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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 8, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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however, the injured courier is not going to have any business other than litigation with his offender. maxim refused financial assistance voluntarily, he wants everything to be according to the law, he has already written a statement to the police, and trunov also addressed a counter-appeal to law enforcement officers. ivan gubin, nadezhda zybkina, alina ilyukhina and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today on our program: the heirs of nazism. ukraine officially refused celebrate victory day. how did the kiev regime erase the memory of the entire country in 10 years? we
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don’t have any may 9th. the final solution to the palestinian question. israel is strikingly brutal in its fight against hamas. why is even washington shocked by tsahal’s methods? we need to hit so hard that they scream hamas. expectations and reality. china has shattered the west's dreams of an anti-russian coalition. why inviting comrade xi to paris backfired on macron. xi wants to impose his vision of the world on europe. look. right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, in kiev with such pathos they announced the creation of a separate branch of the military, so i emphasize, new, never existing branch of the military, it’s called a force without... pilot systems, i’m certainly not a military
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specialist, but i’ve never heard of these drones, but these are relatively new military equipment, yes, so that they stand out in a separate branch of the military, well, of course there is one here propaganda foundation, because there in kiev they say that that’s all, now these drones are going to make russia a nightmare, in general, victory will be theirs, but the truth is that they admit that it will be quite difficult to do this, because they are russian. .. the armed forces, they are now methodically destroying those production capacities, facilities, military-energy, design, where these drones are created, but you know that of course they bring us serious inconvenience, because they are constantly trying attack our energy facilities, in response to these attacks we strike at their infrastructure, just this morning the ministry of defense announced that a number of energy and military-industrial...
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facilities in ukraine were attacked, and it is being clarified that during our attack , hypersonic dagger missiles were used, and , accordingly, also drones, we will now show you a map of exactly where these targets were located, which means that this attack of ours took place at night using, as i already said, missiles and drones, strikes were carried out on energy facilities in six regions of ukraine, in kiev, poltava, lvov, zaporozhye, kirovograd, ivano-frankivsk. regions, and there is such an energy company in ukraine, they declare serious damage to at least three thermal power plants, which they do not specify, but if you look at the message of local telegram channels, then one of these thesis is dobrotvorskaya tez, the largest power plant , which is located on the territory of the lviv region, kherson was also partially without electricity, according to data ukrainian... authorities came under attack on
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railway infrastructure facilities. well , the italian newspaper career del lasserre , citing its sources, reports on upcoming changes in nato’s strategy for ukraine, and supposedly these changes will have to be approved very soon at the july summit, which will be held in washington. the publication refers to a project obtained somewhere on the sidelines of nato, which is being prepared for the declaration summit. according to the newspaper, it says that nato will not send. their soldiers for battles in ukraine, and this is supposedly one of the key points of the document. in addition, at the summit, according to the same delaser career, they are going to transfer patronage of the ramstein format, which collects weapons for ukraine, from the pentagon to the brussels nato headquarters. however, this approach is not shared by all members of the alliance; the financial times newspaper speaks of lithuania’s readiness to send its soldiers to ukraine on some kind of training mission. they refer to this lady, she is lithuanian. minister ingrid simonyta, she
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tells the publication that the permission of parliament she already has a quote to send such a mission, and ukraine only needs a quote, just ask, and then she’s ready to do it.
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an army of a monster that kills, tortures, wipes out peaceful cities and villages from the face of the earth, the evil whose name is russian fascism, in fact, in ukraine, victory day has practically already been canceled, it seems that it has been canceled, if not forever, then for a very long time, we wanted today, the first hour is to be devoted to such ideological issues .
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or former minister avakov, well, i don’t even want to talk about zelensky, because that he practically worked in our country on our television, but he is a creative freak, of course, this cannot be taken away from him, because it seems to me that it was under zelensky, and the complete reforging of consciousness, it reached some completely different level, well, it’s true, the creative level is different, he does it or there is some kind of environment around him, but if a few years ago... every time in the may days we talked about the fact that in ukraine there is a struggle with our past in general rewriting history and so on further and so on, then in recent years i can’t even characterize it somehow, because they have reached an absolutely
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new level, which means that now, that means, now in ukraine, may 9 is a cult , i’m giving you the formulation now. which are officially used in recommendations for the work of ukrainian journalists, which means may 9 is a cult that was once invented in the kremlin, which means there was never any reason to celebrate victory day on may 9, and so on and so forth further, now we will show you a story on this topic, and i would like you to express your opinion on...
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according to ukrainian historians, the soviet union and the countries of the socialist camp celebrated victory day on may 9 because of the whims of moscow, to which it allegedly had no moral right, since it started the second world war together with germany. the second world war was made
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possible due to the collusion of the nazi and communist regimes, as well as due to the policy of appeasement of hitler. today the world community can rely on that bitter experience. to make adequate decisions regarding russian aggression against ukraine, ukrainian historians consider traitors and nazi collaborators to be heroes, for example, 100,000 banter members from... the upa banned in russia are called warriors-liberators, they also defend those ukrainians who went over to the side of the nazis, this is almost a million people, convincing that they had their own reasons for it. victory in the second world war, according to ukrainian scientists, was won by the collective forces of europe, and the fact that russians celebrate may 9 means that they rejoice in death and grief. celebrate something there's not much to it, and that largely shows.
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well, how many years ago was it, well, quite a lot, before it began in may of twenty years, here in ukraine this process of changing consciousness, changing memory, it has gone very very very quickly in recent years. vladimirich, in my opinion, we still have an objective problem here that we probably won’t be able to solve, this is time, time goes by, generations change,
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and that’s where the trick was: oceania has always been at war with eurasia, really , then during rally, the enemy instantly changed, oceania always fought with one another, everyone believed it, and instantly switched, because that’s how it worked, in principle, if you remove such literary hyperbole, it works as before, only in a longer perspective, now we return to our history , some other measly 120.
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this is not something static, this is a living process, and if you look at ukraine, look how quickly they were able to turn away a huge part of the population, not all, a huge part of the population from the day of victory from 9 may then in fact, they were taken away from the day of victory, they were taken away from being, as if the very title of winners themselves as winners, this is not entirely true, they consider themselves winners, they consider us usurpers and that’s why they threw out may 9th. that they had their own victory, a little different there, they abandoned the word victory in principle, so i always
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paid attention to this even before the twenty-second year happened, that is, this policy began long before that, they systematically refused that they are winners, that they are related to pobe, good, but nevertheless, somehow i have a feeling that you are comforting me a little, because i am telling you that with the change of generations , irreversible processes occur, and you ...
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and we are starting to inject these people, as you say, with an antidote, the time has already reached such a level, whether it will happen and how long it will take, it will happen, but for this we need to create an education system, a new one, a system of textbooks, higher educational institutions, universities, into a popular one culture, we talk about this all the time with mr. alevich, films, books, cartoons, comics, whatever, all this should influence
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a lot of people, then, yes, after 30 years ukraine did not become like this right away, i remember this process, i remember how... i entered kiev university, our history textbooks were changed, we immediately got a bam, a history textbook was already from canada, the arrest was subtelial, everything was different there too, it had already been covered for the entire thousand years, even more, but what about us after all, wait, these people, let’s say they’re 30 years old, now they’re in a different place, they have a different picture there was peace, and now it turns out we have to explain everything to them, that everything was completely unknown for 30 years, that’s right, we erase it all, but it ’s hard for me to imagine it from the point of view, i saw it with my own eyes in kiev. elderly people are already, they have listened to enough of ukrainian radio, they have seen enough of ukrainian television, they are soviet people, they already had it, they were pensioners, their worldview has completely changed, the bulk of people are ordinary people, what they are told on tv or on the radio, then they and they will think so they will think, always everywhere, by the way, but for this we need our own institute of national memory, we in russia do not have an accurate view of
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history, with the word institute of national memory, you understand me correctly, bogdan anatolyevich, i am connected, here you are looking to ukrainian or examples.
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literally a few years after the soviet union established control over
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the gdr, the germans were already quite sincerely in some sixty-fifth year, they were quite sincerely already different. about military control, he says that’s all change somehow, let's look at the plot first, since 2015, almost immediately
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after the reunification of crimea with russia, the polish authorities stopped inviting vladimir putin to the anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz. the invitation was pointedly sent to the address of the russian embassy in warsaw, and the specific invitee was not indicated. after another 4 years, the polish authorities decided not to invite russia to the event on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary. the beginning of the second world war, at a similar meeting in 2009 , the russian president was one of the guests. the invitations were sent out based on contemporary rather than historical context, so it was decided to refuse the presence of vladimir putin. 2 years ago , the french authorities for the first time did not invite russian representatives to celebrate the end of the second world war. the russian media noted that earlier the ambassadors of russia and belarus, as countries that made a decisive contribution to the victory over...
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those countries that fought on the side of hitler's germany. in april it became known that russia was not invited to the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the landing. allies in normandy, the event will take place on june 6. the topic of the invitation was actively discussed in the western press, supposedly france had already sent it, but later the russian foreign ministry stated that no telegrams had been received. they have this manner, when they are going to do something, they cannot...
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forcibly imposed by someone, clarify right away, well, in the post-soviet space it was mandatory, natural and the only thing, and
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it is not at all necessary and not a fact that a person, who wore the appropriate banners, badges, and so on, in fact, deeply felt and thought the way he showed it, but i don’t agree with you, alexander nikolaevich, because at that moment...
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what does he say, i only after the warsaw pact collapsed, sf there is all this, he says , it was perceived as hurray-hurray, and then, he says, many years later i realized that this was the time of my socialist polish youth, it was the time, he put it this way, porridge with butter, what an imposition, that we twisted their arms there, or something, that's why i say, if you show them, guys, that's all, we don't want you to you said there.
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we’ll build a factory, but we’ll force someone, well , let’s not turn it over, secondly, the factories were captured, well , what’s left in east prussia doesn’t matter, it was built for you by someone alien and alien to you, someone built a factory for you, you are not happy with it, it is alien to you, they gave you a job, they gave you a good salary, that’s not what it ’s all about.
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about the fact that in eastern europe someone imposed something, for some reason, without mentioning the fact that in general the marshal’s plan is not that it was not a total treaty for western europe, and the withdrawal of certain political forces from circulation in the countries of western europe, carried out with the united states, and how does this actually differ from the imposition of regimes, you see, here there is some falsification going on here, we are talking about the reconnection of consciousness, we go so far, what was perestroika?
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in short, you explain to me, being determines consciousness for us, there is a very big mistake, it was said very correctly here, you can introduce a huge number of economic preferences, advantages, but while you invest 250 conventional billions in ukraine, well, at this time someone will work on the ideological superstructure, this work, in terms of impact, it will give much more results than any of your financial ones, just look at it economically. what was invested in poland after the war, in economic terms, the country was raised from ruins, and talk about the fact that, by the way, there was no support there, the poles all rejected us, this is also complete nonsense, you know, to be honest, but when you leave aside, someone starts working with an ideological mindset, this is much more effective, because brainwashing was, is, will be a much more effective tool of influence than this bread and butter, yes, after some time a person
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begins to be released when this switch is turned off for him. begins to think, what is going on here, what was this all about, but this period is being absolutely clearly worked out and not, by the way, not two, not 4, not 10 years, the ideological change of ukrainians about... how to explain to people, well, i want to say the word impose, but we don’t impose anything, we seem to offer, but how? i don’t understand, well , you know, i would say a few more words about the previous controversy, it seems to me that with the beginning of the 20th century we entered a new period in
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information terms, total ideologies appeared, ideological machines that worked in completely different modes, here are the impacts on human consciousness and... the problem is not that someone did not succeed, but the problem is that at some stage these ideological machines some turned out to be more flexible in some work of their ideology, and the soviet structure could not continue to convince the eastern europeans that they were living incorrectly in the socialist camp, and western ideology was able to hack them from the inside, the problem is that i it seems that... ideology had a very flat perception of a person, it believed that it built a factory, gave some kind of, i don’t know, a minimum of economic well-being, everyone should be happy, here is a person, he is more complex, there is something else for him it turns out that it is necessary
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it turns out that words such as freedom can stir up some kind of consciousness in people, it turns out that aspirations for national independence can also be perceived quite alternatively than some... a sandwich is spread there with some kind of butter in the morning, and so on and so on and so forth, that is, the problem is that the soviet ideological machine turned out to be, firstly, smaller in eastern europe, and secondly, it worked according to some old tricks, very ideological ones, and could not continue, as it were keep it in your own, in your information the orbit of these eastern europeans, whom in fact many did not really consider... that they were liberated, well, listen, many were real fascists there, they normally perceived it as an occupation, they began to influence this part of the society of eastern europe and the result was including the fact that the eastern bloc was collapsing,
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they played on this and played successfully, you still let us not forget that the cold war is still, first of all, an ideological defeat, i heard, i don’t agree now. would you like to find out somehow where lyoshka is? i have one idea. you think i’m afraid of death, i won’t go to jail, i’d rather die. this is not just robbery. i'll find him and shoot him. i
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the place where everything becomes clear, and this part, let's start with footage from the donetsk people's republic, there at the saur mogila memorial complex, in honor of victory day, volunteers stretched out, here you see a three-hundred-meter st. george ribbon, a symbol of military valor , the memorial event took place at dawn, and the ribbon stretched from the very foot of the monument, almost to the eternal flame at the top, and now let’s take a look at the contrast...
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the bad things have been demolished by the local authorities, so laying flowers at these places will be regarded as a war aggression, of course, must be strictly suppressed. latvian law enforcement officers were told about the scale of these punitive measures. in the russian foreign ministry. the cynicism of the guardians and order in these cases causes outrage. sometimes they are detained very elderly people, including veterans of the great patriotic war, as well as descendants of soviet military personnel who are proud of the glorious military feats of their relatives and
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show a completely natural desire to honor the memory of loved ones. i don’t know whether the latvian police are zigging or not, but if they are, i won’t be surprised. they imposed communism on everyone there, but because this theory, in principle, is in demand now, if earlier we told them there , let us continue about the imposition, yes there is socialism, something like that, now we tell them we are imposing on the russian world, well, yes, you probably know , we often talk about this, how they resist it all the time, and if you want to start some kind of fight against this ideology .
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it’s more difficult, because if it stands, it ’s clear that this is a monument to a fallen russian soldier, which means what needs to be done, it needs to be demolished, let’s go into a little more detail, it all started with the demolition of a bronze soldier in tallinn in 2007 , a memorial wall and a monument to soviet soldiers who died during the great patriotic war had their the estonian authorities initially motivated their actions by the fact that the monument was supposedly a symbol of the soviet occupation, but later admitted that the bronze soldier simply contradicted their...
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regime, considering the ribbon not a symbol of victory over fascism, but a mark of pro-russian activists. since 2022, the st. george ribbon has been banned in nine countries. in estonia, latvia, lithuania and moldova, there are fines of up to 3,000 euros for wearing it. in germany, the st. george ribbon is prohibited from depicting
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veterans’ portraits on posters. well, this is unfortunately the trend, no matter how much we talk, no matter how much we are indignant, it doesn’t get any better, the situation gets worse if victor zhezevch, as mikhail borivich formulated, it was some kind of ideological mistake of ours since the times of the soviet union, that is, we set a monument and a little bit more of a factory there and butter on bread, as if it wasn’t enough, but at that moment you said that you don’t agree, no, that’s not the point at all, in which the hegemon normalizes the interpretation of history that is beneficial to him his territory, on the territory of their allies. in those years, during the cold war, there were two main hegemons: the soviet union and the united states. the united states, on its territory and on the territory of its allies, has normalized the version of history that is beneficial to them.
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excuse me, what could have been done differently, frankly speaking, without collapsing the soviet union and not disintegrating the socialist camp, then
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it would be possible to operate with our ideological concepts on the territory of these countries, now talk about it, bogdan anatolyevich, i will also briefly add that the decision to dismantle both the soviet bloc and the soviet union was indeed made by the top of the communist party, there was no victory in the cold war, the victory was that the top of the communist party itself surrendered, as for your question, how can we influence what about memory in europe? here there are two answers, you know, it’s like two poles, the first answer is no way, because technically we can’t do anything, not even present some alternative information, historical, public, any, we can’t, there are no channels, they threw away tv channels, telegram channels are blocked, well, there’s nothing, well, a person, an ordinary man in the street, he should at least be able to find it somehow, there’s some unique person there, he might find it, maybe even will fly to moscow, will work in the library, the second, second option is to force yourself to be respected, you know?
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maybe, but it doesn’t matter, the fact is that the hungarians are people who have a very good historical memory, so they remembered it, they are based on it, the poles have it worse, we gave the poles a quarter of their territory countries with all the factories, with everyone and the infrastructure, we saved them from destruction, we saved them from german genocide. they don’t remember this, but the second option is to force yourself to be respected, you can force yourself to be respected in different ways, it could be a military way, it could be a demonstration,
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whatever, and i told you, well, impose forces, force respect, and why can’t we impose, if the very existence of russia is from aleksandrevich, answer, because if you always put pressure on someone by force impose, then other than rejecting the attempt to throw you off, it will do nothing, as i understand it, because yes, in the end it will lead to...
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and what do you want, in accordance with my statement, all these people who endured hated , you were afraid, and you mistook this fear for respect, instantly abandoned this respect and went to demolish your monuments, but now we have vladimir, we still don’t have a communist ideology, and the memory of victory is perhaps even greater than in other seventies.
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next to the scientist, side by side with the laboratory assistant, heart in heart, in a united stream, people are building office counters, fly around the ranks of the team, company company smirna, platoon forward, teeth of the heart, the russian writer, even at the front, does not part with the classics, you are a strange people , poets, first vesenin, then maikovsky,
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shark dress for 739, septivid washing gil for 369, candies 35 for 429. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, and we continue, we wanted to devote this part of the program to the big european trip of the chinese leader, comrade sidzenpin, there is something to discuss, but first the news that relates to the middle east region, let us begin this block with stunning frankness, although i would even say. the greed of a statement from israel, which is now being quoted in many places: the hero of this video is a high-ranking functionary, the ruling israeli party lekut, he proposed his formula on local television, but i won’t say it any other way here, the formula
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for the final solution to the palestinian issue in the gaza strip , one could say here, that his words are taken out of context, you know, there is such a universal formulation, apologizing, but no matter what the context is, everything turns out somehow very unhealthy. we need to hit so hard that they scream hamas. we see that they are laughing at us. we should have entered rafah yesterday, we would have immediately seen how they would begin to protrude from the ground. there are no innocent civilians there, we will have to go in to kill, kill, kill. let me remind you that in the city of rafah, in the south of the gaza strip , almost one and a half million palestinians have now accumulated, the israeli army has been mercilessly bombing residential areas for several days in a row, not allowing access to residents. many countries, including russia, are warning of a coming humanitarian catastrophe and calling for an end to what many are calling a massacre, with dramatic images emerging from rafah of destroyed homes,
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empty hospitals and refugees forced to live in the open air, with the israel defense forces calling the operation a targeted operation to wind it down for now not intentional. the escalation of the conflict in the gas sector was condemned even by the united nations. secretary general organization antonio guterres said that the military operation in rafah would be for israel, i will quote here, a strategic mistake, a political disaster and a humanitarian nightmare, and this is supposedly clear even to israel’s best friends. the israelis' actions are not supported by their main ally, the united states. the americans even suspended the supply of shells to israel. the press reports that we are talking about 3,500 powerful aerial bombs. the new york times claims that the white house is even considering stopping the supply of weapons. israel in future. the actions of the israeli army were also condemned in paris. the french foreign ministry notes that the forced evacuation of rafah residents is a war crime. even
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the old fascist jose borel called for abandoning the ground operation in the city. he called israel's actions unacceptable. but american president joe biden, at the same time, we see that the united states, behind the scenes , is trying in every possible way to stop israel. american president joe biden is on his own wavelength, while everyone is criticizing israel quite harshly. including representatives of his own biden administration, he himself is publicly trying to somehow justify tel aviv’s actions. this ancient hatred of jews has begun.
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sizenping believes that democracy is over and that the influence of the west is declining, and now countries like russia and china are on the rise, xi wants to impose his vision of the world, he does not hide this, together with putin they both said that they are opening an era that will never have not seen the era of dictators. according to western press reports, macron spent 2 days persuading sedzen pina to participate in the summit in switzerland, which is arranged by kyiv. the frenchman even moved away from his militant rhetoric and called it an attitude.
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the main gynecologist in europe undertook to show china how to conduct its policy towards taiwan correctly. siyi jinping then expectedly put her in her place. anyone expecting china to make concessions on the taiwan issue is a pipe dream. the press does not expect comrade xi to make concessions on any negotiating issue this time, according to the bbc. quote: putin’s shadow hangs heavily over his visit to europe, after all, immediately after returning from a european tour, the chinese... leader is waiting for the russian leader on an official visit in beijing. well, in general, i think there’s something like this, because of course, a year ago macron brought fondelaien with him, i just imagine that he’s coming for another conversation, now, oh, this stick is sitting here again. if nothing special happened then, what was the point of repeating it all now? well, let's say this, firstly, sizempinnya's visit was preceded by two.
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this is really true for the west's participation china, or even better, china’s signature under some final communication has enormous symbolic meaning, but here, excuse me, it works, in my opinion, the chinese strategine should work: throw a brick to get jasper, that is, sizempen can
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agree to this, this is europe it’s important that china be there, for sizempen this will be a passing moment, if anything, then europe will give it in return, so it’s quite the same. the chinese leader a little closer to himself, well, maybe move a centimeter along the ukrainian position, or vice versa, he will be so it is fundamental that europe, in its understanding , will move, china cannot be moved, well, we will have to somehow adapt. china is in a more advantageous position here, sidinping, we pay attention to the hard sound n at the end, and not sidinping, this is really important, as putin says, well, it’s immediately obvious that some kind of amateur is speaking, they have already said it many times, he is in a stronger position, why because sidinping can take on obligations that will not oblige him to anything, we see that formally china says: we do not we are helping russia in the conflict with ukraine, we do not supply military or dual-use goods, in fact we see how
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even the american administration says that china is crossing red lines, let’s judge, that’s a little in general terms, that’s why it turns out that the chinese are last.
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wants, with the help of macron, to somewhat split the european union, to win it over to its side, precisely on the issue of neutrality, so that in the issue of the conflict between china and the united states, the european union takes a neutral side and does not help the united states put pressure on china, and ursola for this it is necessary for the entire european union to follow macron’s path a little, he says: madam ursula, i propose this path, we will not confront china.
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once again, the ukrainian topic, unless of course macron asks, well, the real moment must be looked for from china’s position, what does china need from this visit, and why did china go there in general? the fact is that we must not forget about the goals of china, china is primarily interested in its own country, increasing the living standards of the population and developing the economy, for economic development, china is quite actively using external economic factors, this is the chinese belt and road initiative, this is... a comprehensive regional economic partnership, so the fact is that back in 2018, during the visit of the late prime minister of the state council kener lekatyana, an agreement was reached with france and italy, otherwise...
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this is an attempt by europe to use china in order to somehow influence russia, because the situation in russia , it turns out, did not exist in russia, but they are sincere believe that xi may be on the way, moreover.
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europeans believe that xi influences putin, but we don’t think so, i’m asking you. everything is quite simple, when we talk about forcing peace, there is such a formula,
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yes, we somehow believe that forcing peace should be excluded from ukraine, probably in beijing they believe that peace is some kind of mutual story, and it is possible and necessary to force all parties to peace, namely a huge country, ntv - live broadcast from red square.
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military parade dedicated to victory day. tomorrow exactly at 10:00 moscow time. emergency exit premieres on monday at 10:15 pm on ntv. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. rostix has new soft ice cream with natural cherries, just what you need to cool down on a hot day, cool off with pleasure in rostix, you selfish person, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i’m getting heartburn from your food, it's easier with this
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look at the plot first, and then try to figure it all out. sidinpin chose the right time for his trip to serbia. american bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade, exactly 25 years ago on may 7, nato planes bombed the diplomatic mission during another raid on yugoslavia, killing three chinese citizens. head of the people's republic of china. recalled this in an article i wrote for a local newspaper. 25 years ago, the alliance bombed the chinese embassy in yugoslavia. we must never forget this. the chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such a tragic story to repeat itself. comrade xi’s second and probably more significant stop is hungary. over the past couple of years, chinese investors have invested about $10 billion in the economy of this country. about the great friendship of budapest and
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we are sure that the purpose of sijinpin’s visit is to drive a wedge not only between european countries, but even between the european union and the united states. and the worst thing, as the american channel cnn scares viewers, is that this behavior of beijing plays into the hands of russia’s strategic goals. shizen pin is ensuring that any outcome of the war does not weaken putin, whom he views as a key partner in the resistance to the united states. also, the head of china, judging by his words, still opposes it.
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then china, as a geopolitical player on a global scale, naturally tries to improve its strategic position in opposition to another geopolitical player on a global scale, that is, the united states. this is obvious to everyone, it is logical. naturally, china clearly occupies the void where there is an opportunity to occupy it. seeing that hungary is pursuing its own independent policy, which is in confrontation with the eu course, which today, well, to a certain extent , is unfriendly for china, let’s call it that, well, not... the main goal of this trip along such a strange route is
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not at all there are some economic issues in to a lesser extent, this is a question of the whole world's relations with russia, and this is china's relations with the united states and an attempt to secure. we naturally try to extrapolate this whole story through relations with russia, but let’s look, you know, what the ukrainian crisis is, the ukrainian crisis for most of the world is a kind of game board around which connections and alignments are built, which will generally continue to play on this after end of the crisis and maybe even to a greater extent, i don’t argue with that, but if we’re talking about what he has the task is to somehow find out what...
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for simple understanding, there are a number of regions where china and russia are potential or already actual competitors, this is central asia, this is to some extent mongolia. and the countries of southeast asia, some of the countries that you named, if we talk about serbia, then china was one of the few countries that, after the yugoslav wars, after the year ninety-nine, actually entered serbia with serious investments, they helped, it was for serbia, for belgrade it was very important, those who have been to belgrade, they, because there are still chinese restaurants there, where the chinese are, the owners themselves, they
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work and live there. in general, in bosnia you won’t see them, frankly speaking, in sarajevo, you won’t see them, in montenegro you won’t see as many as in belgrade or in some other serbian cities, moreover, there is a project that has been implemented over the past few years, the construction of a high-speed railway. roads between hungary and hungary, that is, between belgrade and budapest, and this project is being implemented quite slowly, much slower than expected, it is being implemented with the support and investment of china, this is also a question that is a specific economic issue, that is, in this sense, both serbia and hungary are of economic interest to china, among other things, why were they included in this on this tour? and
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the president of the people's republic of china. well, uh, the main stop, as correctly noted, was paris, macron. but since he was already leaving for europe, it would be strange not to visit several capitals of those states that occupy, which, as noted here, take a more, let's say, less confrontational position of china than, than, than others. for example, china too, in response, this is not just a matter of the fact that serbia and hungary are somehow calmer towards beijing than the west.
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that this construction of a high-speed railway, i emphasize, is not a railway at all, a high-speed railway is being slowed down and is being slowed down precisely by the european union, when in order to build this railway, for this it is necessary to obtain permission from the european commission, and this is ursula funder, as far as i know, it slows down this whole thing as much as possible, crawled between the sleepers and it appears in some completely unexpected cases, it appeared precisely on the path of this high-speed railway under the high-speed railway.
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i remember i was in china in 1919, just when i went to china, i would have just crossed paths with shanghai, at the same time there was macron’s visit, here is his wife, who is his wife there, who taught there at an english school, gave french lessons language, that is, as i understand it, macron goes there once every 2 years with some specific goals, now there is a return visit, and accordingly they are trying to find out what is wrong with marseille, because macron, for all his friendly disposition, is trying to show friendly relations. china, but nevertheless, why doesn’t macron agree to the creation, for example, of entering the chinese poista path initiative, why can’t he open the port of marseilles for this, which was agreed upon in 2018, which prevents macron, the european union or some other considerations, china for us, returning to hungary and serbia, a competitor there, or we can work there absolutely independently of each other, even helping each other in some ways for the common interest, well, from an economic point of view, but we cannot
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implement initiatives like... we have china funding for this, we don’t have enough financial history for this, we can’t face the fact that china is exactly what we need, we need to do our best to look for our footholds in europe, and hungary and serbia are exactly those footholds and exactly how much they are for for us and for china has common points of support, i think maybe putin to china, so i think alexey serge , in my opinion, also did not agree with the fact that we are already somehow competing with china in many regions. yes, we don’t compete, no, well , because in central asia, for example, the countries of central asia themselves are interested in having both russia and china, in order to be harmonious, they can be interested in anything, yes, in anything our benefit? sidin pin is looking in the european union, in europe in general, looking for points of interaction, points of support. macron is a fulcrum from the point of view of strategic independence, because macron advocates the creation of a european army, for some kind of independent foreign
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policy. serbia and hungary are cultural fulcrums; they are much less committed to the so -called transatlantic values ​​of transatlantic solidarity and orientation towards washington, and if we get along with macron.
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with this thesis, well, firstly, for advertising, okay, let's then, yes, a short break, the morgue is from the emergency room, we have a corpse, you what do you think, that this is a murder, this is a plot twist, and who is this, and this is our orderlies, well, the morgue orderlies, why are the orderlies talking to the corpse, they are talking to each other, why are his legs and arms moving? lived, we will make our way through the central one, open the police, well done, he is becoming a real investigator, for a dangerous exit,
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what is there, something took someone hostage, premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. at the call of the prime minister's heart, today at 21:35 on ntv. sber presents. loan with 2% cashback so you can have even more opportunities, the opportunity to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with savings, choose your favorite trends on wildberries. both, your fashionable password for this summer. genuine leather, chic satin, fashionable denim and light cotton for any occasion, walk your pair with obba with discounts at wildbris. how do you like it, cool, but for a subscription
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home physical therapy. give yourself confidence, vigor and return the pleasure of youth. 8 800 100 exactly 14 18. 8 800 100 exactly 14 18. free anonymous call. this is the meeting place on ntv, and the place where everything is. it becomes clear, we continue, which means i still want you to explain to me again about the influence of potential china on us, this piece, on which we dwelled on whether we are competitors or, therefore, not competitors with china, but we will start from the plot like this: for 2 years we have been carrying out a special military operation, for 2 years we...
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december last year, chinese banks refuse to conduct settlements with russian companies , let's try to get ahead a little with companies. according to reuters look. due to threats of western sanctions from vladimir putin, during his upcoming visit to china, he intends to discuss with xi zenping , including a solution to the problem of bank payments. in in particular, we may be talking about some kind of analogue of the swift system for the brics countries. we are trying to implement our financial transfer system. communications with the pfc, colleagues - china's chinese
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partners have their own system, other brix countries - are also either creating or have systems, so for now this issue is standing as a topic for discussion at the level of uh monetary authorities and financial departments of the brix countries will be one of the issues next year.
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and not in their favor. europeans are unable to overcome it using market methods, therefore brussels, which has been threatening china with a trade war for a month. in particular, the eu authorities really don’t like the fact that chinese cars, phones, and solar panels have flooded the european market, which provokes the dependence of two dozen countries on the will of beijing. as for china, we need to reduce our over-reliance on green and digital transformation. trade relations should also be balanced.
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the eu will protect itself from unfair competition and is already taking action against chinese electric vehicles solar panels. let's go in order, georgievich, we showed you just now antonava, 23 years old, he said this, we have problems, it is the chinese who are now extending a helping hand to us, they are trying to help us somehow in this situation, we are coming up with some new mechanism mutual settlements, or vice versa, the chinese say, sorry, the americans are against us with secondary sanctions, we won’t do it now, well, yes, yes, that’s what the chinese think.
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will say: okay, just keep in mind, please, that after the end of the war we will conclude contracts with others, or you get gas for $80, and we won’t sell you technologies for the connections that you really need or technologies for used ones that china really needs, if we consider the situation at the moment, right now at this particular moment, of course ours dependence on china is high, but the chinese do not think in the moment, they think at least in the medium term.
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such complex relations that china now has with the united states or western europe are precisely due to the fact that european americans believe that china uses its, so to speak, state regulation of the partial economy in order to dump accordingly in order to fill european, american markets and others with its goods, from the point of view of the laws of the market, it is clear that if you, all other things being equal, you have, as it were, two goods, one is cheap, the other is expensive, but they are both of high quality, you will take the cheap expensive one, that is, the chinese one is all on us, so vanya said, okay, if you don’t want it. the fact of the matter is that in china, as far as one can judge, there is there is a certain fear that when in a few years or decades, when
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russia’s relations with western countries improve, then russia will strive, as if some new elites will strive. no, we won’t buy chinese cars, we ’ll just play along at some points with the global west, let’s put it this way, that is , this is really where the idea comes from that russia and china will be friends there for the rest of their lives. europe from china. we will not find ourselves in the same situation when ours, the word addiction, maybe independence, when our orientation towards china succeeds, well, beyond that measure. when the chinese could twist us into something like this, offer us something, insist, and so on, this is actually a very interesting moment, we are now really very dependent on
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china, imagine that tomorrow china will impose sanctions against us, but in a vacuum, it will be bad , but our great luck is that china cannot afford to completely abandon us, why? imagine what china gets on its northern border a huge pro-american russia, a terrible dream, a terrible dream, firstly, it is necessary to deploy military forces. on the northern border of china, secondly, there has been a military aspect there over the years, that very military aspect, of course, secondly , many production facilities have been built there during the years of the chinese economic boom, they are right in the north, it is considered that such a safe zone, it will be a dangerous zone and , accordingly, china cannot afford to lose to us in the ukrainian conflict, because if there is a loss, perhaps political changes and pro-western orientation, which is a nightmare for china, so we really depend on each other very much and... therefore this will be a fairly stable situation, and there is no need to be afraid that tomorrow china will twist our arms, because in china literally they are not fools,
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they understand that they cannot afford to alienate russia in the prospects of the 21st century, because they themselves will lose from this, that’s it, let’s take a break now, let’s sum it up, after the divorce the man paid alimony for his son until the doctors gave him diagnosis... infertility, we were offered to have an ico when they lived, they also did not have children initially, 4 years old, the ex-wife insists that she did not cheat and gave birth to him, who is the father of your son, the former legal husband of sholyu anton sergeevich , i came home from work, there is a man grilling kebabs, what kind of kebabs are we talking about, there wasn’t enough milk for a carton, believe me, and the fact that the dark-haired, cross-eyed son is completely different from the blond’s father is just an accident, he’s dark, but all my relatives are dark, does the infertile father have a child? we want of course, so that the alimony debt of half a million will be removed. why did you leave us, why didn’t you
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support us at all? i quit because your mother and i didn’t get along in character. i open the envelope. dna, today at 16:50 on ntv. via superstar premieres sunday at 8:20 p.m. on ntv. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new ones impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan in sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. preparation for summer on ozone is spreading its wings, all the goods have already flocked here, summer sale on ozone, 35% discount
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the special military operation, did china show itself as our country expected? no, unfortunately, it did not, we hoped for a much more decisive policy on the part of china, but china demonstrated a lack of foreign policy courage, but this is primarily its problem, it has lost many potential allies who could have been directly condemned to it in the world, so victor joseph, in the context of a full-scale economic war, which the west unleashed about... russia, russia is not in a position to particularly sort out its allies, so in the coming years china will remain an important strategic partner of russia. in moscow, we should not forget that china is also interested in making russia as dependent as possible. yes. andrei vladimirovich, we must proceed from the basic doctrine of chinese foreign policy. what is the main challenge for chinese foreign policy today to fight for taiwan's return to the motherland? these are all the events around europe, around
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america, the ukrainian cliiz is minor phenomenon. taiwan is part of the people's republic of china, based on this, china carries out its foreign policy, carried out its policy in the years twenty-two and twenty-four. andrei nikolaevich, well, i don’t know, i can’t speak for the whole of russia, china is performing as well as i expected from it, but as for, there was a thesis that war is a bad time for business, ask the americans about it, who built on this agree. i must, at the end of this discussion of ours, recall, in my opinion, the big press conference of vladimir putin, where he was once asked which world leaders he trusts, he also said that the trust of a politician is not always a compatible thing, but he named two names: the first was the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinpin, the second the president of turkey, recep erdogan, draw your own conclusions , but i didn’t understand what conclusions to draw from , but oh well, i’ll go and think about it now, so don’t interrupt me, in connection with
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the big european tour. a story about modern europe. germany 2024, well, some kind of settlement, there is a supermarket where food and various other goods. there is a man behind the cash register, he speaks good german, but it is obvious that he is a visitor from some central asian country, and next to him is the owner of the store or the manager, well, a local german. it means that a boy a little older than 10 years old approaches hasya with difficulty, obviously dragging a box of beer, there are several bottles there and he places it at the cash register. the cashier looked at this owner, then said to the boy: you are very young, how old are you? the boy silently takes out some kind of crumpled piece of paper, unfolds it, it turns out that these are instructions for the refrigerator,
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he shows it like this, holds it out, shows the date of manufacture, it says 2000, well , the cashier knocks him a beer, the boy left, the owner says: what was that, why did you sell him beer to such a little guy? he says: well, he showed that he is 24 years old. he says, what, do you think he’s a refrigerator? oh, i don't know, you have such gender diversity. it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, weekdays 14:00, ntv broadcast, goodbye. the ministry of defense reported a massive strike on targets energy structures of ukraine. italian journalists found out that nato at the july summit intends to announce a refusal to send troops into the territories under its control. rehearsal for the battle of taiwan. american.


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