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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:36pm MSK

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remember, tell your children about them so that they will remember, tell your children’s children about them so that they will also remember.
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eternal memory to the heroes who fell for the freedom and independence of our homeland. today we celebrate victory day, remember the fallen, and pay tribute to the greatness of the victors. a traditional military parade took place on red square in moscow
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, more than 9,000 military personnel marched along the square, there was army equipment, both rare and the latest models. veterans and the president of honor watched all this from the stands. they honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, and after the parade they laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. a distinctive feature of these celebrations was the participation of heroes of a special military operation. many came to moscow directly from the contact line. alexey prokin reports. says moscow shows. all front-line reports began with this announcement by levitan, anticipating these words and the main news about the defeat of the nazi invaders. now the phrase is part of the genetic code. as the chimes strike , a company of honor guard enters red square. the victory parade begins with a banner group. in the stands
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are guests of honor and leaders of belarus, guinea-bissao, cuba, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, and laos. the frosty air of the capital only seems to add to the impressions of the traditionally grandiose march. sacred for every russian family, the victory banner on red square. in the spring of 1945, soldiers of the red army hoisted it over the reichstag, step by step, moving forward. and then 10 european states austria, bulgaria, hungary, denmark, germany, romania, poland, yugoslavia, czechoslovakia and norway were then home to 100 million people who, thanks to the exploits and sacrifices of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, gained freedom and sovereignty. paradis is attended by 9.00 military personnel in the ranks and heroes of the north military district, their fellow soldiers are now on...
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any state or alliance for exclusivity. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent this. the ceremonial crews begin the ceremonial march, the crew of the special operation participants passes along red square under the banners of honor, which liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev and odessa during the great patriotic war. hundreds of svo participants watch the march of their
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comrades from the stands. alexey sukhadolov began his combat career in 2022 and was awarded the medal of the donetsk people's republic for courage. i hope that i will still be a participant in the parade. not in moscow, but somewhere to celebrate a new victory, so i think that it is necessary to preserve such traditions. the president called may 9 an emotionally poignant day. the same mood was in the stands, where shoulder to shoulder ministers and front-line soldiers, families with children and new heroes of russia watched the parade on their shoulders. philip evseev, driver-mechanic of the famous tank alyosha, who is a few years away. hours destroyed eight units of enemy armored vehicles, both grandfathers were front-line soldiers. one grandfather in the direction of the mother there, kufrkom fool. it’s just a great holiday, it seems to me that when you start to think about it, it’s impossible for tears not to well up in your eyes, it’s very important
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to instill in children a feeling, love for their homeland, pride for our homeland, for russia, you look. and the heart rejoices. domestic designers continue military traditions, just like almost 80 years ago, military equipment is practical and effective. its passage opens with the t-34 tank. it would become legendary later, when it first went into production, it was called the swallow of the armored forces. the crew of thirty-four is commanded by senior lieutenant alexander vorobyov. the country's nuclear shield is represented by autonomous yars launchers, their work. guaranteed to hit a target anywhere in the world, after the parade, vladimir putin said that the questions security and conducting joint exercises to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, he and the president of belarus worked until late at night, this is non-use, this is an exercise, training, yes,
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since non- strategic nuclear weapons are located on the territory of belarus, then we...
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military parades today were held in other cities of heroes, as well as in cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets, baltic, northern, pacific, black sea are stationed, traditionally , residents of distant lands began to celebrate victory day before everyone else east, the very first parade took place in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky; 14 combined companies of the local garrison marched along the main square, despite the wet snow. in vladivostok, where the headquarters of the pacific fleet is located, the parade had a naval flavor, the procession was opened by the drummers of the nakhimov naval school, then the sailors of the coastal fleet of naval aviation and the coastal forces of the fleet took the step. almost every ceremonial box contained special operation participants who were awarded state awards for their heroism at the front. in
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in yekaterinburg, svo participants were not only part of foot crews, many rode in a mechanized column, where, among other things , tornado multiple launch rocket systems were presented. with iskander missile systems and astai cars in service with the military police. all this is used during combat missions.
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participant in the liberation of crimea, fought for kerch, feodosia, alushta, boloklava and sevastopol, now he lives in the kuban, when his health allowed, he went to the parade in the city of hero, today the parade is at his home. forty-seventh missile brigade guide, distance 5 m, alignment with a veteran, steps. such parades for veterans are held in many russian cities, including sevastopol. for the honor guard, marching in the courtyard of a five-story building is much more exciting than in the square, there are thousands of spectators, there is one here, but the most important one, thank you very much, so don’t forget, we did everything in due time, now everything depends on you, you must do everything for us to live. getting better and better, despite the fact that for safety reasons the main parade in sevastopol is not holding this year,
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no one has canceled the holiday, happy victory day, there are a large number of holiday locations in the city, these are field kitchens, here is the post office, and this is the wall of memory, everyone can hang a portrait of their veteran here, this is moyaros aleksandrovich fedorovich, this quails
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there was a woman, an athlete, who threw, which means there were disks there and more, and he asks her
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to pose, because the men are at the front, and this central image is painted from her. the operation to liberate sevastopol is considered unique; the nazis were sure that it was impossible to take the fortress city, but when we had to retreat, entire streets were blown up with mines. there are exact figures in the archives; only 6% of the city's buildings remained intact, then the city was restored. victory day is celebrated in the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions, however, there is no talk of large-scale celebrations yet, the region is constantly being shelled by ukrainian nationalists, and even today they fired a rocket from a multiple launch rocket system at donetsk. fortunately, no one died. makeyevka also came under fire, but to force
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residents, soldiers of the northern military district, cannot forget about victory day. flowers were laid at the monuments to the heroes of the great patriotic war. in donetsk, lugansk, mariupol, genichesk, kherson region. in large cities the holiday was also celebrated with car rallies. in melitopol - zaporozhye region, a unique event took place. there , a tank that stood on a pedestal for almost 80 years took part in the parade of military equipment. the t-70, on which soviet military liberators were the first to enter melitopol in 1943, passed under its own power along the central street of the city.
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the tyrant of donbass and novoross did not go unnoticed by the warm words. about how victory day is celebrated in the northern military district zone ilya lyadvin. happy victory day! since the beginning of the year, our forces have already recaptured from the enemy over five thousand square kilometers of land in the village of kislovka in the kharkov region and liberated novokalinovo in the dpr right on the eve of victory day. one of the main fire arguments of our army in the special operation zone. solar installations. now, when the front line is in constant motion , the firm posture of our attack aircraft is supported these heavy flamethrower systems, they dismantle enemy fortification networks; the impact of thermoboric missiles sprays a special aerosol that ignites at extremely high temperatures. but everything is just on paper.
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the commander of the vehicle with the call sign python says that almost every trip of the tosa crew encounters enemy attack birds. therefore, fighters constantly change firing positions and routes. everything is used to cover the car. and rap, and anti-drone guns, many types of small arms, plus there’s also an installation aerosol curtains and the like. tosas for firepower are already often called weapons of victory. and this characteristic sounds precisely from our fighters at the very forefront. we work for the infantry, so infantry commanders are always welcome to us. they always ask us to help them bring our victory closer. on the eve of the holiday, our military. together with schoolchildren, cadets and young army members, we congratulated the veterans and marched in front of the heroes’ houses. the parade is hosted by ivan fedorovich olenien, his military journey began in october 1943, he participated in the liberation of poland, beat the enemy on udra, and then took berlin. new patriots of our homeland are growing, i see them, here they
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are, from young people to adults. our military gave it up. respect for the fallen heroes , the memorial areas in the rear areas were put in order, many monuments were restored, this one in one of the villages of the stanitsa-lugansk region, from which about 12 thousand people went to the front during the great patriotic war, more than half of the soldiers did not return, a person lives until the memory of him is alive, this is a tribute of respect, the memory of the residents will remain for many years that they were here the military, the military of the russian army, punitive forces are following the armed forces of the ukrainian national battalions. builders are following the russian armed forces, where the situation does not yet allow the restoration of monuments, our soldiers carried out the laying, and even a few kilometers from the front line, this is footage from solidarity from our tula guardsmen-paratroopers. victory will be ours. ilya lyadvina, germichkin and dmitry pisarev, ntv. donbass. after the inauguration on may 7 , vladimir putin met in the kremlin with
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military personnel who command units in ied zone. vladimir putin thanked the gathering. vladimir putin asked sergei shaiga to gather in the kremlin the commanders of combat units who distinguished themselves in the northern military district. the supreme commander-in-chief wanted to personally thank the assembled deputies.
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some television cameras, but some were still available. the commander of the 810th brigade of the black sea marines, for example, proposed considering the issue of reorganizing the tactical formation entrusted to him. at the beginning
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of the special operation, its number was slightly less than 2,500 people. the brigade currently consists of 19 new divisions. we talked about this with the minister yesterday, we need to transform, reorganize the brigade into a division, and build all the command and control bodies accordingly, we’ll do that. uh-huh, me. i know about your brigade, i hear about it all the time, thank you for your combat work, best wishes to all the soldiers, officer, i serve in russia. the commander of the twenty-fourth separate guards special forces brigade drew the attention of the supreme commander-in-chief to the scientific and technical dimension of the special operation. conducting active combat operations is the engine progress. our division has been actively using fpv drones for more than a year. the use of fpv, it is often. nullifies all the enemy’s attempts to actively operate on one front or another, if briefly fpv differs from a conventional drone in that its operator gets the full feeling that he himself is flying on
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a copter thanks to virtual reality glasses, this achieves greater maneuverability and combat effectiveness, therefore kambrik special forces announced the need to create a carrier for such drones. if we want to be successful, we must always be one step ahead ahead. do we always succeed in this? maybe? no, we know that, and you know, this is better than anyone else, the enemy has enough of these modern means, because, because, well, the entire western community is working for our enemy, which specializes, so that russia in its current form would no longer exist, they set this goal, i have already said publicly, apparently they believe that in that system...
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russia has learned to solve military problems with small means, and with great effect, the president continued, the whole country is working on this, and the structure of the ministry of defense, research institutes and even ordinary people, enthusiasts, putin noted a new phenomenon in civilian life, this is how we are now.
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ancestors who defended their homeland on the fronts of world war ii, when difficult times come, i remember this over the past couple of decades, such times have come to us, we all know about it, you don’t even have to remember it, but when such difficult times come, key points, russian people show their best qualities and courage and heroism, regardless of age, this... apparently, we are in the region. all development goals of russia, vladimir putin emphasized, can be achieved under one condition: the success of these officers and their colleagues on the battlefield. in addition to this farewell message,
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the commanders took their names with them from the kremlin.
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armies and who defended our borders, who proved that one in the field is also a warrior against the armada, just like our soldiers are now happy holiday, god grant them health, to return alive from the northern military district, started in voronezh the traditional eighth event of the immortal autobat, a column of motorists with victory banners, russian flags, went to the places of military glory of the region, many attached portraits of relatives who had passed... the war to the rear windows of their cars, representatives laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow gagauzia. the solemn ceremony was attended by the head of this moldovan autonomy , eugenia gutstsu, member of the country's parliament marina tauber, as well as the leader of the moldovan opposition bloc pobeda ilan shur. his the team delivered a piece of the eternal flame floating in the kremlin wall to moldova, where it was transferred to all major cities and lit at
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the country’s memorial complexes. a large-scale victory day is celebrated in belarus; two cities of the capital, the country, minsk and brest, which was the first to take the enemy’s blow in 1941, became the centers of festive events. the defense of the brest fortress became a model of courage and heroism. military units took part in the ceremonial events. a parade was held in brest with the participation of new equipment. these are special cars, armored vehicles, multiple launch rocket systems, rocket launchers and even a small one. helicopter, there were a lot of spectators, a procession of many thousands of the immortal regiment took place in brest, a festive event was organized on the territory of the memorial in the brest fortress, and the main characters, of course, were veterans, victory day is a must, this is the first stage of victory day, it was like that it was such a joy, as much as you understand it, you can’t tell it, it’s necessary. in minsk, in honor of
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victory day, weapons exhibitions were opened and military equipment, and in the evening there will be a fireworks display in the city. for the residents of estonia, who were essentially forbidden by the authorities to celebrate victory day, the russians staged a festive concert at the border. a stage with huge screens was installed on the territory of the ivangorod fortress, which is located on the banks of the river separating our countries. on the other side is the city of narva, from where today there are a thousand people. watched the celebrations on the occasion of may 9, watched the parade on red square, newsreels, listened to songs in protest against the russophobic policies of the baltic authorities, residents of narva carried flowers all day to the place where the t-34 monument used to stand, estonian officials dismantled it 2 years ago as part of the fight against the soviet past, also a place of pilgrimage in narva today became the mass grave, a soldier of the red army, the only one preserved memorial. "
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memory events on the occasion of victory day are being held all over the world in berlin , people are laying flowers en masse at the memorial to the soviet war-liberator in treptow park, and although the german authorities have banned the demonstration of soviet symbols of the persimmons of the red army fighters , st. george ribbons, many still come with flags symbolizing the holiday, in particular among those gathered, a lot of them came, a copy is visible, the victory banner is red stars, in switzerland too, despite... the ban of local authorities on celebrations on the occasion of may 9 , activists from the cis countries gathered with red flags and portraits of a great patriotic war veteran. people laid flowers at the cemetery in basel and listened to war songs. in london, the delegation of the russian embassy held a flower-laying ceremony soviet war memorial. along the way , a car rally dedicated to victory day and several thematic concerts were organized in british cities. in the capital of words.
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russia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, china. more than 500 people gathered for the immortal regiment rally in the capital of serbia. for the sake of a column with russian flags, st. george ribbons and portraits of participants in the great patriotic war, they even blocked one of the central streets of belgrade. the procession itself began with a small concert at which children sang songs from the war years. and on the african continent in koddevoire, the immortal regiment event took place for the first time in history. united russians, belarusians, ukrainians, moldovans, and uzbeks. they were also joined by the french, whose relatives were participants in the resistance movement during world war ii. victory day. today vladimir putin held a number of bilateral meetings with foreign guests
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who attended the victory parade. the president discussed the fight against terrorism, migration issues, economics and joint projects with the head of tajikistan, imali rakhmon. the russian leader noted that moscow remains the main trade and economic. he also said that before leaving for russia he opened a memorial, a victory park, which became the largest in the capital of tajikistan. president putin also met with the president of cuba, miguel deascanel bermudez. he presented the russian leader with a letter from raul castro congratulating him on taking office. in addition, the head of cuba wished our country success in conducting a special military operation. vladimir putin, in turn , emphasized the close ties between our countries and noted the contribution of the cubans to the fight against fascism. want to note this, probably not everyone knows,
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not everyone knows this. cuban patriots also took part in the war against nazism, fought, fought on the fronts of the great patriotic war, and fought for leningrad. in the most difficult areas, including on the neva patch, and we remember this, we know - we will always treat with great respect those who stood with our fathers and great-grandfathers shoulder to shoulder, fighting together against nazism. vladimir putin also met with the president of laos in the kremlin, they discussed bilateral relations, trade turnover, tourism, use of russian payments.
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thousands of people gathered in the central square of yerevan, they are outraged by the policies of prime minister pashinyan, which led to unilateral territorial concessions by azerbaijan. it is noteworthy that the protesters were led by archbishop bagrad galastanyan, head of
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the tavuzh diocese, who demanded that pashinyan resign. tavush is a region bordering azerbaijan, four villages of which, as a result of yerevan’s latest agreement, yerevan undertook to transfer. baku, the first azerbaijani border post was even erected there. well, now we return to the main topic of the day: the celebration of victory day. the footage comes from different regions of russia, in the far east the fireworks have already died down, bright volleys were launched simultaneously from six points, the largest distances were on the central square, the rest on five more sites. residents of makhachkala are now continuing to celebrate and people are walking around the city congratulating each other. treat themselves to soldiers' porridge in field kitchens, well, in moscow, traditionally, the main places for vdnh, gorky park, poklonnaya gora, and thousands of people attended the festivities, despite the changeable and cool weather for may.


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