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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:41pm MSK

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vladimir putin in the kremlin took part in the anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, which the participating countries managed to achieve over the 10 years of the organization’s existence, edmund dzhelbunov learned.
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russia, belarus, armenia, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan, their leaders gathered in the same st. andrew's hall of the kremlin, where the inauguration took place the day before. yaas was created 10 years ago, during which time he has achieved impressive results. as vladimir putin noted, the union has become one of the centers of the emerging one.
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from the date of signing the agreement on economic interaction, which means there is a reason to look back at the path we have traveled together and sum up the results of our work during this period. over the past decades, our association has established itself as one of the independent and self-sufficient centers of the emerging multipolar world. the eurasian union today is an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges,
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the intensification of business contacts, the expansion of cooperation ties, which ultimately bring real benefits to each of members of our association, just before we came into the hall here, we talked about this with our colleagues and stated very good indicators of the development of our economies. the total gdp of the trans-union over 10 years has grown from one and a half to 2.5 trillion dollars, and the volume of mutual trade between the states.
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the union’s ties with other states and integration associations continue to develop, with special attention being paid to strengthening economic interaction with the cis countries. by the way, today at the meeting the supreme council in an expanded composition was attended by the heads of two observer states: uzbekistan and cuba. in addition, evraz has six major international agreements with vietnam, iran, singapore, serbia and two agreements with china. negotiations are also underway to liberalize trade with egypt. the united arab emirates and indonesia have already approved the launch of a similar negotiation track with india. in total, the eurasian economic commission has already signed about 40 memoranda of interaction or understanding with states and integration associations on almost all continents. thus , the initiative to form a large eurasian partnership is being implemented, designed to combine the potentials of the evraz and sco countries . the eurasian union has shown its effectiveness in the face of new challenges.
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including those related to the policy of sanctions pursued by some countries and the dismantling of many of the basic foundations of international trade.
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union, the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the war years that were part of the soviet great patriotic war. the president sent congratulatory messages to the leaders of the cis countries, the heads of abkhazia, south ossetia, as well as the people of georgia and moldova. vladimir putin emphasized that we pay tribute of deep gratitude and respect to everyone who courageously fought at the front and worked selflessly in the rear. the president wished the veterans health, prosperity, vigor, spirit and longevity. in addition, putin called for stopping any. attempts to distort or consign our common history to oblivion. the president also expressed confidence that the bonds of fraternal friendship, forged during the great patriotic war, will remain a reliable basis for the development of relations between our countries and peoples. tomorrow there will be a festive parade on red square.
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foreign guests from near and far abroad arrive to participate in it. the leaders of belarus, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, and cuba have already arrived in moscow. laos, as previously reported in the kremlin, the head of state, as well as heads of executive bodies of the cis and representatives of the csto, the organization of the treaty on collective security. on the eve of victory day, the russian military is preparing a surprise for veterans of the great patriotic war. individual parades are held for them throughout the country. military personnel.
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in the zone of a special military operation , the russian military launched strikes with kenzhal hypersonic missiles at energy facilities, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. the ministry of defense reported this today.
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the department also spoke about the defeat of other important targets. operational tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery, groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, the workshop for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles of the 101st territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, ammunition depots, missile and artillery weapons were destroyed, manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed in 113 regions, by air defense means 11 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, an atak ms operational-tactical missile, three hamer guided aerial bombs were shot down, in the mandryk hospital for the minister. state awards, including the order of courage, also medals for courage, zhukov, suvorov for courage of the second degree. together with the deputy minister
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, members of the young army also came to the hospital and congratulated the soldiers on the holidays. i saved you, this letter, this letter, thank you very much. grimykin also awarded the medal of the russian ministry of defense for the help of mercy to 15 medical employees of the military hospital. nato allies have abandoned the idea of ​​​​sending their troops to ukraine, says the italian publication career dela sera. as stated in article, the decision not to transfer soldiers to the conflict zone will be officially written down by the alliance countries in a special document at the july summit in washington. along the way , the united states will allegedly relinquish its patronage over kiev in matters of collective arms supply and transfer these powers to nato headquarters in brussels. against this background , a petition appeared on the website of the leader of the kiev regime, declared wanted by the russian ministry of internal affairs, demanding the deployment
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of nato troops to ukraine. the kremlin called the appearance of such a petition a quote extremely provocative. well, our mit commented on the statement of french president macron that if russian troops break through the front line and ukraine requests help, then the west will need to consider sending in troops. it is characteristic that macron himself explains. that rhetoric, the desire to create some kind of strategic uncertainty for russia, we are forced to disappoint him, for us the situation looks more than certain, we have also already decided a long time ago, and if the french appear in the conflict zone, they will inevitably become targets for russian armed forces. it seems to me that paris already has evidence of this; it is indicative that the host of the champs is belligerent. the palace alienates not only many allies in the european union and nato, but also, most importantly, the vast
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majority of french citizens. zakharova added that in an effort to justify multi-billion dollar spending on a hybrid war with russia, the french authorities are manipulating the myth of a certain russian threat to europe. beijing fully supports belgrade on the kosovo issue today, said chinese leader xiding. he confirmed that he considers kosovo. part of serbia, the leader of the people's republic of china is now visiting the serbian capital. at a meeting with president aleksandar vucic, the parties signed an agreement to deepen the strategic partnership, along with three dozen more agreements strengthening ties between the two countries. sergei kholoshevsky, about the results of sidzenpin’s state visit. the chairman of the council at the nikola tesla airport in belgrade was greeted not just as dear, but probably as the most dear guest. everything higher is lined up at the gangway leadership of serbia, president alexander. vucic, his wife tamara in a dazzling pink dress, prime speaker of parliament.
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xijen ping appeared in front of the camera with first lady peng lingyun wearing a turquoise dress representing the coming of spring, and then the dancing began. this morning the serbian duck and her ducklings were the first to arrive on the red carpet at the government building. and only then the chinese leader arrived in his luxurious hunce n701 limousine. here again the honor guard of the serbian army was waiting for him to share the fate of his husband, and fireworks sounded in parallel with the anthem. but the serbs would not be with the serbs if they had not given the chinese guest a surprise. at that moment, people with chinese and serbian flags gathered on the other side of the building. the arrival of our chairman will give a new impetus to the community of our peoples. i believe in it. and putin are two great politicians who can fight for a normal, traditional world against the west.
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the chairman of russia in belgrade was met by thousands of serbs, for small serbia, which has recently been under strong pressure from the west, which demands to recognize kosovo to impose sanctions against russia, china's support is simply invaluable, so the visit of the chinese leader to belgrade could not have come at a better time, by the way, appealing to the people to take into account he said that serbia and china were writing.
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it was not for nothing that i remembered the american bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade exactly 25 years ago; it was the chairman of the cif who, on his first visit to serbia in 2016, laid the foundation stone for the future chinese... cultural center, which was built on this site, it is pin who says now that china will never will not forgive the western alliance for this, so beijing is well aware,
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and infrastructure projects with chinese participation, according to vutich, have literally transformed serbia. over the last 3 years alone, the export of serbian goods to china has grown 140 times, and trade turnover has increased eight times. today , the serbs and the chinese signed about thirty joint agreements on building a common destiny between the countries in a new era. after this, the chinese chairman will travel to neighboring hungary, where he will meet with another adherent of traditional values ​​and a eurosceptic.
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it is doubtful that in three incomplete days of court hearings, the court managed to familiarize itself with one and a half hundred volumes of the case. regarding its owners, makfe writes that mikhail yurievich back in 2003 sold 50% of the company’s shares to his father valery yurievich, whose stake reached 90%. mcfee concludes that the nationalization decision, which has not yet entered into force, will be appealed. the defending country asked to transfer this case to arbitration. the russian stock market fell for 5 days in a row, but today ended trading in a small, but still plus. it’s not that any optimism has awakened in investors, but the market is supporting the weakening ruble, which is beneficial to exporters and, accordingly, to the shares of exporters. from the news, the ambassadors of the european union countries agreed on
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the use of income from blocked russian assets for military assistance to ukraine. before the holiday, investors decided to bribe foreign currency, so the ruble sank today and the dollar followed the trading results of 9195 euros 9892. today, acting first deputy prime minister andrei belausov told how russia will overtake japan by 2030 and reach fourth place in the world in terms of gdp, calculated at purchasing power parity, that is, based on the theory that all countries have a certain one.
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dead red army soldiers were discovered in the tver region by search engines from the academy of the ministry of emergency situations. they worked for two weeks in places where fierce fighting took place in 1942 as part of the rzhev-sychev offensive operation. in terms of intensity, they were compared to the battles of stalingrad. searchers managed to find three medallions. the inscription on one of them could read. he belonged. the eldest, belonged to a senior lieutenant from vologda, his relatives will be contacted in the near future, often the names of the dead soldiers can be determined from the personal belongings found, here in front of us is a spoon, it would seem there is nothing special, it is quite badly damaged with traces of corrosion, pay attention , what’s on the spoon: stichel carefully filled in the name, we can even read it: kolya, nikolai, on the reverse side, apparently, is the beginning of the surname.
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remains found in unmarked graves soviet soldiers will be reburied with military honors. representatives of the board of the ministry of defense today honored the memory of those killed in the great patriotic war. the ceremony took place in the alexander garden, the leaders of the military department laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. a minute of silence passed. and today the ministry of defense opened a special multimedia section on its website called. living books about the main thing. it is dedicated to the famous front-line writers, boris vasiliev, yuri bondarev, konstantin simonov, valentin kotaev. the section contains unique materials related to them, in particular excerpts from personal deeds, award lists, as well as documents on real prototypes of the heroes of their great works, about zora here are quiet, hot snow, the living and the dead, and the son of the regiment. schools, colleges,
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technical schools and pedagogical universities in all regions of the country became places where the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war was honored. on the eve of may 9, the all-russian action “immortal regiment” took place, heroes are with us. more than 10 million children, teachers, counselors, took part in ceremonial assemblies and walked with portraits of their relatives and front-line soldiers through the territory of educational institutions. this is my great-grandfather nikolai orlov, at the age of 17 he added 1 year to his life...
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they organized another procession in sri lanka, in the city of colombo, where our compatriots also carried portraits of heroes decorated with st. george ribbons to thematic military songs. but in singapore , the immortal regiment ceremony was organized on our territory. embassy. along with diplomats and representatives of the russian diaspora took part in the action with members of their families. a veteran of the great patriotic war, maria mikhailovna rokhlina, lives in podolsk near moscow, who will turn 100 this year. at the front, she was a medical instructor, became a witness, an eyewitness to the largest battles of those terrible years. i saw with my own eyes how the volga was burning in the destroyed stalingrad, how
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soviet german tanks were going each other on the kurdish arc. she was wounded twice, shell-shocked several times, once even almost froze to death, they saved her at the last moment. alexey kovoshenkin met with a veteran and recorded a conversation about the war in the first person. yes, at the front they called me little red riding hood. after crossing the dnieper, my arms gave out because i was rowing in icy water while crossing. seriously wounded , the doctor ordered me to crochet for the rest of my life, the first thing i knitted was a red cap, a red beret, i walked around in it until the division commander caught me, i am rokhlina maria mikhailovna in my maiden name koval, born on september 28. ..
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924 years in ukraine, we learned about the beginning of the war at school, i was in the tenth grade, finishing it, suddenly one of our guys jumped in and shouted, guys, it looks like there’s a war, on the third or fourth day we received a telephone message to report to sofievka station near kiev , and we went, but we didn’t get to sofiivka a little, it was terrible there. but i held on, hugged the post, and the post did not let me drown, they caught me and sent me to the hospital in dubovka. there were
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only two girls in the hospital, me and shura petrova, she invited, girls, we went to stalingrad, but it was two.
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they took me, stripped me and put me on a cart with corpses, and my leg twitched, on the thirtieth anniversary of the battle of stalingrad we came to meet, well, the meeting is taking place, two veterans are following me, arguing, she, no, not her, but i’m telling you, she, i’m saying , guys, i can help you with something, you can, i was in stalingrad, i was, but... here i felt uneasy, yes, i was freezing, who saved you, you know, no, i don’t know, to our basement they brought a girl
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wrapped in a short fur coat, and we will rub you we cry burning tears with alcohol, was it really so pitiful, pitiful, it was pitiful for alcohol. submachine gunners, in the tank brigade in which masha, kovoy, it was the company commander we landed, with which we reached stalingrad, why she ran away, ran away, came with
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us, went to the battles under prokhorovka, to the kurdish battle, i saw how oddly, one of the tanks ironed our trenches, almost everyone died. platoon commander pavel shetny was seriously wounded and at the cost of his life he blew up this tank, this place is now called shpetny’s field for life, and we still have another 2 years of war, it was war in germany, along this road there were several such... like dugouts, not a drop of water, not a drop of food, 18 people were seriously wounded, suddenly a battle began to thunder, a night battle, and we heard the germans they walk around our dugout like
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they are rattling pots, i had a grenade and a lemon in my pocket, but i took a machine gun and stood with a machine gun at the entrance to this dugout. and it was like this for almost three days, i caught every sound, i was afraid like i had never been afraid and will never be afraid again, when on the third day in the evening we heard our cheers, right here she let me go a little, suddenly an officer looked into the dugout, an officer came in, i knew him. senior lieutenant rokhlin, the commander of a battery of seven-millimeter regimental guns, began to kiss my hands, dirty, all covered in blood in the ground, i was shaking so terribly, and i
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was pounding all over with fear, suddenly he proposes to me, marry me, the regiment commander looks in, this what kind of roar? what happened? the senior lieutenant proposed to me to marry him, so why are you crying at him, write a report. and the heel. who will not allow me to do harm, i live
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because, it seems, i am the last of those left who took the oath in stalingrad, i live it because of those guys whom i buried during the long years of war, the war lives in me, it does not let me go. understand this, guys, who else will say about those guys who lie in the mamaev mound, and my generation, the generation of the twenties, won the war, and 92% of my generation died, but those percent that remained alive, they still restored their homeland, and the homeland we had one huge, powerful, strong, kind, wise one. and now it has come
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time to find out the weather forecast in our weather studio evgenia ironskaya. by the way, this morning, on the way to work , i got into a real snowy one, well, for about a minute and a half, while i was thinking about whether to change back the winter tires on the car, the sun came out again, what’s going on? winter has just arrived, but seriously, the ultrapolar invasion and charges continue. today they were interspersed with sunny spells, tomorrow it will be about the same, only without the sun. the most impressive cold anomaly is now in central russia. nights frosts down to -4 and icy roads, in the daytime around +4 with sleet and gusty winds. and in the volga region, against the backdrop of extremely cold weather, there is precipitation for every taste, from rain to snow. but in the northwest, by victory day the clouds will clear and it will be sunny, although cool. from pskov to smolensk + 10:12. and in the south the weather is not pleasantly warm, only in astrakhan and sochi up to +20, but this is
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the maximum. lower viakhdon in crimea is only 1618, and stavropol and the north caucasus will receive heavy rains. more on the weather in the capitals a little later. you don’t know where to invest profitably accumulation? uralsip bank presents a special offer for new clients. deposit-income with a high rate of up to 16.5% per annum. you can open a deposit in branches throughout russia, reliably and conveniently. in st. petersburg on victory day, without precipitation, the temperature is up to +8, in moscow in the morning the maximum is +2, sleet, in the afternoon only 3:5, precipitation and gusty winds. on friday it will warm up to +12, but no more. all hope is for the second half of may. well, i think our mood on this great holiday, no matter the weather, is still not gloomy. exactly, i support. thank you, zhen, evgenia ironskaya with the weather forecast. well, that's the main news for us at this time. and vladimir chernyshov, we say goodbye to you, see you,
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goodbye. and fall cold, cold, oh, oh, oh you, kosaruki! have you completely loosened your belt?


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