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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 11, 2024 5:30am-6:21am MSK

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most likely, i would have placed them in this basement, zhmutvoy, most likely a french subject, and this nicolas had the exact location of this hiding place, what should i have done, huh?
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he turned around, yeah, so what, and she’s standing next to her, pale, what are you saying, there’s a hole in the wolf from a bullet, her hands are reaching towards him and howling, come on, well, it’s not the time, the white woman of the local cemetery is the owner, they say they shot her in eighteenth, together with her count, now she appears to everyone, everyone who saw her is found dead, and how do you know who told you, everything dead, yes a liar, yes invent it, people, people, people, they say, he also came up with it for me. let's do it
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small, and you will, no? and who is it? where, yes, they believed, oh, well, come on already, come on already, well, however! mikhalchu, i have to run for more, come on, come on, get back to the base, well, i’ll go, looking for one at a time, i’ll go, like this, let’s go a little bit at a time, a little bit at a time, borka, well, i’m already tired of my jokes, again your jokes, borka, what are you doing, what the hell, no, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, help,
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yes, georgievich, igor, you’re sleeping, listen, and you why be surprised at the fact that you can’t sleep at night? well, excuse me, we urgently need to go to the pipes, to the theological cemetery. okay, i understand, i'm leaving.
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rydanov, are you sleeping? well, talk about it, lyosha. well, judging by the bloody wound on the head, they hit him with something heavy and threw him into the grave. more specifically, what did you hit? well, maybe with an ax, maybe with a shovel. an ax or a shovel, lesh? well, if you look at the wound on the head, it was probably caused by a shovel. well, then, they dug a grave with a shovel, not with their teeth. yes, interesting. why was the grave dug up? well, it’s up to you to search and find out. listen, not only was the grave dug up, but the coffin was also broken. but this is doubly interesting. find out too. so what will i do with them? i kick them out, and by nightfall they come back again. why kick them? wait, i'm not accusing you of anything. i’m just wondering why the dead man is half naked? on the street , it doesn’t seem like my month. i am the one who stripped him. these freaks found him, they stripped him. do you know what happened to me?
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wow, reception, yeah, here, yes, here, here, knock-tock, there are living ones, a great rarity in the cemetery, he’s alive, and what is he doing there? a pillow under his head, come on, show me, some kind of coat, and he was born like that, huh?
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for love, for love, yes, i will kiss you, you, korruza, it’s funny, i must remember, let’s go, but you understand, this watchman has been tied up for 2 years already, well, that means your watchman has untied him, he was lying at my feet right here, begging. give him a second chance, and the main thing is that the frame is golden, he always has order, with the homeless, no questions, that is, do you think that this golden frame of yours could not kill a person and try to bury him in that grave? no, well, someone else’s soul, in the dark, of course, well, if already
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for, why would he kill someone at all, good question, do you have any other questions, i would like documents for the dug up grave, but i prepared everything as soon as you called? i prepared everything right away, please, thank you, very kindly, goodbye, by the way, how would you hide a corpse in a cemetery, i wouldn’t hide any corpses in a cemetery, what kind of strange questions, excuse me, i have a lot of work , me too, well, we’re about to visit mikhailovich. uh, we knocked at two, we asked to stay, he lets us in sometimes, it’s to i’m planning something, well, yes, to lavrushin, well, that means we’re going to him, and he’s already smoking like a yoke, and his brother says, screw you up, it’s my holiday, what kind of holiday, so i tell him, i say, what kind of holiday - when you’re
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already in a bind, as long as i remember you here, well , we looked, and there was vodka on the table, well , just drink up, well, we quietly took a couple of bottles to the exit, but what? so, now the nameless corpse from the theological cemetery was allegedly hacked to death with shovels and thrown into an open grave. whose grave? ogrinyova and raida palovna, 1900 year of birth, died and was buried in the eighty-second year. i have a version,
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perhaps the deceased, together with the killer , dug up the grave and began to find some valuable things there that could possibly have been buried with ogrinyova. so you think you're a murderer? i just decided not to share the calm one, why not, it’s quite likely, well, look into this version, i looked into ogrinyova’s relatives, she doesn’t have any, wait, well, who bury her, after all , documents for the grave were drawn up for someone, but a certain one is listed parkhomova, find me, ask me, maybe something will remember, good, perhaps they killed him in a different place altogether, brought the deceased to the cemetery by parcel post, buried him in an old grave, hid the ends in the water, an interesting version, of course, but do not forget about the watchman lovrushny, from whom...
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it was not without reason that he decided to untie night of murder. andryukh, why did you come with me, i could have handled it alone, well, firstly, it’s a very romantic version about treasures, oh well, and secondly, and secondly, you know how kindly i treat you , it’s better to insure the woman you love, sobbing, just kidding, fighting friend, when you find the woman of your dreams, at any moment, good afternoon, it was i who called you, well, yes, yes, go around, thank you,
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of course, it’s terrible, i don’t understand who put their hand on baba ira’s grave, the main thing is that so many years have passed, i don’t know, thank you, i understand correctly that ogrinyova and your parents were neighbors in a communal apartment, i understand correctly. you know, we lived here in 1968, when my parents got two rooms here, only baba iira was like family to us, i’ll give you photos now i’ll show you, oh, please, uh-huh, until i was 10 years old, i generally believed that baba ira was my own grandmother, look, these are my parents, this is dad, mom, this is me, here is baba ira, perhaps you remember if it was something in the grave, something valuable, but something should have attracted the rob. what could she have that was valuable, if there wasn’t something valuable left, she would have told us to spend it all right away, after all, she
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survived the civil war, the blockade and the great patriotic war, she always said, dasha, you have to take from life everything right now, such a chance may not come again, but she made very good money and spent it all, went to the sea, went to restaurants, dresses, dresses such that you would rock, after all, because of something, it was opened. this grave, well, yes, i don’t know, there was something valuable there, a dress, shoes and a medallion, what kind of medallion? yes, here it is, so brass, small, she always carried it in memory of her father, he died not in the eighteenth year, but the price for it was 3 kopecks. on market day.
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i say, finally your arkharovites threw something interesting to me, yes, much more interesting, but just wait, i took it up as usual, look, the guy has a surprise? uh, french colleagues were the first to begin performing such a transplant,
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but the nature of the sutures indicates that they are french, uh-huh, and a lot of other nuances, uh-huh, and this means, and this means that the blind man is most likely a french citizen, unless, of course, 7 years ago i didn’t go to france for a new liver, now that’s something, thanks for your help, please contact me, classmate, hello, oh! hello, igor, great, yes, what is it, did they all agree there today, or what? yeah, the only thing we needed was a frenchman in the theological cemetery. there, well, the watchman woke up, now we’ll interrogate him. well , that's it, lights out, bye. solovet called and said that the morgue claims that our blind man had an operation that is only done. france, but it couldn’t have been produced here, listen, i also have
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important information on this matter, boots are not sold at luiversal in russia, well, any other clothes can be bought anywhere, that’s understandable, these are boots are only in france, that he couldn’t sit at home, no, he came here, you need to be happy, but you are burning for something, and why be happy, now make a request to interpol, start all this gimmick, as if your writings are not enough, yet go with rydanov to... the cemetery, oh well, don’t be sad, just imagine, a news feed, the adventure of a frenchman in russia, a mystery. the treasure of the last century was discovered by major krymov, but this is romance, lyosha, let’s go to the cemetery instead of me, that’s not true, but what is it, romance? you say yourself, i have my own work, you know how much, oh, this is another matter, but it’s good,
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after all, in nature, sunshine, fresh air, yes. with this kind of work, the cemetery will seem like a park, so why go to the director? let's go talk to the people first, dear, can i ask you a couple of questions? and who are you? criminal investigation? what am i from? all questions to the authorities, i’m estimating here, i’m digging! hello, it's me! there are more cops here! arrived, except for those who were in the morning, but i’m calm, it’s just a delivery in the evening, they’re digging the ground here, we need to come up with something, we need decide something, what time the cemetery closes, seven, yes, and after seven some cars appear on the territory of the cemetery, the gates open, i don’t know, i
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don’t know, everything is closed, he asks the director a question, i don’t know anything, that’s how it is once. hello, good afternoon, director of the cemetery dmitry borisovich okhtanin, i can help you, it’s clear, so why are we standing here, let’s go to my office, let’s go, as if i don’t have the strength, why did you cut yourself like that yesterday, maxim mikhailovich, then what? it’s clear that a guy can spy on the coils, well, the situations are different it happens, tell me more specifically,
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more specifically, i have a bride. i’m going to get married, but you celebrated the silence, as in the best houses, so why did the bride get her future husband drunk, short-sighted, well , no, well, first there we had a drink with her, yeah, and the sum, and then i i don’t remember anything, oh, you’re unreliable, mikhaich, unreliable, where is your bride now, and... and there, and there she wasn’t? no, where? i don’t know, here’s the phone number, call, come on, but i don’t know her number, this is already very interesting, hello, in general, the young lady charmed him
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it’s great, i looked into his guardhouse a couple of times, darling. before committing suicide, she actually promised to marry him, got him drunk on the occasion , by one in the morning he was in such a state that not only there was a grave there, there was half a cemetery that could have been dug up, wait, he can describe it, now he’s sitting there, drawing up an identikit, uh-huh , so in general terms, about 30 years old, beautiful, tearfully asking for his fiancée to be returned to him, but the guy is lucky , i mean, are you being serious now, no, but what about sitting in the lodge, leading a healthy lifestyle, not drinking. a beautiful one appeared here, a dangerous woman, a beautiful dangerous woman , blew out the last of his brains, and now not only is his whole life messed up, but he’s also under investigation, so that’s enough, let’s get down to business, what’s going on with our neighbors ogrineva, and by the way, it’s very interesting , parkhomov’s neighbor says that they buried the old woman with a medallion, which she kept all her life in memory of her father, in the grave of this medallion we did not find why it was
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so valuable, but in general it was not, brass and small with a portrait of her father, but... it doesn’t matter, in general, the neighbor says that ogrineva she was a writer and taught at the university, from the late fifties she became the director of the svezhovka estate, by the way, this estate once belonged to ogrineva’s father , she raised this estate from ruins, turned it into a museum and managed the farm until her retirement, maybe i’ll go there and find out , that yes, i was about to look for something. and it wouldn’t hurt you, by the way, pasha, but of course, under no circumstances, why should a man be a factor, well, you understand correctly, but whoever
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wants to get to the cemetery, people avoid it, it’s a mournful place, and so however, as recent events show, there are still people who want to get here, well, for example, people came to the cemetery by car, where should they park, well, if during the day, then near the second gate, there is a platform there, or that’s how you directly ... through the main entrance to the administration, and at night, and at night we have all the gates, all the barriers, everything is closed, yes, why are you asking, mr. okhtanin, a corpse was found on the territory of the cemetery, the examination showed that a murder was committed, of course , we have questions for you, as the director of the cemetery, or maybe perhaps there is a way to somehow resolve these issues? of course, of course, there is such a method, but you are an adult, you must understand,
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this is a way to help the investigation as much as possible, i’m ready, or maybe some tea, it seems to me, to the left, but no, there, girl, forgive me, don’t tell me , where is the directorate building, this building is on the second floor, and your hands are torn, where? well, it’s necessary and i’ve been walking like this for a long time, by the way, it doesn’t spoil you at all, really, thank you, please forgive me, girl, but more specifically on the second floor, where to look, no tell me, let me take you, come on, thank you, do you work here? no, i'm not local. “i collect drawings from old basements, this estate, yes, yeah, that is , you are helping the museum, yes, i work in the design archive, clearly, where do you work, and we,
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well, igor, what are the options, what is this our director got so worked up, yes, it looks like he’s really burying criminals, perhaps he’s burying them, or in general he’s in trouble with the law, yes, in any case he’s got the hang of it.” it's strong, we should take a look around, let's go and look at the graves, yes, just it looks like we’re already being watched, too, i’ve already noticed, well, let’s go our separate ways, let’s see who he’s following, come on, treasure, this is some kind of joke, well, we don’t seem to look like jokers, well, yes, not really, well then please look more closely, well... "if i had hidden treasures in 1818, then most likely i would have placed them in this basement, why, because
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this was not in the league back then, this basement, yeah, it was regularly drowned by groundwater, i think that in the eighteenth year it was the same, but not i understand why the police are interested in such strange things, excuse me, yeah, the fact is that the grave of the first director of this was dug up last night. an unidentified corpse of a young man was found in the grave, so we are now actually working on it, investigating. pavel, call petrakov again, okay, excuse me, what’s wrong? no, everything is fine, i just don’t have enough air, maybe some water? no thanks, are you sure? no, this happens to me, goodbye, thank you very much. hello, hello, petrakov oleg valentinovich, in person, hello, good afternoon, hello, we’ll
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have a few words with you, please, please come into the office, ntv is broadcasting the most unexpected premiere of this spring. viya, superstar, teams that once filled huge stadiums will compete on stage. you are stars, you are legends, via superstar, this will be a hot battle, premiere tomorrow. at 20:20
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on ntv. yes, igor, andryukh, how are you doing? yes, how, how? i can't get rid of the tail. i constantly feel a cold, hostile gaze on me. well, in general, cut off the tail and row it to the fourteenth section. i have something here. come on, now i, it’s simple, it’s just terrible news, of course, the museum will take care of all the worries about restoring the grave of eroida pavlovna, but it’s incomprehensible to the mind how this old story can excite treasure hunters, that is, you want to say that there really is something in the grave could there be something
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so valuable that... that could attract the attention of robbers? well, at least that's what they thought. interesting. just a second. sasha, are you nearby? come in for a minute. sorry, please what did you mean, that's exactly what it seemed like. well, imagine, 1918. confusion, war, red terror, the owner of the estate collects all family valuables and buries them in the garden. only his daughter knows the plot, then the father dies, the young girl is left completely alone, but she does not die, she happily avoids repression, purges, becomes a great linguist and after the war begins the painstaking work of creating a museum in her father’s estate, oleg valentinovich,
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did you call? here, meet my deputy, alexander semyonov, these comrades from the police are very interested in your favorite treasure. good afternoon, tell us what kind of treasure this is? indeed, the treasure existed, however, iroida palovna made it public back in 1963, that’s how? wow, yes, can you imagine, such an accident, for 15 years, it literally worked. two steps away from the family jewels, which essentially belonged to her, in the end the treasure was transferred to the state, she received 25% according to the then legislation, by the way, some parts of the treasure are now exhibits of our museum, i am in charge of this exhibition, yes, but then i don’t understand anything at all, what could have attracted the attention of the robbers, why was it necessary to dig up the grave? i don’t know, we answered
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all your questions, but thank you very much. tell me, who is the girl you encountered at the door? this is ninochka ilyina. our estate will soon undergo a major reconstruction, she provides us with invaluable services in finding old drawings. oleg valentinovich, can i go? yes, sorry, all the best, goodbye, goodbye. what, got off his tail? yes , he seemed to come off, he turned out to be an annoying type, well , what can you say, look, what, look, there are some considerations, a grave is like a grave, well, so to speak, according to the parameters, am i a professional in digging graves, here i am, andryukha, walking through the cemetery, i noticed that this particular grave was somewhere lower than the rest of the freshly dug graves i came across,
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yes, yes. “a very interesting observation, well done, you justify the title of maier, this is what happens, they dig a grave a meter deeper, they put a criminal at the bottom the deceased, they are covering the owner from above, but don’t tell me, they’re completely mad, yes, it’s difficult, but reliable, okay, andryukha, let’s move away, we won’t shine here. nina, nina, wait, leave me alone, wait, why aren’t you picking up the phone, and it’s you, sasha, you haven’t answered the phone for 12 hours, i even came here to find out what happened, well , i found out, yet as soon as i see you, i’ll go to the police, let me explain everything,
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listen, it’s okay that i’m with tea, otherwise i’m so frozen in this cemetery, so why interpol, that interpol is quite responsive the organization responds extremely quickly. the most important thing is that the prints of our deceased end up in their databases, well, if our frenchman shows up anywhere, they will pull them out. nikita is waiting for their response; as soon as the information arrives, he will inform us immediately. let's hope that our deceased was not too law-abiding. what's in the cemetery, did you dig up anything? yes, there is an assumption that the director of the cemetery where the deceased frenchman was found is engaged in the burial of criminal corpses. wow! "if so, then of course it will be a bomb, that is, do you think that the unidentified corpse was buried according to the same scheme, georgievich, but we don’t believe in a coincidence, no, we don’t, so the version arises that the next burial should take place
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tonight, our detained watchman lavrushin is an important link in this chain. so, wait, why aren’t you interrogating him yet? but because i don’t even intend to interrogate him. didn't understand. moreover, i need your goodness to let him go. and detail? do you have warm boots, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, i beg you, contact me, please, with respected oblique, you understand, now we have such circumstances, these are our own circumstances now. that we have our own, yes, yes, open the gates, but you don’t understand, we have the police since the very morning, we can’t accept your cargo now, that you don’t understand, did you decide to jump off, yes, i’m not a boar, solve the problem now, but no, well, you understand,
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our cooperation is very important for me, but where? listen, you ’re not scared, i haven’t been scared for a long time, but i understand how uneasy it is, that’s how many people there are around, and they’re all dead, i i used to drink, why, you seem to drink, and you don’t need to think about anything. here, you know, life seems to be sending me some signals, you think a lot, and you say a lot, oh, listen, it’s not them, they,
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where is he going? here and there, well, stand, hands behind your head, hands uphill, what to do, hands uphill, that’s it, we accept, we accept them, we take them away, come on, come on, faster, faster, well, well done, georgivich, everything’s in openwork, everyone was packed, without resistance. no shooting, hello, we're a little cold, let's go to
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the car, it's warmer there, i told them, i understand, i understand, we’ll figure it out, i said, like this, here, uh-huh, like that, let’s go, but what could i do, the previous director worked with them on these terms, when i arrived, i was simply presented with a fait accompli, where should i go? , you had a great option, immediately contact the police so that they would bury me there, you don’t know what kind of people they are, yes, i lived in constant fear, i’m just happy that it’s all over, nevertheless you did everything it is possible for this to last as long as possible, don't you understand? at me children, you have children, of course, and they are not ashamed of us, i hope it’s easy for you to say, of course, with what regularity you buried the left’s corpses, about once a week, maybe two, they buried them in
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fresh graves, yes, yes, but why did such an established scheme suddenly fail, i mean, why did you suddenly dig up a grave thirty years ago, it’s not us, it’s not our corpse at all, are you sure, i’ll tell you... come on, we we have nothing to do with this corpse, this is not our corpse, lavrushin, but there is no need to lie to your native police, by the way, they takes care, i'm lying, i'm not lying, if... where did you get the corpse's things in the guardhouse? well, what are you silent? you understand that we can interpret your silence as the fact that you
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committed a murder, and for the alibi you came up with your own mysterious woman. i invented a woman, so why can’t i have a woman, right? yes, yes, i had a woman, there was, what do you all want from me, why are you attached, you have already pulled the soul out of me, here you are, there are bandits, i don’t do anything... well , do you believe me? i believe, so do i, well, is your nameless blindness coming out on its own? it turns out that is so, but it was precisely this blind eye that brought confusion to their entire warm company, oh, i imagine that now so much exhumation will begin according to their statements, oh, i don’t even want to think, the only thing i want is to sleep, do you have every right? yes, and let the guys sleep until lunch, but this is necessary, otherwise
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they will start a riot, the same one that is senseless and merciless, what are you doing, the senior officer authorized by the ship, the senior officer, i’ll be older than the kid, well, give me the key. tia, come on, tia, it’s my fault, nikita ponfilov without the dog, well, let’s go, and sergei zharkov with dolphin, yours was, mine, name is vasilisey, dolphin, from monday at 20:00 on ntv.
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so here.
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i can’t get through on the phone, for mercy, people, the arrest arrived a couple of hours ago, you call krymov. why doesn't he take it too? okay, that's it, i understand, thank you, uncle bor, what happened to your computers? natasha, what are you doing? yes, i’ll take the phone, they ’ve been completely foolish, you’ve just returned and now wait, now a second, now a second, yes, well, finally, well, at least someone, nikita, listen, what time is it, it ’s already morning, but what happened, have you come? answer from interpol, in their docketloscopic databases
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there were prints of our corpse, he really has french citizenship and his name is nicolas grinev, you heard right, and grinev is a relative of the old woman buried in that grave, so we’ll meet at the department in 40 minutes, again a treasure, something like that . hi, did you want to explain something to me? are we going to talk here or should i come in? you called and said that you can explain, explain, so i ’ll come in. come in, well, ritka, ah, let's have a snack
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, think about it, categorically, give me a fork, yeah, that means he's the only viviparous. grinevy, her father’s brother, managed to emigrate to france, so it turns out that nicolas is his great-grandson? how did he end up in the interpol report? in his youth, he got involved with a gang of football hooligans, which is why he has several cases with the police. that is, our french hooligan came to dig up the grave of his great-great -grandmother. yes, you go from france to snowy russia just for the treasures. then it turns out that not only the french hooligan. what a french idiot, everyone knows that this treasure was dug 50 years ago, on the website there is information on his family estate , a museum, and you will remain silent, but i don’t know how to start, you understand that i got involved in all this just for you, i spent a week
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on this watchman, you think it’s a nice job, but you would leave me, what you're messing with me, sasha, you're my stepbrother, you're my own blood, you understand that, i feel you in my gut, i'm scared, but i'm not scared, listen, when i found out that it was the damned grandmother who only raked out half the treasure, but i left half of it to my french relatives, which is what i had to do, when i knew that here in this squalor of ours a whole fortune was stored somewhere, you, you never had enough patience. “ sooner or later we would have found this cache, we had the plans of all the rooms in our hands, but i couldn’t wait, you know, we could search as much as we wanted, but this nicolas had the exact place, the location of this cache, what would we do with it with a key, they would pick their nose, that ’s it, wait, that’s enough, what
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happened there, great, great, how are you doing?” there's a vicious circle with this treasure, yes, yes, pashka, why are you still in you walk around with a torn jacket, but there’s no way to sew it together, it’s all around your head, this watchman, the museum, the cemetery, where did you tear your new jacket so much, the guards when you went out, it’s really a pity, a new jacket, wait, but ilina’s is exactly like that the jacket is torn, do you remember, rit, that is, are you leading to the conclusion that she is our missing bride, well... yes, she distracted the watchman while the accomplices were digging up the grave. guys, we urgently break through ilyana’s address and blow there. in general, we dug and dug, and in the end i stopped feeling my hands. who was hiding groups? who cares, he himself fell apart,
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but he saw it like a medallion, he was shaking all over like that. and what did he blurt out to me, for some reason, where is this hiding place? i do not know what happened to me. it happened as if some kind of saw blade just fell into my eyes, and i was squeezing this handle of the shovels with my hands, and he looked at me and was like, what, sasha, sasha, i took it and hit him with the shovels, i don’t know, it ’s like my hands ourselves, but this is not the worst thing, but... there is nothing, nothing, empty, i was mistaken from the beginning, my grandmother raked it all out in 1968, i from the very beginning i was wrong, sashenka, please, please, calm down, please, why calm down, you and i will come up with something, what will we come up with, what should i do, what should i do,
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if i had money, i would went somewhere, but i don’t know what to do, i understand, you can’t live with this either, why did you decide that, i, yes, i know, but open the door, nina, calm down, please, sasha, what’s wrong with you today, open up, kadionina, calm down, help! help, help, scream, scream, there are meter-high walls here,
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a? moved away from her, the police, what did they do, sasha, call soon, quickly, sasha, sasha, like, sasha, wait, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha, yes, be careful when you take him, move away, please, wait, wait, don’t touch me,
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there is no treasure for you, therefore, no countless treasures, well, where did you get the idea that there is no treasure, there is a map, well, let’s see, listen, boys, let’s discuss this. over a cup of tea, as we continue the treasures, i don’t mind, tv company vid presents. “wait for me, i’ll come back, just wait, wait
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when it’s sad, yellow rains, wait when it’s snowing, wait when it’s hot, wait when others are not expected, having forgotten yesterday, wait when letters don’t arrive from distant places , wait until you get tired of it, to everyone who is waiting together.” “wait for me, i will return, do not wish well to everyone who knows by heart that it is time to forget, let the son and mother believe that i am not there, let friends get tired of waiting, sit in the fire, drink bitter wine to remind the soul, wait, with don’t rush to drink them at the same time, wait for me, and i’ll come back everyone. to the deaths of evil, who did not wait for me, let him say lucky, it is more incomprehensible to those who waited for them, as if
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in the middle of fire, with your expectation you saved me, how i survived, only you and i will know, you just knew how to wait like no one else, hello, every year we begin the program dedicated to may 9 with this poem by konstantin simonov, because it contains everything that we want to say on this day, and on all others. the festive episode of the wait for me program dedicated to victory day is on air. so here we go. son, chuby nikolai trofimovich, accept my mother's greetings, remember that terrible day when i saved you and...


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