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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:21pm MSK

8:00 pm
i’m staring at the keys, i’ll turn my face, the gentlemen will run away, no, i don’t have the keys, they closed it yesterday, they took all the keys, you’re not lying, look at the floor, look to the side, huh! and this is for you, like this, masya, that, khariton,
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multiply by zero, that’s all, and in 1953 the soviet government announced an amnesty, which became the largest in history.
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no, first at a meeting of the police department, oh, by the way, comrade major, come on, come on, come on, come on, what are you talking about, and i’m telling you, in gorky they are launching a new all-terrain vehicle into production, it’s called gaz-69, so, well where are you going, i’ll go to my uncle, i’ll stay with him, come on, tsekana, god willing, we’ll see each other, yes, have a nice day, come on, choose, well, you ’ll talk. at the meeting, maybe
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they’ll give us a prototype somehow? no, but what, we are a special group, we must somehow be specially staffed, well then , of course, vasily alekseevich will definitely send, yeah, the day before yesterday in the city of sberkasa they robbed, no one was left alive, you came for khariton, let's go ?
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well, how does it bite, but no, then re-throw it, okay, thank you. i read that an amnesty was announced, yes. now in
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there will be no bitter life from any kind of mischief. good afternoon, beauty. citizen, things here are expensive, you can’t afford them. citizen, leave the premises. yes, my pocket is deep. choose, we have an assortment, so, so, collect a complete set of clothes for me, a presentable piece of size forty, this is possible, so where can you try on forty... wow, trophy ones, yes, yes, look, almost unworn, and freekat’s is all right, yeah, let’s
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go. thank you very much, good health to you, hang in there, thank you very much, good health to you, he cut us off, what are you doing, don’t growl, what happened? slow down, the shovelman is not too hard for you, uncle,
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share rubchinsky with the people, have you earned them? in order to work, you’ve already been messing around in the storehouse, you’re getting fat, it’s not good, okay, okay, don’t fish.
8:08 pm
i wish you health, what happened, but the citizen over there started a fight, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
8:09 pm
by the way, today there is a meeting about the unification, it’s just a formality, you ’ll just be given all the powers, well, that goes without saying, i’m afraid, i’m colonel nikolaev with the former vgb as a deputy, yeah, it will be insist like, okay, let's go, let me
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go, go, eat. 27 our apartment, well, hello, no one claims on the table by the window, everything is occupied, and i ’ll settle here, i’m here, slavka, you’re at the safe, oh, guys, we have our own safe, there’ll be somewhere to put the briefcase, nikit, you do you understand? “the key is not the only one, the local authorities probably have a duplicate, maybe the caretaker, it’s dusty, it’s fine,
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at the same time we’ll check the locks with the local police, so, nikita, the briefcase is under your personal responsibility, guys, you get settled, i'll go and report to nikolaev, there is." convincing, like all preliminary plans. okay, what about khariton's photograph, did they really find it? there is such a document, colonel, newspaper rural poor, the thirties, eviction of kulaks in the village of uvara, varzhevsky district, this. this is
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khariton , presumably, the devil, yes, you ’re not worried, colonel, we’re not going to look for him, we’re going to lure him into a trap, but we’ll put out some bait , ostafa himself, ivan valentinovich ostafiev, and where is
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senior lieutenant roshkin ? readings takes off. for only 16,490 rubles. entry ceremony. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in teens with a rate of 17%. i
8:14 pm
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8:15 pm
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8:16 pm
listen, i don’t understand how you are it turns out, i started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what’s there, what’s it called? simpletricum, remember, more remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know, how and what is there, how to take something, call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i ’m done, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too here to think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet new golden prostatricum, prostatricum
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gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which... is put on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women , hurry up to try prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments, call the manufacturer’s toll-free line to order and receive a special offer: men order it for themselves, and women for theirs men, men, hurry up, women. hurry up to try prostatricum gold. spellbound premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. why, ostafiev, didn’t have time to be released under the amnesty when you immediately got into an old fight and crippled a man. i’m not going to rush to sleep. i’m telling you, they wanted
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to rob me, but there was a knife, a knife where the wood should have been. not found, so i’m smarter than you, instead of beating me, you took a closer look at my elder, here i’m interested in shmedov from the floor. blather something, anywhere, i’ll find it, no swedes can save you, wake up, leave the swedes, vif, vanya, pashka, captain, just wait, vanya, boshka, boshka, troshkin, take off the handcuffs
8:19 pm
quickly, why are you frozen, oh my, good, alive, let’s move a little, vanya, vanya. just as stupid, yes i love you now, and you ’re great, i haven’t forgotten boxing, well, front-line intelligence also added, you’re a valuable shot, ivan, yeah, but your valuable shot is almost going to make the camp rattle for the second time, but yours is mine, there are cigarettes , i don’t smoke, well... it suits you, i give it to you, but what happened the first time? yes , about the same thing, i ran into two bastards, only they had a gun, and so did me a trophy luger, a luger, you might as well register it right away, well, well, here, too, things didn’t start to get done right away, here it’s a different situation, starlace immediately realized that you were under supervision, you have
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a place to live, a cousin from a separate apartment, otherwise... look, i can arrange a hostel, add some money, i’ll get by, well, be healthy, brother, why don’t you eat, you keep smoking, smoking, smoking, aren’t you embarrassed that you’re not the afterbirth? you know, we are not in poverty, to be honest - i happened to be here, attached to the greek polkon distributor along the trade union line. nomenclature, or something, yes, nomenclature, oh, i was selling ethylons,


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