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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 8, 2024 1:40am-2:36am MSK

1:40 am
come on, i asked uncle fedya why the car was moving, uncle fedya’s nose started running. said: she has a motor, i corrected uncle fedya, not hers, but hers, uncle fedya was indignant, you bitch, oh my, just in case, i took a piece of brick in my hand and said, i’m not a bitch, i’m ilyich’s eaglet, well done, well done, well done, well done!
1:41 am
heroes of the soviet union, well, you’ve already memorized him, he rubbed his eyes at dadir, we rehearsed that number with our groin, myrrh, it hurt, we ran away. yes, unauthorized leaving a unit, specifically a hospital, in wartime, gross disciplinary violations, get ready for the new location of the unit, here's another one, oh, come on, come on, come on, come back more often.
1:42 am
so i stayed with the cranes, they became my family, they taught me intelligence work, they even took me with them on a search once, however, uncle fedya swore strongly at potiphon for this.
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not everyone reached the end of the war, but those who did met victory in berlin, ivashov became a captain and received the title of hero of the soviet union. and uncle fedya took me with him, took me to his small homeland, raised me like his own. look straight ahead. now, where are the guarantees that all our loyalty will not be disbanded, i am your guarantee, this whole shop is run by mustafa, where did he go, where is he, i don’t know, mustafa’s appearance was a complete surprise, and how can you explain it, one of ours began to play for someone else team? aristrukhovka, you sign a document on cooperation, everything ends immediately. glory
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to allah you are alive, let's pass.
1:45 am
inside they are in a warehouse, it looks like, well, let 's fuck off? well, everything is in order, the cars are empty, the warehouse is the same as in the orientation, which means the cotter pin and zhenya are already inside sarby they say they worried in vain, what if they, what if, well, if they didn’t trust or were afraid of something, they would have started to shine in the warehouse,
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they would have simply taken them to the nearest forest in the suburbs, in the language of the forest, come on viktorich, slowly hand it over. grigoriev pyotr valentinovich, captain, captain, well, they didn’t give you anything for me, why didn’t they give you anything, they did, they lowered the summons, it’s unfair, you tried so hard, you almost cut me into pieces, that’s why demoted. they said they should have started with the language, chat,
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dotor, ask them to drive away. listen, darling, move the truck a couple of meters, we need to pass, it's to the foreman, yeah, good evening, what do we need, please, move the car a couple of meters, we need to drive quickly, guys, just wait, black-ass, let's throw the bags and drive off, what are you now he said that he heard that there was no way for you to get to the market here.
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aslan, follow us, stay 500 meters from us, look around. phew, maybe you should sit down, people are waiting, well
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, let them go, well, thank god, come on, good one, what, well, finally, brute, what’s up, nothing? tell me, dim, how's it going? such a short time, wait, look, it looks like our nine, the kharaevsky suv, come on , let's get them, vitya, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, by the way, drive by, guys, that's it, and you're here, the world is not black and white, pyotr sergeevich, the period we are currently experiencing. full of shades, gray, what you said, a gray streak, even fatal mistakes cannot cross out everything that has been done, why cross it out, pyotr sergeevich, you just
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don’t need to live with the past, so what if in the place of the soviet union, parts of the soviet russia will emerge as a union and the kremlin will collapse. people will disappear, what if kiev wants to live on its own, and whitewashed itself, but the referendum voted for the union. “it’s okay, i won’t tell you how the referendum was voted, we need to preserve intelligence, its leadership, agents, so it is necessary that you and your people make the right decision, whose side are you on? evgeniy alekseevich, it’s not our general they’re asking for on the phone.” . who is on duty at the first kgb directorate. well, let's continue talking.
1:51 am
i don't know where they are going. sergeevich, we we have now passed mytishche. yes, in all likelihood the snowman and intermediary. in their car, dil, should i let them go? so that means, pajera and you are 2109, nikolai 40-12, maria, so i’m letting them go? viktorich, look, what, these are the morons of the motherland, damn, where is the object ahead, where will they go, so
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let’s go after them, the general ordered the traffic police to be raised, now they will stop them somewhere and try to inspect them, we live beautifully, our generals are like duty officers , information is accepted, post , say thank you and let’s go, thank you. i’m asking you, ivan sergeevich, where are you going? they almost flew away there, but why did they go overboard? so i’m saying, these goats, well, i came to my senses, drowned in a nervous state, but didn’t notice the sign, it’s my fault, you know, the partnership, as it was, captain, we
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followed them from the city, as it was, podger and the gray nine, yes, i know, 40-12, it wasn’t, but these same goats right in front of me went into the forest on a country road, where, as i say, i’m going, i’m not breaking, i’m pushing 90, i’m tired like a dog, so tell me in short, they’re on the left row, right in front of me, without a turn signal, without anything, on a country road, country road, this country road where on 62 kilometer, where the road to the sawmill is. let's quickly, well, so what will we do, well, i, i think we'll come to an agreement somehow, it works, well , let's talk, why not talk, you told your friend, what did you get yourself into? you don’t care about him, you need to take care of your own skin, dear, how
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he sent the sheikh to the next world, he also told you, you think he is the right hand of the martyr, he is the killer of the martyr, you said everything, after all, allah is generous, i was going to moscow and i thought how i could find you, and you yourself came to my brother, brother, well, you have a family here to your brother believe me, arby, you're going to your brother, listen , be careful, turn your back, yes, he reported, gave the coordinates, they said they'll immediately send guys from the special forces, and by the time they get there, well, you can't see a damn thing, they look alike at the other end of the hangar, the special forces can wait. don’t you understand
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what this asshole got you into? yes, an officer with the kgb will cut you into pieces, you hear, orbi, you’re screwed, if you don’t stop him now, listen, he sent a grenade launcher stuck in his ass into space, you shout louder, louder, he doesn’t hear you. "you better tell me i’ll tell him later that you wanted to cut me off, what do you want, i want you
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to die and suffer longer before you die?” , i’m here, come on, come on, now, now, turn it off,
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quickly, where to turn it off, where is this switch, what are you turning off, switch, where, switch, where, where is it, cut it, damn it, don’t even think about it ? dear, stand still, i ’m standing, standing, yes, your division, where are you, mustafa? well, who runs all this shop, mustafa, where? he disappeared, where is he? i don’t know, but buckle him up, damn it, quickly go outside.
1:58 am
you tried it at night in the forest, it worked out well for you, dmitry sergeevich, the arms dealers seemed to be caught, well, the main person involved left, and you didn’t even organize a prosecution, the current situation, it was pointless, and i made a decision, i’ll let the criminal leave, so as i understand it from
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snegur’s report, now mustafa’s appearance was complete. surprise, yes, it was possible, and how can you explain it, and just like you, one of our people began to play for someone else’s team, i understand everything, they covered the gang with explosives, the terrorists are great, here’s a medal for military merit and be healthy, but to promote to the position of deputy head of a department, some kind of adventurer, don’t you think that behind all these gestures...
2:00 am
i don’t know, izmailov called him in front of me, he called a car and drove to the old square, you and your people will continue to work, we will get funding, but it’s important for me to know that you are definitely on boris nikolaevich’s side, evgeniy alekseevich, where is the guarantee? that with all our loyalty, we will not be disbanded, i am your guarantee, in the new government i will oversee the security bloc and intelligence services. so stick with me everything will be fine, this saying has a second part, but i’ve never heard whether everything will be fine or not, but then
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everything will be very bad, let’s be optimistic, especially since you have no alternative, okay. “i agree, well, that’s great, now we’ll get to vnukovo, and my driver will take you, and where are you flying, to belovezhskaya pushcha, to hunt, to make history.” my soul is split in two, i hear the words through the water into which i plunge like lead,
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both of them damned, hang on my feet, drag me into the darkness, and the darkness calls me, the darkness calls me.
2:03 am
this is sergeev, the chairman of the housing cooperative regarding the meetings. hello. meeting, what about your neighbors from the twelfth business trip? yes, i haven’t seen you for a long time, please write that you have been notified.
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you understand perfectly well that colbert is not to blame for anything, even after he told the family about the daughter of some official who is studying in the states at our expense.
2:06 am
fbi, richard, i don't know what they dug up there. but judging by the verdict, they dug up a lot of things, stop here, otherwise you don’t know how the fbi works, they’re just waiting for someone to throw them a bone, why don’t you share your thoughts with the director, by the way, he ’ll be here any minute minute, you must admit, it’s very bad when an innocent person should rot in florence prison until the end of his days, isn’t it, of course it’s so bad. i don’t know whose ass you were covering, the office or yours? richard, whose ass were you covering when you turned to me for permission to send knitting needles, and under emerson's leadership. finding mustafa is important for everyone. do you agree? what then prevented you from contacting director hasselho directly? do you know what i'm thinking? what is it, you could have told mustafa that you are trying so carefully to hide this from the director.
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listen. emerson must find mustafa and explain what he must forget about once and for all, right? it is not advisable to remove mustafa now, because because your tongue is too long, it may hurt your neck. good evening, gentlemen. champagne! himself dear, sit down, now snegur becomes for them a super-agent, high-ranking, widely knowledgeable, and the first report is just a feast for the eyes when the americans receive information that the liaison officer of the egyptian president has been recruited by massad, but in fact he is their
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agent. they will check, and let them check, he died last week in kuwait, on the border with iraq, so this will largely disavow the information that the cia received during desert storm, well, let’s cast a shadow on the israelis, let them they are laundering, and what’s witty, i... wanted to ask you, petya, did you know that izmailov was going with yeltsin to belovezhskaya pushcha to sign an agreement? well, yes, he told me something on the way to his grandson. who cares if he knew or didn’t know, what would it have changed? they would have signed the contract anyway. but when this foam settles down, when it passes,
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love for... with the germans, americans, french, they will need information, they will need us, who will they, petya, cover, i have a new year, well, as you say, actually dima i wanted to come to the dacha, pay off the price debt, well, let them have fun with the young ladies, and you and i will sit, like an old man, to prepare the jelly, oh, honey is coming in...
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thank you, caramilitsa. where do you live now? oh, in my father's apartment. dad is at the dacha, not away. is it being treated? well, yes. and katya, how? fine. he goes for procedures, we
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rarely see each other now. you don’t want to see each other, she doesn’t want to, that’s enough, motherly look, everything is fine with me, i’ve done it. no, you didn’t cope with anything, you still love her , you’re very worried, how are you, but no way, well, i’m in love with one person, well, he doesn’t pay any attention to me at all, uh-huh, but i hope it’s not one of your suitors, at bmw, no, what are you, no, he’s positive, law-abiding. and very correctly, from the institute, or what? do you really care? come on, go, it's late, yeah.
2:12 am
what do you need? oh, sera, is that you, or what? i am alexey! help out the oil, i’m completely screwed, it’s eating up an infection, so here in zahodskoye it’s 15 km, i know, i know, i need to get to rostov by 8 am, if i don’t get there, the bosses will tear my ass to the german cross, you know, why the hell
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we need such leadership, there are no bosses they choose, rostov, rostov, now i’ll go get a lantern, come on, come on, what’s in rostovet, yes, in rostov he got two containers of powdered milk, rastov, rostov, oh, you can play sniffles, but what’s that? shmarovozka, carrying whores along the highway, shine a light here. boys, would you like to rest? what, you started your work shift without time to rest, mother? it’s inexpensive, i can take some groceries, if that’s the case? would you go after your bastards? get out yourself, and what are you doing? okay, go ahead. come on here. that's it, lower it and start it.
2:14 am
oh, you goat to examine!
2:15 am
dmitry sergeevich, in purely human terms, you weren’t offended that snegor beat you to the punch and received a rank and promotion. oh, it always scares me when there's opposition. the thread switches to a confidential tone, it seems that we are connected by years of friendship, isn’t it, well, if not friendship, then at least cooperation, after all , we are doing one thing, yeah, i see, snegur’s appointment was a fake, it was part of another operation , of course, well, finally, what kind of encouragement for a distinguished employee, i ’ll light a cigarette, well, where did you get these girls, no you have to be jealous, the girls are decent students,
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you met the other day in a restaurant, you don’t have to continue further, you were witty and irresistible, well, well, you’re a married man, you understand, daughter, well, dad, what course are you in now,
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dad , in the fourth year, you finish one year, the next, and maybe she’s in our translation department, why the hell we surrendered to them, gaydar, this used to be service in the kgb, benefits, salary, well , prestige, so what... they say , now any secretary with english in some joint venture gets more colonels, there are a lot of manufacturers, prices are falling, and before you know it, in a couple of years everything will be overstocked and it will all cost pennies, that’s all, let me consider the lecture on the advantages of capitalism over, were you in paris, i wasn’t in amsterdam, i was alone once, there was freedom, really, right?
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happy new year, dears, look, look, there will be a lot of cheers there, a lot more, i wonder, but you can make a list, oh, that is , instead of yelsin, he will congratulate us or something, well, what country, such congratulations, come on, guys, on happy new year, happy new year, cheers, comrades.
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this rotten system should have collapsed long ago, it’s a rotten system, my love, it wasn’t the system that won the war,
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yes, i, gayder, you from the technical department, they themselves don’t celebrate and don’t give it to others, well, in general, they are in a complete stupor, because the winter session is marxist-leninist philosophy, and what a marxist leninist is now, so what, they canceled the exam, uh-huh, now they came up with some kind of... a go-to exam on world artistic culture, and that the administration
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is still carrying out some kind of activities regarding ? look, i didn't know that your father he’s so friendly, i’m sorry, he’s good, he’s friends, how, i understand, he’s disgusting, kind of slippery, oriental, it’s a delicate matter, but what’s subtle, he’s been sticking to me for the second year now, however, he ’s even in my side. .. hey, owners, we fell asleep there, what?
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i received a call from the service due to the fact that your spouse was being checked. your ex-wife is not over yet, then everything that is in one way or another connected with her contacts with the outside world, in agreement with colleagues, is transferred to us, what about katya? she's fine, 20 minutes ago the wiretap recorded her call to the major snowman, so what? it seems to her that supposedly someone is breaking into her house, supposedly they want to arrest her, well, you understand, this is an inadequate state, these are the consequences of stress, that is... what happened? alekseevna, his wife, ex-wife, felt unwell and he went to see her. lyudochka, why
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don’t we drink with you to the new year and new happiness. why not, heydar adilich, well, i asked, just heydar, just heydar. katya, katya, it's me, zhenya, zhenya, look through the peephole, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, it just seemed like they rang the bell, the wrong door, guests came to the neighbors, go home,
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open it, please, sorry for disturbing you. katya, i can come in, but katya? no, i'm already asleep, katya! i’ll go and open it, i’ll open it myself, take your half, let’s go, are you expecting someone, coke?
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sorry, we have nothing to offer you, we ourselves are starving, the prophet told us to share,
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but if there is nothing, then at least with a kind word, go in peace, peace to this house and its inhabitants. brought a bow from the holy martyr salah, glory to allah, you are alive, we did not know what happened to you, come in, come in, come in. oh, yes, i see it’s a full house today, you were there. she had you, you were with her, not ari, you weren’t, you didn’t open it, they talked through the door, everything
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is fine with her, no one is breaking in, they made a mistake in the apartment, i wonder who else she called, she didn’t call me, she has the phone during the wiretap, dzhalaev told me, he envies the dzhalaevs, he’s always in the know, always calm, but we’re running around, fussing about something, you’re trying in vain, she won’t open it.
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how is it going? are you going to sit here until the morning? no, i’ll finish my drink now and go, i can give you a lift? well, what are you looking at? like you warned me? well, if you want, hit me, dima, i can’t help myself, you know? shut up already, what?
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here, too, it seems like she’s divorced, but just as soon as she snapped, she came, she’s my wife, yes, maybe an ex, but a wife, i’m obliged, i owe something, that you’re obliged, you came because you ’re drawn to her, because you can’t live without her, you can’t breathe, and i can’t either. and she can be
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as big as a dog, you see? well, yes, i see him moving towards jake, checking himself like a professional. just don't scare me off. are the special forces ready? yes, i'm ready.
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once every couple of months, the fbi conducted surveillance of all our diplomats, but usually their stompers didn’t care much about secrecy. “our people always clearly saw when they were being followed, but the americans were watching averyanov seriously, the guy, he was experienced, so apparently several groups of good professionals were set up for him, but unfortunately, he did not notice one group and brought it to the park, takyanova they took it to the cache, the report they gave me to read didn’t mention this, and you, of course, don’t know, but i, of course, i don’t know, we just needed this now, that the americans, they have nothing to show him except a pile of ashes, the state deb promised not to make a fuss, it was leaked to the press, no, i
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’m telling you, nothing... a guarantee that he will notice them , on the other hand, due to the nature of his service, he may be aware of veryanov’s detention, and if not, ilya konstantinovich, the fbi is not fools, they won’t say a word to the kia, they will wait in the park for the one who comes to pick up the bookmark when he should pick up our
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questions from the hiding place, in theory... late this evening washington, amazing, less than 12 hours, what are we going to do and think.
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who is this? who else was brought there? good morning!


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