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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 12, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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nikolai matveevich, zhovner, major crimea, you ’ve been waiting for a long time, you’ve just arrived, it won’t take much time, it’s a simple formality, well, let’s go, let’s fulfill your formality, you know, i think this is some kind of misunderstanding, we’ll sort it out. who's there? good afternoon, i'm from the police, senior lieutenant potapinko, inter-district homicide department. what you need? i need to ask you a few questions, please open. sorry, i can't right now. i’ll call you for just 2
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minutes of your time, if you don’t open, i, unfortunately, will have to call you agenda, okay, hello, again, hello, come in, just for god’s sake don’t worry, it’ll get better now, the main thing is breathe, breathe, i don’t know what came over me. i understand everything perfectly, it’s a normal human reaction, natural, i’ve just never seen sasha alive, and there sasha is lying, somehow incredible, well, yes, tell me, how long have you worked with him, for a long time, it’s even hard to say, they don’t live as long as we do with sasha shoulder to shoulder, and recently there were no conflict situations regarding his work, yes there were, there were some young people...
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how he died, the neighbor still told you in the morning what kind of relationship you had with the murdered man, just workers? well, if you know everything, why are you asking, it’s not our grandmothers, but english intelligence, they know everything about everyone, what happened, what didn’t happen, sasha and i were married a long time ago, both widowers, both childless, really? yes, i cleaned for him, ran the house,
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bought something, cooked, you know, and he paid me money, we didn’t even really talk, why was that, well, he was such a person, maybe it’s better this way, i don’t know, i i don’t really like to talk much myself, sometimes a man and a woman don’t need words, marya gennadievna, i’m...
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just an ordinary day, ah, andryukh, listen, let’s quickly go to a law firm, it’s not far from here, igor, i’m afraid we won’t be able to go will it work out, is there an order, give orders to my war horse, the wheel has broken, why did you break it, where, where, do you hear a screw somewhere, and so it’s your screw, oh, damn, i caught the screw, well, of course, a screw - this is nonsense, don’t pull it out, now we’ll get there, no, we won’t go anywhere, we have to go to the tire service first, so old man, in fact, we are doing one common thing, time is passing, i’m also tired, am i a cab driver or something, no one will compensate you for transportation costs, gasoline has risen in price, let’s go on my question, then to your tire shop, we’ll treat your swallow, oh, no, i’m not going anywhere, you’re a clear sea, so let me and georgivich come to an agreement, he ’ll compensate you for the repairs, you promise, the mustache is out of...
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i caught my word, oh, i’m left without a mustache, tu-tu-tu, alegia ! listen, but i do n't think she has anything to do with it. treat, it seems that this is a weak argument, but if there is no motive, it sounds compelling. yes i understand, only me, oleg georgievich, i will call you back. they have a strange scheme, of course. their scheme is as old as time. they look for holes in the design and then calmly. they are squeezing out property, it’s strange that they are attacking somehow too impudently, weak, giants, like these investment technologies, which means they are not afraid or count on, without particularly trying to tear away from the giants, as they are called, the charitable foundation justice and trust, modestly,
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you won’t say anything, come in, thank you, that means you’re claiming that everything is clean with you, and checks you’re not afraid of the department for combating economic crimes, but why... why should we be afraid of them? we are young lawyers, doing what we love, our foundation has existed for a year, we help people who lost their living space in the nineties, free of charge, of course, well, practically free of charge, okay, but what benefit do you have then? well, look, now i’m managing the case of one guy, he works as a driver, married, two children, in ninety-three, when he was not yet two years old, his mother was an alcoholic, she kicked him out of the apartment, sold the apartment, he was left with nothing. and we they helped him, now he receives serious compensation, that’s fairness and trust, fairness and trust, well, let’s say, what kind of relationship do you have with investment technologies,
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well, their office was revealed to be not in a very good situation, let’s skip the details, skip the details, and you know that the head of the security service of investment technology today. murdered in his apartment, you're kidding, we have nothing else to do, but the perama of the combat department, joking with you, citizen kuznetsov was killed today in his own apartment, dead, dead, don't let me god, well, what about the details, what can you say about him, well, he was a strong man, authoritative, powerful, we had problems with him, what, well... he threatened us, and you didn’t happen to threaten him in return? of course, he threatened, i told him that i would sue him, bring him to light, and what kind of noise is that there , what noise is that in the next room, the rest room, the coffee maker is probably working, did you get coffee, no , thank you, we 're looking, wait, i, hello,
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hello, break, yeah, beauty, one is rubbing us in here about justice, the second methodically covers his tracks. so, young, talented lawyers, we’ll talk somewhere else, but this is a completely different matter, that’s it, send me a scan by email. what kind of scan is this, oleg georgievich? kuznetsov's lawyer called. wait, did he have his own lawyer? not just a lawyer. and a will, drawn up according to all the rules. so, what's in the will? are you sitting up straight? well, in general, yes. this means that our kuznetsov bequeathed
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his apartment to his neighbor. from mesteva, maria gennadievna. third year of birth. yes, ok. that's good for you. now they’ll send a scan of the will to the post office, otherwise you understand, they’ve scammed you, you’re a workaholic, then no women, but i just left her, wait, and the way she comments on this fact, the fact of the matter is that there’s no way, not at all i didn’t say half a word about the apartment , that dear, and it was necessary to prove, i told you, motive is a great thing, citizen, captain, do you understand that you are committing illegal actions? you have no warrant, no witness, no witnesses, how is that possible? i agree, i agree, but since you don't care already here, let's just talk? let's talk, why were the papers destroyed? the boss ordered, we had a corporate party coming up
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and they wanted to put on a paper show, a paper show, they put a box with cut paper and insert it into it. with reverse thrust it turns on , then the paper flies out, confetti, yes, fun, confetti, i understand. very literate, yes, higher legal education, honors diploma, and you understand where you are, in the police department, but this is not just a police department, this is a homicide department, you understand that your honors diploma and legal education will not help you avoid 15 years of strict regime, minimum for murder, what kind of murder, the murder of citizen kuznetsov. but we didn’t kill him, zhevane told you everything, murder is
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a primitive method, we are engaged in intellectual work, you will remember how in the nineties we executed real estate transactions, remember, now any of them can be returned back with a click, but we don’t want to do this did, property owners pay us money, good money, including blacksmiths, of course, then you are hinting that you were simply blackmailing him, right? but within the framework of the law, we will still deal with this, but you understand that for us kuznetsov was bread and butter, black caviar, why should we kill him, this is what happens, this turns out to be another stick, and the matter is to fight economic crimes, he sits there and writes a statement about what scoundrels and scoundrels we are, that is, we spent half a day working for someone else’s glory, well, boy, this also happened, maybe they ’ll throw something at us someday too? of course, and you these you'll wait. okay, let's go home, and tomorrow we'll go back to battle.
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lord, i've really reached the end of my rope. andryushenka, casserole, just a delight. nadya, well , if i’m delighted, i’ll take two at once. i take three compotes and sour cream. thanks a lot. good morning, borenka, and bon appetit. rita, the casserole is called morning delight. if you're delighted, give it a try. i'm not giving it. agree. you are a varyuga. what a bora, bon appetit, stole my casserole, i need you,
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margarita, you found some interesting fingerprints, so the blood is fresh, of the murdered kuznetsov, himself the print belongs to tikhomirov, in 1998 he was involved in a bloody case, what a case, all the newspapers wrote about neighbors in the area, this freak shot two women, a mother and daughter, with a double-barreled shotgun, wow, interesting. interesting, wait, you want to say that this story is relevant to our case and legs grow from there, it’s quite possible, but the details, almost 20 years have passed, what, you need to pull up the archives, you need to pull it up, i repeat to you again, citizen from mestieva maria gennadievna had no idea about my client’s will, yes, but you they might not have known that citizen kuznetsov could, for example, tell a citizen from mestiv about who he was going to leave the apartment to, but i really didn’t know. sasha’s will, why don’t you believe me? yes, because you are the only person with whom he communicated outside of work.
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believe me, this is quite in the spirit of sasha, what do you mean in the spirit of sasha? i understand perfectly well why he didn’t want me to find out, i would have known, i would have been happy, i would have started thanking him, god forbid, i would have come in again, but he did not tolerate violations of the routine. god knows what you have some kind of strange relationship with him, believe me, much more honest than between some spouses. is the citizen from mestiv still considered a suspect in the murder of alexander kuznetsov? well, actually, formally she was never considered one. then all the best, goodbye, goodbye. so, year ninety-seven? no, 1998, dikhomirov. yeah. so, let's see. come on, i'll be right back, yeah, ridka, i see you're firmly convinced that
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he's the performer. listen, it just looks very suspicious when the head of the security service of such a huge concern has some kind of relationship with such a scumbag, come on, develop your idea. listen, the truth is an extremely nasty business. so, 1998, some businessman decides to resettle the communal apartment. all the residents are happy to leave, only sergei tikhomirov insisted. born in 1956, a former afghan, after shell shock, well , actually, the brain is not in order, aggressive, the day of the transaction, a businessman arriving at the apartment finds this picture, as a result:
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the main prosecution witness was thrown out of that the same double-barreled shotgun that worked 15 years ago, and how long does this tikhomirov still have to sit, well, it turns out 5 years, let’s try it just in case, well, just in case, come on, where are we, what a surprise, paudo has been released, how is this even possible? maybe coffee, i understand you, come see me, yes, i don’t understand, but how tikhomirov with such baggage managed to get out on parole, i don’t understand anything else, he’s a special forces soldier, a special purpose agent, but the man ended up in afghanistan, got experience military action, but this is when it was, in eighty-four
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he was demobilized, then he worked as a physical teacher at a regular school, which means he was in excellent physical shape, but this is not enough, and what bothers you, i don’t understand? the fact that he moves around the city so freely with a gun, i don’t even understand who we are catching, a super agent or a psycho who just served 15 years, we have to start with the colony, i understand, go ahead, well, andrei, you are entrusted special task, special, the initiative came from below, we need to go to the colony where tikhomirov was imprisoned, i don’t mind, so take it initiator and go, thank you. thank you, igor, he gave me a business trip early in the morning, it’s a 5 -hour drive from the city, well, what 5, 3 hours from here, 3 hours and half a tank of gasoline. and, by the way, igor, you promised to talk to your boss about my expenses, you promised. he promised, i didn’t refuse, speak, speak. comrade colonel, we need to cover captain rydanov’s technical expenses for the last month. yes. so,
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if i were you, i would have already left. time has passed. that's it, good luck. so rit, now you are on the same case, who was leading? major evgenya anosov, retired in 2000 from the authorities, we need to find him, oleg georgievich, i have one friend opera, my fellow countryman, i would like to talk to him, i think he can shed some light, okay, go ahead, thank you, great, i’m very glad to see you, hello, thank you, thank you. you understand yourself, there’s no time, no time, but we all have no time, sometimes we need to meet, there’s such a thing, when was the last time you saw our students, listen, i haven’t seen anyone for a century, since i transferred to st. petersburg from krasnodar, in general i didn’t see anyone, just now i’m going on vacation to visit my parents, by the way, about krasnodar, a present for you,
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okay, okay, thank you, please
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look, listen, and this major, anosov, yeah, he’s one of yours, well, he was one of ours, yes, can you help me get in touch, well, i don’t have his number, but i can give the guys a message now, they will send you the number, yes, thank you, please, listen, when you go to krasnodar, you give me a message, and i’ll give my parents a gift, definitely, you promise, the officer's word, this means that your tikhomirov should have stood up registered 3 days ago, but he never showed up. he also did not show up at his place of registration. why you? i understand correctly, a person
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leaves the gates of the colony, then gets home on his own, and is obliged to register within 5 days, that ’s right, and if he doesn’t get up, then steal with a mosin, yes, look, the person was released on parole, yeah , everything seems to be fine. what should be the motive for not registering, what should have happened? well, purely theoretically, maybe a person wants to go abroad with a huge amount of money, well, it’s definitely not ours history, well, either he stupidly started drinking, which happens quite often after leaving there, or he decided to take revenge on his offenders first of all, this happens to you, it all happens to us,
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on ntv. emergency exit. premiere. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. for msfresh products, we
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the sportmaster mobile application and receive: 300 bonuses for calling yourself, thank you, oh well, oh, well, onosov, that’s right, seniorna, it’s very nice, thank you for agreeing to come, what are you saying, what thanks, i ordered juice, maybe something, oh, no, thank you, i, unfortunately, i’m in a hurry, so if possible, i remember right away, like a bad dream, i hate such things, yes, my daughter was a girl, almost 15 years old, and you don’t remember what time you arrived, promptly, 30-40 minutes, sasha kuznetsov knocked out this tikhomirov, i he literally came,
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he woke up, so we knitted him. already together, yeah, what’s the reason for the conflict? came out? ah, who will figure this out now? it seems like this was the case, malysheva and tikhomirov agreed not to move out of this living space, and then the women changed their minds, well, he took it as a betrayal, i actually think he pulled out a double-barreled shotgun to scare the woman, and then he got carried away, yes, of course there’s a terrible story in general, yes, that's not the right word, i remember all the newspapers. wrote about her, what did tikhomirov even count on? but who knows, there was obvious psychiatry there then, and now, after 15 years in prison, it’s even worse, but you understand, that you are now under attack, such a life, almost every quarter i have one of these fruits released, so now they are afraid of everyone, the firebox will dry up, you also say correctly, that is, as i understand it, you and
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zhovner from... we can handle it ourselves . you begin to appreciate the simple joys of life, you see, my geranium is in full bloom, it’s beautiful, just sit and drink some tea, by the way, you will have tea, we will, it’s possible, right,
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because. “look, this decent man shot two women with a gun, it’s not commendable, to be sure, but it’s not the worst thing, i have here there is one cannibal, mikhalyuk, i don’t know how he came to me, and not for compulsory treatment, but i scare the most notorious with him, let’s talk about the cannibal another time, now we are interested in tikhomirov.
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well, let's talk about tikhomirov, if you don't want to talk about a cannibal, a completely uninteresting person, no complaints, ideal behavior. yes, they say that udo was organized for him by some high-ranking friend, this is true, they say the truth, who is this mysterious well-wisher? everything is very simple, this is the mysterious well-wisher i am.
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why did you need to provide tikhomirov with parole? you call him a decent person, but you read his file, looked at it, looked at it, and i memorized his file from cover to cover, i ’ll tell you what, guys, he was framed on a big scale back then in 1998, all that
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was left for him was, to get even, and the years go by, time is running out, you understand what you are telling us now, yes, i understand everything perfectly, if only you understand, and the report from the scene of the incident, you see, this is a scam for suckers, he threw the gun in window, and then... some evil guys took him away, yes, in short, anosov did this from the heart, but the main thing is not the protocol, the main thing is the inventory of the case materials, look, point seven, well, what’s the interrogation protocol ? and what, this is the neighbor, malyshev
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and tikhomirova, today i specifically went to the archive to find the protocol, but you think he was removed from the case and kept, i ’ve been trying to find this one for about two hours now. i’m listening, my friends are all in place, but what happened? what? what is the victim's last name? okay, we're leaving now. sorry, i'll answer. one minute, please wait, oleg igorich, come on, let's go quickly to her, and i 'll take the horse, okay, elena, wait for me, please, i'll come to you soon, death
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came immediately, they shot in the heart, passage is prohibited, but something looks like they were shot at point-blank range, a crime scene, yeah. and what, no one saw the attacker? well, i have more witnesses, please? did you find the shell casings? no, well, look for them, maybe look for them at all, yes, what did they kill? igor, where are you hanging around? check? as far as i understand, i've already gone to the clock if he's wearing something like that began to quickly eliminate his competitors, then the next in line will be zhovner, he must be warned, everything is all over, yes,
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in general, everything in the world has turned upside down. healthy men get their nails done, are afraid to lift weights, and they are protected by fragile women like you, really, thank you. it’s just that something about your testimony was not included in
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the case file, but because no one asked me, how is this possible? so what, what could i tell them that i have no idea how it happened? i'm shocked that seryozha was able to raise his hand to his best friend, and that i’m sorry, wait, best friend, are you talking about the eldest malysheva and tikhomirov? well, of course! “ i don’t understand anything, seryozha was older than tanya by 7 years, so she, well, grew up before his eyes, their parents were very friends, then somehow, somehow, in a few years everyone died, seryozha was taken to army, yeah, but he returned as a completely different person, yes, yes, i know, after the shell shock he had mental problems, mental problems too, yes, who
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told you that, well, that’s what it says in the case materials? there was increased aggressiveness. what nonsense, baby, what aggressiveness, what are you talking about? yes, i ’ve never met a kinder person than seryozha in my life, he doted on tanya, her daughter anya, and he was just, well, like a real uncle, and how she nursed him after a shell shock, what do you think? and he didn’t rush at them with his fists, and you didn’t call the police to break them up, god, what, what nonsense, very strange, come on, we had a decent apartment, we lived side by side for many years, but we actually separated didn't want to, especially on the conditions that this zhovner offered us, and what kind of conditions were they, well , either pennies in hand, or some kind of creepy kennel on the outskirts of the city, they pushed us through,
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so tanyazhey decided to go to the end, that’s for, that’s for they paid the price, emergency exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv, the pain can be different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin, universal... so a biko refrigerator with a volume of 331 liters for 29.990 technomay in rbt to make comfort affordable retirement profitable with sberbank for pensioners has a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on
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not expensive at all. saved for my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran. acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence, pentelgin, we’ll get by no pain, how do you like the apartment, the dream, we paid attention to the pre-revolutionary parquet and even if only one floorboard creaked, please, thank you. would you have seen what the utility workers have done here? there is paint on the walls, linoleum on the floor, and under it there are a horde of cockroaches, the repair alone cost me a pretty penny, can you hear me, you are in real danger, and you tell me about some cockroaches, yes i hear, zhenya, it’s a pity,
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tell me why tikhomirov is specifically threatening you, but how can a madman threaten you, with voices? nikolai matveevich, tell me me, what happened on this day 15 years ago, what are you talking about? understand, the more you tell us, the faster we can help you, what do you want to say, and you know who killed anna and tatyana malyshev, oh, that’s what you’re talking about! so that's what i'll tell you, you will now get up and quickly leave this house, understand, he will kill you like onosov kuznetsov, don't you understand this, moderate your ardor, colonel, and don't get involved in matters that could be painful on your loved ones,
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are you threatening me, i’m warning you, you you can’t even imagine what kind of forces i can attract to my side, unlike this fool annosov, i have the strongest security in the city, they will be able to repel some nervous criminal. well, i see that our conversation did not work out, so all the best, but your parquet still creaks, until we meet again, i warned you. i don’t know whose double-barreled gun it was, but that doesn’t matter now, what matters is that the women were killed by one of these three, the blacksmiths, anosov or zhovner, but we only have indirect evidence and
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not a single witness, yes, a call has already come from above, oh well, yeah, they urgently asked. but why do you think there are afghans among zhovner’s guards? i didn’t understand something, what are you planning? sit down, nikolai matveyevich, we’ll look around, let’s hurry up, he started chinese ceremonies here.
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help, help, someone, help, help, well, help, i, i, i will give everything, so many years have passed, i didn’t want them. kill, i just wanted to scare them, that’s great, but now everything is the same, it would be good on paper, that’s it, guys, you did a great job, thank you,
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get up, give me your hands, how, how, how dare you, all this is invalid testimony, guys, but what is this, what happened, i can’t imagine, a friend once... began to confess to some kind of murder on the record, apparently my conscience has awakened, yeah, this happens. well, that's it, the circle is closed. zhovner gave
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testimony that would put him under life imprisonment, so be it, i vowed to take revenge, now my girls are sleeping peacefully, i understand that nothing can be changed or returned, but... sincerely accept my condolences, i really was if it were up to me, i would he’ll let you go, thank you, but i wouldn’t go anywhere, i’m not a zhovner, and i’m ready to answer for my actions, and you understand what awaits you, confidence, confidence that i did everything right, okay. i’m waiting for you at the car,
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that’s it, now the journalists won’t leave tikhomirov, on the other hand, is it bad that the public finds out the truth, in general, of course, a peasant can be understood as a human being, we all read in books, good must be done with fists, well but the law, the law is the same for everyone, okay, boys, stop philosophizing, by the way at home, yeah, or whatever, of course, or whatever, well, let's go, 50 g or whatever. it was very eventful.


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