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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 6, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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after his mother was found strangled in the cellar on her property, in vitt kiselev’s studio. vita, hello. when
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the tragedy happened, the tragedy happened in mid-december 2023. how old is your godson? 12, what condition is he in now? he is very worried, because he was very connected with his mother, but he does not have a father, only his mother raised him, now he is experiencing a very great loss, we are trying to support him in every possible way, but still i see that he is a child... there are he has periods when he goes into sadness. have the crime suspects been detained? yes, detained, one suspect at the moment. brother, deceased. could a brother kill his own sister? everything turns out that he is in charge suspect. how did you find out what happened? on february 1, i read an sms from the suspect’s ex-wife, in which she said that my godson is now alone, his mother has been his mother for almost 2 months.
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is absent, and you and the boy’s mother often communicated before this, she was active on her social networks, and it was always clear to me that everything was fine with them, my mother called their family on december 30 and the deceased brother, and the deceased brother explained that the deceased was simply is on the property, they have a private house and she can’t answer the phone right now, mom believed what she heard, yes she, of course she... believed it, because her phone could be, say, in his house, and she could just go out to the garden, walk with the dogs, because we know that she has two dogs, she always takes long walks with them, they lived far from each other, no, they didn’t live far, there are literally 10-15 steps between these houses, they are not even separated by a fence, and these houses are on the same site, so to speak, yes, after that, your mother did not try to contact the deceased, no, we did not contact when you received this message, you probably started asking her? what happened to
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the boy’s mother, where is she? well, of course, i was very excited by this message, i started calling all the relatives i know, neighbors and... of course, i called my brother, to which he explained to me that she was just on a spree. when did he say this? 1st of february. and what else did the brother explain, how long has she been walking like this? well, he explained to me that from about mid- december. and he didn’t care one bit that his sister, the boy’s mother, yes, left one son, twelve years old, went away somewhere for a month and a half, it turns out. as he explained to me, yes, there is no need to worry, and that she supposedly left like that before. well, i didn’t know this kind of information, that there was no need to do anything, she would walk around and come back, and he began to tell me some different things, then she could be with some men there, then with others, and it all seemed very suspicious to me , i told him that he needs to put her on the wanted list, you are
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the closest relative, the child cannot to be alone, you need to look for your mother, and even if she went on a spree, you need to look for her and bring her back home, of course, what my brother answered was that we might have problems when...
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it turns out that in our first conversation, he explained to me that everything is good that the child goes to school, but i learned from other people that this is not true, that he does not come every day, that the child has already started having problems at school, that he does not attend
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a full-fledged school, his uncle gave him sick leave and he didn't go to school, you came to pick it up yourself godson, on february 2, the guardianship staff... took him to a social institution, because i wanted to take him right away, but they explained to me that there were no grounds for any of his relatives to take him, and the conditions in which he was the child, he was there in his house, he could not be there, that is, for one of his relatives to come there and be there with him, because there was complete unsanitary conditions, animals, yes, there were two dogs, two cats, the child could not them to fully watch, the conditions were very bad, human conditions, a child in such conditions cannot exist, that’s clear. let's see in what conditions the child has lived since his mother disappeared? listen, but this is, to put it mildly, a mess,
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in general it just looks like complete chaos, a dump, dirt, no, well, this is beyond the pale, i just, as a father and as a grandfather, can say that this is a shock. a person needs to wash, eat, sleep, this is a garbage dump, he lived in horror, uncles, aunts, relatives, as i understand it, there are grandmothers, and they are where, what, how, why , only one was in charge - the brother, grandparents, no, but if, of course, i had found out even on the first day that the child was alone, we would have immediately started looking for his mother, this is definitely radion, but like a month and a half of essentially independent, almost wild life, right? affect the condition of a twelve-year-old boy, well , first of all, let’s answer the question of why the child believed his uncle all this time, this is either the child’s association, and he does not know another life, or this is
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the boy’s intellectual level, reduced when the child does not focus, uncritically refers to the situation and blindly believes his uncle. yes, how did this whole situation, absolutely terrible, affect him, but this, firstly, is an emotional deviation, this is a behavioral disorder, and most importantly... this is disorientation and desocialization, the fact that this left an indelible impression on the child’s psyche, it is a fact. vita, brother, did your godson’s mother confess everything himself? no, he didn’t admit everything himself, when we arrived at my godson’s house to feed his dogs, feed the cats, we went to my brother’s house, because there are cats there too, to feed them, and converted attention to... the hatch into the cellar, what attracted your attention to this hatch? when we walked in,
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my brother’s ex-wife noticed that for some reason the jars that were supposed to be stored in the cellar were standing chaotically around the house. a police officer was with us and it was decided to look there. why did you come to the police officers in this house? to be honest, i was afraid to go there alone, i asked for support from my ex-wife, and we left a police officer who escorted us there, what happened next, they opened it and found a body there, the boy was also there, yes, and he saw the body of his mother, unfortunately, it turned out like this, yes, what he saw, he immediately felt very bad, of course he felt very bad, he screamed, he was very angry, he realized that in fact it was already his mother he won’t wait, because he was waiting for her, he was waiting for her until the last, and we were waiting for her, we hoped that i took it temporarily. guardianship, now mom will be found, and we will put the house in order there, the boy will return to his home,
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return to his mother, at that moment he just realized that that’s it, mom will not return, in what the corpse was in good condition, we only saw it from the back, i immediately realized that it was his mother, because she had characteristic features, a characteristic physique, and i immediately realized in a second that it was her, the body was somehow well hidden or was just lying there ? in the cellar, it was just lying in the cellar, on the floor, yes, the cause of death was obvious, according to the investigative committee, the cause of death was strangulation. the investigators didn't tell you how long this body lay in the cellar? unfortunately, they don’t give us such information yet, we don’t know, it seemed to me that the body was there for quite a long time, that is, it turns out that your godson walked around the area where the body of his murdered mother lay, it turns out like this. it’s painful to listen to, it’s just scary, especially the moment when the boy saw his mother
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a month and a half later, it’s really scary to imagine, i don’t know what the boy was thinking at that moment, really his whole life probably collapsed, all his hopes, and there’s only a very long time ahead recovery, as far as possible, well, this is a tragedy, radion, tell me, for a boy, this is an indelible injury, of course, but i have question, the child was in these conditions for a month and a half, as i understand it, the corpse was found in the cellar in the house, why during these month and a half did no one pay attention to the smell of cadaveric decomposition, firstly, it was a different house, secondly , i myself am my brother’s house, and the boy didn’t have access here, he didn’t go there for the whole month and a half, secondly, i went into this house myself, there was no smell there, the cellar... is quite deep, concrete, on it’s cold outside, plus there are air outlets, the cellar is ventilated,
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there was no smell, but before that the cellar wasn’t did they search you? as far as i know, the suspect hid that there is this cellar in his house, we have footage of this cellar, such conditions, they certainly contribute to conservation. corpse, but this will not be complete preservation, the corpse should still begin to decompose in such conditions, quite pronounced post-mortem changes should still occur, but it is surprising that there was no smell in the house, this also surprises me, because the smell is everything -should have gone by this time or died relatively recently earlier, but either or death occurred later than december, or the corpse was there later. they brought it, yes, look, the footage shows that, in my opinion, there are rubber gloves lying there, which this may indicate,
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or it’s like when removing the corpse, someone threw off the gloves, yes, because they were taking them out, or they were there initially, this needs to be established, whose gloves are, or the one who laid the body, the gloves are similar to those used by, well, let’s say, orderlies during transportation, yes, but this is not a fact, the same gloves can be bought, andrey, when only started the search, they really might not have noticed.
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two houses should have been inspected, i ’m thinking about something else, during the initial search, if the deceased brother hid the presence of a hatch, what kind of composure should you have, knowing that you have the corpse of your sister under the floor, not to puncture yourself, as they say, they were looking for him, they should there were grounds to inspect his house, but apparently the detectives had no such grounds, and you think the disappearance of a close relative had no grounds; they looked at the house where she lived, questioned him, well, there were grounds some or not? now the moment to inspect his house is unknown, but as our heroine says, what was he hiding about the fact that in general, in principle, there was a cellar, so it’s unlikely that anyone inspected it until the moment the corpse was discovered there, you know, for me there’s another surprising thing, based on from personal experience, yes, criminals always try to get rid of evidence, the most significant evidence is the body
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of the deceased, for 3 and a half months there was a complete opportunity to get rid of this body. nothing has been done for this, which is somewhat surprising, let’s just say, this is contrary to logic, but what could this indicate, either this is a deep mental pathology, and he doesn’t understand what he’s doing and there’s something wrong with him , or he didn’t know about this body, he didn’t know, that is, you are talking about the fact that the body could have been planted, planted, then i don’t understand, look, for example, they don’t report to the police, they don’t report to the guardianship authorities, because they are afraid that the child will be taken to an orphanage , but...
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there do the boy have any other relatives? i know that he told someone that he in general, he has the only relative. witt, was he arrested on the same day the body was discovered? yes, right away, did he and his sister have any conflicts before? yes, they had conflicts, but it always never ended in anything bad, that is, yes, they could quarrel there, maybe even get angry at each other on social networks, write something about each other, yes, but then some -that time they... were together again, let's say, because they were actually very connected with each other, they are brother and sister, they grew up together, and if there were some conflicts against one of them, one came to the aid of the other, the mother of your godson has already been buried, no, we are deciding the issue of burial in our city , several cemeteries are already closed, perhaps, that
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is, visiting other relatives is possible only before the burial , and this certain... happened, i imprisoned you, for what? well, this is a domestic teran, is that why you broke up? yes, how long did you live with him? 24 years, all these 24 years he showed aggression? showed, apologized, but we already had three children, i was afraid that i they would deprive me of parental rights, he had very great power, he had such a strong influence on
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me, he constantly threatened that i would stay, that he would deprive me of parental rights, i was very afraid of this. on you, you mean manipulation, he often used physical force on you, not often, but very strong, such fractures, i have fractures of the skull, skull, yes, he hit me with his heel in the forehead, i have a fracture here, what a horror, what what else he did, the last time he almost strangled me, what led to this, his wild life and jealousy, it’s unclear to why, i even left work so that this jealousy wouldn’t happen, he tortured... at night at 5 in the morning he strangled me, i managed to scream, it was on the second floor, my minor daughter came running, she was 12 years old at the time and couldn’t get away from him tear me off, i tried to bite there. hands, she bit his fingers, she ran behind the damaged neighboring house, called her, then they tore him away from me, and he choked me and hit me on the head, i had
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multiple bruises, we dressed as our daughter at 5 in the morning and ran away from the house, you turned to the police, yes of course, i was a threat to life a criminal case has been opened, but you regret, as you said, that you didn’t put him in jail, you withdrew the statement, yes, i felt sorry for him, the investigator says, let me talk to him, do you want to put him in jail? i say, well, can you remember any other terrible incidents from your life? yes, of course, he abused children, are these your children together? yes, he could yell, scream, lift up the squalid children there so that they could sit and watch his tv, so that everyone would do as he wants, because he is god, and we are all dirt under with his nails, everything in general, he said so, yes, this is his glory, and he beat the children, of course, it was that yes, the last time he stood on the bed of his middle son, kicked him. and he broke his nose with his foot in the face, he could take a stick, for example, from under, well, drive a vacuum cleaner, he could take a knife, he even shot with a gas pistol, in the room, we all ran away there, hid from
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him, no, just in the room, well, what did the murdered woman confess to her former partner, new, terrible facts, right after a short advertisement, the country forgave you for your crime, no i forgave, punished, the internal affairs bodies need your help, either you are with me or under me, gorky 53, i just wanted to live, calmly, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. at the call of the heart, premiere on may 8 and 9 at 21:35 on ntv. the choice of a professional, for sure. amylatex gel acts precisely at the site of pain with care for those closest to you. the exact solution is free movement. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners, a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension with sberbank online or in
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they asked, well... the boys somehow, well, i’m such a calm person, and my daughter repeatedly told me: “mom, why are you with this person in the first place, how do you live with him?”, she was six years old then , seven, even at that age she understood that you were in danger, and why didn’t you run away after, really, me too this question torments me, why didn’t you run away after the first incident of violence against you, i say that he would constantly threaten that he would deprive me of parental rights, and i have nowhere to go especially with small children, first two boys, then i left, he kicked me out of the house, tried to deprive me of my parents... but tell me honestly, were you just afraid of this or - you loved him and thought that this would not happen again , the pain, at the beginning you loved him, and then you were just a victim of loss. radion, and a man who strikes once will strike again, of course, and more than once again, and again, and again. why do women tolerate this? firstly, it has to do with self-attitude. self-attitude is unstable in a woman, in a woman like this. secondly, this is
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self-esteem. self-esteem is reduced, thirdly, this is the desire to be comfortable, because i was raised that way, it was put into me, god forbid, i say a word across, well, fourthly, this is of course a certain degree of codependency, yes, i am dependent emotionally, financially perhaps psychologically, marina now agrees with you, she nods, well, materially no, he never. didn’t work, but how can a woman find the strength within herself to break with a domestic tyrant? firstly, you need to have a certain degree of freedom, be independent and treat yourself as a person, and not as a convenient thing, but here the partner’s moment is also important, it is impossible to just break out of this relationship, yes, because
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the partner is in like...abusive relationships, he is a constitutional narcissist with uncontrollable aggression, and he treats his loved ones this way because he is irritated by their weakness, you are not so strong like me, i will teach you to be strong, it sounds very scary, it sounds and looks scary, marina, and after the divorce did you see your ex- husband? we were divorced once, when we were at the last meeting, he came, we were getting divorced for 8 months, why did it take so long? there they immediately included four in one case, and deprivation of parental rights and that, so everything was sorted out for a very long time, and he only came to one, the last one, when we were divorced, as a result his parental rights were deprived, after that you didn’t see each other again, with your sister ex- husband you kept in touch, yes we always were in good terms, she’s generally a person who’s just on holiday, so let’s say, she’s
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always positive and kind.
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i was sure that he was guilty of her disappearance, that’s for sure, but why were you so sure, they had some kind of conflicts, yes, they were very often, they, two big people, they could fight before... in such a way degree to fight, there i just flew away, when i tried to separate them, to fight, and i couldn’t just separate them, they fought, they had conflicts about money, about housing, about there, he humiliated her, he held her for 4 months without electricity, she was completely dependent on him, he turned off the switch, well, yes, she was temporary, as if her house was on his electricity, he mocked him constantly, but on the day when the body was found, you were also in this house, yes exactly you? did you notice the cellar? yes, well, i had to check, i didn’t want to check, but why? my daughter insisted to me that she had a dream a week ago that she was lying there, she asked that they look into the cellar, when we
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opened it, they saw her, she just ran out into the street shouting: “i told you that she was under gender, why, she was just hysterical, she screamed: “dad, why did you kill your aunt and not yourself.” edward, what do the investigators think about... such premonitions? i don’t believe in prophetic dreams, but i believe that during the process of sleep, our brain continues to process information that we already possess, which can be given out in the form of a dream, say so, and this can be simple, if the targeted person constantly thinks where, where, where the body could be, yes, they are all sure that she is dead, yes, then accordingly, as one of the versions, which tells the brain what to look in the basement.
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exists, well, that is, the girl had such a dream, because the adults around, for example, discussed such a version, yes, of course, but how old is the girl, 14, 14, especially 14 years old, firstly, the adults discussed such a version, and secondly, this girl, when i was dragging my dad away when he was strangling
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my mother, that is, she, accordingly, it remains in her brain if she says that it was this girl who pulled him away, accordingly, by the way, yes marina, and you are in the guilt of your ex husband, you have no doubt, i have no doubt at all, but he cannot believe that his family was a tyrant, he beat her more than once, strangled her, broke her skull, and you knew him differently? yes, that is , he is quite cheerful, sociable, that is, reduced, that is, he knows a lot of things, how did you recognize him as having happened?
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vita called me and said that there had been no contact for several months, they couldn’t find her anywhere, so she accordingly said that she wanted to put her on the wanted list, well, i said, of course, she needs to file, i supported her in this. and you didn’t ask your brother for anything comments, didn’t ask where she was, didn’t ask for advice, we haven’t communicated for almost two years, probably, well, fate somehow divorced us, that is, that’s why we’ve communicated very little lately, then why don’t you believe that he could to do this, i knew him at that moment like this, that in all his actions he did not demonstrate to me, at least, that is, people don’t change like that in 2 years, you think, everything is possible.
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and for others he is a sadist and a tyrant and a tyrant, of course, it’s easier now to push him aggressive person, everything, knowing him, you can simply say that he really did it, but i why. i think there ’s a completely different dog buried here. natalya, is this man’s guilt obvious to you, or can you also assume that there was someone third or some other version? in general, i have a lot of questions initially, usually yes, when a person disappears, what do they do, the police announce a search, yes, everyone here knows each other, again, starting with a boy who is 12 years old, yes, he is not the same height, on a desert island his friends.
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is something known about how the brother and sister live, how the sister raises the child, what condition the boy is in, what condition they were in before, maybe you communicated with the boy? well , i repeat that we haven’t communicated for almost a couple of years, probably the last one, well, a couple of years before that, the boy, yes, well, at that time they actually lived in the same house, some on the second floor, others on the first, about conflicts, maybe perhaps they heard something, that they had conflicts, that they fought, as they say here. already heard after we stopped communicating, i heard that there
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were some domestic quarrels and that they heard from someone, from his wife, but before that there were no conflicts, at that time i did not see and did not know, but about the conflicts between my brother and murdered, her former partner knew, in the studio timur sungatulin. hello timur, hello, what do you know about the relationship between brother and sister? the relationship was very difficult. you know how there is only one step from love to hate, there were fights, no, she just killed him, but what did his former partner tell him about their relationship with his brother, she said, she she says what i remembered, i remembered, i remembered, she says, i say that you remembered, that he raped me when, well, in childhood, what a nightmare, that is, she remembered. out of the blue or did something remind her of this? yes, yes, yes, what reminds you?
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there might be some events, maybe his gesture, maybe his look, marina, have you heard anything about this? yes, the deceased, she also told me about when their father left them, uh, my mother worked, and my ex-husband pestered her, well, they played house here and there, he touched her in places that there is no need to touch how old they were, she was nine years old. they are 5 years apart, he was 14, i know from a friend, he said, i remember how they looked at the victim there, i remember that, she called him a pedophile, what a nightmare, what would a woman who knew them tell about his brothers and sister 15 years, details in a few minutes, the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation,
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live on the same plot, they inherited this plot from their father, there’s just nowhere else was to live, she...
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to a resident, they explained this by saying that the heating in his house had allegedly frozen over, and he couldn’t live there, and i basically believed it, timur, what is your personal opinion about the murdered woman’s brother, he’s a coward , the moral one, who only hits from under the weight, even drove his mother out into the cold, i then asked, i said, where, she says in the bathhouse, i say, as in the bathhouse, have you been foolish or something, but are you? they also had conflicts, in general they never really respected their mother, they weren’t always very impressed with these ones, she protected them, especially
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she always defended him, she didn’t see what her son did with you, with his own children, she did, then i think that exposing her to the cold is a direct consequence and her reluctance to notice that there is nothing to the person, he is alone outside, decent and good, inside... different marina, when you first met this man, what impression did he make on you? i just want to understand, if he is such a terrible person, why did you even get along with him, a fool, love is evil, i guess, then i already understood, young, handsome, very courteous, polite, he’ll give a hand there, it’s always this abuser, and that’s what alphonse says, he really hopes to teach himself, yes, very much. vezhi, very cultured, knew a lot, there he could be of interest, there you open your mouth, you sit, that’s all, and then you get to know him
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deeper, deeper, deeper, then you can’t get out of there, you don’t know where to run, timur, with you your partner’s brother was also cultured, polite, interesting, always extremely correct, extremely polite, there were conflicts, it even got to fights, of course, he waited one day and beat me. with a stick so that they put 25 stitches on my face, because of which, just like that, just because i overcame him before, that is, this man is vindictive, very, extremely, and in front of you he raised his hand against his sister, yes , could not raise a hand to her, she would have killed right away, that is, she was physically stronger, of course, i have big doubts about his physical condition, because... you saw the victim 85 meters, 110 kg, not a drop of fat,
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master of sports in rowing, and he what kind of build was he, but he is a little taller than me and weaker, that is, physically he would not be able to cope with her, no, no, eduard, but the difference in weight and height matters when committing a crime, but practically none, even the weakest man can beat a very physically developed woman and... speaking specifically about strangulation, is a man who has less mass capable of strangling? timur, for you there is such a physical difference between them, which indicates that the brother did not do this, or that he did not do this alone, not alone, i also think so, andrey, how do you like this version, we have too few facts to evaluate as a whole, and to draw a conclusion about guilt, innocence, one is not alone, let’s look at the fact objectively, after all, the body was found where, in his house, he... tried to somehow hide the presence of this basement, but in his house, he told the child that his mother had gone there for a walk and so
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on, that is, there are objective circumstances that point to him , as involved in the murder of this woman, a man, moreover, since the court made a decision that he is now under arrest in a pre-trial detention center, the court, when making such a decision , checks the validity of suspicions, that is , in any case, the investigative and operational authorities had information about his involvement, at least for the moment... well, the neighbor said who reported , she said, they kept dividing the money, dividing everything, because he forced her - he asked
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her for money to pay for the light, and... and since he took out a lot of loans for all his relatives, she says: you will repay the loan , i'll give you money to pay for the light, on this basis, they constantly had these conflicts, a local resident came to us, who got to know the brother and sister well, in the studio marina zhmuleva, hello, marin, hello, how long have you known your brother and sister, about 15 years. what do you know about the relationship between brother and sister? i know that there were competitive relationships, that is, he showed his superiority, and it seems to me that he was even offended that her parents loved her more, he’s just like a person, aggressive, hot-tempered, from what side did you know him, with he looks like
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he is a calm person, but he showed aggressiveness in his family. who lived, well, you never observed aggression, there was no aggression, in public he was calm, his sister’s character was what? she was good, cheerful, a very good mother. how they realized that the boy practically lives alone all the time, for a month and a half, and his mother disappeared. i saw a post on social networks that my mother was missing, and whose post was it? any of the local residents? yes, and i began to suspect that the child lived alone. did the neighbors actually see the boy alone on the street? i know that the teacher came to him, when he saw her, he hugged her, that is, having seen people, she came to his home, that is, he became so wild from his loneliness that he hugged the first person who came to him, yes, after the teacher went to the address and recorded that the child was alone,
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the school immediately informed the guardianship, then i found out, marina. how did you react when your brother was detained on suspicion of murdering your sister? were there suspicions that there was some kind of conflict between them? well, that is you, marina, do you think that this man’s guilt will be proven, i think so, we have a comment from the investigative committee: in december 2023 , a forty-year-old woman went missing in perm, and on march 27, 2020... according to the investigation, the murder was committed by the brother of the deceased. on one day in december 2023 , a man, while with his sister in his private home, strangled the latter due to a long-standing conflict relationship during a quarrel. trying to hide traces of the crime, the man hid the body in the cellar of his private house. arrived at
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the scene of the incident by investigators when examining the scene of the incident. traces were found that clearly indicated a murder had been committed. the man was immediately detained and has now been charged. at the request of the investigator, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention against the accused. currently , a set of investigative actions aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base continues. andrey, what threatens a brother for killing his sister? if this is criminal according to the first part of 105? will his actions are qualified, then from 6 to 15 years, if the second, there is up to life imprisonment, and the murder of a relative is an aggravating circumstance, this does not affect the qualification in any way at all, and the fact that the murdered son was left an orphan is an aggravating circumstance , no, either, but if it is proven that the accused deliberately confused his tracks, hid that his sister was no longer there, hid the very fact of the presence of a cellar, said
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that his sister did not keep in touch with him, and so on , and so on, and so on, the boy was taught, what to say, all this will play against the accused, it already plays against him, since these circumstances have already been taken into account in any case , this is the fact that he tried to get the investigation on the right track, but it was taken into account when choosing a preventive measure, that is, as one of the reasons are that he does not want to cooperate, he is silent about some circumstances, but again for punishment, well, the court can take into account these circumstances, like his behavior after committing a crime, but with some substance. on the impact of punishment this will not affect, but the fact that he knew that the boy essentially lives alone, we can talk about leaving a minor in danger, no, i think no, in this case it is impossible, since he was not obliged to raise this boy , he was neither a parent nor a guardian, and the son will be recognized as the victim in the case, well, most likely the son, of course, will be recognized as the victim, although the law
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does not limit the number of victims in a criminal case, and any of the relatives... in principle can declare petition for recognizing him as a victim and it must be satisfied by the investigation or the court, whether a twelve-year-old orphan can receive the inheritance of his murdered mother, we will find out together, in a couple of minutes, in his eighties, an unmarried, childless, doctor of economics, how a boy fell in love with a girl who is three times his age , i am 75, and my wife is 24, i registered her in my apartment in moscow, she agreed to become his wife, although she is suitable for a granddaughter, and bore him two sons, i was captivated by his shoes, there is a man next to me should look perfect for his age, they noticed, since i looked more at the shoes, i realized that he was somewhere from 45 to 50 years old, but the pensioner does not believe his luck and suspects that his wife gave birth to
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his lovers, one is blond, the other one is dark, they don’t look enough like me, so did a seventy-five-year-old pensioner become a father thanks to his twenty-four-year-old wife, men came from work, for example, they could pick someone up, they proposed marriage, but i said that while my husband is alive. i won't cheat on him, i i’m opening the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv, scheduled premiere on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question is difficult, napept can help. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. at persiel we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. enzymes. work on the surface and inside of the fabric, let the memories remain, not stains on things, once persevered, always persevered, from the premiere you can never leave the house weekend, relax the way you want and
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a survivor's pension, moral compensation from his uncle, if his guilt is proven, can the boy count on? of course, yes, he can apply for compensation for moral damage that was caused as a result of the crime, the court must decide this issue. vita, is your godson the only heir of his mother? yes, he is the only heir. now we will also have very big problems with this inheritance, because i raised some documents and now i understand.
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it turned out that 1/2 was inherited by the suspect, yes, one to the sister, but the rent is already overdue, very much, for many years, i can’t even imagine, maybe this building is already considered illegal and the child is left without everything, i i will help the child enter into an inheritance with pleasure, we will arrange everything as needed, okay, thank you, vita, your godson now needs psychological help, yes i i think that he definitely needs psychological help, he needs some kind of support, some kind of support from an adult who will lead him into his future life. how did he cope with the move from perm to moscow? it’s also very difficult for him, he was going psychomatic, that is, right away, in terms of health, he felt bad, he had rashes on his face, and something and something, and some kind of swelling. now we will deal with this issue, we will go to the doctors, we will find out all this. have you found a school for him? yes, i'm still from school even when she hadn’t taken him yet. i have
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preliminary agreements, the school treated us very well, they gave me detailed advice on what i should do, how we will work with the fact that the child missed school, that is, i feel directly supported in this matter issue of school, yes, you probably seem to be trying to protect him from everything, probably not to talk to him about what happened, no, but i think that he is already at such an age that it is important for him to know all this, that is, so that from don't hide it.


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