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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 8, 2024 3:30am-4:26am MSK

3:30 am
if you please, my comrade, come in, what ’s that noise, but the drivers are making noise, that we don’t let them in, nothing, they’ll stop making noise, well, yes, well, yes, i called you, but you sit down, uh-huh, i ’ve been a bit of a boss here for you, here i read, it means that two corpses were found here. unknown bandits and the bodies of warrant officer pelpenko, sergeant nikitin and private koshtun, you wrote, that’s right, okay, that’s what you wrote too, i’ll read it, i’m vladimir gennadievich grinev, head of the verkhniy lars checkpoint, took 500
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us dollars from valit koloev, date- signature that we are silent, commander, i didn’t hear, but stop trembling, knew how to take money, be able to answer for a comrade of the dead, where did you get this bag from, the sergeant inspected it when he collected it with... it turned out sloppily, but he wanted the cabbage so bad that he wasn’t even afraid to write a receipt, how did i know this, comrade may, why am i here, i took the money, i took the money, but why let the trucks pass without inspection, what do the guys have to do with it, really, what do these guys have to do with it?
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so that you jackal have no doubts, the guys have something to do with it. hello, frank, this is richard, you are home, not going anywhere. there is a conversation, i would stop by for a while.
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the soldiers remember the past days and the battles that they fucked up together, so i’ll go here. thank you, dear, you make wonderful tea, just don’t say it’s the same.
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check you out, i see. i asked the archives for the file of colonel golubev, do you remember the one who worked for the british in the late seventies, yes, look, he was caught , in general, on a simple, old, but very...
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he was led to a fake agent, well, of course, he he turned him in, the british captured this agent. jack carver, who was he? well, a simple clerk, a dummy. are you offering us try? well, why not? in any case, everything revolves around four names. i am a middle east specialist. nobody needs the middle east. well, tell me so, nikolai vasilyevich, dear. go retire, the country doesn’t need your experience and knowledge, that’s it, i ’m off, but all these games with the former soviet republics, and what are we doing now, is it true? nikolai vasilyevich, you will walk, but i won’t, i will walk. i'm
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konstantinovich, uh-huh, got it, uh-huh, yes, dad, hello, hello, dad, dad, what are you looking for, honey, where is the cognac, drink tea, okay, i'll be there now i’ll arrive, the second day i’m driving past your house, the second day i’ll see these guys, really, but i...
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3:38 am
so we need to draw up a list of people with whom one of our illegal immigrants communicates, it doesn’t matter, let it be a janitor, a waiter, a salesman at the supermarket, anyone, when this man is arrested by the fbi, the agent will inform us, we still need to figure out how to inform our suspects, here is the list, harley came to me and asked about our conversation in beirut about colbert. yes, he came to you a little late, don’t you think? is colbert already in prison? it's just that harley is sure that colbert was blamed. someone from the station, and this someone
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convinced me of the guilt of unfortunate atasha. culberta, why would anyone drown him? then, what does harley think, who is this? yes, he works for russian intelligence, is there a traitor among us? calm down, frankie, what's wrong with you? there is no traitor, harley just has a desire to climb the career ladder, but what awaits him if he resigns? pension? 80-90 thousand a year, a boring job as a security consultant in some walmart, and he wants the big league, but we we won’t let him go there with you, really, of course
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not, please, as i said, after all , your father-in-law is a great man, okay, i’ll go, and i’ve been sitting too long. of course, frank, i didn’t warn you about anything. and your coffee. is there something wrong? of course, i understand that i don’t have the best relationship with zhenya snegur, but here is david. that is, playing an operational combination against people you don’t know is welcome. but my conscience does not allow me to go against my colleagues and friends. unethical.
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i'll shoot myself.
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3:43 am
cool suit 10 trucks of equipment, but where guarantee that they will buy all this from me, the batch is small, shurik, don’t you believe me, i told you, everything will be fine, in the best possible way, and customs will give you until... the goods are confiscated, you sell them, you get your percentage, how much did you get there? 270,000, 270 tons of hryvnia, but you will soon buy all of moscow, but why don’t you want to sell this confiscated property yourself, why do you need us? and because, dear girl, your boss has a customs broker’s license, but... a broker is not difficult to find, give him 30 thousand, he will be happy, you where did you dig it up, shurik, do you think that now some sluts will drip on your brains, how
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are you doing? and bite your tongue, so you didn’t answer my question, we don’t want to involve strangers in the matter, but shurik, really, shurik, and the customs office, is worried, doesn’t want anyone to blurt out too much, and you’ve been at customs for a long time? yes, it’s been five years now, so you probably remember nikolai stepanovich, the former deputy chief, yes, i remember, he worked for us, uh-huh, it seems like he left last year, they sat the old man down, yes, they sat him down, as if they had extinguished a mobile counterintelligence post there, they took the rat badly, they let mustafa go.
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no, that’s not a fact if you hadn’t made a fuss, which means it’s all my fault, yes, clearly. listen, well, let’s go little by little, it’s better to return, he has business, we’ll think, goodbye, come on, bro, come on, my respect, come on, dance, what’s the matter, where is this goat from,
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but i don’t even know what there's a new assistant, right? don’t worry, whoever refuses such money, we’ll give shurik a complete blow, and then we’ll bury him in a fox, along with the woman, and you’re also like this one, you’re playing a customs officer, he sits, mumbles, chews snot, they want to deceive you, i don’t really understand all those schemes of yours yet, but they want to set you up. why do you think so, this guy, he ’s not a customs officer, well, he’s not a customs officer, you yourself talked to him about this boss, how is it sergei, nikolai stepanovich, well, there is no nikolai stepanovich and there never was, a simple check, he just asked, he
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gotcha, bitch. listen, this guy is a guy, who is he? he is a thief in law, like a watcher, he unfastens his knucklebones, he solves problems. damn, that was just not enough, oh well, until tomorrow, well, wait, what should i do, send them, the money is good, but it’s not easy to shit out of cassette tapes, it’s more fun to lie in a coffin.
3:48 am
“hello, you live beautifully, no, katya, last time we somehow, in short, i would like to go, to you, to me.” “do you want to sleep with me, or just give flowers to leave? let's go, okay, we'll talk about this after you return, and i
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'm leaving somewhere, you're leaving, negotiations on the black sea fleet of the ukrainian-americans will take place in vilna." a week later, in vilnius, a strange place, a conference is meeting there, the formation of civil society in the post-totalitarian era, the british-americans will teach the underdeveloped peoples of eastern europe democracy. so, the people who will come to the negotiations are officially listed as members of the ukrainian delegation; according to my information, this person is in charge.
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plan, plan of the apartment in beirot where i was kept, for some reason i remembered it by heart, how many steps to the door, how many from the room to the kitchen, how many from the house to the road, katya, why don’t you want to forget this, why don’t i? i want you to have a parade... go, wait, are you kicking me out? yes, why? but
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why then all this? it’s just that there hasn’t been sex for a long time, yaroslav kutnik, he was sitting, a dissident, alone. one of the most respected fighters for independence, we have his case, unfortunately, only the first of the late forties, later kutnik was handled by the kiev administration, all his cases are there, we need to find a way to get them to read, now kutnik, the right hand of the ukrainian president, and thoughts does not allow the division of the fleet, he is ready to sell his soul to the devil, just... so that we are not in sevastopol, and where do we get everything from? this is known, my source is not mistaken, so
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come on, in march of this year you, gaprindashvili and shalimov flew to vilnius, can you tell me why the operational officers were needed, was force support needed? you’re in vain pretending that you don’t understand what we’re talking about, here’s an extract from the accounting statement, it shows that shalima and gaprindashvili bought tickets to vilnius and back, what do you say? it was an official trip to a conference. but you were not in the russian delegation, we checked, you were with someone met in vilnius, dmitry sergeevich, perhaps, but why did they take the support group?
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the three of us are somehow more fun.
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yes, you are from georgia, how are you, it’s hard, you can’t get rid of the soviet past so easily, we’ll be coughing up for a long time, what’s the noise, now it’s like he’s calling in a terrible way to nadze, i don’t like zviad, he betrayed everyone at seventy seventh, repented on television. wait, you are yaroslav kutnik,
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right? yes, amazing! listen, this is incredible! yaroslav nikolaevich, excuse me, i just, i, i read so much about you back in chronicle of current events, then suddenly i saw it on the list of delegates. david, david! gaprindashvili. sergei tornovsky. gaprindashvili, not a relative of the chess player. very distant. i'll take my suitcase. no, seryozha, thank you. he is always with me. nice to meet you. yes. listen, how great it is that i met you. the fact is that i am preparing a large report on national liberation movements in the former republics. and i would really like to talk to you about the situation in ukraine, about the rukh. how are you this evening? today no, today i'm busy until night, i have a meeting tomorrow. until 7:00, then i seem to be free, great, then at 8 tomorrow i’ll meet you in the lobby, there ’s a very cozy restaurant nearby, the food is wonderful, you can talk, it’ll be
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delicious, i guarantee. you didn’t like it, what could you like there besides the charm of miss table? how many of you will there be? two, but this person will serve customers, let your people prepare everything and give it to him, and you know what we need is some kind of uniform from your waiters, a white shirt and black trousers from you yes, we’ll find it, great,
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khaharli, did you refuse to send lempard to vilnius? yes. lempard will return to moscow. by the way, haven’t you noticed that lempart is very nervous? if someone else in his place, having noticed the surveillance, would have come to me. and he called his father-in-law and threw a tantrum. you weren't outraged, and neither was harley. yes, i didn’t even know that they were following me too much. well, to hell with the fbi. i have a strong feeling that something is really wrong with us, that is, are you sure that there is only one way, of course, you need to join the force from which moscow it is believed that she is afraid, today these are americans, i apologize, who will have what from drinks, probably local vodka,
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then with your permission. dry yes, of course, it’s just that your situation is more complicated, these rebellious autonomies, of course, moscow will play this card, will supply weapons, volunteers, well, moscow now has a lot of its own problems, the economy is destroyed, the people are impoverished, do they care about such a situation? ? you know, economics is economics, and this is geopolitics, they are still imperials. thank you, thank you dear, have a nice evening, thank you, i would like to drink to you, yaroslav nikolaevich, you know, i was never a fighter, a dissident researcher, the most surrendered, minor troubles with the kgb, well, you understand, and you, your comrades, brought me into genuine admiration, thanks to you and such like you, this rotten country on...
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finally fell apart for you, for your our victory, thank you, david, but i never overestimated our contribution, well, be careful, here open it, listen, dear, help him until get it at home, yes, come on, i can’t do it alone, i’ll... thank you, okay, just quickly, it’s not far from here, the plan didn’t work, he doesn’t have a briefcase, okay, the apartment is cancelled, we’ll take him to his room, inject him there, then let’s go to the service elevator, we’ll try on the freight elevator, but what to do with the key, we’re at the reception they won’t give me the number without him, i ’ll open the number, there are locks of misunderstanding, everything is in order, yaroslav nikolaevich,
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we’ll be home soon. let's go, yeah, i chose it, i'm ready, yaroslav nikolaevich, who are you? yaroslav nikolaevich, let us calm down now and talk about who you are, what happened to me? david, we are interested in negotiations, which you are discussing here with the americans, about the base of the black sea fleet. i hope you have the draft agreement with you, i need it, david, show me off, that’s good, just stay nearby.
4:02 am
quiet, goat, don’t you think you can do what you need, come with us, let’s go for a ride, make a sound, i’ll shoot you, yes, come on, come on,
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yaroslav nikolaevich, well, kindergarten, well, let’s assume it’s easier for you. in ukraine they call you a model, an unbending fighter against soviet power, right? yes. yes. from the age of 15 they served underground with shukhevych and took part in liquidations. ukrainian rebel army, in 1949 they received 20 years, but after leaving prison, i must say, they remained true to their convictions. and i always have been. “i will remain a ukrainian patriot. now remember, itel, valatar, 1969, don’t you remember what this is? this is your consent
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to cooperate with the kgb. does the pseudonym kazak tell you anything? and this? so that he decides to run for the supreme council of ukraine from the rukh, i helped him, he assured that all the documents were destroyed, and you believed, no, dear yaroslav nikolaevich,
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nothing is lost in the kgb, i need a project agreement. “girl, i don’t like it when people meddle in my affairs, i didn’t meddle in your affairs, i’m alexander gavrilovich’s assistant, i get paid for the fact that i gave you my word, i don’t hear, no, and if not, then you’re in trouble, goat, listen, where are you taking me, we’ve got a place for you. quietly, there’s something,
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you don’t mind if we make a copy, you might think that if i say no, you ’ll get up, apologize, and leave. you understand that it is not in your interests to spread our meetings. i understand everything. what are you doing? fine. do you hear? can fuck her one last time,
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why not, she doesn’t care, it’s nice for us. seryozha, come to me, yes, right now, openly. yaroslav nikolaevich, what’s wrong with you, that
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you’re not feeling well, it’s okay, okay, okay, did you meet with your georgian colleague? yes, yes, we met, we sat down, he was a good guy, he turned out to be, did i call you, seryozha? “here is a suitcase, there are documents in it, let it stay with you for now, something happened, no, you’re just a young, healthy person, the main thing is to take care of it, in general, you understand everything, everything is exactly the same with you okay, maybe a doctor? wait, sorry, seryozha,
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everything is fine, what is this?
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shows who this someone is, he doesn’t exist, that’s how everything works, no, please don’t, no, please don’t, come on, come on, come to life, come on, come on, alive, come on, goat , open your eyes. listen, cipa, now i’ll tell you what you will do and tell your boss, tomorrow you will tell him that the deal with the confiscated property is trump card, you need to fit in, i understand, he left for a week, so you will tell him when he returns, i don’t hear an answer, yes .
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forgive me, lord!
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let your guys watch him for a few days, when he leaves, when he arrives, does he go anywhere else besides langley? lord, sam, when did you manage not to share something with the arushniks? i didn’t ask you where your guys, who always lived as whores in virginia, managed to get into trouble with the brigade. you asked, i helped. the feds are more valuable to themselves. who's telling you to get out? let your guys go after him, and then we’ll figure out what and how. and if you still have to. "so it will be an accident, lilya, take a photo of this, uh-huh, please, here, i’m
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senior inspector petronis, i committed a grave sin, i thought that everything was forgotten, but they came from the kgb and reminded me of everything, brothers, forgive me,
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all of vilnius was plastered with these advertisements in march, these people are nobody don't remind. this one looks like clark gable from gone with the wind. stop it, there’s no doubt that they were looking for your warm company, and i absolutely don’t care about this half-baked bandera guy, what’s his name, kutnik, but can you explain what you needed from him, and most importantly, how did you find him? "u kutnik had the information needed by a general not ours, but we met, talked, he kindly agreed to provide us with all the information, absolutely disinterestedly, so disinterestedly that after talking with you he went out the window from the fifteenth floor, well, don’t
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exaggerate, after everything he she told us, he had no other choice, either himself or his comrades."
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dimka, hello, dimka, i, i miss you so much, you can’t even imagine where you were, and you didn’t write, didn’t call, dad is silent, like a partisan , business trip, here's to you, me, thank you, can you imagine, come on, i passed all the tests at the institute, yes, even english literature, well done, and damn, we have a life, so where were you, you went for work, james bond, okay, let's go, listen, not everything
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is so bad, the document remained with the ukrainians, which means that kutnik did not give them anything, he committed suicide to avoid shame, but to hell with these documents, how did the russians even know that kotnik was negotiating, and they found out in advance, they had time to prepare, to find incriminating evidence. develop and carry out the operation, who knew that it was he who was conducting the negotiations, the state department said that the candidate for the post of head of the ukrainian delegation was agreed upon for a very long time, several names were rejected, due to a pro-russian position or some dark spots in the biography, kutnik was eventually proposed as a candidate the cia, they didn’t help out, i don’t ask who suggested it, where they went. the main thing is that he is alive, healthy and vigorous. well, goodbye myself,
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nectars. kotsu stopped by, how is he? i stopped by, yes, he looks better, but no, he’ll spend another week at the dacha. hmm, now we need to on a business trip to ask to buy a good horse. well, it’s okay, in a month i’ll go to baku, i’ll bring you a sharvan, 15 years of aging, and you promise everything, dad, everything, everything, the last one, yeah, bon appetit, thank you, go ahead.
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are you asking me to hire you? let's first combine our searches. well, thanks again for the documents, they are priceless. the foreign ministry almost went crazy when they saw the draft agreement. now we will have something to harness kiev with. i hope you understand that any careless word, yes, yes, can destroy the source. yes, of course, i understand everything. thank you, goodbye, i'll see you off, all the best.
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phew, where should i change it to plus or minus? joseph, it’s me, can you get
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the federal numbers for me, 1790.
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so you think this guy might know who led the russians to the okutnik? the vault is being built, stand at attention, comrades, police officers and internal military personnel, the operational situation is quiet there, comrades,
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the operational situation in the city, do you understand? over the past 24 hours, three police squads were attacked by traffic police. the purpose of the attack was: bandits need weapons. that is why , at the request of the head of the internal affairs directorate , internal troops were assigned to be reinforced by a police officer. i'm afraid. “i’m afraid that nothing will work out for me, calm down, calm down, you are chosen, you can handle it, you will enter paradise, along with the great warriors of jihad, what if it doesn’t work for me, no, if, allah is with us.


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