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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  May 12, 2024 12:10am-12:46am MSK

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vyacheslav molodov finished his historical speech. germany capitulated. on may 8 , a delegation from the high command of the allied expeditionary forces arrived at the tempelgov airfield. germany was scheduled to sign the act of unconditional surrender on this day. on may 7, 1945, in rems , the chief of staff of the operational leadership of the wehrmacht high command, colonel general. signed the act of unconditional surrender of the third reich. on our side , major general ivan suslaparov accepted the defeat. it was preliminary document. the final event on may 8 in karlshorst, a suburb of berlin, was hosted by marshal of victory georgy zhukov. marshal zhukov reports the arrival of representatives of hitler's command in berlin. the marshal suggests calling the german delegation to sign.
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act of unconditional surrender, even at this critical moment for them they are trying to maintain their usual russian arrogance. between the first attack and the second capitulation , 1418 days passed, less than 4 years. you and i now know that once a war begins, it can last longer, but then this time was enough for the war to increase almost 2 billion people on the entire planet. 62 states. soviet union. in addition, our country suffered direct damage of $2.5 trillion. we have lost a third of all national wealth. the outbreak of war, despite the fact that the soviet union knew that a fight was inevitable, shocked many. there was no casting cap. but there was a feeling
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of an impending catastrophe; the scale of this catastrophe, of course, no one could imagine. the soviet army will liberate 180 million people and 12 states of europe and asia from fascism, will hoist a red flag over the reichstag. it was we, and not the american stew , with all due respect for the help of the allies, who brought hitler to collapse and suicide. and we don’t want to forget about this. alas, the current world is not sane in this sense. doesn’t say anything, check out the betting league, register and triple the deposit, nothing will help this patient, the doctor said to the morgue, that means to the morgue, let’s go to therapy with the corpse, let’s go and look at the corpse, but the work here is calm, there’s something going on here that can’t be described in words, the patients are quiet, but what was that?
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this is the koyur's house. move to a new apartment in a new resale building, or build your own house. i've been waiting for you forever, i'm in such a hurry. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you,
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at the exhibition russia. we would suggest looking at the great patriotic war from this angle. recently, the dictionary of people who use expressions like “scoop” in their speech has been supplemented by another not very reasonable expression. multinational. what does this word mean? in fact, it is difficult to say, but it is used in a certain derogatory context in an arrogant tone, in relation to the different peoples of our large country. what could be comical or humiliating here? it’s hard to understand, but time after time the expression multinational scatters and accelerates across very popular public pages, sites, platforms. in an effort to take revenge on the reds, the radical right came up with this disgusting definition. actually, they have eugenic segregation
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properties, and now they flaunt them. well, let's look at how the victory, since we are remembering this great holiday, was influenced by the so-called multinational culture. from june 23 , 1941, those liable for military service from 1905 to 1918 and birth, inclusive, were conscripted into the army. in total, in june july forty -one, a general and complete mobilization of men and partial women. by this time, class restrictions had already been lifted: everyone could defend their homeland. in total, in the first 8 days of the war , 5,300,000 people were drafted, that is, the army doubled its actual size. by june 22, 1941, the work of the peasant red army amounted to 5,400 thousand people, but the huge irreparable losses of the first months of the war required more and more soldiers; by the beginning of 1942, conscription into the red army was already provided by conscripts
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born in the twenty-third to twenty-fifth year, in total, 34.5 million people took arms during the war. it is not difficult to guess that all these were not only representatives of the titular nation, under the motto for... izhemtsy, chechens, ingush, evenks, dagestanis, chukchi, kabardians, karachais, bolkars, jews, circassians all, all, all, all, sorry , we didn’t mention everyone, although we really wanted to, so for clarity, we’ll give a few examples. from the first days of the war, tatarstan turned into a forge of combat reserves for the red army. over 180 thousand people underwent military training in the universal training system there. of these there were two aviation and seven rifle divisions were formed. individual regiments and battalions, hundreds of combat crews, and the country's air force. soldiers from
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tatarstan took part in all the decisive battles of the great patriotic war. in total , about 700,000 people were called up, almost 350,00 of them died defending their homeland. half. the tatar poet and military commissar musa jalil managed to write poetry, military essays and as a political instructor to fight and organize the underground in the collaborationist legion of the wehrmacht idel ural. his poems from moabbit the notebooks became a symbol of perseverance and an unconquered soul; he died heroically. for the marriage and heroism shown on the fronts , more than 200,000 natives of tatarstan were awarded orders and medals, over 225 were awarded the highest military honor, the title of hero of the soviet union. those with memory will remember the exploits of border guard nikita kaimanov, the legendary defender of the brest fortress pyotr gavrilov, and the brave pilots mikhail nine. and farid fotkulin, the hero of stalingrad ganni safiulin, who hoisted
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the banner of victory over the reichstag gali zagitov and many, many, many more. 48 front-line soldiers from tatarstan became full holders of the order of glory. many of them walked 3,000 km from the volga to berlin. the plants and factories of tatarstan quickly rebuilt themselves on a military footing and began supplying the front with more than 600 types of weapons, ammunition, and equipment. fuses, cartridges and bombs, aircraft instruments and parachutes, landing craft, communications equipment, for example, the kazan catgut plant was the only one in the country that produced medical threads for operations, the gorbunov plant was sole supplier of p2 and p8 bombers. every sixth combat aircraft produced during the war received a ticket to the skies in kazan. more than 700,000 people, approximately, left the bashkir autonomous soviet republic for the fronts of the great patriotic war. of them died, again almost half; for bravery and bravery, 278 soldiers from
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bashkiria were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, and 35 soldiers became full holders of the order of glory. during the war, the name of alexander, who covered the embrasure of alexander, became a symbol of courage and selfless devotion to the homeland. matrosov, whose feat was repeated by another glorious son of bashkiria, minigali, gubaidulin. the bashkirs fought on all fronts, from the black sea to barintsev. thousands of soldiers took part in defensive offensive battles near leningrad. the sniper, sergeant ahad akhmetiyanov, who personally destroyed more than 500 fascists, became a true threat to the nazis. the bashkirs skillfully organized partisan movements in the rear of the hurricane in the magilev region, in the smolensk region, in the vitebsk region, in the odessa region and in others. yes, they are in this too participated. let us also remember that 500,000 jews fought in the red army as a percentage of the number of each nationality that took part in the actions. jews awarded the order of heroes of the soviet union take third place.
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every tenth of the soviet jews fought. at the same time, 200,000 died in battle and 80,000 were killed as prisoners of war in the camps. more than 32,000 jews were officers, 276 generals and admirals. 141 fighters became heroes of the soviet union. the colonel was awarded this title twice, subsequently colonel general david daragunsky. he met the war on june 22, 1941 on the western border. the ussr. in 1943, when dragunsky was being treated in hospital after being seriously wounded, he learned that the nazis had shot his father, mother and two sisters. two of his brothers also died in battles at the front. on april 30, 1945, the tank brigade of the jew david daragonsky linked up with the tank corps of the jew semyon krivoshein. berlin was surrounded. for these battles, daragonsky will receive the second star of the hero of the soviet union, and krivoshein - the first. david dragonsky took part in the victory parade two. on june 4 , 1945, the leader of the heroic defense of the brest fortress was commissar efim
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moiseevich famin, the one whom pavel derevianko played in the 2010 film. in total, among the defenders of the fortress there were 14% jews. the chukchi were also brave and fearless fighters. we shoot the fascists like seals, they said. thousands of representatives of the indigenous peoples of the far east showed examples of courage and heroism. they fought in battles near moscow, stalingrad, kursk, berlin, europe fought against the japanese, despite the fact that the indigenous peoples of the north were not officially drafted until 1943 due to their small membership, but this does not mean that they did not fight, not just. 12 far eastern divisions took part in the heroic defense of leningrad, in which representatives of all the indigenous, small peoples of the north, nanai, ulchi, udege, orochi, evens, evenks, nivkhs fought. far eastern sniper maxim
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passar from the nanai village, became famous in stalingrad as the 11th most formidable sniper, destroyed 250 fascist soldiers and officers, successfully providing our troops with an offensive. the germans gave 100,000 marks for the head of the legendary shooter, he posthumously received the title of hero of our country. another well-aimed passar, maxim’s namesake, alexander passar, who particularly distinguished himself during the crossing of the dnieper, became a hero of the soviet union; even marshal rakosovsky writes about him in his memoirs. few people talked about demography when the question of the existence of humanity was on kanu? conceived, from the nanai village of kondon, a sunny area where there were only 150 inhabitants, 62 warriors died, that is, each settlement could lose up to 50% of the population, putting the nation itself on the brink of survival, and you heard about the fighting deer, this is the polar cavalry, and yet entire detachments of the polar
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cavalry were created in february-march of the forty- second year from residents of naryan-mar formed reindeer ski battalions. but they existed only until september forty -two, when it became clear that no major offensive was expected in the arctic, the thirty-first separate ski resort was created from them brigade, reindeer transports were organized, there were three army three divisional, which were attached to the unit for organizing transport in off-road conditions, reindeer transport units delivered weapons, shells and food to the front line, transported district soldiers literally from the battlefields, pulled out, among other things, attention , downed planes. during the war , reindeer... transported more than 10,000 wounded from the battlefield and delivered 17,000 tons of ammunition to the red army soldiers, in some places replacing aviation. deer drivers, front-line drivers, these were just the locals, people from the north, as they say in the north, steam men, mature, served, family, many of them became holders of military orders. at the beginning of the great patriotic war,
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more than 410,000 people lived in ikutia. within a few days, the first echelons were formed in yakutsk. volunteers. at the end of june and july of forty-one, thousands of workers, peasants, intellectuals, students, and local peoples were mobilized. more than 1,800 joined the army people, in just the forty-first year almost 17,000 people. many immediately entered into battle during the defense of moscow and leningrad. in total, during the war years, more than 65,000 yakuts were mobilized, including 418 women and girls. more than 32 yakut residents died or went missing. courageous and irreconcilable yakuts fought in all directions, including participating in the war with militaristic japan in the trans-baikal direction on the first and second far eastern fronts. as you know, the yakut wars were famous for their shooting talent, the six most famous snipers in the republic killed more than 1,100 enemy soldiers and officers. that's what the yakuts are like. for example, fisherman semyon sulsky, who had a reservation from
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mobilization, walked 2,500 km on skis to the nearest military station. can you imagine this distance, why, in order to enroll in the red army as volunteers, once again, not meters, but kilometers, walked, in winter, well, on skis, okay, but whoever has been to yakutia understands that skis may not save you, the distance is like from moscow to kantamansiysk, it took 3 hours to fly by plane, from the arctic ocean i walked semyon sulsky, where he was fishing, walked with his brigade for 35 days, in the end one day he reached where he needed to go, to berlin, of course. yakutia continued to provide the country with gold, furs, and fish throughout the war. more than 37 million rubles were contributed to the country's defense fund. bonds, government loans - 57 million rubles. over 27 million rubles were spent on the construction of aircraft tanks. and if you look south - the same thing. representatives of the caucasus, who are especially disliked by our multinational fighters, fought, be
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healthy too, and we will not forget about it. the number of chechen and ingush red army soldiers who fought against hitler. amounted to more than 50,000 people; in the first month of the war alone , more than 17,00 residents of the republic signed up for the people’s militia, of which about 10,000 were warriors. for their heroism and courage on the fronts of the patriotic war, nine chechens received the title of hero of the soviet union. including machine gunner khanpazh nuradilov, who destroyed more than 900 german soldiers, seven machine gun crews and personally captured 12 enemy soldiers. sniper abukhazhi idrisov, on his personal account, whom march 44th. year there were 349 fascists killed, battalion commander irbaikhan beybullatov, his battalion in the battles for melitopol suppressed over 100 firing points, repelled 19 counterattacks by tanks and infantry. destroyed seven tanks and about a thousand german soldiers and officers. senior sergeant magomed uzuev, who during the defense of the brest fortress tied himself with ammunition and, with
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the words we will die, but will not surrender, rushed into the thick of the advancing enemies, also received the title of hero of our country. 18 grozny enterprises produced mortars of various modifications. workers at the grozden research institute have launched the production of a combustible mixture to combat tanks. and... grozny oil refinery number two was able to start producing the best brands of aviation gasoline. in the first year of the patriotic war, north ossetia sent more than 40,000 people to the front. in total , every fifth resident left the republic to defend their homeland. almost 90,000 people. of these, more than 45,500 soldiers did not return home. every second, every second person who went to the front died on the battlefields. people from the north ossetian autonomous soviet socialist republic fought as a partisan. detachments and detachments of the people's militia, in destruction battalions not only on the territory of the republic itself, but also, of course, in other regions of the soviet union. representatives of ossetia participated in
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the european resistance; by the way, the writer gaito gazdanov participated in the european resistance. ossetians by nationality. 72 glorious soldiers of the republic were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. over 142 dagestanis fought on the fronts against the nazis, that is, every third dagestan man. the passionate appeal of the national poet gamzat tsadasa was heard on the radio: residents of the mountains, i urge you, following the example of our glorious ancestors, not sparing your lives, to fight for freedom, for a happy life, for soviet power. from some families, dagestan, 12 sons went to war, and a people's militia was formed from men over 55 years old. 59 natives and residents of dagestan from among the participants in the great patriotic war received the title of hero of the soviet union. the industry of dagestan produced about. before the modern feat of the nurbagandov brothers from dagestan, who were killed by isis thugs
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in 2016, was recorded as an essentially similar act by their fellow countryman during the great patriotic war. in april 1942, avar magomed zagid abdulmannapov, in the foothills of the crimea, in the village of ashaga dzhamin, as part of a group of scouts, entered into an unequal battle with a fascist battalion. invaders, there was little chance, for each of ours there were 20 fascists, yet for the fascists the battle turned out to be very difficult, in hand-to-hand combat with opera blades they were killed to death, a dozen nazis were eventually taken prisoner and began to torture soviet soldiers, as it later became known from the testimony of machine gunner vasily ershov, who miraculously survived after a dozen stab wounds; abdul monapov refused to surrender the location of our tank troops. then an important dialogue took place, which our surviving machine gunner remembered: well, they are russians, but who are you? the fascists asked abdulmanapov, why are you silent, what do you
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have to lose, you are a stranger to them, everyone should think about their own life, where are you from, the wehrmacht officer asked, we know where, he answered abdul monapov, we are all children of the same motherland, you are a communist, no, but i will die as a communist, i wonder what? “you tell me, when they start cutting you into pieces, you can’t intimidate us with torture,” magomed zagid said in response. in essence, this is the motto: work, brothers, for the future generation. they tortured him for a long time, cut out a star on his chest and then stabbed him with bayonets. posthumously tortured but not defeated, dagestani abdulmanapov was presented with the star of the hero of the soviet union. it was, let me remind you, that it is symbolic in crimea, that is, that same village, ashaga dzhamin, is now called a hero. this is how his feat was described in the poem russian soldiers rasu hamzad are sleeping in simphepol in a mass grave, seven russians and i am a varets, my fellow countryman, above them there is a tank, their
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soldier’s monument still preserves traces of past attacks and the country gratefully inscribed their names on a marble slab, let their comrades honor their memory , let their enemies read their names. the annual vinline heroes of the rpl award, the main football event of the season. choose those who make a difference, vote for the best until may 13th. and on donevsky, on high, the sky is clear, the colors of autumn are spreading across the earth.
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and these people, who at +5 undressed like this to the waist, jumped and poured beer on themselves like that, i look, i think, yes, this is beyond my concept, it’s impossible to defeat our country, but dry your tears, get some rest, i’m a russian road, an apartment dweller ntv at margulis, today at 0:45, geia superstar, premiere from... tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. eating something wrong do? in case of poisoning enterum. a new generation of enterrasorbent removes toxins while preserving beneficial substances. a smart solution against poisoning. both in the store and with
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buy it. in the sportsmaster mobile application and receive double cashback bonuses. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. emergency exit, premieres monday at 10:15 p.m. on ntv. vinline heroes of rpl annual award. the main football event of the season. choose those who make a difference. vote for the best until may 13. this is our multinational, a celebration of russian greatness multi-colored fatherland, and this was expressed at all levels, what enormous assistance was provided by representatives of all conceivable nations in any form. well, remember, goryanka, anya ramazanova from the tlyarotinsky region of dagestan, the namesake of a modern singer,
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surrendered to the front. she donated 10 kg of silver, which adorned a woman’s wedding dress, a family heirloom that was passed down by inheritance, to the front. thousands of soviet women, representatives of dozens of ours, did this. peoples, because soviet people - russian soviet people, they fought for their homeland, and not with each other, there is incredible power hidden in this, if you know how to control it, and not repeat, as if under a spell, that we are all different here, any fool can be different, it’s not difficult, you find we have the strength not only to nurture our differences, but also to discover our great commonality, especially since other strong nations also strive to move along this path. sometimes raking everything under himself. these people cannot lose. the american nation has always had resources and reserves in the form of a powerful emigrant corps. and there was always a unique ability to produce a wow effect, to make
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a show under any circumstances, even from the great depression and their own defeats in the second world war, they made a show, even from the preparation of dropping the atomic bomb. but this is not our way. the soviets had a great and humane superhuman idea. within the majority of citizens this idea burned, it united people, and not the nkvd smersh, and the great spirit was that very glory of the peoples, a reliable stronghold from our anthem, peoples, not the people one thing, as in that very slogan of fascist germany, others will say, they forgot about the russians then, well, yes, well, yes, that’s why, apparently, the anthem sang that the peoples were united forever by the great russia. they forgot to such an extent that they repeated about great russia tirelessly every day on the radio when the anthem was played, or it was unclear to someone who united all these peoples, who generally stands at the center of the russian soviet universe. yes, it was during
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the war that our people experienced that unique feeling that is not caught very often, sometimes in very dramatic, if not tragic circumstances, this is exactly, yes, only this, helping the allies. we do not belittle, and predetermined the outcome of the second world war on those invisible scales on which sometimes any war can completely unexpectedly turn over. let me remind you that the nazis had 17 km to the moscow border, and 29 km to the kremlin. we were on the brink: a willingness to sacrifice ourselves, regardless of origin, status, age or gender, to sacrifice not for the sake of domination, a gold rush or new territories, but for the sake of peace on earth, for the sake of our own, for the sake of the dead, for all who are alive. for everyone who is against the nazi, fascist, bastard, all this allowed us to win, to go all the way to berlin, and not stop at the western borders of the soviet union, to go to victory, the fate of generations was decided in those battles, and we knew about this, the fate of generations, and not the amount
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of interest on lend-lease. by the way, sergei yesenin, who did not live to see the great patriotic war, 20 years before the war, seeing what was happening, perspicaciously wrote the following: all of america... a greedy maw, but russia, here it’s a block, if only it’s soviet power. and also, let’s imagine that there was no multinationality on the eve of the great patriotic war, that the country was divided into volosts or provinces, states, lands, whichever is more pleasant, if we lived here in central muscovy, let’s say, it’s completely autonomous nationally, so say sterile, though to me. this is even technically difficult to imagine. what would then be the well-coordinated machine of the fascists, which throughout europe, advanced bourgeois, legal, successfully passed through industrial revolution and sovereignly divided on the plot, ground it in a couple of months. for some
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, a few hours was enough, for others it took a few days. what would she do with our sovereign little nationalist? the answer seems obvious. anticipating the need for revolutionary growth and development, advice. on the ruins of the decayed tsarist regime they began to build a new type of empire at a cosmic pace, having essentially accomplished a civilizational feat, and why does this at that time breakthrough method of forming statehood now need to be denigrated and depreciate, i don’t quite understand, after all , with conversations about multinationalism, you are not only muddying fragile minds, but also polluting historical space, in may 2024 i am forced to remind you about may of forty-five, about...


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