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tv   Spasti Leningrad  NTV  May 9, 2024 5:30am-7:01am MSK

5:30 am
i’m very sorry, but i don’t have a single photograph of him, and i was more in love with him, because of kostya gorelovo i ended up on this ill-fated barge, i remember, evening, cold, shore, okay, brick building. tiny
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photo studio, i’m in some strange windings, kostya is sitting, i’m standing next to him, a bird flies out, but we don’t even have money to pay for the photo, in an hour kostya has to go to the front, he gives me his watch so that i can wind it in the morning to a pawnshop with this money to buy a photograph from a photographer, and at night, at night... an enemy air raid, a bomb hits the house, that’s it burns, photographs, negatives, that's all that 's left. they are 80 years old, no one has ever
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repaired them, they are still going, the road! i don’t understand how you will live there alone in evacuation in another place, in a foreign city, after leningrad. as my dad said, moving somewhere from st. petersburg is the same as changing an animal’s habitat, let’s say forcing an elephant to live under water, it’s impossible, but you move on. the summer garden
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was nowhere to be found. “i didn’t know that you were traveling together, don’t be offended, mom, i’m not offended, but if you decided to get married, it seems to me that i’m like i should at least know about this, why did you get the idea that i was getting married, traveling with a man at your age, a serious act, look at him doing stupid things! "
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okay, and you, mom, take care of yourself, nothing will happen to me, i at home, and you will be unclear where, nastya, mom, you don’t have to go, i’m not holding you, remember, you’re alone with me, let ’s hurry up, they’re waiting for us, that’s it, we can go, how
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late were you? an hour, for 45 minutes tova, three orders are not in line for leaving the unit without permission, there is. are you back? yes, thank you, you can say that. sasha, have you met nastya? lord, what am i saying, come on in. i'll be there for 5 minutes. hello, marya. hello, i was released under an amnesty, the order, as it turned out, was signed a year ago, but in my case, someone mixed up the article, while they were sorting it out, nastya, that means no,
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nastya, i just left literally before you, i thought that it was she who returned, that she forgot, come on in. can you imagine, we’ve been living without light for four days now, we’re sitting in the dark in the evenings, and she’s with you daughter, got ready to marry cadet kostya gorelovo, met a month ago , fell in love, are you really going to the front, it’s a pity that... we didn’t see our daughter, we didn’t see each other, she left, it’s not my fault, she has your character, you will eat , i don’t have time anymore, she left, you’re leaving, and i, did you forgive me?
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“daughter, i renounced you just for her sake, you weren’t there, we had to live, i’m like the wife of an enemy of the people, i could lose my job, of course, i, by the way, i’m also already late, is this a potato in your pocket, sugar”? keys, you must have keys, there will be weekends there, time, i have to go, i'm spending, lord,
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what a day, huh? the city is completely blocked, according to our data, there are now more than 2 million people in leningrad, a week ago we destroyed their main food warehouses, in a month, if you keep the ring, they will eat all the supplies and famine will begin.
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yes, but here in ladag there are several old vessels. these are barges. there are a little more than a dozen of them. some of them have been decommissioned and are unsuitable for use, but they will be used because the russians simply have no other opportunity to organize a crossing. for the last days, the movement of columns from the city to the shore of ladoga became more frequent. we trace this path 2 hours ago in the irinovka area, this is where we launched an airstrike. fine.
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we can’t load everyone who wants to, the barge simply can’t handle that many people, it can, of course, get by, let’s say, but if not, if it doesn’t get by. we ’re going to sink people, it turns out, my son, a cadet, will go on this barge, what do you think, i want to take risks, people need to be sent. the pier is full now, we can get through today, it means there is a way to salvation, no, it means we will die of hunger, the question sounds exactly like this: you need to go out at night, when the risk of getting hit by an air raid is minimal, and try to make it in the dark, but you won’t be able to in the dark, walk for 12 hours, it’s dark now from 9 to 7, 10 o'clock, we need to do it in 10, captain, i repeat again, we need a way to save
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leningrad and it must be found, how many can you take, captain, so that without risk, well, 600 people, no more, this is without cargo , i understood you correctly, captain, correctly, i completely agree with you, one and a half. necessary will take one and a half thousand, cadets, officers plus transport, but the margin will be drowned, comrade military commissar, i understand everything, evacuation, i understand everything, there is no other way, well , there will be people there, a copper plaque, i know how 752 it is, we the sheet was transported on it, the rivets are flying on it, it’s scary, by god, the sides are all rotten, there’s no point in cheating, it will break this shaggy thing, it will crash on the first wave, where did you see the wave? "captain, in full style, comrades, dear, the question is simple,
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who will answer, if anything, let's decide, let’s appoint a person, and let the person tell us whether he will take such a risk or not, if you are talking about risks, then i repeat once again, my son, a cadet at an artillery school, will go to the barges, gorelov’s name is on the list, we are loading the barge to capacity, responsibility . i'll take myself, that's all, come on, darling, come on guys,
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who took the party boys?
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you won’t get out of the window, i’m telling you this, combat sergeant, i can’t stand it, thieves, give back the combs, come on, company, stand up, 10 seconds, comrades, listen to me carefully, that means order loading will be like this,
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bring suitcases and things to the stern, the team will put everything together, so that if we catch a wave, none of the things will wash away the fence, it won’t interfere, let’s go, team, forward, forward, forward! i ’ll check in, they won’t let me in, why? come on, let's make way, comrades, let's let us through, we have a special pass for boarding, grandma, can you stand behind us, son. thank you, i lived, the insert tells you, military man, wait for the command, come down, grandma back, she’s with me, okay, come on in, come on, no, no, no, then he will execute me, grandma, i’ll fix the handle later, go, grandma, go back, doctors, how many of you are there, 340,
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girl, all the luggage remains upstairs, who’s with the luggage? what are you doing, this is my suitcase, please allow me, i’m talking about his special pass navay, do you even know who he is, who, the daughter of admiral makarov, is balling like a cockroach, oops, what kind of people. drive the car, calmly, calmly, citizens, calmly, where are you going, calmly, telegraph
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me from new ladoga,
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well, we can’t find a better place in this area. do you kiss everyone like that? no, only with you. you lie so often that i don’t believe you. and why? maybe i want to marry those? and then i’m not lying, i’m solving a specific problem. we must sail together. and to this sailor, believe me, it doesn’t matter at all whose daughter you are, who is your father? but he doesn’t even know who admiral makarov is. okay, i
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'll be back ashore soon. shut up, don't let anyone in here. i soon. listen, admiral makarov died 40 years ago, he died, well, the hero of the horata artro, that’s right, and you said she’s his daughter, that’s how old she is, i said, i don’t tell you that
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i said, you're confusing me with someone, buddies, what do you have there? is it really impossible that we’re sitting here? come on, collect! we're sending the barge!
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we will expect the result by morning! may god grant us good luck! they’re flying around like they’re at home, bastard, come on, san, we’ll be leaving in an hour, tie it up, come on, this is an order to recall the artilleryman, it’s stronger, don’t gather the commanders, there is. comrade komroty, the captain of the first rank of the gorels is calling you, load them
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, call me, we can handle it, we can handle it, well done, get in line, eat, don’t run after the girls, i’ll make it clear, yes, exactly, be level, yesterday the division was burned to... there are only 10 people left alive, we are talking about a second assault, we need a company of cadets from you, we are talking about you, maxim petrovich, take your people off the load, by the way, you have the equipment, rifles, but not many cartridges, look. for each artilleryman there are 10 pieces, there are no machine guns, it’s bad that there are no machine guns,
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artillery remains, doctors and hydrographers, load the set, there is, there is, artilleryman, foreman, that’s it, put aside loading, there is, artillery, stop, one, two, around, set aside loading, why leave, to the shore, begum, march, golay,
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we are given a combat mission, in 5 minutes our throw is 15 km, check the equipment, rewind the footcloths, proceed, weapons on the ground, one two, three, and now civilians, let's pass first batch, behind me, we leave things on the floor, without things, we go down into the trick. let's go through, why are you so wet, you
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fell into the water like that, so take off your tunic, put on this, seriously, yes, why, our boys are there, i know everything about your boys, kostya, i just gave this order myself. you will go on the barge? why? who decided this? i am in command here, and for me this issue has been resolved unambiguously. get changed. what does resolved mean? that means i can’t give in like that. and you can't, dad. stop talking, kostya. you are not a child, and we are not in kindergarten. things are very bad at the front now. i hope this is clear. no,
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hello, come on, put it aside, put it aside, comrade, what am i going to do?
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you won’t have time to come back, we’re leaving now, i don’t want to swim, please help me, what, i don’t want to swim, you don’t want to, i don’t want to, so the suitcase is yours, well, let’s quickly, carefully, hold on tight, dear, what are you doing there, come on, let me pass, why should you risk uncultured people, your life is not an argument for them, come here, dear, come here, lisa, don’t worry, go, i myself i’ll figure it out, make way, 1500 people, but the numbers are conditional, i think more, good luck, it won’t hurt, forward, forward, forward, let’s go back, why did you change clothes?
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loading is complete, the team is ready to leave, what happened, where is your uniform? citizens, we are clearing the right port for the release of the tramp, we are clearing it, we are not interfering with the departure of the barge, if you remain silent, i will leave this barge right now, what should i tell you, nothing terrible happened, this is firstly for... nothing has changed at all, we are sailing together, whatever you want, tyros, stand , come on later, i beg you, whoever smokes, stop smoking, this is the smoke of cadet bavitsov, his soles are burning, a comrade is giving birth, his legs are hurting, without sports pants, i can’t take it anymore,
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babintsev, huh? your legs have become shorter and your ears have grown, change your running tactics, work with your ears more, then the commander, but there is no burnt, went to father and didn’t return to duty, a deserter, come back for food, i’ll transfer you to a special department, pick up the pace,
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and are you here alone or with your mother? with the young man, and where is he? who? well, the young man i was told about moved away, but why do you need him? you were wearing gloves then, although it was main. june. the arrest took place in june, but they were still
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afraid of me then, they stood behind the bookstore all the time . you like it when they are afraid of you from the restraint of the profession. “i’m used to the fact that my clients don’t like me, let’s say, how did they get settled, where? i can offer you a place more comfortable, car interior, and i lost you, meet me, this is captain petruchik, the nkvd investigator who was in charge of my father’s case.” and this is kostya gorilov, the son of captain gorilov, petruchik, vadim, cadet gorelov, and what about
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young people, we’ll sail together, and by the way, where is your senior officer and what is his name? okay, i’ll go look for him myself, this man understood everything about you
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, let’s go where, what difference does it make, downstairs, why did you chicken out, you didn’t chicken out, believe me, i did. it takes a long time to explain what, name it, i wanted to do with you. to stay, which is strange, that is, it’s my fault that you chickened out, yes, it’s a great honor to be the girl for whom the guy deserted the army, i’m proud, don’t look for me anymore. it’s not you on the other side, of course, brother, our task is to land on the other side and gain a foothold.
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leningrad needs a forwarder, and therefore the enemy must be driven back, this is an order. we are russian people, we are on our own land. how victims of the bombing, left without a corner, were put in line for evacuation, it’s clear how he gets used to it, it’s just a miracle that he survived, war, there are many miracles, my husband was released from prison, what are you saying, hello, hello, straight to the front,
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i don’t even know if this is happiness or not, of course it’s happiness, good afternoon. andryukha, die like this with music, hold on, i give, take, take and hold on to me, i to you. i won’t give up, comrade sergeant-major can’t hold back, yes, this also applies, here, we stay together, at a distance of 5 m, the main thing is to bring your feet to the first shelter, everything is clear, just like that, just like that, faster,
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iskuli, andryukha, i won’t seduce you, my feet are on top, they’re well settled, you bastards, you can’t get close. cartridge, in your hand, hold it!
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and they ran in, let's leave here, let's leave, he said, they're hitting us, let's leave, he said, come on, huh!
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come on, andryukha, get up, get up, another 10 meters, they won’t reach us, come on, anglyukha, follow me,
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comrades, attention, the ladies’ toilet room is on the deck, man. they can relieve a minor need on the fence, that’s understandable, but where are you, alone, alone, then your hold is where you go around the military on the other side, here there are only civilian officers for everyone. come on, come on, come on, come on, got it, come on, so, the drinking water is in the tank here, let's form a column, rootstock, join
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the column, let's go, let's go, come on, come on! pomerantseva, follow me, stand here, is there any problem? no,
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congratulations, your husband is back, he’s back, well, yes, i see he’s coming, but i didn’t recognize him right away, thank you, sasha, sasha. in the morning he greeted me, i couldn’t have been mistaken, thank you, thank you.
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and who are you? doctor of biological sciences, and pain, that means, hey, sergeant, these... we
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placed a machine gun on the right, we can’t get out, take your people, storm the height, i’ll give you half an hour, solve the problem, that’s right, andryukha, drop it supagi, you'll have to run quickly, huh? i'm ready, let's go!
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i know briefly, i’ll show him, but he did something, no, i just want to know the name of this cadet, so attention, i call the name, we get out of formation, we go down into the hold, tikhomirov, i, peklashevich, i, andreev, i, borisenko , i, brotov, i. bogdanov.
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stand where you said, don’t go forward, pierce the joint from behind, you’ll know, we’ll divide into two groups, three behind me, the rest here. where are you going, sit and wait for a separate command?
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behind me, now you, now on'.
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is presidente!
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what’s your last name, cadet, you’re not one of us, you’re not on the list, last name, i’ll figure it out myself, i ’ll be right there.
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there should be a boat with replenishment, well, it won’t come close, load up, go to new ladoga, and you need to support the artillery , there will be help, we squeezed them out from the shore, then it will be easier, i’ll leave it, thank you,
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why didn’t i go ashore when i was yours? a command was given to form up, i didn’t hear this command, i heard it, everyone heard it, but you didn’t, you didn’t hear it, because you were on guard, there are witnesses, there are no witnesses.
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so, cadet, there are three in my car volumes of evidence, the handwritten confession of this girl’s father, about how he carried out subversive work in leningrad, and the fact that we are now retreating and suffering losses is his merit, among other things, i can let you read it, if you want, no, i don’t want, stand up later , death to the students. and don’t talk to me through your lip, otherwise i ’ll spank you now like a zabart puppy without trial, you understand me, you understand, that means captain of the first rank gorelov is your father. well,
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father has nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it, you say, but tomorrow i’ll be in new ladoga, i’ll hand you over to a special department, and there they will quickly figure out what and how to do with the wallpaper, your father won’t help you, i don’t even hope, i can go. no, hold on, hold on, aimali,
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we’re leaving, can you hear me, let’s leave, i’m leaving behind. now barzhen is somewhere here, having walked most of the way, the last contact with the captain of buuksev was literally just now, and
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we should do just that as soon as we get it. let's hope for a positive outcome.
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but hold on!
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roto lifting the curtains, comrades, whose dog, our dog, ours, pamerantseva, that ’s right, you’re going to the toilet, you crazy little tick. run from there, why isn't she sleeping, you 've been scolded, you're no longer in our class, move away from the car, away from the cat, you
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'll probably go, don't, come over, i'll calm her down myself, lady, take a detour, here it’s dangerous, comrades, don’t panic, everyone stay in their places, comrades, i need to cover the instrument, even if you refused, serge, really , everything is fine with me, i told you to go, get out! i 'll probably go, she's crazy,
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unwind me! why are you standing there, run away from me! who was there? i don't know. civil i know what kind of person was washed away, what kind of person was washed away, please tell me where, i can’t,
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keep me! hurry up, break the swab board, give us a selection, don’t even think that this is for you! come on down quickly! nastya!
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they have a lot of water in the hold, people are panicking, what should i tell them? tell me that the route will not change! let them pump out the water, yes, army man, stop, come with me, you will help, hold, go there, trick, come on, blood slowly, hold, help. i'm looking for help,
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sasya, the way, sasya, officer, 10 people to help upstairs, come on, come on, run, run, run, quickly, 10 people up, guys, quickly, 5, 6, 7, come on guys, faster, now, niko, the rest stay here, way, be careful, bomb. we are shaking the votva barny, the brocade has become heavy, we will not pull it out, give the signal sot hain, there is, blah, copper, without septa, attention to all ships, in the sixth square a vessel is in distress, barge 752, there are people there, 1,500 people, in such a storm, this...
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machel will like it, keep in mind, the fuel only goes one way, crazy. “i’m glad that our child,
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our girl, will go to school, i want to be on time return from tienshan and be with you on this day. surprisingly, such important events in life are always depicted in the imagination in a banal way, without fiction. apparently, a person’s true happiness does not need any frills or any increase.”
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6:37 am
what are these handsome guys, don’t panic, comrades, don’t panic! live up, guys, live up, air, messenger, they have machine guns, but we have nothing, fuck, let’s get out of here, who has a weapon, let him pass, who has a rifle, give him a rifle, quickly crown, come on, let's go, quickly pass the cartridges, cartridges, who has one more rifle there is another one, kostya, nastya, where are you?
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there are not enough cartridges, all that is there, come on, fuck,
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load it! commander, i have problems, repeat, we have to leave, we’re going to the base, the marshal fic will be left without a gift.
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lieutenant, whose car is this? what's the matter? we need to throw it into the water. i will not take such responsibility. i don't want to go to court. this is understandable, i don’t want to go there either. whose car is this? this is the car of the estonian government. there are documents and archives here. and what? who is accompanying her? i'll accompany her. captain of the nkvd. i understand, captain, there are people down there, the barge is pulling to the bottom, there is a lot of water in the hold, it is coming, it looks like we are all in for a lousy end, we need to unload the barge at least partially, then there will be a chance to swim out, i think it is better for the estonians to remain without an archive than for you and me to kill
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people, we will go to court, bring it here five people, i obey, i will not give my consent, i am a cyber, i am the captain of this barge, a signal has been sent from the tugboat. sos, we are all suffering disasters, and here i command according to all the rules, without respect for ranks and ranks, captain, come on, we need five men on deck, quickly, leave, let's go out, lady, no, run wheelhouse, well, wait there, i told you, i don’t give my consent, and i don’t give a damn about what you said, categorically, i’ll help, come on, just like that, i walked away from the car, i walked away from the car, i said, that’s it..
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be careful, comrades, the wheel on his leg is falling off.
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do what you want. everyone on deck, bags, barrels, suitcases, we dump water, everything into the water, commander, i won’t make it. come on, don't panic. everything is fine, everything will be fine, walter, no, he can’t maintain altitude, we’ll have
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to go back, land what we have there, scatter half the engine. at the bar, what, they they are taking people out of the hold, let's get into the boat ourselves, they need to be transported here, i'm doing it, captain, carefully, let's rise, come here, come here, rise, lift. dog, you can’t , why can’t you, well, it’s not supposed to, vitya, i
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stay, hand, hand, calmly, only women and children, only women and children here, we go up the stairs, one by one, organized, one by one, we go up the stairs. i don't think this will help. make room, dear ones, let's push. are you
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feeling okay? i'm fine, don't worry. what about grandfather? stayed at the top the whole time? yes, he was on deck. he was a real hero. everyone who survived said this. and there, on the deck, where i never got to. then everything happened on its own. nie strasznie.
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comrade starshen, do you know him? yes, this guy is from our company. wave forward, nastya, nastya, nastya, nastya, nasya!
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here, come on, come on, give me the fence, cling to it,
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they returned it to give me my watch, comrade , it’s scary, did you guess it?
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how quickly our daughter has grown up, due to the fact that i am always on business trips, i don’t have this at all i noticed what a beautiful life awaits her ahead, but the world is sometimes even very anxious, god forbid our child from war, hello, zoya, hello, what's going on with the reports, they came, right? the germans are already in pushkin, in petrodvorets, god, what will happen to us, something else, they say, the germans bombed laduga all night, sank several of our bazhi, there is nothing in the reports about this,
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it’s clear, well, thank god that.. nothing, you and i work in the editorial office and should not believe rumors, but official news. go, work!
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here is the document, this is the transcript, you can have it read here. they assure me that bag 752 is unsuitable for transporting people, most likely this is so, it’s a risk, but if basha doesn’t go on the flight, tomorrow they’ll shoot me, that’s all. i have no other options for transporting people, the passenger fleet is cut off from ladoga, there will be none, but people need to be taken out. i insisted that the barge be loaded to capacity and said that my son would go on it. the words are recorded in the protocol, i cannot reverse my decision.
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the car is behind me, behind me, i wanted to say goodbye, and you take care of him and learn from your boyfriend. don't interfere born, okay, good luck, good luck!
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these two days were like that for me, september 16 and 17, there were 872 such days in total, my father died on a patch of the neva. mom, while she could move, worked in the editorial office, but in december 1942 she froze to death in our apartment. each of us did everything we could every day, fighting the enemy, saving ourselves, our loved ones, saving leningrad.
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look right now, whose new guy is this, and he constantly mentions his mother, so we’ll write down with his mother’s name where we would like to serve in the future, comrade momkin, send me it’s not your postman who’s flying where he needs to go, comrade colonel, the task is completed, what’s up with my report, stop it already.
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the military parade dedicated to victory day, victory today at exactly 10:00 moscow time, came out, there is a war here, i would like to go to the front, on ntv that day. grandfather kremin, go on reconnaissance with these guys. all the films about the fearless intelligence officer, front-line reconnaissance, andrei smolikov, you have to come in, guys, be sure to come in, don’t piss me off, i
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’ll come in from the rear, not the main one, so that you stay alive, ax today at 12:10 on ntv, rise. to win, for moscow, for the heart of our homeland in the attack, hit, hurray, i will call the hearts, premiere, today 21:20 on... tv. he is the best pilot
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in the regiment, he flies in any weather. and this is a partisan pilot, god. and intelligence reported that the nazis had driven children from an orphanage to a neighboring village. a story about a real hero. i'll pick you all up soon. do you promise? certainly. and his feat, which remains in our memory forever. i have a case in the swamps, the children need to be taken out. no.
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