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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 9, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

2:15 am
i don’t want to, but life, as they say, forces you, all this is directly related to a special military operation, and of course, we expect victory from our guys who are fighting, especially now here, i don’t know if you noticed or not, but may 9 has arrived, friends, i congratulate everyone on the great victory holiday, we always remember what our grandfathers did, we always remember and will remember with whom they fought,
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emerson is my man, i assure you, you will always be aware of everyone events, and he tells me that i brought him into this matter, and if i want to live, then, of course, it’s nerves. no, i just like to look out the window at the approaching cars. so, let’s repeat, anatoly kostetsky, right? yes, the nickname is costette. katya, don’t worry, everything will be fine. well, i'm off. if you want, you can stay. that
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you haven't had sex for a long time? please stay. jack, it's me, they've left the park, if he 's on his way home, you don't have more than half an hour.
2:20 am
devil, i knew it, how could you forget your uniform on match day, you don’t have a good head on your shoulders, but god knows what? where's your helmet? beds, mom, are you crazy,
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you have your mother in 20 minutes, and you’re drinking an ice-cold cola, quickly, i’ll tell dad everything, how do you prepare for the match, how do you comply? mode, i already thought that was it, lucky if this thing bursts the gas?
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everything is already dark, you can’t see a damn thing, well, whatever it is, it’ll be ready now, nothing new,
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nothing, not terrorists, who the hell knows what they’re sitting there, often eating all day long. further work of the special forces, and why couldn’t they have the task of finding mustafa in order to simply destroy him, as far as i know, dzhelav proposed to eliminate mustafa and nikolai if discovered. ustyugov did not object, but you opposed it. mustafa was the only leak mark in beruti. around this time, were you appointed officer for special assignments under the deputy director? yes, at the end of april. and you immediately
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suggested, upon discovery, to observe, conduct, clarify connections, but ultimately let mustafa leave. what is this? different people live here, they live in peace, mingrelians, orthodox, which means they didn’t tell you when they will perform the operation, but no, some other studies, if they weren’t okay, why does our decoy think that they won’t?
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the trap would be triggered, he said that if he were the fbi , he would simply install external surveillance and not bother anyone. so you can watch for years how many people come to a store, cafe or massage parlor, you can’t track everyone, no, sooner or later they... want to grab him, the question is, when, let’s wait, will we bring you something, fruit, read, no, no, you don’t need anything, everything is there, go, from his point of view, he is a person with experience, which of the three could be the mole, you didn’t ask, of course. asked,
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you understand, dear, these are not my sheep, master he’ll come and ask where it’s going, you’ll say, they took it in the name of allah, or you feel sorry for allah, but an orthodox christian, i don’t feel sorry for allah, dear, but the owner.
2:27 am
gosha, next time at least say something, otherwise you won’t have enough ammunition. yes, how is it? david geich, morons, this was a good place, now look for a new one. well, i'm seated, i'm an excellent student, i 'll carry the blind man alone.
2:28 am
i’d rather wait, that’s right, you need to wait and watch for your chance, sooner or later, frankie, you owe me 2500, frankie, i see you’re bankrupt, you’re broke, dad, no work hard, according to my calculations you should have 21 thousand left, your cards go to the bank, you get 3,500 for the collateral value, a total of 24,500 bucks. dick, it's impossible to play with you, give the broke clerk a drink, this is a magic massage parlor, i'd like
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to talk to ingrit helms, she's at work, and she works until what time today? thank you.
2:30 am
i remember, i remember how he ran around for a whole week, as if he had won the national lottery, flew to washington, how it passed by... and me, strangely, i mean his arrival, i was probably on vacation, march last year, wait, let me remember, two months after i arrived in beirut, dinner is ready, on the table, let's go, dear, let's go, boys, come on, in december of the ninetieth.
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kastelsky himself, are you coming to him? i’ll ask now, but he’s actually busy, wait, i said, don’t let anyone in, it’s impolite to turn your back to the guests, who are you guys, the criminal police, the drug department, what kind of drugs, who do you work with, i ’ll call you now, dry up, let's work.
2:32 am
hung up and you think it's examination? i am convinced that the russians deliberately slipped false information to the bedouin, now they are waiting for us to take the contact. that is, the person whom the bedouin named us is not a messenger. this is a trap, there is no connection. but at a minimum, this means that the bedouin is under suspicion, one of the suspects. but i ’m sure that we can dissuade the russians, let them stop all contacts, complete silence, it’s clear, what about kiev? the specialists and emerson are already there, uh-huh, they ’re going to visit deputy zheleznyak’s apartment, look.
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someone told him about the negotiations in vilnius? i think these questions should be asked directly to the ironworker, so he will tell you. there are different ways. no, no, i won't give it in writing.
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they don’t come to our school, they invite us, so you explain to him, the fool, come on! that's gray, very good, it's nice, i like it,
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it's awesome, yeah, oh shit, sorry, this is a typical, typical, typical. i don’t understand what his comrades are. it’s necessary, yes, a photo, help him take it, you fool, you don’t see the foreigner, yeah, okay, what are you
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saying? what are they writing? interesting, they write, bulgakov, master margarita, i haven’t read it, so we can sit here until the end of time, we graze the third camp , everything is empty, and if there’s nothing here, we’ll look for the fourth, fifth, how do i know how many there are here.
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interfered with travelers, they carried out a decision on privatization through the presidential administration, pocketed the money, very interesting, kutnik, kutnik went to the president, so they offered him a share, i offered, of course, so how did you hand over yakutnik to the kgb, fagot semyonovich, kgb?
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what? yes, i wanted to send bandits to him, but i thought they’d talk like humans, but here he is this is the same thing, a fool jumped out of a window in vilnius, okay? less people, more oxygen, but what is it, i don’t understand, but he died and to hell with him, but yes, i wrote this down, so what is it i, i don’t see, everything is double, that it’s in my head , what kind of paper is this, this is a record that they were appointed to negotiate on the black sea fleet, comrades, who are you, how did you end up in the office,
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should i call the security, okay, to hell with it, daddy, please sleep, yes , yes, tomorrow at 12 i will already be at the dacha, where, lord, where can i be if you call home, and i picked up the phone, daddy, that’s it, good night, he’s on it again when... strange, no, i didn’t notice nikolai vasilievch, it’s all after they take the puccia.
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it seems to him that they are keeping him out of pity, you can imagine that his bosses are specially inventing a job for him so as not to force him to retire, no, this is nonsense, no, he is an excellent professional and no, he appreciates him, that’s what you tell him. we have to go, but i don’t want to, the foreplay has gone on for a long time, we either need to sleep or run away, otherwise we’re like schoolchildren, by god.
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where the shower is, you know where the door is too,
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who's the smart one here? no, it’s just standing here, where did you come from? i'm lost? i see, what's wrong with your face? what's wrong with your face?
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thank you very much, thank you, be careful, don’t break your neck, i don’t have money for the bus, i have only problems with you, yeah, here you go. thank you
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very much, thank you again, don’t break your neck, be careful, eat for about five minutes, go to sleep, let’s go to sleep. damn, sweet, sweet.
2:46 am
you slept so sweetly, went to your father’s dacha and... spare keys in the hallway, if you stop by in the evening, i won’t be offended, i love you, why are we making noise, dear? you'll scare the sheep, the wool will be bad, who is he? we are shepherds from childhood, we work for the owner, shalvashvili, you know, there’s probably only one here, my nephew is with me,
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gosha, gosha, show yourself, we haven’t seen the guy here, he’s quite young. tell them to inspect the tent, inspect the tent, but why does he need binoculars? why do you need binoculars, you can’t do it without binoculars, the sheep
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will fight off, run away, so we’re looking, we’re looking, he says, he’s looking after the sheep. what a fool, he said, watch what happens to him, david geich, okay, let's get ready.
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the last time i saw you have such an expression faces when you received a certificate of honor from the presidium and the supreme council. well, like, read, it’s in all the kiev newspapers today, the chosen one’s connections with crime are sinful, well, don’t give a damn about what’s written here, the main thing is that the americans believe
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in his involvement in the kutnik case, with such compromising evidence as we stuffed him with an apartment, but with a reputation like his, don’t tell me, don’t tell me. let's see what they do with him, if they let him go, it means they believed him, and not incriminating evidence, i somehow didn’t understand the train of thought, sing, if the cia decides that we recruited zheleznyak, he gave us information on the negotiations in vilnius, they will never let him go, why? because if he is our agent, he will immediately rush to us, and we... will blow up the story about the kidnapping of the patriot of ukraine by the treacherous cia, they need it, which means he must disappear, or or or all
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our efforts in kiev are worthless . kolya, chaikin, listen, can you do an examination of one book for me? well, when as soon as possible within 2 hours, okay, kolya,
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i’ll be there in an hour, there’s something from america, well, according to the check, nothing, all the defendants are in place, working, no one is touching them, but kipling said that the mole was most likely recruited in december of the nineties in beruti. uh-huh, so who can we cross off? only gaprindashvili, he was on vacation, the rest, alas, even dzhalaev, as luck would have it, flew to beirud in december 1990 as part of a trade delegation.
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hold on, what can i say? well, don't be tormented. yes, there is nothing special in this book, we used it regularly, i didn’t find any signs or symbols, well, in some places it’s clear that the page was touched with something sharp, well, sort of nail, here and there, where is this? there is no system, it's simple. they often use old soviet books from the fifties for their keys. dim, well, you understand that i will find about 40-50 such books at your house. i understand as best i could,
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intelligence is not telling fortunes with tarot cards, i cannot draw conclusions without having a fact, tell the secretary of state that we are working on this issue. now they will look for someone to blame for the failure of negotiations with ukraine, well, it’s over, an unpleasant story, if you believe this iron ore. i don't care about this iron ore, information that was slipped by the linden. it turns out that harley was, and he is a double agent.
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is this as a fee for a service? i was leaving, i decided to leave the kantars, that’s enough, you were right, there’s nothing to do there, you were serious, or as usual, you were joking, i laughed, seriously, i even found a job, now the arabs want to establish an oil tanker there, some kind of oil tanker then, in short, you need a person who will deal with all sorts of misunderstandings there with the cops, the state council, which means you’re moving to the south, but no, it’s just a business trip. good luck, katya, you yourself told me then, that while i was in the office, we all said too much to each other. yes, dmitry sergeevich, did you know that snegur was going to resign from intelligence, did he tell you something about this? was this somehow discussed in the department? he said that he was tired of everything, that
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he didn’t see any special prospects for work, but he was offered a paid job somewhere in the south, and they just let him go. why not, now many people are going into business, and this had nothing to do with the scandal in kiev, when a zheleznyak deputy was kidnapped, but well such, i don’t understand this connection at all, but where is kiev, where is snegur, an interesting chain of coincidences, the kiev kidnapping, the baby is finally recalled from moscow, mustafa salah was discovered in the south, please also add the boeing disaster in panama and the european championships ...
2:58 am
"we are allegedly releasing their agent iron ore, we are such idiots, we don’t understand that he will immediately run to the russians to create a scandal, the united states is negotiating with ukraine behind russia’s back, and the cia is on the territory of a sovereign state, kidnapping their people tortures, no there will be no scandal, he didn’t run anywhere, he won’t run, of course, but our task is to convince the russians that we are very afraid of sandalwood, letting him go means opening his cards, that’s what you want, richard, i heard right, yes, no, but maybe, yes , sir, you are right, dika, what do you suggest?
2:59 am
damn, you’ll leave your whole jacket in little fists here, that’s right, look, well,
3:00 am
call the experts, captain. ideas in our business are expensive, your head is worth gold. to be honest, i didn’t fully believe it. what are they even saying in kiev? what you need they say. close ties between the iron ore industry and the moscow kgb party nomenklatura. no one directly connects him with the death of the kutnik. but the fact is that it’s because of iron ore. a major foreign policy event fell through, one way or another it sounds like, okay, here is the panki gorge, here islamic radicals are setting up a network of training camps, we counted about...


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