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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  May 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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we 'll start our tests of modern wireless irons with a joke, there are a lot of videos on the internet about how sausages are fried using ironing equipment, someone even manages to make a steak, together with chef kirill yeselev, let's try to repeat this, we took two irons of the same power with wire for 3400 rubles without 4200 and decided to see if the heat was enough to cook.
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begins to give off its heat, under the irons it immediately began to rustle and the temperature inside the steaks began to rise, but before i had time to rejoice, my wireless one asked for to the base, the indicator changed color, come on, come on, come on, come on, my steak is already cooling, kirill with a corded iron took the lead, he didn’t need to be distracted from the process, but my device was still recharging quickly and it didn’t slow down the frying . and i already have 72, it’s a beast, not a cordless iron, well , brilliant, chefs, if something is bothering you in the kitchen, call kostelyansha, the meat from under the corded iron tasted slightly boiled to me and kirill, and the crust could to be better, we find fault professionally. really tasty, of course
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steak from the cordless unit - a real medium rair, appetizing crust and bright juicy middle, my opinion, as a cook, is that the cordless iron did a better job, it behaved just like a monster, some kind of super powerful, i fried, fried, fried, smoke i walked and walked and walked, but it still didn’t sit down, as you can see, the cordless iron is in its ability to warm up. the material is not inferior to a wired one of the same power, but how convenient it is in practice, according to our editing director polina sundukova, the iron wire usually stretches across the entire room, clinging for clothes, interferes, and once the device almost caused injury, i placed the iron quite close to me at that moment, taking some mountain of things and turning around sharply, i hooked the iron wire with my foot, the iron flies onto my leg, i manage to get away. .. thank god i didn’t
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get burned too much, but i have a broken iron. since then , polina has avoided ironing as much as possible. let's see if wireless technologies for 4,200 rubles will heal her old wounds. i can place this stand anywhere during my ironing session and be completely unencumbered with regard to sockets, placement, boards, if i want, sunlight, i’ll go out and be there. ironing in the sun, such yoga, ironing yoga. the short operating time of about 3 minutes at a time was a little disappointing, but did not spoil the overall impression. polina promised to think about returning to regular ironing. by the way, this activity has real fans. armed with an ironing board and an iron, pranksters from the internet travel long distances to iron things, or rather to pretend, for example.
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let's compare the quality of work of three irons: wired, cordless and two in one, this model costs 3.00 rubles. our testers, in the images of noble white-handed women, are also almost ready, maybe wireless options will help you iron in lush outfits. vasilisa, dasha and masha rustled and took their places at the boards. begin. from difficult-to-iron
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cotton shirts, this is a very familiar shirt, a general’s shirt, definitely. with one assistant there were no problems, he warmed up quickly, did not cling to the dress and easily ironed all the folds, but vasilisa with the two-in-one option, it seems, will not be able to quickly get rid of non-royal affairs, but he it’s getting cold, girls, yes, at this rate i’ll only get horses, ironing shirts is not a gentleman’s business at all, my corset is already cracking, losing heat, the combined version has also started pouring water on the shirt, masha didn’t have any problems with the wire , here dashi, her wireless technology, also tarnished its reputation, it started leaking, guys, while in both wireless versions an anti-drip system was announced to protect against leakage when the temperature drops. well, let
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's evaluate the final result. we asked for it make an expert in professional ironing, elena kulakova. the quality of ironing of each iron is, in principle, no different. the professionalism of the fairy who stroked it is slightly different. let's try to iron long and thick curtains made of cotton and linen. vasilisa got tired of waiting while the iron warmed up, she stopped removing it from the platform, in order for the device to become wired again, you need to click the lock and the base will stay on the back. last century, but convenient. and now your comfort is no different from mine . but i know it's wireless and i this makes me happy. dasha has a complete understanding with the wireless, which can’t be said about masha, her wire was constantly clinging, either to a dress or to a curtain, the inconvenience became obvious precisely on voluminous things. thank you, girls, i probably won’t go to the ball today.
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why do you think we left you a wired line? with such items and with bedding too, wireless devices definitely have an advantage. all three curtains have been ironed. you have to wait a long time in wireless, but maybe this versatility will blossom in the hands of a professional, for svetlana sovostina theater then the base falls off in wired mode, then it starts not with a hanger, but with an iron, for 20 years she has been working as a costume designer every day preparing
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outfits for the satire theater, the responsibility is huge, the costume helps the actors show their role, play a good performance, and for this we of course need technique. i wonder if our universal option can replace svetlana’s two usual assistants, a steam generator and a corded iron? first, we check the steaming function, we get several powerful portions, that’s all, we need to set it to base, plus there is water on the clothes, and for some fabrics this is critical, table ironing has the same troubles, you need to charge it often and dry it all the time.
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not electricity, only before they were heated on a stove, now at the bases, however, we also found a battery-powered iron, similar to a lunar rover, a portable device made in china for 2,800 rubles. he only needs the wire for a while to charge, there is also a steaming function,
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i checked the baby in action at the hotel, on one of my business trips, fill in the water, set the maximum temperature to 140° and turn on the steaming. cold steam, like this, but it's hot, oh my, she's wet, do you want me to broadcast like this? no, of course i can, but it would probably be better to look for some other means than this. in fact, i have an ultrasonic humidifier in my hands; it does not evaporate the water, but simply crushes it into tiny droplets, they remain on the clothes in the form of wet marks, and it does not have the strength to dry it quickly. it’s good that i don’t have the only shirt with me. so, time for conclusions. cordless irons aren't always good assistants. and they usually cope well with home ironing. intermediate stops for heating
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are very short, the power is good, and most importantly , the wire does not interfere, and as we know from the story of our polina, who knocked over an ordinary iron, this can add not only convenience, but also safety to us, our loved ones. in addition to tests and checks, the miracle of technology always has a news section on air. top five messages that i personally found most interesting this week. we start from fifth position. dear women, don’t scold their husbands for watching football or hockey on tv. as scientists from japan have found, watching sports significantly increases the level of happiness by activating the reward system in the brain. moreover, regular viewing of the broadcast leads to an increase in the amount of gray matter. in those departments that are associated with the formation of a feeling of joy, all this improves the quality of life and helps fight
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stress. the first shares appeared almost 500 years ago, then it was new, difficult, unclear, only for the rich. now everything is much simpler: you can open an account with alpha investments in just a few minutes and start earning money right away, learning free investment ideas from experts, all in one application. by the way, experts recently admitted. its the best app for investing. next in our issue: a chair and other massage equipment, can it compare with the work of a specialist and what dangers can it pose? in the category miracle products. compact washing machine with drying and anti-germ treatment. we checked her together with scientists, children and dogs, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet. the most interesting is yet to come, how tired i am, what am i doing here, like everyone else,
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resting, good, good, how are you, bad, why bad? it's bad that i didn't know about the surprise earlier. an accident means an accident, i think there is murder here, if the investigation reaches a dead end, there is no evidence at all except this pillow, senior comrades, who are you, and we are orderlies, will always come to the rescue, i didn’t count them right away, it would have been you from the mentura and kicked out, they will share their experience, look, here this... the wound will show the twists why
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i need to be so calm, how i need to work, i am for a humane attitude towards detainees, for a dangerous exit, is there such a place on earth where you wouldn’t be given a death sentence, premiere tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. via superstar, premiere today at 20:20 on ntv. pain? spasm pribuprofen renival, it reduces pain, take dertaverine renival, helps with abdominal cramps, we trust renival, we choose renival, smiled, it means we recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, love, remember, they truly appreciate psb bank for
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present. let's do without panic, is there belaina's internet? we will find motels that are better with beline's smart network, you will be connected in a variety of situations. again i spa everyone. you have the internet belaine on your side. benefit generator in eldorado video. buy at a super discount and pay in installments with same money. helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detroit will check. by experts, the choice of millions. introducing the new taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic with hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. attention, alabai. oh, buy cheap air tickets on avias. avias. you will recognize its taste from a thousand. this is a bundle
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of vechina. tyleyskaya. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a holva, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to a holwa, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shopping or
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getting rid of debts on credit cards is easy with a holva, allergies, i wanted to screw it up, i. .. zodok, i help both children and adults with various types of allergies. available on yandex market. one day at car mechanic semyon's semyonich, 55 years old, the heart speedometer showed the maximum 200. his wife was puzzled whether you should go for a diagnosis. but semyonovich said: “don’t get under the hood, woman, guys, don’t slow down, get a medical examination. health is important here now. but really, your dolphin is tame, well, tame, we are friends, something is happening here in the bay, or something! dolphin, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, real football - yes, everyone has their own number, what seryozha
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penyai is doing, this is a new hero on the field, this is a ruby, this is when it’s one for all, it’s discovering new ones ! talent means playing a level higher, no, two levels, for me football is an opportunity to become the best, the russian football cup, real football is taking your own. this is a miracle of technology, i’m sergey malozyomov, we’re rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology, what’s in fourth place? if you soon see a man on a skateboard with a broom in his hands on the street, don’t be surprised, this is an innovation from engineers from barcelona. they believe that pushing off with a motor with a roller
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attached to a stick will be fun and easy. the design allows you to accelerate to 40 km/h, there are no brakes. in the video dedicated to the development, everything looks unusual, but it’s not so easy to understand whether people are really comfortable using it, you ask, do i feel good now, of course i feel good, this is a rather expensive massage chair, it can give pleasure, but the question is: how as for the benefits, is it really capable of other new massage products? have the same healing effect on the body as the hands of a specialist armed with knowledge and experience. engineers are actively creating massage therapists competitors, but so far these are mostly prototypes, moreover, intended for use by professionals, but what can you actually buy? worked all day
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with their heads bowed or tired behind the wheel, a massager for the cervical area, as the advertisement says, will work out clamps in problem areas, the tentacles imitate classic circular movements and relax the muscles, the speed and modes are adjustable, the price is 3,500 rubles. if you have sports in your life or you are actively fighting cellulite, sellers will offer you a manual vibrating massager with the stated lymphatic drainage effect and muscle relaxation after training, there are 15 speed levels, five types of vibrations, nine attachments included, price -
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evgeniy carefully looked at what exactly the massager does, overall he was satisfied, the basic movements are correct, well, i think it affects the intervertebral muscles, spinous, trapezius, the second massager with vibration seemed rather weak to darina, well , i feel practically nothing, compared to, for example, a massage when it is anti-cellite or cupping, when there is very it hurts, but right now i’m just pleased that
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the massager interacts with everything on the skin. the specialist explains that in order to get a lymphatic drainage anti-cellulite massage, you must not only buy a device, but also make an effort and know the correct technique, and not just drive it back and forth. however, the device makes it quite easy to relax your muscles after training. how will a professional respond? evgeniy did not do a full massage with oil and preheating, but darina felt the difference immediately. it's already starting to hurt, okay? softer, as if the sensations are unpleasant, the effect is deeper on the deeper layers of the muscles. this is followed by a gentler movement for rest and relaxation. the massage in the neck area from the expert was more pleasant than from. does darina feel there is more benefit from human hands? it seems to me that the mobility of my neck has increased, that is, my head has begun to turn more, i don’t feel
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any clamping of the blocks that i had before, it’s just much, well, i feel much better. however, she believes that a massager can also come in handy if there is no time go to a specialist. let’s try to compare these two methods: manual and hardware, more objectively. we have prepared material that is impartial and completely devoid. personal preferences: flour with starch in containers so that the difference in effects is clearer. a massager will work in one, and evgeniy will work in the other. the device leaves quite noticeable dents, but the hands of the master still win. the pits are deeper, the range of movements is wider, the muscles will be worked more thoroughly and more accurately. the situation is similar with a vibrating massager. of course, technology. wins for the price, i invested once in just a couple of sessions, i paid for it all, compared to going to a specialist, but the quality, as we see, is still not the same, by the way, is it possible that
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the massager could cause harm, the doctor took it upon himself to check the gadgets - traumatologist and orthopedist andrei panov, casting aside skepticism, he even enjoyed a massage with a device for 3,500 rubles. if we are talking about chronic pain syndrome with osteochondrosis, of course you can use this. as a symptomatic treatment method, but of course, this does not mean that you don’t have to go to the doctor, but just relieve pain like that. massage can sometimes replace pills, but only a comprehensive examination will show, and not to quickly avoid something serious, for example, to operate, otherwise a hernia can compress the spinal cord or nerve roots, then, say, the legs will fail, and no massage will help will help. as for the vibration device for 8,500 rubles, it... works powerfully, although, as we have already said, you also need to know the technique. another popular class of massagers is this chair. model from famous chinese brand for 23,000 rubles. we
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tested it with the entire editorial team. she massages the entire body, from the feet to the neck. sellers call the chair smart. there are sensors inside that detect the strength of resistance and automatically select the intensity, but not everyone liked the result. it was painful, it felt as if i was sitting on a bus and someone’s knees were digging into my back, it was so painful, unpleasant, figuring out the modes in general was not very easy, everything is in chinese, but at random there is a chance to find something suitable, it tickled me, but what would the expert, dr. andrey, say? i experienced the toughest regime, oh, this is painful, you don’t look like a very happy person, but there are nuances. as
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the specialist says, with some diagnoses it is certainly better not to sit in such a chair. if there is osteoporosis, we can injure, this is the first thing. secondly, do not forget about banal hernias, protrusions, radicula ischemia, but here we see the roots that come out if they are already pinched, and we start them apply even more pressure with a massage, this can also increase pain symptoms and aggravate the process. sometimes a massage chair can relieve pain, but it is unlikely to lead to... getting rid of the disease; again, it is necessary to treat the cause, and not just relieve the symptoms. the last option for hardware massage that we will consider is the one designed for the eye area. this device, for just over three thousand rubles, promises to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension and fatigue, and also overcome dry eye syndrome. we showed the innovation to our permanent expert, ophthalmologist natalia anisimova. with this effect, after
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the procedure, the pressure in the eye can even... decrease compensatoryly, because it is the outflow of intraocular fluid that is stimulated. on the other hand, such a light compression effect and at the same time thermal processes can improve blood circulation in the eyelids, the state of tear production can improve, that is, we can thereby fight dry eye syndrome. the thing is not useless, but again, there is no need to use it when there is a serious problem. illnesses, like glaucoma or retinal damage, and in general there are simpler ways to eliminate dry eyes, that is, you pull the eyelid a little right where the roots of the eyelashes are, you wipe accordingly in a circular motion, for women this is very easy to explain, the same as if you lined the roots of your eyelashes with a black pencil, and your task is to completely erase it, thereby the same massage effect, the same
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effect as this massager. to summarize: massage therapists cannot yet replace specialists with experience; they can only give temporary relief of symptoms, and this can be dangerous, because you may, then postpone your visit to the doctors, and the disease will progress, and in general, massage, as studies say, improves the condition only in combination with properly selected therapy and other methods. the only thing we can recommend such devices for is pleasure. relax your muscles after sports or just a day at work, here machines can already do something, eliminating the need to go somewhere to pay the money in which you need it's pathetic. good morning, this is a miracle of technology and i am sergei malozyomov, right now the third place in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week.
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blood tests for... chick may soon be given to drivers, pilots and other workers in hazardous industries. scientists from australia have found substances in the blood that can determine with over 99% accuracy that a person has not slept for 24 hours or more. the authors of the work are confident that such tests will increase safety, no less than alcohol tests, because it has been proven that lack of sleep seriously impairs the reaction and affects the quality of decisions made. this. a miracle of technology. next in our issue. category: miracle products. mini washing machine for the garden or small items. does it handle stains well and dry as promised? miracle or not a miracle? and also the most amazing discoveries and inventions. leaders of the weekly news hit parade. friends, i want to share my joy with you. my new
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book came out of the printing house. which i have been working on for over a year, it is called my rules of conscious eating, how science helps health and figure, it’s practically a detective story on a plate, dedicated to meat, bread, potatoes, milk, main foods, drinks, right up to the very adults. i reveal historical secrets, find traces of food in literature and art, and most importantly, i tell what science has come to now. what are my personal rules for conscious eating, enjoy reading, order online, ask in bookstores, assalomu alaykum, biz gaz qaramalarni tekshirav, mumkin, bo'ldi, aha,
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everything premieres today at 20:20 on ntv. spare exit. premiere tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. oh, it pleases me so 44.900. well, yes, of course.
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is panda for sale? yes, it's for sale. psb credit card - double cashback. increased firback for everyday purchases. pizza, where's the cheese, cheese, cheese here, try chipa pizza from the hot thing, even more juicy toppings with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega rawness, chebupizza from the hot thing in a new design, when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives on inside us, and it doesn’t need a reason, joy can be found in everyone moment and see where you don’t expect. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. a source of joy for you. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new
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baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection of taste. teli 2 presents. carefree subscribers don't notice. how their minutes disappear, i called within russia, there is only one operator, where are the costs coming from, it’s good that tele-2 has different rules, calls within the network do not consume the package minutes in russia, well, what are the interest rates on credit cards, what kind of money do you need, do you take credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, shop or get rid of credit card debts?
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the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. the chezh city of žatec is famous for its good rest on the square of three circles. enjoy žatec goose beer, non- alcoholic. register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, resident's goose is non-alcoholic, collect good mugs. you know, i'm not really a taxi driver, you know? but i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, and how much do you pay psb account maintenance, cash withdrawals and transfers up to 10 million rubles for free. roman madyanov, the pipes need to be removed, yuri stoyanov, i am an emergency exit,
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premiere, temporary solution, in cramped conditions but no offense, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. and now our section is miracle products, in which we check, including what you are asking for. send via social networks, links to devices, advertisements that you think are too tempting, and we will definitely test them, this is what will happen today: have you ever run a full-fledged wash for the sake of several pairs of socks or one shirt? you won’t have to do this anymore, the advertisement says, if you buy this portable washing machine in addition to the main washing machine, the price will be around 7.00 rubles. the baby has two modes, they differ only in time, 23 and 33. in addition to this , two-minute drying and a blue light lamp,
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which fights germs, volume 7 liters, fits up to 2 kg of clothes, you need, of course, an outlet and a water supply, draining through a hose, is such a device useful, let's start checking with lyudmila kulakova, the owner of royal breed dogs, cavalier king charles spaniel. as befits true princesses, they always dress immaculately. everything should be beautiful, from a dressing gown to a street jumpsuit. moreover, they are often called to shoot clothes as models. we have a lot of clothes because we have long hair, it’s not always comfortable refuel a whole large machine, and in principle it would be convenient to use a small compact machine. will it add convenience? we'll find out a little later, we left the device with lyudmila for a week.
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our other volunteer assistant, evgeniy popov, will try to make this machine not an additional, but the main means of washing. he likes to travel with a compact motorhome called a teardrop. with small houses of this class, you can always park, drive up to the water, and choose a cool, cozy clearing. evgeniy and his friends even started it themselves build motorhomes. this. almost an apartment, it seems like there is everything here, from a washbasin to a heater. it’s just warm in this house, a two-kilowatt heater is installed here, you can sleep in just shorts. but perhaps the only thing missing for complete comfort is washing machines. until now, everything has not been the right size. evgeniy had no problems connecting our candidate for the miracle sticker to water and electricity. let's evaluate the quality of the wash. taking the children's one. t-shirts that don’t seem to be dirty, but
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it wouldn’t hurt to freshen them up, well, the stated regime drying, well, in principle, the spin is good, water doesn’t drip dry things, but there is powder on them, rinsing is so-so, a 2 -minute cycle, which we ran separately, it’s still not drying, but rather spinning, the sellers here embellished, in in general, evgeniy liked the innovation, it would be great to have such a machine with... on vacation, to make life easier for his wife, at least the children’s things will be fresh, but whether it can cope with serious dirt will be checked by our testers, who, in order to properly get dirty and do it beautifully, we decided to try easter life hacks from the internet, how to paint eggs in an unusual way, guys, usually, when our family painted eggs at home, we had the whole table covered in multi-colored splashes and dyes, but... this is very much on topic, because our towels
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will be shipped today in the wash. for the experiment, we chose hibiscus tea, shaving foam, added food coloring, felt-tip pens, and drew on napkins to wrap an egg and immerse it in a glass with diluted vinegar. and vegetable oil for shine. they slide, it’s even more difficult, 1 2 3 christmas time, but towels, which have been on the table all this time, alena, dasha and lenya have their waistbands, as if ordered, there are various stains, both tea and fat, pigments from felt-tip pens, let's start washing, and to understand how well the mini-device copes, let's compare it with using a regular machine and
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hand washing, the disadvantage of your method is that there is no window where you can watch and enjoy how the clothes are washed, but i have so much pleasure here, just look, look, can you be more careful, please, because i’m all clean -i finally came to splash around less, alena takes out a washboard, this is heavy artillery, hard work, but at least i’ll pump up my arms, you know. this program is a miracle of technology. dasha and lenya didn’t waste time in vain; they managed to have a snack and create content for our new page on social networks. we also measured the noise level. the miniature device turned out to be quite loud. a large washing machine is quieter. how is alena doing? she got so carried away that she tore her gloves. but after 15 minutes she finished and joined her colleagues to rest behind the scenes. and at that moment, we made it. yes, a typewriter
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it is better not to leave it unattended. it... has suction cups on the bottom, but they are clearly not suitable for all surfaces; they did not stick well to our chipboard table. well, let's compare the results: first of all, the mini-appliance clearly spent less water, this just needs to be shown, this is how much water my washing machine used, this is how much water your mini-washing machine used, but it seems to me that nothing was washed there. and now we ’ll find out what’s going on with the towels, then, i can already see, it’s crystal simple, but wait, here some kind of stain here, so you have a stain, well, i have a new towel here, elegant, purple, we, of course,
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assumed that the compact model could surprise, but to such an extent, the fabric was simply dyed, after hand. and regular machine washing, the result is equally good, although stains from food coloring remain. it is clear that there are other disadvantages: hand washing is not easy to damage the skin on your hands, and loading one or two things into a large machine means wasting water and electricity and reducing its service life. not enough laundry, this also gives a bad effect. in this case, it turns out to be on one side of this drum; it turns out to be an imbalance, that is. the drum begins to spin, beat, the car knocks, jumps, and so on, this is bad and also wears out the bearings. this means that in some ways a small washing machine is still better, maybe it’s just too tough for difficult stains? we find out from lyudmila kulakova, who washed things for her dogs like this for a whole week. milana and lady just got new clothes and
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raincoats for walking. royalty tried to avoid puddles, although for the sake of they still had to get dirty with the dough. eventually. all the stains remained in place, along with the powder. during all the checks, it was not washed out of the gadget even once; all the wool remained in the drum. it doesn’t cope with dirt so well, the clothes get wet on top very poorly, in fact, the powder also needs to be poured down the drum so that it doesn’t stay on the surface, we had to re-wash it. and in the advertisement it is called ultrasonic, but we did not find any emitter, the ultraviolet lamp does not eliminate bacteria, in order for the machine to effectively disinfect, there had to be radiation with a wavelength less than 300 nm, here we
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see 462, in no way is this led capable of disinfecting anything, it’s just a beautiful backlight. of course, such a device has advantages: low water consumption, compactness, speed of operation, and the presence of some kind of spin. and, judging by the reviews on the internet, many are satisfied if they buy this device for washing socks, underwear, children's things, or for the garden. but to name it's almost like a washing machine, considering how poorly it gets rid of dirt, it seems excessive to us, there's definitely nothing here that could be called a miracle. next week we will arrange a new series of tests, honestly, because we ourselves are interested. you are looking at a miracle of technology and this is the news i, sergei molozyomov, put in second place in the hit parade of discoveries and inventions of this week. big
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ships seem to have sails again. their new version was created by engineers from britain. this. a design that catches the wind itself, by adjusting the angles of inclination of its doors, depending on the strength of the direction of air flows, in the end, in fact, for the sake of which everything was started, it allows you to significantly save fuel, for example, its consumption for a 43,000- ton import container was reduced by an average of 3 tons of diesel per day, in on the open sea with a good wind, the figure reached 11 tons. the ship, flying the flag of singapore and with new smart sails, sailed for six months... different seas and oceans, and the tests were considered successful. overall travel costs have decreased by 14%. the creators of the new product want to launch its mass production. you are watching a miracle of technology and this is what will happen after a short advertisement. the top line
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of the world's top five scientific and technological news. what did we find most interesting this week? and the question of our traditional quiz. as usual, we have prepared something tricky. all issues of miracle technology, living food, as well as our scientific investigations can be viewed at any time on the website., as well as on ruble. and a lot of additional materials, articles, short videos and recipes are waiting for you on my pages, in all popular social networks. in zen, vkontakte, odnoklassniki, telegram. type it into the search. sergey malozemov. subscribe and dive into the world of interesting and useful stories. by the way, there are audio podcasts. watch, listen and read wherever you want. happy birthday. megamarket, give joy, only on the megamarket’s birthday polaris para-cleaner for only 11.99 rubles. today's remake for
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two little goddesses: aurora is four, athena is not yet a year old, a rare case for our project, we want to do something like this directly, something that so far we ourselves can’t even really come up with, i was amazed by aurora, such a child absolutely needs a stage, so we’ll organize it, we’ll get two like this in nisha cozy beds. so that it makes our heroines happy, dacha answer: i wanted to create a non-standard interior and today at 12:00 on ntv. emergency exit, premiere, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. you know, i’m not really a taxi driver, you know, but i’m not really a humorist. i'm a real businessman and how much do you pay for the bill? psb account maintenance, cash withdrawals and transfers up to
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believe it's time to change the traditional sounds that... according to studies, hospital workers hear up to a thousand of these signals per shift and experience sensory overload, at some point, losing concentration. according to american health authorities, this claims hundreds of patients' lives a year. in a new work, doctors and experts in music perception have proven that if you replace the usual beeping of equipment with sounds, for example, similar to ... the background or the sound of glass, this allows you to reduce the volume of signals without loss of effectiveness and is less annoying by 88%, reducing the fatigue of healthcare workers increasing the likelihood that they will provide quality care to patients when they need it. watch next week at the same time. be careful, ticks, they're new! diseases were brought by these dangerous creatures, is it possible
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to protect against them with a vaccine and is there any? a safe, convenient way to remove a tick: smart aquariums, whether you should trust them to take care of fish and how jellyfish work, as well as in the category miracle products: an electric brush with replaceable attachments, promises to quickly clean shoes, house and car, miracle or not miracle. and now the weekly quiz question is on your screens, just test yourself or... answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct answer and win one from my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, and delicious recipes. winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussions of the correct answers
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on the pages of our program in popular social networks. well, we will call those who win right away, so don’t forget to enter your phone number after you answer. voting is over, the correct answer is your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week. hello, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya zapodenets, today’s remake is for two little goddesses: aurora 4. athena is not yet a year old, a rare case for our project. we will make a nursery for growth. the parents allocated the largest room to their beloved daughters, so there is enough space for designer imagination. there will be not only beds,
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wardrobes and desks, but also a climbing frame and swings. stage with curtain and theatrical lighting. evgenia and vadim benyaeva we met like in a fairy tale at a ball, or more precisely, at a rural disco. and then everything was fabulous and prosaic at the same time. correspondence, meetings, courtship, a marriage proposal at the palace, a wedding and the birth of two little princesses. this probably cannot be described in words. we waited for aurora for a very long time, but nothing, nothing, and it seemed to me that... will never come, our grandmother went to the matron, asked, prayed, they brought the relics of st. nicholas the wonderworker, and we stood with vadim, exactly in the eighteenth year, several kilometers, there for half a day, in general, we stood in line, yes, we asked for a child to be sent to us, god did, and zhenya came up with a name for her long-awaited daughter when she herself was still a schoolgirl, as a child i really loved
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two cartoons, the first the cartoon is of course... i really liked the little mermaid and ariel, the second cartoon is sleeping beauty, aurora, beautiful white hair, in general we called it aurora. the second daughter, she was born to us so quickly, just at the speed of light, one might say, vadim barely managed to just run in at this moment, so we decided that since she was so stubborn, it means she was a goddess, in any case , i was present at all the births, i was the first to take the child to the rocks, cut the half, it was the daughters who inspired evgenia and vadim to move out of town, house and we arranged the site on our own, vadim is engaged in the maintenance of aircraft, so it was easy... he implemented all the engineering plans, the folder and i, accordingly, did everything, everything was level, we did everything absolutely, here we had a concrete mixer directly, we went there
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they threw sand, crushed stone, cement, respectively, and we dumped it all right out, until two nights every day we dug laminate flooring, a very beautiful kitchen, thanks to your programs, so i looked, looked, and compiled it in my head, so all this was first on a piece of paper. there wasn’t even anything, so there’s such an indentation here, there’s such an indentation here, everything seems to be planned here. athena, due to her age, acts mainly as an observer, but aurora takes full advantage of the space of the large house. in the living room i equipped a dressing room with fashionable outfits. wow, this is a beauty. come on, dive in a little. there's a dressing room in the office. cosmetics for children. of course, i don’t allow adults to paint it. well, it seems to me that the child expresses himself that way, yes aurora, just a little past, but it worked out, and the binyaevs’ staircase serves as an impromptu stage, mom is still
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very strong, mom, i love you so much, bravo, aurora, aurora, well done, clever, how often aurora gives concerts, every day, every day. we have two princesses that we love very much and we want to do something like this unreal, something that we can’t even really come up with ourselves yet, something, well , we don’t want to put a bunk bed, while the girls are just
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playing here, and i look here and the kitchen, for now a playroom, and a bunch of toys that have nowhere to put, yeah, what kind of wall is this, this is a load-bearing one, yes, there are sticks there, so we sewed it all up here with folders completely, and it’s this wall that cuts it off. the room is interesting, yes, we felt sorry for just wasting so much space, we didn’t know what to come up with or do there a wardrobe, a pantry, or maybe some kind of area where girls could sleep there, children love to climb into such rooms, where it is narrowly dark, and they can wrap themselves up there, something, maybe some soft parts like that, well, in general , we thought and thought and didn’t come up with anything, let’s imagine, there should be some kind of room according to its functions, a lot of storage space, space for studying, because aurora is studying, she already knows how to read. she teaches english, she herself learned to write in block letters, like a mirror, because she loves it very much.


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