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tv   Topor  NTV  May 9, 2024 1:40pm-3:26pm MSK

1:40 pm
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1:42 pm
we still have 5 minutes, grandfather, what did we see, we saw everything, tanks, we saw tanks in the forest, then there were also tanks, about one and a half hundred of them.
1:43 pm
two took our sentry, that you let him go, major, one was killed, the second left, the rest were apparently in the forest, and the sentry, we had to shoot him, shays, you didn’t tell me this, you understand what we are risking, of course, mr. colonel , then don’t let them go into the swamp, otherwise we won’t find them there. the swamp is impassable for them, this is reconnaissance, they would rather drown than surrender, i need a prisoner, i need to know what they have time see, that's right, mr. colonel, then do it, everyone in their cars.
1:44 pm
you, you believe in god, but what about, baptized, i don’t, it’s scary, now, scary, he will forgive, forgive, commander, he will forgive, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid,
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you have to get there, guys, you definitely have to get there, otherwise you wo n’t it would be a good idea to comb the entire area. look carefully, they may be in the trees, if detected, open fire, we will cover you, go, we’ll meet in the swamp.
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1:48 pm
how did one leave, you said the swamp was impassable, how did they even get through? kanina, they came from the other side, from our rear, the russians were pursued from the river, they deviated from the route and ended up here. just an accident, they saw tanks, major, i'm asking you, they saw tanks, yes, the swamp
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is impassable, just an accident, do you think this will be enough for? shoot, nothing less will suffice, mr. colonel, but first allow me to show you something, okay, show me something, well, let’s go, please, songin, the show is ready, the whole group to the red star.
1:50 pm
why are you reporting to me here with a breath? you division intelligence chief or who? clearly, what tanks? how many? where did i get the idea from anin? general. here near the village of anina, there were just tanks
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, tanks, maybe there was one of some kind of plywood standing, why is it plywood, i felt it with my hands, armor, this one, like, i wish i had a photo from behind, i felt it from behind, and the rest of the tanks are there.. . draw, like this,
1:52 pm
odintsov, i, the tactical emblem of the twentieth tank divisions, everything is correct, but these panthers just can’t stand at aanin’s place, continue. our group has discovered the latest t-5 tanks on another part of the front, at bryulyovo station, and this is 100 km from anya, what’s going on here, major, we’re putting together tanks, mr. colonel, okay. according to the operation plan, we organized a false deployment of the twentieth tank division at the brilevo station.
1:53 pm
it was bait. models, false objects under heavy security so that you cannot get close to them. a week ago, a russian intelligence team successfully discovered it. we even showed them a couple of real tanks in motion with the emblem of a tank division and let them go to to our own behind the front line. so you saw the emblem think soldier before you answer what should i think tanks i saw in the village of anina these tanks are there they are what your plan is, but if a saboteur passes through the swamp. he will reveal that the division is stationed near anin. the plan of our
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command: a tank attack on the flanks of the offensive will fail. is this not clear? of course, he will report that he saw uanin tanks, and this will contradict the data of the first reconnaissance group. do you think they 'll want to make sure? they will send another group. of course, especially on the eve of the offensive, when so much is at stake.
1:55 pm
these russians work quickly, diligently, very well, what? feed them better, when they finish work, let's go to the tanks and dreams headquarters, we need to come to an agreement with them, yes, mr. colonel, zakharchenko, feed them, i heard, germajor, leave them, when you're done,
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take them farther away and shoot them all, you answer with your head, understand? the poisonous homeland was measured, van, i know you. but they don’t, so what? and the fact that your word weighs against the word of the best front intelligence officer, no, do you believe me? i believe that i definitely saw the emblem, maybe i got it wrong, that i ’m not out of my mind yet.
1:57 pm
deathly, comrade colonel, death takes away my grandfather, leave him aside. what's going on here? i wanted to ask you, colonel, what ’s going on here, his car, whose order? and guess what, don’t be afraid, we’ll see each other soon, but
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of course, what a priest, that’s how he comes, wait for the report of the touch colonel, come on, come on, well, he fell asleep, well, come on, i say, he’s gone crazy, whose order is it, what are you doing, but it’s necessary everything is soaked to the core, whose order? whose? smersha, chief's order counterintelligence of the front, whose? not mine, is it? yes, yes, if so, is this really how they respond to the marshal? what should i think? did i see tanks there? you don’t
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know, he doesn’t tolerate word of mouth. well , they rewarded vanka. presented to the order. “you already knew that everything would turn out like this, wait, commander, well, by god, well, you don’t know where you’re going, you don’t understand yet, march’s whole offensive plan is calculated by the minute, by the kilometer, and you’re now with his grandfather all his accounting to hell, and if ivan is right, and how right he is, so what, and what does it have to do with it, change all plans 3 days before the offensive, well , tell him about it, i think he remembers very well how the unterm in your squadron galloped, fell asleep, well, vanki, now for this to disappear, not for that, for your ambition has paid the price, ordinary rodin, but you don’t interfere,
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so i ask you from the bottom of my heart, don’t interfere. you won’t help him, you’ll ruin yourself, that means you’re worried about me, take care of yourself, you’re now a scapegoat, if ivan is right, if the twentieth tank on our flank is in your area of ​​responsibility, the german will cut off our entire bridgehead with one flank strike, thousands we’ll buy thousands of people, who will be to blame then? chief of intelligence of the 127th infantry division. go. not a marshal of the soviet union. apply for a loan at sberbank and get
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a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. more profitable with sber prime. we found it, so it’s necessary, the touch captain, and my superiors are aware of our conversation? agreed, if you’re bothering your grandfathers, then it has nothing to do with it, but the fact that i’m a grandfather here,
2:02 pm
i put down the squad, i stomped around, i heard, but it doesn’t change anything, tank division, it’s not a box of matches, it can’t be moved by 100 vers in 24 hours, wait, don’t get started. and also gas tankers, staff vehicles with the same symbols, communications equipment, well,
2:03 pm
captain, let’s talk, i’ll sit down, don’t worry, grigory konstantinovich, we prepared perfectly for the attack, this grandfather doesn’t give me peace, he’s some kind of intelligence officer, come on , not forty-first year, such a force has gathered, now it’s not them, we ’ll float them in cauldrons, and we’ll miss the mark. you need to check, but where can the tanks come from, just think about it, there are only swamps all around, swamps, light
2:04 pm
listen, comrade marshal, the bet is on the line. comrade stalin, i’m listening to you, comrade vasiliev, how are the preparations going, everything is developing according to plan, comrade vasiliev, has everything been done for the success of the future operation, everything is being done, even more, here... our comrades are interested, worried, this headquarters gave you everything , and even more, so it’s important to exclude any
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chance, just like that, comrade vasiliev, i understood you, well, i’ll tell my comrades not to worry. what is the name of this scout? scout? scout. so, rodin, all these tales of yours about we won’t discuss the tank. i’ll tell you
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how it happened, the germans discovered your group, comrades in arms, everyone was killed, i believe in this, then your whole legend begins to crumble, what kind of legends? what they wrote for you in the ober, they took you prisoner, or you yourself surrendered, it doesn’t matter, what’s important is that you gave your consent to work for german intelligence, and now you’re on their hook, trying to fulfill the task of your masters,
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well, come on, write, surname, rank, who recruited you, what other tasks were set for you? write, what's the matter, come on, grandfather, come out from here, smoke on the street, stand, what do you allow yourself, i have an order from the front command,
2:08 pm
captain adentsov comes out? private rodin.
2:09 pm
i can’t understand how you ended up here, we were returning to the ambush, we fought, we had to give cover, and here you came out, well, they started getting along. to the front line already through the swamps? it's all written in the report, didn't you read it, or what? did you read it, are you checking it? i’m checking, what did you want? why then did you have to take me away? and it’s not mine to come, only you know the way through these swamps? are you afraid of an ambush? well done fighter,
2:10 pm
you think correctly, okay, you join me the order, this is what, the prosobist, will pass. dress up for an axe, what an axe, my axe, what a woodcutter is about to chop wood or something, a woodcutter, the wood himself, at attention. it hurts, for the whole
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operation, comrade scouts, you have 24 hours, leave at 4:00. immediately upon the start of fire cover, captain, that’s right, we open fire in 35 minutes, the markers are set, the passage is cleared, if the data from the homeland is confirmed, if you find these tanks, damn it, fire immediately, immediately, secondly, the cover group will be waiting for you. in the seventh square near the destroyed bridge, question? no way no, carry out, homeland,
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take care, guys, children, whom, ted? but it’s true they say that with your stupidity you turned five people into their mouths, i thought so. there were about thirty of them, well, it happens, it happens.
2:13 pm
what do you see the russians are coming report 2 3 los stand sit place, class, well done, there
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is no one there. at night, in the section of the 127th division , the russians carried out reconnaissance in force, you turned out to be right, they sent another group, they were allowed to pass, i hope, well, yes, they are going through the swamps, as they left last time, you know, they are led by the surviving russian, they decided to check , this ok, i don’t share the optimism. we are taking too many risks, don’t worry, mr. colonel, we are ready, ready, i hope.
2:15 pm
are you sure you came out here? here, it seems, in the garden, answer clearly, red army soldier, i didn’t notice the container.
2:16 pm
hold on, are you afraid or something, you haven’t been to the swamps, haven’t been yet? it wasn’t stored in the swamps, who else hasn’t been stored in the swamps, it’s okay, let’s go, i’ll go to dry land.
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2:18 pm
your lost tank is still there.
2:19 pm
well, that can’t be the case, there were no sheaves. and the tank that i touched
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was standing right on the cannon, the rest are further along the forest, there is a forest comb, weather, shadows faster time, tanks you say that in your opinion, i can’t distinguish armor from wood, or what? tell me, it was armor, well, i didn’t dream about it, captain, we’ll return to the unit. and let’s check who dreamed what, wait, let’s figure it out, put it aside.
2:21 pm
well, what's there? in the indicated square , models of german tanks and the presence of the twentieth tank division were found. confirmed. i don’t even know, kamdiv, what to tell you, you and i are in history, mr. major,
2:22 pm
this is for you. give birth to colonel hartman, the russians reported to the headquarters about the models, everything is going according to plan, we are starting, there is, charmed, premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv, rise of the bespectacled gamblers, here actually... that’s how it is, the writers are complaining, let them get used to simple food, here they don’t have any trouble, well, win, for moscow, for the heart of our homeland, go on the attack,
2:23 pm
and... at the call of the prime minister’s heart, today is 21:20 on ntv. according to our intelligence, of the 86 installed enemy radio mines , only 62 worked. why don’t your mines explode? installing a radiomin requires certain experience. humidity, building screening, even storage. everything, absolutely everything matters, we found a film with photocopies of these drawings from a german agent, where he got it from, he didn’t have time to tell us, i need the frequency ranges of the new fuses, he won’t stand it, his heart is weak, you tell me everything, you bastards ,
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not a single mine should fall into the hands of the enemy, all of them are subject to mandatory destruction, you would call me to interrogate him, i’ll look with fresh eyes, do you think? subject to destruction, next time everything will be for real, tomorrow at 23:35 on ntv. zakharchenko is forming up, let's quickly, i repeat the task: to identify the destruction of the enemy reconnaissance group, there are seven of them, and most importantly, one of them... the oldest one is shaving his head on the moose, i order you not to shoot, he is alive, everything is clear, clear , forward, forward, don’t worry,
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anyone can make a mistake, there was no mistake, i don’t know where they went then. replaced, maybe, what's the point, no, well, if the germans knew that you survived in the swamp, returned to the state about the tanks, told them, they sent a second group, or they knew.
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“what time do you say, they should have reached
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the destroyed bridge, 4 hours ago, i wish you health, melting senior officers, the weather is bad today, i don’t want to die!” you already know, but what about the position, well, i’m on the nt, there’s enough worries before the onset, yes, tach division commander, the air has become kind of sour, you should spend time here. “i believe you’re not burying aleshina wounded,
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the matter is clear with aleshin, here you are, what side of the matter, and you’ve already opened a case, and just think, the scouts didn’t find the tanks, this is it, now they’ve lost contact, two don’t come out , does that mean the group died or is it even worse?" "
2:29 pm
and rodin, kasymov, i ordered you to be lazy after him, i ran into the fog, then there was a battle, i shot, i shot a lot, and my grandfather left, he shot at the ugly guy, but why the germans at him, did rodin shoot at the germans? didn’t shoot, of course, first he threw a grenade and left, kasymov, you can
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clearly explain to me whether rodin fought the germans or not, listen, he shot, he didn’t shoot, in half an hour they will find this sanaturi with dogs, surround everything. there is no radio anymore, they shot with precision, trouble, commander, it’s me who will ambush you, well, it’s not like that if you endure it, you’ll already get to yours. but i don’t have to, i have an order for this case, well , let’s shoot, but
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you can’t go back the other way, say, all around, you’re right, commander, i think the germans let me out on purpose, well then, in the swamp, when they shot, they could have shot me? since they know which road we came from, it means they are building an ambush right at the front line, we can’t
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go back on the old road, well, look, homeland. they felt sorry for their people, major, and how many germans will die if the russians open our tanks, the liquidation of the group is a matter of time, walkie-talkie the russians have been destroyed, they won’t come to the trail, you can wait forever, listen, i’ll give you
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two more companies, look.
2:34 pm
and in the swamps, of course, it was quieter, well, you would sit there in the swamps until the offensive, again the trucks with fuel went, the gasoline was drained. we would immediately have a tribunal, who are we, the shifters, but where do they send this gasoline, to refuel wooden tanks, there is only one road, gunned down, so
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what? shoot, let's ask, shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot, lie down on the ground, don't shoot, lie down, don't shoot, i give up.
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2:37 pm
we'll interrogate him here, otherwise he won't get far, big man. why do you think so? important briefcase, clean skin, now let's see,
2:38 pm
no, no, i'm an engineer, it says here that you are a company commander of a tank division, just that. repair company, i am an engineer, tank repair and maintenance, and where is your company stationed? she is on the march, i am going to the station to hand over the equipment, the final destination, the village of anina, why the repair company is stationed so close to the front line, a major russian offensive is expected, the number of the tank division. 20th panzer division, deployment, village of anina, and not a new one said, well
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, ronin, ronin is lucky for you, what am i saying, you are not lucky, lucky is the one who is lucky, damn the walkie-talkie, it still works, i’ll give you information about new tanks , about the twentieth tank division. and not only, here he is, he is also not a tanker, a repairman, no, brandenburg, like, yes, yes, brandenburg 800, russian, everyone there is russian. this is a poor german, out of fear he’ll sell his mother, bitch, but why are you hanging around,
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the slovenians have a great idea, rodin? to shoot this, it makes sense, but it makes no sense, according to the order, but after the first radiogram we need a weighty argument, something tivanin, if we bring the whole brandenburg, we will have more faith, you know what he was doing here, he won’t go. sixth, he won’t go, let me talk to him for lunch, he’s now waiting for death in the spirit of death, he won’t talk to you as an officer,
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he will, with you, round, pack your things, go to the car, gap, watch the road, lieutenant’s sergeant-major vision , “i thought you didn’t recognize me, that’s how we met, at the ballet 3 days ago
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you shot my guys, that was the case, but why didn’t i killed?". could you kill me? the wooden tanks are the work of your hands, mine. no, vanya, i won’t go anywhere with you, i won’t give in alive. let me discharge my hands.
2:43 pm
leave, and they’ll shoot you, well, that’s what fate means, go away, nikolai.
2:44 pm
go away, no principle. go, the pelingator who drives here, you know, his car, no, of course, this is abbar, but i know where he is stationed, this is a counterintelligence unit, gorki village, a farm there. nearby, their headquarters, i can show you on the map, show me.
2:45 pm
i don’t read russian, here, yes, is the village. slides, i'm here, help, saboteurs. spread out, forward, be careful, chi.
2:46 pm
“i talked to your intelligence chief, it turns out that it was your idea to send odintsov with rodin, and it turns out that rodin alone knows the path in the swamp to secretly penetrate vanin.”
2:47 pm
kasymov kruglov is behind me, brandenburg, where? and you yourself know this well, dear, this is an interrogation.
2:48 pm
where is the prisoner? let go, how did you let go? brother, you told your staff that you knew him since the first world war, you really... trust his opinion, why is this suddenly, what is he commanded a regiment, a career officer, he rose from the ranks of non-commissioned officers into a company, has extensive combat experience, oh how and what did he do with this
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combat experience in civilian life, he’s not a combatant, and you define him as a reconnaissance officer, why should he be in did you go to the rear of the germans? well, that’s what scouts are for, but why did you let him go? what would you do if you were in my place? yes, i would if i were him, he shot your comrades, so... he took pity on you in the swamp, he goes by like this, he thought that you would bring the second group, you are such a fool,
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he didn’t feel sorry for you, he used you, and now he’ll kill us together with you, you... let your brother go, you’re doing the right thing by being silent, you’re too amazing, you think that i still know about him, yes, a lot of things, that he gave his last name as vasiliev, that he didn’t wait, kamdiv, will you tell me everything, sonov? take the machine gun from him, but leave the ax
2:51 pm
to stand up. don’t even think about it, if you served with marshal himself and zhukov in the world war, then hold god by the beard, rather the opposite, citizen aleshin, there is no speech before the day comes, and convey we can't do anything. we need a solution, we handed it over to our heads once, that’s for sure, besides words, some kind of evidence is needed, why did the big man go to the station, the tank needs oil, it’s needed, spare parts are needed,
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it’s needed, where, not, invoices are argument, but not enough. yes, we won’t have time to return, since everything is still there, there is a walkie-talkie, we just need to get it.
2:53 pm
let’s light a cigarette, let’s get going, yes,
2:54 pm
kasimov, kasynov, leave, leave!
2:55 pm
attention, i repeat, the deployment of the enemy’s twentieth tank division in the area of ​​​​the village of anina, i confirm, if you heard, you said, that they will return to anina, and we pulled all our forces there, your lieutenant told them everything, they must return, half an hour ago they went on air with an open text about the deployment of tanks. gone? they asked for support to reach belynichi. take your people and block
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the road to the north. at the underground. this is your last chance. attention.
2:57 pm
there is no kasymov, no briefcase with documents, we have nothing to return, no radiograms. they didn’t believe it, round, find a place and slow down, that’s it.
2:58 pm
you are a man, ivan ilyevich, there is no peace with you,
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3:00 pm
so what, what, what, i’ve worn out my feet, i’ll change my shoes i wish i could wait at night anyway. come on shobi, come on!
3:01 pm
take the bag off him, otherwise he will suffocate, you won’t get far with it, he’s not in the habit of running.
3:02 pm
“i was already tired of waiting, but i knew that you would come, stubborn, i’ll let you go, decide while you can, everyone, no, only you, we can’t be here,
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they’ll throw cranes at you.” you let me go like a brad, i’ll let you go, but quickly! well! think faster, for the last time, believe me, well!
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have you aged? i heard about the family, their father and mother were shot,
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no, vanya, they weren’t shot, they were crucified on the gate, like our lord god, jesus christ, did you hear that? the chinese treated dana with cruelty, and buried my wife and children alive, so tell me, van, how? with what kind of heart do you have for these volunteers, with this, you are
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a stranger to them, you will remain a stranger, an enemy, come with us, with you, monsters. well, that means we won’t come to an agreement, van, then let’s finish this matter at once, you guys are strangers, who, come on, come on, i said.
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3:10 pm
“i repeat the question, why 5 hours before the start of the offensive, i don’t see the commander of the forward division, comrade marshal of the soviet union, i didn’t have time to report, aleshin, allow me turn to the general of the army, are you, vesnin, crazy, bursting into your own household,
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it’s your fault, it’s your fault, comrade march of the soviet-union.” listen, this is the work of your hands, hartman, the russians in anina are bombing our newest tanks, now their breakthrough it’s a matter of time, you should be hanged right now.
3:12 pm
alive, alive, for now.
3:13 pm
former native colonel oleshin, he’s arrested, let’s go.
3:14 pm
you don’t want to cooperate, right? , busyot, who let him in, then marshal soviet union, great colonel, healthy, i wish you well,
3:15 pm
what’s wrong with you, you look like you’ve scribbled something, a company commander, “ we’ll definitely remember our military past with you later, but for now you’re ordered to return to the location of the entrusted to you division and continue command, there is a need to return, comrade marshal of the soviet union, with permission, go!” what is it, major? what's happened? are you feeling bad?
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soviet? shut up! so, my own mother won’t know. who did you raise your hand to, bitch! that, on the eve of the offensive, pobelyuk, you deprived the advanced division of control, you practically he beheaded her, you know what the penalty for this is, connect me with the head of the mersha front, then he waved, quickly, well, guys, did you wait for the letters? look, i'm waiting, here. connect the mortar, that goes without saying, we’ll start right after you, then we’ll go, where is my homeland,
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and here i am.
3:18 pm
look right now, now you won’t understand who is a stranger, your own, front-line reconnaissance, it looks like the germans made a camp from a phone factory, they slaughtered children’s blood for their soldiers. everything, my dears, everything is fine, there is somewhere to hide the children, you have no right to enter into battle, i have a package, what is more important, the package or the children? we should stand for a day and hold out for the night, but
3:19 pm
andrei smolikov, now we are waiting for guests, in continuation of the military drama, listen, what is wrong with you, and why are you supposed to have a mouth, i have permission from the team, ax 1944 is on ntv right now. may 9, please repeat, may 9 at 19:35, i did not understand you, please repeat. may 9 at 19:35 on ntv. as comrade christ said, seek and you will find. favorite movie about intelligence officers. there are many acts, but practically nothing. which you can watch again. get started. eat. and again. 7 108 109 110
3:20 pm
exactly in august forty-four, the date and location of the broadcast and the hour coincide today at 19:35, you pumped everything up, it can’t be more accurate on ntv, it’s not what we’re doing, there’s no point in it, they won’t let you go to the front, you’re for he fought for those, the medals are worn by the tsar... by the way, i, by the way, each of these georges, not in the tsar’s camps, at the front in the trenches, he heard with his own life and blood, because for the homeland, what are you, comrade, don’t value such shots, tell your comrade restless to collect a hundred cossacks, without fear, are assigned a combat mission, to enter the germans from the rear, the outcome of the entire war will depend on this comrade, but they are not so terrible, like the fascists, without
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a doubt, we will swoop in from three sides, chop them up, make some noise, without further ado , don’t die, it’s clear, there is, comrade commander, only cossacks go into battle, in battle, the years do not age a cossack when he has a horse under the saddle and a saber in his hand, your cossacks will not be enough for such a plant, there are never enough cossacks , alexander dyichenko. goodbye deputy, dear friend, german, enchanted, because for the faith fatherland, premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. this will be the signal to begin our offensive. the tasks are clear, that’s right
3:22 pm
, there are questions, no way, everyone is free, vesnin, hold on, odintsov’s reconnaissance group returned the task, commander, you said that these are your best people, the best people, that’s right, i’m completely confident in them now . report to me immediately about the movements of odintsov’s group, yes, go, yes.
3:23 pm
3:24 pm
ich vogelfänger bin bekannt bei alt und jung im ganzen. land weiß mit den locken umzugehen und mich ausweisen zu verstehen along the shore, commander, maybe you can still wait until evening, no, the task is important, you have to arrive on time at a marching pace.
3:25 pm
hands to the sky, weapons to the ground, hands to the sky, smart guy, smart, smart.


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