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tv   Moi grekh  NTV  May 6, 2024 4:25am-6:00am MSK

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will not be, she is in demand, happy and loved, proudly smiling from the screen with her famous charming smile, out of spite to everyone who is dissatisfied, ivan fedotov was with you, see you in a new, exciting series based on real events.
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good morning, hello. yana borisovna, good morning, should i serve breakfast?
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heaven, how many times should i repeat, breakfast at least 40 minutes after the run, uh-huh, uh-huh, good morning, good, where are you, so early, it’s a day off, i’m leaving, i’m leaving, you! i said, but the swiss project, yana, i’m leaving you at all, i can’t, antosh, damn it, i can’t do this anymore, antosh, antosha, antosh, you know, it’s time...
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i’ll leave it to you, and i’ll transfer the money to the card, is this some kind of joke, or what? that's it, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, forgive me, that's it.
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yaana borisovna, dasha asks what to cook for lunch, chicken or fish, it doesn’t matter. chicken, yes, iron anton sergeevich’s shirts, he will need fresh ones, he went on a business trip, he was urgently called, antosha,
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yanka, hello, what, i thought it was anton, but are you the same? car and this is vadkina, he how i rode on an anthokina, immediately bought the same one for myself, oh, well, it’s hot, water, listen, why did you so joyfully rush to meet your husband? anton just left, well , for a while, he’s very tired, he works a lot, we ’ve been together for so many years, we need to live separately,
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take a break, yeah, when everything is settled, we can go to the islands, to polynesia, we dreamed about it so much, he left after all . still, what does this mean? well, he’s had this for a long time, wait, didn’t you know anything? i thought you were holding your face like that? no, well, for sure, everyone knows. everyone knows who she is, like who, lenka, lenka,
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lenka zhakova, uh-huh, why is he doing this to me, because i never, i’m done. listen, maybe it’s lenka who fooled the guy’s head, mm, let’s go to her, let’s talk, hmm, we’ll figure it out, hmm, we’ll figure it out, i mean? let him explain to me, let them both explain, let's go on mine, the keys, give me why, i'll drive, you're not
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too fresh, i concede, after all, you have... weight category, what, why, i'm silent, you want to say that i’m fat, i’m silent, quite the opposite, no, she definitely has them now. they have nowhere else to be, nothing, nothing, we’ll give them a honeymoon month, why are you chasing the police,
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i’m not chasing the police yet, i’m on my way, you’re lenkin’s house, you remember exactly, right all the time, i’ll show you. “you know, i have a feeling that she just doesn’t want to live, she doesn’t eat, doesn’t talk, although the fact that she survived such an accident is generally a miracle, well, there’s a concussion, a few hematomas, a scratch, as they say , got off easy,
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yes, well, yes, but does she know that polina died?” yes, tell me, no one comes to her except you, she has no relatives at all, no, no one. yes, you are anton sergeevich you mean, yana borisovna, not anton, and i ’m not yana, oh my god, if not yana, well, yes, according to her passport, she’s really not yana, she’s ulyana, you know, there’s no need to disturb her now, let’s go, it’s better for her to rest. yana
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borisovna, hello, hello, here are some flowers for you, i made your pies, my favorite ones, here i brought them, oranges, vitamins for you, oh, i’m sorry, and don’t worry, everything is in order with the house, i’m watching, anton sergeevich came and took it all your things, yes, here’s more, anton sergeevich asked me to tell you that the house is yours, that you can live in it, that everything will be fine with the money, yeah, “i understand, yeah, anton sergeevich asked me
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to stay with you, i can stay, i can, of course, well, i won’t bother you, rest, that’s all . ” goodbye, get well, you will definitely get well, yana borisovna, and you will go somewhere to the sea, you will relax there with friends, swim there, everything will pass, everything will be fine, everything will be wonderful, here is yana borisovna, raya. bring me my documents, a bag of clothes, okay?
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yaroslavsky station 500 rubles. let's take it.
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why are you here, i forgot my keys in moscow, it’s okay, i have the keys, i’ll open it for you, let’s go, let’s go, and i’m thinking who it is there, and it’s you, oh, how, here, and you have there i? i water the flowers and wind up the clock, but i washed the windows before easter and don’t touch anything else, yeah, that’s it. how many years have passed? 11, lord, it’s not already 11, well, come in, mistress, and i would have known that
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you would come, at least wipe the floors, otherwise he, where does this dust come from? well, everything is like with your mother, she was good, galina lukyanovna, she always helped, but we didn’t strangers, neighbors, lived in perfect harmony, and always grabbed money before payday, sugar, onions, did not refuse anything, only you had to sell your piano, she was a bright person, the kingdom of heaven. and i go to my family here , too, to your mother, he planted daffodils, they bloomed, how she loved these daffodils, remember, she even grew them on the windowsills
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in the winter. but i don’t remember, well, it was later, after you were here, the temple, do you remember our ancient one, how good it was, father?
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but i don’t know how you can ask a poor thing, you’re baptized, yeah, he’ll hear, thank you, go. are you galinda lukya, daughter? well, yes, i don’t remember you at all. why haven't you eaten at all? didn't like the borscht? no, i just. you starve yourself there in moscow with diets, fashionable ones, i saw on tv. wait. by the way, about
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moscow, we want to go to competitions this fall. i do aircraft modeling, how old is he? 13 will be, let's go, i 'll show you, oh, let's go, let's go, here, sit down, this is my first model, yeah, that's what i'm working on now, look at the fuselage, pine, that's the stabilizer, well, let's go, yeah, oh, here you go
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it’s me, yes, wait with your models, well... well, he’s the only one who went, he’s got green on his forehead, well, mom, what’s mom, go, he’s in kindergarten, not mom, they congratulated him, there he is in a white shirt standing, thin neck, this is in a children's camp, they are your bear and the same age. oh, thank you, lyubash, i'll go, okay.
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how much? well, let's get her, but what about him? it’s okay, look where she ran, just don’t get in your way!
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i don’t advise you to dive here, we usually dive over there, reinforced concrete blocks were sunk there last year, like this the reinforcement bars are sticking out, vovchik over there took a risk last summer and broke his god. seven stitches were put in, my head still doesn’t hurt, but... why are you doing this, well, look, i have a son just like you, his name is misha, and
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where is he in moscow, i don’t know where he is, i told him, come on, you guys are running around, what are you looking for, help, i need documents for a child and a waiver.
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“i don’t remember him at all, but i remember him, he was so funny, his toothless mouth was drooling in all directions, but when he saw me or my grandmother, he smiled, and he ate, he burped again to his chest, he banged his fist, they ask why breasts, he ate formula, i sent it from moscow, we didn’t feed him chemicals? i had a lot of milk, since i didn’t suck it all out, but i felt sorry for him, and so
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without his mother, and even without milk, thank you, whatever it is, thank you, you were no stranger to me, like you were then after my mother’s death... i gave it away, i almost went crazy, i even went there to the baby’s house, i wanted to take it, but who will give it to me, alone with the child, well, i couldn’t take him then, at first i thought, now i’ll get back on my feet, and then i met anton i fell in love, i fell terribly in love. i wanted to tell him everything about misha, that i have a son , that he is with his mother, but he once said that
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he wants his own. and i would never marry a woman with a child, and i said nothing, then i said nothing, i was afraid that anton would leave, when my mother died, misha had to, i simply had no other choice. moscow, moscow, it turns on a person, you spin, you rush somewhere, you don’t remember yourself, and then i thought it was too late, i persuaded myself, you know,
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no, i understand, forgive me, i’ll go, i’ll find you, i’ll find you . i need to go to heaven center, where? urgently, vedishchef, what are you saying, friend, no one will take you there now, why? yes, because sit here, now we’ll go with you, kebabs, vinishka, fuck you!
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somewhere in the garden, please turn off this crap, but i like it, i’ll pay extra for silence.
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city of vedishchev, sadovaya street, wherever you want, here to malyutka’s house, yes, there doesn’t seem to be anything like that here, listen, well, i don’t think i asked you, there’s a fence here, stop, that’s enough. "sorry, can't you tell me, this is a baby's house, that this is a baby's house, there aren't any
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" baby" , maybe city health, thank you, idiot, here... for, well, we found what we were looking for, oh well, if you don’t
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want to, don’t say, i’m now... what, i ’m going back to palov now, maybe i’ll look there, not do you know what time the city health center opens? i know, the city health center opens in the morning? yeah, will you take me to the hotel, i hope you have two hotels, of course. there are no vacancies in your hotel, okay, let's go, where, to the other, to the second, what's the second, we already said ourselves, there are two hotels in the city, yes two, but the second one is under renovation,
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great, how much do i owe you for delivery , hotel, 5000, listen, you're not tired yet, huh? okay, let’s go, at least spend the night on a normal bed, i, of course, don’t promise silk underwear, but why, don’t i go to you, why, why did you decide that you’re coming to me,
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“here, please settle down, don’t be with your aunt.” pay attention, she is carrying what she knows what thank you for signing up, and when you finish bringing women to me, what kind of women, well, there’s nowhere to spend the night, why are you yelling all the time, and i’m at your house, let’s stop, well, what a pile, and brains - then where is auntie, i’m driving, in a pile, and so..." in the morning she’ll leave, keep walking, it’s me, listen, you could knock, excuse me, it’s
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me - i’ll arrive tomorrow at 8:30 and take you, that’s it, thank you, no problem, good night, guest, are you almost asleep, look, i’m driving myself, tear, oh, give me five drops for health, i don’t drink, i’m sick, listen, i’m tired, i can barely sit, well, i wasn’t lying on the feather beds either, listen, is it a scroll you have , nothing, just an acquaintance, oh, does he have such just acquaintances? it's a cart and a cart, so don't be too soapy, he's a distinguished guy, you always follow him, in shoals, but you won't cart, she said, i don't drink, vitka,
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he's a good guy, alone? he pulled the rings, and the wife, the wife, isn’t this a slut’s wife, she was floating away, in general, it’s 500 rubles for an overnight stay.
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thank you, uh-huh, listen, i wanted to offer you, maybe you can drive me around for a few days, and i’ll pay you well, uh-huh, are you using me as a driver, or what? a thousand a day will suit you, listen, well, actually, i actually work, i drove you around because... i have accumulated weekends, well, today i have a shift, so first of all, take your money from yesterday, thank you , no need, and secondly, can i have your phone number for a second, this is mine, here’s my number, call me as much as i can,
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i’ll help, yeah, agreed, hmm, do you really earn more than a thousand a day at your job, well? you're all about money, lord, forgive you, what's your name? ulyana, ulyana, a viktor is very nice to me, you know, at my job i feel like a human being, this... hmm, i see, ulyana, don’t teach me how to live, you’ve found a smart one, yeah.
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my work is not going well, i’ll pay, it’s being provoked, do you want me to lose my place? and the folders for the nineties are generally
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at the top, they are not on the computer, please look. so, mikhail pokropsky is not here either. how is it, why not? well, maybe he died. if he died, then there must be a death certificate. well i do not know. but they could
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have changed his last name, they could have, so we’re just looking boy misha, born in his ninety-eighth year. hello, excuse me, i need the director of the orphanage, everyone does, i’ll have to wait, they’re having lunch, listen, i can’t wait. i really need it, it’s clear, try, egorka,
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what, take me to the director, okay, let’s go, egorka, yeah, how old are you, egorka, eight, there’s more, mash, let’s go, what, here. thank you, bear, bear, come here, i ’ll show you, well, that’s who did it, but we’re completely disorganized, let’s quickly go to the teacher, no, but good afternoon, who let you in, no one, myself, myself, well, i came in on my own
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come out, take advantage of this... that i have a secretary in verletene, i have visiting days, tuesday, thursday, from 10 to 12, well, i’m having lunch, leave the room, bon appetit, i ’ll wait, thank you, why should i call the security guard, yegorych, i i'm sorry, i'm looking for my son, his name is misha. born in the ninety-eighth year, his last name was pokrovsk, now maybe, maybe now, maybe the last name has changed, changed, maybe it can’t, you , apparently, gave up the child, yes, yeah, therefore no
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rights to you no longer have it, by law i i have no right to give you any information. moreover, this information is confidential with us, but then our kids don’t stay long, maybe he was already adopted a long time ago, adopted, who? yegorych, who? what is it? how dare you, come on, take this away immediately. well, you have all the information about adopted children. i beg you, help me, this. it’s very important for me, if you need more, here, come on, come on, take it away from here, they’ll give birth, the state, then find it, take it where they are carrying you, monday, no, look where the devils are carrying you, what are you on
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i wanted a pension, take it away from there, but it went down, like no, well, where did it go?
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it’s a pity, it’s a pity. after all, yegorovich, alcohol is the highest,
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in russian. ivanna, are you an imam? payna, and most importantly, it’s my fault, where’s the key, where’s
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the key, you old horseradish, you left it in the door yourself, what a sword? infection, yes, hello, vi! this is ulyana, remember me? i remember, did something happen? yes, it happened. i really need your help. when
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right now. where are you, in the city? no, i'm on fire in an orphanage. well, how can i tell you, in general, here i was locked in the office director. well, call someone. i can't call them. you understand, this is the second floor, i'm afraid of heights. what kind of window is it? third or fourth window from the left. how did you even get there? i'll explain everything to you later. it's clear. so, finally, do something? i will do. yes, are there bars on it? no. so, sit quietly and wait, i will definitely come. yes, switch your phone to vibration. i'll call again. all.
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hey, honey, what are you going to do?
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now ivanovna has gone completely crazy, at night the light is in the office you're talking about is on, that's the key in the door, hello, just yegorovich, hello, honor, you forgot to turn off the light in the office, where? in the office, just like that, i don’t even know, ivanovna, the main thing i thought was that you were sitting in the office, yeah, at night, that’s right, and most importantly, the key is hanging in the lock, oh, yegoryvich, don’t fool me , i’m on my own yesterday i was closing the office, come on... what are you saying, i can’t get used to it, that’s for sure, the key was hanging in the lock, ulyana, ulyana made
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a round, i see the door is open, you know, key, run the rope around your belt, now, now, come on, come on, come on, stop fooling me, talk about the write-off! i was already thinking, thank you, listen, maybe
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you’re just crazy, huh? well then, tell me, what have you gotten yourself into here? only the truth? i gave away my child many years ago. “the price of a little one for a little one’s home, it happened that way, it’s clear, and now you want to find him, but you couldn’t do it legally?” "
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okay, show me what, what did you dig up from the headmistress, i think this is my son, misha. look, misha in russian, you just forgot one write the letter, in fact he is pokrovsky, he was adopted, he became barinov, 3 years ago, you see, a farmer, barinov, here is the address, very close here, in another district, in the neighboring one, look, well, yes, not far, just
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some 300 km. it's like, hello, hello!
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they adopted us all here, well , oh, so much more, that's what it is here, give me a little more, and i and i want, yurka is a parasite, come on, he gave it to the pigs, come on, okay, he gave it, here he gave it, he gave it to the chickens, sinegalka's turn, their turn, well, well, what is this, well, what is this, how we entered the gate, i have a jamb, lock the gate, quickly.
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over the years, they recruited abandoned children and made them free workers, they still receive money from the state for them, that planter needs to do something, it is necessary, if someone pressed my mitka like that, i would this nit, with whom are you my son, yes, he ’s a little boy, but he’s independent, he studies well, and our pavarikha larka looks after him, feeds him, then that’s it, okay, let’s go, where, where, to the authorities,
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where, we go, yeah, don’t you understand, they are these children are used as cheap labor, and uh-huh, there are small children there, and they’re 5 years old, so, in short, well, i kind of look, and so... they look, everything is legal, they’re dressed, with shoes , kids, everything is there, so you, uh, don’t get angry,
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yes, thank you for the second, thank you for the second, what a bitch, lieutenant, so, let’s get out of here, you, this is now to whom, you are this to whom now, wait, where are you going? do you need your misha there, to barinov? yes, then sit down. “so, i’ll talk to this dad now, and in the meantime, you guys find out maybe they’ll say something, just come in from the other side, yeah, come on, hey, ram, come out,
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you’re looking for misha, yes, yeah, eh..." he ran away a long time ago, two years ago, where, he ran away, where, i don’t know , and no one ever looked for him, well , one time they came from the city, and so this one bought them for half a day, and then shoved all the money, but who needs us, i loved mishka most of all, he’s good, he protected me. , he himself did this for me, you find him, okay, and
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give him, tell him, galya gave it to me, i saved him , thank you, thank you, oh, oh, police , oh, oh, police, help, oh, oh, i help, oh! , oh, once again, if you fool anyone, even if you lay a finger on me, i’ll strangle you , my bastard, you bastard, you won’t get away with it, you bastard, the whole administration in the area knows, look, let’s go, he’ll still get his, he’ll get it, will get it, the girl told me how
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it was with them here, but misha ran away a long time ago, where, i don’t know, it’s clear. well, in theory, there should be a station here somewhere, and from there you can rush anywhere, i myself wanted to get out of the house, i even got to the station twice, and, most likely, so did i.
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well, it’s hot and the main thing is that everything is the same, everything is melting, oh, come on, i was tormented for this day, i threw 2 kilos of ice there, it’s still leaking, mitya, ice cream. do you want, borodino, with me, you
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're distracting, you're tripping me up, fruit ice, but help yourself, help yourself, it's still not up to standard, take it, thank you, come on , stand, stand, come on, stand, wait, damn you children, i’ll catch you, i’ll rip your head off, no, you saw it, no, you saw it, right there.
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chuger, guys, however, come on, quickly, quickly, legs, wait, guys, what is needed, she was with this, with the hippopotamus, that she wanted ice cream, bye bye, delicious, delicious. i uryana, what is your name? why do you need it? are you from the police? no, i’m looking for a boy, his name is misha, but i don’t know what he looks like, he’s 12 years old, there’s no misha here, go away, what wait, do you remember that little guy who whipped him, but his name seemed to be mishka, that’s right, mikhey, he it was about 10 years ago when he jumped, well, he kept going to the sea. to go, got on the train, his conductor
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turned, he stood between the cars at the turn and fell off, so it was exactly about a year and a half ago that they took everyone to the distribution center, and who was this bear to you? would you like me i can show you the place where it is, it’s not far here, on a hill there, there’s always nobody’s burial there, let’s go.
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this is where the bear was kept. i didn’t have time, i didn’t have time, i didn’t have time.
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i didn’t have time, it’s yours, forgive me,
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i lost my dream, i remember he was a good guy, micah, come on, don’t clink your glasses,
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ulyana! nice! ulyana! where? dedenka, let go! let go, baby! i didn't take anything, baby! yes, here we go! oh, madam, ugh, yes, you're drunk, don't touch the woman, she's in trouble, she's been hit by a train, little target, you know, wait, by the train,
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wait, ulena, he killed misha by the train, how, how well, just like that, she killed. he wanted to leave, and he, oh, what a good boy he was, oh, what a boy he was, his little white hair glows, and his eyes are so blue, i tell them, oh, mishan, don’t look at me like that, you’ll burn a hole, oh, what eyes, eyes? strong, like little ones, it’s not him, it’s not him, you’ll understand, it’s just as well, it doesn’t happen that at first they were brown, then suddenly blue doesn’t
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happen, look, it’s him, he, look, he! so it’s not him, he was white with a thin neck, thin, thin, as white as a dandelion, not like that, oh well, uliana, uliyan, let's go. that's it, that's it, that's it, let's go, let's go, ulyana, that's it, let's go, ulyana, what is this? so, i was in the police, i found out, yeah,
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yes, indeed, from time to time, they conduct raids, catch these kids and take them to the distribution center, so over the past 2 years there have been only three mishas, ​​here is fedorchuk, 8 years no good, but egor at 15 isn’t either, here’s another misha, 10 years old, dark hair. and this is him 10 + 2 = 12, this is misha, let’s go, vidichka, this is him, wait, please stop for a minute, i’m here now. well is that?
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this is not yours, sorry, yes, i’m listening, so tell this figure not to poke his nose in there anymore, understand me, that’s it, i ’ll be there in a couple of hours, sorry, it’s a tongue-in-cheek, we have it there. uh-huh, who? oh, yes, my little
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mitka, i call him shpuntik. in short, i ’ll give you a lift to the distributor, and i’ll interrupt the service myself before they make a mess there. water? yes, of course, don’t be upset, well, we’ll get through it. young man, wait, please don’t close, the woman is closed, that’s it, come on monday like it’s monday, dear, i really need it, please, i ’m looking for a boy, very good, we’ll look for it together on monday, i beg you, but what can i do so that you listen to me, well, come with me and have a beer, for example, i’ve been talking all day... . you dreamed, it’s so hot, yes, yes, i, you see, i have a son, misha, in general, it
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happened, many years ago i did something stupid, stupid and mean, i gave him away, now i’m looking for him, i understand that i didn’t. i deserve attention, but maybe you can help me, what’s his last name, we only have one mikhail here, ivanov, ivanov, they call him the most common. last name, year of birth, ninety-eighth, it fits, well, an orphanage in sertinsk, wait, but i think i remember this kid, he was so aggressive, the kid, he was egging everyone on here to make a fuss, they sent him to sertensk, there... 600,
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yes there there is an address and a phone number, 600, excuse me, i can call you there, there’s a phone number, excuse me, i’m just afraid that they won’t talk to me, maybe you? dial, hello, oleg petrovich, yeah, vorotnitsky, i’m here about the boys, i’m calling, ivanov, mikhail, ninety.
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when i understood, i understood, i understood, i understood, i understood, oleg petrovich, i understood, yes, yes, thank you very much, in short, they are adopting him, some austrians, when today, today they take him. why are you sitting there, run, the train is leaving there soon, run to the station, run, good afternoon, i have one ticket, it’s already gone, take it for tomorrow, i’ll go in the evening, it’s not late for tomorrow today,
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i have it, thank you, please, hey , there is someone, there is, but what do you need here, citizen, listen, see what is written, outside entry is strictly prohibited, and who are you, that’s right, that same outsider, it’s urgent, you know, you call the pilots or someone from the authorities, yeah, i wanted to fly, i’ll ask you, with my hands, touch me, woman, this is actually a protected facility, outsiders can’t be here, yes you understand, there is no need to fly to serdensk, don’t
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shout, citizen, leave the facility, you can’t, you can’t, i said. and why are you standing there with a check, the eggs are burning, run, bestovych, i told you, you need to watch, where is he, what? look, excuse me, i urgently need some medicine, do you? how did you find me? you, you pilot? but i didn’t know, i urgently need to go to
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sertinsk. now he has been adopted and is being taken to austria. where else are you going? you are not allowed to take off without permission from your superiors. call him. first, first, i have an abortion 48. vasilich. i request
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permission for an emergency flight, are you drunk or something? what flight? vitya, mitya, start the water. eat. thank you. thank you. thank you. what are you doing, you see, he’ll take your head off, he’ll definitely take it off, but then, let’s get into the cabin, yes, man, how are we doing with vodka now, hold on!
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fuck! stop, stop, whoever they say, somehow, you, you're like, i'll fire you, goddamn mother, who are you going to fire, dude, yes, you were still pissing in your pants when he was already flying on mikes.
5:49 am
good afternoon, hello, where is michael? don’t worry, the children just woke up, they’re going to have breakfast, if necessary, we ’ll wait, why, they’ll dress him and bring him in now. maybe this one will stop, wait, wait, yeah, kids, i told you, wait at the airfield, and wait yourself, oleg petrovich. well, go, mishenka, go, michael, hello, my good boy, say hello. michael,
5:50 am
give this to your friends, these are gifts for your friends, well done, please, michael. please, hurry up, we are in a hurry, well , misha, you should remember us, well, michael, we have to go, you have a train to this, to austria, by train to moscow, and from there by plane to austria, actually, my name is misha, now your name is michael, get used to it, well, oleg petrovich, thank you! for everything, all the best, all the best to you, welcome, happy, of course, of course, you're there, come on, that's it, good, well,
5:51 am
that's all, michael, say goodbye, goodbye, happily, goodbye, bon voyage. misha, where is ivanov, where, how, where, they took him away, where, well, to this, to austria, when they took you away, yes, just now, you may still have time, let’s go, and you, you to him, who will be in the present, misha,
5:52 am
mishenka, hello! no, no, this is a mistake, his mother is not there, this is a mistake, my mother is different, no, i, mother, are yours, listen, open the door for me, son! his mother died 9 years ago from drugs, it's true, i'm sorry, you just didn't recognize me, she says his mother died 9 years ago from drugs, sorry, we're in a hurry, yes, goodbye, goodbye.
5:53 am
how do you know german? did you serve in germany? oh, don’t worry, he will be found, he will definitely be found. it’s all in vain, i’ll never find him, this is my punishment, they treated me. my, have some tea, thank you.
5:54 am
don’t kill yourself, ulyan, everything will still happen, if you give birth to a child, i won’t give birth. okay, you won’t give birth, you’ll take him from an orphanage, there are so many of them that no one needs, i took mitka, so this is not yours, not your son, no, he came to the airfield a couple of years ago, shook the kid, the poor fellow is on mails, obviously from where -he ran away, though he doesn’t say anything, even now, so he went,
5:55 am
processed it, registered it in your name. sweated, of course paperwork, red tape, bureaucracy, ulian, here, for tea, thank you, excuse me, i’ll probably go, where? wait, wow, where did you get it from , the jackdaw said, so you were at the borinovs? you are misha, you are
5:56 am
my son, my son, why him? mitya, oh, he called himself that, how he came here, that it was for fishing, yes, look, where did he run, my dear, kishek.
5:57 am
i’m mitka, mitya, yes, you are traitors, you are all traitors, i don’t believe you, you are no longer my father, you want to give me, you want to give me, calm down, yes you... want to give me, she’s no one to me, no one, so you, misha, you are from the master escaped, but you didn’t tell me anything, but i was digging the ground with my nose, looking for mitya yarofe, but there was nothing like this anywhere, misha refuses. “mish,
5:58 am
forgive me, yes, the main thing is that i found you, so i should go home, okay, i’ll go.”
5:59 am
uriana. uliana is approaching. thank you.


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