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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 7, 2024 3:30am-4:26am MSK

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the best gratitude is replenishing his account in switzerland. so. well, come here, what about sex on the bridge? no, that's something new. yeah, do you like it?
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“thank you, boss, otherwise i ’ll soon climb the wall from the local swill, you will, you don’t go in too much, but what should i do, okay, give me instructions, so, it’s important for you , after you’re recruited, to convince harley that this whole failure of hostage operations is just a coincidence, but i found a pen, a voice, and i kidnapped mustafa at my own peril and risk.” like us did you find out that mustafa is the son of a sheikh? by the way, how did we find out? problem. yes, this is not a problem at all. let mustafa remember how he screamed when the sculptor burned his heels. my father will cut off your head. was he yelling? no, of course not, well, let the opposite appear. dim, if i were them, i would argue simply, do you want to live? otherwise
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you’ll tell me how katya is, okay, dim, i wanted to say, i know, zhenya, and you’re so calm about it, i know, zhenya, yes, what kind of people are you, dim, what are you, what’s your father? yours, at least something in life touches you, you in general crying, i don’t know, laughing, no, dim, i’m just wondering, what are you interested in, what are you interested in, well, about us, katya, what do you think, i think that you are a bastard, that you betrayed our friendship? i would
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have killed you if, if it had not put an end to your brilliant career in the kgb, no, if not for the upcoming operation, once again, i will see you next to katya, not my career, not the upcoming operation, they will not save you. i’ll just kill you, my god, it’s so scary, we’re not doing what we’re doing, petro, there’s no point in putting up with it anymore, they won’t let you go to the front, you i fought for them, i also put on tsar’s medals, by the way. each of these
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yeorgievs, not in the royal cathedrals, at the front in the trenches, with their own blood, heard, because for the homeland, why don’t you, comrade, value such personnel, tell the restless comrade to collect a hundred cossacks, without fear, set up a combat the task is for the german to come in, the outcome of the entire war will depend on this comrade.
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dear german friend, enchanted because for the faith for the fatherland, premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv.
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how do i know, it was inserted into the dictaphone. when they tortured me, there are a lot of tapes here, can a true believer listen to satanic music, he is not a believer, he is a corrupt bastard, just like his brother, but he couldn’t take the tape, he’s russian, said took the tape, i saw it, so we’ll ask from myself:
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as a fee-payer, i won’t make a face, tell me how much you pay and what i will owe in return, if we agree, of course, we will agree, in terms of money we won’t disappoint, firstly, we would like to know how you managed to free your diplomats, and what the kidnappers did not take into account, dear, because for for such operations, we need to hire serious people, not local rabble?
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he is the son of the sheikh, and the sheikh is behind this whole business, you could just take your specialists from the cia, wrap them in a vorofatka and do the same thing, it would be of more use, we’ll drink, if it weren’t for alcohol, we’ll live here of course, it would be impossible.
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hello, katya, it's me, how are you feeling?
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katya, can you hear me, with the connection, something, hello, sorry for the intrusion, dick, i decided that it would be better to talk to you, please, than i have to. this is the case in a sense delicate recovered in order to introduce you to special agent reilly, i've heard a lot about you, so the fbi believes that we have a mole who works for the kgb. there are probably kgb agents, of course, but we are not talking about all intelligence,
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we are talking about this building, and specifically about our floor, do you mean tops, that’s it, talk, sit down. sir, i need to ask you a few questions,
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this is bluemountain from jamaica. thank you. tell me,
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sir. told you anything about mustafa? and who is it? this is sheikh salah's security chief. the first time i've heard. understand me, reilly, i came to the station to investigate the failure of our valuable source in the lebanese government. of course, harley told me in general terms about the details of our assistance to sheikh salah.
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we play golf together sometimes, woodman cent, do you want to question him too? no, i'm just trying to clear up the leak picture. only for a short time, people from the security service are about to arrive. what would we do if there was no corruption in this country, you would have already been strung up, and by the way, it would be right done, i love you too, in an hour representatives of the embassy will be here, the story will be hushed up, it will not get into the press, they will drag you out and send you to moscow, as in moscow, if
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you leave you here, it will arouse suspicion, who are you... we have a leak, where did you get the idea? yes, he blurted out the first thing that popped into his head. ilya konstantinovich has some strange weakness for this guy; he considers him a talented intelligence officer. well, one cannot help but pay tribute to his courage, resourcefulness, and his role. he's an adventurer, he doesn't know what it is subordination, discipline, he walked into amelie’s apartment without warning anyone, yeah, and if he had warned you, you would have allowed it, of course, no, seryozha, let’s go,
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you see, sergei! it is clear that the embassy pulled out of the blue, the matter was hushed up, but what do you think, could amel be cut down in the snow? said was removed by mustafa, then he wanted to install snegur, there’s nothing to think about, but why didn’t he kill snegur then, if he had killed snegur, we would have gotten him out of the ground, this precious sheikh would have been in very bad shape too, you met the sheikh salah after all these events, right? this was a non-binding conversation. you can see for yourself, mr. chaikin, that as a result of this monstrous provocation, i live like on a volcano. i'm forced to double my security. and only the love of ordinary muslims for me keeps
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khaled from lawlessness. what do you want? i want you to save me from khaled. one call from the kremlin and they will leave me alone. well, in the end we have a lot in common. i have been useful to you before, and i hope to be useful in the future. you have to understand, i was dragged into this. americans. so i prepared a statement for state television, your people can edit it, strengthen some accents, but the main thing here is that this monstrous crime was planned from abroad, we tell the sheikh that we are not interested in his statement, we tell the sheikh that moscow
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will treat his statement with understanding. that we believe that the americans used him vilely, and we need to convey this idea to the entire progressive arab public, and let him name names, i want a diplomatic scandal, i want harley all of it the company was thrown out of lebanon in 24 hours with a kick in the ass, they were shocked. this will be the people from meade speaking. why talk? well, to get sheikh salah off the hook. no one will talk to khaled. let him deal with it himself. after everything that salah did to our people, let him say thank you that we didn’t send him special forces to the palace, and we will receive a written
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order, yes, in writing, as my personal order, and do you understand what you are risking? in the hostage situation, we did not behave in the best way, we behaved ugly, surprised, no one has been ordered to become better than he is, not even the secretary of the central committee.
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the snowman did not come to meet him, he waited for an hour and a half, so this is not surprising, i just haven’t had time to tell you yet, your snowman is being sent to moscow, as if mustafa, the son of the sheikh, an idiot, decided to take revenge and tried to frame your snowman.
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for many years, and i never cease to be amazed, here a son can report on his father without experiencing any threats of conscience. what kind of scratch is this? it happened before. i called the
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service, it needs to be painted. painting this color it won't be until the end of the month. if ghani sees you keeping your car in this condition, he will fire you. okay, i'll wipe it off.
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okay, i understand how long we have until the broadcast, as soon as we get a picture from the palace, we’ll start right away. i go outside, make sure everything is clean and give the command to start.
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sit down, let's go through the theses again. perhaps it makes sense to strengthen this phrase: i mean this place, well, let's say, we have always given credit to the herculean efforts of president khaled to end the internecine war. do not touch the key, what did you say, i said don’t touch the key, dear ganya, what’s the matter, we’ll go in another car, why just extra insurance, tell mustafa that we’ll go in the security car, sir, as you say, stand to the right to enter not to block, they say
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that they are waiting for something... he asked the guards of the escort car to change places, if you don’t mind, i will remain behind the wheel of mr. salah’s car, as mr. ganip ordered. what do you mean, mr. gonet ordered? mustafa, we will transfer the guards to the sheikh’s car, and we ourselves will go in a jeep along a different route. dear goni, let's everyone do their job. i am the head of security, answering.
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guarding the escort car, move the sheikh's car, the jackal is cunning, not this time, today the jackal outwitted himself, you moved, yes, the sheikh and the master, drive in the security car, i'll go and make sure that these are from television. sheikh sallah promised to reveal all the details of the anti-government conspiracy and name the forces that were planning to overthrow the legally elected president. nadeem, you have the floor. kamal, now the sheikh is just leaving the palace, we see two security cars. the security measures , it must be said, are unprecedented, considering
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their kind.
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they will slap you with a reprimand, they will marinate everything on the paperwork, we need you, frank, a great future awaits you. have you been offered cooperation with foreign intelligence? yes, you rejected an offer to
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cooperate with foreign intelligence? yes. homesickness for a long time, exposed by morocco, i don’t care at all where to be completely alone, over what stones to get home, to wander from the bag of the market, to a house that doesn’t know what is mine, like a hospital or a barracks. like a hospital or the barracks, for a long time, she has been suffering from severe nervous exhaustion, in this state she can’t take the test, and she’s not pretending, i’m not a psychiatrist, but it doesn’t seem like
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even the most innocent question, which i don’t threaten in any way, provokes her now there is a violent reaction, did you leave our embassy at 18:30? yes, well, you see, and what do you propose? wait, we need to give her the opportunity to come to her senses. and how long to wait? well, it's different for everyone. and if she was fine, what would you say when looking at the polygraph readings? would say?
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what good this guy will do, whether it will work or not, time will tell, but i wouldn’t quarrel with lempard’s father-in-law,
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half of the intelligence committee is his friend, besides, you know, he’s friends with himself, i know , dick, i know, marker is a good chicken, why is there such joy? you'll see and like this.
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your apple trees are crumbling, you could at least pick them up, but the hedgehogs will take them away, the garden was my favorite part. if only the villages would dry out. what did
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our guys from washington manage to find out? reilly, who is leading the leak case, is a serious young lady. she last year i identified an israeli mole in the nsa, and this agent served for more than 10 years and was in excellent standing. does she have a real lead to get to kiplingan? the most vulnerable place is where we learned that mustafa is the son of a sheikh. we're through. lempard was fed information that mustafa allegedly said this himself under torture. the sheikh is no more, mustafa has disappeared. it is unlikely that the cia now needs a scandal with a mole. i think director hasselchow should seize on this. that is, everything is fine with us. or i don't know something. get a recording of mustafa's interrogation, but the recording
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does not contain mustafa's confession that he is the son of a sheikh, not yet, ekaterina alekseevna, you have a package, what a package, a young man with a bunch of bad habits, but extremely charming and handsome. hello, hello, how are you, fine, for some reason in moscow, they sent you home as someone who had not justified the high rank of a kgb officer, you were fired, well, who ’s going to fire me, i’m sitting at home while the bosses change their anger to mercy, back in a fight, of course, but good luck, what are you doing, nothing, we agreed, so what? well, what are you talking about? will you talk to dima? i talked, i'm sorry,
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i feel very bad now. katya, what's going on with the accounts of the guys in the encryption department? last year.
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but we have no one who could confirm this. okay, let's give this ransomware a spin. if a guy loves the good life, there is something to grab onto. he will do whatever you say, let me talk to my father. sheikh sallah, he will do whatever you say. stop,
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thank you, well, yes, it looks like, yes, the timbre is similar, but this one speaks the central siysk dialect of aleppo, and the person on the cassette, which you gave, lebanese, and what is so noticeable, to a professional, yes, i so... i understand where you want to send the edited recording, it will be examined under a magnifying glass, of course they will, well, so we are looking for footage with the lewanese dialect, i would i didn’t take any risks, she noted, well, that’s all for today, i guess i ’ll call you in nine o’clock,
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hello? say, say, wait, don’t hang up, i don’t even understand how a girl in your circle can meet a bandit, god, dima, you’re like from the moon, what a circle, in moscow now there are only two circles, those who there is money and those who dream of earning it, i don’t understand what you should even talk to him about, but he has the latest model bmw, but that changes everything, of course, are you jealous, i’m sorry, i ’m just saying. there is no one else to turn to, my fellow students are entirely nerds, and he is already threatening me, maybe i can talk to him somehow, but not officially, or something, explain so as not to interfere, you can, dim, whatever you think i can arrange this, i’ll take a power group with me, just for a walk, i don’t know, oh well, forget everything, i’ll decide for myself,
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how how is katya? okay, katya, okay, if you don’t want to, don’t tell me, she told irina how she knows about the oreste of this jafar, a reliable source. the person has been working in the ministry of internal affairs for a long time and is very knowledgeable. okay thank you. ask for nairi, if possible, until this information gets out. understood. he got caught for
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nonsense, but since he had a lot of other things under his belt, he was in the security service. they began to twist him to the fullest and brought him to the point of his participation in the kidnapping of our diplomats. jafar testified during interrogation that they had comprehensive information about the time of departure, the route, the composition of the group, mustafa knew all the details, he did not say from whom? jafar doesn’t know, but it’s clear that from the americans is important to us. that the circle of suspects is narrowing, for example, gabrindashvili can be excluded, why? so what’s the point of him telling ustyugov information about the mole if he himself is the mole, and i would n’t dump ilya konstantinovich,
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it’s possible that he judged thinner, nairi is his old source. she will publish material about this jafar, and we will ask why she doesn’t shared information with gaprindashvili, checks will begin, perhaps he had no other choice, but according to this logic, ustyugov cannot be thrown out, of course. bon appetit, good afternoon, you know, give me some coffee, me too, more fruit, here’s a fruit basket, yeah, and a bottle of champagne, that’s it, now is the moment, yes, what happened, and you don’t know
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what happened, we’re adults people? i know that they are checking you now, but this is a necessary procedure, go and check the head, you are a fool, do you even understand what you are saying, who is checking, the one who sold us when tikhomirov’s head was cut off, and in general what right do they have to check us, it works for them, understand, they told me, they will never leave you if anything happens to you, but we are all ours power, our tanks, missiles, we will send an army. katya, listen, no one has ever told us this, i ask you, please calm down, but i’m calm, zhenya, maybe i’ve never been as calm in my life as i am now, do you know why?
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american embassy, ​​they say they are interested in something specifically, a new unplakt for cards or something heavier, but no, an aquarium, eighty-one, a triangle? yeah, the seller takes out the cassette, it’s good
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quality, the first copy is metal, how much 15 - he gives the money away. it didn't really matter to me, i think i was relieved. tell me, were you aware of gaprindashvili’s reports about a possible leak from the beirud station? yes, ilya
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konstantinovich once prayed that there was such a problem. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. and under what circumstances did he mention it? your service insisted that i be removed from affairs, due to the fact that my wife came under suspicion. igor borisovich, as soon as dzhelaev. will come up, let me know right away, yes, ilya konstantinovich, listen, in the end, there are interrogations of golovanov, who was in captivity with her, this, in your opinion, is not proof, from golovanov’s interrogations, we only know that she is on the second day asked to go to the toilet and disappeared, and then he saw her in the car when they were being taken to our embassy, ​​right, right, because she tried to escape, only then she was handed over to the americans, we know about this from her words. in management admits that in this way they could simply protect her from the hardships associated with being in
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captivity, dad, you saw katya, they protected her well, in your opinion, dima, all this can affect your career, but i don’t care i don’t care about my career, you understand, my family is collapsing, and you give me a career, ilya konstantinovich, colonel dzhalaev, let him come in. good afternoon, dmitry sergeevich, hello ilya konstantinovich, what are we doing in baghdad? i have prepared several ciphergrams for the residency, this is ilya konstantinovich, ilya konstantinovich, a doctor urgently, the colonel is ill.
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well, after a month of sadness, three months have passed , there is no hot water, no, you, i said that you don’t owe it anymore, but i don’t care what you said, i want to be on good terms with you, and you hang up, what kind of dynamo are people? why dynamo, we’re just different, what kind of lag are you holding me for, what kind of guy am i to you? in short, i said, you suit me, what other markets, but you don’t suit me, and we’ll check that now, while all the chicks were happy, let go, you’re a goat, i don’t care, i’m fucking you, why are you bothering, natalya, it’s the same thing every time,
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help, just wait, calm down and tell me, that’s it, i’ll come now, i’ll come now, even humanly, in the process of twenty-seven years of work at the clinic and almost 20 years of admission,
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ludavo called. hypnosis and other very interesting and useful things that people need, in the process of all these meetings some directions have matured, which i believe are television psychotherapy and methods of biochemical research aimed at studying.
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