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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 6, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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they help our troops advance and cover the peaceful cities of donbass and civilian facilities. sergei pikulin observed the work of air defense in the southern donetsk direction. on the eve of the great victory holiday. the traditional immortal regiment campaign is being held in several formats this year. a private idea that few people believed in, an alley of saved monuments near brest. a story about history and man. floods in the tyumen region. the area where
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about 50,000 people live is under threat of flooding. fish farmers far east began mass release of juvenile pacific salmon, which in a few years will return from the seas to spawning rivers. about how aqua farmers help preserve the population of valuable red fish, report by sergei antsygin. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekstereva. and we begin. with urgent messages from belgorod, the regional operational headquarters reported an attack by ukrainian drones in the borisov region. the ukrainian armed forces attacked civilian buses, as well as passenger cars. automobile. at the time of the impact, two gazelles were transporting employees of one of the enterprises to work. according to the latest data, six people were killed, 35 were injured, two of them were children. it is known that people have shrapnel wounds of varying degrees of severity. ambulance crews took them to a regional medical facility. on the spot.
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operational services are working, the investigative committee stated that they will identify all those involved in the kamikaze drone attack. sergei shaigu congratulated our military on the liberation of the village of ochuretin in the dpr. about, it became known the day before that the village was taken under control. the minister of defense noted the heroism, courage and courage shown during combat missions. russian fighters have achieved success in the kherson region. and the shell, fire, fire, left, the crews of the geocent b gun destroyed a self-propelled gun and a howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. according to the military, the target was at a distance of 20 km. in the zaporozhye direction, fpv drone operators in the dnepr group disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine, including knocking out an armored personnel carrier carrying troops. and on donetsk section.
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he took the crew out from under fire several times, he watches the car, he says, it reciprocates, the swallow even has a name, how do you jokingly call the car, a combine, why, well, there is work going on in the field, you really need an open area to launch, these are calculations air defense from transbaikalia, covering the advance of our troops, protecting peaceful cities and civilian objects, now they are counting on... deploying their
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complex, today, beech is one of the most effective means of destroying multiple launch rocket systems of cruise missiles nato model, they shoot down an american hymers and a british stormshadow. they are indeed called the main haimarc fighter. recently , atacom missiles have also been added. even though the beech itself was developed and put into service back in the eighties, several times seriously. modernized, now it can capture targets flying at an altitude of 20 km, i will find, from approximately 270 to 30 °, our sector is working, accordingly i bring it up, adjust it, this is the target of the ukrainian alha rocket, its speed is more than thousands per second, direction to our rear villages, capture and launch of a missile. the harvester does not
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stand in one place for a long time, so that it does not fly in, you have to act like in a children's song, across the fields, across the fields, the beech leaves its position and becomes hopeless. against the ukrainian, american and european leadership are not ready to seriously discuss a way out of the conflict; the meeting in switzerland that they propose is just a quote: a parody of negotiations. the head of the diplomatic department commented on the russophobic statements of western politicians, in particular the president
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france, who called russia the main threat to europe. lavrov considers this a continuation of napoleonic ambitions and macron’s desire to gain leadership in europe. i won’t comment at length on mr. macron’s ideas; he is now obviously speaking from the most vehemently anti-russian positions. i know a little about how the power system is structured in france, what claims the french have for their role in europe in the world. i do not rule out that this is russophobia, cave russophobia, which is now simple. macron breathes, it is necessary in order to try to become a leader in europe. meanwhile, the european union itself, in an attempt to defeat russia, faced terrible economic problems. the leadership
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recalled that the welfare of the industrial complex of the old world was largely based on russian energy resources, which europe lost due to sanctions and the undermining of northern flows. israeli police carried out searches at the office of the kator tv channel al-jazeera after a decision to ban its work on the territory of the jewish state. law enforcement journalists' equipment was confiscated in jerusalem. providers took the channel off the air. local authorities said the media network harmed the country's security and incited hatred against the national army. in response, the leadership of al-jazeera called the decision of the israeli authorities quote: criminal. they noted that the government of the jewish state is trying to hide its actions in the gas sector. situation in the enclave was discussed in cairo, the next round of negotiations ended there, the hamas movement offered israel an option for resolving the situation with the end of the military operation and the exchange
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of hostages, but according to media reports, representatives of the jewish state refused this. the idf forces dealt another blow to rafah, they attacked more than ten residential buildings. at least 21 people died, including children. at the same time, israel's main ally, the united states, has suspended arms supplies to the country, american media write about this. because of this , congressmen criticized biden; a number of leaders believe that the white house took such a step after the pro-palestinian protests. which covered universities across the country. as it became known, some rally organizers received financial support from biden sponsors. the publication reported this to the politician; according to its data, the money was transferred, in particular, to the gates, rockfeiler and soros families. local elections in england ended in a crushing defeat for the ruling conservative party. prime minister rishi sunak's political powerhouse has lost almost
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half of its regional council seats. the head of the kingdom's cabinet of ministers said that this result disappoints him. on sonoka these the elections became a rehearsal throughout. general voting in parliament, the prime minister is in no hurry to set a date for it; he limits himself only to saying that the elections will be held in the second half of the year. the opposition has already called on the politician to stop grasping for power and approve the day. according to the forecasts of british analysts, sunok will lose, and popet will go to his opponent, that is, labor. true, in the last elections the lion's share of voters turned away from them; these are migrants, muslims and young people. they didn't like what the party was supporting. in in cities with a large proportion of students and visitors , green candidates, among whom were many arabs and pakistanis, won. the result was very unique greens, primarily islamists. the pro-palestinian candidate won as much as 20% of the vote in birmingham, where
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muslim migrants make up about half the population. on the eve of victory day , a large-scale immortal regiment event is taking place throughout the country. instead of the traditional march on may 9 , this year you can join the project by choosing one of several formats. photo participants of the great patriotic war, home front workers, as well as heroes of special operations. they offer to place the portrait on a personal car or attach it to a specially created memory wall; nikita krobenkov will tell you how to join this action. the in-person march of the immortal regiment, which is familiar to russians , was canceled this year for security reasons, as in the past, but is this really a reason to abandon the event altogether? i am very proud of my homeland, very proud of my ancestors, and for me this. it is a great honor to honor their memory on this wall. the memory wall is a format that
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was invented back in covid times, but in new circumstances, the organizers of the immortal regiment are forced to return to it. these are the types of structures that are recommended to be installed throughout russia in institutions, factories, schools, institutes, in a word, in all those places where anyone can come and hang a portrait of their hero. this is the wall of memory in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill, and this is my hero. for those who want to just walk with a portrait, the organizers offer an alternative option, print it on a t-shirt and walk in this form along the city streets, the main advantage is that there is no strict reference to time and place, a t-shirt because it is convenient, it is beautiful, it is to walk proudly and always be with your veteran... this year the immortal the regiment
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will be held from may 1 to may 12 in different formats, in general, the main meaning of the immortal regiment this year is its scale, because the wide range of dates that are offered and the formats that are proposed, they allow everyone to take part at any convenient time only in one format. among the descendants of heroes, there are many who have scant information about their ancestor or none at all. victory volunteers come to their aid; this spring they launched the “my history” portal, where they collect applications to search for any information, even photographs of great patriotic war veterans. each application is processed, transferred to a team of volunteers, and after some time the result comes. sometimes it can take literally 2 hours, and after that the person’s completed status appears in their personal account. sometimes it's much more difficult especially if. concerns either certain branches of the military, if it is intelligence, for example, there or the internal troops of the nkvd, there, if a person
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served there, if some documents are lost, if they are missing in the archives, or in principle they have classified status, sometimes we even need years. for those who are not ready to sit still and wait for the result, volunteers help organize independent searches that will allow you to look even deeper into the history of your family, and for this they always recommend starting with interviewing your older relatives, even distant, check family. often they may have important clue marks on the back. in such a case, any little thing can become a key. next you should start searching on the internet. first of all, this is the “memory of the people” portal, which stores a huge amount of various data. and in the future, if you can’t find anything or the information that you found at this stage is not enough, you should contact special archives - this is the central archive of the ministry of defense, the central archive of military medical documents and... if your an ancestor served in the navy, this is a naval archive. since the beginning of april
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, the portal has received more than 500 applications to search for information about the veteran, but the organizers are ready for much larger volumes, so that there will be more and more portraits in the immortal regiment of any format every year. nikita korabenkov, susanna prutchikova, konstantin korgin, vladimir dovgol, ntv. commemorative events on the eve of victory day are taking place all over the world. in madrid , hundreds took part in the procession of the immortal regiment. people, they carried through the streets of spanish capital portraits of relatives who died in the great patriotic war. many came with their families, and st. george ribbons were distributed to everyone who wanted to attend. germany also joined the immortal regiment. several hundred people came out on the streets of frankfurt am main, carrying photographs of front-line soldiers and russian flags. a large-scale event took place on the territory of our country’s embassy in ankara. employees of the diplomatic mission joined the procession. and representatives of the cis countries.
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the immortal regiment action took place in several cities in argentina. not only did they take part in it our compatriots, but also citizens of the country. they came to pay tribute to the feat of the soviet people. a particle of the eternal flame from the tomb of the unknown soldier was delivered to tunisia from moscow especially for the procession. participants of the action. they carried it through the streets of one of the resort towns along with portraits of the hero. a commemorative event for victory day was organized by motorcyclists from slovakia; they organized a special ride. the route passed through the neighboring territory. in the czech republic, over 5 days, participants visited two dozen settlements, where they laid flowers at war memorials. the fsb has declassified new documents about the great patriotic war. the testimony of hitler's adjutant was secretly released from a folder under the stamp and speaks of the plans of the leader of nazi germany to lure the united states and great britain to his side and
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fight with them against the soviet union. according to the fuhrer's idea, at the beginning of 1945 the german. the troops, with a powerful blow, were supposed to separate the british american army and force them to conclude a separate peace with germany, but due to the grandiose offensive of the red army, the nazis had to transfer all the forces of the western front to the east. thanks to the selfless actions of soviet soldiers, american troops easily entered the territory of the third reich, and the hitler regime soon capitulated. belarus near brest these days, local residents. and tourists rush to visit a new attraction, the alley of saved monuments. this is an open-air museum that contains sculptures dedicated to soviet soldiers. all these obelisks were once installed in poland with the money of local residents in gratitude for the liberation from the nazi invaders. but now they became no longer needed, they were demolished or destroyed.
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sergei savin met with the founder of the museum and learned how monuments find a second life. they are all dear to her, each has a story, emotional, dramatic, and such that it is still better not to tell it publicly, well , yes, they would not exist anyway if i had not taken them, because if we are not somewhere managed, then simply, but still this special one, even the voice changes, these are our boys, our boys, two soldiers, soviet soldiers...
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carried by decision of the authorities, like this soviet a soldier with a polish girl holding a dove of peace. when it was demolished, the poles said: well, we demolished ourselves. the whole project, in fact, is a clear example of how history can be destroyed and rewritten, albeit under the guise of decommunization, but it can also be saved and preserved. for the new poles, like the balts, this is an unnecessary past and simple.
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an unfortunate story awaited these monuments; in a couple of years, over 700 people visited the private memory lane, despite the wasted effort, money and time, natalya is even ready for an almost fantastic scenario. they ask me: and if they want, they want to take them back, please, i’m ready to give them back if they are installed where they stood, but there is a mandatory tradition for those already preserved: and now urgent news: a few minutes ago it became known that the general staff on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, he began preparations for conducting exercises with missile formations of the southern military district of the navy.
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this was reported to the ministry of defense. the training will take place in the near future, as the department reported, the exercise will be a response to provocative statements and threats from western officials against our country. the ministry of defense added that during the exercise they will work out questions about... users. the ministry of digital development is going to expand the list of information that internet resources must, according to the so-called yarovaya law , store and transmit at the request of law enforcement agencies. namely, the site offers to share
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the numbers of network ports of users and the internet resource itself. this follows from the draft government decree, which was noticed by forbes. the requirements concern as formulated in the law of information dissemination organizers. this is any owner of a site where users can communicate with each other. this is social. networks, instant messengers, file storage, video hosting, dating sites, classifieds sites and online stores. since the eighteenth year, all of them have been obliged to store the contents of their users’ correspondence for six months and transfer it upon request to the security forces along with ip addresses. but the explanatory note to the bill says: now it is sometimes difficult to determine which subscriber owns the ip address. the ministry of digital development explains. data storage rules came into effect back in 1918, and now citations are being added to them. technical corrections, the department says that the measures will help increase the detection of crimes on the internet, and will also protect data from fraudsters. the russian stock market
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, between a series of weekends, declined for 3 days in a row and is also entering its fourth. corporate news from russian companies continues to put pressure on the market. the ruble started the day of decline today. now i have come to weak growth. dollar 91.59, euro 98.64. car sales in russia, after strong march results , slowed down a bit in april. according to autostat , 137.00 new passenger cars were sold in april. compared to what it was a year ago, the figure is now 81% higher. but if you compare it with auto sales in march, it becomes clear that the market fell by 6.5%. the association of european businesses previously explained that this is the market’s reaction to the new rules. government from april 1. changed the procedure for calculating the recycling fee. the essence of the changes is that importing cars to russia from eac countries other than russia, these are armenia, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, will now become much
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more expensive. this was done to collect more customs duties in russia. frankaft managing director irina frank predicted that prices would rise by 20-28%. according to the results of april, in the top ten most popular brands, lada is, naturally, in first place; this word is written on approximately every third passenger car. sold in russia, the remaining nine places are occupied by chinese brands. julia, that's all for me. thank you this there was marina pimenova, with an economic review. in the tyumen region , an area where about 50 thousand people live is under threat of flooding. the roads leading to three settlements have already gone under water . now you can only get there by special transport. the bodies were supplied with supplies of food and drinking water, and people are on duty in the field. emergencies ministry police officers suggested that residents move to temporary accommodation centers. in another area of ​​the tyumen region, the water level in the ishim river rose another 2 cm. total in the zone
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potential flooding of 19 villages. at these moments, rescuers are strengthening an earthen embankment to fence off a section of the federal highway. about 400 specialists and almost 40 pieces of equipment are involved in the work. and the water level in the rivers of the tomsk region over the past 24 hours. increased in almost all areas, because of this, according to the regional authorities , two new settlements found themselves in the flood zone . in the far east, enterprises that breed valuable fish species have released millions of fry into rivers. they started growing them last fall, the fish were first placed in incubators and then transferred to special indoor pools. during that time , they were fed exclusively with domestic food, which was completely replaced. foreign analogues. sergey antsigin will continue the topic. these are not racks for dishes in the dining room at all, but a compact larval workshop. each cell contains hundreds of students
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from the yuda fish hatchery. sakhalin, which specializes in the reproduction of whales, a valuable subspecies of pacific salmon. now this entire nursery megagroup: at the enterprise raise more than 10 million fry, place them in artificial ponds in the open air, in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat, future herds of red fish will be intensively fed, and exclusively on domestic food, instead of the now unavailable mixtures from europe, which were previously purchased en masse all russian fish farmers, high-quality analogues from manufacturers from novosibirsk tver have appeared on the market. the sakhalin region is a leader in the reproduction of salmon not only in the far east, but throughout the country. in the rest of the region , 77 public and private factories operate in the fish farming sector. the production season begins in the fall. according to allocated quotas, on strictly defined days, the staff catches in the rivers males and females of the most popular salmon species - pink salmon and whales.
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specialists place the fertilized eggs. for those involved in salmon farming on the mainland, a series of graduations is already in full swing. the baby whales bred at the barabashevsky factory were fattened to the required standard, each of them weighs 700 mg, thanks to the many years of work of local fish farmers in the barabashevka river, it was possible to restore the population of red fish, which was destroyed by poachers in the nineties, almost from scratch, and this is far from a special case,
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most of the fish grown in artificial conditions... does not spend in the seas along with 100% wild salmon herds return to spawning rivers. fishery science takes this into account in its forecasts for red salmon, the main commercial fishing in the far east. it starts on june 1 traditionally from kamchatka to according to preliminary estimates, fishermen will catch at least 320.00 tons of pacific salmon by the end of the season. sergey ansykin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. let's take a break now for a short commercial. in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about how the opening of the easter festival took place in moscow. don't switch.
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the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields. i love it, i recommend it. gorky 53. premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. abnormal cold weather has arrived in moscow. this night the air temperature dropped to 3° and the whole day in the capital will be cloudy, no more than +10. tomorrow the region will be covered with rain, according to forecasts forecasters, a third of the monthly norm will fall in one day. wet snow is possible at night. experts told us what kind of weather awaits muscovites on may 9. this. victory day could be the coldest in 25 years. there will be precipitation in the capital, snow in some places, and the air temperature will not rise above 7°. frosts will hit overnight, as forecasters said, warming will come to moscow only
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by the middle of the month. and today the orthodox christians begin the bright week, a week during which they celebrate the bright sunday of christ. traditionally a gift to believers becomes moscow easter. for the first time , artists from the bolshoi theater took part in the festival; they, together with the mariinsky orchestra , presented a symphony program conducted by valery gergiev. also for the first time, the seaside stage joined the festival. theater, the festival will cover 24 russian cities in total, with the works of nikolai rimsky korsykov, modest mussorgsky and mikhail glinka becoming a highlight. this year is an anniversary for great russian composers.
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particular attention is paid to the memory of the great patriotic war. may 9 within during the easter festival , a symphony concert will be held on poklonnaya hill. and by this time that's all. stay on ntv. hello, about the weather for tomorrow evgenia neronskaya. in the south of the far east, the thickets are gradually dissipating; in vladivostok, precipitation will stop and the temperature will warm up to 15°. in the south of the kuril islands and sakhalin there is still wet snow and rain and not higher than +3. the continental regions are experiencing real heat. in the south of transbaikal, in some places it reaches +30. in the high pressure field, also the amur region and khabarovsk region. but in eastern siberia, the time of warmth has come to an end. v in irkutsk it will drop from +25 to +12. the forecast calls for heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail and gusty winds. behind the atmospheric front there is an area of ​​high pressure, in the novosibirsk, tomsk, kemerovo regions the sun is about +15, in the urals it is warming.


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