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tv   Po zovu serdtsa  NTV  May 8, 2024 9:35pm-10:56pm MSK

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now leave them, we have a wounded man, you come out, we’ll sort it out, let’s follow the law. if you shoot, i'll put you in prison for a long time.
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never mind tsyyanov, we’ll show them later. look right now the rise is being built, comrades, militias, the enemy is creeping deep into our land, we will help our valiant red army prevent the enemy from reaching moscow, alexander semchev, it sounds beautiful, so who needs this beauty here in the war, sergei puskipalis, what are you doing there , evgeniy miller, first platoon, come get your weapons one by one,
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they are our defenders, anna bolshova, once the red army is valiantly scuttling, let's plug the holes with our children, vladimir zaitsev, no one will send them to hell, alexey kolgan, they were specially driven to weed out the weak, igor ugolnikov, whoever needs it will get there, sergei makhovikov, for moscow, for our heart homeland, andrey nikrason, win.
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and the soviet information bureau, for the frontage of time. moscow speaking, all radio stations of the soviet union are working.
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germany to our homeland, started on june 22, continue. despite the heroic resistance of the red army, the enemy continues climb forward, throwing new forces to the front. a serious danger looms over our homeland. our troops have been heroically fighting the enemy, armed, the red army for 15 years,
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overcoming numerous difficulties.
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about whether the peoples of the soviet union should be free or plowed, it is necessary for the soviet people to understand this, and stop being self-motivated, reaping, mobilizing themselves, and not rebuilding their entire.
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working people in moscow and iliningrad have already proposed the creation of thousands of people's militia to support the red army in every city, threatened by our enemy. we must create such a people's militia, raise the recruitment of all working people in order to defend with our breasts our freedom, our honor
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, our homeland, our patriotic voice trembles, it seemed to you, masha, to support our heroic red army, our glorious red fleet, all the forces people to defeat the enemy, forward, for our victory.
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rub your eyes, it’s good to read, let’s go, otherwise it will come up that we missed the meeting, it’s us, what’s on your tablet, i’m delivering agendas from the committee office, agendas, i’m only in six months will come, by this time the whole war will be over. when the enemy approaches, in this
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difficult hour we will prove with our work that we are all that we are as one. i’m one for all, i can’t, that all my glory has completely disappeared from me, it’s inconvenient at such a moment, maybe you, yes, come on, comrades. comrades, you all heard today what he said,
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a disaster has happened, our common disaster, all the forces of the people to defeat the enemy, we will help our native red army, build defensive structures. and if necessary, we’ll take a rifle, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, really we, the muscovites, do not have enough strength to push back the enemy, each of us must make a decision, in general, like this... this is my application for enlisting in the people's militia,
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a good thing, but who will work then? don’t be afraid, makarych, he won’t hire you anyway based on your age. comrades, to the electromechanical workshop. this does not apply, just like it does to the generator and instrumentation, it does not apply, comrades, don’t even think about it, i understand your mood, but your front is here, here, that’s all, comrades, thank you, please go to your workplaces, lunch the break is over, for... tomorrow from 9 a.m. , a commission
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on registration in the militia will begin to work in the old mechanical one, thank you, thank you. hello, i'm from the military registration and enlistment office, you're leonov, sign for receipt of the summons, what?
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front-line reconnaissance. andrey smolikov. we have to get there, guys, we definitely have to get there. destruction of liver cells: two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them,
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annual rate of 17% and easily top it up from any bank using your phone number, without commission. timkov, he is the only one. good evening, viktor sergeevich, greetings, i haven’t seen you for a long time, excuse me, just a second.
9:58 pm
and you didn’t tell me that you went to the military registration and enlistment office? oh! olya, let’s talk at home, i want to know now, i’m just wondering why you didn’t even deign to warn me, or my opinion doesn’t bother you, i know your opinion, but you know mine, i believe that my place is there at the front, and your father’s place is siberia or varkut, where the enemies of the people are sent there, he fought in... the civil war, waved his sabers for a bright future, how the sons of
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the cheeses will take you, will you defend him, for what? for 10 years without the right of correspondence, you heard him speak, he had never spoken like that before, he spoke the truth. ready to grab the rifle, enough is enough to say, my friends, and you tell the truth to the very end, the cruel truth, then for the first time call us brothers and sisters, he asks for help for the country, for my city, i am obliged to protect my wife and unborn child, his speech is evidence of strength, not weakness. you didn’t answer me, you alone decided everything,
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it’s more convenient for you, olya, that, olya, you’re not needed here, are you crazy, i ask you to be quiet, hot. your wife is right, we are needed here, just a second, our weapon is our word, it will be stronger than a bullet and a bayonet. inochka, you look great, as always, we must inspire those who go on the attack. sing of their courage and exploits, we will inspire them, us will inspire our companion, especially
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when they are so beautiful. “i see that you have finally found your happiness, my joy, sash, and you are going to inspire us here, and why not, anywhere, easily, well, yes. they pay for the word, and they give orders, they give, they give, here, please, is the topic for tomorrow’s article: sharpen your pen, comrades, poets, prose writers and playwrights, these days a writer is obliged to be a tribune and a laborer of the printed spoken word, i give you khanin, can i ask you
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to go away, it’s convenient here to drink and chat. , settle scores, if you want to go to the front, go, there’s no point in sitting here and playing music, i’m not seryozha, i’m sasha, there’s one good thing about you. beautiful woman, don’t drink anymore, rest, forgive me,
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you need more proof. or i, we, laborers of the printed word, brothers and sisters, the one who fulfills the will of my heavenly father is my brother and sister and mother, if i am not mistaken, the gospel of matthew , chapter twelve. comrades, the curfew is coming soon, i ask everyone to wrap up, we are waiting for you tomorrow,
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you have no one today, your mother is at hers again, they decided i can smell it, well, at least i’ll read books ok, packed reshelje, seryoga, what are you, cardinal reshelje, i’ll call him that from now on, clearly, and you were with him, and somehow they brought in the director’s mansion, they even showed him the room, they said it would be mine, oh well, yeah, eh you, and i said thank you, we ’ll live at home somehow. strength, but what is it? my mother came running, persuaded me, and said, he will be like a father to me, and what about you? i tell her, i had a wonderful father, and i don’t need another, but she, my mother , immediately burst into tears, and you, seryoga, you know, i don’t like women’s tears, but i know who i... see, well
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what, sisters, is cleanliness the key to health or shame? by the way, some people wouldn't mind washing their face either. this also applies to you, yura. mom, what are you saying, they gave me underwear for soldiers at the factory.
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mom, you can sew a duffel bag for whom makarich asked.
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oh, who do i see, here, here, where else can i get creative? impressed igor, i don’t understand, well, if i sit at home, it will still pass by, that’s right, but there are no stories, where to look in newspapers or something, in articles, you’re naughty, for the next 10 years the military theme will be the main one, so, huh i'll return to the play from the soldiers' room life somewhere there or... i’ll build a script somewhere, a so-so goal, mundane, and you’re here too, signed up, thank you, thank you, yes, who else will fulfill the will of the heavenly father, remember, like in
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tolstoy’s, now not they are sorting it out, they want to attack all the people, one word, moscow, if you have to shoot, shoot, who? for us, or for boris karlovich, no, it won’t come to that, well, boris karlovich, you’ve already signed up, where did they take you into the aviation or the navy, you’re just joking around, and if you remember, i’m a specialist in german literature, yeah, yeah now, when our humanists were warming the mucus of a child, they sang the praises of sturmudgan. storm onslaught, you need to stop them dear, at any cost, otherwise our world, the whole world, will be destroyed by the blond beasts wandering in search of the spoils of victory, i guess you don’t
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know anything, i, kolya, kolya, i ask you, go home, you do you happen to know which table is better received? they accept what, excuse me, who, my friend, who, they accept us better, they say, many at my advanced age are turned over, now, you have no right, i will complain, to you for health reasons it is forbidden.
10:11 pm
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you are a correspondent, let's go, yes, we passed, thank you, but how? hello, hello, i forbid you, yesterday
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what they said in this difficult hour, all as one, one for all, it seemed. prohibit as to whom, am i your son, or what? york, don’t be stupid, you’ll go in six months like everyone else, six months, but what if i want to clean off hitler’s face now. why do you need me, i, well, i decided to collect money for the front from the trade unions, well, they decided, so collect
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it, so i’m going to, so they ask you, what are they asking, that it’s just a matter of counting? maybe it’s better to go to the front than to collect papers from the idiots, to help the front by doing something, that’s right, i say, let’s shlobush, it will be more useful at the front, then why don’t you go yourself, what? so, okopny, taras matveevich, here is mine statement, comrade, solovyov, solovyov boris maksimovich, thank you, i will justify, thank you. so,
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bogdanov, nikifor petrovich, yes, it’s me, i won’t leave mine alone, rais nikolaevna, we enroll women in the second echelon, even in my company, even in the regiment, even in the whole division, i won’t leave mine alone, as if i myself i don’t understand, why are you laughing, well, support me, it’s all like this,
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always billy, let’s write down, come on, let’s write down everyone, everyone, people from the bottom of my heart, i definitely won’t take it, and i’m not seventeen yet, it’s too early for you, ripe.
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why did they write down old people who were absolutely no good as white-ticket ticket holders? the militia is created to help the army, dig, build, catch saboteurs, nothing more, but the command staff is provided by the general staff, the military registration and enlistment office and the political departments of the moscow district, i ’m not your ninochka, the second secretary. what to do? i'll tell you what to do. come, just
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don't forget your port ticket. fyodor mikhailovich, swasich is here. everything is fine with vasilien. he's fighting. i am your sister-in-law for help. nina. nina. "enroll me in the militia, i was already at the district department, they said, i’m old, all hope now only on you, on fyodor mikhailovich, why do you need your ranks, my ranks don’t solve anything now, retired, come on, on a general basis, fyodor mikhailovich." if you order me to go to the general staff, i won’t go, we won’t change it for sure, come on, come on dear , sign up for any
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division, even as a private, private, and then how will i explain to vasily what allowed you to leave as a private, and how will i explain to my son why i wiped my pants at home when all my children are at the front, marya iosifovna knows, she’s from me ? i sent it to you, that’s not what we’re doing, petro, don’t let me endure it any longer, he won’t let you go to the front, you fought for them, i, by the way,
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listened to each of these yeorgievs, not in the royal camps, at the front in the trenches, with my own blood, because for the homeland, why, comrade, don’t you appreciate such personnel, give your comrade to the restless one so that he can gather a hundred cossacks, without fear, the combat mission has been assigned, the germans should come in. the outcome of the whole war will depend on this comrade, but they’re not so terrible, like the fascists, without a doubt, we’ll come at a gallop from three sides, let's chop, make some noise, without further ado, it's up to me, it's clear, there is, comrade commander, they are going into battle, only cossacks, in battle, cossacks are giving away the years when he has a horse under the saddle and a saber in his hand, your cossacks will not be enough for such a plant, cossacks you never get enough, alex.
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where is polotsk? somewhere in belarus. and what? we are conducting an offensive there. inflicted serious losses on the enemy. levetan spoke. “ take pushkin, it will look good in the photo, the russian writer, even at the front, does not part with the classic, you can even give an interview, something like, immortal
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lines save me in battle, stop it, please don’t be cynical, but what kind of person should i be, calmly watch you go to suicide, wait for the funeral, or explain to your son that daddy didn’t wait for him, that he wanted heroic deeds? or maybe you’re just tired of family ties or your daughters or daughters? we’ll explain to our son or daughter that
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i went to defend our city in... you’ll go there to fight, but who needs you there, i’m also a soldier in glasses with a manicure, come on , you can’t be caught, and there’s no reason, listen to us will not send you into battle. write very often, it sounds cliché, but still every a day, one more, let it be a request
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from a pregnant woman, to come, call it what you want, promise that you will definitely come to us when he is born to hug your child and me, i give my word that this will not happen?
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wow, yurka, i scared you, but i have a conversation with you with emphasis, can i find out where your kind mother is, yurka, have you been re-reading books again, she was late today, and seryoga too, and yours, mine. i went to see my cardinal, so we’re alone in the whole apartment, yurka, that’s enough, light, we’ll have leave, i i’ll come right away and we’ll sign according to all the rules, i didn’t understand anything, again, you signed up. i knew it, my comrade was in time, who allowed the dampness to spread, what are you doing, promise that they won’t kill you, promise that
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you will return, soon, promise, i promise, call me a fool, so that’s how you were born, light? “i love you all my life, right from the very moment i was born, i wasn’t born yet, only a year later, and i’m in absentia, i want you to become svetlana of the good.
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so what’s up, now we’ll find it, now let's go here, right here, well, why not feather, so
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it will be a bit harsh, everything is better than on the bare half, of course not as soft as my wife’s armpits. join us, vasily bakarovich, so young people, why did you lie down, sit down, there is still a lot of things to vilify. follow me, hello. oh,
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not like an enemy spy, but my father’s mother knows. go home, seryoga, fuck off, i’m not going anywhere, it’s not fair, makarych, while they are there thinking, deciding, the division will collapse without me. i won’t leave on my own,
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why are you staring at me, yeah, let the authorities decide, well, somehow we’ve settled down, we’re getting ready for the night. have a rest, tomorrow we will meet the squad leaders and have drills. as for deception, yes, the issue is resolved, take the desks out into the corridor that you have piled up here, and do not smoke in the barracks at school. in class,
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relax. now you will answer us for the trousers for the strawberry , listen to him on the right, or maybe on the left, come on , come on, on the left, come on. who else are you, shut up
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, defender, uh, no, my friends, if there’s a duel, then according to all the rules, why, well, you challenged the earring to a duel, which means he chooses a weapon, what a duel, what are you talking about, he’s wearing my pants tore it up, i cleaned his face, i was delivering summonses, i was in a hurry, i apologized, uh-huh, it seems that means he apologized, he... i don’t remember something, then the duel, according to all the rules, one on one and until first blood, and i'll be a second, oh, and you'll be a second, what's your name? sanya, yurka, come on, what are you doing here, go to sleep. well, you're lucky, that no, no, nothing,
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leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website emergency exit. premiere. from monday to 22:15 on ntv.
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first platoon, come up to receive weapons one at a time, we’ll go to the germans with this, weapons, fighter, last name, trench. such a name and such a name, the next one, remember, for personal weapons, even if it’s like that for now, you answer with your head, your company lieutenant is a kravets, he will command us, actually a graduate of an armored school, there will be more questions, no way, disassemble the weapon, disassemble .
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how can it be, anton ilyevich, you yourself will be holed up here, and he will be thrown into the thick of it, with your own hands, but i can’t leave the plant, and they won’t take me, which one of me... bye, yura, yura, yura, go home, stop it, don’t disgrace the boys, where did you go, your name is yurka, they’ve come for you, yurka, little daughter, yurochka, go to mommy, hurry up, yura, where are you going, dear, earring, all like your father, but no one will send them to hell. well, really, well , look at them, well, they’re digging trenches, back to
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the machines, well, where are you looking, tatyana yuryevna, yours is still just a boy, well, how can i say irina anatolyevna, they brought a parcel, what’s that prison, they are prisoners, they are our protectors, you don’t understand this, do you understand something? the red army is valiantly scuttling, let's plug the holes with our children, let's assume, i didn't hear this, what have you done here, comrade relatives, a request for the future, properly, sign the transfers, wait, workshop, name, surname,
10:51 pm
10:52 pm
this is a combat grenade, first we tighten the fuse, hold it strictly like this, with the other hand we pull out the pin and throw it, you have 3 seconds, that’s clear, clear, clear, start the exercise, command sergeant major, disassemble training grenades. at the starting line, we throw training grenades one at a time, the first grenade and fire, bad, second, grenades, fire, third grenades fire, excellent, fourth, grenades
10:53 pm
fire, real! wow, okay, fifth, grenades fire, everyone is intact, everyone is intact, they took the boys, motherfucker, don’t do that again,
10:54 pm
moscow has pulled up... delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes as long as in the pyaterochka app pyaterochka helps out , enjoy the fill your summer with bright images on ozone. moscow
10:55 pm
coffee shop on the fields, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste - pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. spellbound, premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv.


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