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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 7, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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something happened? answer my questions. an important political event in the life of our country. updated aurs, march rehearsal, review of the presidential regiment. how are the preparations going for the ceremony, the inauguration of the president of russia, inna osipova, more about the behind-the-scenes inauguration. the achievement of our military in the northern military district zone. aviation of the voysk-vostok group destroyed the ukrainian stronghold of the nationalists, as well. tula is in positions.
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north of solidar, it’s hot as always, ilya lyadvin is advancing our forces in the direction severskaya, the work of the rapier gun crew and kamikaze drone operators. israel began attacking rafah last night, tanks entered the city, and there were civilian casualties. france made an attempt to attract chinese allies. france is not at war with russia or the russian people. what came of it? and moscow was covered by spring snowfall, for how long? hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. less than two hours remain until an important political event, the inauguration elected president. the ceremony will take place in the kremlin, where the head of state will take the oath. they will gather in st. andrew's hall.
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edmund, good morning again, i repeat that you were unlucky with the weather today, tell us how you are there in general, how is the situation in the center of moscow, will the streets be blocked today? yes, yulia, honestly, i can’t even believe that calendar summer will come in literally 3 weeks, it’s so cold in the capital today, only 3° celsius, it’s been snowing for several hours, but of course, the ceremony will not be affected by weather conditions and... first of all, we are waiting, of course,
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for the presidential motorcade to pass through the territory of the kremlin itself, this motorcade will also include an updated aurus, so all attention is also on the motorcade, but the passage will be directly through the territory the kremlin, so there will be no need for strong closures in the center; only the moskvaretskaya and kremlyovskaya embankments will be closed to traffic, and some streets on the approach to the kremlin will also be blocked. and what is also important to note is that...
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yes, that’s absolutely right, just the day before the president held a final meeting with the government headed by prime minister mikhail mishustin in this composition, after which, according to the letter of the law, the government resigns, but of course continues to carry out its immediate duties with the prefix in rio acting temporarily, and accordingly, by law, according to the constitution, after taking office, the elected head of state must submit a candidacy for consideration by parliament, a new prime minister. and after amendments to constitution, it is worth noting that now parliament also has significant powers, the fact is that they approve and approve not only the candidacy of the prime minister, but also the cabinet of ministers, that is, deputy prime ministers, except for the ministers of the power bloc, who will still be to be appointed by the president, although after
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consultation with the federation council and the president has 2 weeks by law to send his candidacy to the state duma, although everyone expects that most likely this... will not be shelved, moreover, the state duma has already announced that if necessary, they can agree on this candidacy tomorrow, that is, on may 8, but for now all attention is not on parliament, on the large kremlin palace, where there are already less than 2 hours left before the start of the ceremony, by the way , another very interesting detail is how many guests will be at the inauguration ceremony, because there is such an unspoken tradition that at each subsequent inauguration there will be an increasing number of guests, for example, if in 2000 . about one and a half thousand were present invited, then, for example, already in 2018 there are more than 5,000 people, so let's see how many guests there will be this year, julia, edmund was intrigued, thank you, it was our colleague edmund zhulbunov, he works in the very center of moscow, where in less than
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the presidential inauguration will take place at 2 o'clock. and, of course, the kremlin is closed for tours today; you can only get there by invitation. it is expected that people will gather in the kremlin to watch the ceremony. several thousand guests, representatives of the executive, legislative, judicial authorities, as well as government, parliament, governors, representatives of the main faiths, holders of the order of st. andrew the first-called, hero of russia, holders of the order of merit for the fatherland, members of the northern military district and other outstanding russians were invited to the kremlin. about how preparations for the long-awaited ceremony went inna osipova. not only are the kremlin carefully preparing for the inauguration ceremony of the russian president. but also the horses, they are cleaned until they shine, all the equipment is checked, by the way, each of them has their own, indicating the name, for example, congress, has been serving the president of russia for more than 5 years, loves sugar and affection, these horses are well versed in everything related to ceremonial marches and special events.
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the cavalry honor escort has a special role to play in meeting the president at the front entrance. drove by, stopped, and inside on the stairs the head of state was greeted by guardsmen in ceremonial uniforms, model 1812, the year of victory over napoleon’s army. the whole ceremony takes no more than an hour, everything is calculated in seconds, as the doors open, as in the hall the kremlin palace brings in the constitution, the sign of the president, the flag of russia and the presidential standard, after the swearing-in.
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probably took into account absolutely everything that should be in this work from the point of view of reflecting the history of our country, its greatness, its power and the strength of our people. it is about the connection between times, the centuries-old history of the country and the solemn march of the presidential regiment within the walls of the kremlin, the final part of the inauguration ceremony. for a clear lift of the leg, a clear position of the leg. it is also clearly worked out when.
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the developers have significantly updated the aura senat car. both the body and the filling of the limousine were restyled. everything in such a car should be perfectly modern. appearance of aurus. has changed noticeably: the hood, radiator grille, bumper, wings, everything is new, you can’t show limousine number one inside, safety requirements, but there are also a lot of innovations, in particular a completely new multimedia system that allows the passenger to hold teleconferences, and the electronics are 90% domestic , according to the level of protection our aurus surpasses western analogues, the museum of a special-purpose garage at vdnh you can see the same car that debuted in the kremlin 6 years ago, there is - let's say such a european classification b7 there is the maximum degree of protection, this car
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is slightly higher than the b7 degree, and some of the technologies used , which are used to protect combat helicopters, that is, this is the maximum degree of protection, as for the guests of the ceremony, they all received personalized, invitational and memorable gifts in advance, well, this commemorative coin made of silver 62 g, with the date may 7, 2024, just the date. eduard kazymov, a participant in a special military operation, a hero of russia, for him an invitation to the kremlin is a significant moment. we see that the rear is now strong, people believe in us, they are waiting for us with victory, and nothing else. well, we see that a lot of benefits are opening up for military personnel, so i was also at the message where the president said that now the new elite is comrade military personnel of all categories who are now performing their duty in their zone, about support for participants.
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a couple of years ago he could not even imagine that he would be invited to the inauguration ceremony of the president of russia; he considers this event a historical moment and is proud that he can share it with the whole country. and to other topics: russia is forced to conduct an exercise to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in response to the aggressive policy of the collective west. this was stated by our country's ambassador in washington anatoly antonov. he stressed that moscow is not threatening anyone, but a number of states created security threats for russia and its population. as an example , the diplomat mentioned arms supplies to ukraine. antonov noted that the staff. their allies convey to the kiev regime a quote: increasingly lethal weapons, they are intended
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to strike the territory of our country, which means that they are gradually abandoning previously declared self-restraints in the hybrid war that they unleashed against russia. the diplomat said that moscow will use all means to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. the general staff will conduct exercises with missile formations of the southern military district of aviation and the navy. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, as noted by the ministry of defense, the reason for the maneuvers was statements by a number of western politicians who are considering sending their troops to ukraine in order to contain russia. aviation from the vostok group of forces destroyed a ukrainian stronghold in the special operation zone. unguided missile strikes were carried out by assaults. su-25 after completing the mission, the crews released heat traps and returned to
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departure airfield. in the northern direction of the rszzo, grad hit the infantry and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces at night. combat work was carried out at a distance of about 10 km. in the same area, the 100b unit of tula paratroopers knocked out a western-made self-propelled howitzer. we are working in the northern direction. we help our assault groups advance. the enemy is running, we force them to run, they are running under our onslaught, under our dense fire, and we are working mostly with infantry; in the area bordering the belgorod region , crews of t-80 tanks destroyed strongholds apu. they were discovered using drones, our fighters found out that there were no civilians in the area and then opened fire. fierce fighting is now taking place in the solidarity direction. according to the latest data.
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high flight activity of drones during the day, but every shot of this gun is a real problem for the enemy, it’s not for nothing that it is called a sniper rifle because of...
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he calls it fire rain, per day almost every large caliber in the northern direction fires at least a hundred shells, no one hesitates here, we worked right away shelter, after all, the enemy is also hitting back, but judging by the number of artillery arrivals, our guys are already noticing the enemy’s hunger for shells, but the sky is literally teeming with drones, we spotted one bird a couple of minutes after leaving the position, it flies, yes, yeah, it can fly with impunity winged infantry with an enemy drone, of course, does not give this catch of... more than twenty birds - the result of the work of electronic warfare installations over several weeks, and these are only those landed drones whose explosives did not go off, footage of a night raid on near the enemy's rear, scouts from the fifty -first parachute regiment first cover an enemy atv carrying ammunition, and then catch an armored car. such effective work with drones and artillery contributes to the successful advancement
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of our group in the direction of seversk. after lengthy battles, tula paratroopers. already control most of the heights north of vesyoly, right now there are battles for the remaining forest plantations, our guys systematically continue to push the enemy towards the discord, to which no more than a kilometer remained from the forward positions. ilya lyadvin and germichkin and dmitry pisarev, ntv, donetsk people's republic. well, europe has decided what to do with the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the german chancellor said that almost 90% of this money will be spent on the purchase of weapons for kiev. according to scholz, consensus has already been reached, and european countries are carrying out the final approvals. this is a significant amount, several billion a year. we have reached an agreement that finalizes our plan to use about 90% of these funds
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for the defensive purposes of ukraine and also without the obligation to purchase weapons only in europe. in european countries , 300 billion euros of russian assets are now frozen; the eu is not touching this money yet, but plans to spend the funds that were earned on the turnover of russian capital. israel began bombing rafah, after airstrikes tanks entered the city; the netanyahu government calls these actions a targeted counter-terrorism operation, and not the beginning of the promised full-scale invasion. from the assault on rafah and israel,
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decided that israel continues the operation in rafah in order to put military pressure on hamas, hasten the release of our hostages and achieve other goals of this war. the decision to continue the operation in gaza amid negotiations for a truce has put tel aviv's main allies in an awkward position. just yesterday, the white house said that the new idf operation in the south of the gaza strip could endanger civilians. john kirby recounted the contents of the telephone conversation between biden and...
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russia and i'm sure he will continue this to do against the backdrop of ongoing threats from russia. in addition, we discussed the need for restrictions on dual -use goods that china supplies to russia. we call on all parties to resume dialogue, gradually strengthen mutual trust, and support its holding at the appropriate time with the approval of both parties. russia and ukraine international peace conference with equal participation of all parties for a fair discussion of all peace initiatives. the chinese leader said
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europeans must learn to defend their national interests, and france and china together are obliged to prevent a new cold war or bloc confrontation. it is difficult to say whether the words of chairman xi influenced macron, who quickly became the main european hawk, or whether an epiphany occurred, but the french president.
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there has not been such snow in moscow for the last 25 years. the air temperature in the moscow region has dropped to zero in some places, now in the capital it is +2, which is 6-7° below normal. according to
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weather forecasters, during the day the thermometer will not will rise above +6. strong winds of up to 14 m/s are also expected. due to the colder weather , they decided to return heating to moscow houses; in the coming days, night frosts are expected in all regions of the central federal district, in some places with possible precipitation, including snow. the death toll from fires in the irkutsk region has increased to two. at least four people were injured. one woman is in serious condition. a state of emergency has been declared in the region . according to the latest data, about 200 buildings were damaged. under attack the elements first affected gardening, then due to strong winds, the flames spread to outbuildings, country houses and residential buildings. they were brought in to put out the fire.
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the owners of the macfa company offered to buy the company back, further business news, marina piminova is with us, marina, and what is the likelihood that this will work out? at least, such a proposal was sent to the federal property management agency and the prosecutor general's office, but there is no response yet. the owners of the country's largest pasta manufacturer, makfa , offered to buy out shares of their company. as the lawyer in this case told rbc, according to with such a settlement agreement, the state will come under the control of mcfey, and everyone else. a year , a billion rubles will be allocated, quote, for charitable purposes related to a special military operation. end of quote. the lawyer explains that if the company becomes completely state-owned, production may stop due to sanctions, and problems may arise with equipment maintenance. it is
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mainly italian, swiss and german. the defense reminds that the company employs 6,000 people. in march cheryabinsky the court arrested makfe's shares at the request of the prosecutor general's office, which demands that makfe be transferred to the state. the department believes that the beneficiaries of the company, former governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yuryevich and former senator vadim belousov, combined business and work in government bodies. the defendants also asked to transfer makfa’s case to the arbitration court, in which case the process would have been open, but they were refused. the russian stock market begins the day of decline, with lukoil shares dragging down, falling in price by 4%. yesterday was their last day of bargaining with dividends, in addition, geopolitics puts pressure on investors. and specifically the news that russia is going to conduct an exercise using tactical nuclear weapons. yesterday the dollar and euro exchange rates fell by 25.30 kopecks. and at these moments they continue to move down, but not very quickly. dollar 91.24, euro 98.31.
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the european union may impose sanctions against the russian analogue of the swift system. as bloomberg writes, in the 4th package of sanctions, the eu is going to include a financial messaging system, its russian one. the central bank was created during the first wave of sanctions in 2014 year. the essence of this system is the same as the international swift system. it does not transfer money, it only provides instant communication between banks and allows an operation to be carried out instantly, for example, when a person with a card from one bank withdraws money from an atm of another. many russian banks are now disconnected from swift due to european sanctions; since october last year , the russian central bank has banned the use of this system for transfers. inside the country. in january, the central bank estimated that the domestic system for transmitting financial messages used by about 160 non-residents from twenty countries. but some participants in the russian banking market told the vedomosti newspaper that in terms of functionality, the domestic
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financial messaging system still lags behind swift, and one of the main problems is that it has too few foreign participants, so cross-border payments are difficult. julia, that's all for me. thank you, it was marina. with an economic review, we have everything by this time, we remind you that at 11:30 on ntv there will be a special edition of the program today dedicated to the inauguration the elected president of russia, see you, about the weather for tomorrow, the far east, and here the cold wave from siberia will reach yakutia and transbaikalia, tomorrow all this accompanying precipitation will become sharply colder, and blagoveshchensk, khabarovsk will receive a portion of warm air. it is also possible that in primorye there will be an opportunity to dry out at least a little after yesterday’s downpours, and this is yakutsk, tomorrow it will no longer be +17, but +9, but, for example, for muscovites this value is no longer available. the south of siberia is waiting for a new warm wave, in omsk it will warm up to +19 for a start, in krasnoyarsk
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degrees sodium, in the south of the urals, tomorrow the surge is the brightest, there will be precipitation, but bright - it’s warm and will evaporate, in yekaterinburg tomorrow it’s sharply +22, on the ninth it’s sharply maximum +10, and that’s the level. will remain until the end of the weekend, but the worst weather is in european territory, in the middle zone in the north-west, so much arctic air will be pumped there that tomorrow the day after tomorrow it will be 10 degrees colder than expected, or even more, abnormal cold, plus precipitation , gusty winds, and mixed sediments snow all the way to the north-chernozem region to tatarstan and the heaviest precipitation tomorrow will move to the volga, it will get colder on the don, and local thunderstorms in the south for almost everyone, for now except for the astrakhan region, only there tomorrow up to... 25 the day after tomorrow it will be colder. it seems that it can’t get any colder in the capital. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be snow and a maximum of +30. and in moscow there is rain and sleet, strong winds, up to -3 at night, +5-7 during the day. and until the end of the week there is hope for warmth.


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