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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm MSK

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hello to ntv news, in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, today is victory day, a holy day for the country and for every family. 79 years ago, the great patriotic war, the worst in history, ended. the price of victory is 27 million dead, it is the duty of current generations to remember these victims. military parades in honor of the holiday are held today in many russian cities. footage from red square in a report by alexey prokin. he says moscow is showing. all front-line reports began with this announcement by levitan, anticipating these words and the main news about defeat of the nazi invaders. now the phrase: part of the genetic code. the chimes strike... the victory parade begins
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with a banner group. in the stands are guests of honor and the leaders of belarus, guinea bissau, cuba, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, laos. the frosty air of the capital only seems to add to the impressions of the traditionally grandiose march. sacred for every russian family , the victory banner on red square. in the spring of 1945 , soldiers of the red army hoisted it over the reichstag, step by step, moving forward with the hardest battles, liberating first the soviet republics and then 10 european states. in austria, bulgaria, hungary, denmark, germany, romania, poland, yugoslavia, czechoslovakia and norway, there were then 100 million people who, thanks to the exploits and sacrifices of our... grandfathers and great-grandfathers, gained
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freedom and sovereignty. the parade is attended by 9.00 military personnel in the ranks and heroes of the northern military district, their fellow soldiers are now on the front line fighting neo-nazism and russia honors their courage. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation. all of her participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, these are our heroes. we bow to your resilience. in his speech, vladimir putin noted that russia will never forget the tradition of alliance in the fight against nazism, but today our country will not allow itself to be offended. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts.
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interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent, independent centers of global development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. the generation of veterans of special military operations, today, according to vladimir putin, is inextricably linked by spiritual belonging. in memory of all fallen heroes, the president announced a minute silence. the parade squads begin the ceremonial march, the calculation of the participants.
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special operations are taking place across red square under the banners of honor that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev and odessa during the great patriotic war. hundreds of svo participants are watching the march of their comrades from the tribune. alexey sukhadolov began his combat career in 2022 and was awarded the medal of the donetsk people's republic for courage. i hope that i will still be a participant in the parade, perhaps not in moscow, but somewhere to celebrate a new victory. here. i think it is necessary to preserve such traditions. 9 the president called may an emotional, poignant day. the same mood was in the stands, where ministers and front-line soldiers, families with children and new heroes of russia watched the parade shoulder to shoulder. philip evseev, driver-mechanic of the famous tank alyosha, who destroyed eight enemy armored vehicles in a few hours. both grandfathers are front-line soldiers. one grandfather. at that time the mothers there were in
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a daze, only one was gone, it was a great holiday, it seems to me that when you start to think about it, it’s impossible for tears not to well up in your eyes and... it’s very important for children to instill a feeling, love for the homeland, pride for our homeland, for russia, you look, and your heart rejoices, domestic designers continue military traditions, just like almost 80 years ago, military equipment is practical and effective, its passage opens with the t-34 tank, it would become legendary later, when it first went into production, it was called the swallow armored tank. hit a target anywhere in the world. after the parade, vladimir putin said that security issues and
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joint exercises to test the use of on non-strategic nuclear weapons, he and the president of belarus worked until late at night. since non-strategic nuclear weapons are located on the territory of belarus, this time we invited our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this, to take part in one of the stages of this exercise. the supreme commander-in-chief does not doubt russia’s victory during the northern military district, but what is happening now on the battlefield. according to putin, the best proof is that grandchildren are worthy of their grandfathers. for 1418 days of nights war, the soviet union lost 27 million of its sons and daughters. their eternal memory is preserved by the grave of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. after the official
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events, the president congratulated the distinguished guests of the parade on victory day in the kremlin at a gala dinner and once again reminded the world that the lessons that the world community has learned. at key difficult moments in history, the russian people show their best qualities, courage and heroism, regardless of age. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with unit commanders, participating in the svo. at the round table were sergei shaigu and 12 officers whose units have distinguished themselves most recently on the front line . special military, what is now happening within the framework of a special military operation on the battlefield is the best proof that first of all i am addressing you, you, your subordinates, worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who fought on the fields of the great
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patriotic war and defended their homeland, now we know about cases of courage, heroism, and this is not from case to case, these cases about... happen, and this is practically on an ongoing basis and this is extremely important, this is one of the key conditions for our victory, i have no doubt about this. if we combine all the victory parades in the country, it turns out that today the russian military marched in a solemn march from the easternmost borders to the western ones. in kaliningrad , the column of equipment was led by a t-34 tank, a direct participant in the assault on konexberg. five stars on its trunk says.
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cavalry passed in front of the legendary thirty-four as a tribute to the irreplaceable an assistant to the army on all fronts of the war during the war, gorky, the soviet name for nizhny novgorod, was the only city. the ussr, which supplied all types of weapons and military equipment to the fronts, from tanks and airplanes to rockets. for me, this is a solemn holiday, naturally, the main one, so i congratulate all samara residents on this great, very important holiday for our people. and this is the former reserve capital of the soviet union during the war, kuibyshev, and samara, where they almost passed through the largest square in europe. in the city, which experienced the most terrible blockade in the history of mankind, a victory parade, a special holiday, before it began
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, a convoy with participants of the great patriotic war drove out to the palace square. in the lugansk people's republic, victory day was celebrated with a car rally, cars and motorcycles decorated with russian flags and victory banners, covering about 50 km in the kherson region in the city of deniches. the st. george ribbon is more than 80 m long. this year, the traditional procession of the immortal regiment in moscow was decided to be canceled for security reasons; the event is being held in online format, on the streets of the capital, portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and black and white newsreels of the war years are shown on huge media screens. an immortal autobat drove through the streets of voronezh today. this action in memory of the war participants originated in voronezh, but over time such car rallies began to take place. ivanovich, he died on
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april 27, 1945 during the storming of berlin. the only city in russia where a memorable event was held on a memorable date, where a memorial event was held in a traditional format, was kuzbass. thousands of people took part in the action. in france, where victory day is celebrated. may , the traditional action of the immortal regiment took place the day before; participants, among whom, in addition to immigrants from russia from the cis countries, there were many french citizens, marched through the streets of paris, from the place de la république to the perlaches cemetery. they laid flowers at the monument to russian heroes of the french resistance. in serbia, the immortal pool event took place on a large scale in the colony, which proceeded through the streets of the capital to the memorial to the liberator of belgrade there were representatives of the serbian authorities, russian diplomats, and immigrants from russia. serbs. the march participants brought flowers to the monument, the eternal flame monument
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to the red army soldier. in london, diplomats from russia and almost all former soviet republics laid flowers at the soviet war memorial. people come to the monument all day long and, as the russian ambassador noted, today there are more people wanting to honor the memory of soviet soldiers than in previous years. on this day, when fascism was defeated in 1945, as it turned out, it was defeated, but before there is no end to it. but russophobia, xenophobia, ninovichi people, things that are used by revanchists in different countries, including europe, and needless to say in england too, continue to raise their heads. songs of the war years were heard in ethiopia today; more than 100 people took part in the march of the immortal regiment, organized by the russian embassy in adisab. these are our compatriots living and working in this african country. on the eve of victory day , particles of the eternal flame from the grave of the unknown soldier were transferred. representative of moldova in the ceremony was attended by moldovan politicians and public figures who, in
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their work, focus on developing relations with our country. i am sure that we must remember this day absolutely always, we must honor it, we must do everything so that our children, in 5 years, in 20 years, in 100 years, just like today, we rejoice at the day of the great common victory . in moldova, the fire was transferred to all major cities, solemnly.
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there is no parade in sevastopol this year, no one has canceled the holiday, especially this year, besides victory day, sevastopol has a special
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day. on may 9, 1944, exactly 80 years ago , the city was liberated from the nazi invaders. and this is another calling card of sevastopol: the monument to soldiers and sailors, height 40 m. it is still being reconstructed, but the eternal flame has already been completely repaired. for a while... it is considered unique: the city of the fortress was dug up by fascist trenches on one side the sea, on the other - the heights. the soviet command used special tactics. the assault was carried out in several stages, not allowing the enemy to understand which of the attacks basic. the ministry of defense has declassified part of the documents, including many manuscripts testifying to the battles for sevastopol. during.


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