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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 8, 2024 5:20am-6:11am MSK

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in the city and in search expeditions , the remains of missing soldiers are found; they are placed on the territory of the museum reserve, which claimed the lives of millions of people and became a turning point in the great memorial cemetery. battle of stalingrad, world war ii. here the soviet army dealt a blow to the wehrmacht forces, from which they never recovered. the heroes of the battle of stalingrad, who defended the volga borders, kindled hope for a long-awaited victory in the hearts of millions of people. they stood to the death, as if growing into the banks of the volga, for the sake of the lives of future generations.
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oh, great, ridka, great, i've been looking for you for creams, i called all morning today, andryukha, andryukha, andryukha, where are my papers on yesterday's slaughter, oh, sorry, i forgot, i forgot, but what to do, safe, safe. who shot? i didn’t see it,
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i couldn’t see the car, i went there, try to catch up, it’s a dark car, well, a corpse, a corpse, well, tell me, butchkin, in short, he came around half past one, said that he wanted to write a confession, well, he would have given it write to him. he said that he first wanted to talk with the investigator, with investigator, so i ask him, you citizen didn’t accidentally kill anyone, so what? he says, no, he didn’t kill anyone, i just don’t know your kitchen, and i want to tell you something, and you let him out into the street, but what could i do, he didn’t really say anything, what if he was talking nonsense, so he put him in prison i wish it was here at the duty desk, but i offered it to him, i said, do you want it here, wait, he said no, he’ll go to the porch,
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well, is there a cartridge case? yes, they found them, all four, 9 mm, yeah, t, well, definitely not big, where did they shoot from? they were shooting from somewhere on the road, from behind the trees, they were shooting, they were running, there was a lot of them, everything i heard means it was a professional, there are still some traces, we need to watch the cameras, and nikita is working with the cameras, so, guys, look, this is the moment of the shooting. and this is all,
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yes, not a lot, well, by the way, not so little. firstly, the car was black, or dark, and secondly, there were at least two of them, thirdly, i’ll try to enlarge it, oh, well, oh, that’s all that we managed to establish from our camera, well, oleg iyurovich, the camera is old, the detailing is poor, when you zoom in , noise appears, so it’s clear who’s killed, installed? yes, he had his own passport, oralov, pavel andreevich, 30 years old, single, registered with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur, yeah, judging by the year of activity, he was engaged in something related to computers or programming, well , really, anything maybe from
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programming to selling computer components, family, officially unmarried, apparently lives with her mother, obviously, but they interviewed her in general, rydanov took her to the morgue for identification, then we will interview her. i see, so what? this is it, please tell me what it is? ekaterina markovna, we can talk, you are able to answer the question, drink, drink! ekaterina markovna, tell me, has your son been quarreling with someone lately, maybe some threats have been received? yes, what kind of threats are there, he sat all day long in front of his computer, and behind the monitor, he was engaged in programming,
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yes, lately he wrote all the time, he worked in some company, the guys from the institute, they organized a company, he... i understand, that it’s very difficult for you right now, but we need to take his computer and inspect your personal belongings, this will help you find the killer as quickly as possible, take it, take everything you need, just find those who did it. come on, let's be quicker now the commentator will stop everything, stay on the street overnight, calmly, i agreed with petrovich, he promised not to lock the door, petrovich is generally normal, and you go, my children, i'm at the 24-hour station, you have money left, and
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what i won’t sell it, i’m looking for kefir, what an ear, oh! thank you very much, good luck, hey guy, it’s good that i waited for you, it seems someone i left one of yours, for sure, this is lyuskina, here is a stupid nesting doll, listen, i would thank you, would you like some kefir, oh well, i understand, students, you must be so honest. young man, why are you
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walking down the street in such a state? you consumed it, you consumed it, your young man definitely doesn’t smell like kefim, huh? i haven’t used kefir yet, what kind of bag do you have? and this is lyuskina, i’m just bringing it to her, lyuskina, uh-huh, come with us, we’ll take it together, where, let’s go, wait, she lives in a hostel, okay, ok, uh-huh, sit down. good morning, georgievich, it’s not like that, it’s really good, well, yes, well, there’s a big uproar in the headquarters because of this, big, small, but
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there is increased attention, it was leaked to the press, well, that’s all the more so, okay, let’s go, now the most important thing is for nikita. the computer was confiscated, confiscated, confiscated, nikitos and i went yesterday, well, well, he was really involved in programming, worked for many companies, judging by his contacts, he was quite in demand, have you heard anything about him? - no, but i know people who worked with him, very serious ones there, and what is the company that his mother told about, where his former classmates work? and beta version, i do contracts for others, a lot of americans, by the way, order from them, right? igor, we should check this company. yes, i understand, we will do it. tell me if there is anything that would indicate a possible
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reason. well, from what i saw, no, but there is a partition on the disk, it's encrypted. so what? and what's in there? what's there? is it encrypted? well, who are you? have i, a computer genius, tried to hack? how can i hack it? cryptocat for 512 characters? a? all clear. forgot about it. the correspondence has been preserved, not everything is so simple with the correspondence, there is one open, there is a second one, which also cannot be hacked, well, exactly, a person has a double life, and this suggests that the person had something to hide, every effort must be made, to find out that if we understand this, then we will find the killer, but according to the personal version, the mother says that he had no one, he divorced his girlfriend about three months ago, uh-huh, this is with veronica, right? yes, like veronica, but her mother called her that, and
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what? and he has a photo on social networks of them together? old photo? well, yes, so what of this? but the funny thing is that she deleted them from her page, but he didn’t. so let's go and show these pictures? wait, i’m a computer guru, wait a second, i have everything with me, so now through remote access. well done, nekitos, well done, you definitely need to talk to her, you need this too. potapinka will do it, and you and nikitos will go to the company for which he was killed and wrote the program. yes bro, veronika pavlovna, senior lieutenant potapinko, inter-district homicide department, i called you. well, i told you that i’m rushing to work now and can’t talk. i understand everything, i won’t take up much of your time. let's sit down and talk, okay? well, okay, let's go. to be honest, i don’t really
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understand why you don’t want to help the investigation catch the killer. as far as i know, you and pavel have a close and intimate relationship. well, yes, we dated for quite a long time, lived together for some time. how much is this? well, about 5 years. who initiated your breakup? you or him? well you know, pasha’s character is not the same, so i understand, but after that you didn’t meet with him again? no, why did we meet, see each other, we have many mutual friends, that’s why we met, you also work as a programmer, yes, i work as a programmer, now yes, but what does it mean now, well, before that i worked as a bank operator, for several years, you know, i have to go to work, it’s okay, i understand everything, but just try to find some time, i need to ask you a few questions, of course, but what should we hide,
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everyone here knew pasha well, hello, hello, i’m the backbone of the company, almost all my classmates are, so to speak, from the same nest, take a seat, thank you, thank you, where was his workplace, and pasha’s, yeah, well... “you see, pasha was working at home, the point is that i have to go to the moon, as long as the cat is ready on time, would you like some tea, no, thank you, thank you, katyusha, please make tea for me and the guests, and i saw he had modules for serious programs, he worked well, compactly, well, pasha was a very talented person, meticulous, in a good way words, in its modules, in general, during debugging , jambs rarely crawled out. i would say pasha, when was the last time you saw him? well,
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five or six days, no, 5 days ago, did you meet at work? well, yes, i wanted to clarify when he will pass the text recognition module. well, you should have seen this if you got to the computer, well, actually the data is encrypted, that’s how, that’s it... i don’t know, we don’t have any secret developments, there’s a technical specification for everything, i can show you, nikitos, look and take copies, if there are any, certainly. yes, i’ll wait for you on the street, goodbye, all the best, oh, katyusha, prepare all the documentation for your friend, let’s go, yeah.
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well, dimunin konstantin igorevich, do you want a drink? uh-huh, oh, well , now tell me, i, oh, yesterday i went with my friends, went to the club, drank there, of course. what is not visible, it is clear, then we went to the hostel, so at the club i grabbed my purse, but no, it’s lyuskina, she forgot it in the taxi, and the taxi driver brought her back, the taxi driver, well, yes, the taxi driver, came back to get the bag give it away, well, well , yes, yes, alya has already gone to bed, well, here he is and he gave it to me, it was just the cops, oh, oh,
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a policeman, so, konstantin, i see that the person is still inexperienced, you can get a conditional one on the first move, oh, what a first move, now, where is my phone, i have your phone, who are you going to call, well, lyuski, let him take this bag of his, call. well, of course, yes, but your lyuska has a name, she is not mine, but someone else’s, so, in general , you live on lonskoye, hello, captain
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oslikov, theft department of the inter-district military division. lyudmila samokhvalova lives with you, there is one, but you can call her, now i’m connecting her to the room, hello, hello, lyuska, matryushka, you are stupid, you forgot your bag in the taxi, oh, damn, you have it, well, yes, only we are in the police with someone, with your bag, only here is the captain of the donkeys, what are you , kostya, i feel so bad, where is my bag, why is it so stupid? i have your bag, we’re going to the police with it, there’s also the captain of the donkeys who wants to put me in prison, what are you talking about, what captain, what nazis, that ’s it, that’s enough, take the bag and get out of here, thank you, no, guys, this is definitely it i was in the company, i later checked the photo on the computer, exactly veronica, it’s unclear why she’s afraid that
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she’s being eluded, is not completely worried about the death of the person with whom she lived for so many years. maybe without an official marriage, in general, you need to check what kind of bank she worked for? listen, it’s written down in my office, i’ll tell you later, she quit there 3 months ago, maybe it’s somehow connected with the murder, but it’s unlikely, we don’t have any leads, so we’ll have to dig. different sides, i agree, that’s what worries me, boys, they still shot very closely, four shots, all to the chest from 25 m, not from the very exact tt, in our department there are few people who shoot like that, which means he is a trained shooter, unlike some, at the latest shooting ranges, everyone knows that i was after a 24-hour duty, well, of course, in the end oslikov with his thefts
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shot better than our lethal, why are you laughing, they will give us a bonus, here’s the bonus... we need to earn money, in general, rita, find out what kind of bank you are, do the personal version, well then i ’ll go to my mother, and then to my ex, okay, and i’ll go to myself i'll take the production version, okay, more cheesecakes, it shouldn't have, look, he stole my bag...
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quarrel, great, thank you, dear, here he is, finally,
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let's go, talk, let's go, where is vika, i don't know, i say, where is vika, but i really don't know , where is vika, who knows, mr. turov, good afternoon, hello, we are coming to you again, what is it? why did you lie to us that you didn’t see oralov on the day of the murder? i did not see him? yes, your phones were very close, less than an hour before the murder. you know better than us how this is technically defined. i know how this is technically defined, but this doesn’t mean at all that we met. listen, we have cctv footage from your office cafeteria. you know, i won’t talk to you without a lawyer. please, please, then you will have to travel with us, and on the way call your lawyer, uh-huh, well,
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i’m up, put the kettle on, buy some gingerbread, i’ll be back in half an hour, please, let’s go, please, that’s it. so, well, let's watch a movie, we have more than enough witnesses to your quarrel, it seems to me that it's time to start telling the truth, i won’t talk about anything without a lawyer, i hope he’ll arrive soon, i honestly don’t understand your persistence, if you say that you didn’t kill anyone, why do you need a lawyer at all? i repeat, i didn’t... kill him, well, maybe you know who did it? and i don’t know, you don’t even guess, i won’t guess about anything without a lawyer, the judge issued
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a warrant to search your apartment, please read it, let my lawyer look at it, let’s wait, please, but we, unfortunately, with we can’t wait for a search, he says. moscow, things are going well bad, since he’s calling for the militia, do n’t we muscovites really have enough strength to push back the enemy, raskin igor yakolyevich, i ’m going to commit suicide, i wanted to achieve feats, not for the sake of heroism, i’ll return to the play of a soldier’s life somewhere, not for the sake of glory, how will i explain to my son why i wiped my pants at home when all my children are at the front, not for the sake of awards. these stiflings, they won’t get there, whoever needs it will get there, you’ll all lie down there, but by the call of my heart, my division will fight to the last, they won’t be afraid, i’ll call my heart, for
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moscow, attack for the heart of our homeland, premiere, today at 21:35 on ntv. understood, thank you, at least he has a russian passport, and it’s russian, russian, they’re local, yes, it’s something urgent, it’s rare now, wait, let’s open the search without me, start, okay, but just tell me quickly, what’s going on with you? the elevator, but the old one is already breaking down all the time, they promised to replace it, they came, here is the apartment, hello, you can stand,
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you can stand on the floor, hands on your head, lie down, ritka, everything is fine with you, the second one went through the attic, along the roofs, it’s been a while since i so no missed, woman, you're safe, safe, safe, and i'm safe, oh, borya, hello, oh, hello, where were you all day, how did you work, what were you looking for, who? then he is waiting for you, who is he? convinced citizens detained him along with a woman's bag. open up, citizens made a mistake. wow.
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and kefir, please, another 20, and what is this for delivery, expensive delivery, please, thank you. well, you need to be more careful, yeah, come on, i’ll try, oh, the young people have gone, so this will be an accurate bet, or identification for my client, both, detained refuses to talk, maybe your client saw him somewhere, maybe they
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met. once detained and delivered, excellent, backwater, citizen turov, you know this person, i’m seeing this for the first time, and you are citizen khorin, you know this person, we know something about this subject, we have not been convicted before, but his fingerprints were found in doctelloscopic base of the ministry of defense, vyacheslav igorevich khorin, previously served in the special forces of the internal troops, now? the last place of work is chop dobrynya. oh, here it is, what? what? i'm sorry, so what? did they steal from me? well, this is what you and i are going to install, but in his partner’s bag they found a laptop and some other computer equipment. so. what are they, my laptop? idiots. well, let's continue
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to remain silent, without comment, my client wants to take advantage of the fifty-first article of the constitution, this is his right, why do we have silent detainees today? yes, i understand, did georgievich call you? come in, tell me, did you manage to achieve anything from this chopovets? silent, like a partisan. turov, unfortunately, did not recognize him, but as soon as the speech came up about the chop, immediately tensed up, obviously knows something, but so far both are silent. but do you think he could be connected to the murder? well , it’s quite possible, but in any case, he was 100% caught for burglary, and in general i think we need to understand who’s in charge of this whole thing now. this is what you
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will have to find out. listen, well, you wrote in the report, anderson just, oh, for the first time in my life i ate as it is, it’s not necessary to write as it is, but in the form, it’s a pity it’s not cognac, no, radanov, i won’t marry you, we’ll see, read , let's see, there's something i don't understand, what what a computer company may have in common with a security company, judging by the documents, they have nothing in common at all, yes, they can be connected in any way. from the fact that this turov crashed the car, the boss of the guy, to some kind of space hacker attack, well , maybe, well, wait, they are guarding the ogre bank, but mostly they guard this bank, the rest of their objects are small, and veronica, the ex-girlfriend of this murdered computer scientist oralov, she just quit from this bank a couple of months ago, well, do you believe in a coincidence, well, in general? i don’t believe them, and i don’t really believe them either. wait,
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you know what else is interesting, chop and the bank are registered at the same address, that’s true. yes, okay, nikolai andreevich said that you can wait for him in his office, he will arrive in just a couple of minutes. thank you, we 'll wait for him here. well, as you wish. thank you. oh, here it is... andreech, in my opinion, has arrived, come on, wait, wait, wait, listen, that second one, who went over the roof, wow, oh, maybe we
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’ll take him here, what do we tell him? let's present it, we'll scare the whole company, well, at least i’ll take a photo, come on, carefully, wait, it ’s veronica, look at the passion, it’s a pity i didn’t get the number, didn’t you remember? no, i didn’t see it, there are probably cameras at the entrance, then the party will check all the probes, it’s you from the interdistrict, good afternoon, captain rydanov. well, please, i won’t lie, i was preparing for your arrival, i know you detained khorin, but you were actively interested in his fate through your friends in the ministry of internal affairs, well, yes, he was our
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employee, he was, yes, he quit 3 weeks ago, please, here is the statement, here is the order, uh-huh, even... the stubs are not dry, there are complaints, we’ll figure it out, everything is genuine, and what are the reasons, well, it says family reasons, okay, then tell us, recently, which of your employees have quit, it’s hard to say, but in my opinion it’s very simple, just one call to the hr department, no one quit, and... yeah, in any case, we need to look at the personal files of your employees. of course, i will arrange for all the information to be provided to you. nastenka, please come in. i understand you, nikita, i understand. listen, get on him information to the maximum. to the maximum.
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that's it, let's see you in touch. what? well, shayanev, anatoly petrovich, in the past he was also from the military. dobrynya paid taxes for him as for an active employee. well, according to the papers, it doesn’t exist and never existed. well, apparently they didn’t have time to prepare for our arrival. and clean up the tails, even if they find his personal file, then they will say that he fell down, well, yes, along with a letter of resignation and an order of dismissal, well, what about the department? there is a hunt, go ahead, scandal marked urgently, go online personal data of more than 10 thousand wip clients of the ogrobank leaked, as well as information about the latest transactions and money in their accounts, among the victims of the scam there are many famous names, politicians, musicians, public figures, with details from our correspondent asya mishina, this morning... group anonymous hackers announced the publication of personal data of the bank's clients. this is the largest leak in the banking industry in recent years. the bank's management and its press service refuse to comment, but it became known from anonymous sources that this scandal could prove fatal for that financial
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institution. like this. yes, by the way, there were accounts of some of our management. so it will start now. that's for sure. so do it. so that i have something to report to them, okay? that's all, well, computer geeks' revenge for murder? did they really hack the bank’s network so quickly, or could they? yes , no, it’s impossible, such operations are prepared for several months or several years, it is impossible to hack serious computer protection from the outside, but somehow they managed it, what keys must be pressed to open door? well look, the most important key is a person, you need someone inside this structure, inside a computer network, then the doors will open, veronica, perhaps quite well, so, let’s say she opened the door, her accomplices downloaded all the data, and what next ,
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then you can demand money for silence, that is, turov and the company blackmailed the bank, well, this could have happened, but why didn’t they immediately tear out their legs, and who should tear them out, a message comes from a fake address, nikitos, and you’re definitely going to this drain not involved? bor, hello, hello, in my opinion parts, is there anything? neighbors called because of thefts in the central area and asked to get in touch. who is this? i'll connect you now. cherdyntsev from interdistrict. who wanted to contact oslikov, but captain oslikov, what
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’s his last name, dimunin, yes, i checked, it’s his girlfriend’s bag, well, that is, not girlfriends, they live in the same hostel, their name is lyusya, it seems, let him go, but they say our population is not vigilant, you are probably already aware of the latest events, andrei vasilyevich, why these wiring? if we talk about events, then call them oh what kind of speech? yes, i am aware, i am aware, but i don’t understand what you can show me about these events? do you feel about this? yes, yes, we are not
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dealing with economic crimes here, but investigating a murder. and what side am i here? and i’ll tell you, you were the last person who talked to the murdered man, you quarreled with him, quarreled, apparently on the topic of dissuading oralov from coming to the police. what exactly were you doing? i already said that i won’t say anything. well , is it your right? just keep in mind that chop, in whom you worked has already disowned you. we were given your letter of resignation, an order for your dismissal, so don’t expect help from them now, and they don’t care about that, what happened there, but you don’t know, after the murder oralov and his accomplices posted it online , all the data is on the bank’s clients, so your former bosses now definitely have no time for you. well, okay, look,
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you can’t get away with burglary, but you can get punished for life for murder, that is, you want to present it to my the defendant is charged with murder. no, no, no, no one has brought direct charges yet, but given that the case is serious, we will be forced to petition the judge for a preventive measure in the form of arrest for the duration of the investigative actions. it will be 2 months, 2 months, yes, yes, yes, if necessary, we will then extend it for another 2 months, but i did not kill, you have a compelling motive, this is firstly, and secondly, you were next to crime scene at the time of the murder, to directly transfer the case to court we do not have enough witnesses to kill the weapon, but this it’s a matter of time, but judicial investigations don’t always end with accusations, i agree, but the judge will decide, i say, i didn’t kill. then tell us at least some arguments in your favor, start cooperating, tell
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the truth at least once, mr. turov, what did you talk about with oralov in the cafe, where you then went, who can testify to this, okay, we need to consult with the client, yes for god's sake, ten minutes is enough for you, quite, i see that the person is normal, and his service record while he served in the army excellent, i even understand that you were just following orders. well, what other questions? but this is simply not a war or even enemy territory. you have to answer for murder in peacetime, you know? you can't just kill people. you can't do it anywhere. in war, too, you can’t just kill. i didn't kill anyone. when you were near our department, your phone rang. besides, you walked into a surveillance camera. hanging on the wall of our department, i didn’t kill anyone, okay,
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even if it wasn’t you who shot, but shalnev, it doesn’t matter this is complicity in a murder simply committed by a group of people. if you write a confession, we will consider your case in a special manner, the punishment will be less. i just don’t understand why you need to cover for those who abandoned you? ritka, what do you have? well, for now it’s quiet, we’re sitting, watching, the girl is clearly waiting for someone, constantly looking out the window. clearly, the outdoor surveillance reported that...
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she lived with this, with the murdered oralov, yes, but then she left him, but she didn’t move in, it was from her that he learned who was behind the hacking of the system, uh-huh, who, turov, for an apartment, whom we went and shouted, but why did she
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tell him everything, well, i don’t know, they had crazy love there, but... why did he hand them over to the management then? could this have harmed his beloved? tolik thought to settle everything peacefully. therefore, the naive gatarov went to tell everything to our commander. where there is big money, nothing ends in peace. how much did they demand? i asked them for 3000. 3000 euros, a significant amount. listen, this is cool.
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that he will go to the police, because in his opinion this is the only way to survive, i, of course, i tried to dissuade him, but it’s clear, and what did you do after the meeting with aralov, i went to the office, hired a lawyer, we went to turov’s apartment to carry out this
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seizure, this very theft, well, yes, to give them a little brain to put pressure, then this friend calls him. he got nervous, he said, oralov is going to the police to surrender, they need to stop him. did you have any instructions from management in this regard? no, i tell tolik, call gatarov, but he says there’s no time, so we rushed to the station. we're standing here oralov descends. before i even had time to say it, i had dropped half a magazine into it. for what? well, if oralov had surrendered, veronika would definitely have been imprisoned, because it was she who introduced the virus into... the computer network, tolya, and this is not tolya, hello,
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we are going somewhere, on a trip, an ambush will be organized in your apartment, there is relevant resolution. guys, look, that's all for now. where is he going, so, stay, yeah, keep it, you can check it out for now.
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no, no need to pick up the phone, let's sit down, tolya, tolya, run, stand, police. shull, that's it, hands, i've reached it, pack it, that's it, well done, it was beautiful, so what? final comedy, please, thank you, and the package, please, here, no more, no, we
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only have those, and the black one, no, come on, uh-huh, hello, is it possible,
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the time is now, you can’t trust anyone, i ’ll send it to you your little man, he will help you, well, that’s it, hugs, brother, platva, if the etidls do not agree to our conditions, help, do you need help? come on, i’ll help you,
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check the interior, that’s it, let’s go! oh, hello, gentlemen of the opera, captain potapov, no detain you according to your position, thank you, thank you for coming, but i have a good reason, your enemies ruined your phone, no, guys, i don’t want to brag, but in short, when i was coming to you, i saw a fire in a residential building, i climbed in and saved seven old people , eight women, nine children, not a funny excuse. but hero, why, let’s bring things up to date, let’s introduce, in short, it will be like this, georgievich has a man,


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