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tv   Topor  NTV  May 9, 2024 3:25pm-4:01pm MSK

3:25 pm
another commander, we are frontline reconnaissance, introduce yourself, we are from a partisan detachment, a red avenger, shut up. commander who? major, cool. hands to the sky! guns to the ground, hands to the sky, smart guy.
3:26 pm
they told you, front-line intelligence, well, lead us to your commander, who are they, captain odintsov, front-line intelligence, cool major. commander of the partisan detachment, red avenger, return the weapons to my fighters, orus, follow me, we will give birth, the rest are free, well, soldiers, treat me with a check, you are also a commander, you don’t really scold your fighters, there’s this one who’s still a coat, a cannon, who almost arrested us, he’s a good fighter, we have a mission.
3:27 pm
“we need to pick up a person from your squad and transport him behind the front line, there is no other information, the pilot, last name savichev, was shot down, we picked him up, the package is with him, i know a little who he is, but i can’t say what i know , meet you tomorrow, for reasons of secrecy , no one knows about the purpose of your arrival"? he’s a simple partisan with us, we have a lot of them, both hatches and encirclement, so it’s not clear whether one of yours will help choose swamps, a guide and ammunition you throw, throw, take, take, in war there is never too much ammunition, that’s for sure.
3:28 pm
come out tomorrow, listen, give me a pomegranate, well, about four or so, listen, what is it, it’s suitable, but why don’t you seem to have it on your lips.
3:29 pm
along glebuche's rush to troysk, do you understand? yes, meet, comrades, lyudmila kiriyak, your guide, grew up in these places, knows every path. captain odintsov, captain savichev, this is yours, our valuable cargo, captain savichev, combat pilot, officer, temporarily coming under the command of captain odintsov. have a snack, comrade, thank you, i, we already had breakfast, well, we had breakfast then , stand up, let’s check the map, that’s right, the ford is right here, that’s right, yeah, that’s how deep it is, well, something like this, that’s it, it’s definitely going to sink , but you can’t take the card with you.
3:30 pm
they don’t take a map with notes for reconnaissance, they keep the route here, that’s right, that means that’s it, kirek is the guide, savichev is fourth, orusov is bringing up the rear. well, good luck, dacha commander, we just got in touch today, the group is returning back with the object, information on the progress.
3:31 pm
and in order to carry more and return faster, this is an order, listen, stop, just a minute, the iceman is tired, of course. it’s not for you to turn the steering wheel on an airplane, don’t worry, you’ve rubbed a callus, you didn’t, you turned, that’s right,
3:32 pm
you don’t trust, of course, i’m a villager, and a woman at that, but you can’t, you have to check, step, move. behind me.
3:33 pm
escaped, there are only children there, germans, they take blood, blood, well, that’s what he says, that’s
3:34 pm
what mark says his name is, from a german hospital from a hospital, well, i don’t know, hospital, hospital, well, i don’t believe him, he’s lying, he was if there was a hospital here, we...
3:35 pm
where did you live, right in the hospital, lived in barracks, they took me to the hospital, there i saw drawings on the walls, guys using hooks to catch logs out of the water, and remove shavings from the logs. well, here he is somewhere, before the war he was not there yet, i heard about such camps, commander, i need to check, the little girl’s stories, they wanted to court martial, you have a task. i have a package, you have no right to deviate from the route, listen, there are children there, maybe
3:36 pm
the outcome of the war depends on this package, deliver my packages to the front line, and then take care of the hospital, he’s right, but only a factory object strategic, our attacks will begin and they will bomb it. she has the same task as you, there are children there, you can’t find a homeland on your own, i’ll show you, were you pretending to be the devil, or what? who knows, a gypsy can only trust a gypsy, and you are for me.
3:37 pm
tomorrow morning, so that they come back, that’s right, come on, come on, moscow, don’t lag behind, this is not for you to stomp on the asphalt, respect the chain of command, but i didn’t take the oath, i don’t have shoulder straps, i’m tired, no. look for yourself, stand up, he’s young, you’re a grandfather, you have relatives,
3:38 pm
a whole camp of relatives, but where are they now, no i know, my father and mother, i lived with my mother, but with my aunts, my father is not there, my mother said that they killed him for his horses, then i jumped out of the car, wait, wait, i’m telling you that grandfather is tired, we go out to the open space, you need to be careful, look around so as not to run into rejection, tired, well, there is a little, this is my knife, now mine. so you are a thief, you yourself are a thief, a gypsy doesn’t steal, a gypsy makes a living,
3:39 pm
i understand, i understand where you were taken from, from there, for a long time, no, this is a hospital, are you sure? they took me in the car, i don’t know, okay, let’s go have a look with the other side.
3:40 pm
freeze, don't move, don't move, don't move your legs, without a wire under your leg, it's a stretch, if you move like that, you and i will break in the bathhouse, don't move, don't be afraid, i'll spit it out, just don't spread. just don't move. have you ever gone hunting? no, we only stole the horses, but you and i will go, davaishnapa, it’s such a bird, the main thing is, you know, i learned to stand for a long time and not move. and what will you learn?
3:41 pm
will you come with me on the go, will you deceive me? "when the war is over, we will go with you to valshen you’ll drink, yes, maha, you can complete a military mission, you’ll need to preserve
3:42 pm
material values, you’re so crazy here ? what’s there to protect the stew? well, yes, there’s stew there, but there’s also binoculars and supplies, i understand now i’ll go to my branch, but guard it, but here’s the thing, rodin, i’m not a fool, tell it like it is, if anything happens to me, if i don’t come back, i’ll drive shodintsov, and you’ll tell him where the plant is
3:43 pm
, don’t kill me, where you were going . , to the factory, the roof was rotten, kiryan came to my village in the morning, told me to get ready, who was kiryan, whom you killed, policeman, don’t kill, call, been there, no, never been, they know you there, no, they don’t know, they haven’t seen you, take off your clothes. opana, who is he, a carpenter, and where is kiryan, some kind of bastard, okay. okay,
3:44 pm
let's go, listen to how it's like for a carpenter without an axe, there's no need for an ax there, feather the horse, let's go, let's pass. what are you going to do after the war? you still have to live, but i’m sure i’ll live, since
3:45 pm
they haven’t killed me yet, it means they definitely won’t kill me. i want to go to moscow to see comrade stalin at a demonstration. allowed into the demonstration well, what about egor, are we going to the wrong place? there’s a farm there, and we’re scratching vasinovich, but no, everything is there, but no, there’s a farm, look where, i was wrong about moscow. ready, yes, so good. well done, you can go,
3:46 pm
listen, i would like it yes, but here it ’s the third day, okay, there’s the toilet, just quickly, come on, come on. and kiryan's thought, everyone has the strength to make fun of him, he takes it, who needs it,
3:47 pm
i have something there, you talk a lot, listen, give me back my ax, what an ax, let's get out of here before you make a fool of yourself.
3:48 pm
yes, mr. galtman, agent nightingale has contacted emergency communication through svyaznoy. hello!
3:49 pm
attack the detachment, the group has already gone back, i know the route, the commander discussed it with the guide in front of me, i propose to intercept the group, you understand, men like it when they can look after a girl, help, and you are moscow, moscow. he never paid any attention to you, it hurts,
3:50 pm
what, maybe we can drink some milk? i think the owners won’t be offended by us, they ’re hiding it from the nazis, not from us, right, hey, beauty, what’s your name, masha, probably, oh, what kind of you are you, get out of here, you what, he even recognized me as yours, who knows you, now you won’t understand what? you two,
3:51 pm
you shouldn’t have said that about the gypsy, marco, he ’s a good guy, if you’re kind, he’ll be with you with all his heart, we’ll look after him, don’t worry, everything will be fine, we have a big autumn garden, a cellar if we need to hide, there is food, we will feed you, you eat, eat. come on, and when our people arrive, we’ll build it somewhere, they’ll stay with us if they want, come on, well , what’s it like at the front, otherwise the germans took away all the radios, we live here in complete ignorance, well, the partisans will come, they’ll tell you something , or the newspaper will show up, well, everything is late, it’s moving, it’ll come to you soon, and
3:52 pm
good, that’s good, you need to sleep, let’s go, i’ll get you a job at the synagogue, thank you. bon appetit, thank you, listen, tomorrow you can go straight after lyu, not second, not third, right behind her, otherwise she turns around all the time, looks at you, and we, what nonsense, what kind of task do i have? , you know, the mentality of the local residents also needs to be taken into account, you know, well, in front of the whole
3:53 pm
system? thank you temmovich, okay, go ahead, go ahead!
3:54 pm
good morning, your honor, oh! the outfit is just in time, oh, well, come to the table, if you please, have a bite, here’s some fresh milk for you, drink, where’s rodin? left, dear, and you will stay with us for now, eat, come on, and then we’ll go fishing, you love fishing, just like you left, but wait,
3:55 pm
wait, mark? where are you, homeland, homeland, homeland, and you, wait for me here.
3:56 pm
yes, please convey my gratitude to mr. commandant for the textbooks from warsaw. auf jeden fall.
3:57 pm
bad place, yes, quiet, very, yes. egor savilev, check that grove over there, they are coming.
3:58 pm
five people to the right, surrounded, the fleet to the left.
3:59 pm
we are leaving, mr. gaumman, two saboteurs have been killed, the rest have left.
4:00 pm
hello to ntv news, in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, today is victory day - a holy day for the country and for every family. 79 years ago, the great patriotic war, the worst in history, ended. the price of victory is 27 million dead, it is the duty of current generations to remember these victims. military parades in honor of the holiday are held today in many russian cities. footage from red square in report by alexey prokin. he says he shows. moscow! all front-line reports began with this announcement by levitan, anticipating these words and the main news about the defeat of the nazi invaders. now the phrase: part of the genetic code. chimes striking on...


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