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tv   DNK  NTV  May 7, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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another victim. oles, how much money have you lost? 60,000 rub. and 150,000 rubles. this is simply moral compensation for my lost time and money. i think the guys are with me. have you contacted the police? certainly. when i lost my massage therapist, i started sounding the alarm, went out of the salon, called the salon, to which the administration gave the number of another victim. i phoned him, and he said that he had also set him up and advised me to contact the duty department. recognized as victims? do you know how many women were affected? you know on today there are more than 100 people, i think i'm saying more, in the massage parlor they said that he has been doing massage for 16 years, 16 years, he does not have his own base. yulia, how can events in this case develop further, and what time will the fraudster have to wait for with so many victims? if we assume that there were hundreds of victims, the term will depend on this, but i think it will be more than ten. everyone who considers himself
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a victim, a victim, contacts the police, the police themselves open a case and will rule on all claims, first for each episode of the verdict in his guilt, punishment, then by adding up these punishments, well , usually partial addition, the total term, and to the victims, who will return the money, how to receive compensation, will work in places of detention...
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can you advise all the victims? yes, i can advise. elena, the victims now need psychological help. of course, i am ready to provide this support, assistance, and so on. igor, you can take control of this matter. yes, of course, i think that people who will you will be surrounded by worthy people, and you will find your love. girls, be careful and know that there is such a person. now he is in pre-trial detention, someday he will probably be released, if you also suffered at the hands of this man, contact our editors, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, a new dna test right now. her roommate admitted to her that he had a daughter who was being raised in an orphanage, and then she herself gave birth to a daughter from him, and now she wants introduce her to... and the system. in our studio
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lyudmila sultanova. hello, lyudmila. hello. how did you react to this confession from your roommate? for me, of course, it was news that he had a daughter. did your partner tell you why his daughter ended up in an orphanage? no, he didn’t tell me anything about this, i don’t know anything. the only thing. that we went to see her twice with him, her name is yulia, her paternal last name is kozhimyakina, remember how i met you, yulia, when you arrived, i remember when we visited her they came, the first time for me, of course, it was she who treated me, because i was a stranger to her, my father recognized us immediately and talked to him, with her we were kind of at odds, the second time we came to her we arrived, everything was fine, we already talked to her, how long? she
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was about 10 years old at the time, and i had thoughts like, taking the girl with me, it would be nice not to have such things, well, at that time i was also still young and i had such thoughts there wasn't, but i was the only one of course it’s a pity that yulia is in the orphanage, in order to pick her up, we need a place to live somewhere, but my father didn’t have any place to live. what's his name? alexander? were you married then? no, we are not signed with him, that is, maybe we wouldn’t give it to you, we wouldn’t even give it to you, what? where was her mother? about the mother, i don’t even know where the mother is, what happened to the mother, why yulia is in the orphanage, i can’t say anything, because he didn’t tell me anything about it. are there other relatives who can take the girl in? didn't ask your roommate? well, let's say he's a relative.
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brothers and sister, it seems to me, there was no need for this, everyone lived with their own family, but i don’t know anything about my mother, well, if you still visited this girl, if alexander was with you , yes... when i became pregnant from him in ninety -three, well, how long has it been since the beginning of your relationship, well, it’s been about a year, a month later i broke up with him, that is , we just found out that the pregnant women immediately broke up, so it turns out? yes, but, firstly, my parents were against our
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relationship, but he is 20 years older than me, and we had nowhere to live with him in a separate house, let’s say he didn’t have one, i had my father. that is, you understood that you were leaving your daughter without a father, well, yes, alexander, he knew that a child was born, yes, he knew that a daughter was born, he came to my village, he came, but his father did not let him into the house, that is he
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never saw his daughter, no, he didn’t see her when she was born, the only thing is, he saw her like this, probably when she was 5 years old, well, i ’m saying, his father didn’t let him into the house then, that is, he i still tried to somehow communicate with your daughter, to find out how she was, but your family was categorically against it, my parents were against it, you no longer maintained any contact, no relationship, no, nothing, and the daughter did not communicate with her father, did not communicate, the daughter did not record himself, because that they wrote it down, i wrote it down under my last name, so my parents insisted, firstly, i signed it up, signed it up under my last name sultanova, although my father’s last name. zhemyakin, and the patronymic was given by alexandrovna, she, that is, everything is as it should be, the father’s patronymic, after parting, he somehow participated in in your life, in the life of your daughter, is it possible to at least help financially? no, he didn’t participate, not financially, he didn’t help, and first of all, i didn’t know how he was and where he lived,
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what was wrong with him, the only thing was i went to the city of yatsevo, where his relatives lived, well, his brothers , sisters, i went to see my brother, and his brother told me that he was... no longer alive, that he died on the threshold of the yartsevskaya hospital, and how old was your daughter at that time? five years, probably not even, more, more, that is , you still had a desire for your daughter i was already talking, i was already growing up, my parents were already like that, but it was already too late, well , my daughter, when she started to grow up, she didn’t ask, mom, where is my dad, she was interested in me, say, she asked:
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she said, when are we already didn’t live with her father, no longer her father, when they found out that he was no longer alive, i told her that she has a sister, her name is yulia, her last name is kozhimyakina, that’s my dawn, i immediately understood that she wants to find her sister, here she is i started looking for her on social networks, we only found out that she was after boarding school she entered the technical school, in my opinion, everything is in kasple, we don’t know anything else, no address of her residence, so we hope for your program, i want to see this yulka, of course, and have a look, chat, how she lives and what’s going on with her, has she created in general, she has a life like her, your daughter has long dreamed of hugging her older
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sister on her father’s side, in the studio zarya sultanov, hello, zarya, hello! tell us how you looked for your sister? the first thing i tried to do was probably on social networks, as is now customary on social networks, but social networks don’t allow nothing. like that except for the last name and first name, but i’ve never seen her and looking through the photographs of 200 hundred girls there is also somehow not very good. the second attempt was when i called the orphanage where she was, a woman there answered me, she was really polite, she said, i understand your situation, but many years have passed, many employees have changed, who do not want to bring up the archive and something look there. the only thing they said was that at the age of 16 she entered the city. i'll go to the technical school, at that moment i found him in on the internet, i found the number, i called there too,
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but they said that they wouldn’t open the archive, but you say that you’ve never seen her, no, only from my mother’s stories that she’s thin, fair-haired, blue-eyed, well, i think she’s like that i stayed, i hope i recognize her, lyudmila, well, you remember this girl, you can say, it looks like the dawn, they look like their father, they look alike, the shape of their eyes is very similar to their father’s and... a testament, and what about you? do you think the daughter of the same father must look alike? i think i'm dominant after all, most often the mother appears, but the resemblance to the father is not always so pronounced. zarya, don’t you have a grudge against your mother because she went to see her sister, but didn’t pick her up? no, i have no resentment, because at the moment when they went there with their father, they had neither a specific place of residence nor good income, that is, take... and wander with him from village to village, well, that’s not an option either. well, from
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a conversation with your mother, lyudmila, i realized that your father had no special desire for her take him away, because he is a fickle person, he is here, that there, so why are you not offended at him for this, well, there is resentment, like any child, that is, i am offended that i was not present, although i am grateful that at least once he came to see me when he was 5 years old, but then he came, of course, he looked... not very good, but my grandfather didn’t let him in because he didn’t consider him a worthy father, well, when he came to the gate , for some reason i immediately realized that it was my dad, and then when my grandfather drove him away, my grandmother asked me question, says: did you understand who it was, i say, yes, this is my dad, that is, your mother never hid from you that the man who replaced your father is not your father, no, i always knew that, but i really could become a father for you, no, my mother’s husband, from whom i have a brother, nor now, with whom she lives, not one of them replaced
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our father, that is, well, because my brother’s father is the same, he has a moral way of life, and was not really present, even in his life, let alone in mine, your brother, yeah, he too it turns out he doesn’t really know his father, yes, he doesn’t know his father either, but my brother just has a fixed idea, i won’t look for anyone, no relatives, i have everything... no one, that is, on my father’s side, that is he ’s straight forward, but the fact that i’m looking for a sister, he knows it, and he supports me in everything, even today i’m offended that i didn’t call him to meet him, why do you even need this dawn, well, because i’ve been dreaming about a sister since childhood, here i am i was really little, i imagined how i had a little sister, how we played with dolls together, and what do you think? these are people who have never really known each other, they can really become family, they can, well, of course, this is necessary. at least see and find out. well, if you met julia, yeah, what would you
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tell her first? well , first of all, probably, hello, and then it was like my soul, my soul prompted me, well, i want, i really want to know how her life turned out, what she is like in general, that is, i want to know everything about her. we conducted our own investigation and found a woman who grew up in an orphanage in the city of yartsevo, smolensk region. but she remembers visiting her. and there are four of us, me, my sister and two brothers, i’m the eldest, how old were all the children at the
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time when your guardianship took you away, and i was 12-13 years old, somewhere around that, maybe 11, i’m definitely not i remember svetlana was 5 years old, i remember that exactly, nikolai, and he was a year younger than me, yura was like the last one with us, he was very small, he was probably, well, two years old there, maybe, and his father everyone? i had a bad childhood, i want to understand how you lived, you starved, no, we didn’t starve, your mother worked, you were subjected to cruel attitude towards yourself, well, very much, why and your mother couldn’t stop him, but it
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turns out that this is the father of your sister and brother, we’re talking about him, right? about him, well, he is no longer alive, i had a good time in the orphanage, only there i felt good, and we had an interesting occupation, we had our own garden, a vegetable garden, we watered, planted, yes, it was there, there i had girlfriends, friends, that is, we can say that your life changed dramatically after you were taken to the orphanage for the better, of course, your parents remembered, your family father? elena, it’s sad to hear that in an orphanage a child is better off than in a family with his own mother, that’s not the right word, it’s just painful, painful, painful to hear, because what kind of family is this that cannot warm their child, give love, but i’m glad that in our institutions, which bring together disadvantaged children, they are so supported and loved,
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this is wonderful, if this is such a counterbalance, then i’m calm, well , that’s how... memories so that we can deal with this as adults coped. yulia, what are you doing? in this way and blocks negative memories of your father? he came to my boarding school when he found out that i was in a boarding school, he came, he visited me two or three times a month, he brought me hotels. he gave me money, yes, he even cried that it so happened that i ended up in a boarding school, he came to me, as if constantly, while he was alive, he didn’t want to take you away, but no, no one tried to take me away , for what reason, how did your meetings go, our meetings were warm, very warm, i remember we hugged him, it was very pleasant, it
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it was very warm, and i will never forget dad. julia, did your father always come alone? yes, your father came only once, but in all these years did your mother come to you at least once? no, she never came to see me. i waited, i thought maybe she would come at least someday, no, she never came. at what point did your father stop coming? and he always came to me, then i graduated and went to kasplya to study, when i left the boarding school... that’s it, we got lost when i was in kasplya, yes, how old were you, about 16, probably , you got in study secondary specialized education, yes, yes, yes, we lost contact with my father at that moment, yes, yes, i lost contact with my father, and before that he told you about his life, no, he didn’t tell you such information, not even children, he didn’t tell you , no, unfortunately, i do not have such information, i think that
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there was no other family, that is, you and your brother, do you consider your father’s only children? yes, and if he had children, would you like to meet them? yeah, that would be nice. today a girl named zarya came to our studio. zarya's mother told her that her partner, zarya's father, was very worried that his eldest daughter yulia was in an orphanage. and even visited this girl with her, wow, this man’s name was alexander kazhemyakin, wow, alexander kazhemyakin, what kind of girl do you think i’m talking about, about you, yes, wow, i didn’t know, i really didn’t
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know , and her mother was sitting next to zarya, i didn’t know anything, there was only a year difference from him, i didn’t know anything, did n’t alexander tell you anything, no, no, that is, about his daughter he only told his daughter that he had...
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went to see him, but no, less often, he probably loved his daughter more, that’s why he didn’t say anything, but they weren’t together, so this is very big for him, you say, i didn’t know where kolya was, he didn’t know in which boarding school, i didn’t know either, because they took us separately, well, he wanted to find him, but no, he didn’t seem to want to, he just asked me about him, so i told him she told me that i don’t know, my sister and i were taken away first, and kolya and yura. why is it so strange if this is my own son, sort of, or not his own, yulia, no, dear, my mother said that he was his own, perhaps he did not
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consider himself the father of this child, or he treated the children differently, in my practice it very often happens that the father strives for one child, does not even consider the second as his own child, it also seems so to me, because, judging by yulia’s stories, that... it seems to me that, well , the question of the paternity of this boy cannot be so, so it’s crucial to be with his daughter, but don’t admit it at all, maybe he didn’t know about it, he asked her where her brother was, and he asked me, well, apparently where my mother was, it was all cut off there, as i understand it, or so. yes, that’s why it was very difficult to find, and they didn’t trust him because he didn’t have anything of his own, so let’s say, i watch yulia, how she speaks warmly about her father,
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but at the same time everything works out, visiting her own daughter, forgetting to mention his own son, his friend lyudmila, well, at that moment, forgive me that he doesn’t offer lyudmila the future mother of a common child and... does not make any attempts to get yulia out of this orphanage, especially if yulia tells, or rather, tried not to tell, what horrors were happening, i don’t know who imagined what, everything just sank inside me, i’m afraid to fully imagine what was happening there, and if this person , whom julia still treats so well and still remembers him with such warm words, did not want to do anything. to pick up at the time when this happened in this house, he is the father, he had to take her side, to be her assistant, her protector, but it turns out
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that it’s really very easy to come, pat her on the head and bring candy to the orphanage, and just be an outsider and smile , come twice a month, but at the same time not think about what ’s next for you the daughter will live and... how will your son live, because if he, in principle, did this to his daughter, then he does n’t care what his son was. i apologize, but he came with such constancy, and it just seems to me, well, it seems, this is my opinion, that he is such a person, he could not promise that, what he couldn’t do, but i think he didn’t speak only because he came with nothing, no one, talking about one daughter, and even saying that he also had a son, that is, in general... how to cut off your oxygen forever, that is , i think he was simply afraid to say that he had so much baggage, but behind his soul there was nothing, not a shisha. elena, well, alexander could have
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told yulia that she had a sister, but he didn’t do that either, he didn’t do that either. lyudmila, what do you think about this? oh, i can’t even say, maybe it’s not the same one, but did you know your father’s middle name? but i don't have a middle name i remember, unfortunately, the year of birth, i don’t remember, it was so long ago, yulia, and after the orphanage, did you find your brothers and sister? yes, kolya, kolya and i met, he even came to visit me, he stayed with me for a month, and meanwhile brother yura came when kolya was with me, yes, he came with his fiancée, so he stayed for one day , they left and kolya... stayed with me for a month, now do you continue to communicate? but no, i lost contact with my brothers, and since i had all the numbers on my phone, which phone
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s... whether the dawn of people related by blood is coming, a dna test will show in a couple of minutes. how tired am i? what am i doing here? so, are you resting? okay, okay, how do you like it? bad, why
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bad? is it bad that i am? asleep on the sidewalk, i only liked this one, sergei vasilyevich, just a minute, there will be sun, there will be rain, the heart will not forget, because you live, the arrows, the golden composition, when you hear, it turns out you have
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’re doing, petro, there’s no point in putting up with it any longer, not letting you go to the front, you fought for them, the medals are worn by the tsar’s chains, by the way, each of these georges is not at the tsar’s... at the front in the trenches with your belly heard with blood, because for your homeland, why don’t you, davarinok, not appreciate such personnel, hand over a comrade to the restless, so that he can gather a hundred cossacks, without fear, a combat mission has been assigned, the germans are too shy to enter, the outcome of the whole war will depend on this comrade, yes not so scary, like fascists, no doubt, how much? let's go in from three sides, chop it up, make some noise, without further ado, i'm dying, it's clear, comrade commander, they're going into battle, only cossacks, in battle, cossacks are giving away years
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when he has a horse under his saddle and a saber in hand, your cossacks will not be enough for such a plant, there are never enough cossacks, alexander diechenko, for dates, deputy, dear german friend, charmed, because for the faith from... fatherland premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. this is the dna program. the mother told her daughter that she had a sister on her father's side. and now the girl is determined to find her. fate decreed that lyudmila sultanova gave birth to her eldest daughter out of wedlock. the relationship with zarya's father was destroyed by lyudmila's relatives. well, that’s the kind of person he is, he can’t be in one place, he’s somewhere all the time he had such a movement, he
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didn’t really have a place to live at home, his sister was there for his brother, he walked all the time, and the man didn’t have a place to live, but he had a daughter from his first marriage, whom he together i visited lyudmila at school. was his last name, when my daughter was 13 years old, lyudmila told her about her father and about yulia, from that day zarya dreams of finding her sister, i know that she is yulia aleksandrovna kozhemyakina, i don’t know the year of birth, neither the date of birth nor the year of birth, i know , that she was in an orphanage in the city of yartsevo, just recently, when... that is i started looking for her, i called this orphanage, they told me that at the age of 16 she entered kasplya, the city of kasplyu, in a technical school, well, that’s where next, i honestly don’t know anything anymore, in memory of lyudmila, yulia remained
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small a girl, but today in our studio she met yulia denisenkova from novorossiysk, she is 41 years old, she already has her own children, we are a large family, i have five children, and the eldest... my son is 23 years old, he already has a son, that is, i am a grandmother, works as a guide, and i have a daughter, as well as an adult, 20 years old, diana, valeria is in the tenth grade, now moving on to the eleventh, wants to enter the railway college, to become a conductor, and has a 15-year-old son, vadim, tiona. and she goes to kindergarten to prepare for school, vocals, now we’re going to have a concert, we already have three medals and four diplomas, that is, she sings for me,
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yulia is proud of her children and can endlessly talk about their talents, that’s about past next to her mother and why she doesn’t like to remember, she lived much better in the orphanage, she always looked forward to meeting with her father, according to the woman... he was the only one who visited her, he was good, for me, he was sensitive, he showed concern when i was in kindergarten. he came to me, brought all sorts of goodies, gave me money, well, in general, i have good things about him, only good ones. yulia didn’t know that her father had another daughter, she doesn’t remember lyudmila at all, but she would be glad to become related to zarya and is looking forward to the results of the tnk test. zarina, i invite your whole family to visit me, and let’s take a walk around the city and see.
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boarding school, but after 18 we are already in
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adults moved to boarding schools, i left the boarding school, i live alone, as it were, i live normally, as it were, i’m not offended by anything, has anyone ever visited you on the internet, no one, and i thought that we were not needed, no relatives, even if not mom, dad, no, no, there was no one, no one, but you remembered them, well, i remember my aunt, sort of, but what about brothers and sisters? well, i found the eldest, she lives in yartsevo, like yulia, she is one year older than me, i went to see her about four times, and then i stopped going because she had family, what do you remember, do you remember visiting me, of course, nikolai, you lost contact with your sister
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for 14 years, how did this happen? she also changes constantly. what do you know about your father? i don’t know much about him at all. as if about my father, alexander, what’s his last name, alexander kozhimyakin, that is, you didn’t bear his last name, no, he’s the only last name, my sister had it, and i have a mother’s last name, why don’t you bear his last name, well, that’s well again it’s not up to me, it means his mother forbade him, that is, patronymic, patronymic ivonoye, but she didn’t want a last name. how can this be explained? yes, i initially
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had the assumption that the father simply did not establish paternity or the mother did not allow paternity to be established for this child, since they were not married, and here a separate procedure is required, which is why the father was able to, deprived of parental rights or limited in parental rights, he could visit yulia directly, but he could not visit his son, because... but there were none, nikolai, it turns out that you probably don’t remember your father, and i don’t either i remember him, besides, julia, tell nikolai how you remember your father, and he was sensitive, we had a warm relationship, he was happy when he came to me, he always smiled, nikolai looks like your father, yes , yes, yes, yes, we are from the first father, yes, and those two children are already from the second
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father, yulia, tell nikolai who you met today, and i met zarya, my sister, still supposed, here zarya, supposedly your sister nikolai, nice to meet you, there was no father in zarya’s life either, but his name is the same as your father’s , alexander. well, how do you like the news that you may have one more sister than you thought, well, i didn’t know about it, i didn’t know about it at all, what if there was one more sister.
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nikolai and zari, i don’t see much similarity, listening to yulia’s story about her father, how gentle, sensitive, kind he was, remembering lyudmila’s story about her husband, i don’t get the impression that they are talking about the same person , and another moment that yulia was
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10 years old, as lyudmila says, when they visited the orphanage, it’s surprising that a 10-year-old girl doesn’t remember that a woman came with her father. these are the kind of inconsistencies that create the impression that these are different people, not the same father. svetlana, can we even assume that children of the same father met in our studio today? i find similarities, very similar facial features, that is, cheekbones, and the distance of the eyes, despite the fact that your eyes are set a little deeper than zarina’s, but nevertheless you have something in common, if you are somehow sculpted sculpt, you are very similar and...
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in reply. lyudmila, do you think that today my daughter might get not only a sister, but also a brother? of course, when the family is large, this is very good. nikolai, you said that you remember your aunt, do you keep in touch with her now? yes, my aunt sort of took me away from the boarding school, but i, how did she find out that i was in the boarding school, well, i was already in the boarding school as an adult, i wrote a letter, i wrote a letter to the old address. well, i got a random letter to my aunt, but who did they write to? here's my mother, so i got an answer from aunt that she moved, so, and then i chose the moment, came to visit aunt, as if asking for leave, and it turned out that i said, well, she moved and moved, and god
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bless her, the way she treats us, so will the attitude towards her that i now, since then you and your aunt have not been lost, no, no, still julia. do you communicate with your aunt? great, in general we also had a warm relationship, but yes, our connection was broken, but we have a very warm relationship, and i also didn’t see any warmth towards her, how long? and for many, many years, i probably respect my aunt more than the mask, yes, i also respect my aunt more i respect more than my mother, yes, yes, i’m quite serious when i say, aunt is everything to us, nikolai, your aunt and yulia also came to us to support you. nikolai told us about the letter he wrote to his mother, but you received it, do you remember this day, yes, i received it, i gave him an answer, he wrote to me that he wanted to
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come to me, i went, took him to my place, he i had him for as long as he was, he’s an adult. was there, we lived together for some time, then they gave him an apartment in our city, he was just like an orphan, they gave him an apartment, and he moved to his apartment and lives there, why not earlier, why didn’t they take him away then, well , i had my own child then, the first and second were born, i couldn’t just take it, i couldn’t have handled it easily, but what kind of decent upbringing do you think nikolai received? it would be better in an orphanage with a mother, of course you can? i understand my aunt’s position, my concerns, my troubles, my children, so for now i can’t take my nephew, well, that’s understandable, because if a person makes ends meet there and doesn’t know how to deal with his own...
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will zarya have an older sister? senior brother? the dna test result remains unpredictable. all the fun after a short advertisement. comrades, trouble has happened. all the forces of the people to defeat the enemy. i have a responsibility to protect my wife and unborn child. my place is there, at the front. if you want to go to the front, go, there is no point in sitting here. i also like a soldier in glasses with a manicure. equalize. attention, and why should i study military training with these pesaks, hard workers? miracle heroes,
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their parents' immoral lifestyle want to find out if they have a younger sister. totyana, why were your sister’s children taken away? she led an immoral lifestyle, they didn’t seem to look after the children, they ran around on their own, but still you said that nikolai would be better off with his own mother than an orphanage, yes, well, that’s for any child, of course, this is well, but over time , my sister repented that it so happened that the children did not grow up with her, no, she is not the same, no matter how... she lived, then she moved to the village and there she began to work, but what was she even a person? well, she was hot-tempered, she was very hot-tempered, she couldn’t talk calmly with people, she raised her voice, raised
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her voice all the time, she could, if something happened, she could hit, she could... with a belt and well just like that, that is, she could even be cruel to her own children, yes, you remember this nikolai was caught very much it was quite yes but somehow influence her oh this is not the right person to influence her it doesn’t influence her and i somehow and talked she gets very hot-tempered and then again nikolai why could they be cruel to you without concepts. well , i don’t remember, but i know that i hit her and hit her very hard. tatyana, what kind of relationship did you have with her? we didn’t communicate with her, when she left for selizny, we didn’t communicate with her at all, then she was taken to a boarding house, and i don’t even know where she is, what and how, what do you know about
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my sister's personal life, in her youth, i mean, she first lived. of course, this is for sure, i know that or maybe it’s just a reason for betrayal, maybe he found out about it and didn’t want to give his son his last name now, no, no, these are his children, she just didn’t want to give her last name, but she gave her patronymic name alexandrovich, then, as things turned out, she got married in another city, and we did not communicate, from her second marriage she had two children, but they also did not
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live very well. then they moved to the village, they came to life more and more, i seemed to be with her not tatyana, but do you know anything about the fate of alexander after he broke up with your sister, assume that he could have another family, children, well, i can’t say, i didn’t live there then, she didn’t tell me anything , nothing, she didn’t communicate with me, nikolai, tell your aunt who you met today? here is the previous sister, sveta, no, there in the red dress, my god, i didn’t know, i don’t know who it is, well, introduce me, i ’ll explain to you, this is zari, zari’s father’s name is alexander kazhemyakin, zari’s father has alexander
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kazhemyakina. there is a daughter, yulia, who ended up in an orphanage, where periodically he and his mother zarya lyudmila visited the girl, yulia, but he never said anything about his son nikolai, did not even mention it, well, i knew for sure that nikolai was his son, this i know for sure, july, his daughter, do you think, maybe for... well, it’s difficult to answer, it looks like that same alexander kazhemyakin, well, there is something, yes, like your nikolai nephew, well , i also think something yes, there is something similar between the niece yulia zare, you see, well, the similarities
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not nikola. would you like your sister to appear? yes, i would like to, julia , then you are probably interested in knowing how life turned out, zari? nikolai, you are also interested, yes, very interested, your supposed sister grew up hardworking and economical. let's see the plot. zarya sultanova lives in the village of konyutino, smolensk region, in her grandmother’s house. more than one generation of their family grew up within these walls. first mom, and then zarya herself with her younger brother. here was our children's room, there were two beds. grandfather is on our walls drew drawings from cartoons. used to be here. there was no such table, there was an ordinary school table where we did our homework, and i also loved to draw and sit here. photos from those years were preserved in a family photo album. i was still very little, we went to
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visit relatives, i threw a tantrum at my grandmother, my grandmother was getting ready to go alone, and i stood on the porch, stamping my feet so that they would take me, my grandmother took me, this is how i did my homework, taught a poem, my favorite place is near the stove, warm, comfortable, since then the atmosphere has been...
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no, i haven’t noticed anything in common yet. nikolai, what about you? no. zari, are you ready to invite yulia and nikolai to visit? necessarily. if to yes, if she is my sister, he is my brother, please, always. what do you think the result of the dna test will be, will you have to invite me to visit you? well, i hope so, that’s more of a yes. nikolay, what do you think? well, i think so too.
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will the search for zarya continue after the dna test result is announced, or will she finally embrace the sister she has been looking for for so long and the brother she knew nothing about, we will find out immediately after the advertisement. and today at 19:00. new auruus, new motorcycle escorts, a new presidential term and centuries-old traditions. the inauguration ceremony of the russian president took place in the kremlin. vladimir putin took
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kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique shellfish, it is called azektinida. it turns out that azumepectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product made from highly concentrated vosphalipids appeared japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8,800. 100 exactly 1985 8.800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese mozgterapy, which contains all the phospholipids that contribute to. brain aging
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can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product mosktherapy. emergency exit. premiere. from monday at 22:15 on ntv. ostaviev’s escape, your doing, no, you’re coming with me, look, ivan, i won’t call you a second time, can you imagine how dangerous this man is in the wild, we’ll make such a mess with him, like emilyan and stenka radin, you’re sure he wasn’t sent, maybe you wanted to find him, but in order to put him in jail again, come up with a plan to attack the museum, museum, exhibition, where, ural almazy, the raid on the exhibition will take place on the night of next wednesday or thursday, so a mess is planned.
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today, a thirty-year-old resident of the smolensk region, zari sultanova, needs a dna test. as a teenager , she learned from her mother that she had an older sister on her father’s side, who was raised in an orphanage. in our studio she met yulia denisenkova and nikolai lyakhov. their parents led an immoral lifestyle and guardianship authorities.
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the children were taken away from them and placed in different orphanages. yulia and nikolai's father had the same name as zarya's father, alexander kozhemyakin. and now zarya wants to know if she has brothers nikolai and sister yulia on her father’s side? the answer to this question can only be given by a dna test. zarya, can i open the envelope? yes, sure. julia, are you ready to find out the truth? ready. nikolai, what about you? yes, i'm ready. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged sister, zarya sultanova, on the other, her alleged paternal brother and sister nikolai lyakhov and yulia denisenkova. the probability that you are related
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to each other is 99.9%. of course, i want to congratulate you, because your search, zarya, was not in vain, you found your sister, along with her brother, i am very glad, very pleased that the train did not pass empty, i found what i was looking for in childhood,
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lyudmila, you are happy for, of course, of course. nikolai, i am also very pleased that another sister was found, that’s what you think, yulia, will it be possible now, after so many years of separation, to become truly family people? it will work out, because there is a desire, yes, there is a desire, well then. don't waste your time, thank you, if you need genetic testing, contact us and we will we will definitely help you, a new dna test will be on ntv tomorrow.
7:00 pm
the inauguration is not only a bright and time-by-second ceremony for the president to take office, vladimir putin presented his vision of the main directions of the country’s development for the next 6 years, as the president spoke about from the kremlin, reporting by roman sobol. at the positions of the tula paratroopers, north of solidar, it is hot as always. ilya lyadvin about the advancement of our forces in the direction of severskaya, the work of the rapier gun crew and the kamikaze drone operators. iron or steely friendship between serbia and china. sergei khaloshevsky about why for little serbia.


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