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tv   DNK  NTV  May 6, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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i have preliminary agreements, the school treated us very well, they gave me detailed advice on what i should do, how we will work with the fact that the child missed school, that is, i feel directly supported in this matter question of school, but you’re probably trying to protect him from everything, probably not talking to him about what happened? no, but i think that he is already at such an age that it is important for him to know all this, that is, so as not to hide it from him.
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must go through all the stages of grief, and until then until he does this, he will be emotionally connected with those events, with the trauma that he went through, so if you need, for example, psychotherapeutic, psychocorrectional help, i am ready to help, what we heard today in this studio is really beyond, i also for my part, if a psychologist is needed or... this is medical help, that is, everything that is aimed at helping the child, we will definitely help with everything we can, vita, we wish you, your godson, to get through it quickly this is grief, remember that with any problem you can ask for help in our program, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond, the man owns it. such a massage technique that women
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mortgage their apartments for it and get into crazy debts, i bought everything for him, i even bought him a couch, minus 4 million, minus a piece of jewelry, four loans and several credit cards they are worth zero, what is the total amount, 2.126 thousand rubles, i mortgaged the apartment, his mother confesses, even she cannot hold him accountable, our family has lost money, did he steal? but he took it, so he has some kind of charm, will women be able to get their money and housing back, and can anyone really suffer from his charms? do you know how many women were affected? you know, today there are more than 100 people, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow on ntv, he knows from personal experience that love... all ages are submissive,
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because his wife is 51 years younger than him, only the man doubts that she gave birth to him sons. in our studio oleg mikhailov. hello, oleg, please come and have a seat. how old are you and your wife? i am 75, and my wife is 24. what is the name of your young wife? daria vladimirovna. you met daria vladimirov, we met in a shopping center, and i came up and asked if she had vacationed in a satellite camp, there was such a camp in soviet times, well, this is a standard question, and that is, this is a standard way of meeting, standard, well you could say it worked, but of course she reacted warily, but in the end it worked, i got the phone, and you asked how much? years old, when we met, she didn’t
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ask, she didn’t ask, accordingly, no, what attracted you to the girl, it means that she struck me in appearance, her appearance is very attractive, it seemed to me that in this image she was the type that i like, and of course intuitively i felt that the person was close, and, well, some kind of potential i felt, well , basically the first, of course, she made such an external impression on me, that is , a bright girl, yes... you met after you exchanged phone numbers, i called her, and we tried to arrange a meeting, meeting did not take place there due to various reasons reasons, it was in the fall, so we met, yes, and uh, then they started calling each other, i congratulated her on the new year, they started calling each other, corresponding, and here i felt that this kind of closeness arose to the person. and how long did you
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call each other and correspond with each other before you moved on to a closer relationship? yes, for about a month or two, then i invited her to visit me. did you agree with the girl? yes, she agreed after the conversation, she was probably also impressed by the communication, and that they immediately began to live together, well, one might say so, yes, that is, you invited her to visit you already with the intention of keeping the girl with you? well, yes, i had the intention. have you thought about a wedding? not much about the wedding, of course, but then i realized that it is quite possible to get married, but by the time you decide to start a family. make an offer, you talked about age with yours, yes we talked about age, then the question arose, but it didn’t make much of an impression on her, i thought there would be some kind of panic there or something else, well, in general she was like- then she calmly reacted to what was the wedding like? well, the wedding was
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very economical, there was a very small circle of people, i have an idea and, in general, from the experience of others, that the more magnificent the wedding, the faster the divorce. it turns out, well, how did your family life develop, it developed perfectly, there were no quarrels, no special disagreements, that is, to be honest, compared to the first marriage, i was very glad that everything was fine, that everything was unfolding successfully, that is, he you still had one, yes, it was your first marriage, my first marriage was 24 years old, we lived together for 2 years officially, but the relationship did not work out, i realized that no...
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i, because there were certain savings, and there were enough funds to have a good time and with dignity, to attract a girl in such, honestly, excuse me, yours, probably money, apparently you looked after her so well, to be honest, and the fact that moscow registration, probably several apartments, yes, yes, well, she took the bait, no, well, this is a standard idea that there really are some considerations, benefits. supposed from marriage there, well as a rule, this is standard, but here is registration, an apartment, money and so on, well, if you gave her registration, an apartment and money, then in return you received care, love and youth, i understand correctly, yes, of course, well, in the background here all this did not arise financial
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difficulties, no, well, i suffered big losses even before marriage, financial, i invested in various companies, supposedly there was construction, some other investment programs, but they turned out to be... false, you went bankrupt, yes , well, there were large sums, for example, in marriage, i spent 10 million, and before the darkness much more, and how did your young wife react to such financial losses, she was interested in investments, but it turned out to be financial pyramids, and of course mine, i tried to help her, but i thought that she just wanted captivates, she expected big profits, naturally, which were promised to her, she invested without restrictions, that is, it was still her idea, her idea was hers, yes, but i expected, of course, that some were possible, but i didn’t expect, that everything would be lost as a result, but i didn’t regret it, of course, because it was burning
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i was interested in this, it’s very similar to the fact that your chosen one is somehow connected with all these financial pyramids, perhaps you... that is, i of course understood her, of course, i didn’t even have such a thought in fact that that is, are you sure that she was also deceived, and you managed to improve your financial situation in the end? well, to some extent, yes, to be honest, i continue to work, but even
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this is no longer an official job, although i was invited to return, but i retired, but as a hobby and work i continue, i am a scientist i do work, my hobby brings me good income. well, that’s enough, plus royalties for publications, you overcame financial difficulties, how you began to live on, it means that since we were apart for a month and a half and... these are business trips, sessions, and other trips related to business, so we met periodically, i came there, she came here, this is the first, her first visit turned out to be so unusual, that is , after an absence of one and a half months, she arrived with some kind of strange expression on her face, distant even i would say, yes, but completely unusual for me...
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perhaps with some previous one, she felt, she says, maybe a dna test can be done, but i somehow extinguished all this, that is, she herself suggested that you do the test, but she felt that i was like - i ask too many questions, and but i was unsure, that is, this was the first impulse of my doubts, so well, at some point you still resigned yourself, realized that you would become a father, well, you resigned yourself, but then they appeared.. . from friends there are some thoughts that it can’t be, but
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from the husband there are children, it can’t be, so what? age is the most important aspect, that well, it’s actually unrealistic, it’s somehow, well , it jarred a little, but well, some doubts also remained inside that this is impossible, then, that means, when the second child was born, it turned out that they were not similar to... each other in appearance, one is blond, the other is dark, and it seemed to me that they were not similar enough to me, neither one nor the other, yes, but from the family we met one second son, well, i met a joyful one, of course, from first meeting with the first, just for the first time i saw a small child, i my face even seized up, that is, either to smile, or on the verge of something, well, i want to cry, in general, unexpectedly, such a reaction is of course very strong, what should i call it?
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significantly, but due to losses, of course, this could not be done yet, so we settled on the option - in that city, well , as i understand it, you have a guest marriage, she lives in her city, you live in moscow, you meet periodically , you are not in the same space all the time, this happens for natural reasons, well , let’s say i had two heart attacks, therefore, i had to rest in the hospital, after all, a heart attack is such a serious thing.
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she assures that there was simply no point in looking at other men, because she still wouldn’t have found someone better than you. in the studio daria mikhailova. hello, yes, hello, tell us how oleg won you over? well, when we met him in the shopping center, first of all i was captivated by his intelligence, charisma, appearance, he looked very... neat, well, naturally, i was captivated by his shoes, clean,
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expensive, high quality, for me it’s just that such a plus, a man should look perfect next to me, so that i wouldn’t be ashamed to go out in public with him, and the most important thing that captivated me most of all was his desire to do something for me from the first minutes, he wanted buy me a gift, invited me on vacation, why is this important to me, my parents are divorced and... when i needed support from my father, he refused me, that is, in every little thing, i’m used to achieving everything on my own, this you can understand, but still these are the proposals of the man who sees you first since you didn’t think that they were... that they were trying to buy you, it seemed strange to me and scared me a little, because in general i moved to moscow with the goal of starting to earn money and develop, and my mother said that, in principle, i don’t need anyone, i i can achieve everything on my own, so at first i refused everything that he offered me, i said, as if i had money, opportunities, if i want something, i’ll go buy it for myself, but then you accepted all the offers oleg, i understand correctly, well,
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after some time we met only 4 months after the first meeting, we met for the second time already at his house, that is, we started living together, that is , this was our second meeting after meeting, i say, let’s get to know each other first. with each other, we’ll talk there for two weeks, then perhaps we’ll move on to closer communication, but unfortunately we moved on on the first day, not as we agreed, my husband couldn’t restrain himself, you noticed by age that men are in general, much older than you, well, i paid attention, because i i looked more at the shoes, i realized that he... is somewhere from 45 to 50 years old, well, maximum 60, but in principle 60 is not, as if i think that no, not 60, well 55, 60 in principle is suitable well, basically yes, because i felt his energy and it hooked me, that is, i thought about this man, i really liked him. dari, when oleg told you his real age, do you remember this moment? yes, of course, i remember, it was march
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2020, that is, we had already lived together for a month, i just woke up one day. going to work, he is sitting, i don’t understand what happened, i just thought that he would now say that i am married, i have children, and forgive us, as it were, well, out of the way, i got tense, i say that you tell me you want to say, well, that is, he said that he wants to tell me something important, i say that i was born in the forty-eighth year, i sort of calculated approximately how old he is, i say, well, that’s even for the best, here he was taken aback in the sense that for the better, what did you mean, you can really interpret this remark in two ways, for the better in the sense that it means a person is already s... stood up, he already knows what he wants, and if he really wants to build some kind of future together with me, i will be confident in him, he will not walk around, cheat, that is, he will be yours entirely, yes and i was also captivated by one phrase, he said then, you know, now you can think, pack your things, leave, and you, in principle, will not lose anything, but here i am, if you leave, i
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will lose a lot, then i already knew about his status, who is he anyway, what merits does he have? in this life, and i realized my value, that if such a person values ​​me, it means we are on the same path, and he is really my partner in life, when oleg asked you to marry, you were absolutely happy at that moment, he asked me to marry unexpectedly, although for me it was very important, why are we, in principle, with him the message wasn’t built right after we met, he said: let’s just move in together, you won’t pay rent for rented housing, that is, it will be better for you, well, it’s like, i say, but how will we live, that is, who are we shall we? to a friend, well, we’ll just live, i say: no, i need marriage, because i was raised differently, and i haven’t lived with anyone before, that is, i will essentially be your wife if we live with you, that is, i clean, cook, that is, i spend time with you, and who will you be to me? he said: i’m not getting married, i don’t need it, i say, but i don’t live without marriage, that is, you wanted the man to formalize the relationship, but love, love, it exists, it comes
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just day after day, like a person manifests himself in how he treats me, i love him, but i won’t live. well, for me paper is confirmation that the man is mine, and i have full rights to him, and he has full rights to me, and that means we love each other, that is, you need a guarantee, yes a guarantee with a seal, yes, you were happy when you received this very guarantee, yes, of course, he proposed to me a month and a half after we started living together, well, the first marriage is very exciting, we probably prepared, well , we didn’t prepare so much, i got ready myself, by the way, i didn’t have a makeup artist then, nor the hairdresser, because i didn’t know that in in principle, i have such a... wealthy man that i can turn to professionals, that is, i put myself together, a beautiful dress, a white fluffy one, well, of course we bought the dress, yes, but we signed it together, we are, in principle , very friendly with each other we get along well and the two of us are very interested, that is, we don’t need this noise and tinsel, we took a taxi to sachs, from sachs we took a bus home, that is , a white limousine from my husband with the top open, we didn’t demand anything like that , the only thing
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i asked for was a diamond ring a wedding dress, well, now i wear an engagement dress more, because it was my cherished desire to receive a marriage proposal, so this is more important to me, even though it costs a little less, well, it costs a little, much less, well, i generally understand that it matters a lot to you what is cheaper, what is more expensive, well, i myself evaluate for myself what is important to me, what is not, how would it be inside me, where we went by bus after zaks, got home, bought a cake, i thought we'll go to a restaurant, but he just got worried, fell asleep and we couldn't to celebrate, well, our... wedding, i was just eating cake in the kitchen with a spoon, i was basically happy, i’m looking through my photos at home, i’m smiling from ear to ear, well, the fact that there was no wedding night, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the union is here. did he document? no, it was night, we just didn’t celebrate in the restaurant, but we celebrated in the restaurant 3 days later, everything was fine, we walked and celebrated together and talked, that is, everything went great. daria, when
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did the conversation about children start? the conversation started about children as soon as i found out his age, i i realized that, in principle, we had nothing to wait for, and i realized that we already need to plan for the child, because i want the children to be close to their living and healthy father for as long as possible, we planned. naturally, it didn’t work out at first, i was very upset, i thought that maybe due to my age, i started talking to my husband about this topic, he said: no, i’m healthy, i’m fine, i started to think, that means , well, it’s like i’m the problem, mom said, no, you can’t be the problem either, then i i just thought that then we need it, well , after we sign, it’s like the marriage has already been concluded, well, giving, the same thought should have worried you when you were just getting ready to get married, that you were going to marry a man much older you might... really have problems conceiving children? well, i thought about it, but i understood that if people love each other, they can cope with anything. when did you find out about your long-awaited pregnancy? i found out absolutely
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by accident, that is, i spent a month and a half with my mother in bashkiria, where i also worked in i flew to st. petersburg, then i got sick and , in general, i couldn’t return to moscow. when i returned, my husband offered to fly on vacation, we flew to sochi on vacation, everything was fine, we flew to moscow, and i realized that i had there would be some delay, but i didn’t want to take a pregnancy test, so as not to be upset, because i’ve already, how to say, well, the last few times it’s already come to the point where i’m crying, well, this really upsets me, i want child, but i can’t do it, well, after all, my cousin recommended doing it without waiting for the morning, that is, she said, if you are pregnant, the test will show right away, i naturally went and did the test, i had tests at home, well , because we were preparing, i did it, the result was immediately positive, that’s two at once bright stripes, i remember screaming out of surprise, bursting into tears, that is, throughout the entire apartment, and you say that it was after your trip. well, it turns out that we were separated for a month and a half, then i arrived, my vacation began, we went to sochi, that is well, this all somehow happened in one month. oleg, and you say that there were no children near
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you when pregnancy should have occurred, but what about sochi? then sochi, how is it oleg, then we went, we had a birthday there on november 20, and i found out on november 28 that i was pregnant, that is, you went there for oleg’s birthday on the twentieth, well , approximately, to have a rest there , you want to say that you already... showed two stripes, yes, well, we were in moscow with him before, do you think that after all, the pregnancy came earlier, well, if 28 november seemed like a month already, well , when you arrived after leaving, something external seemed unusual to me, well , yes, he felt that i had a little chill, but i just got out of the habit in a month and a half, as it were we were always together as a person, and this is a month and a half, as if you don’t see, on the contrary, it’s like a month and a half of being newlyweds...
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it’s not oleg that is warming me up, i understand, but i also understand that i have large children, they are developing quickly, because of this, it seems that - that is, the fruit is large, it seems that it is already the period is long, in fact, i just have large children, perhaps it seems that they have been there for a long time in the stomach, so when you basically informed oleg about your pregnancy, what did oleg say, well, in general he was happy at first in principle, on this november 28th he was very happy, because he seemed to see my emotions, that i burst into tears and screamed, that is... it was a shock, i didn’t even believe what i then ran and bought one more test, what if it was oleg who told us that he didn’t believe it right away, no, he was joyful, he didn’t i believed it, then 2-3 months later, when i
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was already pregnant, one day i just see that he is in no mood, although we didn’t quarrel, i ask what happened, i watched a tv show, there the man is also much older, that is girl, in the end the result is that the child is not his, i say, now what do you want with... to say that i, too, seem to be pregnant from another man, i naturally burst into tears, but i didn’t show him that i i’m crying because i’m a strong person, i turned away so much, cried into my pillow, and immediately started searching on the internet, is it possible to do a dna test, when how to say, well, there is a child in utero, i say, if you are ready to pay, we can go do it right away, he said, well, no matter what, it ’s dangerous for the fetus, let’s give birth, give birth, we'll see, if he doesn't look like me at all, then we'll return to this issue. when i gave birth to a child, we didn’t seem to return to this issue, but i understood that something was bothering him, i asked what’s wrong with you, everything is fine, and why then do you have high blood pressure and heart attacks? every year, do you have these doubts,
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your husband’s worries? they offend, they offend very much, because i want him to finally understand that these are really his children, to judge only by external signs, well, i think that this is well, you must agree, daria, that most often it happens that children they look like their parents, well, i think that the eldest son is very similar to my husband, and as if when i gave birth to him, i immediately saw that it was mikhailov, but the younger one, well, the younger one didn’t seem to, well... i i was upset by this, as if we don’t have much dark skin, well, no no one dark, so i just thought that maybe he was too big, too 5 kg, maybe the swelling would go away later, so the skin color would change, it would become lighter, but that didn’t happen, well, now he’s lighter, but it’s like his hair and his eyes seem to be dark, well, that is, they don’t look like his eldest son, well, back in the maternity hospital, i asked , as it were, that the first child, if
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he was always with me, how would he not... not at all me, nor my husband, let us then also look at the photographs of your sons and compare them together, pay attention to the screen, well, the elders are children, but i don’t know why he doesn’t look like, well, alexander with blue eyes, blond hair, to be honest, i saw photographs of my father. husband, i think he’s a copy, well , it turns out oleg’s father, it’s very similar, similar with his eyes, uh, that is, nose, lips, face shape, hair color and even hairstyle, how the hair grows, that is, and the younger ones, and the younger one , perhaps he somehow looks a little like my mother, but in vain, oleg, you think that victor is like yours, doesn’t look like you, just one face, and alexander, you are the same, your eyes,
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the shape of your eyes. if we talk about the gynecologist, when you came to him, again so that, due to the fact that oleg doubted, you could clearly communicate with her, but because gynecologists have such methods for calculating the estimated dates when conception occurred, that is you could have appealed further with this, but you didn’t, but because perhaps you didn’t want to talk about these dates, and therefore, given
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that oleg has such doubts and... your story, this is where i have doubts about the appearance of children, well here many features, as it were, cannot be directly said that this applies to a colleague, so , to be honest, i have doubts, like a specialist directly, as a health worker, so i cannot say that this connection is present here, what do you say, oleg, even from a medical point of view , your doubts are quite justified. well, despite all the doubts, of course, i hope for the best option, and if not, well, then there will be a new reality, perception, someone else’s. did daria’s mother support her when she agreed to become the wife of a man who it’s good for a granddaughter to know how many sons a pensioner has from his young wife, a dna test will show immediately after a short advertisement. happy birthday, market,
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you always give joy.
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53 premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. then let the wounded trumpeter rise. konstantin khabensky, wonderwood group at the festival dedicated to the centenary of the great balat kudzhava. it's okay, mom, i'm sharing, mom, don't worry, how did they get you involved? it suddenly seemed to me that i could add some more nerve, sing out some meanings, i’m in a sim, a trolleybus, i’m sitting on the move, on the anniversary of bulat
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akudzhava, bulat akudzhava, the founder of the first soviet apartment buildings, i’m pleased, that the akudzhava apartment dwellers are returning to ntv. one soldier. in the world there lived a beautiful and brave may 9, victory day, the great bulat akudzhal was born and on may 9. he would have turned 100 years old. ntv apartment near margulis on may 9. midnight. this is the dna program. a pensioner, like a boy , fell in love with a girl who is 51 years younger than him and proposed his hand and heart. the couple have two sons, but the man is overcome by doubts. is he really the father? what do you think, daria, thanks?
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will it be possible to save a family with dna? our family is now in in principle it is. the most important thing for me is to ensure that my husband moves to me in kumertau, well, at the moment, where we live now. do you want oleg to leave moscow to join you in bashkiria? yes, i want him to live with me, to be close to the children. what is important to me is that he becomes a father to his children. oleg, is this important, you asked? i think this is important to him, he just keeps a certain distance now. because of his internal doubts, and if he already knows 100% that these are his children, his heart will melt. oleg, you will find out that children yours will go to live in bashkiria, no, no move, of course, but next to me they will be with the children anyway, only the base location, of course, will be moscow, well, that may be the case then, if the dna tests are positive it will cost you to return your wife, and yes, that is, this could most likely be an option for a large apartment here. well , together with my mother-in-law, perhaps, but
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, of course, i’m not ready to live there. by the way, about your mother-in-law, what kind of relationship do you have with her, good, friendly, well, yes, they are different, but i understand that your mother-in-law is also much younger than you , but not much, she will be 44, and how she perceived you as a son-in-law, by the way, her mother had a calm reaction, for which i am grateful, of course to her, daria’s mother thinks that you just can’t believe it yourself that you finally have - the heirs have appeared, now you are looking for reasons for doubts, in the studio irina marchenko, hello, hello, irina, how did your daughter tell you about the age of your loved one? men, well, she told me right away, when
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she probably found out herself, i was of course in shock, did this really surprise you? it was surprising, that's not the right word, and they didn't try, daughter dissuade me from such a relationship with such an adult man? no, i didn’t want to dissuade her, i listened to her first, i asked her questions, asked a lot of questions, how she felt around this person, she said: that i’m happy, i feel great, we have a common theme, i i like it with this man, so i thought that well, i shouldn’t get involved in this, that is , tear my hair out, no, i won’t let her close her there, and especially since she’s very smart and made her choice, i only support when she’s here said that everything is already so serious i started thinking that i would soon become a wife. i sat silently in the room for 2 hours, and i thought,
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is this true, is this real, or is it still being played on me or something else, something is happening to me in general with my child , well, they came to me, i got to know her better and i appreciated her choice, she’s a smart person, i liked him, calm, reasonable, and i saw how they communicate and that there’s a sparkle in her eyes, this is the most... for a woman and that is you we saw that same love, yes i saw it when my daughter said that pregnant, did you believe that you were pregnant from your husband? well, of course, she believed it, she’s my daughter, maybe they turned a blind eye to some things, well, maybe she closed her eyes, that is, you want to say, daria had a relationship, no, there was no relationship, it was 100% not at all relationships, to which they turned a blind eye, what is this anyway? something happened, maybe this, well, you understand me, age,
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she can get pregnant, but oleg, it seems to me that you can become a father at such a respectable age, perhaps for this you need to resort to some specific methods, but to me it seems that with this youth in the eyes everything should have turned out naturally, maybe anything is possible irina, what is your daughter’s mother, a wonderful mother, you know, in what way is a wonderful mother, love, she gives her love, but in everyday life, of course , she needs help, because of this i am with her, when she is busy, i play with them. well, everything is like this, most of the burden on me fell on your shoulders, giving, children, they already know who their dad is, they don’t miss him, the eldest misses him because i run social networks and i post, well, our joint photos, videos, when my son sees, he, of course, points to
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the phone and says: dad, dad, well, i turn it on once, twice, three times, he looks at it, but the youngest still doesn’t understand that he’s a dad. still, well, they didn’t see their youngest son so often. daria, let's see how you enjoy motherhood. attention to the screen. twenty-four-year-old daria mikhailova shows a spacious three-room apartment in the city of kumertau in the republic of bashkartastan, which she received as a gift from a caring husband my husband bought this apartment for me in december 22, when i was already pregnant with my second and we realized that we would need... to expand, the apartment was already clean and completely renovated, we just re-pasted the wallpaper, bought furniture, a sofa, a tv, equipment, the children's closet is filled with breaking books and toys, for sasha and vitya, a loving mother does not spare money, i really love buying toys for children, i have already spent more than 100 thousand, the eldest son loves dinosaurs very much, he
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collects from recent purchases, this is like this here's a big dinosaur, he was just in the delight of birth. his relatives also gave him gifts, the youngest probably likes to play with cars more, and any fashionista would envy her sons’ wardrobe, daria smiles, we actually ordered this to order, though she’s already so a little this, well, so cute for our little boy, here are the outerwear, well, by the way, here are some new clothes lying around, they haven’t even been worn yet, well , here they are already for everyday wear, as if at home... daria’s clothes are also more than enough for a small fashion show. handbags, blouses, evening dresses, the husband does everything to make his young wife happy. my husband is a weatherman, how he would help me decide on a choice, some even still have price tags, they just bought this recently. another weakness of daria is gold jewelry.
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i love rings very much, i love gold, that is, this ring with diamonds, this is actually when we signed, the initial ring cost about 100,000, by the way, this is my favorite pendant, this is the one he gave me for the birth of the first son, that is, here the mother hugs the child. daria i am grateful to my mother for her help; she will sit with her grandchildren, clean the apartment, and feed her a delicious lunch. i actually don’t really like to cook, i’ve had this since childhood, since my youth, that’s why my beloved mother helps me, she also prepares a delicious turkey chop, by the way, it’s my favorite dish, and the children love it very much. believes that she is not created to be a housewife and prefers to devote her time to making money on the internet. what i also do is that i sell online on marketplaces, for my furniture production, this is where i get my income it’s still going on, plus i do consulting, that is, people who also want to start their own business
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and sell online. oleg, do you miss your kids, your sons? yes, it was very difficult, after the first child. he lived with us in my apartment, there was noise, crying, taking care of children, i realized that i was completely unsuited to this, it was very difficult, so, thank god, my mother-in-law agreed to help and, well, in the sense of accepting herself for the first period child care, well, she went there accordingly, i realized that, of course, this is very difficult work, of course, to play there or communicate, of course, it’s very pleasant, touching, for boys it is very important that... for dad to take part in upbringing, because it’s by looking at dad that they learn to be men, from mom, from grandmothers, boys receive unconditional love, and dad is needed as an authority from which you can build your own support, inner core and so on, i would like to draw attention to the fact
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that in fact it seems to me that oleg is very lucky, why lucky, because he met the woman who chose him. she admires him, yes, of course, i see that she sees a father in him, this confirmation was important for her, we have marriage on paper, i’m an excellent student, i’ll come, i’ll show my mother, everything is official for me, i this is how they were raised and so on, but she really, deep down in her soul, chose him, i am convinced that these are oleg’s children, it seems to me that they are very similar in appearance, and if we talk about the youngest, then in general you need to understand that the child is first year of life... he is very is changing, oleg, it seems to me that your past negative experience of marriage influenced the fact that you began to doubt, trust, but verify.
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noticed that daria did not neglect men’s attention at all. in the studio evgeny kaminov. hello, evgeniy, how long have you worked with darey together? well, actually, i’ve known her for a long time already. since childhood, well, she worked when she finished studying, that’s when we took her to work, well, that was already what, seventeenth year, seventeenth year, yes , they hired someone, well, as a manager, that is , we have a construction organization, as if we needed managers, that is, work with clients, there is drawing up contracts, there are meetings, negotiations, etc., male colleagues, i give you attention, colleagues , men, clients, as if constantly, well , visiting, as if they were coming, well, someone. came there, well, this happened, for example, well, they brought her to work, there from work, for example, someone could take her gifts, there is attention, it’s natural, as if not, well, to me
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of course, they offered marriage, but there in the village you need... to enter into some kind of closer relationship with the client, well, not exactly close , i mean, like sexual, it’s like no, what kind? well, from friendly to partner, so that you can always call, dial, maybe i will need some help there, or someone will need me, i will provide some service, they will pay me. after you became a wife, did all this courtship continue? well, there were some hints when i flew to bashkiria, but they still arrive
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often to my mother, then i lived there for a while, they suggested. i mean to hide from my husband, and he will hide, for example, from his wife, so, but i said that as long as my husband is alive, i will not cheat on him, well, i also said that i can call my husband now, and you you can voice your desires in front of him, what my husband, oleg, will say to this, you knew about such offers to marry gifts and didn’t know, of course, he brings them, gives him a ride, he didn’t know either, but the fact that he enjoys the attention of a man is unambiguous, yes your surroundings, your friends, girlfriends, how do you feel about the fact that you have such a respectable boyfriend? husband, well, i hid my husband’s age for a long time, did not show it anywhere on social networks, that is, so as not to violate a person’s personal boundaries, but when they found out my husband’s age, they were very surprised, they thought that maybe i was joking, like this i’m playing it out, well, in general, why do i need all this, that is, the questions were when your friend saw how your eyes were burning in
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your relationship with oleg, she immediately realized that you didn’t need anyone except oleg, our guest is ulyana kurnosova, hello, hello, ulyana, please come in, how long have you known darya? we have known dasha for more than 10 years, we went to school together and became friends there, and somehow we still communicate like that. what can you say about your friend? she is very kind, sympathetic, mm, loves her children very much, very diligent, ambitious. and attracts a lot of attention from men, of course, she is so beautiful, and daria hid oleg from you for a long time, we met in kumertau, where we studied at school together, went for a walk, and i asked how she was doing things are going well in moscow, her personal life, she said that she fell in love with one man, head over heels, and i asked, of course, to show a photograph of her curiosity, and dasha showed me a photograph of oleg, saying that he was 50 years old or something, well, in
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general... i was lying, yes, and, well, i didn’t bother asking questions, as if it seemed to me that he looked older, but i kept silent, and that’s how i found out about oleg, she said that she was very i'm in love with him, i'm absolutely sure that i feel sincerely, because i saw how this love was born, she told me with shining eyes about what a wonderful man he is, how in love she is, of course, at first i said that dasha, there are so many wonderful men around, interesting, handsome, ambitious, maybe you’ll see , you choose, maybe you don’t need such an adult man, but she’s completely deaf to all my words, because everything, love, or status, i think, love, knowing dasha, it’s unlikely that without love she would have started a serious relationship, she very in this regard, correct or something, that is, it is infrequent
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it was your friend’s practice that she always, for example, chose older men. so, in general, dasha had the only relationship at school; there was a stupid love story for children, well, nothing serious, that is, this turns out to be the first serious relationship in which she was, yes, now you believe that she really loves her husband? of course, of course, dasha and i communicate regularly, even though we live in different cities, we write to each other, she always says that she worries about oleg, about his health, misses him when they are not together, but she’s a friend shared with you that your husband doubts your children? to be honest, i found out about this just the day before, i didn’t know, she hid it from me, why did she hide it, do you think, well, this is not a very pleasant fact, it seems to me, because if i were oleg, it seems to me that he should in general , to be glad that next to him is such a beautiful, young, well-groomed girl who gave him two children, and how can you doubt this, well, she is not one of those people, she has never been seen in any strange murky
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stories, so i i'm absolutely sure that u... no, i already said everything i wanted, did you give birth to sons from your husband? yes, of course, that was my goal. lily, is your opinion, is oleg the father of two children, one, or was he never able to become a father? i believe that the dna test will be positive, because in our country dar is such a tenacious, pragmatic girl, rational, and even if she had some kind of flirting on the side, i don’t think that she would allow, let’s say, some kind of stranger then the flight, let's say so. but i believe that after all, the children will turn out to be oleg. oleg, ready find out how many sons you have and whether you have any at all? ready. i invite professor, doctor of biological sciences,
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sergei kisilev to the studio. sergey lvovich, the floor is yours. the results of these tests. dna is important to seventy-five-year-old oleg mikhailov. all his life the man dreamed of an heir and hoped to meet a woman whom he would like to see as the mother of his child. and finally i met her in her eighties and took her to zaks. the name of oleg's chosen one is daria, she is three times younger than him. but this doesn’t confuse the girl at all, what confuses her is doubt beloved husband in his official children, two-year-old sasha and one-year-old vita. this
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envelope contains the answer to the question: does the man have a son, alexander? daria, can i open the envelope? yes, of course, oleg, are you ready to find out the truth? ready! attention, i am opening the envelope! the alleged father, seventy-five-year-old oleg mikhailov, his alleged eldest son, two-year-old sasha mikhailov. the probability that 2 years ago, you, oleg, had your long-awaited first child is 99.9. oleg, i congratulate you, you are a father, thank you, daria, you had no doubt that the result would be
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this is exactly how, of course, i stated my position, irina, why are you crying, i just love them very much, and i want my daughter to be believed, if you love, trust in everything. what do you think the next result will be? the same, me too, how many sons does oleg have from daria, one or two, what will be the result of the dna test with one-year-old vitya? we'll find out in a couple of minutes. watch today at 19:00, the response to the provocative statements of the threat for. the russian general staff, on instructions from the supreme commander-in-chief, begins preparations for non-strategic nuclear exercises strength sidimbin, as part of his first european tour in 5 years, today met with
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the president of france. the head of the european commission, ursula vonlaen, quickly joined the negotiations. what are european officials trying to achieve from the chinese leader? a large-scale transport renewal program is gaining momentum in russia. the regions will receive it in the near future. thousands of new buses, trams and electric buses, how the transport sector has already changed in russian cities, especially the material of our correspondent, watch tonight at 19:00, on the website at the application is now at the call of the heart, the premiere is on may 8 and 9 at 21:35 on ntv, you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand , like this, choose, buy from the convenient one. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that.
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, 75-year-old oleg mikhailov rejoiced when a dna test confirmed that his twenty-four-year-old wife daria gave him his first child 2 years ago. now the pensioner is waiting with bated breath for the second envelope to be opened to find out if he has a younger son from daria. second envelope, please. this envelope contains the answer to the question.
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are you really a dad twice? very touching, i realized that i made the right choice, i’m very glad that the results are positive, thank you, thank you everyone for your attention and support, daria, past doubts, you can forgive your husband, you can forgive , but for me it wasn’t even his that was important
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an apology, or this is what he just said, for me the most important thing was that his internal doubts go away, because when...
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for every step and decisions made in this historical time for russia, vladimir putin today thanked the government of mikhail mishustin. the president arrived at the white house to sum up the work of the seventeenth cabinet of ministers. nikita kotsov watched the meeting. tactical response. russia conducted an exercise with carriers of non-strategic nuclear warheads. why, after what and how did they react to this in europe? vladimir understood kabyakov. they help our troops advance and cover the peaceful cities of donbass and civilian objects . sergei pikulin observed the work of air defense in the southern donetsk direction. he decided in his own way.


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