle, morgue, when i received my criminal case, investigation, i was still, to be honest , i didn’t know who the victim was talking about, insofar as we opened a criminal case only after the fact discovery of a corpse, we assumed that it was possibly the corpse of a young man who disappeared in may 1992. the investigator was the same person who had the most difficult mission - to show the mother.
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in the evening, well, i’ll say this, many years have passed, so the morgues that we come to today that were in those distant nineties are two big ones, so let’s talk about the differences in their condition, i clearly know, i remember because more than once i had to go into that sea, there was no lighting or appropriate lighting there. tables like
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they say it was impossible to wash it or anything else, but it was such an old, abandoned sea, so when she arrived, she asked me to take her to show her, i didn’t do it, you know, we can’t show you today, i say, what does it mean, he is not ready for the show, i say that the vernissage is ready, not ready for the show, i say, we arrived, but he is not ready, i immediately refused her, insofar as i i say, today this is impossible, because we do not have such an opportunity, since i brought it myself, i saw this pestilence, where it is located, so to traumatize a woman when you know that you’re not sure that this is her son, to once again traumatize by showing this corpse in this condition, that’s why i refused her, i say, it’s dark there, i i say, you know, i see you have a newspaper here... i
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have a lighter, i’ll make a torch, i’ll see if the authorities are there, but there’s no light, and he says, i’ll bring some shit, i say, i’ll recognize my son, in general, he was mocking , he mocked me, it will be impossible there to show her that she can do something in this darkness, as they say, see, this is our time now, thank god, everyone has a phone, we can at least somehow illuminate it, at that time it was not there. what opportunity, so i refused her, they left, the next day she came, it was the most monstrous night in tatyana’s life , the judge, hope glimmered in her soul, maybe there, on the table in the morgue, it wasn’t her son at all, but the mother’s heart felt, this is andrei, she tried to drive away dark thoughts, hundreds of terrible questions were swirling in her head, who killed her child for what, and how now after that live? what really happened to
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our aunt tanya’s son? what did he say to his fiancee before he disappeared? how did his suit and sneakers help track down the killers? why did the tv presenter cover her ears during the verdict? watch right after the short commercial. the post-war bitter boom came.
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what's the rubble or what? i respect justice, are you coming with me? look, ivan, i won’t call you a second time, gorky 53, that’s it. it was such a nice day in may and we had a great walk around moscow, we walked around the whole center, then he took me home, elena pogorelova still remembers minute by minute the day when she saw her andrei for the last time, he told me it felt like... this is your last time, i swear to you, i say, i’m going to die again, he says, i say, no hope, that's it, she left, who would have known, yes, when andrei disappeared, elena
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tried her best not to think about the bad, hoped for the best, but all hopes collapsed, i had a dream, again, that... he came to store to choose a white shirt and says: don’t remember, i only need a white shirt, here well, then we put this white shirt in the coffin, first we prepared something beige, but the dead are buried in white shirts, and then i woke up, i already understood, then i went to church, prayed that at least his body would be found . and indeed evgenia anatolyevna calls me, they found him literally 3 days later, well, 3 days after i was in church, yes i was, and so he was found on the twenty-seventh day after his death, at the beginning of june we
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received information that a corpse was found on the territory of the summer cottage, and we have not yet knew whose corpse, because. since it was necessary to go to the place of discovery to establish, the investigation had to reconstruct bit by bit the last day of andrei grushin’s life, follow in his footsteps to find the killers, the crime is not obvious, there are no criminals, so it is necessary to first establish at least the persons who can give any information -that information, so i remember it clearly. that i gave the criminal investigation officers the task of walking through this dacha plot, a cooperative, and the territory is quite big, they interviewed young people, because for some reason, well, we proceeded from the fact that since he was young himself, he could, as
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they say, meet one of the young people, there was communication there. investigators found out that on that fateful day, andrei and his friend arrived at the station and headed to the station. good luck, on the way in the clearing we met a company of young people who were singing and singing songs with a guitar, sitting and singing songs with a guitar, in those years in the nineties, this was one of the favorite activities of young guys, girls, then just m - they came up, uh, well, the word is in favor the word, as far as i remember, uh, they began to get acquainted, and since uh, as i already said,... the guys were still sitting there, abusing alcoholic beverages in small quantities, as far as i remember, they said, they had very little there. andrei's friend disappeared somewhere, tatyana's son the judge found himself in the company of barely familiar people who had a plan to rob a moscow guest. suddenly they
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attacked and began to beat andrei. sinful was dressed that day, uh, he was wearing a sports jacket, sports trousers, sneakers, well... as they say now, he was fine packed, the guys decided in this way, seeing all these clothes on him, at that moment, they decided to lie down on this case, take off these clothes from him, just rob the first person they came to, but they were not going to kill him, well, that’s why he woke up they decided to get rid of him, and if he hadn’t come to his senses, he might have been alive, the first one started on...
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his suit, tried to sell his sneakers, because the sneakers didn’t fit him, so, without a twinge of conscience, he put on the suit, walked around , this is one of the killers. and naumov and ghukasyan, they previously were not convicted, therefore they had nothing to do with the criminal world, how to behave in such a situation, naturally they did not have any experience of skills, therefore , when they began to communicate directly with them, almost one second said that they had committed a crime, subsequently they simply became, each of them began to clarify in... what he was committing, 14 broken ribs, a broken head, the monsters did not leave
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a single living place on andrei’s body, because of the tracksuit, a pair of sneakers, they confessed, they were given 15 years, they were probably released, it was hard, of course, very hard, i would never wish on an enemy, the most vile enemy, what happened to me, i don’t want to, i don’t want to talk about it anymore, it hurts, every time you pick, pick, it hurts, i don’t want it, i’ll be sick again for several days, although they say that over time all this goes away, it’s a lie, anyone who has experienced this will agree with me, she when... uh, they read it here description of the murder, she covered her ears and
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sat sobbing behind her covered ears, just she sat in terrible sobs, covering her ears, because it was impossible to listen to it, it was absolutely a nightmare, don’t ask me anymore, it’s very painful, that’s all, tatyana sudes didn’t know how to survive this pain. she had a very difficult path ahead of her, to put herself back together piece by piece and find the meaning to live on. may 15, 1992, the day that divided tatiana’s life into before and after. although they say that over time all this lies. and who survived this? yes, they will agree with me, the death of a child is the worst thing that can happen in a mother’s life, advice is available
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you can give, you can give advice and someone, uh, someone follows this advice, someone doesn’t, someone says i myself susam, but when you know what it is... pain can be overcome somehow, even let me, i’m turning to those people who can’t cope, i need to tell one, not just someone, but sit alone, tell, talk with that person who is not there, it becomes easier, again, life goes on, even if someone had that one, someone had their only child there. or something else, you can give advice on whether they are being followed, well, if someone
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this program will help somehow survive the grief, god willing, of course she always remembers him, but sometimes, oh, there, for example, one of my children, there, oh, he looks like andry with something like a whacker there or something else, well, he remembers, yes, he will. tatyana aleksandrovna courageously agreed to share her grief with tv viewers, in the hope that her revelations will help someone cope with a similar misfortune. do you know why i agreed to your program? because of your words, when you said that many are there, looking at you, they cope with their misfortune. i don’t know what it’s like to cope alone. it’s very difficult to cope alone, and if it helps someone, these
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are my stories, it will be good, this is the most important thing, it will help, so that people know that under no circumstances should we withdraw into ourselves, as soon as we withdraw into ourselves, for some time i retreated into myself and went crazy, i know that a little. mom tried not to show it, yes, that is, of course, she cried and it was hard, because she loved andrey very much, her first-born, yes, well, in general. he was very kind, good, sympathetic, and well, i tried not to show it, because she understood, yes, that my grandmother was very worried about me because of this, well, if someone starts crying, then naturally, everyone understands it because - for this reason, the general condition and atmosphere in the house
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naturally changes. dari sudets was only 13 when the scum beat her beloved brother to death. i heard the investigator call my mother, and after that my mother just changed, and that’s it, then the funeral, well , somehow everything went like that, sad, sad, in general, without a brother, it was hard, it was difficult without a brother, because i always wanted some kind of support, advice, you can’t always go to your mother, much less to your grandmother. we are still brothers , even though we were 13 years apart, we were still friends, of course, at our own level, and at some level, and the older i got, the more i missed, i wanted to come up and ask, maybe she wouldn’t have made any mistakes if he were alive. dari grew up as a reasonable, careful girl, but
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after the tragedy with andrei, they established for her new strict rules, and i will say that... after my brother was killed, i was then 13 years old, and after this event, i had very strict control over me, that is, i was not allowed to walk there after 9 , after 8, there, if my friends went there, they met somewhere in the cinema, in some clubs, then i sat at home, so that... as a child i did something like that there, i don’t remember, tatyana alexandrovna’s mother and daughter helped her cope with the loss, but there was no man’s shoulder nearby. mikhail was not with me, he was far away, he was on a business trip, so he wasn’t with me, i was alone. returning from a business trip, the third husband
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, tv presenter mikhail miroshnikov, unexpectedly broke down and began drinking. thing, he once swung at me while drunk, i said, this is what i put up with, but i won’t tolerate this, that’s it, we’re not divorced, because we were with misha, no, but he went to his father, i buried my mother, him, i buried his father, i protected him, that is, i did not lose contact with him, in general, we no longer lived together. i'm now maybe i scold myself for the fact that maybe i was too harsh, so that’s what i said, that on the other hand, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, well , i miss him, i miss him, i still love him , i don’t need anyone, tatyana
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sudets admits, their love was real, but even such a strong feeling could not.
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they come up with what they threw there, and whatnot, they tell such stories that you believe, i believed like a fool, then he was coded for three glasses, i believed that it was like that, that it was possible, so who’s judging...
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they don’t worry, they come to their senses, they worry, they repent there, everything, everything, everything, everything, but again time passes and the binge sets in again, we had a binge for 7 days, i just recently began to come to my senses, from on the fourth, from the fourth to the eleventh, we had binges, terrible, terrible, nothing, and you can’t do anything, nothing, neither with prayers, nor with force, well, nothing, well, nothing.
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mikhail miroshnikov died in 1994, his heart gave out, he was only 49 years old, i think these are costs, these are production costs, there such work that it seems to me that it’s difficult without it, even though they say that no one is there supposedly no one, it’s difficult. there are people who are strong, their bodies are strong, and there are people who are generally weak, and even when all this collapse happened, we had everything in the country, everything, everything, and since misha lost himself, i
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feel very sorry for him, i just it’s a pity, he’s smart, handsome, i loved him very much, i still love him, i fight with him, i say, the bastard bear left me, which means i was 47 years old, and he’s still 49. i didn't love anyone else i didn’t get married, i didn’t marry anyone else, not anyone else. the murder of her son, the death of her beloved man, in order not to go crazy with grief, the television star somehow quietly became addicted to a very dangerous game of chance. no, well, i’m actually a gambling gambler, in japan i played mending, well, something, and then in moscow too, but i want you, slot machines saved me from absolutely nothing. to myself, because i was sitting there, stupidly clicking, as i say, cartoons for a lot of money, stupidly, stupidly, well , i was distracted, firstly, i also called it
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alone with everyone, all i have to do is go home, mom, if i cry, mom will cry, you can’t cry at work, it’s the same thing, and you’re sitting there, there seem to be people around, it seems, but no one touched me, i sat there and there tears flowed and flowed, well, yes... the first casino in the ussr opened in talen in the spring of '89, a couple of months later a mountain house appeared here in the sovoy hotel. with the collapse of the soviet union, such establishments began to multiply exponentially . by the beginning of 2000 the turnover of the sphere was about 6 billion dollars. slot machines were in shops, train stations and roadside cafes. ludamania has swept the country. this is galitsin, galitsin casino on starbus.
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sunk in and jumped up, as if as a reward for the trials she had endured, fortune generously showered tatyana with winnings and gifts, not quite 14 cars, i won a one-room apartment, but i didn’t take them all, i had loans there, i left them there , then and then some lada cars there, they didn’t give the full amount there, there they gave half they gave everything, well, no, well, what... i won, yes, that, i was scared myself, the first time i won, it was normal, the second time, they played there every week, the second week, i 'm again the third week, i think , there’s already something here
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, i don’t like it all anymore. my mother gave me one of the cars, it was a pink eight, and such a very beautiful sky, not heavenly, but pink, such an iridescent color, beautiful, eight, for my eighteenth birthday she gave it to me, and i went, unlearned, from the first i handed out the license myself, started driving everything, but recently i was just remembering that, of course
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, i was racing, it was just scary, this is not a game, of course, it’s just like that, she indicated the games, they just had a state, that she, that zhenya, nothing, both cried, both were worried, and was such a pause, that there was such a black streak, and tanya didn’t know where to go from work, to go somewhere in front of people, this is impossible with her trouble, she can’t go home, why... they just cry and sob, she needed some kind of isolation, so she sat there stupidly pressing buttons, come to bed for now, apparently yes everyone has their own place, some go to the club, yes, some go to the bathhouse, well, some go to the casino, why not, well, i went before, yes, she rested there, she socialized there, her friends were there , well, somehow i spent time there,
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relaxing. well, does the amount of money lost correspond to the money won? no, of course, i lost more, of course, although i can’t say that i played big right there, no, i played for a long time, but there was such a time, you know, that there was an opportunity, so there was no extra money, it happened that there wasn’t a penny left at all, and i just didn’t tell my mother, but there was nothing to eat. and for nothing, but i didn’t tell my mother, for tatyana sudets, trips to the casino were an odyssey, and no one has the right to condemn her, the tv presenter faced trials that could break anyone, another catastrophe awaited her ahead, who threw tatyana her fate work book, and
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how our beloved aunt tanya ended up... on the street, why in the nineties she had to become a shuttle driver, why her driver's license was taken away, watch right after the short advertisement, air raid warning, y'all as one and one for all, our weapon is the word, it will be stronger than a bullet and a bayonet, moscow has pulled itself up, has become threatening, the city is taking up arms for a great common cause in...
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here is the premiere on may 8 and 9 at 21:35 on ntv. i know about the dissatisfaction with the current difficult situation, about the sharp criticism of the authorities at all levels. and my personal activities. but once again i would like to emphasize the fundamental changes. a huge country, and even with such a heritage, cannot go through the upheavals painlessly, without the difficulties. when the leadership of the cpsu tore apart a huge country, following the soviet the union sent tens of millions of lives into the abyss. this is the moment i have, apparently this is how my memory works, some moments are completely erased from my memory. memory obligingly erased this page of tatiana sudets’ life, the day when she lost
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her life’s work. the very day when the announcer department of the central television was abolished became history, the time has come, you do that everything is possible, everything, everything, there is no country, there is nothing, all over again. ussr, it got a different name, it probably became a joint-stock company, yes, in connection with this, the profession of an announcer, it was,
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the profession was simplified, one option, eliminated, another option, became unclaimed, the third option, then add ellipses, come up with any words, good or... we were all worried, of course, me too, although i say, i didn’t fully experience this disappointment, i immediately left for another job , also on television, and they lost their jobs, they found themselves, well, what to do next, they handed out books to everyone, for me the event of this
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time was connected with yes , there was another word the destruction of the profession, well, everyone expresses this as best they can. this is tatyana’s story about how she received a work book, where it was written that she was fired, a person who managed to achieve a lot here throughout her previous life, for me this is like a symbol of the funeral of a profession, a great profession for our country, i remember that... i suddenly got scared that everything was over in life
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in general, there was no longer a profession and the place where i left, where i was needed, loved, could, could have, now it’s gone, someone took it and... multiplied this part of life to zero, she says: i couldn’t go, i stopped, cried, fisted and cried, it’s scary, it’s incredibly scary when like this, once you have everything, and no, there’s no profession, there’s no profession, it’s needed, it’s not needed, it’s really needed, they have now come to their senses, this course is starting there, there is something else there, well, who, don’t blame anyone, but the teachers. who and she is no longer there, it’s just that the profession of an announcer, it’s just that the profession of an announcer sounded proud, you couldn’t afford to make any mistakes in the first place, if you made mistakes while still on the air, then they had a board
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shame and it was written there that such and such an announcer made such and such a mistake, now they say whoever wants what, as he wants, there is no diction, well, this is terribly true. then now you’re watching, i can imagine how my mother is worried when everyone is watching it now, it’s unpleasant for me, yes, for example, watching, i don’t even understand what the presenter is saying, but somehow there’s no quality, now this just some kind of simple flow of who says what, who can do what, who can do what, but before there really was just a profession with capital letter, she closed herself off, the resentment was incredible.
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well, danko there ukhin volodya, uncle volodya, well , quite a lot, who voiced, who participated in dubbing, people found themselves, nostalgia for this profession, these were the best years of their lives, it was a wonderful team, it was interesting, they lived alone, as a family , they knew almost everything about each other, well... so they became friends, fell in love, well, well,
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i had some kind of job at that moment, i worked on cable television in the southern district, i taught crochet there, that is, i taught at the institute, i could work for me, that is, i did not fall out of the picture, but some completely fell out of the picture, aunt tanya grabbed at any opportunity to earn money, small regional television - good, i can take knitting courses too. i started teaching at the institute, taught
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the culture of speech, well, somehow i came out of this state, i played in the casino, tanya is smart, with a wealth of life experience, she also experienced something else when everything was taken away from you, it’s so important suddenly becomes so that your life is not taken away, because the most main and important. how to feed yourself, how to feed your mother, how to feed your child, how to live in general, and then there is also this, we were talking to her once, hollywood actors will act in films, and then they are not filmed, they wash the dishes, of course, god forbid, it’s not like it’s not from our arsenal, but crocheting, tanya has always knitted.
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both human and brains. tanya is famous for this. she knows how to sublimate her rich and difficult life experience. what is important and important here now. at that time, tatyana alexandrovna was the only the breadwinner in the family in the arms of her daughter and mother. when a friend suggested taking up a popular business - transporting goods from the middle east, sudets agreed to become a shuttle driver. without hesitation. tanya, a person who,
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even before the event happened, dramatically changed her life, when she took this bag and went to shuttle half the country, tanya, she is a person in image, in relation, she is part of the people, she did not think and didn’t draw, didn’t color my... how many times was it once or
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several times, well, for some reason i don’t care the memory is exactly yes, this is orange, why is this some kind of jacket, well, this went on for two years, they bought, that they bought all sorts of different jackets, knitwear, then these stoves like that for dachas, then what else was all this crone sent there they wrapped it all up, they moved around, it was called friends, comrades. in the market, like everyone else, like everyone else, but the entrepreneur did not turn out very successfully from an honest announcer on central television, yes, we went with a friend, who then deceived me. and me all the time they are deceiving me, i say, i come home to my mother, i say, mom, it’s written on my forehead, i’m a fool, everyone is deceiving me, for some reason everyone is like this, well, god is the judge, herself, don’t be a fool, mom has always been for tatyana sudets is the closest person in life, a support and a wise
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adviser, my mother taught me goodness, she speaks only the truth, she always told me, tanya, it’s better... the bitter truth than a sweet lie, but because i know, i see everything if you 're deceiving me, i see everything in your eyes, in general i still have this somehow by the eyes, i really, if i want to say something there, sparks immediately start from my eyes, and it’s clear that i can’t hide it, i’d rather not lie, i’d better keep silent so as not to give myself away, she there was a strict mother, but at the same time she loved her so much, protected her so much. in general, tatyana alexandrovna’s career, it seems to me, depends half on the influence of evgenia anatolyevna, because tatyana alexandrovna certainly has talent, excellent speech, wit, sense of humor,
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efficiency, but evgenia anatolyevna provided her with a reliable rear, she was proud of her, she tried in every possible way to... do everything quickly, she was an amazing person, at the same time, she loved everyone very much, she loved everyone, there was a charming mother, a mother who adored me, this mommy, she just, well, helped her so much, i
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actually think that tatyana is not just obliged to her, it’s just, well, of course, this is how it should be in a family. but all her life she adored her mother because she helped her raise her children, because well, you know what kind of work it is, from morning to evening and at night, these texts and so on, you have to earn money, who will earn money, so my grandmother helped and thank you, god, charming woman, i really miss my mother, i really miss my mother. i say that at the age of 65 she passed away, that ’s when i was, and i realized that i was a child before that time, a child, i actually had such a mother, i just wasn’t even afraid of anything, nothing like that, when she was gone, i immediately somehow became confused in this life, lost, well, then i
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i got ready, so... i’m still not like my mother, my mother was an amazing person and i will really miss her, of course my mother was the main one in our family, and my mother, the mother of the all-union aunt tania evgenia anatolyevna burantseva, died in 2012, she was 88 years, she was not in the hospital, she was at home, in the hospital, when i called the ambulance for the last time, so i just... this is this ambulance team, i am so grateful to them, they tried so hard, they tried so that she save, well, unfortunately, i’m done, we got her there, that’s it - i sat there for 40 minutes, the doctors tell me, that's it, calm down, go home, at night, go home, everything
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has been stabilized, that's it, that's it, i just got home, i got there, i was driving nearby, the twenty- third hospital, i just got there, the phone rang and that’s it, mom is gone. tanya saw him off on his last journey, and is still worried about it, here at the cemetery, she takes care of everything, will do everything. and like everyone else, like all children, he says: “no, you can’t imagine how much i miss her.” we are all like that, when we think that they are alive, we will still have time to pity them, yes, when this happens, everything is already train. no, i miss my mother very much, and they say that there i thought that you were an adult yourself, it seems to me, mother, now i understand my mother, like... 94 years already, now i understand that this is really so, this
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is how this person occupied everything, he was the main person in my life, the most important, i listened to her, i didn’t listen to her, even though they told me, she was a good daughter, tatyana was crushed, close friends tried in every possible way to help, to get the tv presenter out out of the black abyss of terrible grief, the new year was just around the corner. december 31, 2012 tatyana sudets decided to unwind a little from her gloomy thoughts. this happened literally a few times later. days, let’s say, days after my mother’s death, i was nothing,
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i was just nothing, and i was on tranquilizers, on medications, on all sorts of things, and it was new year’s day, the bustard called me, come to us, i say, don’t i want, but come, so that she’s sitting there alone, well, i got ready, dressed up, drove off and got into an accident, but i didn’t cry the whole time , i didn’t cry, here i am... in front of them, he moves to the side, and i’m pushing myself into this car, which is already an accident, well, well , it all started here, and he came up to me, and i, and apparently from stress, tears started flowing, it was already 10 minutes past twelve, now the tears are flowing from me, i finally cried, and so it was as if i was frozen, i didn’t even cry, march 14, 2013...
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punishment, 20 months of deprivation of the right to drive a car, one justice of the peace, she was just promoting me, i just have to, you know, i wanted to take revenge on her, you just know how to take revenge, i... i asked a friend there for a lawyer, i i say: tell me, please, if i go to her meetings all the time, i’ll just go and sit and look at her, because she wrote in it, she said that she allegedly, yes, she said that she allegedly died mom, i’m supposedly for this, i was ready to break her up, what is this supposedly, the divorcer is joking, so i say, i want to go to all her meetings, i just can’t watch...
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driving, she admits, without a car , like without hands, well, if you take into account when i passed and studied, it was in the eighties, like this that’s what i’m constantly traveling, it ’s probably 1986 somewhere, perhaps that’s enough of the tragedy of dramas, it’s time to tell you how everyone’s beloved aunt tanya lives today, to finally find out the secret of her eternal youth, i have interesting ones, yes envy. aunt tanya will not cry anymore,
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immediately after the advertisement, happy mother and grandmother tatyana aleksandrovna judge, is it true that she had plastic surgery, and how she managed to beat her villainous fate, watch immediately after the short advertisement. and we have a surprise here, someone safe revealed, only one person can correct the situation, kostafiev, he will become a friend among strangers, you are now our famous luger, disguise yourself so completely as not to be a stranger among your own, they sent his case, pro-uprisings in the prison camp, you heard, can you imagine how this man is dangerous in the wild, i will find him and shoot him. i promise you this, i am legal, and i don’t have any evidence of my noble heroic mission, a criminal, a police
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wife, you think. now they are already big, vlada lipa is also his mother, she gave it to him, we have the whole linden alley it's called, you see, linden chestnuts we have here , i love how linden blossoms, how delicious it smells, it's crazy that we have a street here, the name is written linden alley, my mother's name was dacha - the favorite vacation spot of the honored artist of russia
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tatyana sudets, but today she is not just a summer resident, but invited... you know, now, when i wake up in the morning, i say, i turn to you, good morning, tatyana alexandrovna, there is a big holiday in snt, russia day, tatyana alexandrovna has prepared the elements corresponding solemn moment, how good, how great it is that there is holy russia, where happiness is equally shared, where there is laughter and sadness nearby, where they pray, grieve and believe to the end that god
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has pity on us, will not turn away his face, where? they celebrate, they celebrate like this, where they drink vodka out of grief, where people are very different, but they sing about one thing, that the reeds sway, that the volga is the mother river, the song does not end for many centuries, and even if i do not prophesy, i am not afraid to believe that will never end, my holy russia, a song for the soul, i was pretty. noah trusting, was, quite romantic, i was flirtatious, i was carried away, yes, i was wrong, yes, not my fault, not mine, well , i was looking for a prince, i was looking for a prince,
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i was looking for a prince, i was looking for a prince, i was looking for a prince, but where can i get them? are the good ones already busy? do we need bad ones, girls? no, of course, after the performance , tatyana’s friendly family sits down at the table, dancing and singing take a lot of energy. for meat, if you don’t want it, you’ll only be small, small, very small, now small, straight, just wait, huh? my little boy, today tatyana aleksandrovna is a happy mother and grandmother, she has three grandchildren, but as a grandmother, she is more strict, she loves her grandchildren very much and she wants it, it’s just that now there is such a generation, a consumer generation of children now, and children do not respect anyone, so my mother tries to put this in them, respect, but she sees,
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that they don’t want to take it, of course, he starts to worry about it, he loves them all very much, to tanya, this is for you, oh, thank you, thank you, did you do something yourself, yes, well done, tribute, if you want to try, try it, i went to do my homework, come on, i can cope, of course, i have to be there, but when they obey, but when i’m away for a long time, i miss them, but then when they come, especially when... there was a pandemic, we were all here together, i hated them, i was ready to kill them, to be honest, i told them, they tell me , like children, he says, yes, these are bastards, not children, oh, these are children, i say, yes, yes, children, they are the flowers of life, yeah, i say, well, let them bloom on someone else’s windowsill, not mine, but i, i honestly say that i certainly get tired of them, especially when they are now
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the same age as the older ones, kiryukha, he’s 15 already. we are finishing ninth grade, anya is already 12, she will have four danks, she needs to be needed, well, first of all, no, she loves this more, they have this all the time, let me pour it for you now, take it, oh, give it , pick it up, this is mine, this is ours, okay, no, danechka, no one
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is taking you away, this is mine, yours, yours, quiet, quiet, look here, there is also ours, there is also ours, what are you saying, they took everything ? full of vitality, doesn’t forget about her appearance, openly admits, i had plastic surgery when i had a tragedy with my son, naturally i i cried, i had these hernias under my eyes, that’s all, but the profession is still a profession, and they just offered me to do it, i did it, well, i already have it as always, i just have... an operation, i i closed my eyes there, and they had to do
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my eyes all at once, circles and eyes, but i wake up all bandaged, and my eyes are still the same, and i say, and i go to the doctor, i say, what’s wrong with me? they started doing it, she said, tatyana aleksandrovna, when did you start bleeding, she said, we were scared, did the blood start flowing? you came to your senses and we, you say, sat down, we ask you , we’ll make eyes, well, i said, go away with your eyes, again she says she fell, and we say they didn’t do it for you, the surgeons worked for glory, but the main secret of legendary beauty tatyana sudets is completely different, when they ask me, tell me the secret of your youth, what cream do you use, i say, what cream, as everyone uses, is what i use, what is on hand, what i use, but... our aunt tanya doesn't cry, we hope she never does again, she
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in demand, happy and loved, proudly smiling from the screen with her famous charming smile, everyone is dissatisfied with evil. ivan fedotov was with you, see you in a new, exciting series based on real events.


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