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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  May 9, 2024 4:30am-5:30am MSK

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i had no intention of setting you up, okay, how about this money, if something happens i can take it, there in the envelope are instructions for handling the account, great, we’ll consider the incident settled, what’s new with you, with me, uh, what are you- have you ever heard about the source of the late general bisonov in the cia, again 25. took up the baton of lempard, the only one who knows about him besides ours is chaikin, after all, the general did not die suddenly, they spoke with dima before the operation, how do you know this, from kasia, his ex-wife, they are communicating, yes, they are communicating now, they even seem to be trying to improve relations, could you talk to chaykin about this agent? liv,
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how do you imagine this, old man, i have a trivial matter for you here , someone else should talk to him, who, someone seriously, how do i know, a senior comrade, and you don’t happen to have a senior comrade, i have , okay, i'll go and think about it. damn him, clown, clown, stand, snow, stand, stand, i said, look, damn, that's all we needed, stand, hold on tight, stand. snegur, stop, snegur, stop!
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as soon as we get away from them, get out of the car, and you hear what i said, walk down the street, pretending that nothing happened, okay? yes, snegum, stop, imminently stop, now, snegum. oh, evgeny snegor, otherwise you don’t know, you ’re detained, but he burned something here, don’t you want to say anything about what you burned there?
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pardelet, i thought you were from a democratic union, hunting for former communists, if you knew that your own people were ready, yes.
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there's nothing in the books here. i can’t tell you everything, i know that ninashev called my management, naturally, the general cannot help but worry that the spacecraft management has questions for the former, but still deputy head of the department, he instructed me to familiarize myself, so to speak, in general in general terms, our services have reduced
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the number of suspects in the leak to two people; snegur was detained after contact with cia representatives. okay, who's second? perhaps right now the suspect is in contact with absolutely secret information, what do you have? dmitriy sergeevich chaikin, nikolai vasilievich, continue. snegor denies everything, during a search they found a large amount of foreign currency on him, but he claims that this is money that he received from some arab businessmen for the current expenses of organizing a deal, which means the counterintelligence officers have nothing on him, nothing at all, in in the near future he will be released on subscription,
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of course he will be under supervision, and more about nikolai vasilyevich chaikin. yes, counterintelligence officers have accumulated some compromising materials on major chaikin, they are actively developing it. yes, i know, this, what’s his name, goloshev called me. but we have no right not to listen to the management of ka. i will sign an order temporarily suspending chaikin from work. well, that's between us for now. heyddorich will take the place of the late general bessonov, but on personnel issues we will meet separately, and you were still sour, nikolai vasilyevich, nothing, now we will turn around, otherwise before there was not a department but
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some kind of sleepy kingdom, i still can’t believe it, snegur is such a guy, but dima, yes, what difference does it make, let counterintelligence deal with it. we have our fill of things to do, but what if honestly, i never liked chaykin, he has some kind of mind, you might think that you are a gaydar, you are all so simple, but my friends and i are open, bear with me, nikolai vasilyevich, everything will be fine.
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no, well, this, this is definitely bullshit, you just have to refuse and not waste your time, yes. let's go, quickly get into the car,
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ilya konstantinovich, hello, katya, you're going there. where to go, we have little time, we, you.
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in other words, please be true in other words.
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for what? you just used me, you know, you used me, you felt bad, cold, lonely, here next to you, little fool in love, stop, you yourself know what happened. but as? well tell me how? yes, you're right, that's exactly how it was. i just hoped that time would pass and time would
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pass and everything would be fine, but but she. she, she’s like a vampire, she’s like, if she grabs you, she won’t let go, dear, you, dear, i beg you, stay away from her, dimochka, this is not love, this is a disease, she, she doesn’t know how to love at all.
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one way or another, everything indicates that the only person who may know the name of the mole is dmitry.
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yes, it doesn’t matter if they want to go, what difference does it make where i work, they got you in the mine waters, and then in moscow, dim, you can even get out of here, what’s holding you back, father, father died, the kingdom of heaven, katya, i don’t i understand you, i would have taken katka and given her from here, it’s already like everything else, then you seemed to leave together like little girls, you’re like that, you see her here, huh? and i don’t see, she doesn’t want her husband, an intelligence officer, anymore, and i tell her: go away, dim! live normally, go into business, she’ll come running herself, and why should you make me happy? to save, i atone for sins, it’s not true, if
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necessary, there are people who will help you get rid of it, not for that, of course, you give them something, they give you something, but what am i telling them, zhen, they take the plan of the soviet embassy, ​​dim, don’t be poor. you know what i think, zhan, this conversation didn’t happen, but you heard everything, i said, rotten - rotten, i mean zilch, he won’t talk to me about this topic. someone else is needed here, probably yes, and you also know, he will definitely convey our conversation, not ours, he promised you,
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emirson, you are like a child, he promised, in general, so, dear curators, i did everything i could, you promised to get me out of here, now i’m definitely of zero use here, in the states, and that ’s what you think, but i have... a bank account, if i’m nothing i don’t confuse what kind of cash and a wild desire to stop running from former colleagues, why do you look at it that way, emerson, in any case , it’s much more useful on a hawaiian beach than in the luforth prison, well, yes.
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it's me, katya, just don't hang up, katya. what do you think? i will say that there is a certain logic in his words. here, having been in the hands
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counterintelligence, he is completely useless, his former colleagues will start to shy away from him like hell. what is the use of it in the states? it is important for our current and potential agents to understand that we are not abandoning our people, we will take them out, arrange them, and ensure their safety. then, you know, it calms down, okay, what to do, we have one win-win option, don’t we, perhaps.
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cheykin, dmitry sergeevich, yes, lieutenant colonel goloshev, spacecraft department, get out of the car, please, am i under arrest, are you detained, maybe explain the reason, definitely, but a little later. why remove the new regulations, hand over the keys, our employees will drive the car to your dacha, of course, after an inspection. yes, the matter is rubbish, i managed to agree that you will be present at chaikino’s interrogations.
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“it seems to me, don’t worry, nikolai vasilyevich, you will sit in a special room, you will see him, but he won’t see you, it’s important for me to understand that they really have a secret, and that dmitry sergeevich hid from us, let’s say, in what sense did he conceal it, well , maybe he really had some unauthorized contacts that he hid from you in beirut, he will..." counterintelligence will pin him against the wall with something, surveillance, wiretapping, everything you find out, report to me personally, who authorized the operation, and you are you well
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informed about washington affairs for an employee of the middle east department? i had the opportunity to familiarize myself with the reports of our washington station. are you in vain in pretending that you don’t understand what we’re talking about? yes, ilya konstantinovich, i once mentioned that there is such a problem. so, so, so, so. and under what circumstances did he mention it? general bissonov had comprehensive information. i don't know where he got it from.
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that is, you decided to frame the iron ore in order to convince the americans that the leak came from kiev, but no, from where it came from, in fact, foreign intelligence officers are visiting moscow, almost openly trying to find out the name of the agent, yes, they can at least as much as here sit, no one will tell them their name, but where does dmitry sergeevich come from such confidence, and you just believe. harley came to see me. for what? offered make peace. but he has a 100% alibi and has recruited a most valuable agent.
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place of residence or temporary residence without the permission of the person conducting the investigation, investigator, prosecutor or court. i know, boris mikhailovich, see you, dmitry sergeevich, they are already waiting for you, who? colleagues, eh! dima! uncle kohl, well, somehow, it was better, we are now at the dacha, the general will arrive later, he wants to talk to you in private, let’s go,
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we don’t have much time. nikolai vasilyevich, do you have a badge, call, call from the car, no, me you need to, well, you understand, volodya, you have a badge to call, dima, i hope you don’t, but i won’t run away.
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yes, my name is liv ullman, richard asked me to say hello to you, he sent me a small package, i’ll call in an hour, richard, yes, your old friend, you understand who we’re talking about, i understand. like a canal in the water, did not appear at home,
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was not found at any of the addresses known to counterintelligence, train stations, airports, tickets were not purchased at any airport with the name snegur, but he could have used false documents to leave. just as they turned you in in beirut, they will turn him in too, you love your husband, he has
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information that will allow you to live happily for the rest of your life, yes, only sometimes you will call him or me and demand another favor, wonderful life, madam chakina, we can order you. give you, this is a copy, i will call in the evening to find out what you have decided,
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she will not talk to him, she understands what a refusal will return for her? understands. i got it wrong, sorry, i got the last number wrong after snegor ran away, goloshev will insist on your arrest,
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he will eventually be given a sanction, but they let me go, they let me go, see what you will do, maybe you will run to your handlers from the cia, what kind of handler, dude, but i know, dima, that you you will sit and wait like a fool until you... are arrested, all the dogs are hanged, and what do you order me to do, but run like zhenya, but at least he retired, and i am an active officer and took the oath , by the way, just like you are old man, the country to which we swore allegiance is long gone, these dermocrats i i personally don’t owe anything, and neither do you, so why don’t you blame me, if i had the kind of information that you have, i would n’t have stayed here a day, and if i now call pyotr sergeevich and tell him about this conversation, you’re a fool, dima, you think this will save you, generalashov wrote off major chaikin a long time ago. you
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know about the activity of the cia mensars in moscow, it is known that they contacted you, no, they will, for your information they will pay 12 million dollars and take you to america, and if i don’t have the information they are interested in, i do, dima. but it turns out that you are not so simple, nikolai vasilyevich, and you don’t keep simple people in intelligence.
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so we play two agents, super agent harley and smaller lempard, yes, and in this way we close the entire array of leaks from the cia, when i find myself in the states, i will simply have to turn lempard in if i sold out completely. then why should i save some agent, let him
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be called by ustyugov, who learned during interrogation how cleverly i recruited this guy in a brothel, and i will confirm, well, it’s easier with lambard, he really is our agent, here’s harley will deny everything, we will use the old man’s plan, everything is ready there, our commands are waiting, dima, i want to ask you, do you realize that this is forever, to return, you will be sentenced to the rank, i understand everything, as long as kiplin is alive and working, in any case in case, yes, it ’s funny, i don’t even know who all this is for, neither face, nor name, me and...
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we must prepare for the fact that the winter will be long.
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he doesn't know the agent's name, but he has fingerprint evidence that we can use to accurately identify the mole. they were looking so hard for our agent that chaykin was driven into a corner, and when choosing between execution and money, he chose money. he has no choice. but
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we will only know the place where the evidence is located after we take it to the state. and he will make sure that the amount of money promised to him is in his account. when are you going to take it out, today?
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how did you get there without incident? oh, emerson, here’s someone you didn’t expect to be exiled from lebanon into the russian cold, lie down in the trunk, you have to be patient, you know that diplomatic cars are not subject to inspection, you won’t suffocate here, you won’t suffocate, here there are many holes for air, the border is 70 km away, you will have to be patient, lie there like a mouse until you hear music, and what will that mean, that’s all. it’s already over, the second day the house is without water, we blocked the racks, in the ninth apartment the ceiling is already falling to the floor, in the third it leaked, in general, if you find it, then pasha, wow, well, here you go, owners, is there
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anyone at home, pash, you, you're in boots, go see what's going on with the crowns in the kitchen and bathroom. come on, in general, no one has either a herd or a conscience, 40 apartments without water, you understand, boss, come here, it was lying on the table, the bathtub was closed from the inside, pasha, what’s there, just wait. break it. yeah.
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well, it’s a day, where is her phone number, and how do i know?
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you’re happy to leave.
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well here is, stay here, i'll turn off, lanton.
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good morning richard, yes, i would like to talk to you, this is very important, for the last time... you interrogated me for 6 hours, it’s not enough for you, don’t be angry, it’s over and you’re unsuspecting, listen, i need to meet
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the child and wife from a school holiday, in an hour and a half, i'll arrive in half an hour, this not for long, i’ll wait, you heard half an hour, well, yes, that’s just enough, i’m so glad that this boy is not at home, i wasn’t at peace in my soul, but what if they don’t ring the doorbell, then the next press will detonate the squib , come on, everything is fine, the gas is on, let's move a couple of blocks. so as not to light up,
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everyone is ready, you go to the left, you go to the right.
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on behalf of the bureau, i apologize to you. unfortunately, suspecting part of our work, no hard feelings, sir, we do not sell popcorn, glad you understand this, unfortunately, harley's betrayal cost the lives of many people, and special agent reilly, she had a family, gillian reilly was survived by her husband and son of 5 years, it is unfortunate, it is strange that harley chose death, he could have made a deal, he would have become a double agent. it would be an interesting combination, but you yourself said that he is an all- or-nothing player, yes, but what about lempard? arrested, he admitted to collaborating with the russians, confirmed that he was recruited in beirut in the spring of ninety-one, hired as a prostitute, yes, okay, i have to go. colbert,
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atache of our lebanese embassy, ​​his they imprisoned us for the failure of our source, he will, of course, be acquitted and paid compensation, after all, you are a very decent person, dick, i mean colbert, i’m very glad that you are coming back.
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this is a lesson for all of us, two traitors in one department, it’s hard to imagine that dima, well, they fit in, they don’t fit in, and we lost two agents in the states, but what is it, agent number one, he stood for all of our american agents, and what now do, work, nikolai vasilyevich, work and do. conclusions, i don’t cry, i don’t cry, i don’t cry, here’s nikolavich, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, what to do now, calm down, so what about ustyugov, what about ustyugov, it’s time for him
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to share his accumulated experience, we have a whole departmental institute for this, we really lack theoretical research , based on experience, with all due respect, but you can’t touch him yet, for now, and then, then you can’t either, but you can send him into personal retirement, with the presentation of a certificate of honor from the director for... look, heydarevich, we need to take care of him , take care of him.
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i’m listening, katya, please call who? kate? there are none like that here. is this phone number 235-1517? yes, it turns out it's a phone. so where is the owner? mistress? has the owner died? already six months ago. “the office told me, yes, i’m a foreman, we’re doing repairs here, hello, hello!” thank you washer sir, i'll bring the change sir,
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it's a lot. watch it now. the city is completely blocked, in a month, if you keep the ring, they will eat all the supplies and famine will begin. people need to be sent, we need a way to save leningrad and he. must be found, there are few cartridges, everything that is, come on, fuck, each of he did everything he could to us every day, fighting
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the enemy, saving himself, his loved ones, saving leningrad.
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i’m very sorry, but i don’t have a single photograph of him, i was more in love with him, because of kostya gorelov i ended up in this one. i remember the barge i received, evening, cold, shore, laddyki, brick building,


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