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tv   Zhdi menya  NTV  May 8, 2024 5:55pm-7:01pm MSK

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99.9%, and now, veronica, we’ll do a dna test on you, or you never know what kind of test tube you’re from, insist directly, my honor and dignity have been discredited, let’s go to the end, we need to put all the dots, please , because she worries about her girls,
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i wanted to ask you for forgiveness, i am very glad that you are my son, i’m sorry that i did not participate in your upbringing, i missed this moment, i would like to send you money so that you we lived in normal conditions, well, they made repairs and so on, if you forgive us, we are always in touch, our doors are open, please forgive me. “better late than never, please forgive me, oksana, forgive me, please, i’m honest, i’m putting my hand on my heart, i never wanted to do anything bad to you, child, i’ve always been and let’s be smart and wise, i’m sorry, i was in doubt, but because i had doubts about that doubt, you shouldn’t have them, who are you to us, now you doubt yourself further, i apologize simply for the fact that i naturally
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pushed you with my suspicions. and husband, and we are ready to redeem our guilt, we will help financially and morally, that is, let’s be smart and wise and just establish contact, relationships, so that there are no disagreements, they themselves must decide how to continue to communicate, your desire will appear, first of all, to communicate with your father, it will appear, thank you very much, you still want to fill this void in your life, right? tv company vit presents, wait for me. i’ll be back, just wait, wait,
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when the yellow rains make you sad, wait, when there’s snow here, wait, when it’s hot, wait, when others are not expected, having forgotten yesterday, wait, when from no letters will arrive from distant places, wait, when you get tired of it, everyone who is waiting together, wait for me, i will return, do not wish well to everyone who knows by heart that it is time to forget, let the son and mother believe that i am not here, let friends will get tired of waiting, sit by the fire, drink bitter wine, let's remind souls, wait, don't rush to drink with them at the same time, wait for me, and i will return in spite of all the deaths, whoever didn't wait for me, let him say he was lucky, those who weren't waiting won't understand, how
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in the middle of the fire, with your expectation, you saved me, how i survived, only you and i will know, you just knew how to wait like no one else, hello, every year we start the program on may with this poem by konstantin simny, because it contains everything that you want to say on this day, and on all others. the festive episode of the wait for me program dedicated to victory day is on air. so here we go. dear son, choby nikolai trofimovich, accept my maternal greetings, remember that terrible day. when i
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saved you and bought you from the germans with testicles. kolya, it hurts my heart to remember the german nightmare. and for harboring you, kolya. enemies people, the police, took the lives of my husband, chukhanov filipp lukich and my son ivan filippovich. they ruined them. i went through a lot then. and now, because of the police families, i don’t have a bright life. but kolya, i am very proud that you did not change your russian weapons and were proud of your russian rank. i wish you to continue to take revenge on the enemies of the people. “ today i am very proud that you do not forget me and visited me with your short letter. son, kolya, i have experienced a lot in a short period, felt a lot, but i i also want to remind you that out of a thousand, you are
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the only one, kolya, who sent me a letter. thank you very much, then, goodbye, february 26, 946 chukhanova natalya fersovna. this letter was addressed to nikolai trakhimovich uchyo. it lay there for more than 60 years until the grandson, sorting through his grandfather’s things, found this priceless piece of paper. in these lines, written in such an unpretentious village language, is the life story of a strong and brave woman, her feat. experiences, the death of her relatives and pride for the country. nikolai's grandson is in our studio today trofimovich, nikolai vladimirovich choba. hello. hello. thank you for visiting us. well, then your story
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began with this letter. yes, in 2020, when there was a pandemic, there was, one might say, nothing to do with free time. i was going through my grandfather's old archives. i came across a letter from this woman, i had never heard of this letter before, i asked my father, he said that he knew such a woman, that my grandfather had been looking for this woman, this woman’s relatives for a long time, but unfortunately, everything was to no avail when i read this letter, and i was filled with emotions, at the same time tears, at the same time pride, for my grandfather, but most of all for this woman who saved my grandfather, mm, and i thought that if it weren’t for her, then i probably wouldn’t exist , neither my family, nor my father, nor my children, respectively,
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i would like to find relatives of this woman, but my grandfather did not tell you the details of this incident, as she told him, you know, my grandfather did not like to talk about the war at all. yeah, well, like many front-line soldiers, yes, he never talked about it, well , that he fought, that he served, of course, i knew that, yes, that he was a partisan, it turns out that somewhere in april 1941 he was already drafted into the soviet red army army, from june 27 he already took part in the hostilities near kharkov, they had to retreat...
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he received it, this is somewhere in 1985, his grandfather returned from the war already old, he was missing, was listed for 2 years, and his mother i didn’t know whether he survived or not, but i always hoped when he returned from the war, then she simply didn’t recognize him because he was getting old, his grandfather came back from the war shell-shocked, the shrapnel wounds were very hard on him... he only talked about the war about how they made tea from the leaves, that there was terrible hunger, cold, grandfather had typhoid, how they brewed tarpaulin boots, ate them, unfortunately, in 2007 he passed away, 85 years old,
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he passed away, and even after he passed away, we did not mean that such a letter and such a story existed , i remain... impressed so far, yes, we were also very impressed impressed and we started looking for similar stories on our website, that’s what we found, let’s see. mogilev. here in august 1941 , the german occupiers created the lupalovsky death camp. in the first months of the war , 300 thousand prisoners of war were brought here. the prisoners were kept in the open air, first in the heat, then in the cold without winter clothing. to escape, they dug holes and crammed several people into them, warming each other with the warmth of their bodies. for many, these holes became graves.
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as a boy hid in an abandoned house, there the child spent the next 2 years of his life trying to get food, the mother went somewhere every day, she soon found out that they settled next to that same camp, she decided to go there to this wire, to this camp, so she passed and saw, that behind the barbed wire there are prisoners and wounded, poorly dressed, walking around this wire... germans with shepherd dogs, according to the german plan, the war was supposed to end by october forty-one,
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the prisoners would go to forced labor in germany, but everything went wrong, already by winter it became unclear what to do with so many prisoners of war, against the backdrop of food problems, the germans began to exchange prisoners for food if their relatives took them, one day i thought that maybe i would use it to ransom it... and he said, well, come out, so he came out, she took him, and he stayed with us for several
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months, after some time she found people who were connected with the partisans, they joined the partisans with my older brother, in grishin’s camp. when it became known that some prisoners of war ended up in partisan detachments, the practice of exchanging prisoners for food stopped ; prisoners began to be driven further to the rear. when magiliov was released, after some time a letter came from this guy that he was in the american zone and the americans said that if you come to us, then you will be saved and we... will take you to america, and if you will go to the soviet
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side, you will go to siberia or to the north, to fell the forest. he replied that i was just going home, i was addressing my children or grandchildren, but suslov alexander grigorievich, i would like to see. how was the life of his children or grandchildren, his family? nikolay, despite the fact that this story is almost like two peas in a pod, it is similar to yours, but this is not your story, not it, unfortunately, we were happy to meet svyatoslav grigorievich, i really want his dream to come true. we would like to appeal to our television viewers, if you know anything about alexander grigorievich suslav, who lived in
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moscow, was rescued from captivity during the great patriotic war, thanks to a simple woman, evdokia romanovna, write to us, we are looking forward to your responses. nikolay, this is not all we want to tell you about, but we continued searching through your story and soon came across a book. for a book called don't forget us, these are stories based on real events. the characters of this book seemed very familiar to us and we decided to meet with its author. let's see, on that day a police officer stopped in lugovka, there they severely beat our relative, natalya firsovna chukhanova, took away her husband, gorbatov philip and son ivan. my cousin matriona was running next to the convoy behind her father and brother and suddenly she saw misha. “brother, are you here too,” she asked when
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the boss stopped for some reason. no, misha said, if i run away, they will threaten my mother. but they didn’t kill me as a teenager, maybe they’ll let me go, brother, they’re deceiving you, no one has ever come out of the gistap alive, quickly leave, little sister, otherwise they’ll take you, tell your mom that i’ll be back soon, eh, misha didn’t listen, no ran away, feared for my mother’s life, for mine and zinochka’s life, and the police train was traveling... a story, but a real story from the life of a family . these lines from the book are not just an excerpt from natalia fersovna chukhanova, the same woman who once ransomed a soldier for a dozen eggs, they were written by alexander danilovich ryabov, according to natalia firsovna’s nephew ivan chukhanov. we
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met ivan chukhanov back in childhood, because we lived ...we lived next door, he had an older brother, misha, mikhail, during the war he was a mixologist, a partisan, and in the morning boris firsovich knocked on our house . terrible news i brought it to you, pantileevna. everyone who was taken by the police yesterday was shot near the forest late in the evening, your misha is there, among them. in the sixties i managed to visit my native places. i went to see natalia firsovna, my aunt natalia. from what she experienced after the death of her husband and son, from many years of shed tears, her eyes completely dimmed, she became completely blind. is that you, misha? - she asked, feeling my face. “no, i’m vanya, misha’s younger brother. yes, yes, misha and my vanya are lying together.” and from her faded eyes, quietly,
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completely imperceptibly, a small teardrop. the pain never left. she soon left this world in pain. philip and vanyusha were waiting for me, she said to the assembled neighbors before her death. i rush to them, to them. i was well acquainted with ivan’s family only with him, and this is with his brother, well , just superficially with his brother peter and his mother. he is kind and sincere, he is everything to you, it seems to me, here... ask, as they say, for a penny, he will give you a thousand, if he can, a very good person, simply wonderful, alexander danilovich ryabov not knows where to now look for the descendants of natalia firsovna’s family, with her nephew vanya, he met as a child, then they ended up together in concentration camp 130, where fear, hunger and
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grief united the boys even stronger, they freed us in the fall, everyone was allowed into the village, they were imprisoned shop, but you can’t eat much, that’s it, here i am, give it to me, i am there, we want to eat, so she, the mother explains, children, you haven’t eaten for a long time, you can die here, here we go little by little, after liberation,
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i i wish great happiness to these people, that everything will be fine in their lives, everything will work out as best as possible. nikolai ivan afanasyevich, one of the co-authors of this book, he was natalia fersovone’s nephew, in the book he also writes about his cousin matriona, natalia’s daughter. well, unfortunately, ivan afanasvich is no longer alive. and we haven’t found other relatives yet, but we will continue to work, we will search, and i really hope that responses to this broadcast will come, i want to give this book to you. signed by the author, thank you very much, thank you for your story, we don’t just hope, we believe that it
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will have a continuation, someone will definitely respond, thank you, happy holiday, goodbye, happy victory holiday, you feel it too, makheyev, superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. vrostix. new soft ice cream with natural cherries. just what you need to cool down on a hot day. cool off with pleasure in rostix. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tinkom with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank. by phone number. no commission, and if you need money from your deposit, you can withdraw them from any atm, also without commission, but if it was possible, open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum and easily
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tankatali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tankatali premium now for free. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations. the prime minister's confidential emergency exit from monday at 22:15 on ntv. the history of war is a history of human tragedies, a history of grief. whose grief is worse, a mother who lost her son, a father who returned from the front to ashes, a child in front of whose eyes his entire family was shot. is it possible to measure this? it is unbearably painful to listen to these stories, but necessary. today elena ivanovna vakhtina came to our studio to tell the most tragic story
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of her family. elena ivanovna, come in. but nothing could be found, and the story is this: when the germans were already approaching leningrad, my uncle, philip petrovich murza, was left to work underground, he was
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a communist. worked as a boss railway station, the family did not want to leave, they also had a sister from leningrad who lived with them, she gave birth to a small child, and her husband was a military doctor, he died in the first days of the war, the older sister took them and the child to her place, when the front line was already came up. “she was with them too, that is, how many people were in this house, there were five of them, well, naturally, i won’t tell you about his work in the underground, it is unknown, but the fact that they very quickly took the whole family, except for a five-year-old boy , he was running at that time on the street or playing, i don’t know, they took him to the forest
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, forced him to dig his own grave and shot him along with a nine-month-old girl, the boy was not allowed in by those who were driven to watch this execution, they held him back, well , some neighbors, yes, someone fed him a few days, and then again an unknown person, who?... took him, according to his neighbors , to an orphanage in gachina, and then everything is lost, all roads are lost, we don’t know whether he’s alive or not, but his older brother, who is 24 year, he was called up for war, and he was in the troops in the stalingrad region, and he too i didn’t get in touch
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with my relatives and the call of blood is still forcing me, maybe someone will find me. elena, did you give us the letter? yes, please tell us about it, this letter, a response to my aunt’s letter, a search letter, it was sent to lustovka, one of the residents answered in the letter: if
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you please, i will read this letter, lustovka station, march 20 forty sixth year, from kuraeva maria vanna. good afternoon, fenya, you are asking for information about murza’s house and his family. i inform you that their house burned down during the retreat of our troops, in the forty-first year, on august 26. our area was occupied; everyone who worked at the station did not have time to leave. stayed with the germans, everyone lived in our house after the battle, in 1942, in april , murza’s family was shot by the germans, and kolotukhina os was shot with them, along with the daughter she had in 1941. we can’t describe the reasons for this because we don’t know. there was only one dimochka left, whom after the execution his parents sent to gatchina, to
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an orphanage. now no one knows anything about him. fedya also sent two letters to skov asking about his parents. they could also tell him that they were no longer alive. feni. there are three houses left at the station, this is ours and two more next to ours, the rest were all burned down, now they are gradually being built again. it turns out, based on this letter, that little dima was taken to a shelter in gadchina, you sent us several photographs, let's look at them now, tell us who is in the photo? on the right, this is the head of the installation station, murza philip petrovich, this is my aunt. elena stepanovna, this is dimochka in the middle, dimochka, who vadim, of them only dima survived, the adults were shot, this is the second sister, who is with a nine-month-old child, elena
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stepanovna was also shot, this is the family, well, in the center, probably, murza himself, and at the top, yes, murza. on the left is his wife, the little girl is his niece, on the right is the sister who was in the ulyansk region, and the little boy is fedor, who is the eldest of the two, the eldest, this is approximately a photo from the year twenty-eight, yeah, then let's show the first photo, yes , on which dima is clearly visible, here she is and i... i really hope that maybe someone will recognize this photo. i hope that dima survived and that he has descendants, and these descendants watch our program and see this photo. i would really like to. dear
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tv viewers, we are looking for dima and fyodor murza, contact with whom was lost during the great patriotic war. dima may have ended up in an orphanage in gadchin. parents and boys.
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there are many stories about how young people, during the great patriotic war, changed their date of birth in order to be taken to the front, but the main character of the story you are about to hear changed his entire personality for this purpose, came up with a new last name, first name and patronymic. this story began for our guests today in the fifties, when the war was already over, perhaps many of the heroic facts in it would have remained a secret if... the interest of the younger generation in the history of their family and the history of their country, but in everything in order , ledia davidovna ermolik and her daughter tatyana, came to us today to continue their long-term search. ledia davidovna, tatyana, please come to us. hello, please have a seat. hello, here, of course, here, please, hello. firstly, i congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, victory day. thank you!
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please tell us who you are looking for? i'm looking for my father's relatives, i would like to know his life story. my father was born in 1917, then he ended up in a camp in the city of rivsk. this is after the war, after the war, yes. who is slandered, and also receives a punishment of 10
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years in prison, both were already sent to railcar, and there they actually met, in the fifty-fifth year my mother was already born, so this is a backstory, understandable, lady davidovna, well, tell us about your parents, after all, as you remember them, i remember my dad only until he was 5 years old, and then only childhood fragments, yeah, because then for 6 years we... separated in a photograph who? this is my dad, blava david mikhailovich and voivodina valentina mikhailovna, and this is my brother, tolik, and this is me and my brother tolik, he was already about 3 years old here, i was, well, a year and something, and this is my dad vacationed in sochi, in '57, but it was probably next to him, who... we just vacationed with him, dad in a light shirt, yes, yes, yes, uh-huh, yes, we lived
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first in norilsk, a settlement, then, when in the fifty-sixth year, my mother and father moved, they are in the vladar region, because his parents already lived there, but his father and his mother was not there, they died, they went there first, we lived there. that’s where i remember him a little, childhood memories are like that, i remember him very well, that we went fishing with him, we, as they say, well, there is a father... a father, then i remember when he left, i remember also came up to me, i was in visiting, she was playing with the children, he came up, said goodbye, said that i would come, that’s it, i remember, he walked onto the road, the car was waiting, he left, that’s it, i
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didn’t see him again, where did he go, why did he go to ukraine , mom went with moline with us. well, how can i tell you, according to my sister and mother, i had to break up with my father, so that david mikhailovich, who was still afraid at that time, probably ended up staying in prison after all, after all, this man, as they say, was already a bad guy, they didn’t want him in the family, when i arrived home, i returned to my sister, where we were, my sister, as they say, already at that time wrote to her father that just like that, mom found... everything else, they broke up, dad believed this letter, he believed everything, they broke up, broke up and my sister kicked us out, what some kind of offensive absurdity, but from a letter from another person without conversation, and there
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was a classmate, or they lived in the same village, lord, and he took us and we had, as they say, to live with him, but my father didn’t... wrote, wrote, sent me alimony, everything, like from you, and then invited me there to him, the city of krasnoormetsk, donetsk region, i went with my brother, it was in the seventh grade, we went to see him, then he took me to his, i don’t know, daughter or something, well, i can’t say for sure, i understand correctly that it seems like you remember from your... memory, dad also had a daughter, but in another family, yes, yeah, she was older than me, it turns out that this was a family before the war, yes, before the war, yeah, and what was her name, oh, what was her name, either katya, tanya, i know that you conducted a grandiose investigation, well, you can do this
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say, we learned a lot, let's see what you learned? archives: there are thousands of them on russian territory, but only 16 of them are especially protected by the state. there are documents there that confirm the course of the country's most important historical events. finding information about just one loved one among millions of pages is not easy even for professionals. tatyana kryukova, employee of the municipal archive.
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there is no such case, it didn’t start, they recommended that we contact the fsb, they said that we needed a certificate of death of this person, and we we wrote a letter to the donetsk region, and from there we already received a certificate of his death, already with the death certificate tatyana began her investigation again, we already sent
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a request again to the krasnoyarsk region, we asked for the personal file itself, they gave it to us here, at the information center in the city soktovkari, we came and got acquainted with this personal matter. the family received the personal file after almost 10 years of searching. and for the first time in 2022, from the interrogation reports, tatyana and her mother lidia davidovna learned about the life of their grandfather and father. from the interrogation protocol. from the beginning of his birth, as a child, he lived in the care of his parents, who at that time lived in the village of voronovka. father worked. to the mill as a stoker with one fist, i was assigned to them. in 1929, my parents joined the collective farm, and later the state farm became a drummer. i'm starting to work on this state farm. in 1939, i was drafted into the red army and served in the 415th motorized rifle regiment before
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the start of the war. 5 days after the start of the war, our regiment entered the battle near the city of dvinsk, after which our units retreated. at retreating near the city of staraya rusa, i was captured by german troops. i was put in a camp in the city of staraya rusa, where i stayed until june 1942. in july. in 1942, after the disbandment of the camp, i was enrolled in a working group that guarded the ammunition of the german army, and i worked in it as a translator until 1943. in 1943, i went over to the partisans who were near pskov and in june 1944 united with units of the red army and returned to the city of opochka, where i passed the state inspection until august 4 , 1944. in august 1944, i was called back to serve in the red army and was sent for further service to the city of kalinin. on november 9, 1944
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, i was arrested and put in prison in the city of kalinin, where i stayed for a month and a half. after that, i was transported to the city of moscow and on january 10, 1945, by the military tribunal of the moscow garrison, i was convicted under article 58, part one, paragraph b, of the criminal code. rsfsr for a period of 10 years, from disqualification for 5 years. according to the interrogation protocol, the following question was asked: do you have relatives and where are they currently located ? grandfather answered, it means that currently only one aunt guzhakovskaya has relatives, radomskaya by marriage, ekaterina. i did not have any other relatives and do not have any, at present, except for the indicated aunt. according to the recollections of our relatives, even before the war ... and thus, in our searches, we reached
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a certain dead end, then we don’t know where to turn, we decided that we would write for the program, wait for me, they will help us, i admire you, tanya, this is not an easy job, wait, make a request, this is how you should want it. why is this so important to you? well, i don’t know, somehow, it’s probably my personality that i want to know everything, especially the history of my family. well, you really found in the archives everything that could be found, there was nothing for us to do there, and to be honest, everything would have become a mystery if not for one fact: your dad’s family has also been looking for you for many years and wrote to the “wait for me ” program ". look, today at 19:00. in on the eve of victory day
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, veterans of the great patriotic war are congratulated throughout the country. a first-hand story about a nurse who went through the war from the first to the last day, in a large article by our correspondent. meeting at the highest level. chinese leader sidin ping arrived on a state visit to belgrade, where alexander vucic personally met him at the airport, right on the flight... the serbs performed a national dance on the field, watch tonight at 19:00, on the website in the application now, enchanted, premiere may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. discomfort and nausea, poisoning and twisting, everything is seething and diarrhea, we need filters, quickly! filtrumsti, with arbend in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price of 120.
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i wrote that you are probably looking for me, that is, my mother ekaterina davidovna, my ninth name, everything was ekaterina davidovna, my parents were rudenko, elizaveta alexandrovna, steblau, david mikhailovich, they got married, he was immediately drafted into the army, in 1939, in
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1939, i was born without him. he changed his last name, took vasilenko, he was awarded many times, and they reached berlin, and then they took him, they took him, they said, krasnoyarsk region, the city of norylsk, they will build a settlement, well, they took him there, and there he met valya , so their two children were born, lida and tolik, and since they got married, they were released, he says, you can live here wherever you want, but they decided to go to ukraine, they came to this village in this boronivka, they lived. and they were looking for me, and i, the children began to beat me, offend me, and beat the german, and i changed my last name, i came up with this, shteblyavskaya, well, that’s it, father, they came
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looking for me, my last name is missing, they didn’t find him, they didn’t look for him, the whole summer. david mikhailovich shtoblao and his second family returned to norilsk, in 1957 he came to ukraine again, only in... and his mother says that you will be dirty, unwashed, go home already, nothing can be done, since you have already come, where - he stayed mother to live, so he loved me and mother,
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he was the owner, we had a lot of work to do, dad passed away on january 4, 1970, had a high fever, was admitted to the hospital, doesn’t know what’s in him... stoblau, unexpectedly came to him his children from his second marriage, lydia and anatoly, came home, so they arrived in krasnoarmeysk,
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found the address, my mother told me that my father had died, they said, they began to ask, grandma, well, leave us, and my mother said, i have two , i say, well, we’ll assign them somewhere and go, i was so sorry, i think that i didn’t insisted. hello, this is lida, i really hope that it is you, lidochka, that i have been looking for you all my life, you and only dreamed of seeing, now this opportunity suits me, i want to meet you, at least somehow, i believe that it is you , and i believe that this is lida, that you are my dear sister on my father’s side. i think this is unexpected news for you, yes, we didn’t think , we didn’t expect that after all, she was older, here she is, because she was older than me, i was 13, she was already an adult, she already had
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children , but there can be no doubt, everything coincides, yes, everything coincides, only she says that we arrived when he had already died to them, but we were not there, we were there when he was still alive with his brother, we came. everything after this 84 years, she can do a little something , because in the seventy-first year i received a telegram, i was just studying in setkar and i received a telegram that my father had died, come, why should the student go, understand, where? well, the biggest miracle is that it was a mutual search, that’s what you’re glad, very much, davidovna was determined to come here, but still age of course... venerable, the doctors did not recommend making such a breakthrough, yes, but we really want you to talk today, we have such an opportunity, all this time ekaterina davidovna was watching everything that was happening in
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the studio, ekaterina davidovna, join in, from, hello, hello, hello, ekaterina davyna, hello, hello, hello, hello, here is lida, your sister, there can be no doubt, but only no. it was only me, i came alone with my daughter, this turns out to be my father’s granddaughter, a little died, a little died, look at your sister, tell me what with... your heart tells you whether she is dear to you or not, what your heart says, dear, but my father is not like that, i look like my father, and a little like looks like your father , where is your family ? , if we go,
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ekaterina davidovna, expect guests, lydia and her daughter are coming to see you, i congratulate you on your day victory, goodbye, thank you note, peace, goodbye, i hope that you will meet your sister, this is important, this is very important, and it is no coincidence that all this happened on the eve of victory day, but symbolically, thank you very much, happy holidays. you know, precisely on victory day, the words with which our program has ended for a quarter of a century sound especially wisely appropriate: look for each other, no matter what and wait, no matter what.
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vladimir putin took part in the anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in the kremlin, what was achieved participating countries over the 10 years of the organization’s existence, edmund zhilbunov learned.


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