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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 7, 2024 5:20am-6:11am MSK

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the question of whether there was shakespeare actually has a decent evidence base, there are about 80 versions, or rather only about 80 people claim, and there are circumstances that speak not in favor of the person who wore the corresponding one. more, but excuse me, today, four centuries later, when the works themselves have become more significant for us than the author himself, his personality, is it worth having these debates at all, especially since we most likely will not get an answer, you are in vain underestimating the ambitions of the creator, personality plays a paramount role in history and literature role, but what about the desire to remain in this story, to preserve the name, remember herostratus, we will remember herostratus after a short commercial break, of course. as always in
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the most interesting place, rose, rose, oh, what is it, rosa georgievna, it’s me, vinel, rosa georgievna, open up, here’s the deaf grouse, rose, oh, god, call the police. “hello, hello, police, please, please, come quickly, an autopsy is necessary, i immediately realized that it was the sound of a body falling, and even dishes fell down, she is a lonely person, i i knock on it, it doesn’t answer, but i ran to call you, it’s ready, yes. we call
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the killer with the experts right away. yes. ninel mifudevna, what can you say about your neighbor? lebedeva roza georgievna, 75 years old, no relatives, no one, actress. good morning, good morning, why is there no one yet, we are the first, ah, the two of us, it’s clear, rita, m, i need to talk to you, go ahead, ridka, i met a girl, so that’s good, very good, here sympathy, all that, then... not exactly my circle, she’s
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an artist, but pasha, i won’t believe in life, that you have nothing to talk about with her, and of course there is something not to talk about, but the problem is different, she is a crazy fan of the theater, and you yourself know how much i love it, well, i got scared once, two and three times i went, what could i do? , it was death, wow, wow, what did we go to, i think, well, let’s go to something familiar, pushkin, small tragedies, everything is fine, we come, we sat down next to her, all this kind of contact has already begun, i like this already once, suddenly he comes out, who is pushkin, can you imagine, he was red-haired, pushkin, red-haired, of course i’m a fool, but not that much, i know that pushkin is black, curly-haired, but that’s not all, behind him comes motz in sneakers on a beaded leg, also red-haired, i turn to her, i look with my eyes for some kind of sympathy, well, nonsense is happening, and she’s sitting, she’s all blurred, she likes everything, she’s blissful, and i understand that at this moment i like her a little less, you know, and how tell me, well, tell me how after that and what is the main thing to measure love, listen, you shouldn’t ask me, but rudanov, of course he’s in the theater i haven’t been there for 20 years, but he’s 100%
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fine with girls, hello, young people, good morning, sit, sit, chiku, no, we ’ll still have time to drive, here’s some food for thought, suspicion of murder, take it lesha is an expert, but if it’s confirmed, pull up bulkin, by the way, the story is quite interesting, a famous actress in the past, these are the continuation of the theatrical theme, yeah. it’s good that they called me, i can definitely say that this is poisoning, the color of the blood is almost black, probably something containing mercury, judging by yazum in the ear, time has passed since the introduction, 10:12 o’clock, lyokha, listen, but suicide is definitely out of the question, rita, what do you think, in our time? if a person decided
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to poison himself, so that he would start pouring poison into his ear, some kind of middle ages, well then, where would she get the poison here, well, the devil knows, but the theater. cinema in one apartment, funny genre, guys, have you touched the video camera? no, they didn’t touch anything before your arrival, well, thank you, lech, then you’ll bring it to the case, and let nikito scrape over the video recording, then i’ll go to potapov, nenalya mefodievna, this is a very case difficult, you are our only witness, so try to help us, i understand, but it doesn’t fit in my head, what is the suspicion of murder? who to suspect and there is probably no more defenseless lonely person in the world, i’ve known her for a very long time, yeah, for her life stopped the moment she left the theater, the theater was everything to her, well, after that she
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closed herself off, yes so now few people in our house remember her, but what kind of relationship did you have with her? now i don’t even know, i don’t even know neighbors, but she never asked for help, she rarely left the house, well , she had some kind of inner circle, friends, acquaintances, relatives, no one, what do you mean, no relatives, no friends, no exits anywhere, sometimes very rarely , we met her in the store, what kind of conversations, so the weather, well-being. everything about the past, no, no, never anything, but try to remember yesterday, maybe you heard some noise on the staircase or in the apartment, maybe someone came to her or she was quarreling with someone, you know, with us in the house audibility is very good, you can hear everything, no,
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no, no, nothing like that happened yesterday, i really don’t know, it’s probably not relevant, but lately she’s started reading aloud... the classics, you know, excerpts, scenes, monologues, well, it was as if she was going through her roles, she read beautifully, with inspiration, with feeling, i listened with pleasure, well, actress, actress, you know, pasha, lyosha confirms the poisoning, i called bulkin, so due to the absence of relatives, apparently i’ll have to dig past, in which theater roza georgievna served, she called him the leningrad satire theater, yes, yes, yes, the apartment is full of posters. i think we should start with him, let's start with him, yes reed, hi, great, nikitos, listen, lyokha has already brought you a cassette for decoding, yes, yes, yes, yes, he brought it, just you know, the only problem i have here is with the equipment , this
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is urgent, so, let’s go without any hitches, the matter is urgent, i’ll come now, i ’ll look at it with you, while you digitize it, so that everyone has access, and please search the databases for relatives, roza lebedeva georgievna, are there any hunters for 30? squares and a darned cloche? uh-huh, okay, come on, i’ll do everything, now it’s going to be a damn bag, and a hat, a bell, what a horror, in general, of course, i can’t wait to see what kind of video it is, in fact , the only clue, well, yes, it’s just some kind of dostoevschina, well what, you go to the theater, see if there are any eyewitnesses of swan’s glorious years, and then i’ll go to the department, are you in the car? no, i wanted to speak to you, but i’ll give you a ride on the minibus, well, to the metro, okay, well, what are you talking about, comrade policeman, well, what is rosa lebedeva, i found out about its existence, i’ve been in this place for six months, i have completely different tasks, but
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when entering service in the theater, you are not obliged to know the history of the theater, the repertoire, the corpse, when entering service, i first of all must... find out where the money went, transferred to the theater from the budget, which was managed by my predecessor, and not to squander future revenues, strict control of funds loyal to the theater, you cannot imagine what kind of anthill this is, under the pretext of an ever- increasing estimate, these artist-dreamers, and simply put, infants, ready to realize their fantasies for years at the state expense, no, that’s it... times have changed, strong-willed management, like in a factory, came at 11 o’clock, if you please, put the key to the turnstile, but i was late, sorry, fine, and these constant drinking bouts , how long can you tolerate this, yes, but i heard that through this creativity is born in them, alcoholism
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is born in them and children are born, sometimes from one mother from three different fathers of the same troupe, what are you saying, that’s it, that’s enough, now i’ll also introduce a dress code. albert semyonovich, hello, hello, lena said, you asked for the story of rosa georgievna lebedeva, this is not for me, this is for a friend. and... there’s not much here, but some from her creative biography, and from her personal life, i can’t say anything about my personal life, but the actress left the theater in 1978, now none of her colleagues of that time are in the theater doesn’t work, the troupe then numbered 23 artists, the theater was undergoing changes and the management’s policy was quite the same, but there is no place for old people here, a portrait gallery in the faye is enough, well, who? is one of those actors still alive? koshkin, is anyone alive? i don’t have exact information, but in
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the veterans’ home the stage should be maintained at the maya shkolnaya boarding house. they were classmates and went to the theater together, thank you, gosha. your information will certainly be useful to the operatives. free. goodbye. my museum curator. “i’m only holding on to the encyclopedic knowledge, the guy is completely behind the times, and you say the repertoire, the history of the theater, the main thing is to put all the figures in their places so that the mechanism works, you have everything, but for now, yes, hello, andryukh, great, you've already heard about the morning actress's corpse, here. you have a creative task, to visit her colleague and classmate in the house of stage veterans, a certain one from my school, if it turns out to be more
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personal, friends, colleagues, envious people, well, you understand, yes, we’ll discuss it at the meeting, that’s all, thank you, okay, sleepyhead, sleepyhead, okay you can sleep, well , look, what a delight, oh, what a delight, but wake up, sonya, because you have never, never had such a good night, no, look, what a listen, maybe valerian’s beauty is for you, it helped me, go here, darling, little dove, come here, one forensic examination is not enough here, uh-huh, and i’m like this, shah, well, i’m thinking, well, come on, come on, come on, good afternoon, hello, hello, oh, girl, good afternoon, could you help me? how can i find the actress,
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school maya? who are you to her? not by whom? am i from the criminal investigation department? captain rydanov, i need to talk to her, she was acquainted with the murder victim in the past. well, try it, just don’t become a victim yourself. thank you! maya viktorovna, hello, i ’ve been waiting for you for a long time, we’ll have a nice walk, of course. hi, but what do you have, vaccinated,
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i of course didn’t know the old lady not at the zenith of her fame or after, but didn’t we come up with this investigation for ourselves, but understand, the yellow press is constantly full of such stories, like the mysterious death of the queen of the screen and that’s it, okay , everything, everything, pasha, pasha, you understand, lyosha will come and clarify this matter. well, everything is confirmed, the poison was injected into the auricle at 11 pm, the day before, it was absorbed for 12 hours, since it contains arterial elements that damage the nervous system. it happens slowly, but this makes it possible to very accurately determine the time of death. lyosh, i
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’m asking about suicide again, because i have a complete feeling that the granny was definitely not herself. rita, i know my business well, so i’ll tell you again why this is not suicide. firstly, the vial of poison was not found at the scene of the murder, and secondly, what was used to inject it was not found either, it was injected carefully. well, do you think that in the pharmacy they sell poison with a dropper , or what? yes, my dear, i understand, that means so, here's your conclusion, i'm off, thank you. “i haven’t walked with a young man like you for a long time, maya viktorovna, why did you say that you were waiting for me, cards, tonight you told me everything, the party of spades under the heart of the queen of spades, you didn’t happen to tell you
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who killed your classmate of course, they told rosa lebedev." garson boy, let's forget about the cards for a while, just tell me what kind of person she was, what kind of relationship you had with her, well, if the queen of spades were depicted as a bat on the cards, that would be it would be an accurate portrait, that is, you disliked her a little, vanity ate away at her soul like a moth in a closet. my only fur coat, when was the last time you saw it? i haven’t seen her since the day she left the theater because of her quarrelsome nature, in the hope that she would be in demand by the whole country, even by putin, cuckoo, but young man, life
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is unfair, but it’s natural, you are so you don’t speak unflatteringly about you, one can suspect you, lord, have mercy, i told you, boy, he grew up and took revenge on his nerdy mother, wait, wait, here we have information that rosa georgievna had no children, yes, she didn’t, she wasn’t,
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he was born, you can’t say why i can’t, he was born on july 14, 1976, it’s great if you know the exact the date of birth of the child, which means they were still in a trusting relationship with her, they didn’t trust her secretly, rose knew this, keeping this to herself is very difficult, yeah. therefore, she needed an audience to whom she could always justify herself. that's the kind of spectator i was. well, how did fate turn out? child? the boy grew up in an orphanage and was named maxim independent. i don’t
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know if he ended up in the family, i don’t know anything else about him. thank you very much, this is very valuable information, please, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, once again, goodbye, well, what can you tell about the old lady, yes, a psychological thriller, oleg georgievich, to be honest, i myself don’t like these stories about st. petersburg centenarians, there are always devilish things. it smells, okay, i’m listening to you, in general, the story is this: a grandmother lives in the world, with the past of a famous actress, and suddenly dies from poisoning, and i was taken through the ear in the aphelia costume in front of a video camera, so where is the film? i didn’t see the film, rita saw it, in short, the recording shows excerpts from world literature of various female characters
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played by our murdered woman, at home the very moment of death, which means the film needs to be carefully reviewed again. i would advise on a psychiatric examination, but posthumously, because, excuse me, i question the fact of murder, of course, rit, according to the expert’s conclusion there is not a single sign suicide, well, to be honest, it’s quite difficult for an elderly lonely woman to get poison, so igor, take up this issue, start with the chemists who prepare the drugs at home, if necessary, put pressure on someone. which she refused, even so, the fate of the child is unknown, but there is a name and estimated date of birth, hence the version and motive, murder on
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the spot, but this needs to be double -checked, listen, maybe libedeva’s medical record will give something, i i’ll find out everything in detail, okay, everyone is free, yes igor, personal request, start working with laboratories right now.
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job number seven, i’ve now got a job at a vocational school, a chemistry teacher, yeah, that means you cook at home, you sell it at a vocational school, comrade captain, if you want, look for it, since the day i got a dozen, i’ve given up, i’ve given up drinking, i’ve given up heavy drinking , okay, we’re not talking about you today, i’m interested in a universal chemist who makes sub-orders of poisons for different methods of poisoning. well, there was one in our technology room, he was a genius, he was simply a fanatic about poisons, he could make a berry out of nothing, you see, what was his name, oleg
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veryovkin, yes oleg verevkin, he also received grants to work in europe, but the truth was they didn’t let him out, that’s where he is, i don’t know, nikitos, why didn’t he take so long you take it, you sleep or something, don’t sleep, old man, don’t sleep. give me a man named oleg veryovkin, he graduated from the technological institute, which means he is now 27-28, that’s it, let’s wait, end your party in half an hour, people wanted to rest, eat, comrade general, comrades, trouble happened, all the people’s strength is at defeat the enemy, i am obliged to protect my wife and i will. my place is there at the front, if you want to go to the front, go, there’s no point in sitting here, i’m also a soldier in glasses with a manicure,
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standing at attention, and what should i do with these little dogs, hard workers, to study drill training, miracle heroes, motherfucker, enemy rushes to moscow, it will be necessary to shoot at him, who will tear something with his teeth, mosin rifle, bolt, fire. shot, hit, come on, luyak, come on, base hearts, i took my play to the theater, i’ll invite you, premiere, tomorrow at 21:35 on ntv.
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oh, my god, who's so late? yes, who is it? find a way to get the record back otherwise you're next. what? oh, when this mighty mind is like a bell ringing and ringing, and the youthful appearance... incomparable is marred by madness, and my god, where has it all disappeared? and
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what’s wrong with me, in fact, that’s all, until the door started banging on the limbo, it’s clear, well, what do you say, anatoly isakovich, our case, but not a rare one, based on the personality diagnosis, we can say that the degree of schizophrenia in her can be identified, but it is typical for women of this profession in old age and lack of work...
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was intended for a wide audience, but how if a modern wide viewer could learn about the talent of death of rose swan, remember the episode of natasha rostova? please note that in this episode lebedeva does not turn on the camera, as she did before and after, the monologue begins immediately, he turned on the camera, your killer, he is in the room, he is next to her, she is doing this for him, miss it. no, he called me, who, the killer, i could barely wait for the morning, drink some water, it wasn’t night, thank you, it’s a complete nightmare, my heart still stops, at what time the bell rang, after midnight, i i was already asleep, i actually fell asleep in the chair watching the tv, but it was so exciting, i still can’t come to my senses, tell me, the voice didn’t seem
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familiar to you, no? the voice was young, but you see, deliberately understated, this is what they do in the theater in order to instill more fear in the viewer, now, now the most interesting thing, i didn’t go out onto the stairs last night, but that would have been imprudent, but when i went out today, i i noticed that someone was opening the door to rosa georgievna’s apartment at night. that is, it was locked, i i checked, i pulled the pen, but the piece of paper is yours, the piece of paper, it was torn off, it hangs like that, what kind of news is this? well, thank you, anatoly sakovich, you gave us, so to speak, food for thought, oleg georgievich, it’s always a pleasure for me to work with you, you have such extraordinary cases, i myself get tremendous pleasure, yes,
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yes, the only one, i didn't finish. do you remember, in the last video, the victim is always waiting for something, looking at his watch, getting ready, and so, he knows exactly when he will die, they have everything calculated, think about it, yes, and pay attention to the characteristics of the killer’s psychotype, what kind of normal killer would ask a witness to take the document from the operatives, all the best, and thank you again. i wonder what the criminal is counting on, that we will just give you the recording and won’t let you be followed after that. nenel mifudina, please remember again, this is exactly what the phrase said by the voice on the phone sounded like, find an opportunity to return the recording,
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otherwise you are next. well, friends, whether we return this recording or not, the killer will call again, yes, comrade major, they delivered, thank you for telling me that i was detained, i was not allowed to study at the university, i was not allowed to go abroad, and that your satraps have now ruined an important experiment for me, that i can’t even work at home, but so be kind enough to tell me please, what do you do at home and how do you earn a living? i’m a chemist, i create all sorts of instant-response medicines, you don’t have to sit down, you sell them, i exchange them for ingredients, i mean, i exchange finished products for new ingredients i continue to work, my process goes on, you understand, this is a creative process, you can’t stop it, how do you imagine it, how do you get customers, i don’t know, someone is telling something about me somewhere, people find me on their own,
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come and ask for various medicines. or an antidote for a specific disease, you know, it’s every time, it’s like a new task, chemistry is very exciting, then a man comes, he was bitten by a snake, well, i don’t know, well, somewhere in asia. i begin to compare the region, the type of reptile, season, the time the poison is in the body, everything, i’m starting to come up with ideas, you know, i can sit for days on one formula, just weeks, oleg mikhailovich, born in eighty-six, please don’t talk nonsense, your apartment is full of poisons, not antidotes, you you make poisons of varying degrees of exposure time, everything in the world is poison, all medicine, only the dose is important, paracils, in this case. oleg mikhailovich, be so kind as to write to me, please, everyone who has recently contacted you for medicine, names, addresses, surnames, descriptions of people, i don’t remember, i don’t ask names, much less addresses, people just come and go, you can hit me, but i
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still won’t remember, i am for a woman by infusion into the ear, remember, it was, it was, it was , uh, he wanted it to take effect at 11:00 in the morning, and i did with a twelve-hour wait, who is the customer? “i don’t remember, maybe beat me, i don’t remember his face, what are you going to do, i remembered, beethovin’s fifth symphony was playing on his phone, you know, someone called him, and he didn’t pick up the phone for a long time, he also told me , which pathetic music, ninal methodievna, but it’s true that...”
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i’m listening, i took the materials from the cops, yes i did, but they didn’t give me the originals, they made a copy, it doesn’t matter, even if you told them everything, they don’t care about me take it, listen to the instructions, in 2 hours nekrasovsky square, central alley, third bench from ligovka, just leave the package and leave, if anything goes wrong, you won’t get home, there’s a payphone on kolomenskaya 10, oh, hello. , ritka, well, they detected him, his mobile, not that he’s an idiot, with i called a payphone, yeah, why are we going there, well , that makes sense, he hasn’t been there for 100 years, so what,
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we’ll take the prints, you think, well, go ahead, just send an expert there, kolominskaya 10, yeah, okay, got it, okay, stop, kolumenskaya 10, and rosa georgievna worked at the address... kolomenskaya 14, do you think it’s a coincidence? i don't know. hello, maxim leonidovich , independent? yes, absolutely right, who are you? captain rydanov, criminal investigation department. good afternoon, captain rydanov. something happened? don't worry, nothing serious, just a few questions to ask. yeah, well i you. listen, i'm really a little busy, but that won't stop us from talking. okay, okay, it’s okay, you have a rather rare surname, maxim, independent, yes, it’s just that in malyutka’s house, when i was born, people weren’t very good with imagination, they looked at
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the calendar, and it just fell on french independence day , yeah, but can you tell me something about your parents, i have no idea where they are, i have no grudges towards them, neither. claims, we have complete reciprocity with them, i don’t know where they are, and they don’t know where i am, yeah, that is, nothing to the parents you don’t know whether they are alive, or perhaps died, you don’t have any negative attitude towards them, i was brought up in an orphanage, there were very good mentors there, they were very caring, i had no family, no parents, i put a goal for myself, i will have a family, i’m married, i have three children, and i recently became a grandfather, you can congratulate me, congratulations, it means that they were not interested in their family at all, well, it’s unlikely that they were representatives of the red cross in kenya,
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so as not to pay attention to your own son, so excuse me, please, okay, okay, then tell me where you were the night before yesterday, what you did, who can confirm this, here i have it: a notebook and everything is written down here, for example, at 9:00 i was at irochka’s , she treated me to her charlotte, and before that at the railway workers’ palace of culture, oh, there’s an excellent white one there. century, when you play it, it seems that you are touching history, okay, thank you, what did you want? oleg georgievich, i understood everything, we gave instructions, we insure the connections ourselves. once again, we don't know how
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he will appear soon and we don’t know what he looks like, no matter what, you leave the package on the bench and walk along the alley, towards the operational vehicle, okay, do you remember where it is? i remember, dear ritochka, i understand with all responsibility the seriousness of what is happening, but it’s so scary, mifhodevna, don’t be afraid of anything, we’re close, you hear, yeah, that’s it, oh, god, help me. we are ready.
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boy, where is the package you stole, i didn’t steal it, they asked me to pick it up, in return they gave me frost, who, there, is the guy in the hat. let's run away, be careful,
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hello, are you looking for someone? yes, i'm looking, have you seen a guy in a hat? i didn’t see anyone, but if you want, you can look around the room. “i beg your pardon, nothing, yes, albert semyonovich, an infection, i’ll never get used to the st. petersburg courtyards, yes, margot, gara, what do you have, but you don’t have him, he disappeared, that ’s great, i have nothing either, let’s hope that pashke is doing well." have you all lost your sense of smell, friends, to screw up
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such a primitive operational plan, look , igor, where were you looking, but who could have thought that a guy on a bike would ride up and the guy will drive up, but we have accurate information on the chemist that we took, he claims that he had an order for this poison, and so what, where is the sketch, where is the information on him, where is the evidence? georgievich, you should have seen him, the evidence, he is obsessed only with his chemistry, he says, you can beat him, i still can’t remember anything, why should i beat him, no, don’t, andrey, what’s wrong with the son, the son really exists, but he doesn’t know his parents, he’s never seen them, and he doesn’t want to know, alebi, i checked him, all i was at work during the day, at home in the evening, my wife confirmed, it’s clear that according to the expert’s conclusion , fingerprints were found on the payphone machine that pasha and i were working on, but... they don’t go through the databases, but judging by the fact that potapov
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hiding behind rodanov, there’s nothing to report to him either, friends, well, think, think, remember, the most insignificant detail will shed light on our history, well, but if not significant, then this chemist said that the psycho who bought poison from him, beethovin's fifth symphony was playing on the mobile phone, can you imagine how many people in the city can hear such a melody, that’s what i ’m saying, but what does it sound like when you turn on the door, this melody is on the bell of gosha koshkin, who works in the theater. what wait, yesterday nedalmefodin’s call was made with threats from a payphone near the theater, and gosha works in the theater, yes, yes gosha koshkin, gosha koshkin works in the theater, collects information about artists in the archive, he told me so much about the swan, that the director had to shut him up, so quickly this theater was brought here, quickly!
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no, andryukha, it’s useless, maybe i’ll try tomorrow, but no, igor, at least we need some evidence right now, okay, so we’ll just take it and leave.
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get ready! there will be no kina, rosa lebedeva’s talent has not deservedly sunk into history, no one has remembered her for a long time, i knew everything about her, i spent my whole life preparing myself to meet her, so 2 months ago i came to her house, she believed me, because i brought her a plan on how to burst into art again with a bright flash...
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poured into the ear, the effect of the poison could be clearly calculate, we selected a repertoire from famous monologues in world drama, so did she write it down for herself, or did you help her? i was present only once; she wanted to work for everyone, not just me. when the material was filmed, i was supposed to pick it up, but the neighbor interfered, and even the dishes fell down, she is a one-handed person. well, i knock, she doesn’t answer, what were you going to do with it, post it on the internet? the internet is too simple, i prepared projections on city streets, on the facades of houses, on the spans of bridges, and even if it happened only once, it would be
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enough, because viral videos on the internet would do their job, the name of the rose would appear again, again... on everyone’s lips, the name, you know, how important this is, i beg you, please let me go for 2 hours, i have everything ready, i only have to do one show, we also have everything ready for you, at least one show, sergeant, thank you very much, yeah, just one show, i assure you, this will be enough, thank you very much, because rose, the name of the rose, oh, the terrible power of art. yeah, well, now you’re calm, now calm, but i propose to celebrate the closing of the theater season, categorically for, a second, who’s there, yoshkin, the cat, yes, niinel mefodina, hello, they took it, well,
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you can’t tell it in two words, sometime when we meet, so you don't have to worry anymore, what? “tomorrow, tomorrow i’m busy, what? and durandot, no, no, unfortunately, i can’t, but of course i would really like to, my colleague wants to go to the theater, floods, but she can’t live without the theater, remember, she's with i came, i told you, rita, we won’t go, but she wants to talk to you, rita, now, excuse me, just a second, rita, toad, stop, eh! they treated you, it’s your own fault, you run well, but you fly like crap, what’s your fault, why did you run away? so they kicked me out, i ran away, that you
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were chasing me, something you don’t know, guys, i’m completely empty, now we’ll gather witnesses, let’s see how empty you are, but no, he’s wearing nothing, he threw the dope into the ditch, he’s like smart , yes, yeah, we’ll fix it now, come on, come on, where did you drop it, it’s not far from here, yeah, come on, come on, come on, what come on, come on, show me, yeah, i’m completely bruised, i’m going to give myself a deadline, but what if i’m not bruised or something, no, i’ll hurt myself now, i ’ll sprinkle some more dirt on top, come on, come on, but everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, i understand, my blow, the corpse is not mine, what a corpse, huh?
6:08 am
hello, i wish you good health, great, good afternoon, the birthday boy is in a hurry, it’s my fault, okay, i’m kidding, i know that it takes you the longest to get there, so what? congratulations, you've had enough time this evening, but for now, get out there. great, guys, what's interesting here, oh, hi, just take a look for yourself, i think it’s a banal robbery, because there is no mobile phone, the wallet was also completely robbed, who found it, and the associates of izubnon, david and sobolev, and what did they lose here? yes, they caught deler, in a trench, or what? yes, there was actually a funny story here. they will laugh at me for a long time. masters
6:09 am
of cross-examination. expert, report. death was believed to have been caused by blunt force trauma. from 0 to 2:00 am. clear. igor, do you have any guesses? well, i think pasha is right. most likely a murder purpose of robbery. bulkin. well, i agree. set aside for the purpose of robbery, a comrade prosecutor has some special information, your boss will inform you, work, there is, killed, deputy of the legislative assembly, korotkevich boris yakovlevich, wow, this is the one who fought with the budget cutters, yes, yes he fought, more details, the chairman of the citizens' choice faction will tell you about it, call right now, well, well, well, what is this new mobile phone you have? and my family gave this for my birthday, and i know it’s that you ordered from a catalog, and it’s convenient, it doesn’t slip out of your hand, let’s check,
6:10 am
why didn’t you see the phone, work, why are you little kids, you heard, the elder ordered, work. a couple of years ago, the antimonopoly committee already had questions about bespalov, in particular about winning the tender.


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