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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:20;00] vladimir putin today thanked the government of mikhail mishustin for every step and decisions made in this historical time for russia; the president arrived at the white house to sum up the results of the work. tactical response: russia conducted an exercise with carriers of non-strategic nuclear warheads. why, after what and how did they react to this in europe? vladimir kobikov sorted it out. they help our troops advance and cover the peaceful cities of donbass and civilian facilities during the work of air defense in the southern donetsk
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direction. observed sergei pikulin , a polish judge from warsaw judged in his own way, asked for political asylum in belarus. sergey savin, more details. they want to give law enforcement agencies more information about russian internet users, but why? denis talolaev talks about this. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, hosted by elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. today vladimir putin held a final meeting with the current government, tomorrow is the inauguration president and after her, according to the law, members of the cabinet of ministers
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must resign. until a new government is formed, the prime minister, his deputy and ministers will work in the status of interim, summing up vladimir putin highly praised the professionalism of mikhail mishustin’s team, the president noted that the government adequately responded to all the challenges the country faced. russia not only survived, in terms of economic growth, it was ahead of the g7 state, as the president also noted, nikita kurzuman will tell you. a precedent -setting sanctions attack, the mobilization of the economy to achieve the goals of the special operation, the concentration of tests that befell the government of mikhail mishustin exceeded the wildest expectations, and after all, the seventeenth cabinet of ministers coped, today i came to thank you for your joint work over the previous years, we remember how it all began, i mean, your work began in this composition, in this team, it
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began as... just on the eve of the unpleasant events for all of us related to with the coronavirus pandemic, the president emphasized that the country, together with the government, went through these difficulties with dignity, healthcare resources were mobilized on time, the social sphere was activated, like the national economy, i remember well how we resolved issues there regarding, let’s say, construction projects, and road construction, to close it, not to close it, how to do it, what to do with the teams as well? with creative teams, how to support them? this monday was the last day when deputy prime ministers and ministers work full members of the cabinet of ministers. tomorrow afternoon, more precisely after the inauguration of the president, according to the constitution, they will receive acting status until the approval of the new government. vladimir putin today recalled the challenges of 1922 and their prerequisites, in particular the need to come to the aid of the residents of donbass. we had to take
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extraordinary measures. protection of these people by armed means, but what began from the point of view, from the point of view of the economy, you and i know well, began literally in the very in the literal sense of the word, economic aggression against russia, then the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above
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all economically, to create problems... russia was at the head, the head of all the tasks that we set for ourselves and solved. we have ensured decent income growth for citizens, really. russia for understanding its enormous responsibility to people, responsibility for literally every step, for every word and decision made, in modern conditions everything is important,
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there are no trifles, the price of our actions in this undoubtedly historical time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge,
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personal... colleagues were not, they will be clearly committed to the implementation of national goals of the country's development, will do everything for their state and for their citizens. to lighten the atmosphere of concentration a little, vladimir putin made a very inspiring statement. one political cycle ends, another political cycle ends begins, but work in the interests of russia, russian, russian and all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop. along with the words. in gratitude, the president expressed the hope that together we will still be able to do a lot in the name of russia and its people. nikita korzun, anastasia grodskova, ntv. a real commotion in the west today was caused by
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the news of the russian ministry of defense about preparations for holding exercises in the near future, during which they plan to practice the use of non-strategic, that is, tactical nuclear weapons. the order to carry out such maneuvers was given to the general staff by vladimir putin. in the message, the military department emphasized that the exercises would be held in response to provocative statements, threats from individual western politicians and officials, what exactly is being discussed, we will now check with vladimir kabyakov, volodya, well, let’s first figure out what exactly scared our western partners, these the exercise is really some kind of extraordinary event on a global scale, or are their nato allies again deliberately stirring up this atmosphere, well, look, firstly, is this a sign from moscow? yes, of course it's a sign. secondly, secondly, let’s compare like with like. are exercises with carriers of tactical nuclear weapons really something out of the ordinary? well, let's
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look at europe. nato, under american command, conducts the statefast noon exercise every year. it is a persistent afternoon and attracts fighters , tornado bombers from germany, from italy, as well as f-16 aircraft that belong to the military. air forces of belgium, holland, italy, in the list of countries whose fighters and military personnel are allowed to participate in such nato exercises with mock-ups of nuclear weapons also includes poland, hungary, denmark, the czech republic, these aircraft can carry nuclear charges, namely the american b-61 bombs, these are tactical nuclear weapons, now there are at least 100 such warheads in europe at six bases in five countries, here is the approximate distribution in units by country of storage, by the way, remember, poland wants to become the sixth country in europe. where are american nuclear bombs stored? president duda announced this in april, then the polish ministry of defense confirmed that an application for this had been submitted, it was not withdrawn, well, the nato secretary general said that there are no plans to expand the geography of nuclear tactical weapons,
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but the us state department has so far responded dryly, saying without comments. naturally, this storyline, the discussion about nuclear weapons in poland, is closely followed in moscow, so poland and nato are creating such a new nuclear intrigue. this is what exercises with tactical nuclear weapons look like in europe, this is it i just explained that in russia, in these exercises, who will participate, well, look, there is a thunder exercise with a nuclear triad. and strategic weapons, we conduct them regularly, but now in the european part, in the southern military district, exercises will be with tactical nuclear charges. the russian military department explained that ground-based missile formations, as well as aviation, plus naval forces will take part in them. now, if we take open data, then the carriers of a tactical nuclear charge can be missiles of the iskander complex, aeroballistic hypersonic complex
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kinzhal, hypersonic missiles zircon, cruise missiles. but how was the exercise with tactical nuclear weapons commented in the kremlin? they asked in response exactly what statements prompted such a reaction from moscow? let's listen. obviously, we are talking naturally about the statements of mr. macron, about the statements of british representatives. you know, more has been added to them. and representatives of the us senate, if i’m not mistaken, who actually spoke about readiness and even intention to send armed contingents to ukraine, that is, to actually expose nato soldiers to the russian military. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if this happens, then there is a significant likelihood that america will have to get involved in the conflict, not only with
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the help of our money, but... well, by the way, macron has several times in recent days in various options, he repeated the thesis about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, including in his last interview with the economist magazine, there there is another proposal from macron, which he has also publicly expressed several times in recent days, but on the one hand he justifies this with a threat from russia, on the other hand, with the desire not to rely on europe’s military dependence on the united states, that is, he proposes that the european union rely on nuclear weapons in france and is even ready to share these nuclear weapons with
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other european countries in some format, well, that is, how to share, that is, france offers instead of american nuclear tactical weapons, use the french now, it is ready to distribute its nuclear warheads to the rest of the european countries, in general france has a lot of them, well, look, firstly, france does not participate in the nato nuclear planning group at all, this is how it happened historically, and secondly, macron is now, using this nuclear theme, he is most likely again striving for the role of leader. europe. look, france has nuclear-powered m-51 ballistic missiles. these are sea-based missiles, they are installed on four french nuclear power plants. submarines. according to public reports, there are 300 such missiles in france, correspondingly 300 nuclear warheads. but this is a strategic weapon and cannot be shared. but french tactical nuclear weapons - missiles, air, ground, their fighter carriers, rafale bombers of various modifications and
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such tactical nuclear units. options are a change in the entire european nuclear configuration, moscow will also closely monitor this, and volodya, there was another message today from representatives of the russian foreign ministry, russia can take measures on nuclear deterrence in the event of the appearance of american medium-range missiles in the pacific region, which is exactly what we are talking about here, look, in short, the united states is transferring missile systems to the philippines for exercises with the name: typhon, this is a sign from washington towards china,
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look here , these are complexes for launching tamak missiles on a modernized and expanded basis of the mk-41 installation. by the way, it was precisely this installation that moscow had complaints about; nato wanted to place them in romania, but under the inf treaty they declared in moscow, this is was prohibited. now the agreement is almost gone and the americans are bringing modernized installations to the philippines to counter china, for now as part of their exercises. look, these launch containers can be used. bury the ground for secrecy, can be transported on special trucks for mobility, but naturally russia must take into account the appearance of such weapons on the eastern borders in the pacific region, about this... the chinese leader wants to understand whether paris, as the new york times writes,
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can count in europe for someone who will ready to give up american dominance, our european observer, sergei kholoshevsky. follows sizenping's visit to europe. chinese president xidzenping's first visit to europe in 5 years is taking place during a difficult period. the west accuses china of limitless support for russia amid the conflict in ukraine for economic expansion. the french, who have long succumbed to the united states, are balancing like street acrobats on a thin rope. macron almost every day produces information about the threat to europe from russia. threatens to send troops to
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comrade immediately asks for ukraine. decided to turn into the main european hawk. in an interview with the bosnian tv channel atv, sergei lavrov suggested that in this way macron would like to establish himself as the new leader of europe. i do not exclude that this russophobia, cave russophobia, which macron is now simply breathing, and it is necessary in order to try to become a leader in europe, riding this topic, which the west itself has made, as you... said, the main topic of international life, after a three-way meeting with a comrade and tough ursula vonderijn said she expects china to reduce exports of steel and electric cars to europe, otherwise beijing will be in trouble. whether sijinping paid attention to these words is unknown. after paris , the chinese president will head to belgrade. in
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serbia, the chinese have long controlled the steel industry. and unlike the french, the serbs are only happy about new chinese investments. by the way. this visit is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the american attack on the chinese embassy in belgrade, then on may 7 , 1999, three were killed as a result of the attack chinese diplomats and more than 20 people were injured. the united states called the attack an accident, but china did not accept the apology and still believes that the embassy was bombed deliberately. in general, in china they don’t forgive anyone; they remember everything the same way as in serbia. well, by the way, you heard in sergei kholoshevsky’s report how ursula fondeen called on sidzenpin to contribute to the de-escalation of russia’s nuclear rhetoric, so there is another reaction, the italian defense minister commented this way, quote: at the tactical nuclear exercises announced by moscow carriers, there is nothing unusual in this,
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it is necessary to increase, there is no need to increase tension, says the italian minister of defense and also adds that such an approach will not bring benefit to them. our ministry of foreign affairs reported that the upcoming russian exercises should be viewed precisely in the context of western officials, as today , the destabilizing actions of nato countries. we are talking, according to our diplomats, first of all about... supporting direct assistance to terrorist actions against russia, which the kiev regime is satisfied with using western weapons. the ministry noted that the atokoms family of missiles are also capable. reach targets deep in russian territory. in addition, the united states is openly deploying ground-based systems with
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shorter-range medium-range missiles in various regions of the world, which were previously prohibited under the inf treaty. they are brought to europe by the asia-pacific region, ostensibly for the duration of allied exercises. regarding the transfer of multifunctional f-16 aircraft to ukraine, diplomats recalled that these fighters have participated in so -called joint nato nuclear missions for many years. therefore, regardless of modification, they will be perceived as carriers of nuclear weapons and this step by the united states and nato will be viewed as a deliberate provocation. the russian foreign ministry expressed the hope that the quote “this event will cool down the hotheads in western capitals and will help realize the possible catastrophic consequences.” and today the ambassadors of the western countries, british and french, were summoned to smolensk square. diplomat from united kingdom. as reported in our media, a strong protest was declared due to the statements of the head of the foreign office, david cameron, who earlier in an interview
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with the reitor agency spoke about the right of ukraine to strike russian territory with british weapons. moscow called this a hostile attack, which contradicts recent statements by the british themselves that the long-range missiles transferred to kiev will not be used against targets in russia. as for the french ambassador, he was summoned to our foreign ministry because of belligerent statements. management the fifth republic, as well as the destructive and provocative line of paris in the context of the ukrainian conflict. the diplomat himself did not comment on anything and silently ran away from the journalists. ukrainian formations today launched new attacks on the belgorod region. as a result of one of them, seven people were killed and more than forty were injured. according to local authorities, kamikad drones from the armed forces of ukraine hit two cars that were transporting employees of one of the enterprises to work. there are also children among the victims. four the wounded are in serious condition. the investigative committee of russia began to clarify the circumstances of the attack and search for
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those involved in this crime. today , ukrainian nationalists attacked the belgorod region twice more. a man was killed and a child was injured as a result of shelling in the belgorod region, the governor reported. as a result of the fall of a ukrainian drone into a private residential sector in the city of shibekina.
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a woman received shrapnel wounds. and today the black sea fleet. protected by buk anti-aircraft missile systems. air defense crews are also capable of shooting down planes, helicopters, even western missiles stormshed and atakoms, with an advanced report by sergei pikulin. calculation for battle. it happens here often. in civilian life, he didn’t even have a driver’s license. here, one of the most experienced mechanic drivers of the unit, call sign, dry, took the crew out from under fire several times. he watches the car, he says, and she reciprocates. the swallow even has a name, what do you jokingly call a car? combine, why? well, work is happening in the field. indeed, for the launch, an open
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area is needed, these are air defense crews from transbaikalia, covering the advance of our troops and protecting peaceful cities and civilian objects. well, now the team is starting to deploy its complex. today, the buk is one of the most effective means of destroying multiple launch rocket systems of nato-style cruise missiles. there are american highmars and british storm shadow. they are indeed called the main haimars fighter. recently , atacoms missiles have also been added. beech, even though he was on his own developed and put into service back in the eighties, seriously modernized several times. now it can capture targets flying at an altitude of 20 km. i will find, that is, approximately from 270 to 30°. our sector
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is working. capturing and launching a rocket. the harvester does not stand in one place for a long time, so that it does not fly in, you have to act like in a children's song. through the fields, across the fields. buk leaves the position and takes cover duty until the next targets are received. sergey pikulin and oleribzhanov, ntv. south donetsk direction of the special operation. today at minsk journalists. they called the judges to a press conference, but the unusual thing about this news is that the judge is not belarusian, polish. until recently, thomas schmidt worked in the second department of the voivodeship administrative court of warsaw. well, according to him , he could no longer put up with the policies of the polish authorities, as a sign of protest he left poland and came to belarus, where he asked for political asylum. sergei samin found out what exactly thomas schmidt was dissatisfied with and what
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his fate might be like next? here is the polish judge of the second. branch of the voivodeship administrative court of warsaw thomas schmidt actually resigns live, notifying his leadership and president andrze duda, pen, signature, everything, a piquant situation, he does this in minsk at a press conference, after which he asks for political asylum in belarus. i would like to take the liberty of addressing directly the president, mr. alexander lukashenko. i really apologize for my boldness, but
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i will allow myself to ask the guards for custody. but naturally, no one can talk about this publicly, even when discussing the topic, turn off phones. there are many spy systems, for example, the pegasus spy system, which can be used without a court order. this is how democracy works in the west. the practical experience of a polish judge may be of interest to the belarusian authorities, since he was responsible for special work with specific documents and clearance. this was a level of secret to top secret
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clearance, because i also had access to basically our entire judge. based on the pressure i was under in poland, i assume that some people want so that i could calmly disappear towards great britain and disappear there, i chose the moment when i could freely cross the border; later i
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might not have been able to do this. they want to give law enforcement agencies more information about russian internet users, but why? denis tolalayev talks about this. problems and prospects of public transport in russia, what alternatives have been found to the omsk metro, the trolleybus renaissance in the country and the requirements for new buses, who carries residents of cities with a population of one million and who is lucky to get to work during rush hour in less than an hour, alexey prokin will tell you. well, shopping or getting rid of
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patriotic war are honored throughout the country. the air regiment took part in the liberation of poland, reached berlin, where at tempelho airfield on may 2, 1945, it took part in its last battle, repelling the breakthrough of a six-thousand-strong german group that was rushing west toward the americans. i had to run out of ammunition, get on the plane, turn my fighter around, raise the tail, because it has a rear wheel, accurately chose the horizon, jumped and fired at fascist group, this is how the war ended, and we joyfully celebrated and kissed each
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other. and today , 22 eternal flames were simultaneously lit in eleven regions of russia. they were connected to network natural gas. fuel for these memorials will be supplied free of charge. the main ceremony took place in the city of ostrov, pskov region, on the square where the mass grave of red army soldiers is located. the immortal regiment campaign is currently taking place in all russian regions. there will be no traditional procession this year. but portraits of heroes. the great patriotic war is already everywhere. for those who do not have photographs of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought in the red army, victory volunteers help them find information about them. nikita korabenkov found out how this project works, and also posted a photo of his great-grandfather on the memory wall near the museum on poklonnaya hill. familiar to russians, the in-person march of the immortal regiment this year, like last year, was canceled for reasons of safety... danger, but is this
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a reason to abandon the event altogether? i am very proud of my homeland, very much i am proud of my ancestors, and it is a great honor for me to honor their memory on this wall. the memory wall is a format that was invented back in covid times, but in new circumstances, the organizers of the immortal regiment are forced to return to it. these are the structures that are recommended to be installed throughout russia in institutions, factories, schools, institutes, in a word, in all those places where anyone can come and hang a portrait of... their hero, this is the wall of memory in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill , and this is my hero, razuvaev filimon fedotovich. great-grandfather was near stalingrad, near kursk, in belarus, in europe, but he was never in moscow. for those who want to just walk with a portrait, the organizers offer an alternative option: print it on a t-shirt and walk like that along the city streets. the main advantage is that there is no strict reference to time and place.
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because it’s convenient, it’s beautiful, it’s walking proudly and always being with your veteran. portraits are offered to be placed on personal cars, on public transport, even on river transport, and on may 9 on all city media facades of the country photos of the heroes will be shown. this year, the immortal regiment will be held from may 1 to may 12 in different formats, in general, the main point of the immortal regiment this year is its scale, because the wide range of dates... that is offered, and the formats that are proposed, they allow everyone take part in more than one format at any convenient time. among the descendants of heroes there are many who have little or no information about their ancestor. victory volunteers come to their aid. this spring they launched the “my history” portal, where they collect requests to search for any information, even photographs of great patriotic war veterans. each application is processed, transferred to a team of volunteers and after some time the result comes. sometimes this... this can
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take literally 2 hours, and after that the person’s status appears in the personal account as completed, sometimes it is much more difficult, especially if it concerns certain branches of the military, if it is intelligence, for example, there or the internal troops of the nkvd, there if a person served there, if some documents are lost, if they are not in the archives, or in principle they have classified status, sometimes we even need years; for those who are not ready to sit still and wait for the result, volunteers help organize independent searches. which will allow you to look even deeper into the history of your family, and for this they always recommend starting by interviewing your older relatives, even distant ones, checking family archival photographs, often on their back there may be important notes for... on which it is stored a huge amount of different data, in the future, if you can’t find anything or the information that you found at this stage is not enough, you should
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contact special archives, this is the central archive of the ministry of defense, the central archive of military medical documents, or if your ancestor served in the navy, this is the archive of the navy. since the beginning of april, the portal has received more than 500 applications to search for information about the veteran, but the organizers are ready for much larger volumes of portraits in the immortal regiment every year there were more and more of any format. nikita korabenkov, susanna prutchikova, konstantin korgin, vladimir dovgel, ntv. this is the program today. we'll continue after a short commercial. there are classics that people like more and more, the classic grand burgers and a new one, grand spicy with spicy tomato sauce, deliciously done. customers' love is the main reward for
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cool off with pleasure in rostix, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, this is the program today. we continue our release. the ministry of digital development wants to expand the list of data that internet resources will transfer to security forces. what is it for? well, it is believed that it will be easier. protect russians from scammers, and we are with gifts, where does all this come from, you are retired, vtb is retired - the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. together everything will work out. law enforcement officers in russia will have more data about internet users. the ministry of digital development
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is going to expand the list of information that internet resources must, according to the so -called yarovaya law, store and transmit at the request of law enforcement agencies. namely, sites are offered to share the network port numbers of users of the internet resources themselves. this follows from the draft government decree, which was noticed by forbes. the requirements relate to how formulated. in the law of organizers of information dissemination, this is any owner of a site where users can communicate with each other, social networks, instant messengers, file storage, video hosting, dating sites, classifieds sites, online stores. since the eighteenth year, all of them have been obliged, for example, to store the contents of their users’ correspondence for six months and transfer it to the security forces upon request, along with
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the contents of the correspondence, also ip addresses. sale of currency, it will be sold every day for 6.250 million rubles. what did this amount come from, firstly, the operations are carried out by the ministry of finance, taking into account oil and gas revenues, when they sell currency less than forecast, when more plan, buy. today the ministry of finance announced that in april it did not receive oil and gas revenues, but expects that in may they will be higher, on the contrary, as a result, in may the ministry of finance, according to the budget rule, will buy currencies for about 5. rubles per day, but there is also a central bank and that’s all in the first half of the year, it will
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sell almost 12 billion rubles per day in foreign currency, so the central bank will compensate for expenses and investments from the national welfare fund. and if you add up how much currency should be bought and sold in may, it turns out that the central bank remains a pure seller currency will sell it for more than 6 billion rubles every day. true, the influence of everyone. these sales for the ruble exchange rate are very small, for example, in april, when a symbolic 600 million rubles were sold in currencies. the domestic currency did not show any sharp decline; the dollar exchange rate in april increased by only 60 kopecks. today the ruble strengthened noticeably, the dollar during trading, and these are the results at the end of the day, during trading today the dollar fell even below 91, all this seems to be a reaction to the news about the sale currency by the central bank. but analysts remind us that the high
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key rate has a much stronger impact on the ruble exchange rate and the fact that the requirement for exporters to sell foreign currency earnings within the country was immediately extended for a year. leading finam analyst alexander potavin says that now the demand for currency has fallen from importers, because there are many problems with transfers through banks in turkey and china, and economist dmitry polevoy adds that some russian exporters will soon prepare to pay dividends, which means... . sell currency in as a result, alexander potavin expects that by the end of june the dollar will cost 91.94 rubles, and dmitry polevoy admits that in may june the dollar will move in the range of 90.93, but by the end of the year it will still rise to the level of 95.100. the russian stock market traded calmly today, but still in the red. news about what is going on in russia. exercises using tactical nuclear weapons, of course, are not conducive to buying
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stocks. everything about economics. thank you, denis, denis talalaev with an economic review. a large-scale program is gaining momentum in russia transport update. the amount of funding from the federal budget on behalf of the president is 150 billion rubles. the funds will be used primarily for the modernization of public transport in russian cities. reduce the age of the vehicle fleet, make it more environmentally friendly; in the coming years, the regions will receive an additional 40 thousand new buses, trolleybuses, trams, and electric buses. alexey prokin, using the example of several cities outside the urals, found out how the transport sector is already changing there. as foggy as rtyshzh early in the morning, the prospect of developing public transport in omsk ceased to exist about 6 years ago, city transport workers paid off their debts, the authorities began
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to take out investment loans for... to date, about 350 vehicles have been purchased . the abbreviation bkd is often repeated here by everyone from trolleybus and bus drivers to managers. national projects on safe and high-quality roads and ecology helped municipal authorities first enter into an unequal battle with commercial carriers, and then attract side and passengers. for many years we had such a system of private minibuses based on the gazelle, and the whole city was packed. we have made a number of decisions and are still trying to launch urban public transport, because here we completely control the situation, and this is what the only metro station in the city looks like, called the pushkin library, a painful project for the city, but its sad fate has so far influenced the development wheeled transport in the city.
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a few years ago in omsk they said this: from motorists benefited from the construction of the metro, which stretched across the ertysh. a bridge that relieved congestion on other roads to the center. now the situation is changing in favor of public transport, which was used by 89 million people last year, and passenger flow increased by 13%. why this happened is known best to trolley bus drivers. elena kulish starts her working day in the cabin of one of the new buses. women who until recently saw themselves only driving electric vehicles are now increasingly choosing bus. elena has already managed to understand... the intricacies of the new work, on our navigator i see the distance in front of the car in front, the car is following me, it turns out that i see the time and the kilometer distance, yes, well, so that it turns out the kilometer, but i can’t speed up , but the electric bus is increasingly on the heel of buses; over the past two years , about 70
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billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget for the development of electric transport. in krasnoyarsk, the adventures of the electric bus, its exit on the route begin
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here at the northernmost point. bus, the average age has decreased from 12 to 3 years for buses, this is probably one of the best results in the country. residents of perm make 820,000 trips a day using public transport. after the start of the reform, the route network here began to be considered as a single complex, having developed uniform requirements for rolling stock and travel documents. all routes have the same travel conditions and quality control of carriers. the townspeople, for their part, appreciate this work. according to the principle of how it was and how it became, then we used to drive these, let’s say, wrecked, old jacarus, which were cold and felt like they would fall apart on the road, now public transport runs regularly, i can look at the schedule on the website and arrive at the stop on time and
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arrive at my destination on time , so a few years ago we decided to say goodbye to trolleybuses. because they are unprofitable, but, for example, in omsk the gas-powered bus could not be left in the shade, new and, as they say about balls, the most important thing is warm trolleybuses. for 19 years of work i have been on all brands trolleybuses worked, managed to work, and this one is of course improved and this is the second life of the enterprise. currently there are eight routes in omsk, they plan to develop three more, connecting the banks of the rtsh, and the russian ministry of transport. 2 years ago i calculated that for a ruble invested in public electric transport, the economic effect is 1 ruble 30 kopecks. a report on how the russian tram is protecting the ruble invested in it will be broadcast very soon. alexey prokin, maxim zabelin, roman vikmanis, roman
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balistanov and denis guryunov, ntv television company. and now it’s time to find out the weather forecast in our weather studio irina palikov. and irina, the time has come for serious meteorological questions, judging by all the signs and sensations, an ultrapolar invasion with an abnormally low temperature background awaits us, so what will it take there? we have a feeling that we have scientific forecasting, and we warned about this notorious ultrapolar invasion last week, now the hour has come, the gates will open tomorrow, the temperature will lag behind the calendar norm by 10 degrees, that’s who is organizing all this for us: another the atlantic cyclone, in general, is a cyclone like a cyclone, only it has chosen a more southern trajectory, so that the northern air, which is inevitably drawn into its funnel, will burst into the middle zone even more actively, precipitation is guaranteed, in the north of the central region there is pine... on in the east of the black earth region in tatarstan on the middle volga it will be on wednesday in the south from
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wednesday, but for now from crimea to kuban to +20-25°, rain in the mountains and foothills of the caucasus, about cold capitals in 15 seconds, increase your wealth with uralsip bank , right now in branches throughout russia special offer for new clients. contribution to income with a high rate of up to 16.5% per annum, bankusip is reliably convenient. well, let's get back to the weather: in st. petersburg tomorrow the rain will turn into snow and during the day +5-7, in moscow the maximum is +5-7, noticeable rain, at night there may be a constant threat of night frosts with snow, outside the city it is quite possible, but the peak of cold weather the ninth, and until the end of the week there is no hope for warmth, and even this +12, i put this here as the most optimistic scenario of all. currently existing rather +10, and that’s not all, the magnetic storm will not calm down, in general, space weather is also unreliable, colleagues, it’s stormy
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everywhere, thank you, thank you irin, irina palyakova with the weather forecast, well, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. just a moment, ladies and gentlemen, everyone
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on the floor, on the floor, without exception, who was staring, the keys, i’ll turn my face, the gentlemen will run away, well , i don’t have the keys, they closed it yesterday,
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they took all the keys, you’re not lying, look at the floor.


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