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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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vladimir putin, having assumed the post of president of russia, set the goals of national development for the rest of the decade and beyond, and also made personnel proposals. common source of energy russia and china began developing a nuclear power plant for a future lunar station and how the chairman of the asi was put on a diet in paris, the french media told how russian cake was removed from the lunch menu of a guest with macron. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kolyvanov studio.
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fallen trees, downed power lines, torn off roofs, the consequences of the strongest hurricane are now being eliminated in several regions of central russia. more than 35,000 people were left without electricity in the voronezh region. over 300 people were involved in emergency work at power facilities. by this time the power supply had been restored. due to the strong wind, there were also disruptions in the movement of electric trains. rain and thunderstorms hit the lipetsk region the day before. utility workers. in tambov, due to the impact of the elements, the power was turned off and even the water was turned off in several areas at once, the mayor the city urged residents not to leave their homes unless necessary; all operational services were placed on high alert. a powerful storm also hit the tula region; in one village alone, dozens of houses and outbuildings were damaged. a damage assessment commission is currently working on the site. in
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the regions of central russia today , weather forecasters also promised wet snow and wind with gusts of up to 20 m/s; in moscow the forecasts are already coming true; the capital is periodically covered by blizzards. today vladimir putin will have his first international events since his inauguration. negotiation. moscow is hosting the summit of the eurasian economic union. since the creation of this organization, uniting russia, armenia, belarus. almost 10 years have passed in kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, it’s time to take stock and set goals for the future. and the day before , the president signed a new may decree: 13 pages, about 100 points and subparagraphs. our correspondent alexey prokin dived into the numbers. by signing the decree on national development goals, vladimir putin raised the already high level of responsibility for all its implementers, for the government, a new the composition, which is just now being formed, for the regional ones. and municipal
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leaders. the document itself largely reflected the very consolidated will of millions of people that vladimir putin spoke about during the inauguration. and urgent presidential initiatives are a specific list of goals and objectives that reinforce the determination to fulfill this will. the document is large, but the goals are formulated extremely clearly. this is the promotion of health and support for families, the development of talents and the realization of the potential of each person, comfortable and safe wednesday.
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for the sake of today's and future generations. you, citizens of russia, have confirmed the correctness of the country's course. this is of great importance, right now, when we are faced with serious challenges. i see in this a deep understanding of our common historical goals, a determination to adamantly defend our choice, our values, and freedom nationally. the minimum wage, an indicator on the value of which depends on the pensions and salaries of workers in the public sector by 2030, should at least double to 35 thousand rubles, and the wage system itself state employees today require adjustments, changes that, according to the decree , will need to be introduced in 2027, while the income of the population, pensions, will have to grow faster than inflation, confidence in the future.
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the throne form will be spurred by an increase in the standard of living by the continuation of programs to connect households to gas and the internet, which in 6 years is planned to be carried out in almost every home. another goal that affects the social climate is the improvement of public areas. the goal here is to improve 30,000 such spaces countrywide. all these seem to be economic issues, but without solving them it is impossible to achieve economic stability, the same breakthrough growth that we are talking about.
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we will be able to take another step forward, we will become one of the four largest economic powers in the world, this, but such development should be directly converted into an increase in the income of the families of our citizens, but the provisions of the new presidential decree also indicate that the previous may decrees, despite all the problems, that were associated with their implementation have been completed, most of the fundamental tasks, which... the president raised in 2012 and 2018, speaking about social well-being and an infrastructure leap, have been decided, and to check this, today it is enough to look around the countries. national targets now clearly state that the fertility rate should rise to 1.8 by 2036,
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meaning most families will have more than one child, and life expectancy in 8 years will be 81 years, figures
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including as recently as you know, just a couple of years ago in afghanistan there were regular the losses of our comrades-in-arms, they continue the work begun by their fathers and grandfathers, talking about the tragedy in kabul in september of twenty-two, a terrorist then detonated a bomb at the entrance to the russian embassy, ​​two diplomatic mission employees were killed, the ministry of defense reported the destruction of camouflaged self-propelled... maps installations of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone, the enemy battery was identified by aerial reconnaissance. the indicated coordinates were hit by multiple launch rocket system crews from the first guards tank army of the west group of forces. russian under fire the artillery also hit enemy personnel, military equipment and
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ammunition storage areas. firing from hail was carried out using carousel tactics, when one battery moves to a position, another is already reloading, and the third moves to a new firing line. if the french military appears in the conflict zone in ukraine, they will inevitably become targets of the russian armed forces. this was stated today by official representative of mit maria zakharova. she commented on the words of the french president about the possible dispatch of troops to the northern military district zone if russia breaks through the front line
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and a corresponding request from kiev follows. zakharova recalled that macron himself explained such rhetoric by the desire to create some kind of strategic uncertainty for moscow. will become targets for the russian armed forces. in this regard, one cannot fail to mention today’s publication in the italian newspaper carera dela. the publication writes that nato countries intend to announce their abandonment of the idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine at the upcoming alliance summit in washington in july. the newspaper refers to a draft document that should be approved following the meeting. it is noted that one of the key phrases in it will be the phrase “no boots on the ground.” at the same time, according to the publication, the block will continue.
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vladimir putin allowed the lakras company, one of russia’s largest manufacturers of paints and varnishes, to buy 100% of the basf vostok company. this is a russian subsidiary of the german chemical concern basf, the largest in the world. lacras produces paints under the brands parrad and lakra, as well as products for protection and decoration, wood texturel and a healthy home. bass in vostok worked in russia with ninety-nine, she has.
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as the financial times previously noted, in total, russia has approximately 260 billion euros of reserves in a frozen state, of which 191 billion are in the european depository eurocler, which services and stores payments between sellers and buyers on european exchanges.
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in the tax system, this was announced by acting finance minister anton siluanov. back in april, he said that such changes were long overdue, and earlier, in february, to modernize the tax system, vladimir putin instructed in his message to the federal assembly. the president then specified that taxes need to be made more fair and outlined future changes something like this: for those with high incomes, the tax burden will increase, and for families it will decrease. there are no details yet about what kind of taxes they are or how they might change, but earlier anton syulanov said that
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stable and predictable tax conditions will be discussed, and the ministry of finance will focus on budget balance in this work. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis. russia has begun developing a nuclear power plant for a scientific station on the moon. this was announced by the head of roscosmos yuri borisov. he clarified the international joint project. with china. it is planned that the installation will be delivered and installed on the earth's satellite in the middle of the next decade. it is needed to create a long-lasting source of nuclear energy on the moon, where night lasts approximately. 14 winter days, solar panels simply cannot accumulate the required amount of energy to ensure the operation of electrical appliances so for a long time. according to borisov, the russian side has already solved almost all the technological problems necessary to create the installation. its delivery to the moon must be carried out by robotic means. everything is happening within the framework of the russian-chinese
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agreement on cooperation in the creation of an international scientific lunar station concluded in november of the twenty-second year. chinese president xidin ping arrived on a state visit to serbia. he was personally met by serbian president aleksandar vucic. the visit began on the anniversary of the bombing nato aircraft of the chinese embassy in belgrade, which killed three chinese journalists. this is a crime that president xi noted that the chinese will never forget. as for china's relations with serbia, the guest described them as an example of interstate contacts. all projected chinese investments. will be about 20 billion dollars. sizen pin arrived in belgrade from france and the world press is today actively discussing the results of his visit to paris. journalists learned that during the sizen dinner , macron’s favorite dessert was removed from the menu. a russian cake that french leaders treated foreign guests to for many years. it is reported that the dish with the politically incorrect name was replaced for diplomatic
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reasons. in france, a russian cake is a confectionery product made from sprinkled almond cakes. the leaders of eight countries are expected to attend the parade in honor of victory day, said assistant to the russian president yuri ushakov. this morning, the capital's damodedovo airport has already received three flights: number one, the presidents of laos, guinea bisao and kazakhstan. chapters will arrive during the day belarus, tajikistan and turkmenistan, the cuban leader and the president of kyrgyzstan flew to moscow the day before to participate in a meeting of the highest. how the authors transferred to paper real stories literally from the trenches from whom they based
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their heroes. all this can be found in a special multimedia section, where archival documents and photographs are published. the personal file contains the autobiography of boris vasiliev, which he wrote with his own hand. here he talks about his life before the war, about how he went through service during the war, that he married zora albertovna, a pole born in 1926, and it was she who became one of the prototypes
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for the story azori here the elements. you can also learn about real ones from the ministry of defense project. further on the air of the emergency program, with us is marat sedikov, marat, over to you, it turns out, my brother himself. yes, we have technical problems, unfortunately, so we won’t know the content of the main topic of the emergency program, but we see the program will be broadcast, marat, thank you, well, that’s all for now, i say goodbye to you until the next one the state canceled the news release on ntv at 4 p.m., before the meeting. commissions for
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to appropriate for himself the father of the deceased hero, who abandoned him 12 years ago and did not participate in his upbringing in any way. parental feelings have awakened only now, and evgeniy kostyuk himself, not long before his death, foresaw such a development of events and even made a will, where he indicated ...


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