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tv   V avguste 44-go  NTV  May 9, 2024 7:35pm-9:21pm MSK

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personnel come from different regions of russia in the far east. the fireworks had already died down, bright volleys were launched simultaneously from six points, the largest ones were on the central square, the rest on five more sites. residents of makhachkala now continue to celebrate and people walk around the city, congratulate each other, treat themselves to soldier’s porridge in field kitchens, well, in moscow, traditionally , the main places for celebrations have become vdnkh, gorky park poklonnaya gora, despite the changeable and cool weather for may, thousands of people.
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chernyshov, we congratulate you on victory day, on the holiday.
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moscow, head of the main counterintelligence department. today, august 13 , 1944, an unknown radio with the call sign ko, operating in the rear of the front, went on the air for the second time in the shilovich area. the first time a walkie-talkie with these call signs was recorded was on august 7 from the eastern columns forest. the task force of captain alyokhin and egorov is working directly on this case, codenamed neman.
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it smells like a swamp, mind you, in all the rivers. the water smells like a swamp, even in the dnieper, but you understand, it’s less than at sea, i don’t agree, exactly, but you don’t understand this, tizhnyuk, yes, i don’t see breakfast, don’t make noise, oh, there won’t be breakfast, you’ll take dry rations, oh, life, don’t eat, don’t sleep, come on, oh, come on! we
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are here, a historical place, keep quiet, yesterday at 18:05, a shortwave transmitter went on the air from here, presumably the transmission was carried out from this square, we will inspect the forest, yeah, and the text, we will inspect the forest, we need traces fresh from a day ago . search until 19:00 i forbid the gathering of shilovichs to stay in the forest later. be extremely careful and act according to the circumstances. remove the cap shoulder straps, leave the documents, and do not keep the weapon in sight. go ahead, there you go. i don’t like
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this forest, in this forest lyoshka basos, the best guy on earth, was killed, when was this? a month ago, even before you. moscow, the head of the main counterintelligence department, the search for an unknown transmitter in the nemo case is complicated by the lack of decrypted texts of radiograms dated august 7 and 13. i ask for your order o outside the next decryption of both interceptions.
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we are taking measures to find the exact location where the radio went on the air, to detect traces of evidence, and to identify those involved in the operation of the transmitter. egor. good day, good day, where is your chairman, in the foreman, yes, over there.
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i remembered the infantry and my own company.
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well, everything is clear, i’m mostly stationed, uh, unpacking, maybe you’ll have a station, but not now, closer to winter, in a month and a half or two, and not earlier, but no one’s talking about this yet, so what, i i don’t understand, but a lot put, well, i don’t know how the command will decide, my business is small, look at the situation, terrain and report. well , look, just report that it’s impossible to have more than a company, it’s necessary to treat them, i myself was a squad commander for three years, so i understand that a soldier gets what he gets in battle, he’s stationed here, he needs conditions, but how can you understand them, what are the conditions here? yes, what about your water, and
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what about the water, the water, the wood, and the wood, all we have is the pile, the floors, brother, everything is earthen, cold, and the firewood? where do you get it? yes, there’s a stench there , a stench behind the sword? where? behind the road. and you forest in rows? so what? we don’t go through this forest, it’s barred. why? you understand, when the germans were advancing, they wanted to delay the pursuit, they thought it would take a long time to shake the defenses, so i was instructed. it's clear. so we are locals and the forest is not going anywhere. in the last few days, let’s say. well, yesterday, the day before yesterday, you didn’t meet strangers here, military personnel, why am i asking, here besides me, three more groups of lodgers were sent, yeah, well, if we choose the same villages and farmsteads for housing,
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such nonsense will turn out, of course, nonsense, just lately no one has... contacted me about the apartments, no one has contacted me, but i saw the two commanders, i saw them last night, so, so they, so you saw them in the village, no. the two of them were leaving the forest, when was it, what time was it? in the evening, what did you look like? they looked as usual, one, that means, apparently older, stouter, yeah, he was walking in front, the second one is so thin, and apparently younger, of course, son, daddy, oh, he woke up, now, now you and i... we’ll go down, well- ka, ok, come on, be careful, come
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here, come on, come on, come on, oops, we've arrived, they've arrived, the apples are ripe, come on , it's time to wash, let's get acquainted, come on, what's your name, partisan, how, partisan, partisan, wash, come on, partisan, zamozyukovsya, well, what a little parasya, god, well, in naliboki, the germans .
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khizhnyak, yes, wheelbarrows, you need water, you need it, let me go, yes i myself, come on, come on, wheelbarrow, captain.
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heaven of water, mistress, good day, i would like some water, not roseum, some water, yeah.
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and the good one, have you seen any russian officers? don’t see, soldier, innocent, yeah, maybe someone came in yesterday or today?
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khezhnyak, go, i understand the flow, captain.
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don't worry, there's no one here, who do you think shot you? the germans, most likely the germans, there is someone in the forest, perhaps these are footprints.
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we also have polovsky, with him, of course, there is a lot that is unclear, and karbun is also unclear, why he was silent in the hut, and then followed me, caught up with everything, told me what he was so afraid of, now pavlovsky, if he served with the germans in near warsaw, how he ended up here, how, but he could have ended up. in the forest during the transmission absolutely by accident, quite, yes, but even if he doesn’t have, to we are looking for namirations, it has nothing to do with
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it, it still deserves attention, all these are facts in the world of the galaxy, yesterday they were broadcast from this forest a week ago under the columns, and tomorrow finding the exit point in this forest is like finding a needle in a haystack, yes then, under the columns, didn’t we try, because we were digging the earth with our noses? but what’s the point, two tin cans have a hole from the steering wheel, and this larger massif, the muffler, is pretty clogged. moscow cannot intercept for a week. pasha, we need a text, but without a text we will be stuck like blind kittens, the text will be today or tomorrow, but for now we... must find the exit point and establish who was in this forest the day before yesterday.
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hello, is the moyer at home? he's busy, who's his colonel? deputy head of the department, vee, help me, can i urgently call the phf, excuse me, spot colonel, will you open his office, understood, yes, sorry, not yet in the service about friendship, let me look at the investigative files, auntie, give me a drink, otherwise this is how it is, i really don’t want anywhere to spend the night, so tell sincheli, let him show you, only punishers and accomplices, but excuse me, bosses, come we'll talk tomorrow, just a minute more. “sorry, you’re in the kamensk farms, you know the hunchback stanislav svirid, no, and i haven’t seen his last name, but pavlovsky, who, one
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is sitting with us, he’s the eldest, and the son, he has two sons, comrade major, drop by tomorrow, thank you, pavlovsky karlovich. “my wife was convicted of anti-soviet activities, my sons really served with the germans in poland, yeah. counterintelligence department of the front lieutenant colonel, that means , as for pavlovsky, pavlovsky
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kazimir or kazimierz georgievich, se or year birth, a native of minsk, according to the documents of belarusians, but not a lot, we’ll check all the search materials, now the text is poor, i just contacted moscow, there’s still no additional encryption, so far no result, but they promise tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so put the squeeze on the forest, yes , happy birthday, megamarket, only on the megamarket’s birthday, pet food with discounts of up to 50%.
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bitter and match, fresh, what else , look, what are you doing? do you think they deployed a radio here? you can see that they threw a wire antenna, and then pulled her down.
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comrade, captain, come here faster, i saw them on... they had a bag thing, the wind blew towards the hut, a dog barked, a bag, i think i saw him in the lead, into the car, engines, we're leaving, and what about the broth? the broth
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is ready, comrade tasha lieutenant, to hell with it, get to your places, comrade captain, i'm with you, or there will be other orders, stay here, inspect the trail of tracks, there should be good prints there, contact buy through the commandant, in the lead, come on, come on,
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pick it up, what did i say, it’s not allowed, it’s not allowed, where are you going to burn?
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sergeant, come to me quickly, get behind the wheel, there is, how dare you overtake the car of a senior in rank? sorry, comrade captain, i didn’t know, you have nothing to know, there are traffic rules that are mandatory for everyone, you must follow them.
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they'll leave, sergeant, they'll leave, turn left, come on, sergeant, hurry up, push, oh, where are you going, and where are you going, come back, busy, quickly, don't make noise, don't make noise, i don't have a reverse gear, who am i telling? drive around. let them in, come out, calm down, i’m a military traffic inspector, let’s go, let’s go!
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let's be clear, this is not the same car.
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on may 9, we remember the victory, the feat of the people, we remember how we restored the country. but there were things that seemed lost forever. voronezh, hundreds of paintings from the art museum disappeared in the battles. stalingrad, the entire art gallery was destroyed. thousands of works of art disappeared in dozens of cities during the war, but today we can see them again. neurosei sber-kandinsky. analyzes remaining images, descriptions of lost paintings, and restores lost masterpieces. to remember means to revive. happy victory day. where
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warehouse manager? straight left. thank you. you are the head of a warehouse, what interests you? major, i17215, your car. and this is my car, please, what happened? no, nothing has happened yet, it’s obviously from a warehouse, yes, but it came from mariampol, a piece of the side was broken off from the back, yes, the car went to mariampol, but i won’t say which one exactly, then about the side, i don’t know, mine the deputy is in charge of transport, the deputy is in charge, of course, the driver, you know, but what about 17215 boriski. well, i would have told him something, but what would he
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only 2 months, and frankly speaking, i don’t know much, the driver is like a driver, so i would like to talk with the driver, look at the personnel record book and just now without noise, okay, everything is clear, eat, no, no , yes, no, i wish you good health, the captain is waiting for you in my office, come on quickly, i understand, come on, comrade captain, refreiter boriskin has arrived on your orders. book, when you broke the side, it was last night while
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unloading, it’s not my fault, the student was turning in reverse and hit me, i reported, check, the captain wants to talk to you, what is this about, you’ll find out , please sit down now, it’s okay, we ’ll stand, you went somewhere today, went, carried bags to mariampol, here’s the route... sheet, so that means to mariampol, yes, who else drove your car today, like who, no one, no, i, maybe they gave a lift to someone, no, no one, we are not allowed to do that, a grocery car, yeah, empty, unless you give an officer a lift, and even then of your own originality, and strangers are not vigilant about this, well, that’s it, that’s why you are nobody we didn’t give you a ride today, no, of course, that’s all, okay, please, so you’re saying that... you didn’t give anyone a ride the whole trip, that ’s right, but oh well, that’s it, then half an hour ago
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here in the city from your car two military officers got off, did you forget or something, boriskin, forgot, remembered, quietly, quietly, calmly, say that two asked on the way, calmly, i took them, i took them away, i understood, i understood, quietly, quietly , i understand everything, you smoke, boriskin, you smoke, yes, and please smoke, yes, well, just calm down, who are they, where are they from? did you say? no, i didn’t ask, calm, wait, calm, calm, i don’t need this , i understand, speak, speak, sat them down near, come on, come on, sat them down near the command post, you saw, one captain, about 35 years old already in years, healthy, courteous , he also gave me newspapers, quietly, calmly, a newspaper, come on, they've done what the hell, comrade captain, second who, second lieutenant, young, young, and one of them also had a fix on the left, a tooth golden, this pity leads to nothing but troubles, boriskin, if only i knew what this was all about, i wouldn’t
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got in touch, today's issue of the local newspaper, apparently they left lida in the morning, returned in the afternoon and sent references to the tour, in total there are over 500 officers and up to 200 seconded officers in the city in private apartments, well, you have to look in the city, but if the driver is lying, he imprisoned them to the station, they left, and we will look for them on request, no, i don’t think so, they asked him to stop at the commentary office, did you go there or not, he didn’t see? he said, it’s okay, we’ll look in the city, we must, we must find them, why are you all saying, wait, come in, come in, that means, i’m taking control of the station, the street adjacent to it and the exit along warsawskaya towards grodno, you, zhenya, yes, the entire eastern part of the city andrey, the city center and the bazaar, that is, some...
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oh, people live, they fall in love, you know, i saw him somewhere, but not somewhere, in the commandant’s office, rear goose, are you scared? fasten it, otherwise it will get attached, no, not in the commandant’s office, where did i see him, i would like your problems, i should have detained them at the checkpoint. they teach you, they teach you, so you understand, finally, we need their connections, we need evidence, facts, maybe they have never been in this forest, and if they were, then it is absolutely not necessary that they have anything to do with the wanted radio, but let’s say they do, you need to take them, evidence for the victims, i want
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to consult about cucumbers, for a snack , not without this, please, here's what you can, what can you say about them, here's a debtor, a debtor, a debtor, a debtor, a debtor, a debtor, a truck, this is...
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from the city of minsk. at the beginning of the war, pavlovsky, being a sergeant in the red army with a weapon, went over to the side of the germans. forty in the spring in his second year, he graduated with honors from the könecksberg school of german intelligence and was repeatedly transferred to the rear of the red army, as a well-born senior reconnaissance group. a glorious portrait: tall, average figure, gray eyes, oval face, has no striking features, especially dangerous if detained. i will destroy myself, the troops of the second ukrainian armor, as a result of a rapid offensive, demarcated the german group
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in the area of ​​floerski and south of ploerski, today august 15th.
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comrade general, allow me to address, guilty, you find out, here is the second one, at 3 minutes to 4, we can assume that they are the conditions. polikov will urgently meet here with alyokhin, i am sending you a decrypted interception in the neman case, judging by the text, you are dealing with agents monitoring the railway, the agent nicknames matilda, krovtsov have been established, as well as the presence of an informed agent in the sheul area, egorov. blinko, you are
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blinko, this meeting is great, great! they said that after the hospital, you ended up behind the front line in reconnaissance, and you are turning to the rear? well how are there in the battalion of vasek clubfooted, patient, skoks, and there is almost no one left from the old team, let's go, look, it's on the second path, let's go, and damn it, we'll soon be heading to the second path, now guys, let's go, damn it, let's go, now guys, i'll come now, we're waiting for you, what are you doing, my regiment, i understand, we're going to warsaw, and i... look, collect guns, i don't want to, the person under investigation, the suspect, the devil himself will break his leg, i don't want, my dear , but
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if this cigarette butt is needed for business, i don’t mind giving up half my life, i understand, i at least i was a man, he commanded the best platoon, but here, what if you’re a virgin, i’m of no use to you, but what a dependent you are, and who found these two, and who tracked down the lieutenant, on the trail of the mine, you fool, but i’m thinking about you i applaud, what’s the point, what ’s the point? as comrade christ said, seek and you will find!
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dobry dzień, dzień dobry, panowie oficerowie, dzień dobry. yes, well, thank god, it seems the piers have arrived, captain fomchenko, senior lieutenant luzhnov, turn around and wait for me, let’s go, why is it taking so long, you can pierce another hole for the order. we found this captain and lieutenant. where are they? they went to house number six on vozvaleniya street. blinov remained to watch the house.
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according to the commandant's office, the captain's surname is nikolaev, the lieutenants are sentsov. they arrived from military unit 31518. the purpose of the trip is indicated as standard. carrying out command assignments. plenov won't be able to cope there. 31 518. what part? second belarusian front. yes. i made a request. polikovs. caught and therefore detained, if they are really from this part of the other front, why are they climbing around our farms here? do you think yours consideration? i think it needs to be observed, but in any case, kutru will know, okay, kutru, it will be, i myself called the pch, to the department of the second belarusian, i very urgently handed it over with a letter signed by the general, the bastard is crying for you, the war will end, you should be imprisoned for six months, fully deserved, i would have slept there and eaten ryazhka, and what is the order of the homeland, take kazimir pavlovsky and those with him, this is the
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pavlovsky house, here is pavlovsky himself, kazimir, for the dearest from kazimierz who is it darling, this is yulia antonyuk, the sister of the hunchback’s wife, pavlovsky’s father, whom he loves, is in prison, you see, kolochin, of course, he will want to know about the fate of his father, how? i think through yulia, she lived in her father’s house for 6 years, and i also believe that her girl is from pavlovsky, interesting. moscow, main directorate of counterintelligence, august 16.
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i’m listening, in this regard, very interesting circumstances emerged: when leaving lida at the checkpoint, two people asked to see the dodge driver gusev, a senior lieutenant and a senior lieutenant ukrainian dialect, but they had things, yes, a backpack with a brown top, under the lakes the elder asked to stop the car, as he said, out of little need, he stopped the car immediately, he was stunned by a blow to the head, after that he doesn’t remember anything, but thank god he survived , where... a man with equally developed arms, which is unlikely, was then dragged into the bushes and
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stabbed twice more in the back. so they confiscated the red almy book, travel documents and money, it is noteworthy that the homemade partigar from dural disappeared, the wristwatch remained, why am i telling you all this in detail i’m telling you, look, these are the tire prints of a stolen dodge, and these are the traces...
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of the car that we found, now it seems clear that the unknown people who captured the dodge had a walkie-talkie, which we are looking for, you catch it, i’m trying, i’m trying , i’m trying, it means that either their walkie-talkie is somewhere under the columns, or they are there, they were connected with someone, and maybe the walkie-talkie was then transported and hidden in the ushili forest, maybe even hidden in the forest itself, and i think so , an important detail, a small sapper vanished from the body of the dodge shovel. the cache, most likely, a large sapper's box is in place, all the tools are in place, the hatchet is in place, but the small one is missing, this was found in the forge of a stolen dodge, neither gusev nor the commander of the autobattalion had ever seen lard in such a package, yes, find a cache in such a forest as shilovichesky, what again? we
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have, one of them is left-handed, so, the other, perhaps, is ukrainian, we have a place to go on air, there is a text, some evidence, there is nothing to cling to, the command of the fifteenth cavalry cossack division entrusted me with the creation of show ships.
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okay, please, where are your officers living, you were seen off, as you were , they left, yes, they left, they looked for another sack and found another sack and another bread, they, please, they are preparing food in
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their unit .
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i wish you hello, alive, alive, settled down well, we were fired upon on the way, barely got through, but... sew up, you can’t ensure the safety of your native authorities, so you have to sleep at night, the dream of death, brother, fell asleep, died, outlived the owner from the office, you chase tea, it’s far from the bosses, like god for bosom, not bad, where is lyokhin, here, the cryptographer is in place, that’s right, give him here, there is, what’s new about nikolaev yasentsov, it’s cleared up, they left tonight, how did they leave? and there is still no response to the request, did you miss them? i wish you good health, captain alyokhin, you have been working on the case for 11 days, with virtually no results, how can you explain? that is, how without results? we are doing everything possible, i don’t
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know what you are doing, i need a result, but so far there is no result, it’s all a fuss. why are you unshaven? why? it only works one group? you know, there are no people, there are no people. the cryptographer is busy, comrade general, how busy, you said who’s calling, that ’s right, he has something very urgent, they survived, the head of the department calls the cryptographer, but he’s busy, there’s nowhere else to go, maybe you’ll have some tea, why is that, why alone one overlay after another, why nikolai vesentsov left, and you did not foresee this possibility, why, what is being done in pavlovsk, pavlovsky was ambushed at the place of his most likely appearance.
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it couldn't be worse, comrade general, it's an emergency message, air in your name, permission to go, go, urgently egorov, in accordance with the instructions at the rate, the counterintelligence agencies were asked to stop the work by any efforts in the near future.
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taken under control by headquarters, you realize that we are talking about the fate of the most important strategic operation, about the fate of more than half a million germans in the baltic states. yes, i understand, and you understand that any leak of secret information, any enemy intelligence channels must
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be blocked immediately. yes, i understand. no, you don't understand. how many are there in total? a number? man, we have so many organs, they can’t catch three people, what’s the matter, the core group is supposedly three or four of the entire residency, it’s difficult to say definitely, comrade stalin, believe me, everything possible is being done, i’m not sure, i’m not sure how long it will take to. .. to finish with them, minimally, minimally, a day, comrade stalin, do you agree, yes, i agree, okay,
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remember, you have a day at your disposal, if within this period it is not finished with them, all those responsible will bear the consequences with you... well-deserved punishment, you are free, go. i take it myself, you are on the safe side.
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stop, don't move, documents!
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your mother, well, why look at him, cold as a pike perch, to whom he told, he said five times, there will be one, i won’t need you, but you, well, we, we thought, he killed you idrenovosh’s assistants, i wouldn’t see you forever, hybrid , soviet upper with german soles. “so you were at a relative’s place, cover his crying with a tent and don’t let anyone in, that’s understandable, understandable, but you follow me, quickly, stop, stop, i’m telling you where you are going, stop, i won’t let you in, it’s not supposed to, but where are you going, what am i i’m telling you where you are going, well, wait, wait, someone was probably waiting for him here.”
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from the text of the last radio interception , we learned that they were running out of not only money forms, but also food for the walkie-talkie, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they are expecting a cargo , they should appear there at the site of the alleged
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hiding place from 15 to 17 hours, putting yourself in the place of those wanted is reasonable, and you don’t think that they, in turn, put themselves in your place, but they don’t know what we have. there are additional encryption of interceptions and a place of exit in broadcast, and that we found a dodge, please allow me, the issue of a military operation in the shilovsky massif was not considered by you, no, why what? a military operation will give, at least a cache in which, as you believe, the walkie-talkie is located, a cache in itself is still not enough, which means we need agents, alive, we need the moment of truth, a military operation most often produces corpses.
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comrade colonel general, i must directly state that i am against conducting a military operation within the next few years.
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captain, then, look around the hut very carefully. way, understandable, understandable, proceed, there is,
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urgently to polikova, captain nikolaev and lieutenant sentsov, whom you checked , were indeed on a business trip in the area of ​​​​the city of lida for the purpose of procuring agricultural products. they were given trophy lard according to an invoice dated august 11 when leaving on a business trip. how is this so? you work to the fullest , everything comes together, now it’s already happening. it smells like the result, everything is bursting like a small bubble,
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due to the negligence of stepal vasilyevich, solely due to negligence, he had to put his head on the line, but also... sorry, not i made it, here are blank spare forms, travel and food documents. this is where this is from, this is gusevo.
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and the shoulder blade is obviously also his, what a gusev, zhenya. this is sandy loam, zhenya, listen, this is pure sandy loam, you understand what kind of sandy loam, zhenya,
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i have only seen such land in this forest in one place, and if this blade is a goose. that means there must be a cache there, that’s where we ’ll take them, blenov, my dear, why are you sitting here, it’s comrade lieutenant colonel’s fault, let’s go, that means you’ll take the assistant commandant now and leave immediately, olekhin and tamantsev are already important lieutenant colonel, i didn’t know, i need to change clothes, i’ll be a little late, i have the girls changing clothes. no, leave immediately, and with god, come on, i obey, comrade, captain, you are from the commandant’s office, i am the assistant to the military commandant, why not... greet your senior rank, follow me to the car, quickly,
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a military operation is needed first of all you, so let's carry it out. the power vested in me, regardless of your considerations, i will be forced to dispose without delay start the operation, excuse me, comrade commissioner, with all the respect for your position and your powers, i cannot help but object to what i consider useless and premature for work. everything is decided by moscow, i sent a request, do not create illusions,
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you have been searching for 13 days. poran sneezed, we cannot and will not keep people here for days, we have our own things to do, excuse me, comrade commissar, where did you find her, on pavlovsky’s little devil, where pavlovsky shot himself, is the tarich general to blame? is this the senior group that worked on the case? sorry, comrade commissioner, leave.
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“captain olekhin, you are from the commandant’s office, assistant to the city commandant, i’m very glad, we will act together, thank you, kostya, catch the matches!
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you already know that a group is being sought that poses a significant danger to the army in the field, yeah, according to existing assumptions, they can today in the afternoon we will appear here in the forest, our task, under the guise of a commandant’s patrol, is to check everyone passing by us in a certain situation along that path, what does it mean in a certain situation on the spot? you will understand everything. kostya, the sequence of checks: first the main documents, identity cards and travel orders, then the secondary ones. after this, we need to familiarize ourselves with the contents of duffel bags, checked bags or other luggage. that is, how to get acquainted? do you mean search? no, we will invite them to show their things for inspection, what is my role, what should i personally do? you
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are invited so that we really look like a commandant's patrol, if they know you by sight, there is such an opportunity for everything to look as believable as possible. our goal is to catch them red-handed or force them to prove themselves, for this we check with backup from an ambush, the place there is moonless, we kind of provoke them, you know, we create. how are we with weapons? who do you take me for? i’ve been at the front since 1941
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, and believe me, i’ve been in situations like this, compared to which your operation is just a country walk. but i believe you, i believe you are on the front line. ever been? yes, i had to, i had to, and i was on the front end for 3 years, if not for the injury, understand, i military officer, by chance i won’t stay at the commandant’s office, speak more quietly, you want to make a psycho out of me, there’s not a living soul here, i’m much quieter and i’m hissing like that, it seems like that to you, we’ve just passed through an ambush, they ’ve been warned on the radio, they know me by sight, otherwise they would have checked us a long time ago, but don’t be offended, this is the specifics and the forest noise in general... doesn’t like 107, 108, 109, 110 for sure, that’s right, and that means 147 there, according to my calculations we must meet with those being inspected, in this very place near this stump, no further, no closer, now remember, during the check we stay on a ledge, one on the side behind the other, let’s say it’s you, so, it’s me, or
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vice versa, while at the same time from behind... securing the one in front, at the same time they will be securing us from an ambush, well, stay free, i’m sure that in case of disobedience of those being inspected, escalation, tension of the situation, maximum combat readiness is required, in this case you need to fix walter in your pocket, andrey, please, wait a minute, as you see the place, fine, excellent, hold it.
8:55 pm
question in life, understand me, yes, question yes, until what time we spend here, i find it difficult to tell you, but that i absolutely need to return to the city at seven, i ask you, and this is our personal radio communication, sit down, now let's have a snack, and it's time to refresh myself, thank you, i don't want to, andrey. cover the stump with newspaper, comrade captain, sit down, now, if you don’t rest, go to your place in the ambush, practice, make it habitable, that’s right, wait,
8:56 pm
be careful, don’t leave the grass in front of me, i understand. according to the information of the main counterintelligence directorate, a particularly dangerous person is wanted. terrorist, german resident ivan grigorievich mishchenko, born in 1905. a native of the rostov region, a russian from the cossacks, the son of a large landowner. verbal portrait. he is taller than average, has a stocky figure, and has blue eyes. during a serious conversation , he squints his eyes slightly; we can hear the southern russian dialect. he has no signs of brodsky and is especially dangerous if detained. comrade captain, comrade captain.
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nine transmits. troev. uniforms crossed the prosika and are moving along the road in our direction with two backpacks, weapons in holsters. everything has begun. egorov, the rate responded to your request with a refusal. the military operation must be carried out today, the deadline for its start is 17:00. i consider it my duty to warn that if neman fails to capture the agents by seizing the radio, you and lieutenant colonel palyakov will be tried by a special tribunal. kolybanov. comrade
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captain, comrade captain. comrade captain, first order, immediately leave the forest and return to the unit’s location. yes, they are confused there, they realize that i personally will not go anywhere, even if i order, and not the first just go, run, rush so that you will overtake the wilis. go out into the clearing,
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but, let’s say, i’ll run, but personally, this option suits you, but this is pure reinsurance, do they care about our skins when we’ve been climbing through the forests alone among the bantha for weeks? yes, don’t risk anything, have nothing, pasha, we shouldn’t leave here, i’m categorically against it, i’m not a boy or a trainee, i have five military orders for the search and i demand that my opinion be taken into account, inform the general immediately, i i ask you, i categorically demand, you can blame me like i’m dead, i ’m responsible for everything, but you pumped up the situation, do n’t you understand, and if they are neman, you have possible consequences. pasha, it’s the moment of truth, that’s it,
9:00 pm
go out into the clearing, urgently tell the first one, i didn’t understand you, please repeat, comrade captain, tell him, there is. i am the fourth, i am the fourth, i did not understand you, i did not understand you, please repeat, please repeat, i am the fourth, i am the fourth.
9:01 pm
comrade officers. i will ask you to show your documents. commandant's patrol. who are you ? your mandate for the right to review. assistant military commandant of the 132nd stage-barrage commandant's office, captain nikushin. ask. please. vilnius, lida and the surrounding areas, so, what are you
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doing in the forest, read, read, everything is indicated there, this, and where your unit is located, i must note, comrade captain, that the forest is not the most suitable place for such conversations. and we are officers of the commandant’s office, which means we are entitled to this, you understand , there is no one here except us, who else can hear this, and left-handed, it’s not a fact, but what other documents do you have, and what are these? isn't it enough, well this there was enough in the city, here it’s not quite, you’ll excuse me of course, but here you are checking us, who you are, i, for example, don’t
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know, we, yes, we are also from the commandant’s office, please, assistant on duty. what are you interested in? pay book, clothing, food certificate, party card, award documents. oh, come on, come on. the law, as they say, requires order, service, service, ilatonians ap, order of the red banner, order of the patriotic war , first degree, if they are agents, then this one is probably the senior one, download it, they don’t check they are afraid, who they are, how they ended up in the forest, why?
9:04 pm
morchas lobbed their lips, good, they keep calm, especially the southern russian dialect is faster, yakovlev ivan, short upper lip, mazanov, caught, stepankov, caught, serdyuk, kulyaev, so, what other documents do you have ? chubarov, nikolai petrovich, hospital certificate, form number 16 with a slant corresponds, he has an unkind look, very unkind, you and i, as they say, this is...
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yes, that’s how it is. vasin, mikhail sergeevich, order dated july 17, 1944, freshly baked. and you, lieutenant colonel vasin from the front headquarters, are you not a relative?
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no. oh, as strong as you wave, and i just thought, brother or uncle, no, he’s also sergeevich, eh, smart guy, head, general, eh, he and i near smolensk, you know how we sat, oh, and he me the chief, as soon as he meets him, says, how are you , he says, the commandant’s office, i say, it’s fine, i say while he’s still alive, and he’s a must for me, you know, yes, what can you do, he says, eh,
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the signature of the unit commander is natural, but the lieutenant tensed in space, still not fact, download, pasha, download, paper textures, density, south russian dialect, koshevoy, caught, chugunov, bulyaev, altunin, south russian dialect, blue eyes, mishchenko, squinted eyes, is it really mishchenko, i can’t understand, chief of staff of the battalion, so , company commander, commander.
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we, as they say, are in the performance of an obligation, you don’t insult us, the law, as they say, requires order, that’s right, service is service, yes, and i ask where this unit of yours is located, in new vilna, is it really mishchenko, mishchenko , born in 905, he is 39, and this one, with surly eyes, a southern russian dialect, a verbal portrait, perhaps, perhaps, this is just that. your task is to force them to show their essence, everything is flawless, everything corresponds, but something is wrong in them, something is there, or maybe it just seems, checking the documents doesn’t bother them, and probably won’t give anything, why is the assistant silent? commandant,
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has he forgotten, he is behaving passively and poorly, and now, comrade officers, i’ll ask you to present yours for inspection... that is, how is it, don’t you want to? okay, let's, as they say, in an amicable way, i'll tell you this
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officer, only you understand, as they say, this is no one, the sixteenth, which means they were in the lead, well, they were all, that’s it, you know, in... two boxes of explosives disappeared from the artillery warehouse, we have something to do with it, but there are indication that she was carried out all in bags, you know, officers, taken away from the city, and for what purpose is unknown, you know, there are no instructions, maybe it was to stifle fish, or maybe to blow up a bridge, some kind of nonsense, we weren’t in any warehouse, who does he know, dear comrades? let's be nice, you are soviet people, there are instructions, and i ask this, humanly i ask, to show what is in your duffel bags, i must declare with full responsibility that
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we in lida were not in any warehouse, we do not know about any explosives, and we do not want, so that they search us, categorically, okay. then you’ll have to go with us to the commandant’s office, you’re going to lida anyway, right? here we have a car in shilovychi, there are actually soldiers in the back, but it’s okay, there’s definitely a place for you, please, so be kind, please, if that’s the case for you interested, search, just take the trouble. unfortunately, we don’t have time to travel with you, there are still things to do in the area, but i will complain.
9:12 pm
here. please tighten the knot, deftly, dear, this is a trick for fraternities, we have seen it more than once. excellent, calm, for them there may be corpses, it’s still not a fact, be kind, take your place, what place, what’s the matter, be kind,
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take your place, here. on may 9, we remember the victory, the feat of the people, we remember how we restored the country, but there were things that seemed to be lost forever. voronezh, hundreds disappeared in battles. stalingrad, the entire art gallery was destroyed , thousands disappeared in dozens of cities during the war. works of art, but today we can see them again. neuroscience
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sber-kandinsky analyzes the remaining images, descriptions of lost paintings, and restores lost masterpieces. to remember means to revive. happy victory day. you can still stand us at attention. if necessary, i will supply it, we are officers of the commandant’s office, you understand, we are on duty official duties, i say, take your place, stand as you stood.
9:15 pm
like this. where he got out, the eclipse came upon him, be that as it may, from the omanis, they will not leave, if everything, call, surround, don’t shoot, alys, hold the lieutenant, shoot, only on the limbs, fall to victories, fall, don’t
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shoot, lie down, commandant's office, lie down, don't shoot, order, the two are probably warm, you're not wounded, there's no scratches and your baby is safe. the head is dead, let me move it, i’ll have time, zhenya, remember, this is mishchenko, here she is, here she is, telepunkin, lie down.
9:17 pm
vasya, vasya, vaska, vaska, vaska, vaska, pasha, pasha, kill vaska! how did you kill? vaska, they killed, vaska, they killed my friend, pasha! pasha, they killed head, did you, did you kill him? no, i didn’t kill anyone, it’s not me, i won’t live, i don’t want to, i swear, i didn’t kill anyone, i’ll finish you off like a badai, don’t you dare touch him. he killed vadka, pasha, he killed my best friend, hold on,
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he’s shell-shocked, you don’t dare, you hear, you don’t dare, you still dare to take, you still dare to deceive me, maybe you’ve already forgotten the call signs of your transmitter, well, kill, call signs your transmitter, quickly, call sign of your transmitter, quickly, off the tee, how to start? and who quickly, quickly, who was there before thursday, how many of you came here to the forest, quickly, who is the eldest, quickly, who is the eldest, who is older than the group, he is his nickname for radiograms, real, real, i don’t hear, mishchenko, matilda, who where is he? let’s liven things up, is he
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a front headquarters officer, rank, fast, captain, shtat-breaker. you're a native, what's your name? sergei, good name, well, that's what, if you didn't kill vaska. and give us matilda, then live, just breathe you will, as i say, understood, and if you decide to play, then don’t be offended, seryoga, if
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you decide to play, these will be the last minutes of your life, i understand, damn it, grandma has arrived, that’s for sure, you’ve upgraded everything, it can’t be more precise, i answer.


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