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tv   Gorkii 53  NTV  May 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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like, well, tailbone, they didn’t hold grudges against each other, in the calculation, they fled here, here they and ragulya were constantly storming, leaving your client, yes, why wasn’t there any of our hereditary? troshkin didn’t tell us what we were going to do, since ostafiev ran away with the trench, and they won’t go straight to ragul, we need to check all the dens that we know, allow me, comrade, they sent it, come on, what is this, well, nothing is visible, comrade colonel, so photo telegraph. yes, sit down already,
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damn it, maybe you should demand us his criminal case, yes we will demand it, but with this reorganization, how much will they search for, forward, i have an idea, tavish colonel, neighbor, leave him in the hostel, muscovite, he draws well, well, let him draw this athlete for us, and we will replicate , yes, we’ll do that, with a request, comrade colonel... please talk to naidovsky, because this special group, it’s on its own, well, don’t approach him or his people, i’ll talk, we’re doing one thing, then the machine gunner fired, and he fell, fell because the bullet hit him, or i just tripped, i don’t know, i couldn’t really see anything.
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anfisa, i was waiting, dinner on the bed, no. we are waiting for guests.
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come on, uncle, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, get up, get up, get up, let's go, let's pinch you, i'm interfering with your life, but i'm not bothering you, so why don't you let me live and not fool around.
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ariton, our quarrel with you, only the cops are happy, but there is no quarrel, i ’ll talk to you, i’ll give you a week to think about it, i’ll get along with my people, but no, then the war, yeah, calm down. farewell, khariton, farewell! wow, bon appetit, goodbye, well goodbye, so goodbye!
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he’s stubborn, he won’t change his mind, i’ve wanted him for a long time. it would be inconvenient to run if it weren’t for urging, chriton would say once, the tsar was killed, almost a bolshevik, or something, the horses are racing, alkhies are racing, bells are ringing, golden curls are curling.
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you’ll go home like a fool, and what do you want to say, no, i don’t think it’s necessary, why the hell did the mura sculpt, hmm, as if alive, it looks like, yeah, when you drew me, you didn’t try so hard, women are generally more difficult to draw than men, especially handsome ones, yes yes. nikit, will you live alone, yes, i don’t know, maybe the warbler is sweating, good evening, good evening, why am i ready,
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no, good, even too good, to send such a portrait to an exhibition, and not... a stand, well, this is an artistic image, bye, i’m sorry, i’ll correct myself, i’ll correct myself, comrade lieutenant, and how can i rather, i didn’t come to you, ragulya, the tailbone brought me to respected people, if i did what i did, i will answer in front of them, not in front of you, i didn’t decide for you, i drew in front... first , feed the person, treat him, then present him, if anything happens show, okay, that i’m against it or something, treat it, if
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you don’t mind yoda, ah for the last one... khariton is here, without me for now,
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the ambulance has arrived, hello, kharitan, glad to see you, i didn’t expect it. it’s not every day that people run around with kichi, i’m curious, morchikan, did you at least look after the wounded man, well, they fed him, bandaged him as best they could, lead me to him, put a man on the door so that no one would interfere, so i’ll disperse him now, don’t, let him people are walking as usual, the wound is not dangerous, i’ll pull out the bullet, pull it out, we’ll talk for a while, he’ll fall asleep, i’ll inject him now, hey! am i a babysitter to keep you sleepy? ivan, are you afraid of freedom or what? come on without the injection, wound i will tolerate conversations. well done, take it, 200 grams. anesthesia, for courage.
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let's go, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, where did they get so dirty, talked to a citizen investigator, a soldier? they helped with boots, the soviet government doesn’t love you,
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the people say they love her, that ’s the people’s love for us, the camp was your name, only they called you ivan, that you sat so quietly, that you drove, you didn’t deserve it, you sat as you sat, but here it just didn't turn out that it was a quarry or something? i respect justice, so do i, and what about you after being sent to work by a cop? have taken? the gym was set up as a guard, to teach hand-to-hand combat, i was already at the front, i was a scout, an officer or something, a sergeant, now there will be severe pain, don’t hold back, scream.
8:12 pm
hello, lida, pashka found out where ivan is, yes, subcontractors took him, you told me the same thing last time, yeah, you. are you going to do something? i do. already on the table. thank you. the rain is knocking like a torrential stream. in the morning in the window, you
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are so far from me, quiet, quiet, no, pasha, quiet! no, no, look, ivan, i won’t call you a second time, come with me, i have a conversation with ragulya, who is he? raguli, in order to talk to him, the bazaar must be finished, he presented it, i must answer what you will do next, you need to quiet down so that your hand heals.
8:14 pm
what if the bank only has banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that. with his strength and power to go against fritz with a shovel, even with a shovel, even with bare hands, if
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necessary, everyone is optimistic, you understand what this means, i understand, you can shoot, i don’t care anymore, it seems that this is just a labor camp , and what not no war, the germans are back, retreat, save the people, very soon we will defeat the enemy and return home, as promised, your igor, igor, they are for... we must shoot at the goiter of the heart premiere tomorrow at 21:35 on ntv via superstar premiere in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionrm. keep the vessels in normal. what do you think? cool, but
8:16 pm
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no one should be disappointed , by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed: spellbound premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. and then there is war.
8:20 pm
well, yes, he’s talking, good luck khariton, and to you, quietly, quietly, who
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were you going to complain about, so i was silent, you were silent, and the antisense gun that shot was khariton, he has an instinct. where did you go to the rescue, check my fighters, no one will find you there, khariton, you can’t go to the rescue, after their escape they scam you on the roads, sit down, come on, listen, doctor, help, something is wrong, he was dragging him to the rescue , incomprehensible, he and in general you are sure, he was not sent, they sent him, yes, and then they hit him in the back with machine guns, slyly, well,
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take it for yourself, take a closer look, it will pop up, we’ll buy all the business, let’s go, i understand. delivered my darling, excellent, participation in bandit attacks with numerous victims, can you imagine what to throw at you, but i didn’t lead anyone, i was sitting in the car, and i ’ll decide that. it’s in your interests to cooperate, you should be grateful to me that i pulled you out earlier, before we began to crush the charitons and other scum, and
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there will be no one left alive, you see, i understand, i’ll tell you everything, well done, where is the country rookery khariton, you know, moved his hooves. a serviceman, but i’m also an officer, only a former one, and why do you think that i’m an officer? i see, yeah, you're dead, but i'm from headquarters, they sent everyone to the front, but i finished my job, now i’m khariton’s counterintelligence. and you’re not scared with them, you’re scared, but what are you going to do, now you can’t jump off the ship,
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don’t lie to khariton, he doesn’t like it, it’s okay, little brute, we’ll show them later. they're ticking, so as not to delay the raid on the exhibition, yeah, and the more the greyhound captain does something crazy now, the better, well done,
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i wish you good health, colonel, leave him, as you asked, thank you, well, comrade, let's go, comrade general is waiting , come on in. although i received all sorts of unsolicited messages about this advice about a wait-and-see and passive course of action, but the elder colonel and i decided to take a driver; we immediately received valuable information about the gang. we managed to find out the whereabouts of kharitun, only about the place of concentration of his subordinates, does he go there himself? no, that’s why i think it’s not advisable to stop surveillance, general permission. as i understand it, this is a pebble in my garden regarding observation and a passive course of action, that’s what i want to say, comrade: i was wrong. colleague shvedov
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is absolutely right, in all respects it turns out that that we need to act much more decisively. our passivity led to an armed attack on military warehouses. that's why i think we need to grab this sweetie. that's right, at the same time we'll clear out the gang for a certain number of dangerous repeat offenders. yes, and we will get the necessary information, for sure. someone, of course, will remain silent, but someone will certainly split. “okay, plan the raid and report to me, everything is fine comrade, probably the boards, restrain yourself, there is, well done, okay, i’ll return about the bloody result due to passivity, yes, now the general will give him some, yes, but you need to put the result on the table, act quickly, while the authorities are in your favor, you might as well catch your friend,
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the operation cannot last indefinitely. i have you here. i know what you have there. there is no need to shake this menacing piece of paper with the signature of comrade beria in front of me. i've already seen it. if this disgrace continues for another couple of weeks, you will need to get another piece of paper. which one, comrade general? with the signature of the minister of defense , comrade bulganin. the koraulem museum is not only us, but also the military, whom i benefited from
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his personal connections with the military command. district, your personal full participation in the operation, i am sure, will be highly appreciated in moscow. ay, i don’t care about that, i care about khariton’s plans. the military will also sooner or later ask what kind of operation this is, which lasts for who knows how long, about the meaning of which we have no idea at all. i really hope that everything will become clear in the next 2 weeks. i really want to get into this.
8:29 pm
they didn’t say, sirs, shut your mouth, maybe he was wounded or in the company of a trench, no you want it in a good way, of course, dryers, yes, these in the car, uh-huh, for killing garlic, for not being the boss, for what for the head, for hanging around too much, the car, good, does, i’ll tell you again. .. please, have you seen this man or not, well , yesterday the kvartikan came to the shalman with a trench, what a shalman, well, he burst, only he was no longer there, he was seriously wounded, i don’t know how badly, in the arm, the kannaval came to him yesterday with khariton, with choriton, well, then they left together, where the doctor lives, you know, i don’t know, this is a choriton man, he’s deeply hidden, go, garlic, your boss,
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well, at least do it, well, of course, captain, our paths will cross, we ’ll meet now, by chance, something’s spinning , twirls, bullies, refuses me, outright no, tsaron, categorically, two gangs remained in the city, take over everything, khariton, trouble, garbage, the city lyoshka was covered, i myself almost flew into a raid, many of them ran, all right, the borrowers have not yet had time to catch up, now we have half the strength in the city, yes, there is no strength you’re talking about this, my authority is falling, nothing,
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now it’s definitely not going to come for good measure , you need to scare nothing, put pressure on the king, nothing will get scared and come crawling, chryton, you gave the king a week, no week, now put pressure until he waits, you can’t take the tsar with your bare hands , we’ll put people down, you’re smart, think about how to take him, give this new girl ivan, take him with you, i can’t, i haven’t checked him yet, so you’ll check him in action, we’ll see, with happy birthday, megamarket, give joy, only on the megamarket’s birthday syntec oil platinum for only 1,490 rubles. the command of the fifteenth cavalry cossack division entrusted me with the creation of a cossack hundred,
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8:37 pm
hello, grandfather, and don’t sneeze, go to the king conversation, soaring, late, you, the tsar was thrown off in the seventeenth, what do you need, you from khariton, from gorelik, escort the guest, search him. chriton has completely misled the shores, sooner or later everyone he has gathered around him will be brought under the cop’s bullets, and you know, they scratch painfully, i know, i know, completely headless people who will go under kharidon, well, it’s difficult for him to resurrect, i, yeah, i never bowed to anyone, never, so gorelka decided to turn to you, why does he need this, yeah, i...
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well, let's go and meet the expected guest in full dress?
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comrades, don’t kill me, i’m not with these bullies, my business is on my side, bring the machine gun somewhere, in the house, guys, just don’t set fire to my house, but the tsar still has people left, so they’re crammed around the city, who where, so think for yourself, how long will you live here, if they call it that, so what should i do, or what? gorel,
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will you take your grandfather with you? let's take it. lida, where are you going, i’m leaving, i won’t let you go, let’s talk, i won’t talk to you
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, i won’t listen to you, it’s uncomfortable here. "let's go home, talk calmly, you don't even was going to do what he promised me, maybe you wanted to find him, but in order to put him in jail again. house, you see, there’s the entrance, second floor, you’ll wait there, i’ll go see khariton, then we’ll decide what and how, you know, it seemed to me that the tsar
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didn’t mind going with you, it seemed to you, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, old man, help, go, lie down, and i’ll call the doctor for you, wait, point the keys, open the door, come on, come on!
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before his death, the king gave you the hotels. what would he be doing there? not harrowing, i’ll change it as needed, the man was proud, machine gun found, found, we should hide it for borrow, but why is it needed in the city, we have an exhibition, right, why carry it back and forth? you wanted to see me, i’m oh, trash, don’t be afraid,
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no one will grab you or your trench, i’m alone, but... i came, brave, and i’ll hang my nose, they’ll take you with knives, you won’t hang, i know that you have a tooth for one person, you will help me find it, you will help me, why do doctor khariton know where he lives? as a comment, in a high-rise building, i don’t remember the apartment. got it, yes, good advice, don’t hang around here too long, otherwise
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soon an audit may come, causing trouble. thank you. do you live here? well, i’m spending the night, did you quarrel with pavel? no, it’s closer to work, did he
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say anything about ivan? no, please forgive me for speaking rudely to you at the police station, nothing. closer to work. i’m ready, i think me and my boys will help you, i love you, sit down, don’t have tea, now it’s like your own, thank you, kharitov, pour it, self-service. and give me a splash, but you did everything right, you’ll be under
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supervision here, otherwise i heard what happened to the king, his rogues shot at each other friend, and the bear was burned, and if the king had come with me, he would now be sitting here, helping himself to vodka, listen, no tea, how much do you have?
8:49 pm
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i’m thinking, with khariton we never got eyes and ears, shved took the driver, and how will we track the moment of the attack, almas is already in the window, words. go to bed, yeah, and we’ll think about it tomorrow,
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huh? let him lie down, don’t let him get up, cook the food yourself, i got it, i got it, if the temperature doesn’t subside in the morning, give me a pill, take it, and let me know, i got it, it’s better for him to lie down for 3-4 day, smoke, right? marakush, where did this drive you from? far eastern word in kamchatka, perhaps poacher? on sakhalin. were you also on the quiet side? i had to. there are beautiful places there.
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well, yes, nechaeva bay, wow, the magadan camp is not very good anymore, yes. hello, comrade shimansky, yes, let’s go, calmly, sit down.
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“your wife said that you visited a sick person, i think she doesn’t know that this is not a sick person, but a wounded person, yes, what makes you think that, i need an address.” they'll pour in ten, but i think khariton's guys you will be identified immediately, or you will be forced to run an underground office. and that in the meantime it will just be deportation to a place where they haven’t even heard of khariton, and believe me, he has no time for you in the near future, but i need
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an address, an address, write. “break it, kiofanov’s room, i’ll turn into the kitchen,
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the knots are behind me, hands, where is astafiev, who is this, who will it be?” “wounded, but he left, that means he’s wounded, a citizen of the police, put the breed on, will you allow me?
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come on, help, come on, pull! dear, come on, it turns out that this is the very borrowing, yeah, well, you’re holding on, khariton’s bright face won’t make you faint, don’t worry, gorelik, strong, khariton, take it, yeah, come to me, come to me, well, as you can see, thank you.


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