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tv   Mamkina zvezdochka  NTV  May 9, 2024 8:15am-9:46am MSK

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council and now i hope, i am sure, that we will discuss important issues of bilateral relations, regional issues, vladimir putin also held a meeting with the head of uzbekistan in a bilateral format, the leaders noted the annual growth in trade turnover, it reached 5 billion and agreed to further increase cooperation, we will increase there will be a volume of purchases from uzbekistan over the years, yes it was.
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you are the best commander, you should be an example, and you, he looked at himself, everyone fell in love with fighters, that’s why they are like that, look at them, they are green and not they were fired upon, tomorrow half of them won’t return from their missions, which means i’ll be sitting in the rear, fooling around, they’re here, this is wrong. not
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according to komsomolsk, we will give birth when the war is over, when girls stop burning on planes, sasha knows, it’s not good, this is komsar, he should know the truth. hello, olya, hello, your healer has returned, why are you such a comrade to the lieutenant, she has such grief, fields, are you really so simple-minded or are you being a fool, and the whole regiment, that is. verk had an abortion herself, but
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your pilot got knocked up she’s a pilot, and sasha is a fool, his ears are hanging, my mother and i are no one else, and you have an older brother at the front, he was a school teacher before the war. and i want to become a doctor, a pediatrician, this is the one who treats children, he will give all of your injections, and your adult son is already a hero, but he doesn’t care about him, it’s a pity for his mother, when the war ends, they will definitely have a baby, and yours too i will give you the best vaccination. “when the war ends, i
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’ll come to visit you, i’ve never been to leningrad, let’s be friends, come on, you show me the carriage, i’ll show you, catherine’s palace, the house has gone”?
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makar, yes, tomorrow, give the kilevich from you, yes, of course. when you go back, look at the area, we’ll find a clearing for you to plant there, and you’ll be there with your own eyes, okay, why? leave, they fell into our ambush, they went to the children to investigate, the belshchits ran into punitive forces,
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who ran into them? mikola mitskevich “listen, savelik, you have children, two, how old were you when the first one was born, 22 . , in general, we can’t gather children yet, there’s zero information, i don’t know what do." here, here, i know she has it, yes, where are the pigs and chickens, let him show them,
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they ask where you keep the cattle, because you keep them for children, for children, yes, well, certainly not for you, there in the barn , let him look at the hole under the wall, there is a mirat behind me, do you think you can pay off your shame? listen, i know, you carry food into the forest, leave it in a hiding place for the partisans, tell me that the germans are taking the children in a week, they need to be rescued, into the forest. lead away, i don’t know any partisans, i need to talk to them, i have a plan, es reicht s ab
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mal. my hero got a star, he’ll come back home, he won’t say hello, but okay, okay, but he looks like, and alexander petrovich, komchatka at the checkpoint,
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you have to go, yeah, all daddy, comrade. they sang songs, this is him, the wingman saw, i saw the collapse of such alekseev together in spain , how he jumped out of the car in this square, we need to save him, but the weather is not suitable for flying, he asks us, as if it’s raining like crazy, but i love boards, water... puts out the fire, only you can, sasha, but don’t take risks aimlessly on the first order to go home, i can do it, come on calmly, i can, decide to do it, do it.
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here, here, as often as samchaska, i am sirazha, how can you hear me, reception, the target is detected, the pilot seems to be wounded, be careful, sasha, don’t risk it, i’ll pick you up, the germans, kilometers from him, he found him, wounded, the germans, nearby, it’s unclear. for a wound, maybe not glands at all,
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risking a pilot’s car is a loss of the people’s place, orphan, return to base, this is an order, as you heard me, welcome, understood.
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what did the corrupt skin want, i brought the children here on purpose, they will be tortured to the hospital there, you how did he know that the detachment was here, but he was praying, he said. reliable, his father, you had one of the partisans here, they killed him, i have a plan,
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say it’s the captain’s birthday on friday, i ’ll serve there, well, the officers are still a rare chance, if the teacher didn’t lie. let's take them out quietly, they say, the fascists, they are sending evictions from the neighboring village, they are afraid that the partisans will attack, the column is coming, on saturday morning, commissar, you will see the column, you will engage in battle, yeah, we will do it, commander. it’s not me to thank, comrade colonel, it’s mama’s to thank for my bad hearing, i mean,
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reported that he didn’t hear my order to return, hero, let me hug you, hero, that’s it, we have to go, let’s go, thank you, sasha, we’ll have some more fun, we’ll have some more fun. “so, hero, tonight you’ll fly to the partisan, yes, my girls lost their car the other day, you probably know, sasha, be careful, we’ll figure it out, decide to do it, go, hero, do you want some tea?” yes, mom received your letter,
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didn’t even tell me, i wanted to later, i thought that you would come home already engaged, and then we would sign, the main thing for you is to take care of yourself, the main thing, sasha, is that the war ends quickly, where are you flying, well, as always, to the partisans.
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every fighter counts, but children need to be rescued urgently, many may not return, i need volunteers, who are ready, step forward.
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to listen to him, even the possession of the most beautiful woman did not bring faustus joy, so what then? faust comes to the conclusion that only those who fought for life, especially for the lives
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of others, can earn freedom. original thought.
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heinrich, it's time for you to check your posts. henry!
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where are we going? i'll tell you later, when later? be quiet, now you'll kill all the germans! na ja, ich komme ja schon.
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hi. wait, i want you to have a drink with me, what is it, what is it? are you our uncle? yes, our own, partisans.
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the nazis won't kill us now? yes, everything is good now. why did you come? i told you we 're leaving. i did not make it in time.
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the partisans treated you like a brainless puppy, you must find them and destroy them all along with their filthy children, otherwise your career is over, captain. herkapitan, there are no children either, these are partisans, you knew everything why, no one will appreciate your feat. heinrich, everyone
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guns, we begin the hunt.
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this is a secret map, children are not supposed to look at it, i said correctly, comrade pilot, that’s right, baby, let’s go, let’s go eat some porridge, what are you doing, a spoon, what’s your name? sasha, oh, how? you mean my mother, but
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where is your mother? what are you making it from? made of pine, come on, it needs to be sticky, it’s softer, you know, look, you see, just like that. i'm afraid in the forest, especially at night, are you afraid? don’t be afraid, i’ll take you all soon. you promise,
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of course, but can you give me a pistol? for what? i’ll shoot the german if he comes at night. come on, they it will already hurt. yes, i’d better give you a rocket launcher. you shoot, it’s light, and the nemes will get scared. there is a cartridge there.
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there's still a little left. the halt will be in 10 minutes. zin, people don’t joke like that, i myself heard her talk about this to vershenskaya, about her comrades in arms, i heard it myself, with my own ears.
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you are naive, sasha, go, she will do everything for you. i think why did you call? sasha, you see, i don’t understand, forgive me, please, forgive me, i can do a lot, but not deception. with me for the first time, i somehow, i decided everything in one minute, decided, behind my back, while i i’ll fly away, i’ll find out from others, i couldn’t
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tell you then, now, that’s it, that’s it, they’re taking me to the fighters, i’m leaving, be happy, faith. demon skin, what about you? there is an infection, the fire has not been watered for 3 days, we can’t eat it, we can’t dry it, we feel sorry for the children, we’re chilled, everything we’ll do, commander, we’ll go into the swamp,
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we’ll ask for help, we urgently need to evacuate the children to the mainland, why wait, it’s worse required, that's right, the commander says it's necessary. the deeper into the forest, the worse it is for the sss, we can’t be born, the gestapo will peeling, intelligence says that they saw a car with antennas driving, come in, comrade colonel, lieutenant mamkin, on your orders,
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no one flew here, what do you advise? well , of course, the place is not entirely convenient, the landing glide path runs almost parallel to the road, if someone is driving along the road, they can spot the plane, well, the place is just bumpy, if it lands empty, then it’s fine, but if you take off with a weight, then it’s dangerous, yours proposal, well, 5 km from here there is an absolutely flat clearing, with forest on three sides. no one will see, come in if from the south, then the landmark is a pine tree, ver, you can sit here, of course i can, comrade lieutenant colonel, okay, the flight is tomorrow evening, the whites’ mother, you are free, there is.
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“vera nikolaevna, i want to ask you, there is a boy in the detachment, sasha, i promised to transport him, but now i am a fighter, as soon as you transport him, give him this, okay, i’ll pass it on.” yes, thank you,
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hello, free, busy, yeah. busy. freely, comrade officers, today there is a new addition to our regiment, we are accepting three comrades into our ranks, i hope that our regiment will become you a new fighting family. zhor, who will you be, dad or mom? who we already have, i’ll be a folder, somehow more familiar, lieutenant semyonov, i am
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the second squadron, for the duration of the probationary period, mentor, captain chaurli, yes, lieutenant koftun, clearly, third squadron, mentor, captain akhmetov, yes, lieutenant mamkin , i, the first squadron, for the duration of the probationary period, mentor, comrade colonel, allow me to address comrade major, please contact me, comrade major, and can i be a mentor, mentor, senior lieutenant nesterov, who is also a general instructor flight training, eat, for dinner, leave, let me address you , well, let's go for a ride, yeah, let's see how your trams fly, let's see,
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the fires aren't burning as usual, go for the second round with an order, how do you hear?
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faith, faith, can you hear me?
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at the call of the heart premieres today at 21:20 on ntv. 79th anniversary of the great victory. on ntv. live broadcast from red square. military parade dedicated to victory day. today
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at exactly 10:00 moscow time, may 9, please repeat, may 9 at 19:35, i didn’t understand you, please repeat. may 9 at 19:35 on ntv. as comrade christ said, seek and you will find. favorite movie about intelligence officers. there are many facts, but practically nothing. which you can watch again, proceed, there are again 7, 108, 109, 110, exactly, in august forty -four. the date and location of the broadcast and the hour are the same, today at 19:35, you pumped everything up, it couldn’t be more accurate on ntv.
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comrade lieutenant, may i please introduce myself? come on, you have a training session, it’s urgent, why didn’t you warn me right away? go, eat, so, was it recorded? that's right, next, group the air battle is divided into several stages, decide to enter, be late, comrade lieutenant, we’re not delivering mail here, you know? every battle can be the last, so the lesson is mandatory for everyone, it’s customary to listen to the experience of old pilots here, sit down, how long have you been in the old pilots, since the spring of forty-three, and
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i’ll clarify what and in battle, mom, in addition to machines. .. characters fight, will, self-control, audacity and initiative, you can control an airplane perfectly, maneuver maneuvers and shoot accurately, but at the same time you can’t have your mother’s the main quality of a fighter pilot is combat activity, then victory will not be seen, well, remember the main motto of fighter pilots. no matter what happens, i repeat, no matter what happens, die yourself, but help your comrade, so, let’s move on to the highest stage of air combat, building up forces, write the axiom, master of the heights, master of the battle, the pair that owns
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the heights must provide assistance to those , who is below, comrade senior lieutenant, allow me to address comrade lieutenant, contact me, lieutenant, colonel rudykh is calling you, decide to go, go, having speed reserve.
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look at me don't look away, tell me that you can, mom, i can do it for me, please, baby, that you can, i can, i can, well done, well done, you can do it, do you hear, you can do it, please, please, run, sasha, run , run, sasha, come on, mom.
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on may 9, we remember the victory, the feat of the people, we remember how we restored the country, but there were things that seemed to be lost forever. voronezh, hundreds of paintings of the art museum disappeared in the battles, stalingrad, the entire collection of the art gallery was destroyed. disappeared in dozens of cities during the war thousands of works of art, but today we
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can see them again. the neuroscientist bera-kandinsky analyzes the remaining images, describes the lost paintings, and restores the lost masterpieces. to remember means to revive. happy victory day. all the same, the years pass in succession and become shorter in life and the path, they didn’t bother me with my tormented soul to sit down for a minute and rest, that’s all that was, that’s all. and what did i hear, he deliberately
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sent her to the germans to take revenge, he almost killed us. katya, am i coming to see you? what's happened? zhenya, i don't i believe that sasha could do it on purpose to take revenge. no. yes, if petrovich had his way, he would fly there himself. how did he even survive all this? how does the tongue turn? this is your little girl, yes, your tongue is like a broom, it’s so
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scary, that’s it, katya, what do you want most now, what do you dream about? i dream of a cherry dress with a flared skirt, so that the sleeves are like lanterns, stupid, yes, i want a curled hairstyle, i ’ve been wearing boots for 2 years already, so...
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comrade pilot, hello, don’t remember me, i jumped recently, a jumper, well, like that , i’ve learned to swim, if you’ll allow me, but i see, you, not you, i thought it was all over. yes, skiff, no skiff, serve, transport, serve, yes, right now
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at the division headquarters i’m trying to establish contact with the partisans, listen, how do you establish contact, find out from them about the children, sashka is there, a little kid, okay, torich lieutenant, let's find out, you eat, i'll go there. so, today we’ll do a practical lesson, i’ll see how you handle the car. everyone is ready, that’s right, that’s right, mamkin, mamkin, but
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don’t you want to join us? here we have here everyone is eager to fight, why did you come here, you can fly, i can, on such machines... no, it’s okay, you can handle it, that means, after the briefing, you sit down for two circles on my command, that means, listen to me, in the sky, wingman, tied to the leader, like a dog, if you break away, you are considered dead, and the leader, as soon as he loses the dog, you are considered
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dead, this is clear, so certain, so exact. semyonov, why do they make a barrel in the air, aerobatics, you will show your aerobatics in the circus, but here there is war, semyonov, this is a maneuver, when they come at your tail, then cool it code, the enemy rushes forward, you find yourself on his tail, it’s clear, exactly, from the cars.
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tomorrow i'm expecting a written report on the training flight. you flew on whatnot, where you learned so famously, read the tutorials. great nesterov, in an hour the humpbacks will go on an attack, your squad is on cover, be ready to take off on command, there are questions, if not, let me go to sleep in the cockpit. go
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to eat! by the way, how are the new recruits doing? yes, it’s not clear yet, we’ll see. look, i’ll write an icy description of your mother on you, myself asked for it. lieutenant mampin, i, will ride with us. wow, special officers, he will be responsible for lost love, please let me go. sit down, sit down,
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sit down, you know why you were invited, well, well then... i’ll try without rocking, okay? yes, the women’s regiment lost the plane, please tell us why you pointed to the place that was occupied by the enemy when landing? zdrazhela, even polkon. feel free, i have a question for you, we started the operation, asterisk, we are taking the children out, on the first flight, we lost the car, the partisans are not communicating, that’s all the clearings where the planes landed are in the hands of the nazis, there are swamps all around, you are the only ones who
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know the area, there will be some suggestions, i had suggestions, but this one, nothing, they have their own service, they must figure it out, the car does not sit in the swamp , but that's the same. i know that you won’t get the hang of it, just think about it, mankin, you just listen to the combat mission, a flight behind the front line, the target is aerial reconnaissance, there are 20 strong points in a square, basin supplies, a concentration of armored vehicles, you say, in those been to places, familiar area, been to. to the partisans flew, well, it’s great, it means you won’t be spoiled, the post office is higher than pigeons, they always find the way home, yes, it’s true, there are no tram tracks, well, nothing, the route
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was laid out independently, the task is clear, remember, you and i met in the hospital, so what? , what did you do there? what was i doing there, visiting a comrade in arms, and what did i find, i found where he is, and he’s not far from here, okay? yeah, but if it’s clear to you, then proceed to carry out the assigned combat mission, and yes, that’s it, don’t
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be offended, zhorka is a good guy, really he has a normal character. gilevich-gilevich, where are you going with his lady, orphan, orphan, i am the arctic, what do you see, arctic,
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get out of there, i’m leaving, gain altitude, yes i gain. comrades, major, lieutenant mamkin completed the task, but was discovered by the enemy, in general he evaded in time, well, men
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don’t shy away from meeting enemies, mamkin. well, let’s write down the characteristics like this: the main quality of a fighter pilot is combat activity, completely absent, he did the right thing in avoiding, the ability to assess the situation and the balance of enemy forces. and showing caution is much more important without being reckless, in spain you remember how many of them got burned, but i remember, of course i remember. yes, but they build low bridges there, right? he was young, he wouldn’t have climbed under a bridge now. well, yes, okay, don’t ruin the personnel for me here, let’s go, i’ll show you what i saw from the enemy, but i’ll show you, let’s go, it turns out that marcel gavril wasn’t lying. today
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i was delivering mail to the rear, you know, but if the opposite happened, i would really... for you to be happy, for you to live for both of us, for you to have love, have children, i would i’m very happy for you, however, my grandfather and i were remembering the faith here, he says: i didn’t save the child myself,
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and even then, then at least the child would remain, at least some kind of light on earth, a person must definitely leave someone behind him on earth, the grandfather says: i have... and the son, the most important thing, they will shoot me down, and the son will remain, and then he will have children, they will have some kind of memory of me, i asked my grandfather if i would have been born to my mother on child, where are you going now, she’s not there? zhorik is not at home, and petrovich
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wouldn’t take it, but he’s an old eccentric, he says, so you should have taken it with katya. he flew efficiently, i understand you, vasily ivanovich, why you didn’t want to let mamkin go, you have only heroes, the order for an award came to nesterov, by the way, he is mamkin’s instructor, so he wrote a reference for him.
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movers to cover, distractions! let's go to the shelter, everyone's going to the shelter, mom, get into the cars, quickly, eat, quickly get into the cars, start, start, let's go,
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they're working for me, the zhors are smoother, i'm attacking, you bastard! he hit me right, okay, let’s work together, let’s dance, zhura, let’s dance some more, beaten, quickly,
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and wow, damn, you fell, zhorka, zhorka, go away, one is hanging in your tail, zhora, the thin one is on your tail, zhora, i yearn for klaus, mother, where did he come from, and zhoro is smoother, you are thin,
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go home, i hear them, one of us must return, home, i said, quickly.
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i don’t remember the pit, eight years have passed, i’m imperceptible 25 i called it a little summer, i remember.
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bam-ba-bam, bam-ba-bam, bam-ba-bam, comrade pilot, you asked, i found it, this is sasha, and we know each other, let’s meet now, aunt vera, i already know one pilot, he to me gave me a rocket launcher, sasha. “here, this is for you, misha, i bet it’s sticky, why are you always misha and misha, i’m moisha, and in general grandma says, what difference does it make what the spoon is made of, the main thing is that it’s deep, thank you,
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aunt ver, i sasha promised to pick us up , well, since he promised, he’ll take you, but who are you, a girlfriend or something like that, the seventh water on the jelly, the wife, the germans are pressing, we need to leave, sasha, you come back tomorrow, we’ll talk, okay, okay, you’re smart . however, we made love with the traitor , then we sent our rival to the next world, well, why keep quiet, i’m thinking, just to tell you to believe me, but how many days do you need to think about it? or years?
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hello, great, you sit down, i ’ll give you a ride out of old friendship, and what if you go through the forest, there’s a swamp, so let’s put some wooden roads there, directly about seven kilometers shorter, straight into the swamps, well, yes. the propeller scoops up the air with its blades, like you do, spoons of jam and accelerates the plane, the air flow presses on the wing, so it flies, and what is the name of the house for the plane, the garage, the house for the plane, this is the sky, but i understand, but the place? where is he sleeping, called a hangar. when will sasha arrive?
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as soon as the commander finds a place, then he will arrive, he has nowhere to sit yet, but you see, there are forests, swamps around, uh-huh, and the battery sits in the radio, they are saving for the last communication, we are leaving, the germans are advancing, don’t be afraid, the worst, the worst, be careful, guys, why does the pilot roar all day long? why, the girl is young, but she’s exhausted for everything. to live, who will need something now, butts
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of the lonely, ditch, choose any one, well, yes, you will roar, something, and where is the pilot, so here she is. katya, there are no flowers now, but... if i could to gather all the saints of the world and place them at your feet,
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even if this would not express my admiration for you. katya, you be my wife, here.
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well, i’ve established contact, we just left today, i asked about the boy, but they don’t care about the boy, their radio goes down, one more session will die from the force, peredayevich, let him lay down the road, i’ll fly to them, okay, you won’t let me down, you’ll offend me, comrade pilot , let’s do it, yes, allow me, right, colonel, i figured out how to land the plane. you need to lay out the flooring from brelen. mom, what kind of flooring? what are you talking about? i just got you out of custody. so, the plane is not a lorry. here is the order from the head of the special department. during the investigation into the circumstances of the death of people with whom you had a conflict. you are suspended from flying. regiment, come back. eat!
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well, what do you say, intelligence, the germans are all around, where they can’t cope on their own, they’ve reinforced themselves with policemen, i met with the priest, five villages in his parish were burned down, yes, kolaches, borovets in the residential area, you can’t get through, damn it, that means it’s a swamp again, be patient , be patient, well, there’s no food anymore,
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the wounded are suffering, hold on, bro, that’s it here, go away. there’s nowhere to give birth, yeah, give me the coordinates, let them fly, i got you, without the children somehow, we can break up when we get out, they’ll take me to the orphanage, no, where, and i’ll send you home to your mother, she’ll feed you borscht , yes? they prepared a certification for you, the probationary period was successful, but what a success, yeah, the division commander suspended me from flying, suspended me, and
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ordered me to prepare an order for appointment to our regiment, and a flight characteristics, mentor. so he skillfully builds a maneuver, has high ice ability, courageous, decisive, emotionally stable, and here is the main quality of a fighter, he has full combat activity, conclusion lieutenant mamkin, worthy of enlistment in a fighter aviation regiment, here you go, the zhora gave me this before the flight, yes, zhorazhora, i remember, he came to me to the hospital,
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he gave me a bouquet of onions and carrots. so petrovich, throw away your sybara, they prescribed you some vitamins, here you go, oh, what a fisherman you are, that’s great, come here, oh, let go, you fool, you have to break your arm, here’s a carrot, that’s all, we still have to go to the station, let's go, comedian, they gave him a third banner, he didn't even recognize it, well, okay, what can i say, go ahead, go to your old regiment, renew
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your clothing certificate, and generally say goodbye to your comrades there, soon to... transfer to a new one airfield, let's go forward, i'm a fool, i thought. zhork twisted his head, dad, you report, come here, i can do something.
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comrade colonel, decide to report, radiogram from the partisans, they have started making reptiles in the swamp, they are ready to receive the plane, what other reptiles, well, these ones are made of wood, the runway is made of logs, so, go to the regiment cool and tell him that the front is preparing for an offensive, who is first, son, and after 3 days the grandfather’s anti-aircraft gun over the station
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was set on fire, he came out with the germans, a fiery ram, like gastella. alexander petrovich, they told me that you had arrived, but i didn’t believe it. hi kolya. hello. well, like in fighter jets? fine. he came for documents. nothing, slowly. you’re offended, but no, yes, i see , you’re offended, starting with who’s on it, no one, i
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won’t let anyone in, but there’s no replenishment, yet here ’s the root in the fighters, since the forties on it, socket, comrade, there’s a partisan for communication went out. they made a wooden swamp for you, they make a swamp of swan moss, well, they say, you know, they are waiting for you, but the division commander is not in any way, and gilevich asked me to tell you, there is some kind of woman there, a little ice-cream, to heal, uh, so, get the car ready, get ready, no stop, backwater,
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according to intelligence data, the deployment of the germans has changed here and here, we have agilevich here, yes. we received information from gelevich about what kind of pilot he has, faith, yes, make, damn, masks, let's go, just wait, they say, wig, oh,
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this is a tribunal, you, you understand, do you understand? 10 days of arrest, march, march, yes,
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with such people you can go into reconnaissance, all the films about a fearless intelligence officer, and your own, front-line reconnaissance, andrei smolikov, you have to come in, guys, be sure to come, don’t give me a hard time, i’ll come in behind the lines, hours, remained alive, ax today at 12:10 on aristar khlivanov as nikolai morozov. i will have a special task for you. grandfather morozov. tomorrow at 9:35 on ntv. on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. on ntv. live broadcast from red square. military parade dedicated. for
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victory day. today at exactly 10:00 moscow time time. hello, on ntv, a special episode of the program today, dedicated to the main holiday of our country, victory day. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. so, today in our country they pay tribute to the heroes who saved the world. from fascism. all russian regions host parades, processions, concerts and themed events. the main celebrations will traditionally take place in the center of the capital. already at 10:00 moscow time the parade will begin on red square. we will show it live. on the night of may 8-9, 1945, an act of destruction was signed near berlin. unconditional surrender of germany, which ended the great patriotic war.
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she became the largest. bloodiest armed conflict in world history


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