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tv   Yedim doma  NTV  May 11, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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edges, on the other hand, this is my beloved native russia, which never ceases to give me new impressions and new meetings. frederico arnali, it’s me, let’s go, let’s go, can i take a photo with you, of course, thank you very much for your programs, i’m very pleased that you are traveling here today, smart girl, favorite faces, how nice.
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the kaliningrad region does not need to particularly look for interesting places to see, they will find you themselves, just like you, friends, today found time to meet with your italian friend federicu, ours you next meeting. as always , next saturday, when we are together again, let's go, let's go, ciao!
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i love shortcrust pastry, firstly, it’s wonderful because it can be made in advance and frozen a lot, and secondly, well, in my house they really love homemade cookies, i experiment in some pastry shops , i try cookies, in restaurants, i buy some brands, sometimes it helps out, for example, to make some kind of crust for a cheesecake or for some kind of base for some kind of creamy cake, but still there is nothing tastier than homemade cookies. i need a tablespoon of this dry lavender, it smells incredible, just wonderful, here i add a small amount of sugar to the lavender, only 50 g, and we will grind it, chop it to get such a uniform crumb, right in the bowl in which we in general, we will combine all the ingredients to make the dough, so we
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have what is called lavender sugar, and now flour, i need 150 g of flour, i add it to the sugar with lavender, and i will also add rice flour to this dough, i i need 20 g of this flour, i'm very i love. experiment with different tastes and textures, this flour, listen, in pancakes, and indeed in biscuits, or in this kind of shortbread dough behaves very interestingly, very well, i start, first we mix the flour, two types of flour, a little salt, a pinch, sugar and lavender. combined, now i have
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125 g of cold butter here. this is important for shortcrust pastry, yes cold, well , there are different recipes, sometimes the recipe insists that the butter be at room temperature, there are recipes when you even use melted butter butter, and there are recipes, like in our case, when the butter is cold, in my opinion, it all depends on what kind of result you need, but for cookies, cold butter is best, because then the cookies are straight... melting , if you need a cake, then warm butter will be good, because the cake will hold its shape better, it will crumble less, cookies are even great, when they crumble, i add diced cold butter, when we say cold, it’s from the refrigerator , not from the freezer, at all the freezer changes the structure of the butter, i avoid putting the butter in the freezer, beat it. look,
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those two structures, at first we just had this structure that resembled crumbs, bread crumbs, i mean something like that. you know, like breadcrumbs, now you can see how the dough comes together, you see how the butter and flour become one, you see how good it is, now it’s best to put the dough into a bowl and knead it with your hand, carefully, quickly bring it together, if suddenly, well doesn't want to you can gather the dough into a ball like this, like i’m doing now, yes, then you can add a little drop by drop, a teaspoon of ice water.
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you have the dough on hand, which means it is ready to be rolled out, i knead the dough for about three minutes, two sheets of baking paper, and place the dough between the sheets. roll it out with a rolling pin, how tired i am, what am i doing here, that’s it, rest, good,
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good, how do you feel, bad, why bad, bad, what am i... do you feel it too? makheev! don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. the west has drawn new red lines regarding the conditions under which nato will intervene in military operations in ukraine. russia's tactical response, the russian military will conduct exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. how will the new increase in stakes in the ukrainian crisis and the escalation of nuclear rhetoric end? save money all your life in 60 seconds, lose everything, a new method of taking money, which was invented by scammers, can leave any pensioner without savings. how it works and what to do to avoid it
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lose everything that you have acquired through backbreaking labor? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. viia superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. oh, it’s good in the old estate, i’ll move in with you, cut down a house, you have to chop according to science, take our meat grinders, for this sausage we chop the meat coarsely, chop it coarsely for meatiness, and for the meat grinder servilat we chop the meat finer so that the taste is more tender, fine chopped it up, let’s compare, it’s really different in appearance and taste, mince meat again in the old farmyard, i’m sure i’ll run over, the meat grinder old farmyard is delicious, it’s a meat grinder, well, credit card debts are hanging , interest is dripping, you need halva, you take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop
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or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with halva, selfish, that means i have it from him i already have heartburn, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, it’s easier with this, try to extinguish heartburn from food, it fights against heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, it’s active from the first minutes, it extinguishes and extinguishes the gout, things faded after washing, use weasel gel, it supports the strength of the fabric and restores light, things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with affection, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, and it does not need a reason, joy can... be found in every moment and see where you don’t expect. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. where's
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the cheese? cheese, cheese here. try chiba pizza from hot thing. even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken. design, how are you doing, take glycine renival, parcas, we trust renival, we choose renival, pro, or glue it yourself for any ideas , methylane wallpaper glue, quickly mix, simply apply, professionally hang, there are many wallpaper ideas, the glue is always methylane, this is dreamleon, this is a qr code, buy tickets, register and win a car, you will recognize its taste from a thousand, this is fagot ham, pilean from juicy pile,
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with the orderly they went crazy and danced around things , dangerous exit, komaisora,
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arigato, namoste, salaam alaikum, premiere from monday 22:15 on ntv . sber presents a loan with a 2% cashback, so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sberbank before june 10 and win money for repayment, more profitable with sberp prime, now a prepared baking tray with baking paper . remove the top layer, cut it out, look, i have two diameters, the shape is like this
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corrugated, a little bit, in fact, you can just take two different glasses, it will also be nice and appetizing, i cut out an equal number of large smaller circles, it smells like lavender. wonderful and so gentle, you know, and absolutely, i used to even think, well, like lavender, and in general in food, as it were, well, i like the aroma, well, i know that it calms, for example, so, wait, i’ll count, 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, perfect, look, and now i am absolutely convinced that lavender works very well. you know how delicious it is, i ate it, for example, butter inside with lavender, when
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it is a little salty, it’s just very interesting, very tasty, so here are our large circles, put them on the opposite side, the trimmings will naturally also be used later, for now just so you understand... ovens while the cookies are baking , the oven should be well heated, that is, before you start making dough, you already turn on
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the oven, and now you and i will make pasta, i love pasta at any time of the year, you know too, but now especially, you know, asparagus, just like that , it's just spring-spring, and i suggest making this green sauce, but i always use grasta. this manufacturer, it seems to me, conveys better than others the italian spirit of pasta, because, by the way , this pasta is made using ancient italian technologies in bronze. such matrices, that’s why it has such an uneven structure at the surface, thanks to which more sauce is absorbed, but in general, the flour from which this paste is made is durum wheat flour, not only tasty, but also healthy, digest it impossible, it always turns out aldento, well , you still need to keep your hand on the polish, don’t forget to generously salt the water in which we will cook our pasta,
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we put it in boiling water, this is fettuccine, but generally grandipe. the pasta is very diverse, there are parali, such butterflies, there are penna - such short pasta, spaghetti, togliolini, well, that is , a large, large selection, i like any, it just seems to me that fettuccine is best suited for such a green sauce, so, cook the pasta, read the instructions on the package, here for example 7 minutes, that means cook it for 5 minutes, be sure to remember to save the water in which the pasta was cooked, we will need it for... the sauce, i’m a little, you see, my water has boiled here too, i add a little salt to this water, blanched asparagus, until i’m cooking asparagus, i want the sauce to have as many spring flavors and vegetables in general as possible, by the way, asparagus can be replaced, for example, with frozen green peas, it will also be delicious,
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with zucchini, peas are very friendly, i cut zucchini with using a cleaner for... you can try to cut it like that with a knife, but i always somehow i do better, precisely if i use this kind of cutting device, now let’s talk about the sauce, the sauce we ’ll have today will be very interesting, frying pan, a small amount of olive oil, a tablespoon, heat up, garlic, a couple of cloves, thinly like this... i cut it, i don’t take out the anger, because the garlic is young, it has not yet had time to mature and get angry, so the garlic goes to the oil, i also need pepper, chili, i chop it, so
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the pepper goes to the garlic. we discard the asparagus and leave it there, here somehow i always get it faster, so let the asparagus cool down there by the lane. to the garlic i add these homemade croutons, just dried bread, i dried it in the oven today and crushed it like this so that it turns out like crumbs, you know, like homemade breadcrumbs, it works very well with pasta, our pasta is ready, we’ll have it now
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here's the asparagus here. we save a little of the water in which our pasta is cooked, so that if necessary, we have something to make the sauce juicier, more tender, discard the pasta on the colander, too, like asparagus, is what it is, we return it. a saucepan, so we have the pasta powder ready, you can clearly see how oily, beautiful these crumbs have become, put them aside, frying pan, more oil,
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a couple of tablespoons, and zucchini, hot frying pan, zucchini, chopped, i think, i need to take out the cookies, i’m running, look how beautiful it is, tra-la-la, tra-la-la, tra-la-la, divine, look how delicious it is, leave it aside, let the cookies cool, before serving, well, in general there must be cookies completely cooled down, you and i still have something to do, we have, oops, asparagus, zucchini on the stove for literally one or two minutes, so that they become a little more tender, they can remain a little crispy, and in the meantime... we will cut asparagus into these slices, the asparagus should be moderately cooked, you know , so that it does not spread, but at the same time so that
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it certainly does not crunch, because if it crunches, it is impossible to eat it, so it should be as al dente as like pasta, that is, al dente, but does not mean raw, actually like zucchini, we see a little zucchini on the stove like this... laughed, added asparagus here, stirred, and it’s time to combine all this in a single loving impulse with pitucine, add here a little... the water in which our pasta was cooked , look how good, you see, water makes it possible to make
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a thick sauce without a drop of additional oil or cream, and well, that’s great, if you leave the pasta in the pan, it will continue to cook, because the pan is hot, so either you put the pasta right away for serving, or even less you cook it so that it can reach. exactly here, you know, with all the other ingredients, i want to treat you to pasta right away, because i know that you and i love pasta very much, you need to eat it while it’s hot, here’s some garlic powder, look how beautiful it is , appetizing, added to our pasta, we’ll mix some of it in, so... luxurious, yes, you know what’s missing here, firstly, some kind of cheese, i think goat cheese is ideal, i found domestic
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producers of vodgea, awesome such aged goat cheese, very aromatic, just, you know, spicy, i just love goat cheeses, but this one is simply luxurious, and for this kind of pasta i like it better than even cow’s hard cheeses, croutons, with garlic hot pepper, well, a little on top some kind of herb, you know, and of course, we add basil quite often, but i want to tell you that it’s very cool to complement the spring taste, for example, mint, chopped finely, added a few leaves and a little bit of oil, right literally for shine in the eyes of ours and... our fettuccine, well , the pasta is on the table, the cookies are ready, but we will assemble dessert at the very, very end, but for now we will quickly make a salad, in general it’s not even that much
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of a salad, it’s a kind of appetizer, i would say , well , it’s like a light dish, how good it is to whet your appetite before pasta, for example, yes, that is , such an appetizer that maybe can be served cold and warm. a little oil, in my case olive oil, literally one tablespoon, these were frozen shrimp, i just defrosted them, a little salt here and a little black pepper for flavor, i have an already well-heated grill pan, i put the shrimp in the pan and fry them for a few minutes. the shrimp are fried quickly until cooked, while the shrimp are fried, we make the sauce for the salad, i
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will need a little, this is rice wine vinegar, this is nampla sauce, just a little bit, here is nampla sauce, it’s like, you know, oyster, it’s very strong, literally a teaspoon, a teaspoon of fine sugar, a little oil, vegetable, you can add a little sesame oil, also interesting, mix and a little water, two or three tablespoons, let the sauce combine, a tablespoon of soy sauce is combined, the sauce is ready. shrimp for a few more minutes, literally two or three, very appetizing, it is, of course, aromatic,
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my grill pan is very good. is heated up, so as soon as i turn the shrimp over, i turn it off so that they don’t overcook, because if you overcook the shrimp, they, like fish, become dry, so just like that, let them sit for 2 minutes i leave it while i’m still working on the ingredients for the salad, in this case i have papaya, this is papaya - you know, it’s not very ripe, that is, it’s dense, so i... free it from seeds, peeled a piece of papaya, we have shrimp are almost ready, we send them along with the sauce that is left here, season them with the dressing that we created, put them in
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to marinate. i cut the popaya into these thin, thin strips, our popaya is ready, the cucumber, i peel it a little, with the same stripes, it’s something thai, vietnamese, yes, it’s like that, you know, i don’t pretend to be authentic, but in principle it’s a kind of vietnamese salad, in general it’s often prepared in thailand, only they use this kind of green papaya, that’s all papaya -well, well, not as green as they add to salads, but well, similar, because it’s not overripe, it’s like that, that is , you can’t just eat a piece of this papaya, just so thinly sliced, and even in combination with the freshness of the cucumber, with the sweetness of the shrimp, it’s really very good, what if the bank will provide only banking services without
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vouchers. delivery of food, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like this, ural sip bank, nothing more, on ntv, the most unexpected premiere of this spring, kiya, superstar, bands that at one time gathered huge stadiums will fight on stage ,
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premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv vladimir sterzhakov secret to a million today at 21:20 on ntv. pizza! where's the cheese? cheese, cheese is here! try chiba pizza from hot thing! even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken. megacheese! chebupizza from hot stuff in a new design! detrolex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. vetrolex has been tested by experts. the choice of millions. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in everyone.
9:50 am
no lie, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, maybe by pump, appetite anywhere, only dad will cut it, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, dad can have sausages, well, debts
9:51 am
are there interest rates on credit cards? you need a credit card, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to a credit card, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with a credit card, panic, we’ll do without panic, there’s belaina’s internet, let’s go to better motels, with smart beeline network you have connections in a variety of situations, again i ’m sparing everyone, with the internet on your side, you’re selfish, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, it’s easier with this,
9:52 am
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that's not all. everyone who ordered a set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. results of the week. tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. kaly about your grandfather, it’s a pity, it’s a good day, but you’re still at the moscow opera, the boss didn’t get drunk, it’s still the same, but what’s going on in the village, that everyone has become so timid, he wanted to find those responsible for the death your grandfather, such people are tied up in this topic, neither i nor you can jump, yours, by the way, are from moscow, but the main witness in this case turned out to be dolphin, dolphin found him, then he brought me. my grandfather drowned here, coincidence or not, no i know what he’s doing, the witness is questioning, the captain of the ship rescued the dolphin, then i was drowning, since then he understands the language, one of your guys in your department is leaking
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information, sergei zharkov, stand, hold your hands so that i can see , dolphin from monday at 20:00 on ntv. so, well, papaya cucumber, now as for greens , cilantro is very often found in asian dishes , i cut it into large pieces like this, even with leaves like that, and mint, mint or basil, in general you can do both, that’s also good. and mint and basil, that’s also quite large, well our shrimps have already cooled down, they are well seasoned, now we send here
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papaya with cucumber, herbs, pepper, chili, in such thin... rings, why i also add such large rings, so that if someone it’s very spicy, you can move the ring to the side, the spiciness won’t be so ominous, so, now we mix everything, well, look how beautiful it is, this kind of food is especially appropriate now when summer is approaching, because it’s an ups. absolutely dietary healthy thing, i lay it out so that everything can be seen, ah , it’s beautiful, such exoticism is very simple in principle, of course, the most important thing is to have , and you know, these are the sauces, there is fish
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sauce for ampla, soy sauce, they are perfectly stored, even if you steam use it once a month, nothing will happen to it, but what a variety of tastes and in general what a different mood, really, we’re making dessert. the cookies must be completely cool, in general the british call such cookies shortcakes, and they serve them as shortbread cookies, that’s just it... so may, june story with whipped cream, with berries, with strawberries, with raspberries, with strawberries - this is the most common combination, it seems to me, we take strawberries, i’ll leave some straight with tails to decorate, the rest of the berries are for beauty , we’ll get rid of the tails of the rest of the berries, i’ll also cut
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them into quarters like this, if the strawberries are not so large, you can even just cut them in half, so we’ll sprinkle the strawberries a little with sugar so that it’s even better with powder, so that it’s a little bit, so it becomes softer and sweeter , if you want, you can add vanilla, i don’t add vanilla, if i had... the cookies were classic without lavender, i would probably add vanilla either to the cream or to the strawberries, but since i have a very bright, delicate lavender aroma, vanilla is completely optional here, whip the cream, i don’t add powder to the cream, because there is a little powder in the strawberries, but the strawberries themselves are sweet, but so are the cookies, after all , there is a small amount of sugar, but it is present, so i i think it's great let's do without the powder in the cream, now here
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's our base - these are large cookies, that is, the ones that are larger in diameter, i put them here, put a spoonful of cream, a little strawberries, these are what we get. cake, mini, cake, mini cakes, like that, a cap on top, like that, like that, a little more cream, like that... now that strawberry with a tail
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that we left for decoration. well, look how elegant, simple, very spring-like it is. well, bon appetit, everyone to the table.
10:00 am
hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. ukrainian nationalists again attacked civilians. russian air defense shot down 21 shells from the czech vampire mlrs and 16 drones over russian regions. most of them were destroyed over the belgorod region. according to the regional governor, eight people were injured, five were taken to hospital with injuries, three were treated by doctors on the spot. six cars, more than twenty private houses and several high-rise apartments were damaged. residents of five villages remain without electricity. authorities reported that restoration work will begin after agreement with.


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