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tv   Ded Morozov  NTV  May 10, 2024 9:35am-10:01am MSK

9:35 am
our task is to carry out the order. watch it now. victory will be ours. i ask you to immediately mobilize me to the front. they sent themselves a fighter. we must treat it with all respect and find a worthy use. i would like to try my hand at sniper. in the fateful moments of my life , only one thought dominated everything: to survive at all costs, in spite of all enemies. german armed forces.
9:36 am
again you're fucking to blame, i apologize, what issue are you on, but just on this very issue, i ask immediately mobilize me to the front, how do you know, comrade molotov just announced, i ’ve been living too long, how long? yeah, in what, in 16
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days, 87, well, first of all, what’s your name? morozov, nikolai alexandrovich? firstly, nikolai alexandrovich, no front exists yet. secondly, our young falcons will do their own work. duty will defeat the arrogant hitler. yes, yes, of course, excuse me, how are you? major khrustalev. yes, of course, comrade khrustalev, the point is not about the falcons, the point is that i myself should be there, it just so happened that i i live as long as i bring at least some benefit, i understand, i... understand, but we have a lot of
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work, you leave your address to the office, and when mobilization begins, we will definitely inform you, yes, it’s a pity, morozova is somewhere , lived a worthless life, and now wants to die beautifully, like in the movies.
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i was born in the yaroslavl estate of my ancestors borok on june 25, old style, 1854. 7 years before the abolition of serfdom, 14 before the birth of nicholas i, 16 before lenin. i had no intention of becoming a landowner like my father and grandfather; was interested in science. however, my unexpected expulsion from the gymnasium for poor academic performance, fate decreed differently.
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the motorcade always slows down at the turn from the mikhailovsky theater to the catherine canal, and there is a crowded place there, but there is only one policeman, an ideal case, even if for some reason the mine does not work, our metal workers will finish the job with bombs, uh-huh, what? “i must tell you that the plan is still being worked out, but you remain here in switzerland, this must be some kind of charade, by no means, the executive committee of the party made a decision on
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your non-participation in the operation." "no, no, no, this is absolutely impossible, i am also a co-founder of the people's stink, don't get excited, frosts, it is because of your ardor that the executive committee fears that you will do harm, you are all talking about some kind of grief, this is my plan, yes, i have to be in st. petersburg, understand, i certainly..." must bring some benefit, but what good am i in switzerland, the decision of the executive committee is final,
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so come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, more fun, more fun, let's bring the documents, why are you frozen there, attention, attention, there? second floor, attention, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, you again, grandfather, what don’t you have, well, you were told in russian that old people are not allowed according to the regulations, it’s not true, i read the regulations,
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excuse me, ksana, i wanted to exchange books for a product, but it didn’t work out, who are you kidding? did you go to the military registration and enlistment office again to ask to go to the front? well, why are you doing this? which one of you is a fighter? judge fairly? keep in mind, are you saying this to a person who was generally considered the number one terrorist? no offense,
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well, when was it under tsar pea, and they considered you a terrorist, except for your youthful poems? “i will sharpen an ax, i will train myself to handle heavy weapons, i beat my heart with pity in order to make my hand a terrible, insensitive judge, will you allow me to eat without breaking the surface, my revolutionary romanticism ended immediately after the execution of five on...”
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wrote a letter to alexander ii, crying out for mercy for the people. but the authorities demanded no mercy for us. noz, gentlemen, rebels and murderers, tomorrow the court will pronounce a verdict on your affairs, so i advise anyone who has any requests to do it now, nose, nothing, why aren’t they giving us food today, oh you! this is the time to think about the soul, but you about the womb,
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you can’t talk like that, it’s supposed to be according to the regulations for prisoners, you morozov, if you hadn’t been arrested for illegally crossing the russian border, you would have been hanged long ago along with other regicides, you yourself only confirmed , that i was arrested, therefore i did not participate in any murder? will judge me just for my conviction, and not a single i, you are being tried for the fact that you are criminals, enemies of russia, we served for the benefit of russia, only we have a slightly different idea of ​​​​this benefit than yours, this is our whole crime, and you use power with power.
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this is strange, we go through this in history, tsarism, feudalism, here you are nikolai alexandrovich, some kind of living history, well, thank you for being alive, then don’t talk to me about it, you and i still need to study the structure of matter, nikolai alexandrovich , i can’t now, i promised my mom to help me, she’ll come quickly, but there you need to chop up the cabinet and apply water from the canal. ilyosh, how can it be, i thought you were going to have dinner with us, i really
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need it, i promised my mother i’d bring some water, chop it up, take it, eat it on the way while it’s warm, thank you very much. goodbye, all the best, by the way, we also need to chop, i put it off for a long time, but we can’t go any further, you ’re scaring me, i’m scared myself, but there ’s really no other way, we need it. chop the piano, you're crazy, this is your
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job, your students, my last student was before the war, don't torment me, this is it’s unbearable, the firewood is bad, it will be even worse, we burned everything we could, the cupboard, the sardine, the table , i won’t let you burn it, it’s more important, more important, perhaps you’re right, then i really, really beg you, please play!
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why don’t you, comrade, value such personnel, tell your comrade not to put him to rest, so that he can collect a hundred cossacks, without fear, i will deliver.
9:51 am
there are never enough cossacks, alexander dyichenko, deputy for dates, dear friend, german, enchanted, because for faith for the fatherland, premiere today at 19:30 on ntv. via super star premieres sunday at 20:20 on ntv. magnet - the price is what you need. jubilee cookies 499. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you transfer debts to kholva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with kholva, we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai, new baltika 7 non-alcoholic, feel
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9:56 am
at the same time, you are allowed to walk, go for a walk,
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go for a walk, i realized that they came up with the worst execution, to imprison a person forever. lyosha is reading in your office, okay, mother knows, i persuaded her, she has two shifts today, night, let lyusha
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spend the night with us today, have dinner, yes, the ideal wife, wait, i met the postwoman, she had a funeral on my husband's lifts, on ilyoshin's father and... but still doesn’t know how to tell him, hello, ilyosh, nikolai alexandrovich, hello, what are you reading? yes, here's some entertaining physics, and that's good, good. nikolai alexandrovich, can i ask? yes,
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yes, yes, why do you want to go to war, soldiers are fighting, and you are not a soldier, well, and you are a grandfather, you see, ilyosha, this is not an unusual war, such wars have never happened before, it’s not the army fighting here army, but to be or not to be, and soldiers alone cannot cope here, here we need the help of everyone who can be useful, in addition... can bring at least some benefit from little to great, i hope you understand me?
10:00 am
hello! state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin stated this; the decision on the appointment will be made today at a plenary meeting of the lower house. deputies will approve the candidacy of the head of the cabinet of ministers, as well as members of the government, for the first time; the federal assembly received these powers after they adopted amendments to the constitution in 1920. noted that when discussing the candidacy of a new prime minister, it is important to understand how the tasks set by the head of state will be solved. first of all, this concerns demographic policy,
10:01 am
strengthening technological... economic and regional development,


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