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tv   Moskva  NTV  May 9, 2024 10:00am-10:46am MSK

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it's time to bring the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner to attention for a meeting on the left on the edge! military members of the honor guard bring the state flag of the russian federation and the banner of victory in the great patriotic war onto red square. in the spring of 1945, soldiers of the 150th.
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the banner group includes the best servicemen of the 154th separate commandant's preobrazhensky regiment. the right to fly the flag of the russian federation was granted to senior sergeant anton mikhailov. the victory banner is in the hands of senior sergeant dmitry monastyrev. the banner groups are headed by senior lieutenants gennady zonkov.
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volna. rocks, peacefully, to meet on the left, nakrau!
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to the sounds of a counter march, the minister of defense of the russian federation, hero of russia, general of the army sergei shaigu heads to the center of red square to accept a report on the readiness of the moscow garrison troops for the parade, and meets the minister of defense, commander-in-chief of the ground forces, army general oleg salyukov. comrade minister of defense of the russian federation, troops of the moscow garrison, for the parade,
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commemorating the seventy-ninth anniversary victory in the great patriotic war, built by the commander of the parade. general of the army stalyukov in accordance with the procedure for holding a military parade of the minister.
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including more than a thousand participants in a special military operation. defense minister sergei shaigu and parade commander oleg salyukov are on their way. on the anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the ground forces, throughout many years of history, have reliably stood guard over
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the fatherland, ground warriors, like the harsh years of the great patriotic war, are freeing the world from minions step by step. nazism and international terrorism, at the same time showing bravery, bravery and an unbending will to win, acting coherently and decisively, in the most difficult conditions, hello, comrades, congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory, the great patriotic war, the minister of defense congratulated
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the parade crews on victory day aerospace forces, pilots, military personnel of space forces and air defense forces. defense provide reliable protection of the country's aerospace space around the clock, daily promote the advancement of troops to in all directions. in the zone of a special military operation, hello, comrades, congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the failure of the parade crews of the military police, the search for radiation, chemical and biological
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protection, the russian guard, the fsb and the ministry of emergency situations of russia, the kremlin cadets. hello, comrades, pita! congratulations on the seventy -ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the minister of defense congratulated the parade crews of the strategic missile forces on victory day airborne troops.
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hello comrades, i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the minister of defense welcomed the parade crews of participants in a special military operation, the navy, the mikhailovsky military artillery academy, the all-russian kasach society, soldiers, railway workers, female military personnel and young parade participants: suvorov, nakhimov, young army members and students of the kronshtat naval cadet corps. army general serge made a tour of the troops
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heads to the central podium to report to the president of the russian federation, supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, the troops of the moscow garrison are ready for the victory parade, army general shaigu.
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dear citizens of russia, dear veterans, comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, midshipmen and warrant officers, comrades, officers, generals and admirals, soldiers, commanders, front-line soldiers, heroes, special military operation, i congratulate you on... on victory day, on our most important, truly national, sacred holiday, we
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honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they defended their native land, crushed nazism, liberated the peoples of europe, reached the heights of military labor valor . today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about world war ii. “it interferes with those who are accustomed to build their, essentially, colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, nazi accomplices, cross out the memory of heroism and the nobility of the liberating soldiers, about the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general
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policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts between. national and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will we will do everything to prevent a global collision, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. the west would like to forget the lessons of world war ii. and we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev.
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in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk. to the caucasus and crimea. the first three, long, most difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union and all the republics of the former soviet union fought the nazis almost one on one. then, almost all of europe worked for the military power of the wehrmacht. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: russia has never downplayed the importance of the ally’s second front of assistance. "we honor the courage of all the soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, resistance members, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the people of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan, we will always remember, we will never
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forget our common struggle, inspiring traditions. alliance, dear friends, russia is now going through a difficult, milestone period, the fate of the motherland, its future, depends on each of us, today on victory day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly, and invariably look up to the generation of winners, brave, noble, wise sincerely and selflessly love your homeland. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation. all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat
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contact, are our heroes. we bow to your resilience and self-sacrifice. all of russia is with you, they believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement in your destinies and exploits inextricably binds generations of heroes of the fatherland. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war. in memory of my son. daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us, to the memory
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of civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our comrades in arms...
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thank you, our dear veterans, comrades, friends, may 9 is always a very emotional, poignant day, every family honors their own. heroes, peering at photographs at dear, beloved faces, remembering relatives, their stories about how they fought,
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how they worked. victory day unites all generations. we are moving forward, relying on our age-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free and safe environment. the future of russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray!
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battalion-by-battalion at one linear distance, the first battalion straight ahead, the rest? to the right, shoulder, alignment to the right, step,
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monar! the ceremonial passage of the parade crews is headed by the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, army general oleg salyukov. since 1940, parades on red square have been opened by the drummer company of the moscow military music
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school named after. accompanies the honor guard of the 154th separate commandant's preobrazhensky regiment, representing three types of armed forces: ground forces, aerospace forces and navy. on the march, students of the moscow suvorov military school
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command the parade squad. colonel igor yakimov. this year the school celebrates its eightieth anniversary. three graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of russia during a special military operation. on red square, students of the tver suvorov military school are led by colonel sergei tundenkov. for his contribution to the education of the younger generation. the school was awarded order of honor. on the paving stones of red square , the ceremonial crew of the kaliningrad nakhinovsky naval school is led by captain first rank dmitry polakin. at the educational institution, students from 55 regions of russia learn the basics of maritime affairs.
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students of the kronshtat naval cadet military corps are trained under the leadership of captain first rank nikolai davbeshka. the main dream of the cadets is to become carnal officers. representatives of the all-russian military-patriotic social movement hyunmi are on mars. olympic champion nikita nagorny, young army members actively help veterans and support participants in a special military operation with letters, serving as an example for their peers. under the banners of the combat units that liberated.
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during the great patriotic war, donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, odessa held a parade squad of participants in a special military operation, led by hero of russia, lieutenant colonel evgeniy khabarov. each serviceman of the parade squad is an example of personal courage and bravery. seven heroes of the russian federation, 24 cavaliers in service order of courage. on the march, students of the combined arms academy of the armed forces of the russian federation, the parade squad is led by colonel general alexander romanchuk. within the walls of this renowned educational institution , many participants in a special military
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operation and future commanders receive academic knowledge. russian federation, headed by the head of the university, lieutenant general igor mishutkin. today the university is a multidisciplinary educational institution, the successor of six academies and military schools, among its graduates university heroes of russia, evgeny brovko, denis kakunovsky and denis sarokin, who received this high rank during a special military
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operation. on red square is the military academy of logistics named after army general khrulev. artillery academy is the main forge of personnel for artillery and missile units, the parade crew is headed by major general oleg egorov, among the academy’s graduates are 163 heroes of the soviet union and the russian
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federation. on red square, the parade squad of female military personnel is led by the parade build lieutenant colonel maria vasilyeva. the crew includes future specialists from the signal forces, radiation, chemical and biological protection, psychologists and translators, lawyers and financial workers. on the march, the ceremonial crews of the aerospace forces are opened by officers and cadets of the air force academy, at the head of the parade crew of the superiors. bring new names into the combat history of russian aviation. 12 of them were awarded the high title of hero of russia,
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for personal courage and heroism shown during a special military operation. academy successfully trains personnel in 57 specialties, including army aviation pilots. at the sizran aviation school, the motherland appreciated their contribution, awarding the school the order of kutuzov. the parade squad of the mozhaisky military space academy passes by the stands. the formation is headed by the head of the academy, major general anatoly nestichuk. today, the educational institution is rightfully the country’s main university for training engineers and other highly qualified specialists in managing satellite constellations and control of outer space.
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there is a parade on red square. the marine engineering school is headed by the head of the school, captain first rank andrey klimenko. the educational institution is the first naval engineering university in the world. 38 graduates of the school were awarded the title
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of hero of the soviet union and the russian federation. the parade formation of peter the great's naval corps passes through red square. commands the parade squad. head of the corps, captain of the first rank, oleg ignasyuk. today the cadets continue tradition of their predecessors, following the motto, honor to service, fatherland, loyalty. on the march, cadets of the pacific higher naval school named after admiral makarov, captain of the first rank pavel dudin commands the parade crew. there are 18 heroes among the school graduates. soviet union and russian federation, three commanders -in-chief of the russian navy. on red square, the parade squad of the academy of strategic missile forces named after peter
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the great, at the head of the parade formation, is the head of the academy, lieutenant general igor okonin. today, within the walls of the academy, personnel are being trained to control the most modern strategic missile systems. with unique combat characteristics that have no analogues in the world. the parade squad of the serpukhov branch of the peter the great academy passes by the stands, headed by colonel sergei semyonovich. command engineering personnel emerge from the walls of the educational institution to operate mobile ground-based missile systems.
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on red square, the parade squad of the ryazan guards higher airborne command school named after army general markelov, the parade formation is headed by colonel sergei molochnikov. graduates of the school are an example of fulfilling military duty. 181 paratrooper officers were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. on the march, the moscow border institute of the fsb of russia, the parade squad is headed by the head of the institute, major general mikhail. pepik: graduates of the institute stand guard over
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the state border of our homeland, ensuring its integrity. military academy cadets on red square radiation, chemical and biological protection named after marshal timoshenko, headed by the head of the academy, lieutenant general igor emelyanov. during the special military four academy graduates were awarded the title of hero of russia. soldiers of the thirty-eighth separate railway brigade, led by colonel igor orlov, are walking past the triguns. today , railway warriors are restoring railways in the zone of a special military operation and ensuring the smooth movement of military echelons. on the march
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the military police personnel of the armed forces of the russian federation are headed by lieutenant colonel roman dunin. military police honorably perform the tasks of maintaining law and order in the zone of special military operation. on red square there is a parade of orders.
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this year the illustrious unit turns 100 years old for its services in ensuring law and order and public safety in the zone of special military operation; the division was awarded the order of suvorov. the all-russian cossack society presents a ceremonial parade cossacks of the great don army, led by cossack general vitaly kuznetsov. more than 30 thousand cossack volunteers are fighting in the special military operation zone. for courage and heroism, seven were awarded the title of hero of russia. the walking part of the parade is completed by cadets from the renowned moscow higher
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combined arms command school. colonel yaroslav glotkikh commands the kremlin parade squad. over its hundred-year history , more than 60,000 officers for the ground forces have been trained within the walls of the school. many of them became military leaders of the highest rank. today, in sonya, a special military operation, the unit and military units, led by kremlin officers, are successfully solving the assigned tasks, demonstrating courage, perseverance and an unbending will to win for more than five. thousands of school graduates were awarded state awards, 17 were awarded the title of hero of the russian federation.
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musicians liberate red square. for the passage of military equipment, the musical accompaniment of the parade is provided by the combined military orchestra of the moscow garrison, under the direction of the chief military conductor, honored artist of russia, major general timofey mayakin. on red square there are parade crews of a mechanized column, consisting of 61 units of military equipment in service with the russian army. according to tradition,
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the passage of equipment opens with the legendary tank of the great patriotic war t-34 under the battle banner. first guards red banner tank army, commanded by the crew of the thirty-four , senior lieutenant alexander vorobyov. on red square there is a column of universal armored multi-purpose vehicles tiger-m and multi-purpose armored vehicles of the military-industrial complex ural with additional protection of the sixteenth guards special-purpose brigade. the captain commands the parade crew. for the first time on red square, samples of special armored camas vehicles with a 4x4 wheel arrangement and protected ambulance
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vehicles (lens) designed to solve the problems of comprehensive search and evacuation of personal belongings were presented. on red square there is a column of armored protected special vehicles based on the kamaz vehicle, designed for transportation of personnel in the regions. combat operations and fire support in the special operations zone led by major alexander krepak.
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the military equipment of the missile forces and artillery is represented by the iskander m112 high-precision missile systems of the guards novorossiysk missile system. on the march, a column of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 triumph 549 of the order of lenin of the red banner anti-aircraft missile regiment of the russian aerospace forces, headed by major akhmed maysigov. combat characteristics of the complex.


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