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tv   Smotr  NTV  May 11, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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"we really want you to talk today, we have this opportunity, all this time ekaterina davidovna was watching everything that was happening in the studio, ekaterina davidovna, tune in, here, hello, hello, hello, ekaterina davidovna, hello, hello, hello, hello, here’s lida, your sister, there can be no doubt, but there’s not much left, it’s just me, i came alone with my daughter, it works out.” this is my father’s granddaughter, some of them are dead, some of them are dead, look at your sister, tell me what your heart tells you, is she dear to you or not, what does your heart say, she is dear, but my father is not like that, i look like my father, i look a little like my father, your family, where is it, did you come with them or not, only the two of us came, me and me i came with my daughter, but my son stayed there in the city. well, at home,
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well, everyone, get ready and come to visit us, you will see everything, you will go, if we go, we will organize the whole trip for you and buy tickets, that’s all ekaterina davidovna, wait for the guests, lydia and her daughter are coming to see you, i congratulate you on your day victories, goodbye, thanks for your concern, i hope that you will meet your sister, this is important, this is very important and... and it’s no coincidence that all this happened on the eve of victory day, but it’s symbolic, thank you very much, happy victory day, thank you very much too, you know, exactly on victory day, the words that have been ending our program for a quarter of a century now sound especially wisely appropriate, look for each other, no matter what and wait, no matter what.
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hello, the military program of the ntv channel smotr is on air, sergei kuznetsov is with you, watch this episode! to the centenary of the division zerzhinsky, how the hammered step of the victory parade is forged, the preparation of the parade squad adon. strict selection based on height, weight and combat bearing, classes last 4-5 hours. a day with
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a walking distance of up to 8 km, so adon’s parade crew is preparing for the parade on red square on victory day. all the stages and features of preparing the parade crew of a separate operational division are in our story. ceremonial crew, stand, face up to death. victories, just like that, with the developing ones . we see the final stage of preparation for the parade banners, lined up in rows, typing a step to the clear rhythm of the drums, the parade crews of a separate operational division take place on may 9... final
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classes are underway, but in this seemingly flawless passage, the officer responsible for the training identifies the slightest shortcomings, and not only common, but for individual military personnel.
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as the leader of the classes, i accordingly need assistants with these assistants before general classes with ceremonial calculation. for our interlocutor, lieutenant colonel of the russian guard, officer adon, the upcoming parade, the eleventh in a row, this one is huge. highly appreciated the division command, which entrusted him with the preparation of parade crews. from year to year, the order of preparation and conduct of the ritual itself as a whole, in principle, does not change, but the parade itself, the parade itself, is
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individual in its own way, that is , some additions, including speeches, or a word, that is, some additions some adjustments are definitely being made to the parade, absolutely. preparations for the victory parade began last year. already in december, the division began selecting suitable military personnel. the parade squad was formed within a month. this is a complex process that determines how successful the preparation will be. requirements for the applicant. after all , each participant in the parade represents not only the unit in which he serves, but
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the national guard troops as a whole, no, well, naturally there was a selection, that is, they looked at the categories of health, height, in principle. they talked to us, that is, they asked whether you would like to serve, and how you feel about military service, that is, of course, they carried out a selection. dmitry and his friend magomed were called up six months ago from one city in the stavropol territory. fellow countrymen try to stick together in everything, helping each other. they learned that they would be included in the ceremonial squad while taking the young one’s course. it was unusual, to be honest, absolutely everything was, because we were far from all this, uh, it was necessary to readjust, adapt to this, to the regime, to training, so we adjusted,
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we are fulfilling all the assigned tasks, we train from the heart in order so that everything it turned out that in order to pass the parade, readiness for increased physical activity is one of the most important criteria for selection into the parade squad. according to the command, the requirements for physical endurance here are not much different from special forces units. basically, the height and physical qualities of the weak are not taken here; they take mainly those who are fit, so that they can withstand the training, so that it is not as difficult as for ordinary people. ilya. serves for six months, conscripted from the samara region, met the selection criteria: tall stature, proud posture, good physical skills, i quickly adapted to military discipline and the stress of preparing for the parade.
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i thought it would be more difficult, but in fact it turned out to be even easier than planned, at first it was unusual, but after all, i was torn away from home. having found myself here at first, experiencing great difficulties in adapting to these places, i realized that these places had tempered and strengthened me, the army had made me stronger and more
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like a man than i was before. having served for six months, maxim, in his own words, feels different. considerable he managed to overcome the loads during parade training and the initial difficulties of drill training. there were no complaints about my physical weakness, it appeared already at the moment when we walked in ranks, since it turned out that i didn’t raise my leg as high as everyone else, my step was shorter than everyone else’s, but after a month of training , thanks to the attentive gaze of the officers, i was able to reach everyone else, my leg rises to the same level as everyone else’s, well ... actually with weakness of spirit, because having now gone through the most difficult
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period for me personally, this is precisely the period of rank training, i am convinced that any other training will no longer cause me such difficulties as this. by january 1 , banner groups and personnel of the ceremonial clans were determined. in addition, command groups were formed for each parade rank.
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at this, as at all subsequent stages of preparation, great attention to detail is paid: correct positioning of the head, the chin should always be raised, clear movements of the arms and legs, the leg should rise at least 20 cm from the ground.
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the whole training starts small, just by raising your arms, literally from raising your arms to lifting your legs, and before that we start walking in ranks, the difficult thing is that you can say stretching, when you stretched your legs, the height should be, if i’m not mistaken, i am 20 cm, danilo, junior sergeant, squad commander,
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serving under contract, participating in the victory parade for the first time. according to him, already at the initial stage of training, even the most seasoned military personnel required not only physical endurance, but also high moral and psychological qualities, because it took several hours to perform monotonous... movements, i think the most important thing there was patience, it’s just to overcome yourself, patience, endurance. steel will was required from the fighters at the subsequent stages of training, from those who were slightly behind, it was necessary to support, teach, to be together, to work together, because we are doing the same work, we are going towards the same goal, in order to also pass through our comrades morally, so that no one hangs nose, everyone
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walked proudly with their heads held high, not about... television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the west has drawn new red lines regarding the conditions under which nato will intervene in military operations in ukraine. russia's tactical response. the russian military will conduct exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. how will the new increase in stakes in the ukrainian crisis and the escalation of nuclear rhetoric end? saving money all your life in 60 seconds, losing everything, a new way to wean. money that scammers invented can leave any pensioner without savings, how it works and what do so as not to lose everything that you have acquired beyond your strength, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv, emergency exit, premiere from monday at 22:15 on
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phone or order on our website, leamax, purchases with a plus. emergency exit, premieres monday at 10:15 p.m. on ntv. have you heard about your grandfather? it’s a pity, he was a good guy, well... it’s still the same in moscow, the opera, the boss didn’t get drunk, it’s still the same, but what ’s going on in the village, that everyone has become so timid, he wanted to find those responsible for the death of his grandfather, in this such people are tied to the topic, neither you nor i can jump, yours, by the way, are from moscow, but the main witness in this case turned out to be a dolphin, the dolphin found him, then he brought me, my grandfather drowned here, whether it’s a coincidence or not, i don’t know, but what is he doing? he is interviewing a witness, captain korablev was rescued from a dolphin when he was drowning as a child, and since then, he understands the language, one
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of your guys in your department is leaking information, sergei zharkov, stand, hold your hands, so that i can see. dolphin from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the next stage of preparation is group training in ranks with weapons. first, all drill techniques are also performed on site. after each exercise, senior sherengi points out shortcomings and once again explains all the nuances of performing a particular drill technique. bring your leg forward, bring it level with your left leg. turn your heel, you turn in this way, your back of the thigh stretches, you can take a step further, put your foot on the full foot, thereby you
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draw your foot a little, do not carry your foot further behind your left leg, on the level with it and step forward, you should have a step forward, so you won’t nod, you won’t cut your leg, show me this in this exercise, at this stage...
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we deviate a little from the maximum norms, increase the distance due to the fact that our step is accordingly a little wider, so we increase the distance between the ranks accordingly, the distance of an outstretched arm plus a palm is determined, the count for a full step is two three straight. at the initial stage, each rank is trained individually. on a march, a lot depends on the guides. as a rule,
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this is the most experienced one. a serviceman who has already participated in parades, for alexey the upcoming parade is already the sixth count. first i took part in the parade in 2018, was drafted into the second military regiment, was a conscript soldier, the first parade, well, i remember it most, because it was my first experience, the first passage through red square along the valabin site, basically nothing has changed, the main thing. .. well, all the same requirements as before, the same methodology, the same preparation. the main responsibility falls on the guides, at the stage of coordinating company ceremonial boxes. it was during the movement of shirenk, as part of roth, a fighter the guides set the required rhythm and maintain the appropriate distance. the most important thing in the line and in the box in general -
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we passed, the alignment was broken, only the third fly, the third fly, lift, left flanks with a ledge back, raise your knee, toe down, listen to the drum, rip, guide , strictly keep your distance. because for you there is just a question of alignment, so strictly look at one outfit with two eyes, one eye looks to the right, and the guide’s one looks straight, and the rest only look straight to the right, be careful, vladimir fedorovich obelchuk, a veteran of the separate operational division named after dzerzhinsky,
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participated in... who have not previously served in the division, so they come from other regions on rotation, for them this is all new, so it is required that this methodology is not constantly emasculated, during training, mandatory breaks for rest and eating are provided, rear services are on duty near the parade ground, today the cooks give the soldiers sandwiches, pastries and tea,
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after a short rest, continue training, hello, comrade, i wish you congratulations, comrade minister of defense, during training they practice such important elements of the parade as greeting the minister of defense and aligning with the banner, the officers ensure that on command align, everyone except the right flank... turns their head to the right, while the right ear should be higher than the left, and the chin raised, the alignment should be such that everyone can see the chest of the fourth person, special requirements for the banner group, as a rule, these are officers with experience of repeated participation in parades, the requirements for physical data are also increased here. group can
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be 90 meters tall, the second banner group can be 89 meters tall, and for each banner bearer who carries the banner, an individual assistant is selected, who must be exactly his height. thus, a banner group of the parade squad is formed. young lieutenant adon received a special honor. this year it will be he who will carry the banner of derzhinsky’s division. he has served in the unit for less than a year, and this is his first parade as part of the parade squad. moreover, the officer has experience as a standard bearer. for 4 years he was in the famous group novosibirs.
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their correct position in the ranks on the march, if you paid attention, then during training we use banners or poles for them with a metal base, which is much more difficult to carry and hold than a wooden one, so in terms of physical qualities we, of course, pay attention to the officers who are included in the composition of the parade squad, and then having already experience, a methodology for conducting classes with banners... we conduct classes in command groups. metal shafts are used for a specific purpose. during the parade, the banner group carries on wooden poles there are genuine battle banners, the cloth of which is much heavier.
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metal shafts compensate for the difference in weight. equal mixture. thank you for your service! listen! continuation of the story about the training of the parade crew of the famous dzerzhinsky division and exclusive footage of pre-parade preparation in the next issue of our program. are you taking anyone there? we are taking an old lady from therapy. how can a living person be confused with a corpse? they just wanted what was best, as always. the former op
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spent 20 years in a lethal op. and the former zek. me and klava goes as a couple, the orderly, me and klava, we work in the morgue. normal people don't work in morgues. followed, shot, strangled, and also poisoned, this is just blood feud, excuse me, what, what, have you turned a decent place here into an investigative department? yuri stoyanov, i was imprisoned four times, i won’t go there again, roman madyanov, this is the whole spirit, this is the fifth term, an emergency exit, a premiere. monday at 22:15 on ntv. via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. looks like an allergy. renewal. we trust renival. we
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honor, memory, present and future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own, join yours. review program says goodbye to you for a week, see you on the ntv channel.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the information service of the television company. ukrainian nationalists again attacked civilians. russian air defense shot down 21 projectiles from the czech rszzvampire and 16 drones over russian regions. most of them were destroyed over the belgorod region. according to the regional governor, eight people were injured, five were taken to hospital with injuries, three were treated by doctors on the spot. six cars, more than twenty private ones, were damaged houses and several high-rise apartments. residents of five remain without electricity.


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