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tv   Gorkii 53  NTV  May 8, 2024 8:35pm-9:36pm MSK

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i killed a lot of people, i wanted to silence them, it only turned out worse, but you can stop it all at once, i’ll confess, god approves, send the message to your people so that they surrender. otherwise they themselves will kill the people with them to the next world , drag them voluntarily to the wall, the camp is not a grave, they will sit out, what do you think, i’m afraid of death, but i died a long time ago, a long time ago, along with my people, and behind bars i won't sit down.
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that at least i know what the hell he wanted, what the heck.
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ohritan, bye! it's good to go for a walk, we'll drink all the vodka, where are you? khariton, khariton, oh, you grabber, khariton, khariton. so everyone here,
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you're along the path, you're on the way down, howling with me to the pier, quickly, bitch, zamat, i'll be, stop, scum,
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and who was it? i ran out, and when he was with me, who? i didn’t understand, i thought it was a luger, a luger, yes, it looks like it’s on borrowed time. who khariton was for us, you know, there was and never will be another such authority, yes.
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i will say on my own behalf that after khariton’s death, only one person is worthy of taking his place, his faithful assistant and friend. sivy, that’s right, he said it exactly, rightly, thank you for your trust, of course, i’m not as smart as our godfather, gray-haired, we’ll think together, your job is only to decide and command, so be it. and therefore i have a godfather request to you, in front of everyone i ask, what? i still owe a debt to khariton, because luger killed him. but
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i considered luger my man. grey, please help me return the favor, find and finish it, let your people listen to me as they listen to you. what are you talking about, dear fellow, take anyone, everyone will support you, each of us will put luger on the bureau as soon as he meets, right? thank you, vanya, i came to say goodbye, i agreed with the guys, they will take me to the baja, which will go with the flow, i was waiting
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for you, i believed that you would take me from here, but how will i live for you? “take me with you, no, it’s not fate to be here, and i don’t want to, i’m drowning, you’re taking a thin one with you,
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he’s unlikely to leak on the train, the mends are looking for him , his face is glued everywhere, sit up, there ’s a gypsy there, and why did you talk to a few, and he lures them to the kluger, well , yes, you need to grab the poor little guy with a doper. tickle, so he'll split, where is luger preserved, let's go, wait, wait, if he's really from luger, then it's even good for us, which side, sit down, you're so young, yes,
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well, go hunting, got it, we’ll use the gypsy to give us the weight, we won’t run after luger, he’ll come to us himself. we've arrived, so guys, how's your mood? mood, grab something small and crush it down, you called the luger for this, well, that’s okay, sit down, talk about business later, the right approach, now let’s kill the worm, but you’re a fellow countryman, and you didn’t want to slurp from the same bowl with the gray one, because he works faster with a spoon, and the gray one in the plows will drink a little joy. well done, he did everything right, first we flowed into the forest one by one, waited there, then got ready for the road where mishanya was waiting for us, no one noticed at all, the gorelik
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didn’t notice, it can’t be like this, it’s like some kind of sneak, still hunting approached, hunting, and what he wanted, he said, if you see the luger, tell him that... i want to rub myself tomorrow, but it’s imperative that there is one, otherwise there will be no conversation will happen, why he said it, he said it, but it’s not clear, he’s talking about some kind of diamond, he said, you’ll understand, luger, what are you doing, don’t even think about it, they’re answering this, they just want to lure you in, yes, that’s understandable, shien, i’ll meet you where suggested, he’s not going anywhere, well done, it’s a good idea, it’s korya, and i would suggest here on the approach to remove him without any fuss, you can’t do that, little guy, you have to present it according to the concepts and give a sentence... teach it and it will be a lesson for all of us , but he won’t turn out, he won’t turn out, one thing i’m afraid of is that
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he’s a bitch, he doesn’t show caution, there’s a risk there is none, i taxed these hangars 100 times as a child, i remember them as my own home, wait, ivan, you don’t believe that okhoty really wants to tell you something, don’t believe it, andrei naumovich, don’t believe it, it’s it’s a trap, but either we’ll still... insure you, there will be another task for you all, when you complete it, you can count on amnesty, amnesty, amnesty, you’ll get an amnesty from our authorities, in the back of the head with a 7.62 caliber, i mean a real amnesty, shiyan, none of you were shot by the police, so you’re still me he was at the storming of the museum, he walked with us, set a mine, the gypsy guy over there saw you, and well, yes, luger, that’s what happened, and we hung around the kitchen all the way, and is this guy a gangster?
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gorelik has the diamond right now, he needs to be taken away, while gorelik and his gang are busy with me, you will sneak into his house and find this diamond, and i will exchange the stone for our freedom, this is a chance for us, men, a chance to receive complete forgiveness, rest . so make sure that they sit quietly and don’t shoot without an order, the luger will go from here, and i’ll be there with you listening to my commands, i understand, if we have everything will work out as it should, we will have a long, happy and rich life.
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hunting, have you come? i came! luger, did you kill khariton? no, i’m not the savior, but i was there and i know who did it, who came up with everything? calmly, tell me who? i won't ask you anything, luger. i’ll just put you on the pen like a black sheep, let’s go, i hid it,
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it’s great, why are you not scared of anyone, there’s someone else in the house, no. and whose is the third glass? knives and firearms on the table , quietly, hand and get out of here, while i inspect your haza for money, crazy i came down to mess around with my people, i kindly ask you to leave, otherwise i’ll have to extinguish you, i’m reluctant, well, hello.
8:50 pm
kolya, come here, what is this, strong, strong, damn,
8:51 pm
well done, becoming a real investigator, emergency exit, what is it, someone took someone hostage, premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv . via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law came into force, now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not
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discounts up to 40% on barbecue and kupaty. we deliver to sbermarket in 30 minutes. “beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive, no, mom, it’s not at all expensive, i saved money on my mother, a refrigerator liran for 69.990, liran, we make comfort accessible, the enemy is rushing towards moscow, you will have to shoot at him, stab him with a bayonet, tear him with your teeth, call your heart, win, premiere, today at 21:35 on ntv. that's it, let's leave, the hot-headed man may return with his people, but what about the diamond if we just burn down the house and sift through the ashes. well, just a second, there’s something here,
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let’s get out, i understand that the central apparatus needs to be cleared of minions, and yes, there’s no need to look for a replacement. "i have a smart deputy who already worked in this position before the merger of the ministry, so that's right, goodbye, comrade lieutenant general, the colonel has a feeling for me, there is, 5 minutes won't bother us, that's right, i didn't call you, comrade major, and this is a personal initiative - general, i heard you're preparing to leave, that you yourself do you allow? i
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allow myself to convey to you one simple thought, if i don’t get the diamond, you won’t be able to hide in moscow from troubles, you knew about the substitution, my people will confirm this, so we’ll sit together - this is such a harsh truth of life that from am i required? only one person can fix the situation ostafiev, and we must make him want to help us with this. and for this stone, gorelik will not leave us alone, either he us, or we him. anyone who disagrees with this can leave right now, we must put an end to the burner once and for all! luger, i
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'm not with you, don't hold a grudge, i want to live, sorry, guys, the rest remain, remain, remain, remain, then let's think. how to live further? in general, the order will be delivered tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so congratulations on your new appointment. thank you, general. i leave the bitterness with a clear conscience that i could did. we cleaned out the stashes, the diamond is in place, at the exhibition. and most importantly, we basically defeated khariton’s gang. yes, of course, but there is.
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in a conversation with moscow, i ventilated the question, naidovsky still has support at the top, the final completion of the ural operation should be led by him, and not by captain shvedov, i realized how wonderful it is, i would take everything, well, where should i, well, what not if you take it, i’ll give it to the fort.
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away, until they put a sign not to leave directly into your hands, well, that’s right, you know, but i ’ll still take this one, rest assured, yes, listen, and what about your girlfriend, who has a criminal, well, this terrible luger, they are serious there, oh, not only has he put together his own gang, it also turned out that he loves not just a little, but the wife of major shvedov, a criminal and a policewoman. .. wife, it’s just a story, a drama, not a story, here you go, congratulations, comrade major, thank you, thank you, are you here? yes, yes, allow me,
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comrade colonel, come in, sit down, summary, yes, please, and there is one slippery question, you told me not to touch naidovsky and his people, so you really wanted to. and yours few problems. the fact is that in the case of the robbery of the editor-in-chief’s safe , a certain tatyana shamara appears, and she is the mistress of one of naidovsky’s group. my guys interrogated her and told you not to touch any of the group members, mistresses, nieces, great-uncles. plant as much as you want, whoever you want? got it, colonel.
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modestly, you have marchikan, but you can’t compare it with that scoundrel, did you hear something about the luger? where? well, there are so many people here, surely someone, something, someone, something? no, henchman! you know i've always been i’m an honest thief, i know, nothing has changed, i froze my fingers in the zone, you can’t pinch too much with your matchmaking fingers, i’m engaged in culture, you’ll come with a gorelik, i’ll treat you from the heart, a luger will come with a shiyan, i’ll eat from the heart, not ours, not yours, and why ours,
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okay, sorry for disturbing you, i’m always glad to see you, listen, well, what people say about us, about luger, at least you can say that, luger doesn’t shed blood in vain, but...
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a friend told me that at gorkovo too. first the accordion player appeared, and then they started shooting, and what were the casualties? yes, who knows, everything was classified right away.
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but if he really acts like this, for the third time already, for the third time, no, this is a completely lame system, impunity, we need to ambush him, but for this we need a clear warning system, i think, maybe, establish surveillance of the accordion player, this is it that’s right, we’ll cover them as soon as they start moving forward, comrade colonel, major, you’re here without the right to vote, temporary, they ’ll close the exhibition.
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of the heart premieres today at 21:35 on ntv. that's it, we've arrived. nikita, i understand. you need to wait, okay, hands! yes, i am clean, go, luger, ivan! “artist, take a seat
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, thank you, valer, you didn’t bring your tail with you, no, i checked, it’s clean, well, what’s good about it, that your major is there, the major asks about the diamond, about the diamond, well, yes, so that they burn, well, that’s one thing , we have something else. well, let’s say i get it, i'll give it back, what's next? i don’t know, probably, why are you mumbling, but you know, nikita, i just wanted to live, calmly, work, go to the cinema, your major dragged me into this fornication, he didn’t speak words nicely, now my face is on every stand with.. tell me, this is how he
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is going to get me out of this, if he himself is under suspicion, i don’t know, you don’t know, but i know, everything has its price, nikit, the diamond too, my price, this is a complete amnesty, for me too. tell my people that, okay, i will. "and something needs to be decided with the gorelik, he has there are too many people, they will crush us sooner or later, when the exhibition closes, on sunday, then let's go on saturday, let him wait for me at the usual time plus 1 hour, at point number three i remember, i remember, ivan, wait, there was a person who wanted to be with you i wanted to talk." and marchekan also said that
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they are talking badly about us, there is a lot of blood, we will punish everyone who does not pay, and marchikan, everyone who is not with us, but not tomorrow, yes, tomorrow there will be food, yes, tomorrow grocery warehouse, you are in charge, i understand, you are not with us, no, there are things to do, it’s clear, you’re screwed now. make sure that no one takes anything, this is not just robbery, this is a punishment for those who do not pay, good luck tomorrow, clearly, good, and... you have changed, now i
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’m scared with you, but because i’m scary, scary, and i can tickle you terribly, wait, tell you what i found out about your luger, but... well, don’t push me away, don’t push me away, i know everything, you chose someone else, and i no longer have the strength to listen to terrible news about you, i i’ll go to moscow, nikita promised to help me from work.
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good luck to you where you go, so will i? vanya, don’t, don’t, vanya, please, please, let go, vanya! it’s necessary, well, please, vanya, please, please, take her away, that’s it, be happy,
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this is the suitcase, give it here, yeah, that’s it, friend. i ran, otherwise i’ll be late, tan, you ’ve been there for a long time, look, don’t mess around here without me, okay, okay, oh, please, let’s go to this room, there’s a free space here, why are you in the closet, seraph doesn’t need it, i and i’m so grateful to you that they gave me a home at all, live here, i need a closet for an ogling room, that’s it, i’ll bring the linen now. and order, live in peace, i’ll leave soon myself, you saw him, he doesn’t need me, and neither do i, comrade major, germanist, where,
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uritsky 64, right now. moved out, everyone is in place, tach colonel, we can start, yeah, in a house that, judging by
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the map, is a workers' dormitory and who is this bastard going to scare there, and how did you end up here, one of ours is knocking on you, yes, peter perupach , but you won’t bleed now, soon there will be garbage here, so crawl away little by little, thank you, thank you for not finishing me off, not enough cartridges
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, luger, gorelik, he’s up to something against you. a gift from gorelik, take it, take it, gorelik is waiting for you to give it away, also some customized jewelry for him, how to change with him, i
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’ll tell you now, “you can safely present this to any policeman, i think closing criminal cases is not a problem, but and we will help your people too, thank you, but i need a diamond, i can’t, major, tomorrow i will have to give the diamond to borrow, gorelik kidnapped lida and wants me to exchange the stone for her, i can raise an army, police, if gorelik if he realizes that he was deceived, lidvan will kill him. yes, lately he has not regretted other people’s lives. vanya, there must be a way out, there must be. it would be better if you were my rest on that run, i sometimes think so myself, if i come there with a stone, or will there be at least some other chance,
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look, they even returned the car to a muscovite, but it’s shameful to ride a tram. pavel, the gorelik kidnapped your wife, let’s go and discuss what to do, let me have a smoke.
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hello, captive, complaints, no, if you don’t want to talk, i don’t insist. if you think about running away today, look, my guys are simple, they’ll shoot you, and then he’ll come to you tomorrow your guy, vanya, vanya, vanchik, he’s a luger, so rest, get ready.
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9:30 pm
here, wait, i told you that everything is fair with me, you haven’t seen my people here, but they are standing around, so, i need a diamond, you need a lead, let’s change, first i want to make sure that i haven’t lived , diamond, show me.
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as soon as they have the diamond, we will need to take refuge with you, they won’t let us leave, hold on!
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take the weapon, live,
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tell me, you are mendelsohn’s march, you know, hold on, i don’t remember the law, although let’s better waltz, felortych, waltz i say, let’s go to the hills of manzhori. attention, everyone, you are surrounded by military and police, immediately release
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the hostage, you have to go, you have to, you have to, you have to, can you hear me, you have to, listen to me carefully, you have to go, you have one minute, you have to save man, come out now. come out and hand over this diamond, naidovsky, but you will do it unnoticed, okay, say that everything will be fine, everything will be fine, i tell you, everything will be fine, come on fedorich, get up, and here is khariton’s accordion player, let’s go, follow,
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and now leave them, we have a wounded man , come out, let's sort it out. if you shoot, i'll put you in prison for a long time.


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