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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 10, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. vladimir putin nominated mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister. this was stated by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. the decision on the appointment will be made today at a plenary meeting of the lower house. deputies will approve the candidacy of the head of the cabinet of ministers, as well as members of the government for the first time. the federal assembly received these powers after it adopted amendments to the constitution in 2020. vyacheslav volodin noted that when discussing the candidacy of a new prime minister, it is important to understand how the tasks set by the head of state will be solved.
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the center entered the city in small groups, stayed close to the shelters and moved through the trenches. all actions were controlled using drones, they were covered by artillery crews and aircraft. the enemy tried to hold back the attack with fpv strike drones, but the attacks did not reach their target. everything went well, they even tried to knock us out a couple of times, but they didn’t succeed, because with our equipment, which we used, it seemed...
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received by the enterprise staff, the awards were transferred to the local museum of local history, the funds of which were burned down during the hostilities. now they hope to restore the exhibition there. evgeny golovanov attended the ceremony. even 2 years after the liberation of mariupol, when reconstruction in the city is in full swing, demining is still ongoing at azovstal. the territory is huge, 11 km. russian sappers have already neutralized thousands of explosive objects here, but among... the deadly metal, they discovered real relics, orders october revolution of the labor red banner, which the plant was awarded during the soviet years. soldiers of the engineering battalion found relics of azovstal's labor valor lying on the floor. this attitude towards that government, i think, demonstrates well and very symbolically shows the attitude in general towards the history of the soviet people, towards the history of the labor feat. first, the found orders were handed over. president and
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the ministry of defense for examination, after which it was confirmed that the awards were genuine, now they will take their rightful place in expositions of the mariupol regional history museum. built in the thirties of the last century , azovstal was one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in the union, producing millions of tons of iron and steel. and after the german occupation, destroyed by the nazis during the retreat, it was literally restored from ruins in record time; the country needed metal. everyone who worked hard to restore the plant now. therefore, a ceremony of handing over those found was installed at the entrance of the plant ; it was a symbolic memorial for the residents of the city, a monument to the workers who died and disappeared during the great patriotic war, they decided to hold this order here. in the twenty-second year, during the fighting , this memorial complex, as well as the plant itself, was badly damaged, but after the liberation of the city, russian military builders began to restore it. in
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several stages, now the figures of a steelworker, a sailor and a soldier have returned to their places, as a symbol of the unity of the people and the army, and at the foot of the paste memorial plaques with the names of the dead have appeared the workers of azov began in 1941 straight from the blast furnaces that went to the front. oh-oh-oh, hello, hello, labor war veteran stepan vasilievich voloshin, greets guests, veterans of the northern military district, on the threshold with a strong handshake, despite his age of 105 years, remembers how he came to azovstal as a teenager, how he left his native enterprise for the front , served in an aviation regiment, but during one of the combat missions he was seriously wounded, awarded medals and orders, including from
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this is a lonely voice in europe, which is now advocates war, the only exception being budapest, which talks about a ceasefire. over the past decades , the world has not faced such a serious military threat - the danger of a new world war. we in hungary are confident that this conflict cannot be resolved on the battlefield. it is known that viktor orban has received an invitation to the peace conference on ukraine, which will be held in june in switzerland, but his administration noted that quote: there will be little point in this meeting without the participation of moscow. this has been discussed many times in beijing, and there stated that
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russia must be at the negotiating table, otherwise china will boycott such a meeting. moscow and beijing are allies on the world stage and continue to actively develop cooperation in various fields. expected that. vladimir putin’s first international visit after his inauguration will take place precisely in the celestial empire. thirteen-year-old ivan from the leningrad region needs the help of ntv viewers. the boy was diagnosed with epilepsy, which began due to tick-borne encephalitis. now vanya has difficulty speaking and moving around so that the disease does not has progressed, he needs a course of treatment, but it costs more than a million rubles. and the boy’s family doesn’t have that kind of money. alena repina will tell you, this is ivan, this is sergey, so the five, where are the gates, there is no goalkeeper yet, this video was made 3 years ago, on the porch of an ancient rural church in efimovsky, this is exactly halfway between st. petersburg and vologda
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, father mikhail and mother sophia stand son ivan, the eldest of the now five, the fifth, georgy , was just born, they are making a video in honor of this, he was expecting his first children, i keep thinking. father mikhail and his family are local celebrities, 12 years ago they moved from st. petersburg to raise a rural church, in which there was a veterinary clinic under the council. in the village, mikhail and sophia settled down, had flowers, chickens, a cow, and gave birth to five children. in this video they laugh and sing in honor of the younger one, i don’t yet know what kind of trouble will overtake the older one in a couple of days, he won the third competition in... boxing, was going to the fourth, yes, he was going to the fourth, but it didn’t work out, he was bitten by a tick, in efimovsky, where you can’t go, the forest, there are ticks in the forest, my mother found a tick after a walk on vanya’s head, through the temperature rose for a week, the boy was paralyzed, convulsions began, the doctors
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diagnosed tick-borne encephalitis, the doctors asked, but his left side is always drooping, i say, no, of course, i was afraid, i was building, he said, my mother... only recently again i started walking, i can’t ride my bike in football, i can’t do boxing, but i used to win competitions, what’s your happiest day? we ask vanya, he answers, when he and his father were pulling a six-kilogram pike but couldn’t pull it out, it pulled like that, it broke, the fish tank broke, but that’s it what is vanya’s dream now, or rather dreams, there are three of them, the first, say, wa... to go to heaven, the second, well, to get well, to
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get well, the third, to catch that pike, to catch that pike, so that vanya’s condition does not worsen , he needs expensive drugs against epilepsy and more, the total cost of treatment is more than a million rubles, he has many children. for a family living in a village, such an amount cannot be afforded, the child may simply be paralyzed at some point, this is a very expensive treatment, the amount of this treatment is 1,30,000 rubles. this treatment includes - ivs, all kinds of drugs. you can help vanya by sending an sms to the short number that you now see on your screens or by scanning the qr code so that vanya can pull out many more pikes, suddenly among them there will be one... that will fulfill all three of his wishes. alina repina, anastasia altukhova and irina savoteeva,
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ntv. the authorities of a number of european countries did not allow our compatriots to celebrate victory day. latvian police detained six people in several cities at once. the people were accused of singing war songs and laying flowers at the site of demolished monuments. some were taken into custody for st. george ribbons. now specialized services are studying the content that the country’s citizens posted on social networks the day before, and users’ posts are being checked for the presence of symbols of victory. another 10 people were detained in berlin, local police searched everyone who came to lay flowers at soviet memorials, and citizens who were found carrying holiday symbols were taken into custody. previously, the german capital banned any paraphernalia in support of russia and the ussr, flags, st. george ribbons, military uniforms and even songs turned out to be illegal. times of the great patriotic war. russian-speaking residents of germany filed a lawsuit against the berlin police. and in
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the russian regions, the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the victory solemnly ended with fireworks and light shows. a light show took place in outer novgorod. the facade of the kremlin's dmitrievskaya tower was decorated with an audiovisual installation. it was dedicated to the feat of the red army soldiers and city residents who worked at defense enterprises during the war years. in st. petersburg, along with fireworks in in honor of the victory in the great patriotic war , festive lighting was turned on on the lakhta center building. the skyscraper was decorated with the st. george ribbon. in the city of hero volgograd, fireworks could be seen over mamayev kurgan and the central embankment artillerymen fired 30 salvos. well, in moscow, the festive fireworks display took place at sixteen venues, and more than 10,000 fireworks were launched into the sky. we leave these shots without comment and say goodbye to. with you, all the best and see you,
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some kind of dumbass, or what, the judge told me, oles kovalchuk, his medvedova? samaa x there is all this information about the activists, the communist commissars, so do you understand the difference? you see, i understand, well, what are we, we are on our own.


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