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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 8, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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in a number of russian regions , the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated, where the situation is most difficult. urgent initiative, having assumed the office of president of russia, vladimir putin defined the goals of national development until 2030 and beyond, with details by alexey prokin. on the eve of victory day, our soldiers congratulated the veterans of the great patriotic war. we are proud of you. and now we are following the same roads, liberating the same settlements from the nazis. and israel continues to bomb
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the gas strip. and paris was gripped by protests against military operation tzahal. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhteleva. sergei shaigu congratulated our military on the liberation of two settlements of the dpr and the kharkov region. he thanked the soldiers for their loyalty to military duty and expressed confidence that they will continue to ensure the peaceful life and safety of russians. the military personnel of the west group of forces also demonstrated success on the front line, destroying camouflaged self-propelled artillery units and infantry in the zone. svo. the blows were struck
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using grad multiple launch rocket systems. this crew has already hit more than a thousand targets, including military targets and armored vehicles. a su-30 fighter from the vostok group of troops shot down a ukrainian drone. in addition, the crew covered the bomber aircraft until they attacked the positions in the ssu. and... this is footage of the work of the fuel and lubricants service; its specialists deliver fuel, ammunition, food and water to the contact line day and night under fire. you only have a few minutes to refuel your car. if there was a gas station before, it was considered 4 minutes 50 seconds for reference, but now the standards are up to 50 seconds, up to 40 seconds, you just saw how the equipment is refueled and leaves with one touch. to the fighters who showed courage and heroism, the deputy head.
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in several regions of central russia, the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated; in the voronezh region, more than 3,500 people remain without electricity. the day before , heavy rains and wind hit the black earth region. up to 23 m/s. the storm tore down power lines, tore roofs off buildings, and felled trees. they fell on parked cars. due to the hurricane, there were disruptions in the movement of electric trains. restoration work is currently underway in the region; several hundred specialists and 135 pieces of equipment have been involved. heavy rain and thunderstorms hit the lipetsk region the day before. hurricane winds knocked down about 30 trees and damaged five. power and water were turned off in
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several areas at once. the city mayor urged residents not to leave their homes unless necessary. all operational services were placed on high alert. a powerful storm was also observed in the tula region. in one of the villages, the wind damaged dozens of houses and outbuildings, and several cars. a commission is currently working on the site. according to damage assessments, the situation in the region remains difficult. according to forecasters, today in the tula region wet snow and wind with gusts of up to 19 m/s are expected. today vladimir putin will take part in the first international meeting after his inauguration, the ias summit. it was timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the signing of the treaty of alliance. the meeting will take place in moscow, they will discuss further integration and development of common projects. as reported.
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the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan will attend the event in the kremlin, and the meeting will be chaired by armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan. the day before, the head of state signed the first decree. after officially taking office, the document contains national development goals until 2030 and for the future up to 36. vladimir putin identified a range of important tasks, including economic growth and technological leadership, as well as significant improvements in quality life expectancy of russians. the path along which the country will move in the coming years was studied by alexey prokin. by signing a decree on national development goals, vladimir putin raised the issue. a high level of responsibility for all its executors, for the government, a new composition that is just now being formed, for regional and municipal leaders. the document itself largely reflected the very consolidated will of millions of people that vladimir putin spoke about during the inauguration. and
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urgent presidential initiatives - this is a specific list of goals and tasks that reinforce the determination to fulfill this will. the document is large, but the goals are formulated extremely clearly. this. strengthening health and supporting families, developing talents and realizing the potential of each person, a comfortable and safe environment, environmental well-being, a sustainable economy and technological leadership, the development of digital technologies, i assure you that from now on the interests and safety of the people of russia will be above all for me. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force. country rate. this is of great importance.
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you, citizens of russia, have confirmed that this is correct right now, when we are faced with serious trials, i see in this a deep understanding of our common historical goals. determination to adamantly defend one’s choice, one’s values, the freedom of russia’s national interests. the minimum wage, the value of which determines the pensions and salaries of workers in the public sector, should at least double by 2030 to 3,500 rubles. yes, the system itself, payment the labor of state employees today requires adjustments, changes that , according to the decree, will need to be introduced in... while the income of the population, pensions will have to grow faster than inflation, the provisions of the decree that are related to the provision of state and municipal services will give confidence in the future. by 2030, 99% of socially significant services
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will have to be provided electronically . the growth in living standards will be stimulated by the continuation of programs to connect households to gas and the internet, which in 6 years are planned to be carried out almost in... every home, another goal that affects the social climate is the improvement of public areas, here the task is set to improve 30,000 such spaces throughout the country, all these seem to be economic issues, but without solving them it is impossible to achieve economic sustainability, that same breakthrough growth, about which vladimir putin spoke in his address to the federal assembly. today russia is europe's largest economy in terms of gross domestic. product by purchasing power parity and fifth in the world, the pace and, most importantly, the quality of growth allow us to hope and even assert that in
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the near future we will be able to take another step forward, we will become one of the four largest economic powers in the world, this... just look around, now national goals clearly determine that the birth rate should rise to the level of 1.8 by 2036, that is, most families will have more than one child, and life expectancy in 8 years
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will be 81 years, indicators that can be achieved by consistently implementing all provisions of the new may decree, and not for show, as vladimir putin said in the st. andrew’s hall of the large kremlin... tv. russia is preparing to celebrate its most important holiday. patriotic actions began throughout the country in honor of the victory of the great patriotic war. at the saur mogila memorial complex in the donetsk people's republic , a three-hundred-meter st. george ribbon was unfurled at dawn. and in artek, 3,500 children from 36 countries lined the 1 km long embankment as a symbol of military valor. we stretch. victory our soldiers congratulated the veterans of the great patriotic war. to the back of the orchestra,
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fighters of the orenburg missile association and cadets marched solemnly in front of timofey ivanovich kudryavtsev, who in 1945 reached germany with his unit. they sang war songs for him and gave him flowers. in altai.
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soviet union and russia symbols. any paraphernalia is prohibited, including flags and st. george ribbons. the berlin police also banned the display of any symbols that could be reminiscent.
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millions of soviet citizens, their descendants have the right to pay tribute to the feat in a dignified manner, in compliance with long-standing traditions, to honor the memory of the victims of nazism. in great britain, on the eve of victory day , a book about a red army soldier who fought against the nazis during the war went on sale. its author is english. he presented to the public the life story of his grandfather and his russian wife. according to the writer, local literature contains only basic literature. information about the feat of soviet soldiers and materials for many great britain his books became a real discovery.
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elizaveta gerson visited the author. briton eric butcher wrote a book about the great patriotic war and about one of its millions of heroes, the grandfather of his russian wife svetlana. my daughter aurora came home and asked: we have war heroes in our family. my father served in the british royal navy during the war, but there was nothing particularly interesting there. and then my wife s'. then she said: my grandfather was a hero. the war hero became the hero of the book. valery aleksandrovich ermalaev was born in 1915 in yaroslavl region, underwent military training near kharkov, with the beginning of the war as an anti-aircraft gunner as part of an air defense battalion, in the summer he held the defense of the railway bridge across the dnieper near kremenchug for a month. he was captured in a concentration camp, survived typhus and hunger, escaped, reached belarus, where he joined a partisan detachment, was wounded and remained to fight. cysts until the end of the war. i would never have been able to write such a book if i
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had taken information from english-language sources. in english there is only the most basic information - a brief description of the battles, but for this book is clearly not enough. the book is called the missing. its hero , after his battalion was destroyed, was indeed listed as missing for a long time, but , unlike 27 million of our compatriots, he still managed to survive. in addition to the aurora school and virtual bookshelves on the internet. the author sent the book for educational purposes to two people - ursula vonderleen and rishi sunak. firstly, to remind the role of the soviet union in the fight against nazi germany and to inform european ones. svetlana eric says in a letter about the persecution of the modern kiev authorities to the russian language and the russian orthodox church, but no intelligible answer
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was received from either office. the attempt to fill the gaps in the education of modern european leaders failed.
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test and condemnation of the international community the idf continues to bomb palestinian settlements. the un said that israel grossly violated international norms for the evacuation of civilians to rafah, did not warn about the attack, did not provide security corridors and the supply of humanitarian aid. operation in the south of the enclave, where many refugees are located, began on tuesday. israeli tanks entered rafah and blocked the only checkpoint through which aid was flowing to the civilian population. running towards the coast. the us does not condemn the idf operation. and besides, it became known that after the end of hostilities, israel promised to transfer the rafah checkpoint to the management of an american private company. chinese president xijen ping arrived in serbia. the chinese leader was met at the ramp by serbian president aleksandar vucic.
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sey noted that between countries there is strong political trust. chairman's visit. on the day of the anniversary, the prc began the bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade by nato aircraft. xi said that china will never forget about the attack on the diplomatic mission in 1999, which resulted in the death of three chinese journalists. the chinese leader arrived in belgrade from france, where he was also on a state visit. and today the press is actively discussing that during lunch, sizen pinom, macron’s favorite dish - russian cake, was removed from the menu. according to journalists. he promised not to a blow to the french alcohol industry due to restrictions on the import of cognac. well, the fundamental contradictions surrounding the import of chinese electric vehicles, which put pressure on
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the european auto industry, have not been resolved. in the coming days, sii will be in more friendly countries, this is serbia.
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vladimir putin allowed the lakras company, one of the largest manufacturers of paints and varnishes in russia, to buy out 100% of the basv vostok company. it is a russian subsidiary of the german chemical company basw. this presidential order appeared 7 may. basf vostok has been working in russia since 1999 and primarily produced paint and varnish materials for cars, collaborating, for example, with avtovaz and volkswagen. the german concern announced plans to leave russia and belarus in april 22 already. in july of the same year, he announced the winding down of the business. 2 years ago, the businessman’s interlocutors estimated the share of european paints in russia at least 50%. at the beginning of the twenty-third year, avtovas reported a slight shortage of certain shades, as sbs companies say consulting, paint and varnish materials for the automotive industry are a large market and, although there are more russian products,
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it is difficult to replace some of the imports; this will take about 5 years. in addition to the paint manufacturer, the german concern had four more subsidiaries in russia trading in fertilizers, metals, seeds and industrial chemicals, some were closed, and others were at the stage of liquidation. lacras produces paints under the brands parade, textroroll and... the russian stock market fell for 5 days in a row, this morning investors finally decided to slight bounce. on the russian foreign exchange market, the dollar sank yesterday, the euro rose in price, and this morning they switched roles. american 91.70 euro 98.80. in europe, they earned another 1,600 million euros from frozen russian assets. the general director of the eurocler depository said this in an interview with eco newspaper. valeria urbe. according to her, this amount was earned in the first quarter of this year. over the past year, the clearer received 4.400 million euros from russian assets. as
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the financial times previously noted, russia has only approximately 260 billion euros of reserves, of which 191 billion are in the european depository euroclear, which carries out settlements between sellers and buyers on european exchanges and stores data on the owners of securities. the decision to confiscate the frozen russian assets themselves, as valerie urbain says, could open a pandora's box and have very negative consequences not only for the euroclear depository, but for all financial markets. but this option seems to have already been abandoned in europe; the other one is much more realistic. the day before, german chancellor olaf scholz said: that the european union has reached a consensus and is ready to use about 90% of the proceeds from frozen russian assets for the military needs of ukraine. yuli, that’s all for me. thank you, this was marina pimenova with an economic review. for many years, a pensioner from the ivanovo region has been
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single-handedly creating a memorial garden in memory of the residents of besieged leningrad. he was taken out of the planted city at the age of 3. with his own money, the man erected monuments in honor of the victims and planted several hundred trees. along the alleys with them the creator was andrey shamin. evgeny moiseev did not have the goal of creating petersburg in miniature, although it turned out in great detail: the bronze horseman, the sculpture in the summer garden, the iskievsky cathedral, there is even a fountain here, almost like in peterhof. the author of these architectural forms preserves memory in this way. and below the fountain is a slab, here is the sacred land from the peskarevsky cemetery in the city of leningrad, now st. petersburg, although we are in a remote village in the ivanovo region on... on the one hand there are modern views of st. petersburg, on the other side there will be views besieged leningrad. evgeniy mikhailovich is 84, and was only 3 years old when
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his father died at the front in 1942. the mother died of hunger that same year. he, too, would have died if a neighbor had not discovered them and his brother. she thought that we had already died, that’s all, because for how many days we lay next to our dead mother. no one knows, but our mother, ours, as the neighbor said, took care of her food, even now, the poladugs, along with the rest of the children, were evacuated to the mainland, to build their own memory park, he dreamed all his life, he spent a long time looking for a suitable village, one where no one would interfere, he started work 10 years ago, only for this fountain he had to transfer 100 tons of sand. i carried it all with my own hands and didn’t use cement and i concreted the concrete mixers , what is the depth there and the depth of this one from the other end is 2 m,
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now you enter one and a half meters, and he also made the fence himself, laid out the paths with paving stones, planted that and chestnuts and laid out a garden, schoolchildren came from a neighboring village to visit evgeniy mikhailovich. 900 by number of days of blockade all i planted it around the house with my own hands, it is in memory of those difficult days that the forest now grows here in rows, those who come to visit usually ask what time...
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there is very little time left before going to sea, training continues on board kruzenshtern. an excellent student there and an excellent student here, two different differences. putting on life jackets and wetsuits is a speed skill from among. which they talk about, as long as it never comes in handy, but on sailboats at sea you must always be prepared for anything, this is such a test at maximum speed, we don’t know how the body will react, let’s say to the same pitching, we’re still kind of like that there is a little bit of jitters, because we have never gone to sea, living with six of us is a little uncomfortable, but with each other, in general , everything is fine, we have become friends, everything is fine, 140 cadets, students of the kaleningrad marine fisheries college and the baltic state academy. ..
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especially because she is the last in her first century, however, after the modernization and repairs that have now taken place, the ship will be able to perform all tasks at sea for at least 20-25 years without any problems. kruzenshtern is a representative of the latest and the technological generation of commercial sailing ships, in eu ports, there used to be queues of people wanting to get on board for an excursion, but now euroharbours are too small for russia. sailing ship because of sanctions, the practice program, it is unchanged, and what is unchanged is that today during the formation we see the same faces, the same eyes, the guys, and upon returning we see completely different faces and
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eyes of the guys, who have matured, matured, during the navigation of this of the year kruzenshtern is the second ancient sailing ship under management kstu, sidov, will visit more than one port, including. with ceremonial and memorial missions, the kaliningrad state technical university hints that among the harbors where the majestic sailing ships will call, there will be foreign ones, which means that training ships this season will even go to the shores of other continents. alexey chepadarev, dmitry sitnikov, ntv, kaliningrad. and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. about the weather for tomorrow, hello! there is the far east and here in the southern regions the temperature is trying to match the season, tomorrow the warm island will disappear from the amur region, all this accompanied by precipitation, in the north of transbaikalia with sleet, in khabarovsk on victory day +18, vladovostok 16, there will be no precipitation there...


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