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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 9, 2024 3:45am-4:31am MSK

3:45 am
well, there is something to do with you, first the money, there will be money for you, to search him, and you mustafa, i see, you work part-time as a courier, we are even, dear. we work for one owner, he has no weapons, well, good, the money is in the storage room here, i have the receipt, but i need your help, what should i do, let’s go, i’ll show you.
3:46 am
are we going somewhere? it’s not far, and there are five tickets, close the doors, 10 minutes before departure, i said close the doors, don’t make noise, you will do what i say, what are you up to, now you’ll find out, people, listen to me carefully,
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you will convey our demands at the very first post, this is so that everyone will decide that i have signed up to be a terrorist, it was a great idea with emerson, we kidnapped you, forced you to sit on the bus, like a former kgb officer, we need you, offer yourself to the negotiators, you will persuade the police to let us through, they will believe you, let’s assume what’s next, then we’ll let you go with part of the hostages. exchange
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for a plane, you will take your money in the storage room. wherever this guy appears there is always some ass, we can overtake, i i’ll wait for the stop, i’ll go in as a passenger, i’ll look further at the situation, but there’s already a stop, we won’t make it at the next one, let’s go to the
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next one, i don’t like all this, that i didn’t brake at the stop, yes, let’s overtake, stop soon, press to him. what's his name? barsik, dog? yes, i wanted a kitten, but my mother doesn’t buy it, i called him a leopard.
3:50 am
“should i stop, stop, yeah, yeah, now you calmly go to the driver and check his documents, just don’t get on the bus, come on, inspector, now listen, nod, then you take out a gun, point it at me, as if you’re holding me back and taking me to the post, i understand, i don’t understand, you don’t need to understand anything, give me the gun, nod, lead me there, come on!” that’s right, well done, what should we do now? don’t worry , we’re not used to blood here yet, we’ll kill one or two hostages,
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they’ll let us through, what do you want from us, we haven’t done anything, i’m late for work, what does he want, he says he’s late for work, tell him he’ll be on time, dima, he needs some hype, he wants to organize a second lebanon here, hostages, police station explosions, boys on suicide bombers, he is paid for this, the americans, i don’t think so, it seems to me that he is using them, this is all great, guys, what are we going to do? okay, as a last resort , we’ll give him a plane and let him go, now the main thing is to save the hostages. dim, give me the gun, what? have you seen how many people are on the bus? i look like an idiot. listen carefully,
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release our man immediately and let us pass. everything is fine, drive away the tuck, quickly, that's it, let's go, take the gun, what did they say, let's get on the bus, let's go, everything is fine, go away, this one from the police said that he will contact the ministry of security and hand over everything, they will give us a plane, the police cannot decide such issues, but he will contact those who decide, they will stop us on the way, so let's not be nervous, why are you offending us, the leopard is scared, everything will be fine, i promise.
3:53 am
the collapse of the union had a negative impact on the psychological state of kgb officers. many are confused and quit; the situation is extremely favorable for us. i won't hide it.
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then can i buy his name, and what is the price? the bus is not accompanied by special services, the bus is allowed onto the airfield, it goes to a prepared, refueled plane with a crew, where the terrorists release most of them.
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colonel, you're crazy, move away, don't bother me, i don't like this colonel, i don't either. drag him here, this one who is late for work, hey, colonel, come closer, if you are not afraid, what are we talking about, remove your soldiers and let us through, listen, don’t be so nervous.
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snegur ended up in pyatigorsk by chance, apparently mustafa’s people led him. as soon as the opportunity presented itself, they captured snegur, after that they took hostages on
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the bus. it doesn’t add up, dmitry sergeevich, the night before the capture, snegur was at the hotel, we checked, and early in the morning he took a taxi to the bus station in petigorsk. perhaps he was lured there and an appointment was made. yes, he moved in a rather criminal environment. mustafa could have connections among criminal authorities. listen, can you explain to me what is the point of resigning from the police in order to immediately associate with terrorists? or maybe he didn’t intend to glow, something just went wrong not this way. goodbye brother, what happened. i have to go, and you’re moving on, which means it’s time, my stop,
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i’ll see you sometime, sit down! word wave 12, at 17 kilometers the bus stopped and dropped off a man, the man went into the forest, wave 12, the man went into the forest in the direction of travel or crossed the road in the direction of travel, there is a forest road, the wave understood you, try to track him, and the bus , but the bus isn’t going anywhere, it’s mustafa, damn it! what is it, what is it, dim, what about me, there will be no exchange, you know, they want
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drive onto the airfield and just blow up a bus, next to a refueled plane, that’s it, your division, dim, let’s do it, drop me off at the seventeenth, i’ll try to take it, and you overtake the buses and go to the airport, so what are you catching in the forest you will, don’t worry, dear, i ’ll catch this bitch now.
4:00 am
how it all went, brother, it hasn’t passed yet, but with the help of allah, soon everything will be over, this will be a real jihad, let’s go, let’s wait, there’s a helicopter here, let it fly away. i want to be noticed. hush, hush, why don't they let us through?
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airfield, we agreed, calm down, don’t shine, this is theirs, the main one from the ministry of security. now we need to understand where we are going, how we will change hostages, open it, i will come out , stand back, open the doors, let him come in, tell him, let him come in, calm down, back, stand said, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, ok, don't scare me, put the gun away, put it away. they ask you to come in, i’ll go, it’s time to end this matter, dima, you ’re crazy, you have no special training, if they want to do something like this, they need to be eliminated, and you’re on the bus - that’s another one hostage, okay, nena, we can handle it there, zhenya,
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the main thing is to do your job honorably.
4:03 am
yes, i’m going with you, we make an exchange at the plane, you let 15 people go with the rest. you get on the plane, okay, okay, let's go, you follow this warburg, he shows the way to our board, just don't lag behind, come on, the car will go fast, you accelerate as best you can, i'll tell you, to that plane over there, you hit the brakes, you can, i can, well, we're going, we're going. open, hurry up,
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the second car is passing, hold the master's krivich.
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he's on that plane! here you go, everything is fine.
4:06 am
it was you who convinced me of mustafa’s usefulness, you asked for funding for an operation in the caucasus, so what? but sir, this is a typical excess by the performer. the fact that he was going to carry out a terrorist attack with our money, and the fact that he framed and almost... killed snegur, is this an excess? sir, but when you work with islamists, you need to be prepared, i said a million times: you can’t mess with these islamic bandits, that’s it, harley, pray to god that the russians don’t find our ears behind this failed terrorist attack. i really wasn't aware of his plans. a are you generally aware of your agents' plans?
4:07 am
thank you, david was nominated for the title of hero of the russian federation, they will only remove the order for personal courage, he has not transferred anywhere yet, and nothing has changed, yes, you want to go home, dim, but his parents, his mother in kutais, could not find, many come today we couldn’t, but only david geevich’s closest friends are dining here, well, yes, yes, i especially wish. close friend, come on, zhen, stop it, dad, everything is ready, please come to the table, comrade, let’s change, sit, i’ll open it.
4:08 am
hi, hi, i’m late, no, we just sat down, after all, an unplanned vacation has its advantages, dick, you don’t want to tell me anything about what, i know where you work, so i’m never interested either.
4:09 am
we worked together for years, people gathered around this table who put other people’s interests
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above their own, pay for it with their own lives, some even try to leave, resign, but they still won’t let go of the past, but dato was a true friend, and i couldn’t... not to come, i drink to the living david, what was kept closed yesterday a zinc coffin, it’s not him, but he, he’s somewhere out there, walking along the seashore, breathing clean mountain air, for david.
4:11 am
thank you for inviting me! i have to go, kitty, i 'll see you off.
4:12 am
as if you didn’t have anything, but nothing happened, you don’t need to go anywhere today, no, even if i had to, i wouldn’t go, i said that... i’m sick, locked in the apartment, flooded the neighbors, progress is obvious , wow, life is ahead of the dream, you still haven’t told me how it’s been for you in the new place, in different ways, somewhat reminiscent of bunin’s damned days, i haven’t read it, all the darkest, creepiest, greedy things have risen from the bottom and imagined herself to be the master of life.
4:13 am
do you really want to talk about this? no, who is it this early? yes, i’m listening, yes, pyotr sergeevich, i’ll be there in an hour. take me home, i thought you were staying, it wasn’t our call, i need to leave, it won’t be long, what are you doing, i’m just a complete fool, it will always be like this, they’ll call, and you’ll drop everything and rush off to save the world, but one day you won’t you will return like david.
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4:15 am
you have absolutely nothing that can be presented as evidence of my guilt. can i go home? sure you can. robert will take you. so what do you say? we are in complete prison. you were working in washington at the time. surely you remember how besonov flew in, it’s a lot of water under the bridge, probably someone flew in, listen, mr. privalov, what is your pension, small in modern times, but what? they believe that kipling's recruitment dates back to this period.
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the station, the us department in the first directorate, became interested when your father flew to washington, and that... emerson, this whole story with the hostages also
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turned out to be a complete surprise. why are you so do you think? kvetansky money? snow took the suitcase with money from the storage rooms. why leave money to a dead person? i worked in analytics. but if you look up the records and compare the information that we processed, then something can be understood, you would help us a lot, we would be grateful to you, 10,000, uh, dollars, sooner or later they will come to you, right? there’s no way to overplay the game here, you have to think about what sauce to feed it to, you have to be forced by circumstance, who we’re going to feed them, they ’ll take that person and start spinning them around, interrogate, he will deny everything, no,
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ironclad evidence is needed here, someone needs to be sacrificed, from those who are of little use, but really worked for us, for example, lempard. he has become a greyhound, the boys may not understand if we jump off, since when did you start to care what the boys think, the lads and i are on equal terms, you fool, little one, everyone in
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the bathhouse is on an equal footing, and then they are in the common, and you are in love, before you decide on shurik, you need to understand where the strings come from, how... this will all turn out, in general it’s necessary, i don’t know, look, look, from some, what’s wrong with the cassette, there’s no more cassette, you ’re crazy, why are you so nervous, mr. ustyugov, you were friends with the late general besonov. how did your management even come up with such an idea, to be rich and free, a normal desire of any person, but not everyone is ready to become a traitor for this, get out, it’s a pity that you
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reacted so emotionally to an ordinary business proposal, i should call counterintelligence, just hello, i know where the door is. igor borisovich, this is ustyugov, hello, please connect me with peter sergeevich. yes, i’m listening, you’re convinced, there are no surprises, there are two
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batches of new monitors, gold star svga, 9 inches and 11, you’ll take everything, i’ll give you a discount, why are you doing this? generous shurik, problem, why are you so serious, nikolai? he called, exactly, exactly, well, what, my friends, let's have a drink, there's one less problem in the world.
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such a surprise. the damn ones know that since i’m suspended, it’s not safe for agency employees to communicate with me. since when did you start respecting the rules? i just care about you, because if i'm being watched, you might be in trouble. oh, it can’t get any worse, everything has gone to hell. khaselkhov didn’t give you the position of deputy? something went wrong? everything went wrong, frankly. you know me, after all. yesterday you were interrogated for almost 5
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hours, and you thought that you would be an exception? what do you want from me or what? we need to convince hasselhoff and faber
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that reilly acted solely for career reasons, because there was no leak. richard, do me a favor, please take the dog bag, dirty shoes to the salon, i don’t want to. idiot, here you go, hold the package, please, i’ll throw the sneakers, richard, it’s not difficult for you to put the packages in the trunk, while i ’ll remove the lock, thank you.
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i will try to talk to the director, informally of course, it will take time, but i think we will find a solution. it was nice to see you, richard,
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thank you. styopa, he is turning from leninsky to klinovaya, where are you? we're a block away. "catch up and change, otherwise he will copy us, you were aware of snegur’s contacts with american intelligence, in particular with
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msu graduate student lee fulman, listen, but you know that cia emissaries are working in moscow, they are looking for a mole, their..." the central apparatus is talking to retired intelligence officers, well , maybe that's how they came out snegura, you say so calmly that foreign intelligence officers are operating in moscow, they are almost openly trying to find out the name of the agent, but they can sit here for as long as possible, no one will tell them the name, well, where does such confidence come from, dmitry sergeevich, but just believe me. yes, they can at least. how many are there sit, no one will tell them your name, but where does such confidence come from, i
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apologize to you again, we had no intention of setting you up, okay, like these... great, we’ll consider the incident settled, what’s new with you, i have, have you heard anything about the sources of the late general bisonov in the cia, again 25, took up the baton of lempard. the only one who knows besides ours is chaikin, the general died suddenly, they spoke before the operation, how do you know this, his ex-wife, they communicate now communicates.


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