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tv   ChP  NTV  May 11, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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in the baltic region, it comes from the west, that is, from the warmer side, the previous one was northern, but instant warming will not happen, in most areas the temperature will be below normal for at least another week, in the volga region, where a new cyclone has swirled, precipitation will increase in samara only +11 , in nizhny novgorod +8. in the central region , the precipitation is ending, but the north wind does not subside, so snowflakes may fly again, frosts in places at night, a maximum of +10° during the day, however, in southern lipetsk and... there is little rain in the region, it is traditional gather in the caucasus. but ending on an optimistic note, tomorrow it will sound in the north-west, in kaliningrad +15, in pskov - 13, on monday another three degrees more, and from there the warmth will gradually penetrate into other areas. in st. petersburg this coming year... in the daytime 10:12 no precipitation, in moscow at night
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+2, light rain, sleet is possible, and in the daytime there is no precipitation, but only +7-9, then there will be fewer and fewer clouds, the probability of night frosts will increase , but the sunny days will become warmer, by thursday it will already reach +18. tatyana lazareva has long ago turned from a comedian into a clown, her little eyes are barefoot and she never ceases to amaze the audience with her bloodthirstiness, having completely lost her sense of proportion. literally every day we now encounter drone attacks on russian cities, and you know, it’s terrible, but i’m happy. the jokes are not funny jokes, as... a foreign agent with
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experience is supposed to be completely anti-russian, a foreign agent or a foreign agent or a foreign agent, you know, i like the foreign agent the most, she looks a little like a princess, laugh at something else, in addition to her homeland, the foreign agent has completely forgotten, now she is developing other talents, for example, selling unnecessary things from her star friends, fugitives, lazarev sends all the proceeds directly to ukraine, i got it: 10,380 euros, this is an awesome amount. in the anti-russian field , tatyana has achieved considerable success. it is not surprising that the efforts of the clown were noticed in the camp of fugitive liberals, who invited her to their next gathering. now i’m already in berlin, i came to a rally or congress, i don’t know what it’s called, foreign agents. the russophobic gathering made an indelible impression on lazareva, so much so that the comedian even announced that she plans to run for office. to
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the moscow city duma, in his wet dreams he already sees himself in the deputy chair. i want , together with my colleagues who are more active than me, to run for the moscow city duma this fall. the runaway asshole has been everything in recent years, she is a reaper, a nadude and a walnut, and recently she has also been a guide, mainly to the vineyards of spain, although she is a well-known amateur strong drinks did not surprise anyone. burgundy and chaply, where we will try quiet wines and loud wines with bubbles, there are only two places left. in a word, lazareva rushes from side to side, but cannot understand that no one needs her in a foreign land, but there is no turning back, so the artist continues to curse the country in which she grew up and became successful. people like lazorev are not just trying to earn some points from their american, european or ukrainian counterparts.
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curators, they just realized that their career, in fact, in russia today it has been reduced to zero, they are, in fact, forgotten, stacked deep, like mothball dolls in a box. despite all the efforts of tatyana lazareva to annoy her homeland as much as possible, despite all her barbed jokes about the russian government, the army and the people, life in a foreign land did not sparkle with bright colors for her. by and large, this is all just a game for the audience. however, it is possible that soon there will be comedians. it’s not a laughing matter at all, because her unflattering epithets about russia are already being checked by the competent authorities for justification of terrorism. cynical ridicule of homeland power, they write, which means the homeland is the homeland, i don’t really understand these things, excuse me, nasty jokes on the russian army, the russian army left the chernobyl nuclear power plant by stealing spoons.
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you can continue to mock your former fellow countrymen, and it’s really very convenient and comfortable. tv, drank a bottle of beer, beat or fell in love with your wife, it's awesome. anti-russian attacks, as well as outright lies and stupidity from tatyana lazareva’s social networks flow in an endless stream. we know that lazareva has property in spain, and accordingly, she is trying in every possible way to please the authorities in order not to decide on this property, and lazareva certainly does not want to lose her will to stay. not destiny. for several years, woman's show has been diligently proving its relevance to the liberal public who have settled abroad, and now it has finally come to fruition. clawnessy and naagentesi found a worthy place, the role of host of a comedy show. hello, boys and girls, future defenders of the homeland and
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mothers of many children without education. and also everyone who wants to stop us from living. already for adults, no good humor, instructive stories, only flat russophobic jokes. hello, girls and boys, as well as those who observe gender neutrality. the concept of the program is that lazareva conducts conversations with the doll klikusha and kuarkusha, a pillow on which a qr code is drawn for accepting donations from viewers. we will share. spectators into two teams: one team will support us financially, the second will write denunciations against us, the services of the former are linked in the description, the services of the latter are government services, and what does this have to do with the internet portal public services are incomprehensible, another delusion of the sick
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imagination of a once popular comedian, however, according to lazareva, it is not she who is sick at all, but the citizens of russia, whom the fugitive snarker is going to cure and even announces: her return to her homeland, and i also really hope that we we will definitely see you, boys and girls, in person, and not because you will all move from russia abroad, no, we will see you at home, in our recovered, beautiful country. by the way, this is not the first time that lazarevo calls fellow countrymen are sick, not so long ago she even planned to treat russians with an army of psychotherapists, so there is my responsibility, among other things. so that, i don’t know , who we will hire, an army of psychotherapists, whether it is possible to cure lazareva herself, is a difficult question, given the fact that she intends to carry anti-russian nonsense every week in her new show. aunt, tanya, here our viewers ask, when will you
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shut up and stop throwing mud at your homeland, you damned traitors? and we, klikusha, will shut up right now for a whole week. apparently. in order to give this circus with horses at least some shade of seriousness and importance, he was visited by apparently the ideological mastermind, the fugitive oligarch and foreign agent mikhail khodorkovsky, who again started a heavy record about bad russia. hello guys, the news for today is that a ring correctional colony for political prisoners will be built around moscow. one can only hope that tatyana is forced to participate in this show in order to earn a piece of bread, an artist. and she herself knows very well that in spain, where she lives, and in europe in general, no one needs her or her second-rate jokes, if they told me, you will lose everything, you will lose your profession, you will lose money, damn it, you, in short, will end up as an agent useless to anyone abroad, then
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of course i would say, oh well, screw him, i wasn’t ready to lose it all, but i lost lazarev, betraying my homeland a lot, in russia the famous miss kvn was respected. and loved, she was the host not of disgusting youtube projects, but of top-rated humorous ones programs on federal channels, she was invited to various events, lucrative advertising contracts were concluded with her, but all this is in the past, now tatyana is a useless buffoon, and in this role she jumps from one unwanted program to another. lazareva played this clownery act already on ukrainian tv. the first people on earth are adam and eve ivanov. naturally they were russians, this proves that they lived very poorly, naked and they had one apple between them. however, those who have known the fluent comedian for a long time were not surprised by her appearance in the ukrainian show, where they even made a whole section for her,
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because lazareva is always where they pay, preferably in hard currency, i offered my services as a modest actor for my friends. not everyone likes it, but it's funny to me. the ukrainian presenter’s angular humor was immediately criticized by russian internet users, and lazareva was shamed by her former colleagues. by the way, this word cannot be used in this context, this is not creativity, creativity. for money, everything is clear. even if she wouldn’t think so, and she most likely thinks so, but even if she didn't think. i would still go there to do it, she needs to earn money in some way, where she will earn money, but here she made good money, but who
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needs it there, excuse the expression. vasily antonov wrote jokes for several years for lazareva and her ex-husband, mikhail shatz, now also an agent. she says that the artist has suffered from star fever before, but what she is doing now has long crossed all acceptable boundaries, well, i wouldn’t call her a complete goat, of course, it would be quite narrow, well, the fact that she’s there now creates.
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now tatyana has other friends and patrons who have taken her under their wing, the same khodorkovsky comrades, fugitives like himself, invited lazareva to an important event by the standards of the relocants with the loud name of a congress for agents, came to a rally or congress, i don’t know what they call foreign agents. not everyone arrived, as far as i understand, but in general , we’ll see you tomorrow. lazreva flew to berlin in the company of olga romanova. it's amazing how the relocants united in a foreign land, how they say that a lack of communication works wonders, because in moscow these people would never have dreamed of meeting each other, but betrayal brought everyone together. it’s very good in berlin, i’m with my friend. this is your will, my friend. there wasn't much sticking around at the event itself.
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everyone has long been accustomed to the loud but empty words of the liberals who fled from russia, but what the comedian forgot in this company. i am really glad that all the people have gathered. but at the same time, i don’t understand at all what the goal should be, what we should achieve. lazarev
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in general, she has difficulty understanding anything, especially when it concerns her obligations. several times already, another agent has been fined for what she does not do on publications on social networks; markings are required. but the artist continues to maliciously evade her duties as an agent. in the future, a criminal case may be initiated against her for failure to fulfill the duties of a foreigner. the agent may threaten her with up to 2 years in prison, but even in this case lazareva will find an excuse for herself, the classic of the genre does not comply with the law she, and russia is to blame, at any moment you can, as we see, get a criminal case, so in general, that’s why i didn’t put this label either, because if they want some kind of criminal case, then no reasons are needed for this either, but i’ll probably pay the fine, shutkireva issues low-grade ones while sitting in her villa in marbella, spain, the artist does not have such official income, but she has a stable income, in addition to shameful shows, she often earns money from
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so-called dinners with meaning, these are themed parties, united russophobia, here is footage of one of them. entrance to the party is paid, but if lazareva used to collect a couple of thousand euros from all guests, now the price tag has dropped sharply, the cost of a ticket is only 70 euros. hello to everyone here in spain, if anyone. near marbeya, i invite you to this mega intellectual game, don’t be afraid, the questions are smarter than the host, the party at lazareva’s house is going through an enviable period. anything, for example, asking for money from her
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subscribers, supposedly for the salaries of employees who help her run social networks, i in general, they... some kind of microscopic money, but somehow it doesn’t come from me either, so if you support us, at least a little, i will be very grateful, i calmly accept money from strangers , another use that lazareva found for herself in europe, and it’s scary to be proud of it, the organization of charity auctions, in the end we collected, we are with you, friends, i am incredibly grateful. i have already sent 8.0, i have also sent 3.500 euros and i will now send another 3.00 euros. mostly unnecessary and useless things go under the hammer from brothers and but agents. i’ll quickly tell you a little about the lots that will be at the auction. this means that the first one is already classic - it’s embroidery, and it’s a russian warship.
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the artist convinces subscribers that everyone who buys one of the lots from her automatically goes over to the side of good. and becomes a good person, if you hold it in your hands, this, for example, beautiful postcard, then the signer on the same side with you believes that you are a good person, according to lazareva, she does not take a penny from the proceeds, sends everything to ukraine, i found a ukrainian charitable foundation that helps children, the alexander pekalov foundation, by the way, colleagues in... the laughter league, they help children, after all, this is more of my topic, i can’t, i also thought about it for a long time and consulted with friends, i can’t raise money for the war, no one argues, children are sacred, but lazareva, as usual, got involved with the wrong people, the alexander pekalov foundation financed by her helps anyone, but not children. pekalov, friend and
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ally of president zelensky, since 2014 known for being active. support of the ukrainian armed forces, and a year and a half ago he himself joined the ranks of the national guard and even received a state award, the order of merit of the third degree. in terms of justification of terrorism on the part of tatyana lazareva, it can be assumed that the prospect of initiating a criminal case against her for extremist purposes is quite high, so law enforcement agencies can open a criminal case against her, declare her...
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who go down how and where correctly to scold our country, our people, our army and you and me in general, that’s why she is attracted, because there are few people who are rabidly ready to openly carry heavy nonsense regarding our country, in general, it’s not surprising, because by her own admission lazareva, the concept of homeland is alien to her, i don’t have a country for which i would, which... i am as valuable as she is valuable to me, i was deprived of this country, well, let’s say, for many years there, in this sense, if you can say that, yes, if you don’t offend anyone, then in general, i i just envied this attitude of citizens and the country that
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israel demonstrated, that is, everyone returned, everyone defended, only just... it’s just about protecting your country and your people, again, this is amazing, yes , something that is not, absolutely not, in russia, apparently, tatyana has been living in a foreign land for too long, therefore she is absolutely unaware of what is happening now in russia and how its people live, instead of putting things in order in her head and life, lazareva decided to restore order in her homeland i’ve even figured out how i am a true patriot of my country, i want everyone in my country to live happily, long and be. great, i want, together with my colleagues who are more active than me, to run for the moscow city duma this fall, and i know that another 40. five people, 44 more, besides me, will do this so that in the moscow the city duma there were 45 people who really worry about the fate of their homeland, speaking about
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these forty-five begorites and lazareva, here it only causes pacification, apparently this of course, the idea is not theirs, because they have long lost contact with russia, this colunado is being arranged by their western curators in order to once again inflict it on russia. to sober up the traitors, the state duma has already prepared a bill that proposes to introduce a ban on the appointment of foreign agents to positions in government bodies, state and municipal
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services, as well as to deprive them of the opportunity to be members of election commissions. the most basic fear, if an agent managed to get into the current government, is still the most the first is the issue of espionage, that is, the collection and transmission of this or that confidential information. immediately after the advertisement, how lazareva passed off other people’s merits as her own and what fact of her biography she could not hide. you don't belong here. we are now homeless, homeless under the fence. the court ordered the residents of the irkutsk high-rise building, which was recognized as an unauthorized construction, to demolish it at their own expense. 350 million must be paid, the owners of each apartment must chip in 2 million in order to be left without it. i don’t have any other place to live, so i have... why are city officials not ready to compromise, where were you for 3 years, when people were quietly buying apartments, doing renovations,
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which means that today we have no basis for a recall, with things to go in the author’s project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, tomorrow at 16:20 on ntv . via superstar, premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. and oh-oh, zeevekspert paper towels remain durable even when wet, they can be wrung out, and even complex tasks are up to you. zeva, it’s good where there’s care. profitable again? not again, every day. advantageous on the price tag means low price. haley sandwich cookies 1699. pyaterochka helps out. ice delux is a city. pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a delight of tastes. try your favorite ice delux flavors and the new papa mango flavors only at delicious times. the cycle calendar is useless.
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tatyana lazareva, who scared you so much that you began to pass laws so that, god forbid, foreign agents would not go anywhere, well, i’m really proud. she's going out of her way, but it's unlikely to be possible now to spoil her homeland even more than she does, because most of all the fugitive artist dreams of a revolution in russia and the implantation of real democracy in it. i think that russia will be free, since 2011 lazareva is a constant participant in unauthorized rallies, the opposition quickly recognized their man in the tv presenter. bori nemtsov called me the day before and said this, although he
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never even knew me in my life...we were acquaintances, he says: you're going to bolotnoe tomorrow, i say, well, i'm going, of course, he says, but you don't want to speak , that’s how it happened, from that moment lazareva became a regular at the speeches of the leaders of the non-systemic opposition, brainwashed the youth, my children, if you came here, then it’s already on your shoulders a head, not a head of cabbage, and called on those gathered to break the law and not be afraid to go to unauthorized protests. this is the only opportunity for us now to make sure that we are already noticed and listened to, because there is no other way yet, i am sure that these rallies are just the beginning, but as time has shown, this was the beginning of the end for the artist herself, or rather for her career in russia, which she personally put an end to, in fact lazarev today has already moved from discrediting the army to calls for terrorism, because any shelling on our territory is still terrorist acts, so
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people like lazarev... must be punished in accordance with the law. already at a safe distance from russian justice, the former tv presenter continued to insult her homeland, confident in her impunity. the whole thing, society, screw it, we need to raze the whole thing, all of russia, to the ground and build a new russia. how is it possible to sit russia down from the ground, and then build a new one in this place, who will be interesting there? americans, what the at all?
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anglo-saxons, few people supported the transformation of lazareva from a patriot into a fighter for democratic values, some are sincerely sorry for the former miss kvn, but most of her former colleagues in the shop don’t even want to talk about her, they tell me, i say, what a fool, what a fool
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that’s where it all ends, well, they told me there that she was going to somehow become the head of all prisons in russia, this is funny, you could even get to the point of this, well, somehow... i don’t want to laugh anymore. in the final part of the program, how lazareva’s treacherous attacks are treated relatives who remained in russia and why the comedian did not like to visit her father’s house in novosibirsk. 1983 astrakhan. this investigation will turn into one of the most scandalous cases in the history of the ussr. a young employee of the district party committee was killed. someone drowned her, did it professionally, without a trace. why? the suspects could not be summoned for questioning, about eight men of different positions, from the district committee, from the city council, what role did the scarce sausage, krakow sausage, play in this case, more prestigious than the cured ones and more expensive,
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what the old watchwoman told the detectives about, in our history, the watchman's syndrome played into the hands of the investigation, the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky, today at 17:00 on ntv. emergency exit premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. i am something good, something better. am i useful? oh yeah. and you control me, regularly. ah, i'm new. vtb loyalty program. vtb. select the categories you want each month, such as clothing, groceries, sporting goods. and you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles. thank you. thank you, you can't put it in your pocket. but
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replenish it from any bank, by phone number, without commission, and if you need money from your savings account, you can withdraw it from any atm, also without commission, but why was that possible? open a deposit in tenki with an annual rate of 17% and easily top it up from any bank using your phone number, without commission. tinkov, he is like that one. try hiit combo 3 for 150 rubles. vrostix. just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you. with a discount of 300 rubles. for the first order. i'm something. good is the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you
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manage me, regularly, and i’m a new vtb loyalty program, choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, sports products, you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you , you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out. didn't give it to me. lazareva is not alone in her
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stupid thoughts, it’s not uncommon for her nonsense to become collective creativity. a striking example is the conversation between the unfunny comedian and retired singer laima vaikule, who discuss why the russians have become so bad and evil? vaikuli believes that russians have bad genetics, and lazareva agrees with her. if there was a ruckus for 70 years, if the best of the best were slaughtered for 100 years. that’s when what happened was what happened, well, yes, it’s like you know, it takes dogs out of a litter of dogs, so angry, aggressive, here it’s the other way around, yes, horror, you can’t say anything in order to be closer to western sponsors, now lazareva is ready for anything, because she is well aware that she can forget about her career as an artist forever, i have to go on the hardest, that’s what he knows how to do, is to give in, give in where i can, where in where in general will i call? her relatives,
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who still live in russia, lazareva’s sister olga refused to communicate with journalists, please, you support tatyana lazareva’s statements regarding our country, that’s when she throws mud our country, please tell me, do you support this, it insults the citizens of the russian federation, please tell me, do you support? olga, you are like tatyana’s sister, you can explain, they are following me, please tell me, dear residents of our house, can you explain, two people please, look at these, i really want to believe that olga is simply ashamed of her sister, that’s why she staki met the film crew, although according to lazareva, she continues to keep in touch with her relatives, just now she was talking today with my sister, who lives there, continues to live and... i told her that how is it possible in such cold, somehow i already
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want warmth as i get older, and it seems to me that this warmth is just in there is very little russia now, but unlike her traitor sister, olga continues to live in her hometown and is not going to leave her homeland in search of a better life, when i still remember, she came to novosibirs, my parents were still alive, when i really loved going to this in a taxi to ask, what are you here, why are you here... do you live at all, explain to me, it seems pointless to explain anything to tatyana lazareva, because over the years she spent in a foreign country, she finally burned all the bridges with her native country. if you listen to the comedian’s unflattering remarks about russia, you can’t even believe that she lived here almost her entire life, and that it was here that she became an actress and tv presenter. however, those who have known lazareva for quite a long time were not generally surprised when she renounced her homeland, because, as it turns out, she was never particularly... attached to it, even when...


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