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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 7, 2024 1:25pm-4:01pm MSK

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i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the floors. i love it, i recommend it. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. vladimir putin officially took office as president of russia, what western non-partners think about it, a clear signal, russia is preparing to conduct nuclear exercises close to the front, will they be able to in ukraine. draw
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the right conclusions as if extinct and declassified sensation: hitler wanted unite with britain and the usa against russia. why then did the allies not agree to such a conspiracy? the hitlers sponsored that they and stalin would exterminate each other. watch it now. hello, this is. this is a meeting on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin. we are working live. today we started our work earlier than usual. as you understand, today we have a special edition format, which is connected with the inauguration of russian president vladimir putin, which just recently ended. you probably remember, yes, according to the procedure, our government is now resigning, so in the near future there should be some personnel reassignments, changes, or...
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most likely the eighth meeting was scheduled for the end of the week, if i i remember correctly, so yes, we will naturally inform you, well, now let us talk a little very briefly about the inauguration ceremony itself and then about the reaction, as we were told, not from partners, there are interesting moments, that means the inauguration ceremony itself please show us, it was held in the kremlin, it was quite short, about half an hour, 2,500 guests were present. in general, this is also
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such a rounded figure: ministers, deputies, senators, employees of the presidential administration, the hero of a special military operation, vladimir putin arrived at the andriev hall of the large kremlin palace in an updated aurus senate limousine , accompanied by electric motorcycles of the same brand, he took the oath, and with an artillery salute was fired from the side of the kremlin embankment, and the president made his inauguration speech i started by mentioning the special operation in ukraine. he called to bow to those heroes who are fighting for our fatherland, and then there was such an appeal to the west, let’s listen: we do not refuse dialogue with western states, the choice is theirs, whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or to look for a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on
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issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, conceit of our own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests, together with partners in eurasian integration, with other sovereign centers of development, we will continue to work on the formation of a multipolar world order, an equal and indivisible security system, in a complex world that is rapidly is changing, we must be self-sufficient and competitive. once again, the words of the president: we do not refuse dialogue, this is how that other country behaves. the kremlin warned in advance that they had invited ceremony of the heads of all diplomatic missions that are located in moscow, regardless of whether this country is friendly or unfriendly, in western countries such an invitation caused considerable confusion, in brussels they immediately made it clear. that they would be
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extremely happy if all the countries of the european union boycotted the event, since the old fascist josep barei opposed the participation of representatives of the old world in the inauguration. the rator agency reported that 7 countries, including france, hungary and slovakia, still violated brussels’ unspoken ban sent their ambassadors to the ceremony. the goal is a quote: to leave communication channels open, while a complete list of countries was not given there, the foreign agent of radio liberty revealed the intrigue of the publication, adding to this already mentioned list of ceremony participants the ambassadors of greece, malta and cyprus. according to the publication, belgium also thought about participating, but at the last moment they decided not to attend. however, it is separate. representatives of foreign states stated in advance their position that they were not going to attend the ceremonies, we are talking in particular about representatives baltic states, about polish after krzysztaferajewski, also the head of the diplomatic mission of the united states, lyn tracy, did not arrive, according to rbc, she was absent from
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moscow for a certain time for personal purposes, well, a coincidence, perhaps another interesting coincidence, that a day before the inauguration of president putin from moscow the german ambassador was recalled for consultations. in russia, at the same time, the head of the german foreign ministry, anna lina berbak, swore that germany would no longer take any steps towards russia. we were already extremely dependent on russia in terms of oil and gas, and let’s not make this mistake twice, we paid too high a price for our independence. but the canadian foreign ministry went even further, announcing its refusal to actually send its representatives to the ceremony in an email.
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“we do not consider these elections to be free and fair, but he is the president of russia and will continue to remain in this position. well, after such a statement from the state department , ukraine looked even paler, which before the inauguration told everyone that the entire civilized world was holding a ceremony, of course he will ignore it. moreover, the ukrainian foreign ministry issued a separate statement calling on the entire world community to return to duty and reject the results of the elections in russia."
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that is, you not only do not send your representative to the inauguration, but practically, but you stop one step away from breaking diplomatic relations, so you can explain why the europeans all have a different attitude towards us, somehow we did it even better, by the way, not only was the ambassador recalled, but his deputy, who replaced him, was also recalled, and is now there. is already a different person, and this is better, yes, this is better, this is more, it was you who won this competition, so i would say, but we still have our own internal matter, the fact is that the case was recently finally investigated about the explosions in robetitsa, yes,
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which occurred in 2014 and caused a very big diplomatic scandal between the czech republic and russia in 2021, well, at least there was such a thing.
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inauguration, when the united states is telling the whole world that russia needs to be isolated. on the other hand, the americans acted very competently and wisely, stating in plain text about recognition of the election results in russia. there was a risk that they would not recognize it. this is a serious escalation and grounds for the seizure of russian money, including in the united states, but legal ones appear about money, they seem to have already decided, they said that maybe the president will do it, but the president may not do it, but if you don’t recognize acting.
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the thesis thrown at us here about the fact that they are panicking and do not really understand what they
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need to do in such a joint plan, i say again, it was not particularly supported, last night, now we will show you this piece, here is a fragment from the statement of french president macron, uh-huh, after which i again remember that mirzayan says that you are a fraternity, well, yes, like you can say that, yes, why are you a fragrant gave it back, terrible song, but good to have. in this very sheet, yes, when you are stopped by traffic police officers, for some reason they really like it when music plays, it immediately somehow rises up, good contact is restored, that is, what the president of france says, and after that we heard for several days in a row, he says that we are not fighting, we are not in a state of war either with russia , or with the russian government, and in general, well, it doesn’t matter, but with the people, we are not going to change the regime there, in general, i don’t care at all i don’t understand what... and again , that’s why we have to return to the president’s order to conduct
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these exercises to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons, but maybe this is somehow interconnected, i don’t know, maybe someone scared, maybe someone macro thought about it and got scared, why not, i don’t know, well, i was scared about one thing, but nevertheless, well, listen, well, their representative came to... the inauguration, so let’s watch the story: the ministry of defense did not name the exact dates for the exercises to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, but the message says that they will pass quote: soon. it is significant that they will take place on the territory of the southern military district, which includes crimea and new regions of russia. the purpose of the exercise is to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. in meet the news in brussels.
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the point is that the west, how does it think about sovereignty? the west thinks of sovereignty as sovereignty of recognition, what does this mean? who is the president, who do we recognize, therefore, from the point of view of the west, the president of belarus is mrs. tikhanovskaya, the president of venezuela is mr. guaido, no longer, but maybe yes, damn it, damn it, understand, it’s visible, yes, that is, for their president is the one who is recognized by the entire surrounding world, russia, since the time
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, so to speak, of the founding of the russian federation, comes from a different concept. so to speak, preparations for nuclear tests, well, a little bit wrong, but continue, but essentially yes, that is, you don’t recognize us, who will then conduct the exercises, in fact, which scare you all, that is? russia is imposing a dialogue with the west precisely on its own terms: you do not recognize us, but we are still here, and we are not going anywhere. on this issue, president macron turns out to be, by the way, thinking within the framework of the russian concept of sovereignty of fact. he says: yes, president, we recognize, our representative he’ll come, but if you don’t behave like that, we’ll bring in a nato contingent to ukraine, that
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is, he literally talks like boy to boy, but within the framework of this sovereignty, you’re the president. that is, this is a conversation with russia in a language that russia understands, this is good, but if this is such a dialogue in a language that we understand, our expressions are clear to them, they read our signals, and ours are these, because sometimes it seems that we send signals, and there are some people sitting there, they have blinkers on their eyes, some headphones are so depressing in their ears that they prefer not to hear them.
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we will correct you if we made a mistake somewhere. in theory, tactical nuclear weapons can be used to destroy large targets and accumulate enemy forces at the front in the rear areas closest to it. unlike strategic charges, this weapon is of relatively low power; it cannot turn cities into ashes, but it is also capable of causing great damage due to a powerful shock
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wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation. nuclear warhead. install on missiles of the iskander m complexes and low-altitude cruise missiles, even hypersonic dagger missiles and high-speed x-32. in theory, a small nuclear charge can be launched even by cannon artillery, for example, a geocintac howitzer or a sao pion, the power of this non-strategic charge ranges from 5 to 50 kilotons, this is enough to destroy any of the most fortified objects, a large logistics hub, in a few minutes. missile defense, headquarters infrastructure, or, for example, hidden bunkers and gateways in the same carpathians that supposedly equipped the armed forces of ukraine for the f-16, but...
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we didn’t sign up, so they are wondering how many of these shells and charges we have there,
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presumably there may be, and as a rule, tactical nuclear weapons are used after they have been used strategic nuclear, so these objects that you listed here are being destroyed, everything that remains alive is already being achieved, which means this kind of exercise is being carried out. with two goals: firstly, we have updated the arsenal of nuclear forces, including tactical operational-tactical nuclear weapons, updated, updated, it is necessary to conduct exercises with them, so that the personnel of the armed forces who will use these weapons in some kind of conflicts, if they use them, if they use them, so that they act correctly, because this a completely different type of weapon, not with conventional, as they say, combat units, so this is... a purely technical, let's say, military-technical component. now, when we talk about the foreign policy component, we understand that this tactical nuclear weapon
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since it is not limited by certain laws, there is an assumption that as a demonstration, by the way, the british ambassador was told when he was there that it can be used as precision weapons, we now have systems of carriers of tactical nuclear weapons, operational-tactical . these are high-precision weapons, no, it’s not a fact that of course this will happen and necessarily in a nuclear equivalent, but we have placed these tactical nuclear munitions on the territory of belarus and, as it were, this is a signal to those who say we will lead troops, but at the same time there are two nuances, two nuances, wait, about the nuances, let’s talk a little later, i have a question, and if of course you can answer it, vanya says that it’s not clear whether they read signals or... not are reading whether it is really possible to show clearly to explain to all those who doubt our capabilities during these exercises without the use of tactical
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nuclear weapons, that is, we are conducting exercises that do not directly involve a nuclear explosion, but wait, how will they understand that our exercises are successful, that this we have that it works for us. yes, will they be scared when we do this, we have everything with this, but before the explosion we talk about our supposed, where this specialized warhead could be located , but you listed the iskander, but we never we don’t say this officially, now if we officially say during these exercises that the iskander has such a special type... of ammunition, where we have the iskander deployed, in kaliningrad, in the kaliningrad region, this is a signal to whom, this first of all, to the poles, the baltic states and wherever it will reach, if we are talking about, for example,
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the caliber ship complex, which has a range of 2,500 and we say, it also took part in the exercise, there from the waters of the caspian sea or the black sea we sent the caliber to the maximum range, they said, that it was equipped in a special combat unit, we will not undermine it, even when we launch it. poseidon will swim here, dmitry constratik, well , poseidon is already a strategic nuclear weapon, although it is a weapon of retaliation, but a cruise missile can reach, well, i don’t know, depending on where you can launch it from a submarine
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. europe is a nuclear power, but if he wanted to talk to us seriously, yes, as they say, there is a guy with a guy, someone here said, yes, then let him be serious, yours is nuclear, ours is also nuclear, like us they said that we have it too, he immediately changed his rhetoric, for a long time, it’s not a fact that he will change it again, she has her own political games, but the fact is that they must listen there, moreover, before the start of a special military operations, we have brought all our nuclear forces into special status of combat readiness,
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my very respected colleagues and comrades can talk as they please, but it still works differently, i would like to continue the thought of my colleague alexey, i agree, we have half a minute left, but i’m just saying that the french the ambassador came to the inauguration, he only says that they have not degraded as much, perhaps, as germany has degraded, they are still allowed to work, like diplomats work all over the world, this is actually their direct responsibilities, why did we
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the heart, a stream of united people building office counters, the team is flying around in ranks company with peacefully, platoon forward, groove hearts, the writer even at the front does not part with the classic, you are a strange people, poets, first vesenin, then maikovsky, now here is the premiere, tomorrow 21:35 on ntv, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clearly, we continue, well, we promised to share with you the urgent news that comes on the day of entry. vladimir putin assumed the presidency, the russian government, as planned, resigned, in accordance with the presidential decree, he instructs the resigned government to continue working until a new cabinet of ministers is formed, that is, everything is going according to
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plan, in fact, now we can move to paris, because the news there is also quite interesting, it’s the first time in 5 years that i’ve come to europe at all chairman of the people's republic of china shiizen ping, well, of course. in addition to the host of the summit, president macron, even europe’s chief gynecologist, ursula vonderijn, visited there in the hope of somehow convincing him and luring him into her camp. a few words about how it all went. according to the new york times, the head of china was outraged by the pressure with which macron and mrs. fondeyan during the negotiations demanded that he abandon close cooperation with moscow and put pressure on vladimir putin to end the ukrainian conflict. so, talking with macron, sidinpin even. it was necessary to note that beijing is not a party to the ukrainian conflict and was not at its origins. at the same time, the head of china supported macron’s idea of ​​an olympic truce, which would involve a freeze in hostilities, but rejected the idea of ​​any
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peace negotiations without russia’s participation. the world today has entered a new period of turbulence and change, as two important forces in the world, china and europe, must listen to each other and develop dialogue and interaction. macron himself tried to win over chinese guest, well, to do this, i tried to shower him with gifts, there’s a whole scattering, we’ll show you now, the first one is the french-chinese dictionary 18.
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which were outlined the day before, here you are, if you watched our previous program, you remember vanya in brief talked about the new rules of mobilization in ukraine, it’s just that while our western partners are not thinking about what this means, there putin announces these exercises with nuclear weapons, then the ukrainians are not our partners, they, in general, now they don’t have much throwing about external reflections there there is not everything is clear and clear to them: they received money,
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they received weapons, but which are suitable now, they are obliged to fulfill the requirements for the formation of personnel, so that’s why we want to talk about this in a little more detail, because this is something that, of course, must somehow- then influence the situation at the front, we all generally agree that the political situation will depend on the situation at the front, so let’s go back a little now. which give the right to a deferment from service,
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now even conscripts with hiv, hepatitis and oncology, as well as those who have recovered from tuberculosis, are a tasty morsel for the armed forces of ukraine, although the document contains a clause that they will not be sent to the front line, so people with mild mental retardation will be hired to work in military registration and enlistment offices, if the patient shows a dynamic recovery, then they can be recognized as fully fit. the list of diseases was discussed with experts, including the ministry of health. the order has now been adopted by the ministry of justice and agreed upon by all interested parties, including the ministry of defense and healthcare. military commissars are targeting not only ukrainian men, but also women, for whom even pregnancy, if it proceeds without complications, is not a reason for delay. in general, he plans to involve as many women as possible at the front, for example, he will instruct them to search for and neutralize mines. the authorities justify everything by gender equality. this idea is active. promotes propaganda. during my work, i
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meet many of our women, in fact, they inspire me, since many of them came out of their comfort zone, because that before they were engaged in completely different areas of life. they now decided that at this point they needed to clear the land first. they will take care of careless students over 25 years of age. by the way, there are quite a lot of such people in ukraine after the start of the northern military district, although for them. conduct a special exam to test knowledge, whoever fails to pass will be expelled and sent to the trenches, reservation does not save from mobilization, men with a delay went to massively update their credentials, while many were sent to training, ukrainian officials will go to the fronts, of course, those of lower rank, those people who head structures and are chairmen of certain local government bodies from categories b and c, will be booked at 50%.
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but we are talking about saving your country, and i think that ukraine risks losing some of its external support. ukrainians themselves are not eager to die in exchange for western weapons. the british guardian found chats with cloners on social networks, where they use encryption to warn each other about raids by military commissars. they are called clouds or rain, which
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they can cover, well they write where the clouds are moving. as a result, military commissars wander around empty-handed. light opened fire in the air. well, this european gender nonsense about the fact that pregnant ukrainian women dreamed of finally doing mine clearance, i don’t even want to comment on this, it means that i have
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a technological moment, i don’t understand this, it means that mobilization is announced for in order to add personnel to the front. in order to achieve some kind of advantage, in order to fight in general, when i served, well, peaceful the time was eighty-six eighty -eight, on conscription, we had a regiment commander, by the way, he was ukrainian by nationality, so when he was in a bad mood, he went out to the parade ground, and that’s what he always said, which means he demanded from the commanders of the divisions there, the batteries we had there, that means driving everyone to the parade ground, as he said, everyone to the parade ground, including all the cooks from the medical unit. in our case, as a rule, they were either georgians or armenians, as long as they served in georgia, they didn’t want to do anything there, there were people lying there, well, there were medical units from time to time, well, well, two or three people, yes, yes,
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so that someone there was very sick of some kind, i don’t remember that we had people among the conscripts there there is no arm or no leg. this is nonsense, i’m trying to understand, after all, how these people, who now have all these diseases, will fight, but in principle, those who come up with this law want to achieve this advantage on the front line, understand who needs to be called, well, shouldn’t they? it is clear that these people cannot fight, they simply cannot, physically they cannot, well, the point is, you know, dear presenters, by the way, you and i served almost at the same time, and the armenians are with us.
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and now, and now, and now those who are those who go to the military commissar, military commissar and who are in these tsk, sp, that’s what these military commissars are called in ukraine, today’s case, specific in krivoy rog, one of the districts, here is the military registration and enlistment office, this is krivoy rog - this, this is zelensky’s homeland, they killed a serviceman, they killed him in the morning, at 10:08
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information appeared, noise began, journalist raised the topic and so on, the military commissars said, no, he felt bad, we called an ambulance, but he had epilepsy. somehow he died, and his daughter came and said, my dad, he is alive, he was absolutely healthy, that is, such cases, this is the system, this is how it works today in ukraine, people come to the military commissar, but they are there they force, that ’s what they force, you know, there is one principle, gender equality, so that women should be sappers, so that there should be women before, they said that women should be snipers, yes, then there are military professions in the studio.
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send the sick first to, say, medical units and so on and so on, and then, and then still give them weapons and go to fight,
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this is how to do it, they must become healthy, they must according to a piece of paper yes, here is ivan , according to a piece of paper, from them, you can imagine how prices will skyrocket in ukraine now, a squinted person cannot be a sniper, of course, here is a certificate of squint, how much it will cost now, just like that, that you are the husband of many children. disabled people and so on, the rational grain in this company yes, why? because many people who have certificates in their hands are not such, they just bought them, but on the other hand, it is quite obvious that they are simply trying to use cannon fodder, untrained, unmotivated, to simply plug up the holes for a while, but zelensky’s dream is this is to hold out until the presidential elections, in fact, no one assumes that this mobilization will lead to some kind of victory, no, of course not, this is an attempt not to win, but there is an advantage. to the advantage too, it's just an attempt at the expense here is a large amount of meat, any good, they explained, stalling for time, wait, besides stalling for time, how effective
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is such a person at the front who, at the very beginning of hostilities, then went, bought a certificate, clearly did not want to go anywhere, defend his own, then beautiful ukraine, as a result, now this certificate of his will be canceled, it turns out that his health there is absolutely in order, and he should, with what zeal is he in this taco... the question is not how many ukrainian army, the question is that there are no vacant places in the rear services, everything is filled there,
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they have problems right there at the front with attack aircraft, these units, they are staffed from 30 to 50%, that is, what should be the logic : if we want to solve this problem, we need to look for people who could be in these units so that they won’t admit a patient to cancer.
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funding was allocated to ukraine, 61 billion, this is money allocated for the election campaign today, i think this is the biden campaign, and ukraine must work this money with its successes, local, is not somewhere, i would rather agree with bogdan anatolyevich here that...
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there is a network of trenches or just several pits, which are then connected by trenches, people sit in these pits, often simply indicating their presence, in order to, this can be called a strong point, in order to take this strong point, the armed forces of the russian federation can go in bulk, but then there is a risk that many people will die, so every time they see another hole in the ground, some kind of forest belt, the plan is being worked out, the artillery is working out. somewhere up, it doesn’t matter, one way or another, every hole is every time an operation, a waste of resources, then it turns out to be a delay in time, it’s just a delay in time, and it doesn’t matter in what condition, i don’t
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know what condition this or that one is in bolets, his task.
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more than 4 million ukrainians, most of whom are displaced in germany, poland and the czech republic. the head of the czech foreign ministry, jan lepavsky, just recently said that prague is not happy with draft dodgers and it is possible to join those countries that will hand them over to the kiev authorities. by the way, there are now about 100 thousand ukrainian men aged 18 to 65 in the czech republic, but lithuania is most eager to send draft dodgers to the front. vilnius could refuse to extend residence permits to the residents, but these measures must. this temporary protection is quite universal, and the guarantees provided to ukrainian citizens in the european union under this protection are very broad. the poles are waiting for the go-ahead from brussels to extradite the draft dodgers. the minister of defense of this country, vladislav kasinyak-kamysh, said that the eu must decide on the transfer to ukraine all citizens of military age.
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the german ministry of the interior also refuses to save ukrainians from mobilization, newspaper. tageschau quotes an anonymous official from the ministry of internal affairs as saying that the german authorities should think about how to help kiev and bring back their recruits who have fled across europe. this really looks somewhat strange, yes, that is , the country is bleeding, it is at war, and so on, but there is a reputationally strange component, when a lot of young people, in the first months of the war, managed to leave the country, they, not only support their country, which has been fighting all these 2 years. i think that sooner or later the european union will accept it together with ukraine.
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they had to argue with yusin, i forgot about that, if i can first say a few words about mobilization, literally, let’s mean that it ’s already relevant, yes, absolutely correct, but he’s not quite here, in my opinion, the correct definition of the ukrainian victory, mobilization itself, if it succeeds with the mobilization of a huge number of people and the death of a huge number of ukrainians, there will be
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a victory for ukraine in the west, regardless time, because... the more young ukrainians die, the more families lose brothers, there fathers, husbands and so on, the more they hate us, absolutely, the more difficult it will be for us to work with them, we we still we can explain, yes, this will all be done, it will be very time-consuming, it will require a lot, a lot of time and effort, and most importantly, patience, which people don’t always have, unfortunately, especially with you, we are not suitable for execution of such a task here absolutely. europe will try to pretend that it will massively extradite these swindlers in ukraine, they will say
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loud words, the poles may be the balts with all their frostbite, they may even take some actions, but i can’t imagine a situation where from italy , from germany, from france will be forcibly put in paddy wagons and sent to ukraine.
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that there is practically no one to carry this out, absolutely correct, there is no force that could actually carry it out, that is, really drive it in a paddy wagon, really take it away, really unload them, really use sticks or drive them to the front at gunpoint and so on, excuse me, they can’t stop illegal migrants at the border.
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well, i mean the countries bordering russia, they won’t take such steps in reality, i don’t believe in it, that’s it, let’s turn around and yes. yes, yes, yes, let us now move on to the situation on the front line, pause for a few minutes, watch the zenit cska match, background of the russian football cup on may 15, ostafiv's escape from your business hands, no, come with me, look, ivan , i won’t call you a second time, can you imagine how dangerous this man is in the wild, we will make such a mess with him, like emilyan pukachev with stenka razin, are you sure? incompetent, maybe you wanted
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to find him, but in order to put him in prison again, come up with a plan, an attack on the museum, the museum, the high place where the ural diamond is, the raid on the exhibition will take place on the night of next wednesday or thursday, here’s a heist planned, and crito has completely misled the shores, the purpose of the operation is too important, the operation cannot last indefinitely, i have big plans for bitter, bitter 53, and there is no premiere today at 20:00 on ntv at the call of the heart there is a premiere tomorrow at 21:35 on ntv, how’s that for you, but save up your vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly , you’ll save up 16% faster, everyone wants to win millions, but not all the work is there.
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and let's start this part with footage from the middle east. they were taken this morning. israel now controls the checkpoint. rafah is the checkpoint that separated the sector gas from egypt essentially remained the only gateway connecting the gas sector with the main outside world. israel claims that the rafah checkpoint, which, by the way, it has not controlled since 2005, was used for certain terrorist purposes, and therefore was taken under control. a video has appeared on social networks, let’s look at it, yes, an israeli tank is crushing a sign: “i love gaza” on the territory of this border checkpoint. and here’s what the checkpoint looks like from above. bird's eye view, these images are published by the israel defense forces, which has already officially confirmed that the border crossing had been captured, israeli flags were clearly visible on the flagpoles, it was visible at the bottom of the screen, last night israel began bombing the city of rafah, now one of the most densely populated on the planet, footage
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of attacks on residential areas spread across social networks, according to the qatari tv channel al-jazeera, which, by the way , was banned from working in the country by the israeli authorities, has already made at least twenty victims of the karafa bombing. man, this morning footage appeared on social networks of residents of the city of rafah itself in a hurry are leaving the city, earlier israel called on the entire civilian population located there in this territory to leave this territory and move somewhere else, to which, some peaceful place, of course, it did not indicate. the special operation in rafahiya caused mass protests, and caused mass protests in tel aviv, where the families of the israeli hostages who were captured demand a ceasefire. for centuries hamas on october 7 , twenty-three, the day before again these same relatives called for an immediate transition to negotiations, throughout tel aviv, protesters
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blocked roads and demanded that israeli prime minister netanyahu agree with the hamas movement on a truce in gaza, we are talking about an agreement proposed by mediators from egypt and kator.
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as he says, to gain time before reinforcements arrive, but these measures do not help, only in the first week of may our troops were driven into the sssu from berdychi, ocheretin, solovyovo and kotlerovka. it is no coincidence that ukrainian prime minister shmagal now relies on the nato contingent. if the partners decide
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to introduce their soldiers or instructors or consultants into the territory of ukraine, we will be grateful to them for this. ukraine is on the brink, with this headline from enom magazine. gave an interview with a representative of ukrainian military intelligence vadim skibitsky. he believes that ukraine’s chances of winning on the battlefield are almost zero. the russian army has stepped forward, acting like a quote: a single body with a clear plan and under a single command. at the end of may , a ukrainian intelligence officer predicts a russian offensive in the kharkov and sumy regions, but for now the number one target is chasov yar. chasam has now become the most important target for capturing strategic positions for... an attack on konstantinovka, on kravatorsk, on slavyansk, not being able to take it head-on, they, of course, are trying to break through in the direction of toretsky, to bypass. the saddest thing for kiev
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is that in the near future it will have to retreat further and further, since its reserves are melting before our eyes. the shortage of soldiers in the ukrainian army is estimated at 2,000 people. kiev does not have time to fill the deficit, since training of recruits lasts at least six months. wherein american equipment and weapons can allegedly be transferred to ukraine from poland in a few hours. however, the local residents are unhappy with what they have become... and maybe some nato members will appear, or maybe now it’s time for us to be more
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energetic, i don’t know, to use these wonderful factories, from which they squeal everything there , well, yes, the factories do the work on the line of combat contact when they cover entire dugouts, trenches there, and so on, that is, our aviation demonstrates gaining air superiority, the quality of this mobilization, it also affects the ukrainian side, because losses, for example. in the last week alone there were over 6,700 people lost in different directions, the main ones, and during the week the irrevocable ones, yes, that is, they tried for a week last week to storm the yari on an hourly basis, hold it at all costs and return avdievka, that is, these senseless meat assaults continue, but the point is that we must understand that all military operations are still taking place under a watchful eye. american intelligence, they they see the movement of our units, we need,
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let’s say, to convince them that we will storm somewhere, but not storm there, well , repeat, for example, the same avdeevka scenario, let me remind you that when we liberated avdeevki, they had the main forces , we were sitting near kupinsky, believing that we would break through the front there, sylsky was driving all the effective reserves there, when savdeevka happened, it was too late to drink borjomi there, because there were no equipped lines beyond avdeevka, that is. won't study for six months, but they are these people whether they teach with nato weapons or not, that’s what
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comes from nato, this training is not there, what the personnel show, what they study with, they run around with kalash rifles, that is, their elite units received completely nato equipment, these are those , which is the infantry that they cram in there all the time, as they say, they get this type of model, and besides, they have a shortage of armored units, they have one of the brigades from an armored tank. from mechanized they made it purely infantry, that is, we see this thing all the time, that is happening on the line of combat contact, these are some areas being created so that the enemy must analyze our every breakthrough, that there will probably be a general offensive here, so we need to pull reserves there, military cunning, war is the art of deception, everyone understands this, that is, this is the correct mastery of tactics, the correct formation of an operation, so that the enemy loses more territories, more positions.
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a single picture, and the picture turns out to be the following: given the nervousness in the west and those statements that are being made, taking into account those statements that are being made from our side and the dire warnings, taking into account those statements that are already being openly heard in ukraine, that is, one could refer to the fact that this is a kind of fog of war, they are up to something , but judging by the hysteria that is spreading, no, they’re not up to a damn thing anymore, if you add it all up, it turns out that yes, we are indeed approaching, but not so much to a denouement, but... to a fork in the road, at this fork as since there are at least
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two main trunk routes, this is where to start long difficult negotiations, whatever... it’s not us who are essentially taking the path of escalation, yes, because we have already said, we agree to negotiations, but only on our terms, so here, well, as it were, further on, that this escalation has already begun, i ’ll just pay attention to some details, they are very important in fact, but behind the scenes italy sends armored vehicles there, behind the scenes
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missiles are supplied to ukraine, then only statements are made that they have already arrived. first escalation, then the start of negotiations, or maybe it’s enough now, in order for us to take the path of negotiations, we need: a, the beginning of the collapse of the kiev regime, b, completely different territorial borders, a completely different line of contact, we must at least liberate our current territories of the russian federation, then think
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about new territories of the russian federation, which no one forgets about either, after this. these elections in the united states in the european union, after which those elites to whom putin addressed at his inauguration should come to power speeches, proposing negotiations, he did not address these, not biden, not those who are now in power in europe in the united states, because they are just for negotiations, they are not ready in any case, at best they are ready for negotiations through ukrainian gasket, but thanks to mr. zelensky, who did not recognize vladimir putin himself, he forbade himself to negotiate, once again.
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soars above all this, there can be no negotiations now, we constantly forget that the west, in fact, in the person of today’s leaders, or those leaders who will come after the elections, sets their task to not give russia the opportunity to expand, not to give russia the opportunity to increase its territorial limits, we are constantly bringing it all together.
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spain is forcing weapons, missiles, italy is providing, holland is providing, in ukraine they write that they are waiting and waiting, like in
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july, denmark will give the f-16 first, in september holland will give the second, that is, the ukrainian government.
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let's just say that the russian armed forces are seizing territory, this is obvious, but in ukraine they do not believe in a breakthrough as such. that there will be a breakthrough, and here i will understand, in ukraine, in my opinion, from this whole picture they are preparing a counter-offensive, where and how, i don’t know, but it is really being prepared, by these lame, oblique others diagnosed, by whom? listen, they need a picture,
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red because russia, the fsb of russia was preparing a terrorist attack in ukraine, this is kiev, yes, this is all everything, well, who can write, that is, there are performers there
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from kiev, someone else, they went to one of the head of the state security who tried to calculate the movements of zelensky, budanov, baby, all this, this is the thinking of the elusive joe terrorist information.
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they showed this guy with a beard who shouted to allah akbar, in general, he became some kind of deputy there, it turns out that in general , if the united states doesn’t matter, it’s a tramp. to say that it is possible, we proceed from the fact that after a change, at least of persons and political ones there in the west, nothing will change, but it seems to me that here we cannot.
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frontline intelligence, andrei smolikov, we have to get there, guys, we definitely have to get there, don’t whip me, i’ll go to the rear, the main thing is for me, so that we stay alive, the ax may 9 at 12:10 on ntv, enchanted, premiere may 10 at
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our special services another part of the documents related to the second world war has been declassified, in fact, now you have this news block, it is also somehow connected with the events of the past, actually. let's start with footage from the victory museum, where a ceremony was held to hand over unique archival documents, here you see them, about the work of soviet intelligence during the great patriotic war, the plans of the german command to capture joseph stalin, a little more about this, from hitler’s declassified personal correspondence with the romanian authorities, it is known that germany intended to start a war with the soviet union back in march of forty-one, hitler also expected to win victory in just 3 weeks by taking prisoners. the entire soviet leadership, including stalin. entirely hitler planned to complete hostilities on the eastern front in august, then the troops were supposed to go to the western front in order to thoroughly prepare for the invasion of england, but everything did not go according to plan, and the heroic resistance of soviet soldiers
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led to a rapid decline in morale among the german military . on the eve of the sacred holiday, here, in the complex of the victory memorial on the mountain, on the day of st. george the victorious...
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okay, otherwise we’ll get into trouble and get away from the topic, and our topic is this, which means, as i already said, the fsb special services, the day before, declassified another part of the documents, which means these documents relate to the last months of the war, this testimony was given by one of hitler’s adjutants, he talks about the situation that reigned here, hitler’s inserts, well , somewhere already in the second half of spring forty fifth to...
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hitler in the last months of the war. hitler gave an analysis of the military situation, saying something like the following. it is to be expected that relations between anglo-americans and russians will become so strained that it may lead to open conflict between them. our task, says hitler, is now to gain time by all means and to help our opponents come to blows as soon as possible. then germany will introduce itself. a brilliant opportunity to come to an agreement with the anglo-americans in order
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to destroy bolshevism together with them. according to the fuhrers, at the beginning of 1945, german troops with a powerful blow were supposed to separate the british american army, and then conclude a separate peace with each of them moscow's back. but due to the grandiose offensive of the red army from the baltic sea to the carpathians, the nazis had to transfer all the forces of the western front to the east. thanks to soviet heroism. soldiers, american and british troops easily entered the territory of the third reich from the west, and the hitler regime soon capitulated. the flag of the united kingdom is raised to signify the british capture of their sector of berlin. british marky burn armored personnel carriers rumbled past the base where general lyne was being saluted, to the british commander in berlin. but in the states and britain there were enough of those who believed that the defeat of germany would strengthen the ussr, and this would become a big problem for... the west after the war, intelligence officer and future head of the cia allen
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dalis tried to establish contacts with the nazi elite in 1944. the plan was to agree on the surrender of germany in such a way as to then unite with the germans against the russians. the negotiations were disrupted by soviet intelligence and stalin, who wrote an angry letter to roosevelt. in 1948, already at at the dawn of the cold war between the usa and the ussr, the state department published scandalous documents.
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at least, perhaps it was not discussed like that, everything was discussed, everyone was discussed, everything, everything was discussed, this is really a very interesting document, it is interesting because it was written in 1948, otto günschi just specifically described it, before that it was just otto günscha all the time he was mainly tyrannized about whether hitler died, whether hitler committed suicide or not, the main thing was. topic, and here he made such a, well, let’s say, analytical note
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based on my knowledge of the material about who thwarted the german offensive to the horde, okay, then let’s try to do some analytics now, because we are interested in understanding today, naturally, from the position of today, yes, alliance, here are allies, hyphen traitors, was it when , then, what did it look like, what is it like? here was a quote, only it dates back to the year 1944, not the beginning of 1945, but where is the big quote from, it means in the year 1944 , hitler, who was always looking for an excuse for that why are we fighting, that is, we need some way out, in principle, after forty -three, in one of the conversations hitler said that we will not win the war anymore, but we have a chance not to lose the war, that is, to try... anything with the soviet union and hitler considered himself a brilliant
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ruler, that is, a person who feels, who understands everything that is happening, he, for example, that...
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at least a year, well, it’s just that the operation won’t be prepared, and since they won’t vyskany, we can remove all troops, abandon all troops against the soviet union, begin to negotiate with the allies, in the orders, why were they inflicted, orders are an adventure, this is an adventure worse than an attack on the soviet union, it really, well, in general it was a dead end, but the idea was what, throw out the anglo-americans, throw them back, inflict losses on them, capture amsterdam and thereby disrupt this...
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and with the conditionally anglo-american, was there any moment, vadim kasimovich, when the americans or the british, or some part of their political elites, were as ready as possible to sit down with hitler and sign something, or come to an agreement in order to weaken military operations on an already open or not open, then i don’t know what year it could be on the second front, in order to resist the soviet union, or this or that, rather, maybe they were always not against it.
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the meaning in principle, you see, one could say, but firstly, in england , churchel is in power, who is a categorical opponent of hitler’s germany and is not going to agree with anyone on anything in principle, yeah, you see, with the outbreak of the war against the soviet union, you know perfectly well churchel’s position, and although relations with england throughout the war were very difficult for us, insanely complicated. why, by the way, did the germans intensify their efforts against the british in 1943 ? 1943 was a very difficult year for our relations. the germans carried out a brilliant operation to dissolve the allies, to attempt to dissolve the allies, kotyn, this was a perfectly executed operation, this is not even more modern , odblyu
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kittens are still there, you know, here and there will continue to play in the united states, please, there were people who were quite determined...
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“in any relationship between states there is a sovereign interest of each state, if it is beneficial for a state to be in an alliance with another state now, it will be in an alliance with it , if it is beneficial for the same state to prepare for another period when this alliance is no longer profitable, then it will act in parallel within the framework of allied relations and will always have it in its pocket against this, this is absolutely for all countries in all countries times, i'll give you an example. here the discussion was about whether it was beneficial, of course, for germany, it was beneficial for the allies to quarrel with each other and somehow begin
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to quarrel with each other more or even take military actions against each other instead of jointly fighting with germany, and of course, it was also beneficial for the soviet union if the asi countries attacked not the soviet union, but some other countries first, well, let’s remember the same operation snow, brilliantly carried out by soviet foreign intelligence.
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americans, so that the japanese get out of monchuugo, this is monchuri, which was then controlled by tokyo, and so that they stop their genocidal policy against
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the chinese people, of course, the japanese did not cooperate, here the americans introduced very serious sanctions against japan, an embargo on energy resources, the provision of steel, which was necessary for japanese industry to continue military operations, and this is significant from the point of view of soviet foreign intelligence.
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britain, the united states, the longer this war went on, the more likely they were to become hegemons after this war. and i must say that here, no matter how many different options there were, maybe even making sense in some way, say, in containing communism, but what was more important, it seems to me, was still that the soviet union weakened during the course of this war, precisely with the germans, and not
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that the british were involved in the place.
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how did some cossacks on horseback stop the most modern german tanks? alexander dyichenko. stardum and the root are fresh, enchanted. premiere on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, when we say, speaking about the great patriotic war, the allies of the ussr, meaning britain, meaning the united states, we believe that these allied relations are help
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to each other, and some kind of support front, it really existed, sincerely, we can argue about the sincerity, volume and timeliness of this support, because we are not the only ones arguing here. but also historians, immediately after germany’s attack on the soviet union, on june 22, 1941, london and washington decided to support our country in the fight against fascism, in moscow they signed a soviet-british agreement on joint actions against germany, and prime minister winston churchel gave a fiery speech : we will fight him on land, we will fight him him at sea, we will fight him in the air until, with god's help, we rid the earth of itself. him and we will not free the nations from his yoke. any person or state that fights against nazism will receive our help. but then, in the summer of '41, britain was in no hurry to help. in 2020
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, the russian foreign intelligence service declassified the encryption of those times. as it turned out, london did not intend to share intelligence data with the soviet union, despite the agreement. technical data about secret german fighters was disclosed only in general features. soviet intelligence found out. the british military leadership asked the head of its mission in moscow, frank mcfarlon , to delay in every possible way the supply of british cargo through arkhangelsk. how much stalin could trust or rely on his allies was how much they could betray him. the second front was thus an important test of whether he was being misled by the allies. the second front was opened by the allies only in 1944, when the red army went through the most difficult period of the war and reached the borders soviet union. it is impossible to compare losses. one of the bloodiest battles for the western allies was the breakthrough of the german line, the gustoy line. about 100,000 soldiers were lost there. to compare with the battle of stalingrad, the soviet people lost
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1,130,000. in fact, for them, opening a second front was a matter of grand strategy. that is, the moment when the soviet union and germany will exhaust each other. and at this moment the allies land directly in europe with minimal losses. and of course. the allies needed geopolitical advantage, of course, europe. marshal georgy zhukov in his memoirs assessed the role of american supplies positively, although he noted that their total number was small, about 4%. the data on this matter varies. most of the technology and equipment were delivered to the soviet union in 43-45. it would be a thousand times better for our country if we were supplied neither with this gasoline, nor with this aluminum, nor with these weapons, but with american british soldiers. using this gasoline and this gunpowder, would launch an offensive against the germans. vyacheslav nikolaevich, this was allied assistance, as far as possible. or was it
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the soviet union that was drained of blood as much as possible, help in order to use the soviet union for the longest possible war, so that the germans actually fought with us for as long as possible. well, we must again build on what we started in the previous story: could hitler count on western support for certain bilateral agreements, of course he could, why? because in class this is very important. germany, england. and the usa was a homogeneous body, they were all anti-communists, so for them the union was natural. why did churchel support the soviet union after the start of the german invasion of our territory, because he did not care about the soviet union, he cared about preventing threats to great britain, that’s what was most important for him, he wanted to save great britain from defeat with our hands, therefore, there is absolutely no need to say that it was sincere, an ordinary geopolitical calculation,
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you criticize our coalition partners, our relations, in a very reasoned manner, they have always been sincere, so unshakable, viktor zhavich gave an example, but this was still before the start of the war, during the war, but no, that’s what you think, well, i don’t know, but we didn’t come up with anything additional for ourselves in our relations with the americans or the british, class feelings.
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perhaps he would have acted in exactly the same way or he would have been even harsher towards the soviet complaints especially in connection with the delay in the opening of the second front here without understanding the words, so to speak, and sometimes sometimes when military necessity was dictated, so to speak , he behaved differently, for example, a well-known case when the americans asked for a sample of some military equipment that would prevent a re-charge of a mortar, stalin refused this , he said no, we...
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these are our partners in allied relations, this, by the way, throughout all the coalitions in which, in which russia, the demands that were voiced are presented there were dumas, in the three musketeers, ready to sacrifice everything from their wallets for each other , yes, because we love to the grave and are friends from the heart, this is all this, all this, all this is complete nonsense, just like in life. in politics, and this trinity was the least like, of course, the three musketeers, which means that one must take into account, one must take into account the fact that, by the way, what hitler underestimated, in fact , throughout the entire 20th century, from the end of the 19th century, before england the task was not so much to destroy, but to reformat germany, this task was not solved.
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why do you, if you explain everything with the british’s completely pragmatic goals, why at that moment there was, for example, delaying deliveries through arkhangelsk, in plain text it says to the british, i don’t remember who the resident was there, yes, those with whom the soviet side communicated, slow down , don’t rush, this is why, this
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is why britain needed it, britain needed it in order to contain the territorial claims of the soviet union,
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to establish, but objectively it was beneficial for them that the soviet union, well, as they say, received the most powerful blow from the german army at the initial stage of the war, so that, well, as they say, russia would deal with its enemy as costly as possible, yes, so these supplies, naturally, were increased when everything became clear, when it was already clear that the soviet union in konyako. what is said, that britain can get from the soviets , they can give some kind of military equipment and so on, that is, when it was already clear that the union would have some specific assistance in the defeat of germany, here it seems to me another important point, because listen, we are we see that the soviet union failed
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to initially carry out a war on two fronts so that germany would fight, so it seems to me that this is the main problem that soviet diplomacy did not achieve, that’s when... may 9, please repeat may 9 at 19:35 i didn’t understand you i ask you to repeat on may 9 at 19:35 on ntv
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the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up, try prostatricum gold. this is the meeting place at ntv. we have very little time left, so let’s talk a little more about these british political games, about the ability to act as an ally momentarily, but at the same time keep in mind that ... very soon we must turn around, as this anna talks to lena, 360°. in october 1998, the british national archives published sensational materials about how winston churchel planned to attack the ussr, seeing the red army as a threat to europe. they wanted to carry out the operation, code-named operation unthinkable, immediately after the victory over
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hitler. a detailed plan for the capture of the soviet union arrived on the british prime minister’s desk on the twenty-second. may 1945 , thousands and thousands of tanks were to be involved in this battle, in a nutshell, the following was said about the goals of the battle: to impose ussr will of the west. churchill believed in the success of his plan, believing that after the war from nazi germany, the ussr would be weakened and would not be able to resist the allies. this position was not shared by the british generals, who saw with their own eyes the assault on berlin and understood that after 4 years of war the red army was unusually strong. and they did not have the slightest desire to fight against this colossus. the hostility of the british chiefs of staff led to the unthinkable failure of the operation and on june 8, 1945, they officially rejected the plan. churchel regretted this, saying that unless stalin's ambitions are dealt a decisive blow, there is very little chance
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of preventing world war iii. he warned that the red army would soon become un...
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we would not have avoided this, it’s just that churchill, i repeat once again, churchill’s task is global, restoration to military status under the influence of england on the continent of poland, in this sense.
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you are just like putin now saying that we trusted them, they cheated us, so i don’t trust anyone anymore, which means that putin , as an intelligence officer, in principle never trusts no one, and he is absolutely right in this, he believes to himself, he said, he spoke about the period when he was not a leader, but then he did not believe anyone, and he did the right thing, you understand, not a single intelligence officer who did something stands, never trusts anyone, this is, in principle, a politician in fact, who is a serious politician in international relations to anyone. never, never, even the closest allies are trusted and have no right to trust, therefore, no matter how good relations are,
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the interest of one’s state is first and foremost important, national interest, in this respect, what is characteristic of churchill? churchill did not become an anti-communist in 1945; churchill became an anti-communist in 1917, if he had not been before, and he was always a communist, an anti-communist, consistently. how many soldiers did the british lose 250,000, and we 47 77.00 to poland, that’s it, stop, let’s stop, let’s, yes, stop, i already know what question we
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there is some enemy even more dangerous for them and for you, for the sake of which they are ready to form an allied relationship with you, of course, this is a calculation, but this is based on trust, in the summer there was a story about trust, in the summer of thirty- nine they were not held in moscow only the now famous soviet-german negotiations, but also other negotiations: the soviet union, britain and france, where the soviet union presented a very specific plan for how many divisions we are ready to deploy in
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the event of hostilities in europe, where i think we have them. to assemble, boris mikhailovich shapshnikov represented, and very specific divisions were named there. when asked the british, how many divisions are they willing to provide? the british representative hesitated and said: “well, five, maybe seven.” however, neither he nor his french colleague were authorized to sign any documents with the soviet union. i was also talking about negotiations then, the jokes are very old, he didn’t from recently declassified information about the negotiations. this means that joseph vasirinovich stalin is sitting. working in his office, the door opens, his personal assistant, his secretary alexander poskrebyshev, enters the office and says talin, churchill is calling you, stalin picks up the phone and says: hello, mr. churchill, no, no, no, yes, of course, no , no, goodbye, mr. churchill hangs up the phone and
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says, solve the question, what did you agree with churchill on? but no, he asked if i could hear him well, this was the meeting place, which cannot be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv broadcast, goodbye. i swear, upon implementation. the israel defense forces launched an operation in the city of rafah, the last major hamas outpost in the gaza strip. at the positions of the tula paratroopers north of solidar, it is hot as always ilya lyadvi on the advance of our forces in the direction of the north.


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