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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 7, 2024 6:10am-7:01am MSK

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it doesn’t slip out of your hand, but let’s check, why didn’t you see the phone, work, why are you little kids, you heard, the elder ordered, work. a couple of years ago, the antimonopoly committee already had questions about bespalov, in particular about winning the tender. for the construction
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of the severnaya zorya microdistrict, but how can this be, a week from ofa without a year, bites off billions here. gennady kondratievich, i know that your time is valuable, closer to the point, if possible, please, at the request of voters, boris yakovlevich korotkevich took under parliamentary control investigated the activities of this builder, and on tuesday asked me to put the issue with bespalov on the agenda for today’s meeting, i did. that is, i understand correctly, today koratkevich was supposed to make accusations against bespalov, not with accusations, with evidence of his illegal activities, he said that he had collected enough material to once and for all stop the art of this burrowing little cube, this is understandable, but how could bespalov know , i beg you, the agenda of the meeting is sent to everyone deputies, assistants, you think there are not enough bastards who lobby for the interests of such...
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well, thank you, i don’t understand, have you lost something? yes, i can call you, it looks like my phone was stolen somewhere, damn it, and we are surprised at the criminal situation in the city, the head of the homicide department had his phone stolen, anecdote, so what happens?
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you are using a disgrace, there are no cameras at the crime scene, why are there so many cameras on the nearest highways, and what will this give you? well, i don’t know, what if the car doesn’t fire, the right initiative, where should he go or some other suspicious car, yeah, kilmobile, what did you say, captain, no, no, sorry, just a bunch of american coupes, disbanded, krymav your morvatians, krymav.
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krymov, krymov! what, you've been messing around with it, or what? yes, yes, comrade general, that is, no, sorry, guilty. pasha, because of my note, nikita, everything you put up, therefore, what’s his name, bespalovo, bespalovu. vanya, go to this widow, he’s been killed, you can take ritka with you. live, are you head in the clouds? you know that this matter is under control at the very top, this is not for you some huckster for 20 rubles. the deputy was killed. krymov, yeah. rita, here are the contact details of the deceased’s widow. so. i even dug up a photo somewhere, well
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, yes, social networks help a lot of people, why, baby, out of boredom, you can arrange a personal life, otherwise i look like i’m bored, but so what? now i’ll get you settled, i got it, are you here? so, wait, i have a certificate for bespalov, a job, a car, in general, everything is there, yeah, yeah, i have a minute, no, i’m going to the authorities now, let’s do it later, okay, come on, igoryuk, why, there you go wife calls where he's calling the duty room, why the duty room, but how do i know, damn it, alla nikolaevna, senior lieutenant potapenka is bothering you, why isn't there even one camera going there, captain, i have 71 cameras, the store is the kind of place where they take you out , but they’re taking me somewhere, i don’t really understand, my area of ​​responsibility, the store and the main
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entrance, the ditches - this is no longer my land, i served in the body, or something, it was the case, i’m already retired, but as we know, there are no former ones, buddy. the situation is this: the murdered man was being watched, perhaps this man was here from zero to two in the morning, let's see, let's try, that's it, 3 minutes are empty, and then grandpa with kefir, but the briefcase was dead, and the phone, well, it's clear that there was money, everything was all gone somewhere. guys, a kruzak without palov was shown on camera number 141 at the shooter's complex at 0018, right here, oh, this is very close to the murder scene, well, in my opinion, we have every reason to talk with citizen bespalov, let's go,
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pashka, well what, take it, depending on the circumstances, look, okay, so, i’m at my place, nikit, wait, now you have a minute, you, sit down, please, look, let’s say... a person’s phone was stolen, uh-huh, well, the thief , of course, will take out the sim card, that’s understandable, but maybe it’s still possible to figure it out somehow, wait, it was stolen from you, well, yes , well, you know, it’s not that the phone was stolen, it’s that it’s a gift, mm, you know, the family gave it for a birthday, they looked in catalogues, made a special order, well, you’ll be upset, listen, the phone is not the left one, well, of course, it’s the left one i'm crazy, if it's not the left one, then you can find it by unique number and nikitos, don't break my brain, please, in simple russian words, simple russian, okay, a thief stole your phone, uh-huh, threw away your sim card, bought his own sim card, no matter what operator, product number iimei, it remains, and the mobile
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operator can figure it out, find its location using this number , well, what ’s stopping you and me, it’s not so simple, you need to send a request to the investigative committee, what is it, well, yes, what did you think? why a person’s pipe was stolen, he goes to buy a new one, he would have come to us, filled out a statement, we would have caught the thief, we would have given the phone back, only the investigative committee would work day and night on a one-mobile, so clearly, they forgot, wait, if this is a gift, contact georgievich, why, or better yet, to merzlyakin, he is here today, listen, there is no need to contact anyone, i have a request to you, let this remain between us, well,
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who do you know? criminal investigation, come in, come in, please come in, or maybe we can talk in another place, why, i don’t have secrets, especially with my wife, but what is it? okay, sit down, sit down, thank you, citizen bespalov, tell me where you were last night? at work, working at night? who can confirm? stas, are they hinting at something? calm down, lyubushka, you heard, the homicide department is their responsibility, i was at the site until the morning, we just woke up, yes, we just sat down to have breakfast, and here you are, yes, that’s it, so if you have everything, as far as we
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we know that you are now building an office center on the site, yes, you know correctly, it was there, but night work in residential areas is prohibited, there was excavation and laying. do you suspect him? calm down, calm down, my dear, we are not in any way crossed paths, yeah, but the fact that he was killed, you know, the tv is working, good, and you know that today at the meeting he was going to lay out incriminating evidence on you, someone always wants to collect incriminating evidence on me, close me down, ban me, put me in jail, even so, i don’t pay attention, it’s the only way, with us, thank you, whoever is good for nothing tries with someone who can.
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today at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. gorky 53 premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, nept can help. he helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel. it maintains fabric strength and restores color. like new ones last three times longer, new? no, i erase with affection! benefit eldorado generator, super discounts and
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your mood, ostavyev’s escape, your joy business, no, come with me, look, ivan, i won’t call you a second time, can you imagine how dangerous this man is in the wild, we ’ll make such a mess with him, like emilyan fukachev with stenka razin, you’re sure he wasn’t sent, maybe you i wanted to find him, but in order to put him in prison again, come up with a plan, an attack on a museum, a museum, an exhibition where
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ural diamonds are located, the raid on the exhibition will take place on the night of next wednesday or thursday, here’s the deal. is planned, has criton completely confused the shores? the purpose of the operation is too important, the operation cannot last indefinitely, i have big plans for gorky, gorky 53, there is no peace without war, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, but understand, i couldn’t say in front of my wife that i was with another woman, and the woman can confirm this, no need to ask her , say, we’ll ask her, okay, from 11 to half, we were in a restaurant, yeah, i’ll write the address, doormen, waiters, there are cameras there, please write the address, then we went to her or to the hotel, but it doesn’t matter , this is important, to the hotel, finger examination, thank you, but please tell me
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what else? how did it happen that you were in a restaurant, and at 0:18 minutes your car was two blocks from the crime scene, now it’s in your yard , stolen, the driver was driving, yeah, that is, you’re the driver they sent the moko department, i didn’t send anyone anywhere, i don’t know where to look for the driver, he’s on vacation today, on the food service, in the next one, write the driver’s address and phone number, don’t fly ahead of the daddy into hell, look at margot, so it’s not in vain that i came , and you 're running around, yes, it's me, hello,
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hello, hello, pasha, why did it take us so long to open the police, i went to get glasses, hello, again, well, zavolokin, konstantin mikhailovich, lives here, lives here, here, and where else, the fool hasn’t saved up for his own thing, and you are related to him, his mother-in-law, great, let him
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go into the apartment, why is this, like this, we’ll ask him a couple of questions, but he’s not there, what, have you gone, where? you don’t know, i know, he went to novgorod to show off his granddaughter to his relatives, he left in a car, where did this poor fellow get a car from, we're on the train, okay, that's it, goodbye, come in, sit down, settle down, tea, coffee, if you want, no, thank you, but can i have some water, yes, take it there, "i don't even know where to start, i understand, it’s difficult, but start as convenient for you, when she started her affair with boris, with korotkevich, that’s right, yes, i was married, boris, as a decent person, immediately proposed to me, i..."
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told gurin that i was filing for divorce , and gurin is your ex-husband? yes thank you. in general , male hysterics are so disgusting, first he beat me, then he lay at my feet, begging for forgiveness, saying that he couldn’t live without me. wait, did you write a statement about both husbands? it's clear. what happened next? then i packed my things. and went to boris, then he started calling me, stalking me, said that if i didn’t return to him, he would kill him, korotkevich, yes, of course, but what happened then? then he was blown away, neither heard nor spirit, for 3 years nothing was heard about him or heard from, friends said that he got drunk, went downhill, i don’t
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know, then i was getting ready to go to the dacha, stopped by store, bought groceries, that’s it, i drove up to my house, got out of the car and saw gurin, he turned away, and i also thought that he was doing a stupid demonstration, based on this they thought that he was no, no, of course, “i went home, boris was getting ready for a meeting, then he left the house, i went to the window, it was as if i was being pulled by something, i see, gurin jumped into his car and drove after his husband, you understand, he was watching him, wait, right , did you warn your husband? unfortunately, no, i called gurin and asked what kind of absurdity this is. demonstration of what you are doing, then he answered me, i promised you, lord, if only i could think that this is not simple, not
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just stupid, stupid threats, the natural sea. igor, what are you doing? listen, do you know where my old phone is? where's your new phone? and i gave the new one to nikita, well, there are programs to download, different applications, did i lose it? well, what did you lose right away? i’m telling you, nikita needs to tinker, he needs time, and you immediately lost it? where's your old phone? i don't know. background, at least you know well, thank you, bye, don’t lose this one,
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i received a telephone message about the driver bespalov, so, unfortunately, the mother-in-law’s words are confirmed, he was in novgorod, photocopies of tickets are attached, minus one suspect, well it turns out, bespalov is not his driver, the car wasn’t stolen, so it drove itself, or what? no, of course, i couldn’t do it myself, so, then i’ll explain, uh-huh, nikita, please, please check the insurance of bespalov’s car, who is included in it, yes, now, wait, five seconds, so, let’s see, yeah, without palov, that's it, yeah, that's good, in a minute you will have the information, rit, what do you think about karotkevich’s ex-wife, can you trust her words, well
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, trust, not trust, but it’s worth checking, that’s for sure, van, what do you say, well, the lady is certainly exalted , but it ’s worth checking your license, listen, it’s not for the service of friendship, drive her to her dacha, since i don’t have a car, but what about taking the train, fresh air, beauty, you’ll get a beer, that’s for sure, and i ’ll give you money for beer for two pies, they found the youngest one, yes, as agreed, okay, thank you, last time, viskult, hello, hello, please, thank you for having me, nikit, oleg gevich, in general, in addition to his fingerless driver , a certain gurin is included in the insurance, that i am with me. here's an exalted lady for you, bulkin is right. so, well , let's sit, take the fighters out.
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hello. where can we find gurin? and so over there? look, you should have already done it yesterday. are you still holding out? why not yell? now you’ll select a brigade and go there with them. so that by this evening all this will be from here to here, why not, why not, today you take it people, so what are people doing here without helmets, so citizen gurin, can you be with me for a minute, guys, guys, where are you from, the police are the homicide department, where are we rushing, another one without a helmet, but what is it today, according to his position? i'm not allowed a helmet, homicide ? eh, do you need something from me? eh, hey guys, what's the handcuff for? are you suspected of murder? what murder? yes, why should i
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take revenge on your deputy, sit down on the table. i would have met him, thanked him for saving me from this hysteria, seriously, absolutely, i’m fine, business, home, personal life is starting to get better, no one is composting the bridge, which means you weren’t in the yard of the murdered man’s house, you weren’t watching his car, but listen to this psychopath, she’s always either the shadow of balmont or being followed by surveillance, that means you’re in denial, well why do i deny, i don’t deny, i was in the yard on my own business, but i didn’t follow her husband, they didn’t talk to her on the phone after that? she called me herself, screaming something about surveillance, well, too, which you probably did too, which means it’s the same to her as they just told me, that they weren’t following him, and he was making fun of him so that the fool would know, but at the nearest intersection korotkevich and i went in different directions, you would have said that you were looking, i
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would have realized, garbage in a barrel of burnt, well, yes, garbage there, paper, cardboard , little things, all sorts of branches there, when was the last time they burned them? a long time ago, yes, but the ashes are fresh, just about, so it’s not me, it’s the owner, so what did he burn, the owner, but how do i know, i burned it at night, i was already sleeping in my room, suddenly i see some splashes, well, it was blown up, you never know the fire, it was a long time ago, but the night before back, something is not very good, andryukh, on the cardboard. looks like, yes, they found a job for an expert, what? well, empty the barrel? came out, there is war, heaven is at the front, on victory day on ntv, grandfather kremen, with this you can go into reconnaissance, all the films
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108, 109, 110, exactly, in august 1944, the date and place of broadcast and the hour are the same, may 9 at 19:35, you have pumped everything up , it can’t be more precise, on ntv. the widow of the murdered man confidently recognized the burnt fragment of her husband’s briefcase. it doesn't have my fingerprints on it. you said it yourself, i didn't killed. and i also told you that the matter is under control over there. you’re not some huckster who’ll kill you 20, you killed a deputy. i didn't kill him. perhaps, but someone killed him, so your choice is this: either you. you get imprisoned for premeditated murder, or now you hand over to me the one who killed, then you go as an accomplice, well , i’ll tell you how it was, in general, i was leading a deputy, why, on the orders of the fingerless man, yes, he
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had to take away his black briefcase, yeah, that is, hit him over the head, and then no, no, no, no, under no circumstances, or in the crowd from the hands i would have pulled it out, or the traffic light for the bagman worked, yeah, well, tell me, tell me, it means he started at the yellow blinking traffic light, and in front of me some pedal horse swore, but i couldn’t go around, i couldn’t go around, but i lost a little time, drove out, and he was already leaving the supermarket with bags, already in the gateway, i jumped out of the car, i followed him into the gateway, and there were two gopniks operating on him, that’s it, i screamed, well , i scared them, they blew me up, i approached, i see the suitcase is there, i took it and was like, yeah, yeah see if the person is alive there, no, call an ambulance, it doesn’t matter to you, just don’t turn on the moralist, what am i guilty of, i confessed to it, i didn’t kill him, come
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again, hello, hello, can i do anything? any help? yes, please tell me, do you have exactly the same model, only in a leather case and black color, i’ve never seen one in leather, but it’s not easier to buy a case, yes, it’s easier, of course, but unfortunately, this is exactly what you need, here black and in a leather case, but wait a minute, such a sub-order, do i need to order anything? yes, how long will it take to arrive? well, at least two or three weeks? thank you, please, yes, andryukh, why, i understand you, i’m flying, but you’ll order,
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wait, that is, if you believe this from your gurin, then deputy korotkevich was killed by two gopniks, but how come they weren’t caught on camera , well, they might not have been in the store at all, the client was received at the exit, well, yes, that way or maybe... they knew the location of the viewing angle camera well, potapov, are you talking to me about punks or about an agent in the cia? yes no, come on general, if this is their point where they are constantly graze, then why not? so what should i go up? in the case of the murder of deputy korotkevich, to say that the suspect is two gopniks will not be accepted, so what? comrade general, excuse me, please, i’m guilty, i forgot to turn it off, by the way, in the cctv footage korotkevich speaks on a mobile phone, well, yes, the phone was not found on the corpse, the killers could have taken it, wait, what are you getting at, the deputy can’t have it be the left phone. no, that probably means it can be calculated by the unique
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number, explain, comrade general, or maybe glavk, due to the importance of the investigation , give our department special powers, what should we say, nikita, this is a success, what happened, official permission was received to track the aimi and ai numbers, in general, the numbers of the stolen phone killed deputy. uh-huh, so there are two numbers here, right, we need to find both, igor, the second one, this is your number, well, yes, tell me which is more important, i don’t answer stupid questions, nikita, i’m asking you, this is between us, but you understand , must be done urgently, call at any time, okay, okay, yes, yes, of course, ay, of course, why, why do
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i need to go home? yes, i’m listening, okay, thank you, that’s it, i understand, i’ll be right there. where are you going? natasha, sleep, everything
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is fine, don’t worry. in the mistress gathered. mistress, have you seen enough nightmares? up for a challenge! what challenge? in the middle of the night? what are you, the duty officer? natasha, well, not on duty, well, well, there are different circumstances. i know your circumstances with size 5 breasts. so, you know what, think what you say, choose an expression, crazy, or what?
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take it, get up, come on, let's go, we'll figure it out, okay, i'll do everything ourselves, everything's fine, you misunderstood me, what?
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your pipe is not mine, but whose deputy’s, yes, who is it? samir, dear, please come to the bar counter, my friend and i, please sign up with you very much.
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i have to, it’s written in my documents, it’s also written in the documents
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that some hand over stolen goods, others buy, i don’t remember everything , you’re wrong, boss, where do you see stolen goods here, then we’ll do this, we’ll confiscate all your goods from you for inspection availability of documents compliance? we are sealing your tent until the end of the investigation, wait, boss, wait, i remembered everything, very well, speak, one comes here from time to time, i think he lives from this, pasha, let him go, who is he, he didn’t ask for his passport, where look for it, but how do i know when it will come next time, well, you asked, maybe tomorrow, or maybe in a week, well, since you come to us with all your heart, then we will meet you halfway, from now on you will have a new one salesman, partner, what a partner, i’m alone i’m working, i don’t need this box, but why so, good phones, they will decorate any display case,
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especially this one, do you even know whose pipe i cut, i cut something, but what did i honestly buy, listen, here... today at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. and how long will he sit there with you? a week, a month? well, georgich, a day or two, i hope everything will be over. major, understand, they are putting pressure on me too. the case is high-profile and results are needed. do not let me down. well, pashka, let
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everything work out for you. batteries for 100. thank you, goodbye, great, so what? she ruined the business, but where are the losses, oh well, he took the employee there, great, look, i have a new tablet, absolutely awesome, you saw it, look at it, scratch one, listen, pash, go get some shawarma , she wanted something, no problem, yeah, so what? well, the tablet is not new, look, the old one is fine, the police don’t twitch, oh you creature, creature, he went forward, forward, you said, i repeat the words again, i removed the mobile phone with a shovel, i didn’t hit him with a pipe, what did i hit him with, but i
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didn’t touch him with a finger , look at my hands, yes, i’m a pianist, not a murderer, then continue your sound, richtor? let’s say that they’ll deliver the same one now and there are no bosses, take me to work, but i’m relaxed, you just said that you have no business with him, and even earlier i said that i inserted and not... childishly smoked, smoked, smoked, keep calling, went to the point in the shopping center, well, yeah, copied
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a guy decently dressed with a cool gadget, on the street you’ll see how i’m messing around with him, distract me, like, well, push me by accident, that’s it, and then get out, apologize to him, and i’ll do it i'll do the rest myself, yeah, zahar. only through the fire exit, there are no cameras, come on, i'm sorry, i'm listening, oh, what are you doing, moron, stato with a guarantee, don't chew it, ditch it, you broke everything, moron, bullshit.
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regarding your zakharov, narik is complete, there is zero operational interest in him, so there is not much information, he lived in a communal apartment on ligovka, in 2009 he was charged with storage for 3 years, the communal apartment was resettled, and he was registered at a fake address in the region, just think, so the person being interrogated is right, most likely he is turning over where did you get it, can you tell me the address, where you were imprisoned, hook colony in the pskov region, will you still take it?
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i can’t figure out the hooks, okay, okay, let’s do it, boss, i’ll call him myself, i’m still giving him money for the phone, he’ll come, you ’ll tie him up there at my house, yes, you’re going the right way, comrade blind man. you have guests, you are meeting , i understand, we are meeting you, insure, readiness, well, tanyukh, what is he doing, and what are you doing, and
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what, great, blind man, you’ve never been healthier, well, come in. love, come on, listen, it’s in my room, come in, we’ll pay it there, here drag it, yes, zakhar, what are you doing, yes you come in, why did you get up, uh, handed over, drum skin, stand, police, throw the knife, throw the knife, fuck off, fuck off, i'll stab him, stand, throw it, i 'll stab him , i’ll stab him, zakharov, don’t be stupid, i ’ll stab him. him, drop the knife, let him go, eh!


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