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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 9, 2024 3:00am-3:46am MSK

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well, call the experts, captain. an idea in our business is expensive; your head is like gold. to be honest, i didn’t fully believe it. what are they even saying in kyiv? they say what is needed. close ties between the iron ore industry and the moscow party. la and the kgb, no one directly connects him with the death of kutnik, but the fact that a major foreign policy event was disrupted because of iron ore sounds one way or another, well, okay, here is the panki gorge, here islamic radicals are setting up a network of training camps, we... counted about
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ten, money, weapons, fighters, everything is serious, and this event is being supervised by your friend mustafa sallah, how reliable is the information, absolutely, gaprindashvili has been hanging around there for about 2 months, now he spotted him, we are sending a special forces group there, well , illegally, of course , you’ll fly with them, the target, they’ll take him, and you’ll interrogate him, we need to... finally find out where he got information about our guys in beirut, maybe bring him here, why drag him back and forth, if mustafa is still supervised by the americans, then his disappearance will arouse suspicion, and so the zaveedists attacked the camp at night, a battle ensued, and mustafa sallah died as a warrior of islam. here is
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usually one, most often he either sleeps or leaves, here is a tent, here are three, here are four, here in this one is mustafa and his assistant, this is all riffraff, dear, these two are very dangerous, i understood you completely, don’t worry, how will everything be at the pharmacy, guys come to me, there is, come on, so, guys, you two are from there, smell here, carefully, you are from there, how long will it take them, 20-25 minutes, they need them alive in the tents, go ahead, eat, excuse me, please, what? they asked me
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to tell you, who asked? there, uncle, what uncle, just been there?
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interesting movie, we are combing the camp, there is a commander. get into the car, mr. snegur, get in, get in, and don’t make sudden movements if you want to stay alive. i swear to allah, i
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don't know anything else. where did he go? i ’m telling you, solyakh arrived about three hours ago, they got ready to leave. i ask you, where? has he left? i don't know. he comes and leaves whenever he wants. he is emir. emir. after training, where were you supposed to be transferred? saleh said in you’ll find out in due time, mustafa didn’t say anything, he doesn’t speak much russian, let’s leave.
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let's go, why would anyone know that we were here? it’s amazing that he managed to escape again, yes, dmitry sergeevich, you tracked him down for so long, special forces were brought to georgia and again nothing, as general nenashev said in his summary on this matter, there was an underestimation of the psychophysical qualities of the enemy. underestimation of mustafa salah, after everything he did in lebanon with us, you laugh, but he left you five times, after carlos the jackal, the french are hunting 15
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years, so far to no avail, but how do you explain that gaprindashvili assured that mustafa salah was in the camp, but at the time of the operation he was not there. dad felt danger, or someone warned him about the danger, mr. snegor, listen to me very carefully, frank, buddy, who is it? this is nicholas goffman,
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what will you achieve, they will arrest me, at the trial i will say that all these years i have destroyed the criminal regime from the inside, they will give me at most 2 years, i will emerge as a symbol of freedom and democracy, you will see, your president will give me a bonus handing over in the white house, like bartsuzkomism,
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frank, glad to see you. good evening sandro, let's get the documents ready , citizens, come on, come on, let's get the documents, documents, citizen. where will you come from, what are you looking at,
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we get the documents, my brother is deafly not mine! i must say that it was greers who saved us. your offer to release the iron ore may be interpreted as a desire to warn
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your masters. i keep wondering what position a mole should occupy in the national security system if a russian is there to cover him up such forces are involved. at least not lower than yours, richard, all the best, guys, well, you still have a long time, the duty will end in about 10 minutes, i’ll see you again with an expired certificate, the bullpen will rattle, and tari, let’s wrap it up, let’s go, we’re preparing the documents, it’s said that, it's falling. “what fate, the security officers have been looking for you here all winter, and they said
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you’ve gone to georgia, you’re going, oh, what an interesting force you have, everyone stay in place, everyone sit down, men, men, men, what are you doing, sit down, i said "? "we're leaving, so much effort, it’s all down the drain, but we’re not fighting fools, the fact that they didn’t believe the story with the iron ore is not so bad, it’s worse, i’m worried about the fbi’s kipling, the circle of suspects has narrowed to five or six people. there is nothing on him, even we don’t know who he really is,
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you can suspect as much as you want, you need evidence, there isn’t any, not yet.
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mayr's resignation, let's get it right away, intelligence, respect, need, then no questions asked, how can we help, yeah, you 're interested in the oil refinery, not me, my boss is from the emirates, this is very much a place for them it looked, they want to invest, well, of course, it will offend me, i told you, serious people, let’s touch it.
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sweetheart, sweetheart, oh my god, what are you doing here? well, i decided to explore the secluded corners, otherwise the whole living room, bedroom, kitchen, here you find yourself with a whole museum. let's go, wait, i'm
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interested, maybe, i don't know, you can give me a tour. place of happiness, stop, i don’t want it, but i want it, i’m tired of it, dim, just right away, yes, katka and i were there, katka said, katka, katka, why, why don’t you want to forget all this, she, she she left you, she betrayed you, in the end she cheated on you, that’s where you got it from, but stop it, dima, in your fucking station, there’s probably only you. knew about her affair with snegur, he told you that, what difference does it make who told me this, the main thing is that it’s all in the past, you know, in the past, you have to live, dim, you have to love, you have to be loved, and you with her like the trustans from old, well, then lie down in the neighboring graves and wait until the dim thorn tree sprouts. dim, dim,
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ask, i, dim, i shouldn’t have. and he you i definitely scolded you twice here, huh? offend. it's fun here, it's friday today. for you? martine, please. clean, clean, but i understand, no, repeat with apercine juice, of course, but for me, perhaps, vodka martin, with dangling, but don’t mix, love the blond, i absolutely love him, he’s prima, zhenya, lif, kulman, swede, no , american, from ene
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arbor, and here, they forgot, i’m a teacher. the circus will begin, listen, brav, sorry, the jigib didn’t figure it out, the sergeant told me, you’re sergech’s friend, we’re not talking, everything’s fine, rest, rest, come on, come on, take it, excuse him, excuse me, where did you
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stop? and what follows from this? failure in beruti, a figurehead in kiev, negotiations in vilnius, some more leaks, the circle of people who could know about all these operations is extremely small, and i am among them, alas, okay, but i will demand that a separate official investigation be carried out against me investigation.
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no need to act like a girl, you might think that your fbi is different, but then he suggested writing a dissertation in moscow, and you, of course, agreed, yes, they brought champagne, i’ll open it promptly, no, right? oops, what a day today is, and convincingly, as i understand it. out of the question, next time, dear, yeah, i’m your new curator, oh, how, i’ve never slept with curators in my life, why are you standing there, emerson, sit down, sit where
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you were sitting, you didn’t want to talk to hoffmann, he’s not my type, unlike you, i’ll tell you, i don’t give a damn, someone is happy with me, someone isn’t, i don’t impose myself, if he’s still needed, let’s be specific, he’s so useless after all connections, dear young lady, connections, oh, here's champagne, bring it, come on, ilya konstantinovich, how are you, how are you feeling? i need to talk to my son for 10 more minutes. just no more, the operation is very complicated, we need to prepare you, of course, thank you, uh-huh, thank you, we gave him the code name kipling, he
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himself contacted me in 1987 in washington, offered his services as an advance, handed over two moles for your work. asked for that kind of money, we ’ve never paid anyone that much, but he’s worth it, switch kipling to you, take care of him, then mole, i’m looking closely at ustyugov. already done something, i don't think it's him, or rather, i’m afraid to think, i don’t want to think,
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probably more likely dzhalaev, he was always like that, in general. this guy is 2 months tall and he looks at this dude like that and says: we’re just waiting for a friend, he has a mantle in his hands, a friend, lyudmila, what are you doing here? hello, i wanted to talk, excuse me, i see you’re not very comfortable right now, but why is it convenient, let’s go, shurik, thanks for seeing me off, see you tomorrow.
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sorry dima, i’ll tell you one important thing now. "well, if everything ends well with me, promise me that you will forget about our conversation, and about this place, what kind of place, this is a hiding place, there are materials there, the most. important, i didn’t want to keep them in management, it’s not
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the right time, but everything is fine, no, katya is calling, she really needed something from her ex- husband, are you trying to switch the kettle, or do you think that i have hearing problems? and then that we have a long life together with dima, receipts for electricity, a warranty card for the tv, dima’s things, so i call, and will continue to call, you don’t love him, and never have, you have snowballs, others too, and i love him, and he loves you, and he loves me, but then you have nothing to worry about, why can’t you? just leave him alone. mil, tell me, do you want your children to see their dad as rarely as you see your father, look at how
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nobility, how... touching, thank you, only dima and i will figure it out ourselves somehow, i asked why he you need it because i love him, and he loves me too.
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one could only dream about this, but unfortunately, the chances are slim. bedouin recommends
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taking a closer look at dmitry chaykin. he is convinced that he will climb the career ladder very quickly. he is young and ambitious. showed himself very well in beirut and vilnius. and besides, he is the adopted son of a late friend, not our general. this is very important in russia. it's like it doesn't matter in america. do we have it? the way to him, yes, in the shortest possible way, is through snegur, they are very great friends, wait, but it says here that snegor almost stole his wife, they are good friends, yes, they had a conflict, but according to our information, they still communicate. yes, pyotr sergeevich,
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yes, next to my mother, thank you, good, we agreed, this is ilya konstantinovich, 1980, order of the red star andropruchil. who cares now, daddy, damn, how was everything yesterday, well, dim, we agreed on forgiveness, yes, we agreed, dim, maybe you can eat. i stewed the meat, no,
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thank you, nikolai vasilyevich, lyuda, you will forgive me, yes, i understand, let's go, lyudka, let's go, let's go, dad, let the man be alone, let's go, you propose to again use the agent who was set up for us by the kgb, from the kgb snegor resigned.
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everything is bought and sold, you know richard, you gave me an idea, which, however, okay. go ahead, this will stay with me.
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good day, liv, you look great, emirson, you have circles under your eyes, a hard night, if you’re done with the compliments, let’s continue, yes, yes, i have all your attention, you will be handed over to you in 5 days, what, 50 thousand dollars, business approach. what should i do? the person who will give you the money needs your help. what is required of you, he will tell you himself. honor, if you are able to consider anything at all, consider that you will receive the money when the help implement. guys, this is not an advance, this is payment for services. do you refuse? no, no, i'm
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just clarifying our relationship. see you. like this. see you. after everything that happened between us. temporary place for you. now, yes, we are sure that this is a good idea, you know the person with whom we are transferring the money well enough, more than, the person promised me a first-class check, in general he is a master at such things, they are leaving, what are we doing, we’ll take the snowman or follow them ? let's go after them, let's see where they settled.
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kate! katya, i'm here i’ve been meaning to talk to elvi konstantinovich for so long, the last time we had a very bad conversation. well, i spoke badly, my mother scolded me all the time if i threw
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apples on the ground, saying that if an apple falls and hits, it will begin to rot. he didn't say that i came here to see him? no, what difference does it make to you? i'm glad you came. let's pick apples. let's. erected by acquaintances standing upright, overlapping two dots, we lived together for so long that we made our own door out of our own shadows, whether you work, whether you sleep, but
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the doors did not swing open, and we walked through them, apparently right through, and went out through the back door into the future, who is this? brodsky, let's go have tea. so harley, he will finish one operation and also
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go on vacation, the fbi makes no exception for anyone, but for some reason mrs. riley is so partial to you, kipling claims that the threat of exposure
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is very real. some time ago, our people prepared an operation to neutralize harley. now it won't do anything. on the contrary, it only activates the fbi. we need to change the methodology, in what sense? they take it, we we are trying to convince the sru that we learned the information that sheikh sallah is mustafa’s father from mustafa himself. next is kiev, we are covering up kipling with a corrupt deputy allegedly recruited by us, and then there’s the story of samara.
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i need to give them what they are looking for, i have a plane in 2 hours, my friends warned me that you were coming, david should have warned you, yes, i’m listening, it’s zhenya, who’s talking, snegur? yes, yes, zhenya, snegor, and
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what, 5 hours later in pyatigorsk at the bus station, is it morning for everyone? that's right, stand at the entrance, i'll come to you myself. yes, what to you?
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how did it happen that you and snegur ended up in mineral waters together in july? what did you forget there, dmitry sergeevich? this was the initiative of general not ours. middle east department. there was a signal that in the mineral waters, under the guise of businessmen from the united arab emirates. there may be individuals of interest to us who were known to us back in lebanon. it’s very interesting, and for this we had to send you, gaprindashvili, and shalimov there. shalimov. the gabrendoshvilis had been there since the end of july, so when doto, when doto called to moscow said that he identified one of the businessmen as a person of interest to us, you know, we just had different social circles in beirut, so the general thought that i could go help them identify
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one of them, well, completely by accident, but at the same time, the snowman turns out to be there and you together, he could have gone anywhere and he went to mineral waters, and he also went to mineral waters, he quit, and it seems to me that it would be logical to ask all these questions to the snowman, honey, i feel , some kind of dirty trick they are preparing, well, in any case, we will insure, it is dangerous to involve locals, who knows what kind of ties they have here, so, let’s not have any locals, just the three of us and that’s it, okay. “yes, yes, dim, what, i just wanted to say that i was wrong in everything then, i was a bastard, to be honest, zhenya, please, with exactly the same intonation my
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father spoke to me 10 days ago, with what intonation, as if i was saying goodbye, zhenya, you, of course, are a decent bastard, but i don’t want to say goodbye to you, i don’t want to say goodbye to anyone else, i’m clear. i’m telling you, so you go now and go to bed, and in 4 hours we’ll do them, i understand, i understand, comrade leader of the operation.
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so that’s it, i’m going back there, she has all the time after, yesterday i promised on the beach, then i said at the bus station, and now in general, oh, what a little kid, and what did your mother tell you, to erase things, but they won’t go anywhere,
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money first, there will be money for you to search him, and you, mustafa, i see you work part-time as a courier, we are in the clear, dear, we work for the same owner, he is without weapons, well, good, the money is in the storage room here, i have the receipt. but i need your help, what should i do? come on, i'll show you.


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