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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  May 11, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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from among the ukrainians who came here to this territory with the goal of actually controlling the german rear, they worked here according to their old habit, that is, they worked with full dedication, with a large number of victims, with very , very difficult consequences, which, well, in principle, after the war they tried just forget, here the imam came across a nephew, well, in general, a little sister’s double, well, a nephew or who he is, i don’t know who he will be, he’s probably double, and he has...
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or what the power is, to create all the conditions so that there were no underground fighters or partisans in the rear. the work was carried out systematically, everything that was done was actually obsessed with blood, not just with human fear, with blood. here is another unique document that was declassified quite recently, this is a report from the head of the counterintelligence department smersh of the first guards army of the guard, colonel mitrofanov, on august 3 , 1943, addressed to the head of the counterintelligence department smerzh western.
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lieutenant general zelenin. officer mitrofanov reports on the atrocities of the bandera punitive detachment of the ukrainian company on the territory of the znamensky district oryol region. we quote: old people were shot because they were old people, children because they were children, women were shot when they were pregnant and unable to work. and further. the old women were accused of preparing crackers for the partisans; the old women knew, but did not betray the partisans. children are guilty of being children. people's hands were tied, they led them to a pit and they shot them. according to the testimony of witnesses interviewed by colonel mitrofanov, the surviving old men and women, the leader of the banderaites, nicknamed getman, warned: “if you don’t work, then you will be parasites.” will suffer the same fate."
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there was a business from scratch, it became as dreamed, every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit, based on real developments. hello, good afternoon, this is its own game. we continue our anniversary games. we are in the second round, and today we have the third game of the second round. the 18 best players advanced to the second round, and in the second round each of these players will play two games. today , konstantin
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shlykov, a specialist in international relations, is playing with us at the second gaming table . , dmitry sakharov, historian from tutaev. and finally, at the third gaming table, yuri khashimov, lawyer, moscow. well, dmitry, yuri konstantin. attention to our main monitor, where we traditionally see at the beginning of the game. topics of our today's competition, the most wonderful topics for you, dear players, for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round, first round, topics, philosophers, things of pushkin, monuments and statues, three letters: accounting, fish, please
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, dmitry , start, and the fish are over 400, this is a river fish for the chinese, special. promises financial success, wisdom and longevity, so they prefer it to any other. karp, that's right, konstantin. monuments and statues for 500. in the german town of halntar amsee, there is a statue of this roman commander, defeated by the germans in the battle in the teftaburg forest, publivar. bravo. iceland, that's right, fish for 200. one day,
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while accepting this cargo delivered along the nile, an official from the cairo tax department labeled it as dried fish. and a mummy, that’s right, 100 philosophers, the name of this philosopher is the baltic federal university, immanuela kant, it’s true, and pushkin’s things are 100. in the knob of one of the poet’s passions there is a button with the monogram of peter i, which once belonged to this ancestor of pushkin. abram petrovich hannibal. you're right? philosophers 200. american philosopher david lewis himself wrote a critical review of his article, signing bruss le cacutt. who is this bruss? or perhaps some
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enemy of his, an enemy, and he wrote a mediocre article. no, yuri, that's incorrect. this is david lewis's code. let's continue playing. monuments and statues groan. in 1808 antonio canova carved this the emperor in the guise of mars the peacemaker. the weather can napoleon. right. pisces over 500.
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well, is there a flying fish constellation? no, let's guess something, maybe it's just a sunfish. accounting 100. in russia it is traditionally celebrated on november 21. on the day boris yeltsin signed the law on accounting. but it's an accountant's day. that's right, konstantin. only three letters for 500. according to family legend, gabriel derzhavyan, in the first year of his life, saw a comet in the sky and uttered his first word in his life, exactly this. let's assume god. i am the king, i am rafa, i am the devil, i am
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god. yes. only three letters for 400. auction. your bid. we play our theater reviews in the magazine saterikon arkady overchenko signed with this short greeting. ab. absolutely right, both the latin greeting and the first three letters of the surname. just three letters for 300. behind these three english letters, known to any business leader , are key performance indicators. kpi, that’s right, monuments and statues for 400, hot bag, 2,200 for you, 800 for dmitry, 600 for yuri, whoever you give it to, it turns out that yuri, yuri, the theme of the conductor, 100 or 500, 500, in
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the archives of the mariinsky theater preserved the 1978 programs for the debut performances of this conductor. the opera war and peace and the ballet romeo and juliet. gergiev? yes, that's absolutely right. so accounting 500 you get a question from uralsip bank, we play it only with you, if you answer correctly, the amount will double, if you answer incorrectly, you will not lose anything. ural cip offers you a question related to the topic of finance, and also presents a profit card with a high percentage on the balance, cashback up to 3% on purchases, order a profit card online for you her.
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in a painting from 1775, amateur artist alexandre duplicy depicted him entering the sleep of the gods while still alive. he died 3 years later at the age of 84. this russian philosopher of the 20th century, the name and namesake of the winner of the 2023 season of his game. ivan ilgin.
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right. pushkin's things 500. auction. 2400 you have yuri. 1300 from dmitry. 2600 for konstantin. bid. all in. all in. konstantin. noe depicted this president on a throne modeled after the statue of olympian zeus, although the person
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depicted himself refused to become a monarch. george washington. right. pushkin's things 400. during the trip to arzrum, the commander of the army, count paskevich, did not allow the poet into battle. but this is precisely the captured weapon. gave as a souvenir, let's try to guess something: a saber, a turkish saber, that's right, there are 200 statues of monuments, in this capital the two previous leaders have huge monuments, pyongyang, that's right, only three letters for 200, in 1909 the ocean liner slovonia for the first time did in history... this is exactly what sent the sos signal, you are right, there are only three letters 100, this number can be
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write it in three arabic numerals, or you can write it in three russian letters, yuri 100, that’s right, accounting 400, you get the code between them, you’ll have to give the question, 2,800 for you, 2,100 for dmitry. 5200 from konstantin, to dmitry, dmitry, the theme of all the works is good, the rate is 500. attention to the screen, in the painting of the 19th century greek painter polychronis lembesis, a boy plays the pipe in his free minute. you can guess the boy's profession if you guess who we have hidden from you. what kind of profession is this?
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it is to this gift of elizaveta varantsova that the poet addressed in the poem "keep me safe, my talisman." portrait? no. ring, signet ring, accounting 300. nikolai ge managed to study at the faculty of mathematics and especially for this association he came up with an advanced accounting reporting system,
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the wanderers association, that’s right dmitry. the british accountant of the late 19th century, moza scottsworth, proposed increasing their number to 13, and making the duration the same. quite right, they made it difficult, for example, to compare profitability; he suggested making 13 months of 4 weeks per everyone. this was the last question of the first round, and i’m summing up: 2600 accounts for dmitry, 3200 for yuri, 5.200 for... what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, but how they dare, like this, ural sip bank, nothing extra, don’t miss it,
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central television, the first information show, the west has drawn new red lines, on what conditions nato will intervene in military operations in ukraine. russia's tactical response. the russian military will conduct exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. how will the new increase in stakes in the ukrainian crisis end and the escalation of nuclear rhetoric? save money all your life in 60 seconds, lose everything, a new way of taking money that scammers invented can leave you without...
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discover your style with oha, beautiful, comfortable, fashionable, new collections at competitive prices, with discounts on wildberries , can suck, anywhere appetite, useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, well, what are the credit card debts hanging on? the new generation removes toxins, preserving
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interest is accruing, you need halva, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide it by... you can! our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age
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, changes occur in the brain. as brain cells age, they are damaged by the environment and stress. scientist. from kyoto university we found out that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration, all of which belong to the class of phospholipids, of which there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800, 100 exactly, 19. 85 800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, learning, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates work. each of our organ, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese
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braintherapy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed, it will again serve you faithfully . prolong the youth of your brain. 8800. exactly 1985 8.800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brainterapy viia superstar premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, this is a corpse from the emergency room, do you think this is murder, this is a plot twist, and who is this? and these are our orderlies, well, the morgue orderlies, why are the orderlies talking to the corpse, they are talking to each other, why is it with him? the legs are shaking these hands, they have surrounded us, we will make our way through the central one, open the police, well done, he is becoming a real investigator, an emergency
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exit, what is there, something has taken someone as a pawn, premiere from monday 22:15 on ntv. this is our own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the second round, here are the topics for the second round. artists, questions from, maps, relatives in our cinema, football opera. dmitry, start. football for 800. he recently publicly apologized for the hairstyle he did for the 2002 world cup, because after him , many boys wanted the same thing, to the horror of their mothers. ronaldo. absolutely right. football 600.
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the forward of this team is alcide sgija. claimed that only three people were silenced with a crowded moroccan. frank sinatro, john paul ii and me. then the uruguay team, quite rightly, scored the decisive goal in the 1950 world cup match, football for 400. last year, the english magazine forfortu recognized this italian as the best goalkeeper of the 21st century. that's right, football for a thousand, the first.
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england, spain, that's right, football over 200, the word football in finnish sounds kakapallo, the word jalka is translated. there is neither a coordinate grid nor geodetic references, figure it out for yourself, orienteering, that’s right, 600 maps, in the collection
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of uranametry star charts, released by astronomer johann bayer in 1603, the stars were first designated in this way: greek letters, that’s right, constantine, in greek letters depending on brightness. let's see who the questions are from today. let's. hello, my name is anastasia chernobrovina, i am an adviser to the president of the russian geographical society. let's pay attention to the city of irkutsk today. questions from the russian geographical society for a thousand. this. the reformer was appointed governor-general of irkutsk in 1819, spent 2 years here and exposed about 700 officials as embezzlers. spiransky.
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that's right, questions from the russian geographical society for 800. the irkutsk znamensky monastery is one of the oldest in siberia, it was founded at the confluence of the ushakovka river with this river. konstantin, what about angara? you're right. question from the russian geographical society over 600. for the first time this type of transport. came to irkutsk in 1898. the ceremonial meeting was captured in photographs from that time. tram? no. railway. you're right? questions from the russian geographical society over 400. due to the remoteness of irkutsk from the seas, the climate in the city is of this type, with significant fluctuations in air temperature. and
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sharply continental, right, questions from the russian geographical society for 200. these natural phenomena of low intensity are recorded in the city more than 300 times a year. yuri, earthquake. right. there are a thousand operas. the opera billy bath about the simple-minded sailor of the ship undaunted, a british composer. benjamin britton created, on the basis of an unfinished story, this american, a great expert on maritime customs, jack london, no, then hermann melville, absolutely right, and the opera 800, my god, why, oh why
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notice? sources include tchaikovsky's opera, julia barbier's drama, jeanne darc, henri vallon's biography of joan of arc, and friedrich schiller's famous play. irish affairs. that's right, dmitry. artists 400. your old age will be taken care of.
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on the map of martin waldseller, compiled in 1507. this part of the world is shown separately from others for the first time. this is america. you're right? artists for a thousand. the artist miguel doura founded a gallery of his works at an altitude of 4300 m in the base camp of place demoulas, on the slope of this mountain. yuri, maybe aconcagua? that's right, the highest mountain art gallery in the world is an artist from argentina. yuri. relatives in our cinema 800. in 1953, in the film admiral ushakov, prince potemkin was played by his grandfather. in
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2019, in the film the bronze horseman of russia, the grandson of the livanovs' grandfather's grandson's name is yuri boris, which is absolutely correct, and the film the bronze horseman of russia was directed by our sherlock holmes vasily livanov, the son of boris livanov, the father of boris livanov, artists 800. you get the code between: 6 :200 for you, 7200 for konstantin, 10:400 for dmitry, the question will have to be given to whom? konstantin, konstantin, theme paris, rate, let there be a thousand. attention to the screen. what the photographer, after patiently waiting, was able to capture in the center of the opening of the triumphal arch. let's look at the moon, shall we? that's right, artists over 600. at
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the beginning of the last century, he worked on sketches for frescoes of the naval cathedral in kronshtat. before you is the mother of god, yuri, looks like petrov votkin. relatives in our cinema are 600. in this musical comedy by ildar ryazanov, the trio of shmilev sisters sings, and the duo of gusakov brothers tap dances. carnival night. exactly. opera 600.
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maria khmelik wrote the script for several famous films, including little faith, and maria's father alexander was one of the creators of this film magazine. yarolash, that's right, yuri. opera 400. in the usa, this opera was first staged in 1937 under the title prince bumblebee. but this is a tale about tsar saltania. that's right, konstantin. ah, an opera for 200. the first opera in
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this language, arshak the second, was created in 1868 by composer tigran chukhadzhan. in armenian. right. twins tanya and olya yukin played radnya in your movie for 200 the main roles in this film, with olya playing her mother-in-law. kingdom of covered mirrors. you are right, this was the last question of the second round, i am summing it up. 800 for konstantin, 800 for yuri, 11:400 for dmitry. the third round is ahead.
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pebble in the chest, hands, anime music, rocking belarusian legends, you are stars, you are legends, vio superstar, this will be a hot battle, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on n. tv. emergency exit. premiere. from monday at 22:15 on ntv. almagel a fights heartburn and stomach pain, wrap it carefully walls. almagel a knows its stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with
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monday at 22:15 on ntv. this is its own game. we are in the studio playing the third round. here are his topics. monarchs. who's wearing what? swans in art. well did you say? belymbilo and eureka. i ask you, yuri, choose: monarchs 1500. this emperor of mexico issued decrees concerning the indigenous population not only in spanish, but in the nahuatel language, for the first time in the history of the country. maximilian. maximilian, absolutely right. monarchy 600. many dresses of this queen, oliver cromwell seized power.
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in the armitage you can see a statue of this queen of egypt quite in the egyptian style, although she was greek. cleopatra, that's right. last year, independent environmentalists bought it out.
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800 for yuri, 8900 for you, konstantin, 14700 for dmitry, what do you think? 8 100 8 100? dmitry, i think i’ll join, maybe i’ll regret it, but we’ll play with konstantin. wayne gretzky once said, good players are where the puck is, great players are where, where, where the puck will be, where, where it will go,
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right, so, so, so, well, it was said 1200, to whom yuri yuri topic woodpeckers rate 1.500 here is one woodpecker, here is the second, here is the third, here is the fourth, in front of you are four species of woodpeckers, find among them the yellow one, well, the vein is a black figure , respectively the second, bravo. who is wearing what 1500? trutsky wrote that this bolshevik wore leather from head to toe, and it was from him that the commissars picked up the fashion. yakov sverdlov. you're right? oh, well, you said 900.
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director woody allen said that only a hypocrite would write a treatise on this and then pray. so that the book sells, well, probably about selflessness, generosity, no, a treatise on atheism, and then pray, eureka 1500, this radiation was discovered after physicists arno penzias and robert wilson became interested in the strange hissing that their laboratory antenna was making. radiation bravo, swans in art 1500, flying swans on the grave of this composer and singer are reminiscent of his song swan fidelity, and evgeny martynov, true, white white 1500 in
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one part of the atmosphere of an unusual white dwarf is dominated by hydrogen, in the other helium, californian astrophysicists gave the star . after his deposition, he lived in polish captivity; in 1612 he died in gostynin castle. vasily shuisky, are you right? white 1200. it has a white color and. zamielin, which surrounds nerve fibers and acts as an electrical insulator, and the white matter in the brain, in the spinal cord too, who is wearing what 1,200, in the rural areas of bragança district, on the eve of maslenitsa men put on
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masks, dress up in colorful costumes and organize cheerful processions, unesco recognized the tradition intangible... heritage of this country. yuri. portugal. exactly. and the swans in art 1200. many critics have drawn parallels between black swan and wrestler, the director's previous film. both tell the story of a man who was fanatically dedicated to his work. oranovsky. daren oranowski. yes. eureka 1200 work by katalin kariko and drew weissman helped develop covid-19 vaccines based on this molecule. scientists deservedly received the nobel prize in 2023 in physiology
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or medicine. based on an rna molecule. who is wearing what 900? where he came for treatment of polio, he liked it so much that he built a mansion here, nicknamed the little white house, and
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roosevelt, franklin delana, of course, it’s true, not theodore evrika for 900, but what is it, the auction is 15,800 from yuri, 16,500 from dmitry. 21 you have, konstantin, what do you say? 16500. silence in the hall, here’s a question: this english manufacturer came up with the idea of ​​scooping paper pulp with a thin wire mesh that does not leave streaks on the paper. nina, almost all the paper in the world is made in this way. well, let it be parker, it's james whatman, whatman, whatman, whatman or
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watman, konstantin, choose, swans in art 600, hotmishka, alas, the question must be given to whom yuri, yuri, the theme of the coat of arms, 300 or one and a half, one and a half, attention to the screen, on the coat of arms of soviet armenia, along with mount orarat, was depicted. and this is a gift of nature, inextricably linked with ararat in the memory of those who were taken to a speech therapist in childhood. i never learned to say correctly that large or sweet grapes grow on mount ororad. grapes, that's right. yuri. who is wearing what 600? the red princess dress in this cartoon is exactly like a wedding dress. wives yuri entin, bought for 40 rubles. the bremen town musicians. right. who is dressed in what for 300?
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the sailor's monument in szczezen, poland , is traditionally dressed in this santa claus costume in early december. right. swans in art over 300. work on an atomic painting. soviet actor and teacher yuri katin yartsev once said to one of his students: art is like a bicycle, you have to turn the pedals,
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otherwise you will quickly finish the thought and fall, right, but you said over 300. pablo picasso believed that it exists, but comes only to those who work. luck! no, muse, that's right, among other things, in 1901 he received an american patent for a rechargeable nickel -zinc battery that was not fire hazardous and did not heat up when charging, but mendeleev did not. edison, right, uh, 600. during excavations in
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iraqi nemrud, this writer helped her husband and came up with the idea of ​​cleaning the found ivory products with face cream diluted with water. agatha christian. right. this was the last question of the third round. let me sum it up. 4:400 at konstantin. 17.900 for yuri, 19.200 for dmitry. the final round is ahead. everything was done by himself, the deputy began to handle it. every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments. the jokes are over. foreign agent or foreign agent? i like the foreign agent the most. “hello, girls and boys, as well as those who observe gender neutrality,
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if you knew how delicious it is, you wouldn't be so busy. star combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. i love it, it's delicious. via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. you all know those terrible orange-brown stains on metal objects. rust. it is impossible to get rid of rust by mechanical means. she will appear again very soon. enough. miracle emulsion. anticorrosive 5. here. will save your energy, time will save your wallet. it will not only remove rust, but also prevent new ones from appearing, prime the surface and extend the life of your things. treat your water pipe and you won't flood your neighbors. and the rusty battery will turn into a new interior detail. your car will serve you for many years. miracle emulsion.
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anticorrosive five in one costs 999 rubles. but if. call us, we will triple the offer, three products for only 999 rubles. call or order on our website leamax - purchases with a plus. central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. final. you can conduct business by pressing a button not only in your game. the general sponsor of the ecosystem for business program , kontur, helps take business processes online to a new level. the outline is based on real developments. topics for the final round. science-art, eureka about children, hard work, people and animals, buying and selling activities. i ask you, konstantin, remove any of the topics. yuri.
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classes dmitry, buying and selling, konstantin, about children, yuri, science and art, hard work. the theme people and animals has been chosen, dear players, please place your bets, the bets are done, the theme is people and animals, here’s the question: she doesn’t look like a squirrel at all, but what she doesn’t eat, she also hides it in reserve, drags it away... covers it with leaves away brushwood or snow. the california indians noticed the habit of taking booty from its warehouse. there was enough for dinner for the entire village.
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name it. time! time is up. konstantin's answer. puma. this is the correct answer. she. hides a half-eaten carcass, can drag a weight 5-7 times more than his own, bravo, bet, 4.400, thank you, yuri's answer, that's right, puma, bet, 9,000 exactly,
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yuri's 26,900, dmitry's answer, puma, bet. 17:20 dmitry sakharov, a historian from tutaev, wins our game today. well, konstantin, dmitry, yuri, thank you so much for the game, i remind you that at our second stage, each player must play two games with different opponents. dmitry, once again please accept congratulations on your victory, dear friends. thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
4:00 pm
the president approved the structure of the new government. 10 years of the donetsk people's republic maxim berezin met with former militias, and now servicemen of the russian army, who have been defending the dpr from the very beginning. the un general assembly recommended that the security council consider palestine's membership in the organization, washington is against it. kazan is once again turning into the capital of world sports, as 5,500 guests will be welcomed in the capital of tatarstan. kirill kiknadze learned the details of the organization of the brix games.


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