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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  May 6, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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for free. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the floors. i love it, i recommend it. sportsmaster presents. outventchu brand. reliable travel equipment, buy it in the sportsmaster mobile app and get double cashback bonuses. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. gorky 53 premieres today at 20:00 on ntv.
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how come you couldn’t all take turns at once, please, bring your phone number, huh? thank you for your help, just so you
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know, i don’t have money for a new phone, i understand, yes. what, what a casino, but i got it, i got it, let's get there now, have another drink, coffee, let's go, it's time to go to work, come on, come on, come on, i need big evidence, what an asshole, and i think,
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why does your place smell so bad? to himself, well, fuck off, he thinks, who is the cat in our mishkatler? a part-time manager of a funeral service salon and an underground casino, he stole a thief's baton, yeah, that's how i see it often they took everything out, and even took the chips today. they just dropped me off in person, well , they acted on a tip, on what tip, what are you scratching, everything is on their mind, how could they know that there was a casino here, even if i didn’t know about it, it’s logical, well, they stupidly came to funeral home, buy a few monuments, got a ride here, that’s it, maybe go home, oh, sorry, i didn’t mean to, i didn’t do it on purpose, i saved my pants. even dry,
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there is a conversation, you have chosen an intimate place, even sell a coffin at a discount. i want to offer money for charity, as the first day you know me, it doesn’t interest me, i can offer you seeds of a brick, why find the one who did this, a clever man, even cheerful, and it seems like he can drain a competitor, get his money back, handsome man, i heard you interested in a coffin with a discount, ugh, not interested, return the lighter. think about my proposal. so we have a murder robbery. there are
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zero suspects. are you sleeping or what, max? you speak, speak, lyosh, if it’s easier. i 'll tell you everything now. come on. the robbers didn't know that there was a casino there, they wanted to rob a funeral parlor, there was simply no respect for the deceased, and that they were going to steal a coffin for the deceased? lyosh, lyosh, lyosh, lyosh, well, respect, you have a version, here ’s a version, and the cards told you what the cards have to do with it, it’s all from me, it’s noticeable, more precisely from the flashlight. someone from those around him brought it to his home, someone who knew, accumulated the presence, that is, the suspect is everyone who knew about the money, and i tell you again, they were just stupidly lucky, unlucky.
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i was kidnapped on the bus, hello lenka, hi, are you unpleasant, of course, i’m lising, well, let’s buy you a new one, lesh, you’re crazy, this is a family jewel, given from grandmother to granddaughter, even maksimov remembers it as an illness, very funny, this is a priority for you. i don’t know how, but please find me this pendant, waste your lunch break on me, i’ll be left without lunch, oh, what are you whining about, you can’t find the damn pendant for your wife, policeman, you said something just
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now, no- no, no, i’m having lunch, okay, i’m going to look for the family jewel, you’re with me, max, no, your wife is your priority. oh, it’s time for me to offend, bon appetit, thank you, wow, you’re our volcano, come on, come on, quickly, catch it in the harrypot, yes, yes.
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no fraud, that’s it, free, i ’m taking it, so i’ll arrange it myself, everything ’s fine, free, well, let’s go ahead, let’s sit on a chair, right, now i’ll find the keys, i’ll take your handcuffs off, thank you, i have my own, oh, no shit, that like this without keys, wow, how is this possible, such a performance, no, i understand, yes, sleight of hand and no fraud, performer, tricks, in short, i
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understand, listen, come on, let’s come to an agreement with you like this, you’ll teach me all this trick, and so be it, i’ll believe... that you didn’t deceive anyone, so what? motherfucker, wow, cool, so what is this book, a thousand and one tricks, i learned from it myself, that’s all, now everyone is trans, so i went, wait, wait, garik, anu, yeah, take this , it’s clear, it’s here, it’s clear, ah, that’s also clear, well, it’s clear to the moron.
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girl, did you drop this? ugh, bastard, stop, you got robbed, hello curly! so you sleep, and so is it that my wife sent me to do some shopping, we have some kind of household chores, two riddles for my wife, the first question is who is driving around the city on amon’s bus in amon’s uniform, amon, funny, repeat it again, yeah, oh you lived. here, follow me, forward, sit down,
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the clock is tired of biting people, free. kaz, kocherevy, yeah, let's punch the barcode, no, no, no, no, well, i agree, to everything, to everything, yes, my first riddle, remember, and this is who travels around the city in the amanovsky bus in the amanovsky uniform , well done, who sells them this uniform, let me clarify, will you clarify, riddle number two, pendant, you see, we need to find out who stole it, okay, i’ll find out, but... i can still go to my wife? so let's go to your friend, no need, oh, i was just
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heading towards you, what's your name? girl, the semantic center of the entire exhibition will be the ural diamond 30 years old, i saw what you thought, a serb with a hammer scratched on a stone. the mashetrap will slam shut, all the members of khariton’s gang, i hope, will find themselves in a trap, but where is the guarantee that khariton will spit on the bait, she hopes to infiltrate his gang, one criminal from the military showed up here, but khariton to visit, he’s unlikely to want to, he won’t want to, we’ll press him, our goal is the diamond, alexander baluev, to upset the soviet regime, that’s our goal, alexey barabash, he can’t be detained, he’s not...
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will go as booked with cashback and bonuses. there was a war here, it wouldn’t have been to the front, on victory day on ntv, old flint, with such people you can go into reconnaissance, all the films are about the fearless intelligence officer, that front-line intelligence, andrei smolikov, we have to get there, guys, we definitely have to get there, don’t bother me, i’ll come right in, but...
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thanks for that, take your hands off of there, lesh, your pendant doesn’t suit you, only you ’ve given up drugs, i don’t need better, i need exactly the same pendant as in the photo, no, not almost the same, exactly the same, how much? okay, i agree, max, i forgot my phone, or what? i haven’t forgotten, but i have him, such a trick, sleight of hand and no mechanical work, what are you doing? quietly, quietly, suddenly something is important. yes, i'm listening,
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it's curly, i asked around. there is one company, they rent weapons and uniforms, so to speak, write down the address, yes, yes, yes, i’m writing, just hurry up, you’re not alone, you ’re looking for them, i understand everything, thank you, who was it, yes, wrong number , i need. blame him on the case, just don’t tell maxim that, and for this i’ll teach you how to cook a rabbit in a hat, what, in the sense of hiding, that’s it, i’m off. come on, come on, come on, i'm in a hurry, uh-huh, where did this nest go, and someone called you on the phone, he
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answered and ran away, no, who, you called me, well, no tricks, just me. magician, don’t be of any use, lord, nest, calm down, what, he attacked from behind, i defended myself, i saw it.
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come on, surprise, easy, brute, answer, said, max, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, friend, come on, take your friend, take your friend, yes, maksimov, i'm answering you, it's not me, no, it's clear i , because behind, the one in the building is not me, the nest, he has been dead for 2 hours, baked. well done, you can ask one question, any question, why do you need this, this, yes,
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well, first of all, this is evidence, this is it, right, secondly, well, i have an interest, a focus, just for one focus, but an intimate one, hi, yes, listen, this is blue, have you found the one? who put me out for money? you’ll be surprised, you didn’t even look, in vain, i have an offer that you can’t refuse, i’m not sure, i’ll tell you where the stolen pendant is, okay, i bought it, i’ll tell you, if you promise to find and give me the robbers, let’s do it, you you send me, if the pendant is there, then i’ll do what i can, an agreement?
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what do you need, where now? i don’t know, i’m looking for casino robbers, and you’re hoping for cats brain, right? no, no, maksimov, i can’t leave you alone with the underworld, trick, you can show me, alone, lay down. who disappears from my eyes, and moron, oh, hello, oh, oh, damn it, ugh, don’t eat it anyway, come on, listen,
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they pulled it off cleverly, they knew that you wouldn’t go to the police, yes, what do you want , open your mouth, yeah, ro, open your mouth, interesting, well, i’m like an honest businessman, i don’t have anything to do with screwballs, you don’t, okay, useless person, let’s go, dog, uh, wait,
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wait, wait, wait, wait, stop! what is not necessary, i have some rubbish, yeah, but you know, i don’t just give away goods without money, oh, well, you’re right, i don’t untie anyone without money either, i understand, in a drawer in the table , yeah, these idiots took all kinds of rubbish from cheap polos, yeah, but i have everything. on the box, why are you, take everything, no, oh, by the way, should you leave these or something, no, it’s like a load on the pendant, take them too,
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i saw, i saw, you didn’t even notice how i told you replaced it, didn’t notice, well, how do you like my peflometer, from your nest, or something, well why the hell did you do this, this was my last prop, and don’t bark at her at all, your gums still hurt, i’m not afraid of you, i understand, i, your gums don’t hurt, you idiot, chick, chick, chick, chick , chick, air raid warning.
8:53 am
“we are all one for all, our weapon is the word, it will be stronger than a bullet and a bayonet, moscow has pulled itself up, threatened, the city is taking up arms, for a great common cause, the people have taken up arms in full force, the accounting department is next to the scientist, with the laboratory assistant side by side - side, fitter, heart in heart, people build in a united stream "prilavkovtor". in ranks, the company company , at attention, erect forward, in the grooves of the heart, the russian writer, even at the front, does not part with the classic, you are a strange people of poets, first vesenin, then maikovsky, now here is the premiere on may 8 and 9 at 21:35 on ntv . via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on
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call or order on our website everyone here is afraid of khariton, only one person can correct the situation, gorky 53, either he is us, or we are him, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. oh, well, at least one of us is involved in the case, he’s investigating, yes, what is it that i think so better, i ’m just thinking about a robbery, maksimov, if you want, i’ll show you a trick, if you want, i’ll guess the card, no i want, i want you to guess who robbed the casino, okay? we bet on click, on hold the card, on hold, take the card, take it and what, take it, take it, well, i remember, yes, the toilet is a worm, well, are you kidding me, or something, on hold it,
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remember, but don’t tell me, and i’ll turn away so that i don’t see, come on, oh, shadow, the bus is probably multiple, let’s get through it, with pleasure, oops, she, maksimov, she. and she, she, no, how can it be, no, no, well , because no, because the two of spades, well, are you really, what, you didn’t put the card in the deck, you didn’t say, oh, you’re unfortunate, lord, how did you go to the circus as a child, served in parmi, oh, that means, look, hold the card, remember it, don’t tell me and put it back in the deck, well, i remembered everything that you, come on, look, yeah, put it down, so, we're hanging out, and again by the way, on business, shut your mouth, it's in the way, what, she, no, how is it no, she, no, there was an eight of hearts, so, i don't understand, but what
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is it, yes, nothing i don’t understand, wow, what do you have this, where did you get it, what is this, take your paw away, i went to the videodoc warehouse and saw that it was a lyoshka. uh, what are you doing, wow, this is a trick, this, this klaven, this is a gift, klaven gave it to him, yes, carry it, so, look, so, remember, well,
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catch it, put the pens in, please, the second luggage, easy, come on, i’ll put it in, well, well, come on, come on, don’t pinch me there’s nothing there, look, like that, like that two, wait, i don’t see, come on, look, like that, four times, like that, four times, the final touch, like that, gal, i remember everything, yes, there’s two there. and there are two, here is one, wait, i don’t see, yeah, i see, come on, like that, great, like that, well, what’s the trick, uh, pendant, pendant, well, you didn’t figure out the trick, but what a disaster , now, so think, hat, go ahead, what is this, and what is it?
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lena, yeah, negative result, also a result, yes, the bus you're looking for was just seen, where? i didn’t tell you anything, otherwise where are they?
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nice cops, lyosh, how are you on time, i’m calling the reinforcement, i still can’t say, bye, bye, bye, well, from behind.
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where have you been walking for so long, how many of them there were, there were five, now there are two in my mind, well i took the gun. fucking shame, they cleaned me out
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a second time, but i’ll skin them, where is my money, where is maximov, a lot of revenue has accumulated again, they were waiting again? cashiers, and i say that these are visiting gastrolers, it’s a pity that you don’t know how to shoot a damn thing, at least one gorbiter would have survived, if only he would have split it tighter, everyone would already know how the gnizdelov are there, since there was a command to trend, well , please, don’t want to listen to me, i won’t speak at all, i’ll generally remain silent like a fish about lightning, but actually he’s right, if at least one of them had survived, then it would have been much easier, yeah. well, look,
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no one knows that they are in the morgue, why no one knows, i know, but you don’t tell anyone you’ll say, well, i won’t tell you, you promised to find it and give it to me. monasteries, well , he promised, that means you can come pick up the files, you have them, yeah, about two, one in the morgue, the second here is the testimony, yes. no, he said, who brought them in? said one of yours, one of mine, who? not on the phone, i’ll come now, i’ll tell you everything,
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wait, it seems he’ll bite, let’s go, let’s go, i’m with you, no, no. it seems that we have a rat, now maksimov will come and say who, whoever it is, he doesn’t have long to live.
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nearby, strangely, there is not a single car in the yard, but i decided to talk confidentially without witnesses. who, maybe this is a trap,
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i wonder who it is? well, it’s funny, they shot at point-blank range, he didn’t even get up, apparently one of his own, i think i know what. yeah, yeah, hello, boss, it's a nest. i covered
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a gang of robbers, but i need help, what about maksimov, your maksimov is always wandering around unknown where, and here i am the only one who revealed everything with my own hands, oh, don’t, don’t over-praise me, continue, continue,
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9:12 am
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knocking. yes, boss, while you are wandering around in an unknown place, i found robbers as a nest. igor, how did he go to funeral services? there he found them. they are loading money and are going to run, he needs help, quickly get there, princes for the eldest, i understand, i hope the eldest has already managed to hide, i hope maybe for coffee, come on, iva, yeah, who are you, scarecrow? i need it, i need to take the coffin away,
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get out. would you like me to show you one of my tricks, just watch your hand carefully, just carefully, one two, hop, hands up, funny, i’m not joking, this is a trick, you’ll have to remember, no, don’t, you hear, if i’ll shoot you with your own pistol, everyone will think it’s suicide, isn’t it? it’s far from a fact, if you shoot me in the back, no one will believe you, you’re so funny, you’re a clown, i’m from the police, i give up, oh, wow, where is this clown,
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hello, hello, bye, i didn’t kill good people, batman got mad at us in the city, you see, maximov, get me out of here, let gnezdilov go, now.
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i can't do it. from friends, well done, well done, you’ll say thank you, get me out, i’m claustrophobic, it’s a pity that nestlelov died in the line of duty, what are you, what are you, i’m alive, no one has shown
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such idiotic tricks better than him, and don’t talk about it, it will happen his best trick is with the disappearance, yes, that's it guys, bury it, well bitch, i 'll rise again, burn the water, well, don't shoot, we're with you...
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i wonder where the beach is? i don't know if you tell me tell me, is it him or not, god, how embarrassing, mommies, how embarrassing, maksimov, i probably fell over the lining, and i almost lived with leonid, a nightmare? with character, len, i found a pendant, this one, lyosha, and this one, what a great fellow you are, how lucky i am to have you, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much, very much, did not read it.
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so i understand, some women have trophies, and others only have a scar, wow, senior, i ’ll remember this for you maxim, come on, give your dog a simulator, let it be which simulator, i said so, i heard so, well done for standing up, the departed go forward, it’s very funny, but you’re down!
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you all burn the water together with the boss.
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hi, great, i thought you were in prison, on the run, paid off, i understand. but why did you want to see me, i gave the tip my entire share, i need money, half of your share, i think it will be fair, but you saw this, it was necessary. where are you driving?
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i’m just tired of just hearing from you, sitting, lying down, giving it, bringing it, talking, or something, what should i talk to you about, about women, we don’t have
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common interests, just work, what am i saying, hello, day, no, you sit, i’ll take it myself, you and me, the main thing is to be silent, yes lyosha, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm down, speak up, i understand, we’ll be there soon, let’s go, that’s it, so what? let's go, max will arrive later, and lena and the experts are already there, what experts, and who am i? what the fuck expert are you, quietly, quietly, i don’t understand at all, they shot a dude in the car, why the hell do we need
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maxim, we’ll figure it out without him, well, maybe we’ll figure it out, but somehow it’s more fun with max, and faster, let’s go , wait. i'm with you, i think my old fart has died, okay, sit down, come on, waktan, come on, go to the back seat, what is this? well, what is it that makes me feel sick in the back, or do you want me to pour leonid all over the car? oh, wait, vakhtanka, give way to the disabled person, oh well, come on, come on, sit down, little one, i heard from the colleague that you slam the door like that, you’re not in a minibus, well, it’s a coincidence that you’re yelling, have you gone crazy or something? , how am i going to drive the car now, snot, okay, that’s all, look, i’ll hold it like this, just don’t hold the steering wheel,
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buckle up, oh, let’s go, moron, thank you, where are you faithful, i have no idea i have, i called 20 minutes ago and said that i was on my way. “it’s time to drive until steam, what took you so long, we stopped at the car wash, gnezdilov vomited in the car, oh-oh-oh!” that’s it,
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i’ll never take you again, oh well, to be precise, i vomited a little, it’s because you entered it incorrectly, you got seasick in the first seat, what? well, the face, of course, is crumpled, a document in the name of semyon morozov, morozov, a familiar surname, robbery of a collector, a year ago, three robbers, no money found. this is one of the three, yes, yeah, well, why is he so interesting, probably because of the money, i’ll interrogate i’ll find out for the remaining two where they are sitting, but i don’t need to interrogate anyone, here everything is clear to me, like morons, it’s clear, of course, you’re the best among us, of course, killed by no frost, who and what the hell does it matter who’s homeless planted someone, disfigured his face, planted documents, why, use your brains, operative, so what...
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life was calm with the stolen money, but who solved the crime of the nesters, brilliant, well , i don’t understand what you said not a word, but says that you smell like nesters, so just like your moronic version, you’re jealous, and you’re in charge that i’m smarter than your reasons, but we’ll still carry out the examination, igor, well , lenka, and you too, no, okay, these two, no, well, whatever you want, of course , well, that’s it, let’s go, “i’m with you, leonidov, well, i’m, i’m with you, no, no, no, no, you’ll take a taxi, so and so, why do you feel sorry, but they call a friend, i’m with you together under the bandit's bullets, lyosha, no, no, thank you very much, i 'll go with the experts, me too, no, no, no, come with us, i 'll even let you into the front seat, 1, 2,
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discounts already at wildberries may 9, please repeat may 9 at 19:35 i didn’t understand you, please repeat. may 5 at 19:35 on ntv, as comrade christ said, seek and you will find, a favorite film about intelligence officers, there are a lot of facts, but practically nothing, which you can watch again, proceed, there is again 7, 108, 109, 110 exactly, in august forty -four, the date and location of the broadcast and the hour are the same. on may 9 at 19:35 you upgraded everything, it couldn’t be more accurate on ntv. this t-shirt needs to be washed urgently, but running a washing machine is expensive, and washing by hand kills
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9:37 am
there are 0 cash collectors. they took two of them there, right? so, where do they live now? yes, yes, i miss you, i want to visit you. well, come on, you tell me my books, so how, how will you find out? come on, now let's talk about the weather, what? the capital is expected to experience variable temperatures today, listen, are we actually at work? what the fuck is work? i solved the crime, i can point it out. revealed, you simply suggested that morozov faked his own death, you never know, even if so, you still need to understand who was killed, and at least find morozov, understand? two little things, let maksimov deal with his dog meat, i opened the body, now i can
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open the beer, fuck it, i told you, buckle up. tell the nesting sherlock holmes it won’t come out of him, who would doubt it, the one killed was really frosty, but all that remains is to find out who it is? the only thing i can tell you is that he was armed with a makarov pistol,
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i sent the bullets with a ballista, and why is the dog pestering you? oh, and you smell like beer, lyosha, yes, your husband is an alcoholic, and what’s more? here the alcoholic, without doing so, spilled it all over the car. why the hell does he even ride in the car with you? something broke in his head, so should he call himself a taxi? listen, len, well, i can’t throw him into the department, it’s true, but he’s still some kind of colleague, and in the evening this evening when he came home, too , it became clear to me today that the dog is talking to me, oh well, but in a human voice, what, well, it’s me so that they just shut up with their quarrel, at least...
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go ahead, in a cookie, you’ll be fine, fuck off, what such, i was offended that i don’t understand, and i said, go away with my toilet, it’s shabby, i’m repairing my dog, i’m repairing the box, it’s not in the way, it’s a nest, you’re an idiot, you can give a person a heart attack, well, you’ll give it to you.
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together, and you, you take his car, you’re afraid with him, it’s just right, well, exactly, thank you, what prison is he in, that’s it, that’s it, goodbye, did you learn something new? yes, it’s so bad that timur tsuraev was released, who is he, an accomplice of the late morozov, so you think he could have done it, but what not, i’ll just find out. i'll come and talk to this chernobay, nickname or something, what is the last name,
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maxim chernobay, the third accomplice, thank god he’s still in prison, maxim, wait for me 2 minutes, i’ll finish the box now, insanity will wait 2 minutes for you, well, leonidov told you to tow it, well redneck, but no, well, not a redneck, well, at least he doesn’t vomit in the car, it seems to me that you won’t achieve anything, black-haired, what? yes, he’s kind of a fighter, and it seems to me that his brain has gone crazy, why? the security heard that he was talking at night, well, they thought he hid his mobile phone, they looked everywhere, even, well okay, it doesn’t matter, they didn’t find it, and then they took a closer look, and it turns out he ’s talking to living creatures, with mice, cockroaches, bedbugs, until they poisoned him, in general, he went with it. yes, maybe he’s just being silly, i don’t know, see for yourself, start it, well, there you go.
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chernobay want to talk to you, about what? about your friend, timur tsuraev, do you know where he is? maybe i know, but i won’t tell you, but why is this not a mercy? why don’t he and his wife go on a date for six months? what are they? because last time you persuaded your wife to bring weed in paste tubes. so what, i said i won't do it again. no more, okay, if i organize a meeting with my wife, show me where timur is, i’ll show you, only at the beginning of the meeting, and we won’t see, here’s a resolution from the prosecutor general’s office signed by the general, i’ll take the investigative experiment under my responsibility for 2 days, well
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ok. he'll come with us, man, come on, taste, wait, i'll talk to him. what did you say to him? i can communicate with animals, they understand me, i understand them, now what did he say? he says you pay little attention to him, he’s bored with me.
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we arrived at the exit, no, no, i don’t want to show off there, what are you saying, he’s living with our mutual friends, but god forbid, he finds out that i ratted him out, damn, he’ll find me in prison and kill me, apartment what, seventh. be so
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kind, go ahead, watch out, man, be so kind, let's change, come on, come on, come on, come on. buddy, calm down, well, you understand, i need to see my wife, you know, what do you want, but i would like timur, buddy, or something, yeah, almost, the police, come in, joker.
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let him go, i'll call the police, it's late, the police have already arrived, they said, who am i, who are you, the owners, we are the owners, are we wild or something, throwing ourselves at people with bullets, yes, i thought you were timur, they thought, where is he, let him go, he’s already hurt, let him go , it doesn’t
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hurt fools, i ask again where, yes, how do i know, he’s been gone for a week, with our money, dude, i haven’t seen her for a whole year, do you understand? yes, i won’t do anything to myself with the car, well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, calm down, i’m just sitting there, oh, max, what are you doing? monster, what monster? yes, i wanted to talk to my wife? yes, i thought i told you that everything after we find timur?
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i don’t know any other address, that means you’re useless to me, let’s go to jail brother, in a bar, what’s in a bar? well, he often goes to one bar, which one? i'll show you, oh, you're a cunning imaginary, let's go, what, here? that trust is wasted, what trust is wasted, the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on... discomfort and nausea, poisoning twists, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need a umsti filter sooner, a umsti filter is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms
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baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection taste. hmm, i smiled, so i recognized it. he smiled, it means he was real. they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for the present, everyone, everyone wants to win millions, but not all the work is in the right place. one of my
9:52 am
friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lyusya, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here, the megaphone is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, for different you, one is magnetic. faster dna today at 17:50 on ntv. confidence and strength. this is how she wants to see
9:53 am
yourself, brutal, reliable, stylish. like a set of hermes men's accessories from lyamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design. three crosses in one. the powerful cross fits perfectly with. a chain of armored weaving, the color of real gold, a durable lock, reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful man... a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. set price - 2.499 rub. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. in his eighties,
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unmarried, childless, doctor of economics, like a boy, he fell in love with a girl who was three times his age, i am 75, and my wife is 24, he registered her in his moscow apartment, she agreed to become his wife, although she is suitable for a granddaughter, and bore him two sons, i was captivated by his shoes, they were clean, next to me a man should look perfect on age, they noticed, since i looked more at the shoes, i realized that he... is from 45 to 50 years old, but the pensioner does not believe his luck and suspects that his wife gave birth to lovers, one is blond, the other is dark, they are not similar enough to me, so did a seventy-five-year-old pensioner become a father thanks to his 24-year-old wife? men came from work, for example, someone could pick him up, they proposed marriage, but i said that as long as my husband is alive, i will not cheat on him, i open the envelope dna, today at 17:50 on ntv.
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maybe we can go somewhere for lunch? and i won’t have time, i still need to finish the examination on killing frost. lyosha, what is this? it’s an infection, i see that there are still husks from the seeds, we’ll come now, i’ll have it all here. if he tried to behave like this in maksimov’s car, maksimov would carry him in the trunk, why wait for you, what about chewing gum or something, i ’ll shoot him, i promise you, don’t
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wait for me, i won’t be in such a car... i’ll go i’ll call a taxi, hello, we need to see timur, what kind of timur, maybe you’ll say, this is the first time for you and me do you see? for the first time i see, i did everything i could, oh, whine, what kind of manners, uh, man, oops, sorry,
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well, why, what are you doing, take the dog, dog, wait, a second, no, where is my key, what you look, where is timur, but i don’t know any timur, it makes sense to you if you don’t know. what, i don’t know how you are, damn it, come here, you couldn’t come to yourself before, i can’t bear to take you on myself, damn, my head hurts so much, it’s the alcohol that hit it - listen,
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i need to go to urgently to my wife, here’s timur, let’s take it right away, listen, what is timur looking for? my money, he can come to his wife with questions, come to me, how after you hit the bottle you began to think well, ask for something to drink. don’t shout at the menu, quietly, what do you want, i ’ve run out of money and... i want to know where your husband hid his share, he hid it without me, i don’t know, don’t lie to me, otherwise you’ll commit suicide by jumping out from this window,
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come here, come here, come here, quiet, quiet, hello, listen, what? the door is open, anya, anya, anya,
10:00 am
they are helping to move forward. our troops and cover the peaceful cities of donbass and civilian objects. sergei pikulin observed the work of air defense in the southern donetsk direction. on the eve of the great victory holiday. the traditional immortal regiment campaign is being held in several formats this year. a private idea that few people believed in, an alley of saved monuments near brest, a story about history and a person, sergei savin, more. floods in the tyumen region.


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